
skxHey, I have xubuntu 10.10 and a problem with locale, it's by default set to "en", whatever that is, and so messes up a lot of apps00:01
skxI would prefer some sort of utf00:01
skxmaybe en_US00:01
skxhow do I globally set that?00:01
skxthe language support doesn't let me choose any flavour of English00:01
skxthere's just English00:01
skxwhich, I assume, is this "en"00:01
skx"English" is in black and flavours like "English (United States)" are in light grey and not clickable00:02
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skumaraIḿ installing something in ubuntu software centre. How do I know what is going on in background?05:04
KM0201skumara: i think there's a "see details" thing you can click iirc05:05
skumaraif install something from software centre there is no see detail thing.05:06
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uofm49426any one mess around with frets on fire08:22
uofm49426is it a limux thing that wont let me hold more then 2 frets or program problem08:24
exshi, i have a problem. if i open mousepad and close it after it takes more time to close a program then normal. what could be the solution for it?10:23
arguanIn the indicator applet is a mail symbol, how can I get rid of that? Thank you for your help13:40
Sysiremove indicator messages, log out and back in13:40
arguanThank you!13:41
arguanSysi, thank you, it worked like a charm!13:44
debdI just downloaded some docs/packages from the "documentation" catagory in synaptic..now where should I find them?15:00
TheSheepdebd: /usr/share/docs usually15:15
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Viper550does xubuntu's boot menu seriously still use the old logo?17:51
knomethat's possible17:55
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memeehello all19:18
memeei have a computer cpu 1,4GB with 256 Mb ram, ubuntu is extremely slow, xubuntu should be easy on it ?19:20
Sysimemee: 256 isn too much, xubuntu will run better but i'd maybe recommend lubuntu19:21
Sysiyou can try installing both, xubuntu-desktop and lubuntu-desktop19:21
memeeSysi thank for the advise , i plan tomorrow to buy 256M used ram to add on it, it should help i guess19:27
memeeused markets here are really Ali baba caverns for pc parts19:28
mintHi...I am looking for an OS without plymouth20:09
=== mint is now known as Guest83181
Guest83181Does Xubuntu have a splash screen?20:09
Guest83181is anyone here?20:11
Josesordohello all.. yes have a splash screen that I dont know how to customize it yet =(20:17
Guest83181Is it plymouth or something else?20:23
Guest83181I need to find a OS that can use ATI20:24
Guest83181What's disappointing about Zorin, people say it's easy to use20:32
SoupermanitoGuest83181, it is plymouth20:32
Guest83181What about dream linux?20:32
Guest83181Also plymouth?20:32
Soupermanitowhat is dream linux?20:32
Guest83181It's based on Debian lenny20:33
Guest83181It has a mac look20:33
Soupermanitono idea20:33
Guest83181uses 256 megabytes of ram20:33
Guest83181can be run from usb20:33
Guest83181Development on it is slow though20:33
Soupermanitoi dont know20:33
Guest83181Nimble X?20:34
Soupermanitoif you want a small linux lubuntu is an option20:34
Guest83181Actually I want a OS I can install on hard disk20:34
Guest83181That doesn't use Plymouth20:34
Guest83181Because I am using Linux Mint 8 from live cd20:35
Guest83181right now because Linux Mint 10 uses plymouth20:35
Guest83181That's why I can't boot anymore20:35
Soupermanitothats weird20:35
Guest83181I had to manually shut down too many times because of boot problems20:35
Soupermanitowhy wont it boot?20:35
Guest83181And caused some sort of corruption in Grub20:35
Guest83181All from trying to get my ATI to boot20:36
Guest83181Yet here I am using my ATI in Mint Helena which ironically is considered obsolete20:36
Soupermanitolol ati20:36
Soupermanitobut really it should boot anyway20:36
Soupermanitocant you run into safe mode?20:37
Soupermanitoinit 2?20:37
Guest83181No it goes into grey screen20:37
Guest83181Especially if I push f2 to go into the bios and switch back to agp20:37
Guest83181It will ignore my commands and start loading mint 10 and freeze in what can only be the coolest black and white matrix graphic20:38
Soupermanitobut that sounds like a grub problem, not a plymouth20:38
Guest83181I said that I corrupted grub from pushing the off button too many times20:38
Guest83181So I have to reinstall20:39
Guest83181But it wouldn't have happened if plymouth wasn't installed20:39
Guest83181Does Xubuntu have Plymouth?20:39
Soupermanitoyes, at least on 10.0420:40
Soupermanitoread this20:40
Sysievery modern ditro has it20:40
Sysiexept arch maybe20:41
Guest83181Ahhh! It's a Monopoly!20:41
Soupermanitooligopoly at least20:41
Guest83181Why? I think that Linux mint 8 has a better splash screen then 1020:41
Sysii wouldn't base my OS choise on bootscreen i have to watch for seconds20:41
Soupermanitohe says it wont boot if it uses plymouth20:41
Guest83181Well...I might get something that isn't as modern then20:41
Guest83181Well...for the most part grub is corrupted right now20:42
Soupermanitothere, see, thats what i was saying to you20:42
Guest83181Installing a new os might help20:42
Soupermanitoit sounded like a grub problem more than a plymouth20:42
Soupermanitoinstall xubuntu!20:42
Guest83181But ATI wouldn't boot before I had the grub problem20:42
Soupermanitoyeah, but ati sucks20:43
Guest83181That's why I kept holding the blue button20:43
Guest83181which corrupted the grub20:43
Guest83181I might go with Dream linux, it's out of date but it sounds awesome20:43
drcGuest83181: Have you tried LMDE?20:43
Sysii use what ever works and customise it to be nice20:43
Guest83181You mean Mint Debian?20:44
Guest83181I am not advanced enough to use it20:44
Sysii still don't have much respect for mint20:44
Guest83181Though I did manage to set up my own Openbox desktop before I corrupted grub20:44
Guest83181Shame really20:44
Sysiboot from livecd on copy your settings20:45
Guest83181What's that mean?20:45
Sysiyou can boot to linux from livecd, then just copy config files somewhere20:46
Guest83181I'm using Mint 820:46
Guest83181No other mint will work since I'm stuck using PCI20:46
Sysipci what?20:46
Guest83181PCI as default20:46
Soupermanito\o/ yay! new doctor who torrent!20:47
SysiSoupermanito: keep it legal please, CoC20:47
SysiGuest83181: i still don't get that20:47
Guest83181My BIOS is set to PCI and I can't change it20:47
Guest83181Which means I'm using my ATI20:48
Soupermanitooh, sorry20:48
Guest83181Which causes black screens in mint 9 and 1020:48
SysiGuest83181: that just means it needs some configuring :)20:48
Guest83181And even if I go into the BIOS right now, Instead of switching to AGP, it'll cause a grey screen20:48
Sysimint people should help, i'd think xforcevesa or something as boot option should work20:49
Guest83181You mean from the live cd?20:49
Sysiget xubuntu and then i can even try to help if google doesn't know20:50
Guest83181Anyway, I was going to download an ISO to this junk MP3 drive and try and use unetbootin to create a live USB20:50
Guest83181Since I don't have anymore cds20:50
Guest83181However downloading will be a problem since I'm in a live cd20:51
Guest83181I want to get Dream Linux because it's a modern OS that hasn't been updated since -0920:51
Soupermanitomount a hard drive20:51
Soupermanitoget xubuntu 10.0420:52
Guest83181I want to try to get one that doesn't have a splash screen.20:52
Guest83181I'd use Puppy Linux but you can't install it20:52
Soupermanito... yes, yes you can20:53
Guest83181Not without partitioning first and I don't know how to edit grub220:53
Soupermanitoall my library terminals use puppy20:53
Guest83181What's CrunchBang?20:53
Guest83181Your a librarian?20:53
Soupermanitoindeed :D20:54
Soupermanitowell a student of library science that happens to work on a library20:54
Guest83181Linux Library! Awesome20:55
Guest83181Anyway I'm looking at distro lists20:55
Guest83181I came across Crunchbang linux20:55
Soupermanito:D its easier to leave unatended because people cant get them flooded whit viruses or install stuff on them20:56
Soupermanitocrunchbag i see, its interesting, well if i need a small linux i use slitaz or puppy20:57
Guest83181I always got angry that computers at the library would be broken the next time I came in20:57
Soupermanitothat happens20:57
Guest83181On the list of distros Nimble X and Crunchbang are rated higher then Puppy :(20:57
drcGuest83181: Who's list?20:58
drcAS long as it's not Distrowatch's :)20:59
Guest83181Can I install Unetbootin from the live cd? Or does it come preinstalled?20:59
Soupermanitotry it21:00
Soupermanitoif its not installed apt-get it21:00
Guest83181It can't find Unetbootin21:01
pwrusrIs there something I need to do to get rythmbox gmusicplaer to remember the settings i give it??21:01
Soupermanitoi dont know if you need sudo from the livecd but if no then just apt-get install unetbootin21:01
Guest83181I tried21:02
Guest83181I It says that  install is an invalid operation21:03
Guest83181It installed21:05
Guest83181Now I need an OS21:05
Guest83181Pclinux Os has a KDE Minime21:05
Guest83181Or is that bad?21:05
pwrusrwhy does no one answer me when i post a question here ??21:07
Guest83181I know, I've been frustrated before21:07
Guest83181patience is a virtue21:07
pwrusrif patience is a vitue i should have angel status by  now21:08
Guest83181We all should21:08
drcpwrusr: Maybe because you claim to be a Power User and we think that we'd embarass ourselves in front of  you?21:09
Guest83181Can someone name a good OS Distro?21:09
pwrusroh lol sry i will change that21:09
pwrusrhave been using that tag 4 years never thought of it like that21:09
drcpwrusr: That <was> a joke ;)21:10
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luditehows this lol21:10
Soupermanitopwrusr, whats your problem?21:10
luditesry souper just having a little fun21:10
drcludite: Didn't know you were <that> old....21:10
Guest83181Would anyone recommend Arch Linux?21:11
luditeim haveing trouble getting rhythmbox and gmusicplayer to remember the settings i give them21:11
Guest83181Does it use Plymouth?21:11
luditewhem i close and restart them the music libraries are empty21:11
drcGuest83181: Arch?  Not for you...it requires a great deal of linux knowledge to install and configure it.21:13
Guest83181I'm trying to download Dream Linux21:13
Soupermanitocan you run rhythmbox from a console and see some errors while adding settings to it?21:14
Soupermanitothats usually the fastest way to determinate why some things happen21:14
Sysiludite: killall gcofd-221:15
Sysiwith those apps closed21:15
Guest83181I need an OS that has long term support and has good hardware compatibility without all the glitz and glam21:15
Sysitry debian21:15
Guest83181Wait, I remember that Debian doesn't have Plymouth and Plymouth can be uninstalled21:15
Sysiludite: sorry typo, gconfd-221:16
drcludite: I know rhythmbox stores it data in ~/.local/share/rhythmbox/rhythmdb.xml.  Delete that file, open rhythmbox, add a coupple of files, close rhythmbox, and open that file in an editor...see what it says.21:16
Guest83181Dream Linux is a fork of Debian though21:16
Sysidrc: i've had that problem couple of times, and killing gconfd-2 always helped, not sure about gmusicbrowser though21:17
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drcSysi: I'm thinking that you may be right...especially if <both> apps do it21:18
Sysiso.. would i like to try kde-netbook or gnome3 on that netbook21:20
* drc looks for his garlic at the mention of KDE...he <knows> its well done, but doesn't like it anyway :)21:21
* Soupermanito seconds drc statement21:21
Sysii have regular plasma on this desktop, i tried netbook but it failed with dualscreen21:22
TheSheepso, since I updated to Natty the 'Create Document' menu seems to take forever to display, using up lots of cpu in the process, is that a known bug?21:51
Roastedhow can I enable dual-touch-tap to right click? My trackpad has no buttons on it so I have to tap with 2 fingers to initiate the right click.23:31
TheSheep!info gsynaptics | Roasted23:32
ubottuRoasted: gsynaptics (source: gpointing-device-settings): configuration tool for pointing devices (transitional package). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.1-4 (natty), package size 2 kB, installed size 36 kB23:32
TheSheepRoasted: use that23:32
RoastedTheSheep, wheres it install to?23:36
TheSheepRoasted: it will appear in the settings menu23:38
TheSheeproasted_: if it doesn't, you can run it from terminal23:39
roasted_just gsynaptics?23:39
roasted_command not found...23:40
TheSheepdid you install it?23:40
roasted_already newest version23:40
roasted_I installed it in software ctr23:40
roasted_in terminal, or install?23:40
TheSheepin terminal23:41
roasted_I see23:41
roasted_got it23:41
roasted_not sure what setting I need tho23:41
TheSheepthe tapping tab23:41
roasted_I don't see anything here that pertains to what I want23:42
roasted_unless I'm just being absent minded23:42
TheSheepbtw, double- and triple- finger tap should be enabled by default23:42
roasted_well, if it makes a difference I installed ubuntu then xfce23:43
roasted_not xubuntu23:43
roasted_but it works on ubuntu23:43
TheSheepit shouldn't make a difference23:43
roasted_I have double tap scrolling23:43
roasted_but I dnt have double tap right click23:43
TheSheepI think double defaults to middle click23:43
TheSheeptriple is right23:44
roasted_I'm still not sure I'm following23:45
roasted_I see nothing here that is what I;m looking for23:45
TheSheeptap with 3 fingers23:45
roasted_3 right clicks23:46
roasted_can I change it23:46
TheSheepI changed it somewhere23:46
TheSheepbut it might have been specific to mac23:46
TheSheepcan't remember where :(23:46
roasted_you're on a mac?23:46
EgotisticalElfshould i have to do anything special to get Xubuntu 11.04 to install on a P3-650 w/ a TNT2 and 512mb of memory?23:47
TheSheeproasted_: not at the moment, it was the other computer23:49
roasted_I see23:49
roasted_I'm on a CR48 at the moment.23:49
roasted_xfce runs pretty snazzy on here23:50
TheSheeproasted_: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Touchpad_Synaptics#Frequently_used_options23:51
TheSheeproasted_: but that requires you to create a xorg.conf file23:51
CPrompt^greetings.  Just installed Xubuntu 11.04 and it doesn't seem to have apache2 or PHP in the default repos23:51
CPrompt^looking through the internet doesn't really turn up much23:51
CPrompt^any ideas?23:51
roasted_TheSheep, triple select is fine. I was just curious if it was easily possible :P23:51
roasted_thanks for your help bro23:51
TheSheep!info apache223:52
ubottuapache2 (source: apache2): Apache HTTP Server metapackage. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.17-1ubuntu1 (natty), package size 1 kB, installed size 36 kB23:52
TheSheepCPrompt^: make sure you have the repositories enabled23:52
CPrompt^hmmm...let me look.  I thought I had them all enabled23:52
CPrompt^well, the only ones that were not enabled were "Source Code"23:54
CPrompt^and "Canonical Partners"23:54
CPrompt^TheSheep: do you happen to know which repos I need?23:54
TheSheepCPrompt^: it says it right there, 'main'23:57
CPrompt^got it23:57
TheSheepwhat was it?23:57
CPrompt^it was the "Source23:58
TheSheepmaybe it just didn't have the lists of packages updated23:58
CPrompt^that is possible23:58
CPrompt^i just installed Xubuntu about 10 minutes ago23:58

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