
DarkwingDuckHey JontheEchidna 01:56
DarkwingDuckhows the transition back to normality?01:57
JontheEchidnawell, it's the weekend and I am now doing normal weekend things, so pretty ok I suppose01:59
DarkwingDuck:) That's about where I'm at.02:01
DarkwingDuckI tossed the email today for council02:01
JontheEchidnacool, good luck02:05
DarkwingDuck:) Up to the members to vote :)02:05
ScottKapachelogger: Great.02:23
* ScottK just got home.02:24
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bambeeOH MY.... we cannot generate code from a kcfg in python ? o_O09:10
bambeewell, I found this tool http://gitorious.net/pykconfigcompiler. But there is any support on upstream...09:16
bambeeooh I found09:18
bambeehowever, It's in scratch...09:19
apacheloggerpyth0rn ftw!09:38
bambeeso If I move kcm-userconfig into kdereview, it will depend on a project which is in scratch... lovely o_O09:38
apacheloggerthen you might as well not move to kdereview as that is a showstopper09:38
bambeethat's not what christoph said09:40
valoriehow was everybody's journey home?09:41
valorieand how was your sister's wedding, apachelogger?09:42
apacheloggervalorie: that is before DS09:45
apacheloggerbambee: "If it has matured, it can be 09:45
apacheloggermoved to kdereview."09:45
apacheloggerif your code depends on code that is essentially non-existant from a maintenance POV, then it is not mature09:46
apacheloggerI mean, if you target extragear that *might* be fine09:47
apacheloggerbut since the plan is to get userconfig to KDE you'd be bound by its release policy, thus the depended-upon thing also is bound by the release policy of KDE09:48
bambeeapachelogger: that's I said it will depend on code that is in scratch... so move my code into kdereview is not possible09:48
apacheloggeror the other way around really ^^09:48
apacheloggeryou cannot release KDE with broken software ^^09:48
apacheloggerbambee: yeah, port to c++ :P09:49
bambeeapachelogger: don't tempt me, I am frustrated :P09:53
* Hobbsee waves10:02
* apachelogger hugs bambee and tries not to let a "told ya" slip out :P10:02
* Hobbsee is installing kubuntu-desktop again. Looks shiny!10:02
apacheloggeruhhh, Hobbsee!10:03
* apachelogger hugs Hobbsee10:03
Hobbseehey apachelogger :)10:03
* Hobbsee hugs back10:03
apacheloggerHobbsee: how are you?10:05
Hobbseeapachelogger: pretty good :)10:06
apacheloggerinsanely tired from UDS :D10:06
Hobbseehehe, sounds normal10:06
Hobbseebut not ubuflu'd?10:06
jussiHobbsee: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!10:08
jussihow you doing? hows married life treating you?10:08
apacheloggerHobbsee: no, never ever had that :P10:08
* apachelogger is one of the special few people that can sustain speed even after UDS :P10:09
apacheloggervalorie was quite shocked I believe10:09
* apachelogger wonders why it seems impossible for launchpad to send out mails that are easily filterable in gmail10:10
valorieapachelogger is indeed made of iron10:11
valorievery swift iron10:11
valoriehi Hobbsee, nice to see you over here10:11
bambeeapachelogger: rhaaaa :P10:18
bambeeapachelogger: I never said you was wrong, I just say it's too long to rewrite it completly in cpp, If  all of the planned features must be done for oneiric... (keep in mind that I am alone on this project). Also the eternal question: why completly rewrite a working software?10:24
apacheloggerbambee: social reasons, maintenance reasons, requirements reasons, dependency reasons... :P10:28
apacheloggerbambee: I am not saying it makes the most sense to do it, but there are certainly advantages from eliminating the python parts from the dependency stack10:33
apacheloggerand not because it is python, but because they add an intermediate layer between the c++ technology of kde/qt and the application10:33
apacheloggerwhether the advantages from using python outweigh this is a question the maintainer has to answer :P10:34
bambeethe software was originally written in python, so it's not my own decision10:36
apacheloggerbambee: since you are the one maintaining it, it is IMHO10:38
apacheloggerulysses: ping10:44
bambeeapachelogger: pykde restricts some features that I would add to userconfig... (like kauth and kcfg) , it's a good argument. The problem is, I am not sure to have time enough to rewrite it completly for oneiric. Also rewrite it reduces the maturity implicitly...10:44
apacheloggerbambee: if you manage to rewrite it for annoy-rick then we are good for LTS and that is what I care about in terms of maturity at this point10:45
apacheloggeranother option would be to have the python version in one-eye-rick, but then I do not see the cpp version going into LTS exactly because of maturity10:45
apacheloggerbambee: what if you had more developers?10:45
apacheloggermaco: that accessibility mail is tldr;10:47
apacheloggershortcuts are a tricky thing, the less you have global the better10:48
bambeeif some developers help me, it's possible, I think.10:49
apacheloggervalorie: ping10:49
valorieapachelogger: pong10:49
valorienow we're playing table tennis!10:49
apacheloggerbambee: you think? :D10:50
bambeetsss :P10:51
apacheloggerrdieter: ping, does fedora have interest and cpp programmer resources to rewrite python user management software to cpp for inclusion in kde?10:53
Hobbseehey jussi, valorie 10:57
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valorieargh, 3am11:00
valorieI need to shut down IRC or I'll never go to bed!11:01
valorieniters all11:01
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Quintasanapachelogger: ping12:08
apacheloggerQuintasan: pogo12:08
apacheloggerQuintasan: I need your minion ^^12:08
QuintasanLet me handle that after I have my Sundayish family dinner12:09
apacheloggerQuintasan: why did you ping?12:11
apacheloggerNightrose: do you have time to pre-screen a blog post?12:12
Quintasanapachelogger: because you wanted something from me and I had no idea what could it be at that time12:12
Nightroseapachelogger: how long?12:12
apacheloggerQuintasan: I think it was about your minon :)12:12
apacheloggerNightrose: rather short12:12
Quintasanapachelogger: what do you exactly want from my minion?12:14
apacheloggerto write a kio slave for dlna using libdlna12:14
Quintasanone has the skills but no time12:16
Quintasanlet me ask the rest12:16
* bambee is also looking for a minion, to programme in userconfig :P12:17
* bambee returns to his family dinner12:18
Nightrosebambee: i might have a spare season of kde student if you are willing to mentor12:19
Nightrose^ same for any other nice project people are willing to mentor12:20
bambeeNightrose: unfortunately I cannot, I am doing an internship :(12:21
bambeeI've no time enough to mentor someone all the time12:22
debfxScottK: why does quassel conflict with quassel-core? that seem unnecessary13:18
debfxapachelogger: kubuntu council elections are every year13:21
apacheloggeroh true13:23
tsimpsondebfx: because the "quassel" package is client and core maybe, if you have quassel-core, you probably want quassel-client instead13:27
yofelwell, "quassel" is the monolithic client which has the core integrated13:31
yofel*If* they don't share the same database it shouldn't be a problem to have both installed13:31
yofel(except confusing people)13:32
debfxtsimpson: that's not a reason to make them conflict13:32
debfxthey don't share the same database, quassel-core is a daemon that runs in its own user13:36
apacheloggerit might not be necessary any more13:38
apacheloggerIIRC quasselcore and quassel caused weird issues, though back in the days quasselcore was not entirely separated (config and data wise)13:39
QuintasanScottK: ping13:54
ScottKQuintasan: pong14:01
QuintasanScottK: What is the most simple app like sendmail? I need to make caff somehow send the signed keys and sendmail is not even trying to help me :/14:02
ScottKdebfx: When they were made to conflict, IIRC, it was actually necessary.  14:02
ScottKQuintasan: Sendmail is approximately the most complicated choice you could possibly choose.14:02
ScottKQuintasan: I find postfix quite easy to set up for this, but I'm also used to it.  That would be my suggestion, but I'm sure there are simpler ones that I'm not aware of.14:03
Quintasancool, I'd google for gmail relay for postfix then14:03
debfxScottK: ok, I'll remove it then14:04
ScottKQuintasan: That's a reasonably common setup, so there should be how-to's on it.14:04
* Quintasan is wondering what the hell is he doing wrong14:37
* Quintasan imported all signed copies of his keys but they Signer name does not appear14:53
Quintasanno matter what I do14:53
debfxScottK: the last two quassel versions aren't in the bzr repository15:10
shadeslayervalorie: well .... i needed a PandaBoard because it has WLAN ....15:11
shadeslayerand dual processors :P15:11
shadeslayerPandaBoard is the next iteration of BeagleBoard with loads of improvement actually15:12
shadeslayerapachelogger: do you think KDE will run properly with 512 MB15:13
shadeslayer*MB's of RAm15:13
shadeslayerkeyboard fail15:13
bambeeshadeslayer: the pandaboard has not 1GB ?15:14
shadeslayerbambee: bb has 512megs15:14
shadeslayerno point in asking for one if i can't run KDE on 512 MB of RAM :P15:14
bambeeI've 512MB of RAM on my toshiba ac100, it's a bit slow but it works :)15:15
shadeslayerdo you have kool graphics and stuff?15:15
bambeeI tested only with plasma netbook, I suppose it's better with plasma active15:15
shadeslayerbut still no WLAN module :(15:16
bambeeac100 is very very experimental actually, 3d effects don't work yet :\15:16
shadeslayerthe problem is that i'm getting a pb for twice the price here15:17
shadeslayercosts ~7000 INR in the US and they're selling it for ~14000 INR here15:17
* apachelogger sings about headaches and ballmer's peaks and stuff16:44
apacheloggershadeslayer: I shall blog me answ0r16:44
apacheloggeralso I shall sing so everyone loves me16:48
apacheloggerrow row row ye boat gently down the stream16:48
apacheloggerand if you see a one-eye'd-rick dont forget to scream16:48
apacheloggerScottK: the workspace switcher breaks krunner17:18
apacheloggerwhen switching to netbook17:18
apacheloggerI have no idea why upstream thinks that one needs no krunner when plasma netbook is used, but I very much think it sucks17:18
JontheEchidnadebfx: http://i.imgur.com/XY7i8.png building a new house and I saw this outside17:24
JontheEchidna3 creepers plus a zombie17:25
shadeslayerapachelogger: which answer?17:25
shadeslayerapachelogger: Kubuntu on a beagleboard sound interesting?17:26
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: i don't see shit17:26
debfxJontheEchidna: heh, the zombies are harmless but creeper freak me out17:27
shadeslayerapachelogger: or would you rather have Kubuntu on a pandaboard?17:27
JontheEchidnaeff: http://i.imgur.com/PyieD.png17:28
JontheEchidna(creepers explode)17:28
* apachelogger wonders whether his laptop is back from dell service yet17:29
apacheloggerI rather need me kernel sources17:29
JontheEchidnabehoild, intel graphics drivers: http://i.imgur.com/aMjVB.png17:30
apacheloggerthat is what you get for mocking the mighty intel17:31
shadeslayerapachelogger: the only difference between the 2 boards is that the pb has a dual core processor, 1GB RAM and a WLAN chip and the bb has a single core processor, 512 MB RAM, and no WLAN chip17:32
debfxI'm surprised minecraft even runs on intel17:33
shadeslayeroh ... and it's OMAP3530 vs OMAP417:33
JontheEchidnaX froze soon after :P17:33
debfxJontheEchidna: that's why I've built http://i.imgur.com/iTCwb.png around my house17:34
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: <apachelogger> that is what you get for mocking the mighty intel17:34
debfxJontheEchidna: how well does it run on intel (except the freezes ;) )?17:35
JontheEchidnaI get pretty good FPS with these settings: http://i.imgur.com/X1S24.png17:36
JontheEchidnait's a bit worse in very open spaces, but it's probably 20-3017:36
apacheloggershadeslayer: wah?17:37
* apachelogger blinks17:37
* apachelogger blinks some more17:37
* apachelogger faints17:37
shadeslayeroh yes! finally!!!17:37
shadeslayeri succeed in making apachelogger faint17:37
* apachelogger concludes to not talk about arm boards with shadeslayer until shadeslayer read all about arm17:37
debfxon radeon I only have ~15 fps17:38
JontheEchidnais there a way to find out fore sure?17:38
JontheEchidnaoh, I also installed the optimine mod which helped a bit17:38
apacheloggershadeslayer: also, IMHO the major difference between the two boards is that panda development is utter useless right now as there are only like 3 consumer ready devices on the market that use omap417:38
JontheEchidnawow, my graphics card really does *not* like it when I alt-tab away from minecraft for any extended amount of time17:39
debfxJontheEchidna: pressing f317:39
shadeslayerapachelogger: yeah .. i might just talk gibberish because of the mind numbing equations i'm going through17:39
JontheEchidnaaah, let me restart once again and I'll see17:39
shadeslayerand the fact that my desk is filled up with books17:40
apacheloggerwhich equastions?17:40
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you are going to join and quit all the time again? :P17:40
shadeslayerapachelogger: huge laplace transforms and stuff ... control system engineering17:41
apacheloggerexcuses again17:41
ScottKdebfx: Sorry about that (quassel not in bzr)17:41
ScottKIf someone could verify the pending quassel SRU, that would help a lot.17:41
debfxScottK: I've done that already17:41
debfxI wanted to suggest using the udd branch17:42
shadeslayerScottK: yeah, installs and works fine17:42
debfxbut it is broken17:42
ScottKI think udd is still too unreliable and immature for regular use.17:43
ScottKapachelogger: Which workspace switcher?17:44
apacheloggerScottK: http://i.imgur.com/mDGMK.png17:45
ScottKapachelogger: How so?  Upstream problem in any case.17:46
apacheloggerit places a krunner.desktop with hidden=true in .kde/share/autostart17:46
apacheloggerScottK: the upstreamness of the issue depends on the POV17:46
JontheEchidnadebfx: about 17-20 fps in a normal outside space17:47
ScottKIt's not a patch we have that does that, is it?17:47
apacheloggeras kubuntu netbook by default has a krunner, switching to plasma-desktop and back to netbook will not restore the original kubuntu-netbook behaviour17:47
ScottKUpstream netbook has it too.17:47
ScottKThat's not a kubuntuism.17:47
apacheloggerdon't think so17:47
apacheloggeras upstream you can only log into kubuntu-desktop17:48
ScottKThe first run on netbook bits are distro changes.17:48
apacheloggerso the only way to switch to netbook is first install plasma-desktop, login, use that KCM and switch to plasma-netbook17:48
ScottKThe problem doesn't happen then?17:48
apacheloggerno, because the "default" upstream setup will then have no krunner17:49
apacheloggerso it is not really an upstream issue IMHO17:49
apacheloggerto resolve it at kubuntu level we either deactivate krunner by default or patch the kcm to not make krunner disappear17:49
apachelogger(former would require release notes or we might end up with complaints)17:50
ScottKOK.  Please make it so...17:50
apacheloggerScottK: deactivate krunner?17:51
mgraesslinapachelogger: what were your results from the session on Friday?17:52
apacheloggermgraesslin: kwin is awesome17:52
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mgraesslinyes we know :-D17:52
apacheloggermgraesslin: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-o/meeting/desktop-o-kubuntu-kwin-opengles/17:53
apachelogger(not yet cleaned up)17:54
mgraesslinbtw neither NVIDIA nor FGLRX support GLES17:54
mgraesslinbetter said, they don't support EGL17:54
apachelogger"support" as in "support" or "not working at all"?17:54
* apachelogger needs to cleanup the notes btw17:55
apacheloggershadeslayer: wanna cleanup the notes/17:55
mgraesslinlet's say it like that: I did not find any information on how to get an EGL context on NVIDIA developer website17:55
ScottKapachelogger: Yes.17:55
mgraesslinthe GLX driver supports GLES, but it seems like not EGL17:55
shadeslayerapachelogger: will it take time?17:56
ScottKActually krunner and netbook don't play together well anyway.17:56
apacheloggershadeslayer: yes17:56
shadeslayerno then17:56
apacheloggermgraesslin: who cares about egl anyway :P 17:56
mgraesslinmy code does :-)17:57
apacheloggerwe should switch to eggwm, I see :P17:58
mgraesslinso above of EGL or GLX, there are the same code pathes17:59
mgraesslinthat is on NVIDIA it's like using GLES17:59
apacheloggerdebfx: was it you who moved the bzr branches around?17:59
debfxapachelogger: no, probably ScottK17:59
ScottKWasn't me.18:00
* ScottK blames Quintasan.18:00
yofelactually it was me IIRC18:01
apacheloggeroh yofel 18:01
* ScottK reassigns blame.18:01
apacheloggeryofel: you might want to consider moving lp:~kubuntu-netbook/kubuntu-netbook/default-settings around too or so18:01
* apachelogger almost did not find that thing18:02
yofelfirst time I see ~kubuntu-netbook o.O18:02
apacheloggeroh, also we did not change it to the new versioning scheme18:04
* apachelogger fix0rs away18:04
yofelapachelogger: move it to ...? -members? Or should the core-devs have commit rights too?18:05
apacheloggeryofel: packagers18:08
apacheloggerIMHO everything in the archive should be in packagers, but that might just be my opionion18:08
apacheloggereven branching kds takes forever18:09
yofelwell, sounds reasonable, moving18:12
ScottKIt should all be packagers.18:12
yofel*anything* ?18:12
CIA-51[kubuntu-netbook-default-settings] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110515171708-s6r5bhack3b9lvd2 * (8 files in 3 dirs) (log message trimmed)18:17
CIA-51* Add krunner.desktop to prevent it from autostart. This behaviour is also18:17
CIA-51implemented by upstream's workspace switcher KCM. so eventually users did not18:17
ScottKyofel: Anything that was under ~kuubntu-members and whatver other kubuntu specific stuff might be in the wrong place.18:20
* yofel goes moving what was left18:23
apacheloggersoprano debug spam when starting dolphin18:26
apacheloggeruseful technology ftw18:26
bambeea subtitle feature is planned for phonon one day ?20:34
afiestasbambee: afaik it is already supported in some way20:43
afiestaseven if it is by "accident" by putting the same name to both, video and subtitle20:43
afiestas(at least that should work on the vlc backend imho)20:43
bambeeah ?20:43
bambeeI will test it20:44
* DarkwingDuck rubs eyes21:37
apacheloggerafiestas, bambee: phonon-vlc supports whatever vlc supports, which has some subtitle discovery feature which should be pretty solid if only one video and multiple srts are in one folder21:38
apacheloggerimplicitly you could even set any random srt as subtitle using pvlc (just no app exposes that, fortunately I might say)21:39
apacheloggerno clue about phonon-gstreamer21:39
apacheloggerexplicit file selection is very crapzy anyway IMHO21:39
apacheloggertotally 1990's21:39
apacheloggeryo DarkwingDuck21:40
bambeeapachelogger: there is a workaround for the xine backend. it's possible to concat "#subtitle:<path_to_my_srt>" to the mrl. at least with a simple test program21:46
DarkwingDuckHow are you apachelogger?21:46
apacheloggerinsanely tired + I should be doing homework or somesuch -.-21:47
apacheloggerbambee: use case?21:47
bambeeat least it worked with phonon 4.4...21:48
bambeeapachelogger: http://www.xine-project.org/faq#avisubtitles21:52
apacheloggeruse case :P21:59
apacheloggerwith pvlc you just pass a subtitle descriptor with a type=file to it21:59
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saLOUtit would be nice if someone could help me to turn my opensuse spec file into a (k)ubuntu equivalent for my toy project kubeplayer (https://projects.kde.org/projects/playground/multimedia/kubeplayer)23:57

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