
Thinkerer68Upgrading from 9.10 Karmic to 10.04 Lucid right now  XD00:00
ronnocsithlord48: Last time I tried, the RootActions Service Menu from GHNS was broken with Kubuntu 10.10+00:00
sithlord48ronnoc:  not all of them work this is true00:00
Thinkerer68What's the worst that can happen?00:00
MrGizmo757Well not sure how to get accsess to cups. even using sudo its not letting me in00:00
sithlord48worst is you get nothing00:00
EldonGhmmm...don't see get new...*sigh*.00:00
ronnocsithlord48: it installs but nothing happens. He can just install Sam Rog's PPA: https://launchpad.net/~samrog131/+archive/ppa and get it00:00
ronnocsithlord48: why it's not installed by defualt I will never ever know >.>00:01
MrGizmo757you think if disabled hplic first it would let Me into cups?00:01
ronnocEldonG: Settings > Configure > Services > Download New Services00:02
sithlord48sorry on phone and like 10 other chats atm00:02
ronnocbut use this instead: https://launchpad.net/~samrog131/+archive/ppa and install "kde-service-menu-rootactions"00:04
ronnocor just download the individual package00:04
EldonGnot seeing download new services, either.  Hmmm.00:04
ronnocEldonG: It's next to a yellow star lol00:05
ronnocbut I would install the PPA I linked above myself instead00:05
ronnocsome really good stuff in there00:05
EldonGer...no yellow stars.  I'm just now upgrading to Lucid...maybe?00:06
sithlord48yea rog's ppa is awsome..00:06
sithlord48EldonG:  what version do u have now , this migh thave been added in lucid00:06
ronnocEldonG: That would explain it :p00:06
EldonGToo many versions.  :p00:06
ronnocEldonG: Can I ask why you started from so far back? Why not just do a fresh 10.10 install?00:07
ronnocEldonG: KDE is a very stable at 10.10 and later00:08
EldonGI had Linux burned previously...wanted to do a dual, when this computer was new (2 years ago)...but Vista doesn't play fair.00:08
EldonG...when my drive died, I kicked Vista to the curb, and did my install.00:09
EldonG(on a new drive)00:09
dobreicglad you chose kde00:09
ronnocahhhh. smart person. but yea you have a LOT of updates ahead of you lol00:09
EldonGI am, too.  Frustrating trying o learn it all, but hey.  ;)00:10
EldonGer...to learn...duh.00:10
new2neti finally found the right channel.   On startup KDE crashes... says "failed to mount device". Then I get a stacktrace. How can I even begin to fix this?00:10
new2netkde_init  or something crashes.  heh00:10
ronnocKubuntu is finally getting to the point where it "just works", but of course tinker and learn all you want! =)00:10
dobreici have a usb to sata, i just recover my files and reinstall00:11
EldonG<-- used to be a tech...a hobbyist programmer...and an old VoodooDos guy.  ;)00:11
new2neti think it happened because I mounted a truecrypt partition then restarted without unmounting it properly. Any ideas?00:11
ronnocEldonG: As in Voodoo graphics stuff? Legendary! :)00:12
ronnocclaydoh: Hello there00:12
* new2net sighs00:13
claydohronnoc: hi00:13
EldonGronnoc...nah, just using batch files to make Dos sit up and beg...though I do play with Blender and whatnot.  :)00:13
new2netno love for a novice *nix user00:13
ronnoci'm old enough to remember DOS...pretty sure that made me confident I could dothis 'nix stuff OK :)00:14
ronnocnew2net: what issue are you having?00:14
EldonGlol...I played my first computer games on a TI 960.  ;)00:14
new2netronnoc can I show you the stack trace?00:14
ronnocnew2net: nah I'm not a programmer, sorry I wouldn't be much help at all00:15
claydohnew2net: how did you mount the partition?00:15
claydohundo that perhaps00:15
ronnocEldonG: TRS-80 here :)00:16
new2netclaydoh: hmm... but I did undo that I thought... Let me pastebin the stacktrace and maybe someone knows00:16
claydohstacktrace may not help the issue is the mounting i think00:18
claydohnope, stacktrace is unhelpful :(00:18
EldonGI've fiddled with the TRS-80s...the Commodores (pets, vic-20s, and 64s) Apples, from the first and up, TIs 99/4a...etc, etc...the 960 was a mini in the Richardson complex.  :)00:18
new2netoh. well I mounted them using the truecrypt gui, so I can't really be more specific00:18
new2netother than I am using kde 3.5.1000:19
sithlord48yea claydoh how it going, also do u know anything about setting up blink in natty ?00:20
claydohsithlord48: wats blink? that probably answers that question :)00:21
sithlord48claydoh:  its a voip client, GG was just telling me about it , were gonna test it if i can get it workin in natty .00:21
claydohnew2net: can you go into trucrypt and undo the mount action from there?  Else use "kdesudo kate" to edit your /etc/fstab file and put a "#" in front of the line containing the partition00:22
m477do I need special drivers to run .mkv video?00:23
m477because it looks bad on my pc00:23
new2netclaydoh: that is what I'll try00:24
MrGizmo757hey guys i found what My pdf printing problem is. But Not sure how to fix it.  the problem is in the Okular pdf reader.  i installed Adobe pdf reader and i dont have the issue.  but if i try to print from Okular strange things happen00:24
ronnocMrGizmo757: Sounds like an Okular bug then. I'd see if any similar issues have been reported w/ KDE00:25
claydohsithlord48: http://lists.ag-projects.com/pipermail/blink/2011-May/001347.html00:26
MrGizmo757yeah i am serching the forums now to see if i can find somthing about it.00:26
claydohsithlord48: probably natty uses newer python stuff from maverick00:27
ronnocMrGizmo757: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=19659000:28
sithlord48claydoh:  yea it seams so mainly in the python-sipsimple package being updated to python-sip (and w/ changes ?)00:28
ubottuKDE bug 196590 in PDF backend "[PDF 4 3beta2 regression] bad margins, printing cuts off parts of the document" [Normal,New]00:28
MrGizmo757Thank you. :-)00:28
shad_anybody knows if00:28
shad_is it possible to open only one instance of dolphin? and if another folder is opened it opens a new tab (just like a browser)?00:28
new2netclaydoh: fstab correctly reflects what hardware I have. Konqueror is not showing 1 of my drives.00:29
new2net/dev/sda5 is missing00:30
claydohnew2net: so disable the trucrypt one and see if that fixes it maybe? I assume the missing drive is the trucrypt one?00:30
claydohpastepin the fstab00:30
EldonGshad...yup.  I regularly have more than one open.00:31
shad_yes but if a program is opening a folder with dolphin, and dolphin is already open, it opens another window...what i want is to force dolphin to have only one instance00:32
EldonGduh...misread ya.  my bad.00:33
shad_i don't know if i'm clear...00:33
dobreicrekonq is a pos00:33
dobreicive used konqueror forever and never seen too many crashes00:34
yofelshad_: I can't find any dolphin setting for that, maybe konqueror has something like that though00:36
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MrGizmo757ronnoc:  this bug apparently is in QT. its causing the default paper size settings in Okular to change to a diffrent value then what is configured in cups. this is making the printer queue crash. you can set Okular back to Normal but the value wont stay. you have to change it every time.00:36
sithlord48A4 paper size?00:37
shad_thank you anyway, i'll look for other solutions ;)00:37
MrGizmo757so problem figured out but not solved.  Oh Well! atleast i can Make it print now00:37
ronnocMrGizmo757: Too bad you had to use the proprietart software to do it, but yea. working right is always the important thing!00:38
MrGizmo757yeah, We dont Like to say the P word around here. LOL!00:39
EldonGSo...anybody know where a good guide to Kubuntu might be located?  In .pdf, maybe?00:41
mrcogeoGood question, wondering where a good "cheat card" for Kubuntu could be found...00:44
EldonGExactly what I need.  A cheat card...  :)00:46
mrcogeoWelcome to the club. ;-)00:46
EldonGgotta be one somewhere...00:47
James147mrcogeo: EldonG: kubuntu is far to complex for any cheatcard :)00:49
James147^^ if there is a spicific area you want to know more about there might be somehting ^^00:50
mrcogeoOk, how about a noob crowbar for migrating from GNU/Linux Ubuntu(tm)? :shrug:00:51
ronnoc for KDE there's userbase and KDE Forums, for Ubuntu there's tons of stuff out there :p00:52
ronnocand for a cheat card there's...Google lol00:53
mrcogeoTrue, my GoogleFu needs a good work out.00:53
m477how can i check if i have acceleration hardware on00:53
EldonGhttp://www.kubuntuguide.info/index.php/Kubuntuguide:Books/Kubuntuguide_Lucid_3-29-2011 looks good00:54
mrcogeoDoes indeed...we shall see...00:54
ronnocm477: System Settings > Desktop Effects. If they're on, the checkbox is checked00:55
EldonGYa betcha.00:55
m477ronnoc: i dont have KDE also i have got older version, can i check it in other way?00:56
m477but i run compiz00:57
ronnocm477: sorry I don't run Compiz since KDE has it's own desktop efects00:57
James147m477: glxinfo | grep rendering    will tell you if direct rendering is enabled00:58
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m477James147: thanks :)00:59
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EldonG7 min to fully downloaded Lucid...yay.01:02
ronnocEldonG: heh01:02
new2netEldonG: lupu?01:02
m477i run .mkv p1080 and it lags very much, i have newest graphic drivers and gf 8600, why is it caused?01:02
sithlord48what player? try another one if you can ..01:04
EldonGLupu...hmmm?  Lucid Lynx...01:04
shad_m477: are you using vdpau?01:04
sithlord48vlc is decent but i've  found out  you might have to fiddle w/ teh overlay settings01:04
m477shad_: what is it?01:04
m477vlc / mplayer01:05
shad_try with smplayer01:05
shad_vdpau is a library that allows you to use gpu acceleration in video decoding, but it works with proprietary nvidia drivers01:06
shad_smplayer is a mplayer frontend01:09
m477shad_: i have installed NVIDIA  binary xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library01:10
m477what is frontend?01:10
moetunesm477:  mplayer is a terminal application - smplayer gives you a window with buttons to control mplayer01:14
m477so i use GNOME mplayer01:14
moetunesin kde?01:15
m477no i have gnome01:15
m477mkv 720p works good01:15
m4771080p does mega lags01:15
m477cpu 100% usage01:15
LINKSWORD2OK, this is the weirdest problem that I've run into... My computer's screen randomly flashes and distorts the Kubuntu screen, then suddenly asks me to provide login info.01:15
LINKSWORD2The entire screen becomes a command-line interface, and despite the fact that I provide the correct login info, it tells me the information is incorrect. I'm running 10.04 LTS on an old Compaq, and so far my only fix is to power off and reboot.01:19
EldonGwoohoo...TONS of upgrades...01:23
LINKSWORD2Gah! I keep getting disconnected.01:27
LINKSWORD2Hey guys, could somebody please help me before I get disconnected again?01:27
DarkwingDuckWhat you need?01:28
DarkwingDuckWell, there he goes.01:28
new2netheh... joking maybe?01:33
LINKSWORD2This is gettin ridiculous.... Freaking disconnect.01:37
DarkwingDuckLINKSWORD2: What's the issue?01:38
LINKSWORD2OK, this is the weirdest problem that I've run into... My computer's screen randomly flashes and distorts the Kubuntu screen, then suddenly asks me to provide login info.01:39
LINKSWORD2The entire screen becomes a command-line interface, and despite the fact that I provide the correct login info, it tells me the information is incorrect. I'm running 10.04 LTS on an old Compaq, and so far my only fix is to power off and reboot.01:39
DarkwingDuckYou running desktop effects?01:40
DarkwingDuckLINKSWORD2: ^^01:40
LINKSWORD2No, I'm only running basic Kubuntu.01:40
LINKSWORD2No, I'm only running basic Kubuntum DarkwingDuck01:41
DarkwingDuckLINKSWORD2: When it happens again... go to terminal and type dmesg > dmesg.txt then copy the output of that into a pastebin (paste.kde.org) and paste that in the channel with the question.01:44
DarkwingDuckLINKSWORD2: that will give us a better understanding of what is going on.01:44
LINKSWORD2Hold up...01:45
DarkwingDuckLINKSWORD2: until I see that I really don't know what is going on issues wise.01:45
DarkwingDuckLINKSWORD2: It sounds like either X is ending session for some reason01:46
DarkwingDuckOr you are having hdw failure01:46
LINKSWORD2Will it log the problem if the whole thing has crashed and only brings up a command line interface?01:46
DarkwingDuckYes, dmesg logs from poweron01:46
DarkwingDuck*power on01:46
LINKSWORD2So it's dmesg > dmesg.txt ?01:47
DarkwingDuckLINKSWORD2: Sorry I can't do more right now01:47
DarkwingDuckThat will output dmesg into dmesg.txt01:47
DarkwingDuckThen you can copy that to a pastebin01:47
DarkwingDuckand share that link so we can see.01:48
DarkwingDuckDoes it happen often?01:48
LINKSWORD2I feel inferior. I'm a KDE n00b01:48
LINKSWORD2Yeah, it does.01:48
DarkwingDuckLINKSWORD2: We were all there at one point. :)01:48
DarkwingDuckEveryone starts at a n00b level then, learns.01:49
LINKSWORD2I could say that Linus Torvald probably was not a n00b.01:49
DarkwingDuckHe had to learn unix at one point so, yeah he was. :)01:49
LINKSWORD2... Ouch. lol01:49
DarkwingDuck:D It's a matter of perspective that's all.01:50
LINKSWORD2At least we're not having to learn the old Unix architecture.01:50
DarkwingDuckI did. :/01:50
DarkwingDuckThat's where I started. That and DOS 201:50
LINKSWORD2... I want a Mac. lol01:51
LINKSWORD2I'm a long-time Windows user, but I got hooked on Macs in college.01:51
DarkwingDuckYeah, i did the mac thing a while.01:51
DarkwingDuckBut, I've settled with Linux01:51
DarkwingDuckBest of all worlds01:51
LINKSWORD2I had used a little Linux before, but not enough.01:52
=== salahgo is now known as SalahGo
* DarkwingDuck nods01:52
=== SalahGo is now known as SalahGo[at]Konv
LINKSWORD2It's funny that Macs use a basically proprietary version of Linux.01:52
ubuntumacs.. lol01:53
ubuntuits like linux for stupid people01:53
DarkwingDuckMacs make really great hdw01:53
DarkwingDuckubuntu: be nice.01:53
ubuntunot really01:54
ubuntuits worse and more expensive01:54
ubuntuat my work, the majority of people use macs01:54
DarkwingDuckHow many macs have you owned?01:54
ubuntuand in the past couple months, 4 macs have dropped dead01:54
ubuntu0 pcs01:54
LINKSWORD2At least my IRC interface isn't randomly disconnecting now...01:54
DarkwingDuckLINKSWORD2: that's good.01:54
Thinkerer68#kubuntu-offtopic is pretty quiet right now  :-\01:54
ubuntuthe macs just drop dead and require mac store help01:54
* LINKSWORD2 starts up the Compaq and loads Kubuntu.01:55
DarkwingDuckI'll stick to my thinkpads though.01:55
ubuntuso basically.. more expensive, locked into a system, fail alot01:55
Thinkerer68#kubuntu-offtopic is pretty quiet right now  :-\01:55
DarkwingDuckIBM/Lenovo makes some solid systems01:55
ubuntubut hey, u get that "Mac" vibe01:55
ubuntuand can go to starbucks01:55
ubuntuand pretend ur awesome01:55
Thinkerer68#kubuntu-offtopic is pretty quiet right now  :-\01:55
LINKSWORD2Thinkerer68: WTF?01:56
DarkwingDuckThinkerer68: is there a reason you are repeating yourself?01:56
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!01:56
James147^^ hes hinting at that :)01:56
ubuntui didnt join this channel on purpose, it auto joined as i loaded up the kubuntu cd to install... hehe01:56
Thinkerer68yeah, but I was trying to be more subtle  :P01:56
ubuntui just found myself in here01:56
ubuntuand chimed in on macs01:57
LINKSWORD2Have any of you guys had problems with Kubuntu regarding web browsers?01:58
m477it is good idea to instal drivers form nvidia.com? if i have in repo juz 185 ver?01:58
DarkwingDuckLINKSWORD2: Meaning?01:58
ubuntuproblems such as?01:58
DarkwingDuckRekonq is a little funny at times. I use Google Chrome01:58
ubuntuid stick with firefox01:58
LINKSWORD2When I got Kubuntu running and connected to the internet, I installed Firefox and Google Chrome.01:59
DarkwingDuckfirefix chews more RAM01:59
ubuntui always go back to ff after trying different01:59
ubuntutrue DarkwingDuck01:59
LINKSWORD2I wonder if I should kill off Firefox, in that case.01:59
ubuntuespecially doing facebook webdevelopment.. its insane, like 1gb used up with 4 tabs open01:59
ubuntufirebug open01:59
ubuntubut no browser can beat its webdev tools02:00
DarkwingDuckAnd with my kubuntu devel work online I normally have around 15 tabs open02:00
ubuntuso the ram leak is worth it02:00
LINKSWORD2Considering that my machine barely has 1GB of RAM, I don't have too much room to talk.02:00
ubuntui have 8gb of ram on both computers02:00
ubuntuso i guess i should mention that02:00
ubuntuits not a big deal02:00
DarkwingDuckLINKSWORD2: Yeah, I dont' have to worry, I have enough to go around too02:00
LINKSWORD2It's a POS old Compaq.02:00
DarkwingDuckI've been there.02:01
DarkwingDuckIt was a miricle I got this one.02:01
LINKSWORD2Whatchya got?02:01
ubuntui dont think its the browsers leaking memory tbh02:01
ubuntui think its teh webpages02:01
ubuntudoing crazy ajax requests and stuff02:01
ubuntulooping out of control02:01
ubuntufacebook especially02:01
FloodBotK1ubuntu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:01
DarkwingDuckLINKSWORD2: ThinkPad W70002:02
DarkwingDuckIt's abeast but, awesome for a dev laptop02:02
DarkwingDuck*a beast02:02
LINKSWORD2If I were to choose, I think I would use ASUS for their laptops.02:03
DarkwingDuckI'll never leave ThinkPad02:03
LINKSWORD2As a system hardware tech, I've worked on nearly everything from the ground up.02:04
* DarkwingDuck nods02:04
LINKSWORD2I've actually told a guy to put a shotgun to an HP because it was so badly messed up.02:04
DarkwingDuckAny aspiring how to writers in here?02:05
DarkwingDuckFor Kubuntu?02:05
=== sony is now known as Guest96247
LINKSWORD2And unfortunately, HP owns a dozen of the smaller companies now, like Compaq, Gateway, E-Machine and although I'm not sure, I'm thinking they also own Toshiba.02:06
Guest96247guys how can i control my screen brightness i'm on a sony-vaio vpc02:07
DarkwingDuckGuest96247: Does the function on screen buttons work?02:07
Guest96247nope :(02:08
DarkwingDuckGuest96247: Gimme a sec02:09
Guest96247sure :)02:09
LINKSWORD2Guest96247: I've worked on a couple of Vaio's before. They've got an odd way of going about things sometimes. I assume that you're using the Fn key and F5/F6, correct?02:12
LINKSWORD2.... Disconnected again. Blast this!02:12
DarkwingDuckGuest96247: The battery applet in teh sys trey. Right Click > Power Save Settings > Power Profiles to set manually.02:12
Guest96247 lemme try02:12
LINKSWORD2.... Duh. I forgot about that.02:13
Guest96247LINKSWORD yes thats right02:13
DarkwingDuckGuest96247: It's an "F" series with propriatary drivers?02:13
LINKSWORD2Well, give DarkwingDuck's suggestion a try.02:14
LINKSWORD2If it does use proprietary drivers, it'll be a royal pain to deal with. Contact Sony. (And be prepared for a long wait on the phone.)02:15
DarkwingDuckIf he does then here is the work around. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Laptop/Sony/Vaio/FSeries/Natty#LCD02:15
LINKSWORD2... Oh. lol02:16
DarkwingDucksony_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Laptop/Sony/Vaio/FSeries/Natty#LCD  <-- If the Vaio is an "F" series this should work.02:18
sony_nope it doesn't work just tried it and it's not an f series it's a vpc-cw15 fn02:19
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*02:19
EldonGOk...now I have MountISO...but how do I use it?  :p02:20
DarkwingDuckEldonG: You are trying to figure out how to use MountISO?02:25
DarkwingDuckEldonG: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountIso02:25
multipasshey, whats the best way to get a "quick launch"02:25
EldonGThanks!  :002:26
LINKSWORD2I hate getting disconnected like this....02:26
multipassdoes 11.04 automatically install my nvidia driver?02:31
Thinkerer68WTF?!? I have a file on my hard disk with a modification date of 2037-12-31  O_o02:32
multipassare u also looking for john connor?02:33
sony_haha rofl02:33
DarkwingDuckmultipass: No, you need to use the additional drivers from KMenu > Applications > System > Additional Drivers02:36
multipassthis driver is activated but not currently in use... wait what?02:37
multipassit has the green light02:38
EldonGGah...I have an ISO mounted...how can I now see it?  Sorry...3 days into Linux.  :p02:42
w0lfiehey guys and girls. i'm hitting the bug documented at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/681535. the report says the bug is fixed but there are a number of people, including myself, who don't see any difference and still can't install grub02:42
ubottuUbuntu bug 681535 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "Auto-detection of a filesystem of /dev/md0 failed." [High,Fix released]02:42
DarkwingDuckw0lfie: Comment on the bug stating that it didn't fix.02:45
DarkwingDuckw0lfie: the bug squad will catch it.02:46
EldonGnvm...found it...02:47
Magnussonhas anyone ever made a kde icon theme? or know any resources to point me in a direction to learn how?02:52
w0lfieDarkwingDuck: cool, will do02:54
new2netI finally got that sound issue fixed up03:13
new2netwhen i use apt-get install <foo>, how do I uninstall <foo> now?03:18
ooki2dayhow I can disable fullscreen? all apps running in fullscreen03:33
vbgunzI'm a bit burnt. I added several lcd weather station plasma widgets to my panel and I can't remove them... I think I added 4 or 5 of them and they're cascaded in the corner... how in the world do I remove them?03:35
ooki2dayunlock widgets03:36
ooki2daydo this, and remove03:36
vbgunzsorry. yeah, I unlocked them but I can neither grab them to move them or right click for a menu to remove them.... they're like a bad case of the herpes right now03:37
ooki2dayvbgunz: right-click on desktop, unlock widgets03:37
vbgunzfml. I can't believe this. I think I have 5 lcd weather station widgets and I can't do a damn thing about them short of just restarting my panel from scratch.03:48
vbgunzfound and destroyed the offending widget through ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc here. had to stop plasma but it worked.03:57
DarkwingDuckvbgunz: right click on desktop and click "Unlock Widgets"04:03
DarkwingDuckSorry, Forgot to hit enter before04:03
erik333How do i get CDs to mount to /mnt/cdrom as well as /mnt/<CDLABEL>? i.e. some daemon type thing seems to do this these days, but i don't know where the config file might be04:16
erik333 /mnt/<CDLABEL> is a bit tedious for wine :P04:17
erik333ups /media/<cdlabel> not /mnt/<cdlabel>04:18
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multipasshey, how come kde can alt tab out of fullscreen opengl apps, and gnome cant?04:55
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UsipeusGuys, I can't change the brightness...I have 10.1005:15
Usipeusnot with the power management thing, and I also tried /proc/acpi/video/GFX0 and the brightness files all say <not supported>05:15
Usipeushelp? :D05:15
Usipeusand my computer is one of these http://www.gateway.com/systems/product/529668585.php05:17
valoriemine has screen brightness keys up on the f row05:20
valorieyou might check there05:20
valorief7 and f8 here05:20
Usipeusvalorie: for mine, it's fn + uparrow, downarrow and they don't work05:21
multipasshmm, i cant get my keyboard special buttons to work for music players, play, pause, etc05:22
multipassit works fine in gnome05:23
multipassdo i need to do anything special here?05:23
Usipeuswell, brightness problem temporarily fixed by using a monitor...05:29
Usipeusthanks for your help guys05:29
valoriemultipass: I've not done anything special in kubuntu05:30
valorieand they all Just Work05:30
valoriefn + up and down don't work here05:31
valoriealthough the KDE shortcuts can probably be set05:31
valoriebtw, I'm a woman, not a guy05:32
valoriewe have all kinds here on the Internet05:33
dan__Valorie:  was it you that was having sync problems with yer android?05:42
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valorieI didn't try to sync05:43
valorieI was trying to transfer some songs to it from Amarok05:43
Dan_Land you couldn't get it to find the drive?05:43
valorieI should try again -- new Kubuntu, new KDE, and new Amarok versions05:44
Dan_LI had weird amarok/android problems today05:44
valorieno, it started, but never finished05:44
valoriestopped for no reason I could see05:44
valorieso I'll start somewhere else -- could be a song title the 'droid doesn't like, or something05:44
Dan_Lut oh.05:45
Dan_LAnybody else getting an error message when they try to check for updates from kpackageit?05:45
valoriethat's a good idea -- thanks for reminding me05:45
Dan_LE: Error http://ppa.launchpad.net natty/main amd64 Packages05:45
Dan_L404 Not Found05:45
Dan_Lthat sounds like a 'server down' kinda problem05:45
valorielaunchpad is just timing out05:45
valorieoff for lunch, perhaps05:45
valorieI usually use apt-get update && apt-get upgrade05:46
Dan_LJust from the terminal?05:48
Dan_LI'm just having bad computer luck today05:50
Dan_LI'm cheating on firefox4 with opera.  I have no idea why.05:50
valorieyes, from the terminal05:52
valoriewith sudo, of course05:52
valorieI used to love opera05:52
valoriethen it seemed to stop improving05:52
valorieI'm pretty sure that using another browser isn't considered cheating05:52
valorieat least in a court of law05:52
Dan_LFFX3 started to work my nerves.  So I switched to opera.  and then ffx4 came out and I'm splitting time.05:53
Dan_LAnd here's the weird thing:05:53
Dan_LOperamo = fennec * 1505:53
Dan_LOpera Mobile kicks the crap out of firefox mobile.05:54
Dan_LAnd since roughly 30% of my web browsing takes place on my phone and I'm not going to spend the time syncing two web browsers at home......05:54
valoriepiffle, the same thing is happening, with the same error message: Malformed URL06:07
Graf_Westerholt[06:45:26] <Dan_L> Anybody else getting an error message when they try to check for updates from kpackageit?  ⇐  works fine here.06:09
preecherreinstalling kubuntu for the 8th time in the last 5 days- ive tryd to like unity and it just doesnt cut my rug & believe it or not kubuntu seems to be noticeable faster on my end06:09
Dan_LPreecher,  welcome to the darkside:006:10
preecherDan_L thx06:10
Dan_LYou're never going back, so don't worry:)06:10
Dan_LGraf_Westerhol:  natty, right?06:10
valorienot the dark side!06:13
valorieBLUE side06:13
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=== calcmandan is now known as Thrik
valoriewoooo, progress this time06:14
Thrikhey kubunters06:14
preecherThrik hey06:15
Dan_Lblue side is right.06:20
Dan_LI messed with ubuntu in the vbox agian today.06:20
Dan_Lcolors are baaaaaaad06:20
preechers in good bad or just bad06:20
Graf_WesterholtDan_L: 11.04. Is that Natty?06:22
Dan_LSo something is weird.  Valorie is getting it, I'm getting it.  You're not.06:22
Graf_WesterholtNo, I am not getting it.06:22
Graf_WesterholtMaybe somewhere a connection?06:23
Dan_LI'm sure there's some regional routing that goes on too?06:24
Dan_LWhereabouts are you?06:24
Dan_LI am not.06:24
Dan_LValorie:  whereabouts are you?06:24
Graf_WesterholtDan_L, Sweden?06:25
Dan_LNo.  The US.  But I wish I were in sweden:)06:25
Graf_Westerholt[07:23:15] [Whois] Dan_L is online via lindbohm.freenode.net (Stockholm, Sweden).06:25
Dan_LWell that's weird.  I'm in Chicago.06:27
Dan_LMaybe we've been annexed.06:27
valorieI live south of Seattle, Washington state, USA06:30
Graf_WesterholtI was just gust that. ;)06:30
pjpj_hello, does anyone here know if you can make private browsing the default in rekonq?06:31
DarkriftXGraf_Westerholt: the server he is on is lindbohm.freenode.net, that is not his ISP06:32
Dan_LIn other words, it rains in Valorie land quite a bit.06:32
valorietonight, for SURE06:33
valorieit was sunny today, though06:33
Dan_LWe're getting hit over here right now06:33
Dan_LIt's like 45 degrees06:34
c2tarunwhenever I play videos on my laptop after sometimes video starts freezing for few seconds and then resume, I tried many players but its freezing in all of them.06:48
valoriec2tarun: have you thought of running them from the console, and watching the output when the freeze happens?06:50
S4LHello, using Plasma Netbook on a netbook I just bought -- having a hell of a lot of trouble figuring out how to put an application icon on the Search and Launch page... specifically, I want to put something up next to System Settings and Dolphin07:10
S4Lbut, it's not letting me do a simple drag07:10
valorieS4L: you might have the widgets locked07:14
valorieonce you unlock them07:14
valorieyou should be able to right-click and drag07:15
valorieor slow click and drag, I can't recall07:15
S4LI can't seem to find any way to unlock them, or even know if they're locked or not. This is sooo much different from the good old desktop KDE that I don't even know what I'm doing :-(07:16
valoriedo you see the curled icon, that looks like a cashew?07:17
valorieif not, they are locked07:17
valorieand you should be able to right-click on any empty area, including the desktop07:18
valorieand unlock widgets07:18
LINKSWORD2Hello again DarkwingDuck. I hope you'll allow me to ask your help again.07:18
S4Lvalorie: All I've got on right click is run command, add widgets, lock screen, leave07:19
S4Lworking on a picture to show what I'm trying to do....07:19
valorieI'm not much of an expert, but I've found KDE4 to be very easy to use07:20
LINKSWORD2I agree very much, valorie07:20
LINKSWORD2On the other hand, I have run into a particularly crazy issue...07:21
S4Lvalorie: http://debtsucksblog.com/randomhostedimages/snapshot1.png07:22
S4Lso, I've typed in "pyroom" which gives me that "Run pyroom" button. All I want to do is to put the derned thing up next to Dolphin so that it's always there07:23
tbphello, kubuntu doesn't seem to recognize my atheros wireless from my acer 5050-3205 notebook, any suggetstions?07:24
valoriewell, I'll tell you waht works for me -- just drag the damn thing to where you want it07:24
valorieand when it asks, say "put icon here" or whatever it is07:24
LINKSWORD2I need to know how to find the dmesg file's location.07:24
valorieyou have to get the app running first07:25
gennro: hi07:25
valorieoh, you have the netbook version07:25
S4Lthats the problem, it asks no such thing, I drag it up there, it makes room like it wants to put it up there, but then it disappears when I release07:25
valorieI've not worked much with that07:25
S4Lugh indeed07:26
jxjlIs there any way, how to add classical MenuBar to rekonq? When I am using global menu I can see it, but in classic kde there is only chrome like menu07:26
valoriewhen you right-click in there, what sort of options do you have?07:26
valoriein rekonq I think it's the wrench icon which is settings07:26
tbpdo you guys know?07:27
S4Lon right click -- run command, add widgets, lock screen, leave07:27
LINKSWORD2GAH!!! This is killing me!07:27
S4Las is this :-D something like pyroom is the main reason I got a netbook, so I can get some writing done wherever07:28
S4LI learned something -- any other, preinstalled app (or even Chrome) that shows up in the navigation without searching, I can drag up there... it's just things I search for that I can't07:30
RasperinHey guys, I've installed kubuntu 11.04 on two computers so far and the installer keeps hanging at 74%07:31
=== DevCore is now known as Guest54823
valories4l, I would ask on the forum -- either kubuntuforum, or kde forum, depending on what you prefer07:31
Rasperinhas anyone run into this issue? (32bit PAE)07:31
S4Lvalorie: thanks anyway for your help, but holy crap I finally got it07:31
valoriedo tell!07:31
S4Lwent in to the office nav, where all the Libre stuff is, and Pyroom was actually in there -- wasn't expecting it to magically know it was an officey type app, neeever thought to look07:32
S4Lwhat a silly goose07:33
valorieyes, the menus are pretty good07:33
S4LI've spent about 2 hours trying to figure this out07:33
valoriemuch better at updating than they used to be07:33
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:36
LINKSWORD2I need to find out how to locate the dmesg.txt file.07:36
DarkwingDuckLINKSWORD2: welcome back07:36
valorieignorant bot07:37
LINKSWORD2Thanks, DarkwingDuck07:37
valoriewe should teach it about dmsg07:37
DarkwingDuckLINKSWORD2: If you did the command I told you to it should be in your home/$USER folder07:37
LINKSWORD2All righty, let me log on and see if I can find it.07:37
ubottudmesg is a console command which outputs the kernel ring buffer - an important log for diagnosing problems in  Linux. Often when something errors with hardware it will result in additional lines reported which can be seen by running dmesg in a console.07:37
valoriemy bad spelling07:38
LINKSWORD2Owned. lol07:38
LINKSWORD2Do you mind chatting one-on-one, DarkwingDuck?07:38
valoriesorry ubbottu07:38
DarkwingDuckhey valorie07:38
valoriehey DarkwingDuck07:38
valorieI'm still catching up with streams07:38
valoriethat I missed07:38
DarkwingDuckI'm condensing and trying to build ToDos07:39
tbpno wire? :/07:39
tbpno wireless07:39
RasperinOne other question, have any of you been able to get an EVGA UV+ device for usb third monitor support to work? (Another name would be Display Link).07:40
valorietbp, what do you mean?07:43
* valorie 's wireless works great07:43
tbpvalorie: i can't make my wireless work07:44
tbpi wanteed to try wicd to see if it works07:44
tbpbut it doesn't download by apt-get07:44
Rasperintbp does ifconfig see the device?07:45
valoriewell, my advice: download it before you get rid of networkmanager07:45
* valorie did it the opposite way one time07:45
Rasperinjumping in a bit late I know, but tbp what are you trying to do and what do you know?07:46
tbpRasperin: i don't know if the network manager recognizes the wireless atheros card07:46
LINKSWORD2And now, the ultimate failure. GIMP isn't installing.07:46
tbpi wanted to install wicd07:46
tbpto see if makes the wireless card work07:46
valorie!wireless | tbp07:48
ubottutbp: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:48
valoriethose can be pretty useful07:48
Rasperintbp does ifconfig see wlan0?07:49
RasperinI know it's a stupid question, but it's the first step, followed by (if yes) right clicking on the desktop, add widget, network manager (search for network) and that will get you the default UI (which honestly is pretty good)07:50
valorieyes indeed07:51
valoriethe widget rules07:51
valorieAND it doesn't work well if wicd is installed07:51
valorieso it's worthwhile to get it working if possible07:51
valorieand it's nearly always possible07:51
RasperinLiveCD detected my multimonitor display, I then installed it and now it doesn't see my second monitor :(07:57
Rasperinoh wait, it installed nvida and nvidia apparently doesn't auto detect monitors (ghey)07:59
* LINKSWORD2 Sigh. Now all I've gotta do is rip a collection of 70-odd CD's onto Kubuntu.08:08
Rasperinuh, why is there no xorg.conf in /etc/X11?08:09
=== guido is now known as Guest49628
Guest49628I need some help, please.08:17
valorie!ask | Guest4962808:17
ubottuGuest49628: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:17
Guest49628Thanks :-). Im trying to install sis mirage 3 drivers08:18
Guest49628Is there any Xorg.conf file to edit?08:19
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution08:19
valoriewell, afaik, there is no x.org/conf file by default08:20
Guest49628I got a driver working on Ubuntu 10.1008:20
valoriehowever, if you create one, it will be heeded08:20
valoriebest way to install drivers is using jockey-kde08:20
valorieubottu, what DO you know?08:21
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:21
Guest49628So, I will be able to "load" the *.so file?08:21
valorieI suggest following the x/conf URL above08:22
valorieI know little beyond what I've told you08:22
Guest49628I were able to install drivers and modify hardware settings on Gnome Ubuntu08:23
valoriewe both use jockey08:27
valoriejockey-kde is the command for us08:27
Guest49628Yes i tried but it doesn't work.08:27
valorieby "doesn't work", what do you mean?08:28
Guest49628The thing is that SiS mirage3 is really hard to get to work08:28
Guest49628It took me a week to make it work on Gnome08:28
Guest49628And i came to KDE because there is a driver wich supports 3d acceleration08:28
Guest49628Where is Xorg.conf file located on kubuntu'08:39
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution08:41
=== massimo is now known as Guest55044
Graf_WesterholtGuest49628 /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:43
Guest49628It doesn't exist.08:44
gennroit sure doesn't08:45
Guest49628Oh im really sorry.08:46
Guest49628I didn't knew this is a 11.04 support channel, sorry for bothering.08:47
valorieGuest49628: we help everyone we can08:51
valorieit is not exclusively for any particular version08:52
Guest49628Well, im really desperate.08:52
Graf_WesterholtGuest49628, how did you install the driver?08:52
Guest49628You mean on Gnome?08:52
Guest49628Well, just copying the sis driver to a folder and then modifying xorg.conf manually08:53
Graf_WesterholtKonsole or KDE?08:53
Graf_WesterholtAnd KDE is not working?08:54
Graf_WesterholtBut Gnome do?08:54
Guest49628At KDE I can't find xorg.conf08:54
Graf_WesterholtBut you wrote there is no xorg.conf08:54
Graf_WesterholtBut you modified xorg.conf08:55
Guest49628Well, i can do "sudo xedit /etx/X11/Xorg.conf" and the file is empty08:55
Graf_WesterholtBut you modified xorg.conf?08:55
Guest49628On Ubuntu 10.10 not Kubuntu08:55
Graf_WesterholtThat is the same.08:55
Guest49628I'm suspecting that the file might be hidden on this version08:55
Graf_WesterholtUbuntu is with Gnome, Kubuntu with KDE.08:56
Graf_WesterholtYou can change Gnome and KDE on your system.08:56
Graf_WesterholtOr XFE or whatever.08:56
Guest49628You mean, by using the same procedure08:56
Graf_WesterholtSame system.08:56
Graf_WesterholtIt is the same. :)08:56
Guest49628I got them on separate partitions :/08:57
valorieI told you earlier, Guest49628, that the file doesn't exist by default08:57
valoriebut that you can create it08:57
valorieso just copy what you had working08:57
Graf_WesterholtGuest49628, you do not have to.08:57
Guest49628Oh i see! LEt me test it :)08:57
Graf_WesterholtInstall both Gnome and Kubuntu on one system and you can swith between them.08:58
Guest49628The thing is. That SiS is not compatible with linux. I mean this laptop could run 3d games and HD movies09:00
Guest49628Gnome has no drivers, my only hope is KDE. If i get 3d to work here Gnome will die :-P09:00
Graf_WesterholtThe driver is for x. Both Gnome and KDE use x. Or is that wrong?09:01
acidit's not09:04
Guest49628These drivers are not made by the vendor.09:04
Guest49628And it seems that the only 3d driver doesn't work on Gnome09:05
Guest49628Wait a minute09:09
Guest49628Im really confused now. There is a file xorg.conf.d and looks quite like xorg.conf in gnome09:09
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Guest99767Thanks all for helping.09:25
Guest99767Now I realise that Linux user are same as Windows09:26
valoriewell, many of use used to be or are win users09:30
valoriein fact, kde runs on windows09:30
valoriekubuntu doesn't, of course09:30
mole_11.04 has ruined my life09:50
valoriewhat happened, mole?09:50
* valorie has been very happy with 11.0409:51
valorieexcept that my headphone jack isn't working09:51
* Graf_Westerholt agrees with valorie. :)09:51
Peace-mole_: ?09:51
Graf_WesterholtHey, Peace-!09:51
Peace-Graf_Westerholt: hey09:51
mole_i have it installed in 4 boxes09:52
mole_and it wrecked all of them09:53
mole_if i'm not kill -9 kded4 it's full out hardlocking sysreq+b09:53
mole_the generic kernel tanks 2/4 instantly09:53
mole_kwin tanking takes down my network cause of network manager09:54
mole_shit's fucked up09:54
jussi!wtf | mole_09:54
ubottumole_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.09:54
Peace-mole_: could you test a trick ?09:55
Peace-mole_: systemsettings  notification09:55
mole_i aint bitchin fo nuttin09:55
jussimole_: once again, please keep the language polite.09:56
Peace-disable them all09:56
mole_done on my desktop09:56
mole_i will do all of them when i hit them up09:57
mole_it's embarassing working on a project and your comp bricks cause of kubuntu09:57
Peace-mole_: well kded4 i guess is an issue of kde09:58
Peace-not of canonical kernel09:58
mole_i'm rattled it sucks so much still09:58
valoriemole, do the computers run with the liveCD/USB?09:59
multipassanyone know the packages i need to get iphone4 regcognized so i can access the root folders?09:59
mole_i just rooted my atrix using kubuntu09:59
mole_and wrote my first android app still09:59
mole_throw your iphone away09:59
multipassid rather have an android10:00
multipassbut thats beyond the point10:00
mole_android 2.2.1 cat /etc/lsb-release = ubuntu 9.0410:00
mole_pretty dope10:00
multipassubuntu 11.04 had iphone4 finally working10:00
mole_i just wish kubuntu 11.04 didn't suck hard10:00
valoriemole_: you may as well suggest that you throw away 4 computers10:00
multipassbut now i see kubuntu 11.04 dosnt10:00
valoriewe're here to help everyone10:01
valoriemole, do the computers run with the liveCD/USB?10:01
mole_can't the rich dood who owns it who went to space pay some money and fix this piece of junk10:01
valorieexcuse me?10:01
valoriehe provides these resources to us for free10:02
valorieif you want his support, that's available for a fee10:02
valoriedon't insult us, your fellow users10:02
mole_call u tell i'm choke that dist-upgrade that nags you ever 20 mins ruins your life?10:02
Graf_Westerholtmole_, feel free to use MS Windows or Mac OS.10:02
mole_i don't mean to be dissin' i'm just bringing awareness to the state of affairs10:04
mole_in the 12 years of running kde, this is the worst10:04
valoriemole, do the computers run with the liveCD/USB?10:04
mole_well one10:05
valoriethen why did you install the distro?10:05
mole_i have a atom 510 runing xbmc live cd10:05
mole_that's based on ubutu10:05
valoriethat's the purpose of it, to check it out10:05
mole_i've been running it since forware10:05
mole_i'm just saying it's getting worse and worse10:05
multipassany idea if ifuse would help me get access to my iphones root folder?10:05
valorieso is there an old liveCD which will work for you?10:05
mole_i'm into testing current10:06
mole_especially since computer nags constantly to upgrade10:06
mole_so i did10:06
valorienag, LOL10:06
mole_1/4 computers sitll operates "okay"10:06
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod10:06
valoriethe LTS never nags10:07
mole_i know10:07
valoriesome of use here use 11.04 and are happy with it10:07
valoriesome choose not to upgrade for various reasons10:07
mole_oh i'm sure it would have never released unlessed it worked on a computer or 210:07
valorieit's all based on individual choice10:07
valorieso the question is, what do you do now?10:08
valoriethe old ISOs are all still available, if you don't have liveCDs around10:08
valorieI suggest rolling back to the last release you liked10:08
valorieesp. an LTS one10:08
mole_it's a toss up10:08
valoriesuch as 10.0410:09
mole_u need current version of all apps10:09
valorieyou can always try out the news ones in a VM10:09
mole_the infrastructure is crashing10:09
mole_i already run 5 vm's10:09
mole_i have limitted ram10:09
mole_base system needs to not suck10:09
valoriewell, it doesn't suck for me10:09
valoriebut every distro won't work on every machine10:10
valorieso find what works best for each10:10
valorieand use that10:10
mole_the kernel they are shipping is just bad times10:10
mole_and kde4 needs tonnes of work10:10
mole_before it's usable10:10
mole_multipass: crashes out10:11
multipassive noticed a few programs crashing i guess10:11
multipassnot too bad though10:11
multipassubuntu seems more stable10:12
multipasstry that?10:12
valoriethe only thing that crashes for me is plasma, and it always reloads itself10:13
multipassso far its crashed using foobnix and mangler10:14
=== giovanni is now known as Guest663
Guest663ho un problema con il dispositivo bluetooth integrato del mio computer qualcuno mi può dare una mano?10:22
alien_66hello everybody, I'd need help with kubuntu 11.04 thanks10:24
valorie!ask | alien_6610:25
ubottualien_66: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:25
Graf_Westerholt!it | Guest66310:27
Guest663buongiorno ho un problema con il dispositivo bluetooth integrato del mio computer qualcuno mi può dare una mano?10:27
ubottuGuest663: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)10:27
alien_66kde is broken after upgrading from kubuntu 10.10 to 11.04. I log in correctly with kdm but the plasma desktop doesn' work. Any idea?10:27
Graf_Westerholtalien_66, I would create a test user and log in with this user.10:30
=== Guest663 is now known as gionny123
alien_66Graf_Westerholt already done same problem10:31
gionny123hello i have a problem with the bluetooth on my computer anybody can give me a hand?10:34
Graf_Westerholt!details | gionny12310:35
ubottugionny123: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."10:35
gionny123ok I have a HP Pavilion dv5 card with integrated Bluetooth, have recently switched to ubuntu with great happiness, these days I decided to switch to kubuntu, but I have a problem with the hardware that is not recognized10:38
=== mrcogeo is now known as mrcogeo_afk
Graf_Westerholtgionny123, did you read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup ?10:41
=== mrcogeo_afk is now known as mrcogeo
gionny123you've already tried these steps but to no avail, the problem is that the hardware is not recognized10:48
gionny123[sudo] password for giovanni:10:52
gionny123Lettura elenco dei pacchetti... Fatto10:52
gionny123Generazione albero delle dipendenze10:52
gionny123Lettura informazioni sullo stato... Fatto10:52
gionny123E: Impossibile trovare il pacchetto &&10:52
FloodBotK1gionny123: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:52
gionny123E: Impossibile trovare il pacchetto apt-get10:52
gionny123scusate stavo facendo vedere cosa mi risponde il sistema ai comandi che mi avete consigliato.10:53
gionny123sorry to see what I was doing the system responds to commands that I have recommended.10:53
Graf_Westerholtgionny123 do you think I can understand it?10:55
=== sarah is now known as Guest41651
Peace-Graf_Westerholt: xD it was italian i guess11:29
Peace-*he was11:29
Graf_WesterholtOf course it was. But I do not speak italian.11:30
Peace-Graf_Westerholt: ahahaahhah11:30
Peace-!it | Graf_Westerholt11:30
ubottuGraf_Westerholt: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)11:30
Peace-!de | Graf_Westerholt11:30
ubottuGraf_Westerholt: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.11:30
Peace-Graf_Westerholt: next time you can use that bot11:31
=== giovanni is now known as gionny123
Graf_WesterholtI did.11:31
Graf_WesterholtWhat do you mean?11:31
Peace-Graf_Westerholt: oh i have seen now11:31
Peace-Graf_Westerholt: sorry11:31
Peace-no nothing :)11:31
tdnWhere do I get Kubuntu 10.10 alternate amd64 iso? I can only find non-alternative. However, this does not support encrypted rootfs. PLEASE help. I just installed 11.04, but it does not work at all. Cannot even boot up and show me graphics.11:36
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Kubuntu download page - See also !minimal11:37
Peace-tdn: http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download#download-block11:38
Peace-tdn: CTRL F  alternate11:38
tdnPeace-, I cannot see it.11:46
tdnOnly the 11.0411:46
tdnPeace-, I can see the hash, but not the download link for 10.10 amd alternate11:46
tdnActually I cannot even see the hash. The hash is for 10.0411:47
tdnCan you help me fix 11.04?11:48
Peace-tdn: ... -.- http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/11.04/11:50
tdnPeace-, please, I do not want 11.04 but 10.1011:50
Peace-tdn: have you a brain ? http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/11:52
=== giovanni is now known as gionny123
tdnThanks. I could not find it on kubuntu website. No need to be rude.11:53
Peace-tdn: you right on the webpage there is not11:55
Peace-tdn: sorry11:55
tdnOf course, it would be nice if I do not HAVE to reinstall. Do you know if there is any easy way to fix 11.04?11:56
tdn OerHeks yeah, found it. Thanks.12:03
magepsychohello guys12:21
magepsychointernet connection not working in kubuntu12:21
magepsychoanybody can help me to connect to internet12:24
Graf_Westerholt!details | magepsycho12:24
ubottumagepsycho: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:24
magepsychoi added a dsl account from Network management12:25
magepsychobut that account is not being listed in the list12:25
magepsychoany idea ubottu12:30
magepsychoi want to use kubuntu .. and i am really pissed off with the internet connection issue12:30
magepsychowill this help?12:31
claviceps_hi, does someone know of a repository which still has kuickshow?12:35
new2netwhy kubuntu installer no work T_T12:39
new2netwhy kubuntu installer no work T_T  "The installer encountered an error copying the files to your HD... i/o err" The iso md5 matched :( what did I do wrong?12:43
MaximLevitskyanybody knows how to make systray work with compiz?12:43
Graf_Westerholtnew2net, did you check your RAM for errors?12:45
new2netwell... i ran memtest86 not even a week ago12:46
new2netGraf_Westerholt: and it passed12:49
Graf_WesterholtMaybe error at the CD?12:50
new2netGraf_Westerholt: heh... well I have a HD w/ the ISO (w/ the correct md5)... how would I install it from the iso instead of the liveCD... is there a guide maybe?  Probably just 1 line of bash12:57
Graf_Westerholtnew2net I have no idea.12:58
Graf_Westerholtnew2net You can install it on HD from USB-Flash-Stick.12:58
new2netGraf_Westerholt: I know, someone even made an idiot proof installer to do that. Didn't work :(13:00
Graf_Westerholt„Didn't work“ is not usefull13:01
new2netI/O error...   The ISO I used to install kubuntu to the USB drive is fine. The HD is fine because it failed on 3/3 HDs and they didn't all go bad. I ran memtest86 recently. I'm using the USB drive right now... It said  "I/O error" - no stacktrace .... i agree that isn't useful13:04
Graf_Westerholtnew2net Do you have a second PC to test?13:06
Graf_WesterholtYou can install the HD in the second PC, try to install Kubuntu and reinstall the HD.13:07
new2netcompletely different processor architecture... sounds like trouble13:09
Graf_Westerholtok :)13:09
slinker1actually should work fine13:10
Graf_WesterholtWhat CPUs do you have?13:10
Graf_WesterholtOr did you try the alternate installer?13:10
mwnnhi, how can switch to the netbook interface?13:11
BajKis it  just me or is Kubuntu 8.04 with KDE 4.0 so much quicker than KDE 4.5 on 10.10? :D13:12
new2netphenom2 and who knows what this old one is...  x86, was fun like 8 years ago and worth about $6 now13:12
mishafrom rus&13:14
Graf_Westerholtmwnn, I think install ubuntu-netbook paket.13:14
mishaon kubuntu kde 4.6?13:14
Graf_WesterholtIs there kubuntu-netbook too?13:14
mwnnGraf_Westerholt: yes, just found it13:15
Graf_Westerholtok :)13:15
Graf_Westerholtubuntu, kubuntu… who cares? :D13:15
new2netGraf_Westerholt: I have not tried an alternate installer yet. Do you have any in mind?13:17
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Kubuntu download page - See also !minimal13:17
tdnI have just installed kubuntu 11.04, when I start up, it says: error: no video mode activated13:22
tdnSo nothing happens. I beleive it is already in grub it fails.13:22
tdnWhat to do?13:22
Graf_Westerholttdn Do you have a shell?13:24
Graf_Westerholttdn, I found this: comment out "#GRUB_GFXMODE=640x480" in der "/etc/default/grub"13:30
Graf_Westerholt"sudo update-grub" & Reboot13:31
tdnGraf_Westerholt, no, but if I select recovery mode in grub, I get a shell.13:32
tdnGraf_Westerholt, it is already commented out.13:33
tdnby defautl'13:33
Graf_Westerholttdn, maybe activating can help.13:33
tdnReally bad that deafult does not work.13:34
tdnMany users could not even get a shell13:34
tdnGraf_Westerholt, just tried the above. Same result. Same error.13:34
tdnWhat to do?13:37
Graf_WesterholtDo not know.13:37
new2netGraf_Westerholt: K now that I have the alt/ ISO, can I just burn it to a DVD using K3b then boot from it (and hopefully install to a HD)?13:44
Graf_WesterholtYes. As ISO, not as file, of course :)13:45
new2netoh 696.4MB, its almost as if the developers knew I wouldn't be able to find a DVD13:56
new2netGraf_Westerholt: hopefully I see you on the other side. Thanks again14:00
mikohi there14:15
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mikoso how does this work?14:16
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natman:miko you just post questions or comments14:25
ArchangelSe7ennatman, he's gone14:27
sujith_hHi all, when I tried the broadcom driver from http://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php, I can see the wlan0 interface. But when I do "iwlist scan" it says, "wlan0     Interface doesn't support scanning : Network is down"14:27
natman::ArchangelSe7en oo thanks14:28
sujith_hMay I know what could be the reason for that? Because the broadcom driver (wl.ko) is successfully compiled and loaded.14:28
sujith_hI use kubuntu 11.0414:29
lcbhello fellows. Happy anniversary to everyone!14:47
lcbIt makes today exactly 1 year that in 2010 was the 15th day of May. Congratulations!14:49
ArchangelSe7enand what was in May 15 last year14:51
lcbexactly one year ago14:52
lcbaren't you happy?14:52
dan__Yes.  Indeed LCB>14:53
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dan_lI remember may 15 2010.14:53
lcbsee..... at least one person remembers today is an anniversary ;)14:54
ArchangelSe7enwasnt here a year ago , so I couldnt possibly remember14:55
lcbis kind of Christmas for most of ppl. everyday should be Christmas.14:55
lcbeveryday when i lok at the mirror i say: wow, today is exactly one year from last - and i still recognize myself :o14:57
lcbso that makes me happy14:57
kubu2lcb: thanks for the chuckles14:57
lcbjust to break some ices(s) :)14:58
lcbbeing too serious is not good, now a days...14:58
kubu2or sosdy14:58
BluesKajHowdy folks14:58
lcbhi BluesKaj, welcome. have a seat.14:59
kubu2BluesKaj: well good to know from lcb today is exactly a year ago14:59
lcbkubu2, yea14:59
* BluesKaj nods14:59
lcbBluesKaj, you can talk, not just facial expression :)15:00
lcbbtw, i just install Kubuntu... and i'm loving it15:00
BluesKajgee thanks ")15:00
lcbso congrats to the devs15:00
lcbthe "but..." will come in a while.15:01
kubu2did you do thae same last year on the same day? :)15:01
Graf_Westerholthehe lcb15:01
lcb(not Kubuntu falts - mi issues)15:01
lcbfaults, either15:02
lcbmy either ......... geez these anniversaries makes me confuse my nails15:02
lcb1st shot; is it possible to remove unity (besides un-checking everything on compiz settings) (because i think my graphics problems are caused from it)?15:05
BluesKajlcb, best to ask in #ubuntu15:06
lcbusing 11.04 since it started public (alpha stages) and i liked it and always understanding the glitches were normal on testing. but i believe is too long and about time now for major issues being corrected.15:07
lcbBluesKaj, i used to help ppl in there, until about a week ago... when i realized it were too much of a puzzle helping ppl fixing unfixeable things. :)15:09
lcband i feel very sorry how ubuntu went down (in public acceptance) with this nasty release.15:10
lcboops, natty15:10
lcbbtw, the core engine is great. only minor problems causing disasters15:11
new2netGraf_Westerholt:  the md5 matches (again). Ofcourse it failed... Here's what really gets me... the iso is correct, i burned it at 1x (and double checked the integrity)... Then when I use the "check this disk" option it fails. I'm looking at what else the problem could be and I'm thinking it's the Kubuntu developers.... someone missed something15:12
Graf_WesterholtI installed 11.04 without problems new2net15:13
BluesKajlcb , one can still help those with issues you can resolve for them , but this discussion should yake place in #kubuntu-offtopic , I can feel the offtopic cops breathing down my neck :)15:14
new2netGraf_Westerholt: hash collision?15:15
Graf_Westerholtnew2net, what do you mean with hash collision?15:16
new2neteven though the md5's match... maybe a collision :p u know collisions have been found in MD515:17
lcbBluesKaj, even today.? A Sunday??15:17
Graf_WesterholtI do not know. I have never checked the MD5.15:17
lcbBluesKaj, i agree. it was just a good moment intention.15:18
new2netGraf_Westerholt: it was a joke anyways... i'll give it another shot lol15:19
kurtulmy sound is scratchy. is it fixable?15:25
BluesKajkurtul, depends what you mean by scratchy , distorted , hissy , garbled clipping ...what ?15:26
kurtulBluesKaj: my voice is hearable. but theres a hissing sound louder than my voice.15:27
BluesKajkurtul, so your using a mic , open the terminal and check alsamixer mic inputs and  ctrls . especially the mic boost15:29
kurtulBluesKaj: i checked it throug mixer. i tried all different options in skype and audacity. how do you check in terminal?15:31
lcbkurtul, 'mute' all channels, leave only mic open, lower levels and see if you discover from what channel is that noise coming.15:32
BluesKajkurtul, type alsamixer in the terminal, then use the arrow keys to navigate and control the sliders15:34
joshua__hi, is the minimize button meant to be hidden in kubuntu 11.0415:35
joshua__the maximize and close buttons are there, just not the minimize one15:38
joshua__although its easier to minimize clicking on the task switcher anyway15:38
lcbkurtul, btw, when i said "lower levels" i mean don't overdue the levels. at times that causes what you have15:39
BluesKajjoshua__, could be a theme problem15:39
joshua__its a fresh install15:40
joshua__default theme15:40
joshua__all updates applied15:40
BluesKajjoshua__, try the plastik , it's not fancy but it's stable15:41
joshua__the screen resolution is 1024x600 but that shouldn't effect it15:41
joshua__oh i've sorted it15:43
joshua__configure buttons>default>apply15:43
lcbfirst time i opened kubuntu desktop i had this nice "big folder" with all items from desktop in it. /this might be a really novice question but indeed i'm starting with kubuntu) How can i have that back?15:43
joshua__@lbc: add widgets>folder view15:44
BluesKajjoshua__, I should have mentioned windows decoration in workspace appearance15:44
lcbjoshua__, thanks a lot. i'm playing with it. let's see ... :)15:45
BluesKajlcb , folderview ?15:45
joshua__@lbc: configure it (spanner) to 'show the desktop folder'15:46
* BluesKaj is slow on the KB15:46
lcbBluesKaj, probably. this is the 4th or 6th time i opening the environment. i didn't have enough time yet to discover the tricks.15:46
* lcb is slow too ("no worries... be happy")15:47
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lcbKnown_problems, name it, pls. hi16:03
BluesKajlcb, it's best to bring up a problem when you ncounter it , not knowing what your HW is makes it difficult to isy known probems16:10
lcbBluesKaj, sorry, i didin't get it.. regarding what?16:12
BluesKaj<lcb> Known_problems, name it, pls16:12
BluesKajlcb, I assumed you wanted someone to list known problems16:13
gionny123Hi I have a problem with bluetooth16:13
lcbahh.... that was a salut for the nick <Known_problems>, after entering the room :)16:13
lcbokok, i'm going to vest the serious suit16:15
new2netheh lcb still having trouble?16:15
lcbnot yet new2net16:15
BluesKajlcb, ok , I have joins7parts turned off16:15
lcbthanks for asking though :)16:15
lcbBluesKaj, it's ok... :)16:16
new2netno problem, do you know if I have to piss blood to get kubuntu 11.03 to install?16:16
ArchangelSe7enI like this channel more than Ubuntu's16:17
lcbnew2net, some issues with the release. it depends the machine / hardware. in fact most problems derivate from xorg, being a bit nasty accepting some cards16:17
lcbArchangelSe7en, nice to know that. that makes us 216:17
BluesKajnew2net, livecd ?16:18
ArchangelSe7enI'ma add it to my autojoin16:18
new2netwell... I'm running it now, off a DVD... It displays just fine, infact if it didn't look this nice I'd go elsewhere16:18
lcbusually on a non too formal posture from ppl around makes things easier.16:19
BluesKajlc there is no xorg anymore unless you generated one yourself16:19
lcbArchangelSe7en < @ ArchangelSe7en16:19
BluesKajnew2net, so what happens when you try to install16:20
new2netBluesKaj: I/O error. "The CD/USB (tried both) is bunk-- blah blah... try getting some CD cleaner etc"16:21
gionny123Hi I have a problem with bluetooth16:22
BluesKajnew2net, is your pc brand new or more than 5yrs old ?16:22
new2netBluesKaj: fairly new, built it myself 3 months ago. i just dont see how I could have missed anything... I went through everything at least twice.16:23
BluesKaj!alternate | new2net16:23
ubottunew2net: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Kubuntu download page - See also !minimal16:23
new2nettried it16:23
BluesKajnew2net, tried any other distros ?16:25
new2netyeah, BT4 r1, r2 Ubuntu, obsd, CentOS they all work. To be fair, obsd was more trouble than this.16:26
new2neta lot more trouble. stay away from it16:27
BluesKajopenbsd is a pita , tried it myself , wasn't impressed16:28
new2netBluesKaj: can I get ubuntu and apt-get install kde-desktop?  is that even close to the same thing as kubuntu16:32
BluesKajkubuntu-desktop is wht you need, new2net16:33
WaltzingAlong!info kubuntu-desktop | new2net16:36
ubottunew2net: kubuntu-desktop (source: kubuntu-meta): Kubuntu Plasma Desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.205 (maverick), package size 27 kB, installed size 56 kB16:37
BluesKajnew2net, kubuntu-desktop installs all the default kde apps,dependoing on your repos16:37
lcbBluesKaj, i don't need to do it but just by curiosity; if someone do 'dpkg-reconfigure kubuntu-desktop' it would help fix things on the interface and kubuntu defaults?16:37
c2tarunhmmmm... new2net I am sorry but my konversation is highlighting itself to every message you are receiving :( why so?16:37
lcbc2tarun,check on your irc client the highlighted text section16:38
BluesKajnew2net,, i doubt it16:39
c2taruncrap it included the word new and it was highlighting then :( sorry to disturbe16:39
new2netBluesKaj: how'd you know I was going to ask a stupid question :p16:39
new2netabout sugar on a stick*16:39
BluesKajnew2net, not sure , I would just reinstall kubuntu-desktop16:40
BluesKajnew2net, are you having trouble with apt-get "16:42
new2netno.. having trouble getting from a live CD to my harddrive16:43
jmutanyone tried this addone to fix flash?  https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/flash-aid/16:43
BluesKajtell me how you attempted to install kubuntu , new2net ?16:44
BluesKajjmut, install kubuntu-restricted-extras . it contains flash, java and most required multimedia codecs and plugins16:46
new2netk. I boot up into Windows 7 get the ISO 10.04 LTS (kubuntu-10.04.2-desktop-i386.iso), check the MD5 and then used Universal USB installer. Pop it into my other machine and boot from the USB then click install and it says "One or more of the files on this usb is fuukd, maybe you burned it too fast, or your machine is overheating".  I figured since I was already using the USB (which boots up fine) I'd get the alt version and give it another shot with a DVD,16:49
new2net same thing happened.16:49
Graf_WesterholtI just installed alternate.16:52
Graf_WesterholtBut did not boot. :( something about video mode not set.16:52
BluesKajhmm , have you tried another disc in the target pc cdrom to make sure it's reading and writing properly16:52
new2netoh yeah I have :) it works16:53
BluesKajnew2net, the alt version needs an internet connection, afaik16:54
new2netok going to give the alt version 1 more shot16:55
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BluesKajhmmm, seems I'm wrong the alternate does not require an internet connection16:57
BluesKajnew2net, ^16:58
BluesKajwow , I'd better brush up on kubuntu distros17:00
=== RonnocCain is now known as ronnoc
kaddihi, I borked an arch install (supposed to be in parallel with ubuntu) and am trying to recover access to my ubuntu install. It's still grub and I get error 17 even after trying to reinstall grub onto the hard drive17:39
DarthFrog!grub2 | kaddi17:44
ubottukaddi: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)17:44
DarthFrogkaddi:  If that GRUB restoration procedure doesn't work for you, you might find it easiest to boot from a LiveCD, backup your home directory and then do a fresh install.17:46
kaddii've got 4 separate OS installed on the laptop at the moment.. :p I'd rather not redo it all ;) But I'll go through the guide once more17:48
kaddiby default does ubuntu install grub to the MBR or onto the partition?17:48
DarthFrogMBR, unless you specify a partition.17:49
kaddiahhh.. that may be the problem then. The guide says to install onto a partition17:49
DarthFrogAlso, you might check your BIOS setting to make sure that it's trying to boot from the right disk, if you have more than one.17:49
OerHeksi believe the max is 4 primairy partitions.17:51
kaddiI only have one17:52
kaddiand yeah, installing to the mbr fixed it17:52
OerHekssure ? <kaddi> i've got 4 separate OS installed on the laptop at the moment..17:52
=== skfin is now known as skFIN
kaddiyeh, linux doesn't need a primary partition, you can install it onto extended partition, iirc?17:52
bonbonwhere did you install 4 different os to?17:52
bonbonthe same partition?17:53
kurtulBluesKaj: i tried alsamixer after your advice. mic creates hissy sound. mic boost and digital doesn't effect anything. only capture does. it turns the mic on and off.  and when it's off hissing noise disappeares too.17:53
kaddi2 windows to primary partitions, ubuntu on an extended partition and archlinux onto an extended partition17:53
kaddinope, bonbon, the same hard drive but different partitions17:53
bonbonhow about the anonymity manager17:55
dniMretsaMhi peeps17:56
BluesKajwell, kurtul, looks like the mic or the mic input is the prob...to make sure try it on a diifferent pc17:57
kurtulBluesKaj: it's notebook's internal mic. do you think it's a hardware problem? if i plug in an external mic, would it work?17:59
BluesKajkurtul, yes it should18:00
kurtulBluesKaj: thanks18:00
LinkmasterI'm having a difficulty with upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04. I was at school when the new release came out, and the internet connection there is terrible at best, and I didnt' particularly want to go through the upgrade process to have it fail, so I decided to wait until I came home for my good connection. The problem is, I can't upgrade now. I tried 'do-release-upgrade' from Konsole, and it says there is no upgrade, I've18:02
Linkmastertried using KPackageKit, and I've wanted to upgrade to 11.04 for awhile now, but I can't find it at the moment18:02
DarthFrogLinkmaster: Are you running Lucid?18:03
LinkmasterDarthFrog: I'm running Maverick18:03
DarthFrogI can't remember where it's set, but there is a setting that shows updates for LTS only.  You might have that enabled.18:05
BluesKajLinkmaster, lsb_release -a  to make sure18:05
LinkmasterYeah that showed me using 10.10. I know I'm using 10.10, since I installed from a CD that has it on it. But I don't know how to make it go to 11.0418:06
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LinkmasterAnd my settings is set to 'normal releases' rather then 'long-term support only releases', so I know it _should_ be mentioning about 11.0418:07
kaddianyone happen to know where the arch-support channel is?18:08
ArchangelSe7en/J #archlinux18:09
LinkmasterI'll be back later, BluesKaj DarthFrog if you guys find anything, send it to me in a message so that I can view it later18:10
BluesKajLinkmaster, have you tried sudo dist-upgrade to get all the kde updates?18:11
bonbonanyone help with running the anonymity manger?18:14
bonbonwhy can i not connetc to the tor server?18:15
DarthFrogYour ISP might be blocking it.18:16
DarthFrogDo a traceroute.18:16
bonbonthe firewall?18:16
bonbonhow do i find out?18:17
BluesKajDarthFrog, that's an odd situation that link has , never heard of it ...would having the cdrom deb repos enabled cause that ?18:17
DarthFrogBluesKaj: ??18:17
BluesKajthat he can't upgrade18:18
DarthFrogbonbon: As I said, do a traceroute.18:18
bonbonon the tor server?18:18
DarthFrogBluesKaj: Agreed.  It's very odd.18:18
DarthFrogbonbon: Yes.18:18
bonbonwhere do i find the tor server number?18:19
DarthFrogbonbon: try this command:  "man dig".18:19
DarthFrogAnd you don't need the server IP, the FQDN will do.18:20
DarthFrogThat's what DNS is for.18:20
BluesKajbonbon, run traceroute with the server URL , you should get a list of nodes and IPs , the last IP in brackests will probly be the one18:21
DarthFrogYou could also install mtr and use that instead, for a GUI with realtime updating.18:23
bonboni ve run a traceroute on the address that comes up in the manager18:23
bonboni dont get any different ip from the initial18:24
DarthFrogAnd can you get a packet all the way there?18:24
bonbonhow do i find out if i can18:25
bonbonand what do i write on the manual page on the trminal?18:25
DarthFrogWhat is the name of the tor server?18:26
DarthFrogThere's your problem right there. :-)18:27
bonbonwhat do i do about it/18:28
DarthFrogThat's your machine!  Not a machine on the net.18:29
DarthFrogYou find out the real name of the server you want and use that.  Not which is your localhost.18:30
bonbondoes that mean i get remote access to a tor that is already running?18:32
bonbonhow do i create a local manager?18:33
BluesKajmtr does nothing here ..it just sits there when trying an url or ip18:33
DarthFrogbonbon: No idea.  I know nothing about tor.18:33
DarthFrogBluesKaj: Really?18:33
ubuntuhow to update grub in kubuntu18:52
WaltzingAlongubuntu: the package or the menu?18:53
ubuntuactually m hvng sum prblm wid my system18:53
ubuntuits showing file system error grub recue18:54
WaltzingAlongapt-get update; apt-get install grub ? or grub-pc18:54
WaltzingAlongah, any changes to your system as of late? system shared with win7?18:54
BluesKajsudo update-grub18:55
ubuntuwhere should i run this18:55
ubuntui mean i dont knw about kubuntu18:55
ubuntuits showing me error18:56
ubuntu/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?).18:56
BluesKaj!grub | ubuntu19:01
ubottuubuntu: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)19:01
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WaltzingAlongand to prevent win7 from messing with the mbr?19:02
BluesKaja good policy is always install any windows OS first then the Linux19:04
DarthFrogOr install Windows on a second drive and use the BIOS boot order to switch between them.19:09
Axlinhey guys, i have a quick question. i have the widget dashboard enabled in kde 4.6 and would like to set it up so that clicking on empty space closes the dashboard so that i don't have to hit the keyboard shortcut or the close button each time. i can't find the settings for this. anybody know where i should look?19:28
qnchi, i just did a clean instlal of 11.04 on top of a 10.10 ubunu install. the /home parition was separate, so only root was formated. now i can't log in to my old account from kdm (it just shows a white rectangle and then logs back ou), but i can log in with a new account. there is a dbus error in /var/log/kdm.log when i try to log in with the old account. any ideas?19:36
qncthis is the error in kdm.log: http://pastebin.com/NTmDk4FL19:39
varanushi everyone, i have kubuntu 10.10 and i'm trying to blacklist a wireless driver but on every restart the blacklist-wlan.conf file i have created doesn't exist with the result of not working what i'm trying to do. Why the system is deleting the file created?19:42
peace2_varanus: locate blacklist19:45
peace2_varanus: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf19:47
varanuspeace2_: i have inserted the following line blacklist rt2800pci in the blacklist.conf file but every time i restart the pc that line is being canceled19:51
peace2_varanus: mm that is not possibile19:51
varanusbecause i hard reset19:52
peace2_varanus: could you try with19:53
peace2_kdesudo dolphin  /etc/modprobe.d/19:53
peace2_and then right button on the blacklist.conf19:53
peace2_and remove write permission on that ?19:53
peace2_even for the user19:54
peace2_who owns that file?19:54
varanusit's me19:54
peace2_varanus: sudo chattr +i  PATH/TO/FILE19:56
peace2_varanus: -i  if you wish go back19:56
peace2_varanus: i have to go19:57
varanusPasNox: ty anyway19:57
varanusi'm gonna try it19:57
varanuspeace2_: ty anyway19:57
qnchi, i just did a clean instlal of 11.04 on top of a 10.10 ubunu install. the /home parition was separate, so only root was formated. now i can't log in to my old account from kdm (it just shows a white rectangle and then logs back ou), but i can log in with a new account. there is a dbus error in /var/log/kdm.log when i try to log in with the old account. any ideas?20:04
qncthis is the error in kdm.log: http://pastebin.com/NTmDk4FL20:04
SIR_Tacoqnc: so, you freshly installed 11.04, but kept your /home partition?20:05
DarthFrogqnc: Try moving the KDE directory in your home partition to another location, eg. "mv ~/.kde ~/.kde.saved" and try again.20:06
qncSIR_Taco: correct, but i didn't have a ~/.kde directory before because i was using gnome20:07
qnceither way, i tried deleting .kde20:07
qncthat didn't help20:07
qnci've been going through all the config dirs but so far nothing has worked20:07
SIR_Tacoqnc: ok.... and you created a user of the same name as before?20:07
qncSIR_Taco: yeah, the same name20:08
SIR_Tacoqnc: was your /home directory encrypted in 10.10?20:08
qnci followed the same procedure i always do when upgrading20:08
qncexcept now it's ubuntu -> kubuntu not ubuntu -> ubuntu20:08
qnc no encryption anywhere20:08
qncoh, and i'm using intel onboard graphics20:09
qncno proprietary drivers or anything like that20:09
Graf_WesterholtWhat about permissions?20:10
qncGraf_Westerholt: that could be it, that's why i've been deleting config files so that they're recreated with the right permissions20:11
qncbut i have no idea what i'm looking for20:11
Graf_WesterholtMaybe your new account have no permission to write to your home directory.20:12
SIR_Tacoqnc: someone correct me if I'm wrong... but you could technically remove all . files and directories and they would be recreated... no?20:12
SIR_TacoGraf_Westerholt: that's a good point20:12
qncyeah, but i'm instead going through one-by-one because i'd like to know what's creating the issue, ffr20:13
qncif i can't figure it out, then i'll just nuke them all20:13
SIR_Tacowell... you can do: "cd /home" and then "sudo chown -R username userdir/" and "sudo chgrp -R username userdir/"20:14
SIR_Tacoworth a shot anyway20:15
qncit's ok, i just got it to work20:15
SIR_Tacoqnc: what was the problem?20:16
qncnot sure, but i think it was in ~/.config20:16
SIR_Tacoah ok20:16
qnci'm gonna move it back and see if the issue comes back20:16
qncno, seems ok20:20
qncin any case, thanks for the help20:20
SIR_Tacoqnc: odd haha20:20
nautican someone pls help me: i changed the path to my homefolder in usersettings. After reboot and login on the splash screen i get a black screen and return to the splash screen. I tried to change back the path to the original one but could not find out how to edit the path in the terminal.20:22
SIR_Taconauti: in terminal what does "echo $HOME" display? the correct one, or the other?20:23
nautiSIR_Taco: the new path i changed it to - so the wrong one20:25
SIR_Taconauti: "sudo usermod -d /path/to/new/homedir/ username"20:26
LinkmasterBluesKaj: Yes, I had done the 'dist-upgrade' as well, and it gave nothing21:03
LinkmasterI'm having issues upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04. I'm not getting anything allowing me to do so21:06
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: you can't do "sudo do-release-upgrade" ?21:07
Linkmastertried tht21:07
LinkmasterI also tried KPackageKit, as well as Konsole21:07
SIR_Tacowhat's it say?21:07
LinkmasterIt says there are no new releases21:07
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: how about "sudo do-release-upgrade -d"?21:08
vbgunzI just installed 11.04 with an encrypted /home directory. This is the only change ever made on this hardware and not hibernate doesn't work correctly. I found some old stuff saying hibernate didn't work with encryption **but** is that really still the case? do I have to unencrypt my swap?21:08
LinkmasterNever heard of it..let me try21:08
BluesKajLinkmaster, check in kpackage kit that the cdrom repos is not enabled21:08
LinkmasterThe code that SIR_Taco gave me is giving me stuff21:09
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: "-d" option is for development releases (usually the .10 series), but it is possible your system still thinks  11.04 is a future release21:09
=== Butterfly is now known as Guest89624
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: should upgrade fine now21:10
LinkmasterPossibly..not sure. I'm running new everything except the OS. I have KDE4.6.2, as well as new stuff for other things. I don't know though21:10
BluesKajLinkmaster, that means you still havent got a full official of your present OS21:10
LinkmasterYep, its working, thank you very much..and full official?21:10
BluesKajreleast of 10.10 that is21:11
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: you're welcome, and yes it will be full 11.0421:11
BluesKajthen do-release-upgrade will bring you to 11.0421:11
SIR_Tacovbgunz: you saying hibernate doesn't work for you? or that you heard that hibernate doesn't work?21:12
LinkmasterI'm not sure what full official means. But its all good, and I'll just reset my custom stuffz, and be happy21:12
BluesKajSIR_Taco, I don't think he had the fianl release of 10.10 in the fist place21:12
BluesKajLinkmaster, I think you'll find once it's done you're still on 10.1021:13
tdnHow do I change the color of scrollbars in the colortheme? I have this now: http://i.imgur.com/PGd5g.png    there is almost no contrast, so I cannot always see the thing to drag in the scroll bar.21:14
vbgunzhibernation using kubuntu on this exact hardware always worked. the only difference as of late was a reinstall and an encrypted /home directory. now, I can go into hibernation *but* never resume. I come up as if I didn't hibernate21:15
SIR_Tacoanyone know anything about hibernate? I never use it unfortunately (I've always had problems with my hardware and hibernate)21:15
vbgunzI'm googling but I am finding older articles on (hibernation, encryption and swap)... this might still be the case *but* I don't know for sure and don't want to unencrypt my swap (if it's encrypted) unless it truly is breaking hibernation21:15
vbgunzI need hibernation21:15
FloodBotK1vbgunz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:15
tdnvbgunz, do you use luks or ecryptfs?21:16
vbgunznot sure, I basically chose the encryption option from the installation options from the install dvd.21:17
SIR_TacoBluesKaj: that's what I was thinking, but atleast he'll be at 11.04 now21:17
BluesKajSIR_Taco, yup21:18
SIR_Tacotdn: it would be encryptfs then21:18
SIR_Tacohey Snowhog21:20
vbgunzIf I had known that encrypting my /home was going to break hibernation I don't think I would have done it :/ I hibernate maybe 2-3 times a day21:20
SIR_Tacovbgunz: there is a similar thread on kubuntuforums.net... : http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=311687821:21
SIR_Tacomight be useful21:21
tdnvbgunz, I have similar problems on ecryptfs on lubuntu. I am not sure why it happens. But afair it works with luks. This is what I use most, but I almost never hibernate on that laptop. Also, please note that you defeat some of the purpose of encryption if you hibernate.21:24
vbgunztdn: yeah, it makes sense but not something I thought about when choosing to encrypt. I personally hibernate a lot during a day to dual boot and it's pretty important to me. If I had known, I'd probably would have made a different choice. now I feel stuck on the matter21:27
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SIR_Tacovbgunz: if encryption isn't very important, you can remove it: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=117905521:28
vbgunzthanks SIR_Taco21:29
guesxxxHas the Kubuntu interface been changed for 11.04?21:29
SIR_Tacovbgunz: you're welcome21:29
SIR_Tacoguesxxx: still same old KDE4, just a little slicker and quicker21:30
guesxxxSIR_Taco I have a top panel and whole screen has animated icons. Last time i checked it had a bottom panel. I am using it on Lenovo ideapad s10e netbook. Thanks21:31
SIR_Tacoguesxxx: have you tried the "netbook" workspace?21:32
guesxxxSIR_Taco I booted up the live USB.21:34
SIR_Tacoguesxxx: if you go to System Settings -> Workspace Behaviour -> Workspace -> and switch workspace type21:35
dacI forgot howgo to another channel21:37
guesxxxSIR_Taco Thank you. Netbook screen really confused me.21:37
dacrequest help...21:38
SIR_Tacoguesxxx: sorry... just figured I would show you the other option.... but you can always add bars and what not to the normal KDE layout21:38
SIR_Tacodac: /join #whatever21:39
Snowhogdac: type /j #ubuntu21:39
dacokay thank you...21:39
guesxxxIs Kubuntu lighter than Ubuntu? My 1Gb netbook can't handle Unity. I have been lately running Lubuntu which is great but miss asthetics.21:39
SIR_Tacoguesxxx: I haven't tried Gnome in over a decade... so I really couldn't tell you for sure. If you turn off the desktop effects and fancy things, you should be more than fine21:42
guesxxxThank You SIR_Taco. I am going to try it for a day or two with USB. It is running fine so far.21:44
Axlinguesxxx: it's heavier. but it also includes more bells & whistles. but yeah, without kwin (desktop effects), it will perform much smoother21:44
SIR_Tacoguesxxx: that's the best way to do it. Try it out and see if it works for you. Just remember that it wont be quite as 'snappy' running from the USB drive as it would normally21:46
guesxxxAxlin I guess desktop effects are not enable right now. Will i be able to use widgets without Kwin? SIR_Taco i might just install it and try, i can always go back to Lubuntu. Lenovo has a wierd fan in this netbook which runs all the time even at 45 degrees which is a little annoying.21:48
Axlinguesxxx: yeah, you should be able to. they're separate from each other21:49
SIR_Tacoguesxxx: actually installing it, if you have the time, will give you the full experience to make the decision21:50
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tdnvbgunz, you should consider using luks instead. I think it is safe even when hibernating.21:51
tdnvbgunz, also, it is a lot easier in a lot of ways. It is completely transparent.21:51
tdnvbgunz, you just need to install from the "alternative" cd instead of the normal one. But it is easy to set up. Just select it in the installer.21:52
vbgunztdn, I might just do that21:54
guesxxxThanks i am going to give full installation a try.21:54
vbgunzI'll look into it and if it works out, I'll remember and shout ya out for it21:54
MrGizmo757dose anybody in here know anything about openSUSE? i am having issues and i couldn't get anybody in the suse channel to help Me22:37
ArchangelSe7enwhats the issue MrGizmo757 ?22:38
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Thrikanyone know the repository for the paid apps in the ubuntu software center? the listing doesn't come up for me on the app.22:47
ScorpKinghi guys. i've upgraded to 11.04 and now vlc copies avi files to my local computer instead of opening it straight from samba shares. it is a problem that existed in 10.04 iirc but in 10.10 it worked fine when i opened files directly from network shares. any ideas?22:49
MK``may have been a regression :(22:51
ScorpKingalso, setting vlc %U in system settings should apparently work but it doesn't22:54
ScorpKinghmm.. maybe i should ask the question in a different way. does anyone know how to make vlc use kio slaves in 11.04?22:56
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SIR_TacoScorpKing: maybe this will help (haven't exactly read through it all, but seems possible)? http://www.jfdesignnet.com/?p=128123:04
ScorpKingthanks SIR_Taco, i'll have a look23:04
ScorpKingSIR_Taco: just what i needed, thanks again :)23:07
SIR_TacoScorpKing: you're welcome :)23:07
SIR_Tacohello pate23:12
pateI'm having trouble compiling with g++23:12
SIR_Tacopate: what kind of problem?23:12
pateI'm supposed to compile with the option -m32 so it wouldn't use the 64-bit libraries23:13
patebut it seems as if it's still not using the 32 ones23:13
pateI even tried to fix the symbolic link - a trick I pretty much copy pasted from a site23:14
SIR_Tacopate: do you have the 32-bit devel files installed for the libraries you're using?23:14
SIR_Tacoheaders, etc...23:14
pateand the multilib files also23:15
patethat was mentioned on one forum23:15
SIR_Tacopate: do you get a compile error? or it just wont run on 32-bit?23:17
pateI get a warning23:17
SIR_Tacopate: what warning? and does it still compile after the warning?23:18
patethat "format '%d' expects type 'int', but argument 2 has type 'long unsigned int'"23:18
pateit does23:19
SIR_Tacoit does compile? does it run on 64 and 32 bit?23:19
pate32 bit23:19
patethe comp is 64, but linux is 3223:19
SIR_Tacopate: but it compiles and runs on both... successfully?23:20
ooki2daywhat is iBus?23:20
SIR_Tacopate: I mean... it warns you about a type problem... but when it's finished comipling, will the program run?23:21
pateit results in an error, and I'm trying to narrow it down by trying to take care of that warning23:21
SIR_Tacoooki2day: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intelligent_Input_Bus23:21
SIR_Tacopate: ok23:22
SIR_Tacopate: but it fails to run on 64 and 32-bit? (just trying to narrow down whether it's a code problem or a library problem)23:22
pateI mean my processor is 64, but the linux dist is 32-bit23:23
SIR_Tacopate: ah ok23:23
pateSIR_Taco: I guess the processor shouldn't matter in this case?23:23
SIR_Tacopate: no, it doesnt23:23
patethe error implies something about glibc23:26
SIR_Tacopate: not sure what you're trying to do... but it seems you're trying to display a long as an integer.... perhaps you need to convert your long to an int, or just keep it a long23:26
pateand that invalid pointer at some address23:26
pateI've heard that's a compiler problem - that it tries to do that for the 64-bit23:27
Snowhogpate: OS (kernel) can't exceed capability of CPU, and compiled apps can't exceed capability of the OS. So, you can't install a 64-bit OS on a 32-bit CPU, and you can't compile a 64-bit application in a 32-bit OS if I understand it correctly.23:27
patebut that could be fixed by using the -m32 switch.23:27
patebut I get the same warnings either way23:27
SIR_Tacopate: but you shouldn't have that problem with your OS bein 32bit23:27
SIR_TacoSnowhog: pate has a 32-bit OS on a 64-bit processor....23:28
pateso I could add another 32-bit OS.. ;)23:28
SnowhogSIR_Taco: That I got. But, if pate is trying to compile a 64-bit app, she needs to have a 64-bit kernel running, yes?23:28
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SIR_TacoSnowhog: oh well yes, but that's not what I got out of the conversation.... compiling with -m32 suggests it's being compiled for 32-bit23:30
pateSIR_Taco: yes23:30
SIR_Tacoand compiling with -m32 on a 32-bit OS, is a little redundant....23:30
pateSnowhog: the app should exclusively be compiled as 32-bit23:30
pateSIR_Taco: I'd assume that too, but that was the best advice I found23:31
James147Snowhog: I dont think so... you should be able to compile (but not run) a 64bit program on a 32bi os23:31
James147Snowhog: same way you can compile (but not run) a program for arm cpus23:31
patebut why would it be the default, I don't know23:32
SIR_Tacopate: I really think you have a nasty type mismatch in your code somewhere... g++ doesn't give you a code line or function reference?23:32
James147pate: what problem are you having btw?23:32
pateSIR_Taco: it does23:32
SIR_Tacopate: no luck tracing it back?23:33
pateSIR_Taco: but that doesn't help me. its predefined somewhere I don't know.. I guess I should backtrace it23:33
patebecause the variables aren't defined in that file or function23:34
SIR_Tacopate: it looks like you're assigning a Long to an Int at some point.... which will/can break things23:34
Spaz_Dynamicwhen is the wine 1.3.20 package getting entered into the repo?23:38
pateI might've found something now..23:38
SIR_TacoSpaz_Dynamic: you can always just use the Wine beta repo, if you want to be bleeding-edge: http://www.winehq.org/download/ubuntu23:40
Spaz_DynamicSIR_Taco: I entered that already, thats how I got 1.3.1923:41
DarthFrogSpaz_Dynamic: Umm, you expect that Kubuntu will be more up to date than WineHQ itself is???23:41
SIR_TacoSpaz_Dynamic: well you can get the Debs here: http://dev.carbon-project.org/debian/wine-unstable/   .... but I really wouldn't recommned it23:42
Spaz_Dynamic#winehq reports that 1.3.20 is current, apt isn't showing any updates available23:42
SIR_Tacopate: what have you found?23:44
James147Spaz_Dynamic: you have run apt-get update right?23:44
Spaz_Dynamicthat should run when I tell it to update I would expect, but I ran it from konsole too just to make sure.23:46
pateSIR_Taco: not much after all23:50
patethese are the lines:23:50
pateprintf("Pagesize = %d\n"    , uslngPageSize )     ;23:50
pateprintf("Pagemask = 0x%X\n"  , uslngPageMask )     ;23:50
pateand this is the only bit predefining the variables :23:51
pateuslngPageSize = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE)    ;23:51
pateuslngPageMask = ( ~(uslngPageSize - 1) ) ;23:51
patethat's the most straight forward piece I've found, as I'm not that familiar with c++23:51
patethen there's lines like:23:52
pate    unprotect(FuncGetPage(reinterpret_cast <unsigned long> (voidptr_BackupForOriginalFunction)),uslngPageSize) ;23:52
pateBut my guess, is that that doesn't define the var-type of usIngPageSize - right?23:52
James147pate: what type is uslngPageSize? (I assume thats the line its erroring on)23:54
SIR_Tacopate: man... I'm a firefighter not a coder... lol.... but you could try casting doesn't seem to work... it complains about %d (I would assume for your "Pagesize" variable)23:54
SIR_Tacowow... that didn't make sense23:55
pateSIR_Taco: heh23:57
pateJames147: I can't find the lines defining its type23:57
multipassany gmail widgits?23:57
pateJames147: I'm starting to think it's a predefined linux env var or something23:58
SIR_Tacopate:  you can try casting your variable... if it works in your context... " printf("Pagesize = %d\n"    , int(uslngPageSize) ) ;"23:58
pateSIR_Taco: I'll try that23:58
SIR_Tacopate: it may cause undesirable results though... depending on what you're doing23:58
pateneh - it's only a computer23:59
James147pate: not likly23:59
pateno warnings23:59

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