
LPCIBotProject db-devel build #551: STILL FAILING in 5 hr 28 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/db-devel/551/01:27
lifelesswho comments on bug 4, really?02:23
_mup_Bug #4: Importing finished po doesn't change progressbar <lp-translations> <Launchpad itself:Fix Released by carlos> <Ubuntu:Invalid> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/4 >02:23
wgrantYeah :(02:27
lifelesshis only comment on lp03:02
lifelesspoor dude, going to be annoyed noone replies ...03:03
StevenKlifeless: Re https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/karma-store/+merge/60987 , I wasn't comfortable enough to self-review -- however, since you like the change, I'll do so and toss it at ec2.05:09
lifelessStevenK: cool05:44
StevenKAnd rabbit fails on ec2.09:20
* StevenK lp-land's the branch09:20
wgrantStevenK: We're in testfix.09:20
wgrantAlso because of rabbit.09:20
StevenKOh, for the love of!09:20
wgrantFailed twice on lucid_db_lp, I haven't bothered to try again.09:20
wgrantMay back it out tomorrow.09:21
wgrantIf lifeless doesn't kill me.09:21
StevenKPersonally, I think that's a wise decision -- it's broken on buildbot, ec2 and jenkins.09:22
* StevenK grumbles at lp-land09:22
StevenKStop adding [r=..] when the commit message already has them!09:22
* StevenK tries to figure out how to run bzr-pqm tests.09:41
lifelesswgrant: whats the fail ?10:01
nigelblaunchpad people --> YOU ALL ROCK :)10:01
nigelbI would have said this earlier, but my IRC wasn't very stable10:02
nigelbAwesome work on reducing timeouts and fixing bug subscriptions :)10:02
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wgrantlifeless: It fails to start, apparently.10:19
wgrantlifeless: See the last $FORGOTTEN failures.10:19
lifelesswgrant: possibly regressed10:19
lifelessbefore backing out, run the unit test layer - if that fails its reproducable10:19
lifeless[locally, I mean]10:20
lifelessif that works, its buildbot specific in most probability10:21
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wgrantlifeless: it breaks here.11:05
wgrantLet me try again, though.11:05
NCommandermorning all12:15
NCommanderwgrant: I did some work on LP on my flight ot the US, but I'm a bit confused which API is the current perfered one for creating packages (12:15
wgrantNCommander: "packages"? "creating"?12:16
NCommanderwgrant: fake packages via the testing API12:17
wgrantWhat kind of packages? For what purpose?12:18
NCommanderwgrant: for the archive any/all skew12:18
wgrantNCommander: Source? Binary?12:26
NCommanderwgrant: both, but I have only gotten as far as source12:30
NCommandermy code is currently using makeSourcePackagePublishingHistory from the factory and setting the status directly to published.12:30
wgrantNCommander: I'm not sure that setting dsc_binaries will do anything at all, but that looks reasonable so far.12:32
NCommanderwgrant: yeah, I'm just finding it a bit hard to figure this out, most of the test cases use the older Soyuz testing code it seems, and I'm coming up short on finding documentation :-/12:32
wgrantYou really need to know how our model is structured. Do you know it?12:33
NCommanderwgrant: to an extent, but there are significant gaps in places. I didn't see a useful diagram on the wiki when I looked12:33
wgrantYou shouldn't have to go near PackageUpload*12:35
NCommanderI agree I should be able to avoid going near PackageUpload (I just need to create some dummy packages via the testing API). The trick I haven't figure is how to run the publisher. I'd like to avoid it if ipossible, but since we'r edealing with a corner case that needs to be processed when a package is superseded, I think its needed for the test case12:37
wgrantYou probably should run the publisher's full domination step, yes.12:37
wgrantGrep for B_dominate12:37
wgrantDon't bother with the other steps.12:38
wgrantStep A is just setting everything to Published, C is index generation, D is Release generation.12:38
wgrantSo only B is relevant to you.12:38
NCommanderRight. that will caused packages to go from PENDING->PUBLISHED, and the previous published packages to go to SUPERSEDED, right?12:39
wgrantA does PENDING->PUBLISHED.12:39
wgrantA also writes the package files to disk, so you want to avoid it if possible.12:39
NCommanderso for a brief peroid, both the old package, and the new package are published12:40
wgrantThat's right.12:40
wgrantIt is rather odd.12:40
NCommanderOk, so then I can just create the new binaries with SUPERSEDED12:40
wgrantPUBLISHED, you mean?12:40
NCommanderI was under the impression things would break if I had multiple packages set in the PUBLISHED state12:40
NCommandersorry, my caffiene level is only starting to reach critical mass12:40
wgrantStuff shouldn't break.12:40
wgrantAre you also jetlagged?12:41
wgrantI presume so.12:41
NCommanderwgrant: I'm still in transit12:41
wgrantThat is unfortunate.12:41
* NCommander had a 22 hour layover in NYC12:41
NCommanderI'm now on my way to SFO, then another hop to PDX12:41
wgrant22h domestic layover‽12:42
NCommanderDropped in to see my mom12:42
wgrantAh, I see.12:42
* NCommander writes the fake binary bit12:43
NCommanderwgrant: it seems to me that BPPHs are not (directly) linked to their SPPH. As such, I'm confused on how LP tied source and binaries together13:08
wgrantNCommander: Yeah, they're not directly linked because they can be overridden etc. separately.13:09
wgrantNCommander: So it goes through the BPB and SPR.13:09
wgrantAnd finds publications in the same series and archive at the other end.13:10
NCommanderwgrant: makes sense in an odd sorta way. Reading on that page you linked me and a few comments, I get the impression SUPERSEDED packages are still published until they are removed (either by archive admin or automated processes)13:12
wgrantNCommander: They are removed from the indices immediately. The files are not removed until they are unreferenced and process-death-row is run.13:13
wgrantNCommander: The indices are generation from all publications with status PUBLISHED.13:13
NCommanderAh. and the difference between SUPERSEDED and PUBLISHED becomes clear13:13
* NCommander vaguely wonders if we need a SUPERSEDED_BUT_STILL_PUBLISHED state :-)13:13
* NCommander ducks13:13
wgrantThere is some argument that we should include superseded packages in the indices until they are removed.13:14
wgrantThat is easy to do, and possibly beneficial for a couple of reasons.13:14
wgrantBut it would require much thought.13:14
NCommanderplus it makes this trivial to solve13:14
wgrantWell, not trivial.13:14
NCommanderwell, mor estraightforward13:14
wgrantBut much easier: you just have to prevent judgeSuperseded from setting scheduleddeletiondate for the binaries that you want to keep.13:14
NCommanderwgrant: ugh, I just realized that since I need to make BPBs to tie my sources together, I also need to desginate the arch-all architecture. I didn't see an obvious way to do that (or will it magicially get set to 'i386')13:17
wgrantNCommander: Are you calling makeDistroArchSeries manually?13:18
StevenKNCommander: distroseries.nominatedarchindep =13:18
wgrantWhat StevenK said.13:18
StevenKIf you aren't making a distroseries, you can fetch it by distroarchseries.distroseries13:19
NCommanderUnauthorized: (<DistroSeries u'lucid'>, 'nominatedarchindep', 'launchpad.Moderate')13:22
NCommanderSomething tells me I can't just set that property directly13:22
wgrantAh. Use removeSecurityProxy13:23
StevenKI've been able to in tests ...13:35
wgrantStevenK: In ZopelessLayer, maybe.13:35
StevenKAh, yes13:48
StevenKNCommander: The other thing you can do is fetch the admin from IPersonSet and run that as the admin13:49
NCommanderStevenK: is there a preference in test cases?13:49
StevenKNCommander: I personally prefer logging in as a admin, since I find removeSecurityProxy distateful, but not really -- as you see fit -- but your reviewer might prefer you don't use it.14:42
NCommanderStevenK, wgrant: as a thought, can we trust the depends field in a BPR on a way to determine if a package is skewed? it would also pave the way to keep development releases in an always installable state ...14:51
StevenKNCommander: Now that I've thought about it -- why?15:04
StevenKNCommander: And I think it's dangerous -- think about the case of a transition. If we can't remove the binaries of a package since it would make the archive uninstallable, how are we able to proceed?15:05
NCommanderStevenK: it was an idea that simply occured to me since I've always liked the 'always-installable' aspect of Debian testing. As for transitions, we don't remove NBS'ed binaries until the transition is complete anyway15:06
StevenKNCommander: No, but we have the option to.15:08
StevenKNCommander: However, yes, the BPR.depends field is to be trusted.15:08
NCommanderWhat's the proper way to get self.logger to exist? A lot of tests use it, but I don't see an obvious way to make it be defined16:01
* NCommander feels that STP sets up a lot of this ...16:02
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cjohnstonjml: bug 255024 - if you remember we talked about that.. I've pushed a fix and just wanted to get your opinion.. And I'll take anyone elses opinion as well20:39
_mup_Bug #255024: "Participation essential" is "Required" when subscribing <lp-blueprints> <trivial> <ui> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/255024 >20:39
maxbHrm. What could cause a commented bug not to appear in a user's commented bugs page?20:52
maxbCase in point is the spam comment in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/radeontool/+bug/60153920:53
_mup_Bug #601539: Please sync radeontool 1.6.1-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main). <workflow> <radeontool (Ubuntu):Fix Released> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/601539 >20:53
lifelesswgrant: hi21:23
lifelesswgrant: interesting21:23
cjohnstonhey lifeless21:24
lifelessmaxb: wow, I'm blind now :)21:24
lifelesscjohnston: hi21:26
lifelessmaxb: if message.owner is not them, though that would on the face of it not make much sense21:27
lifelessor their message index is nonzero21:27
lifelessthere is a denormalised field in there21:28
lifelesswgrant: rabbit test passes for me (but I haven't merged up with trunk yet)22:56
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lifelesswgrant: who should get ppa build notifications (see bug 782924)23:41
_mup_Bug #782924: Send e-mail notification when PPA builds are finished <Launchpad itself:Incomplete> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/782924 >23:42

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