
xnixanmorning Haden03:06
* nlsthzn waves07:08
bassemgooooog morning!07:28
nlsthznbassem: morning07:30
bassemnlsthzn, thanl you07:31
rverripsHey Bassem and Haden ... And Xnixan10:08
bassemhi rverrips10:08
rverripsAnything exciting happen in the past few weeks while I was away?10:08
rverripsSO sorry I couldn't make the meetup .. You guys attend?10:08
xnixanrverrips, hi :)10:26
rverripsHi Xnixan - Where you at the last meetup - May 5th I think it was?10:29
Hadenhey xNIXAN..15:00
Hadenhey bassem..15:01
bassemHaden, you still alive?15:01
Hadenbassem.. surprisingly , yes ;)15:01
bassemHaden, ok, good for you15:02
Hadenbassem,  How are things down here..?15:05
bassemHaden, not very bad15:06
Hadenbassem, I had sent a mail to the Ubuntu-ae launchpad guy as well as the mailing list guy..15:11
HadenNone of them responded..15:12
HadenWe might have to do a hostile takeover..15:12
bassemHaden, go for it!15:19

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