
blues12Anyone knows if canon pixma340 works with ubuntu 11.04 ?05:49
philipballewcan anyone tell me if i have a hardware problem or ubuntu problem?06:20
philipballewmy computer keeps randomly shutting off. like if i was to instently unplugg it06:21
Error404NotFoun1over heating?06:21
holsteinphilipballew: you can get a live CD06:21
holsteinsomething non-buntu even06:21
holsteinthen, you'll know if its hardware or software06:22
holsteinOR at least have a better idea06:22
Error404NotFoun1boot into bios once06:22
Error404NotFoun1see if it still shuts off06:22
philipballewit has shut off when im chooseing what to boot into on grab06:22
Error404NotFoun1id say its hardware then06:23
Error404NotFoun1cpu fan spinning?06:23
holsteinlive CD's are such great diagnostic tools06:23
philipballewim thinking overheating and its hardware. i need do test it with a live cd yes. it has died also when its still says dell on boot06:23
holsteinyeah, if its died out there06:24
Error404NotFoun1make sure yer cpu fan is spinning06:24
holsteinid say its hardware06:24
Error404NotFoun1if it stops it will auto shut off yer puter06:24
holsteinyeah, check the proc fan06:24
philipballewhow can i make sure its spinning. just manually?06:24
holsteinmaybe look and make sure the heatsink is seated and looking right06:24
Error404NotFoun1take side off case06:24
Error404NotFoun1turn it on06:24
holsteinunless its a lappy*06:25
holsteinyeah ^06:25
holsteintry taking some covers off06:25
holsteinand looking in there06:25
holsteinif you have any of that compressed air06:25
bioterrorinstall lm-sensors06:25
holsteintry taht06:25
Error404NotFoun1plugged in yes?06:25
bioterrorand check the cpu temp's06:25
philipballewbioterror what do you mean?06:25
holsteinsometimes, you can just blow a lot of animal hair or dust out of them06:25
holsteinand its fine :)06:25
Error404NotFoun1if its shutting off that fast its not overheating06:26
holsteincould be06:26
Error404NotFoun1fan is prolly clogged06:26
philipballewyeah, could be06:26
holsteinif its tricking the sensor somehow06:26
holsteinwho knows06:26
holsteinwont hurt to blow it out06:26
philipballewit shuts off over and over unless i let it sit for like a few06:26
bioterrorBIOS should usually too tell the CPU temp06:26
philipballewill boot into bios now. ill be back in a bit!!!06:27
bioterroraround 90C is the limit06:27
Error404NotFoun1when last time you cleaned it06:27
philipballewok. ill tell what it says.06:27
bioterrorand yeah06:27
bioterrorblow in to that fan06:27
bioterrorlike that wolf in three little pigs story06:27
philipballewwith airduster?06:28
philipballewin a can?06:28
Error404NotFoun1canned air is good06:28
philipballewif not then hair dryer?06:28
bioterroror with your lungs06:28
Error404NotFoun1wont do anything06:28
holsteinsomething with force06:28
Error404NotFoun1not a vacuum06:28
philipballewtrue. ill get one then06:29
seidosBIOS update?06:29
philipballewhow can i update bios on linux?06:29
holsteinseidos: you are thinking corrupt bios?06:29
philipballewall bios updates come in exe anyway06:29
Error404NotFoun1if it was corrupt it wouldnt boot at all06:29
holsteinphilipballew: should be some bootable media way06:29
seidosi made a bootable cd for this toshiba06:30
philipballewbut i might just need to clean this fan06:30
seidosto update the BIOS06:30
holsteinyeah, id clean06:30
seidosplace your bets06:30
seidoswhat are the odds?06:30
holsteini have a 'if it aint broke' policy with bioses06:30
Error404NotFoun1slim to none06:30
philipballewi just need to find a can to rule that out06:30
bioterroruse your  lungs :D06:31
bioterroryou dont need propellant06:31
Error404NotFoun1if its clogged to the point of stopping the fan his lungs aint gonna help06:32
holstein*wont hurt06:32
holsteini would try that before running out for a can of stuff06:32
bioterrorthen he does not blow air like that wolf in three little pigs story06:33
Error404NotFoun1im bored06:34
Error404NotFoun1i need something to go wrong with ubuntu so i have something to do06:34
bioterrorahhh, we have guy with adhd ;)06:34
Error404NotFoun1its called nearly a month of no psn06:35
Error404NotFoun1im ready to kill myself lol06:35
bioterrorpoor americans and PSN ;)06:35
holstein^ clicompanion is fun :)06:35
Error404NotFoun1its world wide06:35
Error404NotFoun1not just america06:35
bioterroryeah, but mostly americans whines about it :D06:35
Error404NotFoun1us americans are programmed to playing games allday!06:36
Error404NotFoun1i cant help it06:36
holsteinplaystation something?06:36
bioterrorholstein, playstation networ06:36
holsteinwhere did it go?06:36
Error404NotFoun1there was an update today06:36
bioterrorgot hacked06:36
Error404NotFoun1so i think monday it will be upo06:36
bioterrorsomeone got like tons of credit card numbers06:36
philipballewjust did it when booted onto bios!!!06:37
bioterrorbut maybe something for breakfast06:37
Error404NotFoun1sony is offering 1m in identity theft protection06:37
Error404NotFoun1to every psn member06:37
holsteinphilipballew: now you know06:38
holsteinand if i were you06:38
holsteini would unplug the hard drive06:38
holstein*if thats easy06:38
holsteintil you get it sorted out06:38
philipballewyes. it is.06:38
Error404NotFoun1philipballew: are you plugged in?06:38
philipballewyes. ill turn off the machine now and clean it tommorow06:38
philipballewif thats best?06:39
Error404NotFoun1im just wondering if its a power problem06:39
philipballewits done it on battery and on ac06:39
holsteini have a macbook06:39
holsteinits got a bad ram slot06:39
holsteinwhen memory is in that slot06:39
holsteinand you just tap the table06:39
holsteinor the unit06:39
holsteinit dies06:39
holsteinthat took a lot of trial and error to sort out06:40
bioterrorwho forced you to buy c*apbook ;)06:40
Error404NotFoun1how old?06:40
philipballewthat sounds tricky06:40
holsteinbioterror: actually, thats how i got it06:40
holsteinmy friend thought it was dead06:40
holsteinwhen i figured out it wasnt so dead06:40
Error404NotFoun1nothing wrong with macbooks06:40
bioterrorI would take powerbook G4 12"06:41
holsteini tried to offer some $$ for it06:41
bioterrorI like that06:41
seidosnothing wrong with slack macs06:41
philipballewi should probably turn off my comp now?06:41
holsteinyeah, this one is pretty cheaply made06:41
Error404NotFoun1philipballew:  you aere on that computer now?06:41
philipballewyes i am06:41
philipballewits the only one i have06:41
Error404NotFoun1its not overheating then06:41
Error404NotFoun1sounds like power management06:41
holsteinthats going to be fiddly to troubleshoot06:42
holsteinits not the OS though06:42
philipballewmaybe its not heated up all the way yet to turn off06:42
Error404NotFoun1if it was clogged it would be a couple minutes06:42
Error404NotFoun1pretty regularly06:42
philipballewi have the warenty. i can have free parts shipped to me06:43
philipballewonly problem is someone else puts it in06:43
Error404NotFoun1since when does a computer company ship parts06:43
philipballewi dont like when other people work on my computer06:43
Error404NotFoun1what brand puter?06:44
philipballewits a dell06:44
holsteinphilipballew: unless its free, and helpful :)06:44
Error404NotFoun1theres yer problem06:44
philipballewdells are awesome!06:44
Error404NotFoun1dells are shit06:44
philipballewim sorry you think that06:44
holsteinyeah, ive had decent luck with them too06:44
holsteinthe old old computers in the house06:45
holsteinthat are still running06:45
holsteinthey are dells06:45
holsteini got a stack of dead compaq's06:45
Error404NotFoun1dell is prolly worst laptop on the market06:45
philipballewi have dells still running that came with win 9806:45
Error404NotFoun1well i actualy work on computers06:45
Error404NotFoun1most are dells06:46
holsteinright, but most are dells06:46
holsteinin general*06:46
holsteinyou wouls statistically be working on more dells possibly06:46
Error404NotFoun1way more hp laptops06:46
Error404NotFoun1in general06:46
philipballewyou need to know the type of people owning dells and the number of dells sold in relation to other brands06:47
philipballewfor yoyr statement to be true06:47
holsteinwell, i dont work for dell06:47
holsteinso i dont care06:47
holsteinyou can hate them06:47
holsteinim not so turned off i wouldnt get one though06:47
holsteinand they sell buntu machines :)06:47
Error404NotFoun1i am06:47
philipballewthey sell 2 models06:48
Error404NotFoun1i like my acer06:48
holsteini have heard bad things about acer06:48
holsteinbut, the price is right06:48
philipballewi should get my prosser to work hard and see if that turns it off06:48
Error404NotFoun1that would do it06:49
holsteinphilipballew: i use a live CD06:49
Error404NotFoun1live cd isnt gonna max his cpu06:49
holsteintheres some tool in there for working the CPU06:49
philipballewwould a ubuntu live cd work!06:49
holsteincpu burn in?06:49
holsteinsomething like that06:49
philipballewi have that with me and im nit at home06:49
philipballewi usually use that06:49
holsteinphilipballew: it would, but i dont know the tool to do that06:49
holsteinright off hand06:49
holsteinlike Error404NotFoun1 says, a live CD is not really going to do anything06:50
holstein*a typical live CD06:50
philipballewhow so?06:50
holsteinnot going to 'work the CPU'06:51
philipballewtrue. i just need to figure whats turning it off. would it be in the logs?06:52
holsteini wouldnt think so06:52
Error404NotFoun1doubt it06:52
holsteinif i were you06:52
holsteini would take the hard drive out06:52
holsteinand just start checking things06:52
holsteinthe hard drive can be damaged06:52
holsteinif you get it out of the way06:52
holsteinthen, you can pretty much tweak and not worry about breaking anything06:53
holsteinany worse06:53
philipballewshould i turn off the computer then?06:53
holsteinshuting down like that will do something to the hard drive06:53
holsteinphilipballew: eh06:54
Error404NotFoun1id have to say yer gonna be sending yer computer to sell06:54
holsteinyou've made it this far :)06:54
seidosif you have data that you need...probably should be thinking about that if you aren't already06:54
Error404NotFoun1if you mess with it06:54
Error404NotFoun1will void warranty06:54
holsteinyeah, you dont want to void the warranty06:54
philipballewtrue. ill take out hd and back it up on another comp06:54
seidosgood point Error404NotFoun1, get it serviced if still under warranty06:54
holsteinphilipballew: good luck06:55
holsteini gotta get horizontal06:55
Error404NotFoun1still early here06:55
Error404NotFoun1ima play some gta06:55
philipballewthanks. ill turn it off now to not risk it from breaking06:56
holsteinError404NotFoun1: im glad you had the opportunity to hang out with me again ;)06:56
Error404NotFoun1peace homie06:56
Error404NotFoun1this is why its never good to use a laptop as a main computer06:57
Error404NotFoun1there is no such thing as a desktop replacement06:57
seidosi disagree06:58
seidosdepends what you use your computer for06:58
Error404NotFoun1you would be wrong then lol06:58
Error404NotFoun1if you use your computer to check email and shut it off yeah06:59
Error404NotFoun1you can replace a desktop06:59
seidoswriting, watching multimedia06:59
seidoslistening to music06:59
seidos2d gaming06:59
Error404NotFoun1you cant replace a desktop for any of that06:59
seidosyoutube, blogging...06:59
seidosi did07:00
Error404NotFoun1for now you did07:00
seidosi suspect for several years to come07:00
Error404NotFoun1several laptops too07:00
seidosbut yeah, i don't play GTA07:00
Error404NotFoun1whats gta have to do with anything lol07:01
seidosbuilding an alternate reality takes a lot of computing power07:01
seidosso what do you use your desktop for?07:01
Error404NotFoun1web surfing07:02
Error404NotFoun1i stopped gaming on pc awhile ago07:04
Error404NotFoun1why you think im on ubuntu07:04
Error404NotFoun1gamers use windows07:06
seidosgamers use wine i heard07:13
DarkwingDuckGamers use PS3s07:15
=== dad_ is now known as Guest43499
seidosand never wine07:17
seidosgamers use "milton bradley" :P07:18
Error404NotFoun1wine is garbage07:22
seidosgarbage crisis07:27
Error404NotFoun1wine the program is garbage07:28
Error404NotFoun1italy is garbage too07:28
seidoswhat isn't garbage?07:28
Error404NotFoun1my garbage07:29
Error404NotFoun1is precious07:29
seidosthe one ring07:29
Error404NotFoun1you make no sense07:34
Error404NotFoun1you need to lay off the crack07:36
seidoscrack kills07:40
seidosespecially butt cracks07:40
seidosheh, i think i found the solution to not being able to invert colors in kde and fluxbox07:44
Error404NotFoun1pebkac error?07:44
seidosproblem between keyboard and chair07:45
seidospeanut butter killed air conditioning07:46
bioterrorI've heard new york is not that far what Italy had problems with garbage07:46
bioterrorpeople just dumps their garbage bags on the street07:47
seidoseveryone is too good to pick up garbage07:47
Error404NotFoun1they are to damn lazy07:47
bioterrorError404NotFoun1, http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2011/05/15/play-on-psn-restoration-begins-now/07:47
Error404NotFoun1im in minnesota07:50
Error404NotFoun1no service here yet07:50
bioterrorminnesota maple leafs!07:51
seidosthere must be someone within 5 miles cool enough to play with07:52
seidosi'm going to check the community college07:52
seidosyou check the coffee shops07:52
seidoshint:  coffee shops are harder07:52
Error404NotFoun1wtf is minnesota maple leafs07:55
bioterrorice hockey team!07:55
Error404NotFoun1thats toronto07:55
bioterroractually it's north stars ;)07:56
Error404NotFoun1minnesota's nhl team is the wild07:56
Error404NotFoun1northstars left minnesota for dallas in like 199307:56
Error404NotFoun1ooh i think psn is up08:00
Error404NotFoun124 damn days to restore psn...08:06
ScrambleHow to set up a logitech quick cam, please?08:32
MrChrisDruifPlug in > Work?08:32
ScrambleNo, just sitting on the table, no response.08:33
ScramblePlugged in the quick cam, but it does not respond.08:35
Scrambleusing Ubuntu 10.0408:35
=== TimoTimo is now known as Timo_
tdnI have just installed kubuntu 11.04, when I start up, it says: error: no video mode activated. So nothing happens. I beleive it is already in grub it fails.13:39
stlsainttdn: google ;) (i have no idea on the workings of kubuntu sorry)13:39
tdnstlsaint, I have tried googling.13:42
tdnI do not beleive this is kubuntu specific13:43
tdnit could be ubuntu as well13:43
stlsainttdn: have you looked at xorg?13:45
tdnNo. It does not even come out of grub.13:45
tdnSo X is not the problem.13:46
stlsainttdn: well it has to leave grub to be able to show you that error so it very well could be x13:46
coalwatertry getting on recovery mode then the fail save gui13:46
coalwaterfail safe*13:46
coalwateri think :D13:46
coalwaterthat's what i'd try13:46
tdnstlsaint, not correct. It could not be X. It does not even have a file system yet.13:47
tdncoalwater, I tried. Then what?13:47
coalwaterdoes it start?13:47
stlsainttdn: no file system?? So did you install or not?13:47
stlsaintthat doesnt make sense, a file system has nothing to do with video13:48
tdnstlsaint, as I said, this is already in grub it fails. That is before a filesystem is mounted and thus WAY before X.13:54
tdncoalwater, it starts to a terminal.13:55
tdncoalwater, did not try failsafe X yet. I am trying. But nonetheless, the recovery mode gets past GRUB/bootsplash, so  I get rootfs mounted and stuff13:56
coalwateru have a shell terminal now?13:56
coalwaterhold on13:56
tdnI am guessing the viedeo error has something to do with it trying to start up a fancy video mode during boot.13:56
tdncoalwater, yes.13:57
coalwaterhow do u get on a shell without grub13:57
tdncoalwater, I have GRUB.13:57
tdnIt just does not get PAST it.13:57
coalwaterok , so ur on grub rescue?13:57
tdncoalwater, or maybe it is JUST past it. But before fs is mounted.13:57
tdnsomewhere between POST and root fs mount, it fails.13:58
tdncoalwater, I have root shell now.13:58
coalwaterbut no file system13:58
tdncoalwater, yes. Of course.13:58
Sidewinder1tdn: Have you tried to boot to LiveCD and look around in the Grub/config files from there?13:58
tdnI do not get the error when selecting recovery mode.13:58
tdncoalwater, sorry if that was not clear.13:58
stlsaintim not understanding the terminology being used here13:59
tdnSidewinder1, no, but I can boot up in recovery mode and browse file system there.13:59
stlsainti will step out now13:59
coalwaterif it's a fresh install i'd just try to reinstall again, if u don't have any data to worry about14:00
tdncoalwater, actually I kinda did. The first time I just upgraded from 10.10 and got the error. Then I thougt that I14:01
tdncoalwater, actually I kinda did. The first time I just upgraded from 10.10 and got the error. Then I thougt that the upgrade had somehow failed, so I reinstalled from a clean install cd. But still the same error.14:02
tdnMaybe it is the splash screen that fails.14:04
tdnIt uses video mdoe I think14:04
coalwaterdid u try 'startx'14:04
tdnWow. If I remove: quiet splash from grub config, it gets further.14:04
tdnAppearently that fixed it.14:05
tdnSo maybe it uses a bad VBE mode by default?14:05
mang0Hm. I need to get my tablet working in ubuntu16:12
bodhizazenwhat tablet ?16:12
Sidewinder1bodhizazen, Well, greetings and felicitations; it's nice to see you here.16:14
bodhizazen'Lo Sidewinder116:14
bodhizazenI am going to *try* to be more active with the theam16:14
bodhizazen+ shamelessly promoting my Remix =)16:14
bodhizazenZenix 2.016:15
Sidewinder1bodhizazen, With the time you're not on the forums; that'll be a good trick. :-)16:15
=== casandera is now known as hajour1
Sidewinder1bodhizazen, How is Kiwi? In hosp and all. Hope he's OH.16:16
bodhizazenHavae not had a more recent update other then he is home16:17
Sidewinder1Good to hear. He and I don't always agree but he is a most valued member.16:17
Sidewinder1I wouldn't ordinarily chit-chat on this channel, but as you can see it's rather slow today. :-)16:19
mang0bodhizazen: sorry, was afk. I've got a UC-LOGIC WP5540U16:19
mang0I know it works, cuz I saw a post with someone saying they had the same one, and it worked...16:19
mang0I think I need wizardpen or something, but I don't think it exists for natty16:22
* bodhizazen looks16:24
bodhizazenmang0, gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf16:25
bodhizazenThat file will likely be empty / blank16:25
bodhizazenAdd the lines from that thread16:25
bodhizazensave changes16:25
bodhizazenlog out and back in16:25
cprofittwhat tablet was it...16:37
cprofittI was discon for a while16:37
mang0cprofitt: uc logic wp5540u16:42
braiammang0: «sudo X -configure» generate a the xorg.conf adapted to your hardware16:43
braiamleaving the option to modify securely16:44
mang0braiam: http://pastebin.com/4tW1TT1P16:46
mang0I can't do anything to it :S16:47
braiammang0: is intended to be used when you don't have X at all16:51
mang0So how do I move in and outta X?16:52
mang0braiam: ^16:52
braiammang0: xkill -all16:55
braiammang0: be sure you can access to tty16:56
braiamCtrl + Alt + [F1-F6]16:56
mang0when it says "ubuntu login"16:57
mang0I put in my ubuntu username right? then the password...16:57
braiammang0: it's like a terminal, where you can login16:57
mang0got it16:58
braiama separate session16:58
mang0"sudo X-configure"16:58
mang0apparantly there is no such command16:58
mang0braiam: ^16:59
braiam«sudo X -configure» note the space between X and «-»16:59
* mang0 tries again16:59
mang0O.o braiam it has exactly the same messages as I pastebinned to you...17:00
braiammang0: you killed the X server?17:00
mang0I just press ctrl + alt + f117:01
mang0do I need to xkill all17:01
mang0xkill -all*17:01
braiamor «sudo killall X»17:02
mang0right, be back soon (I hope!)17:03
mang0braiam: this isn't working :(17:06
braiammang0: paste «ps ax»17:07
mang0braiam: ^17:08
braiam«sudo services gdm stop»17:10
braiammang0: ^17:10
mang0braiam: command not found....17:12
braiammang0: i'm supposing that you are running ubuntu... what are you running?17:13
braiammang0: ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu...?17:15
mang0ubuntu 11.04 natty narwhale17:16
braiamso... you run «sudo service gdm stop» and don't works?17:19
braiammang0: ^17:19
mang0braiam: If I run that it tells me "sudo service command not found"17:27
mang0or something along those lines17:27
braiammang0: this will force the X to stop «sudo kill 9 1289» so it's a unclean exit17:30
mang0so. I run "sudo kill 9 1289" then ctrl + alt + f1, then "sudo X -configure"17:31
mang0braiam: ^17:31
braiamor  ctrl + alt + f1, "sudo kill 9 1289" "sudo X -configure"17:32
braiamboth are right17:32
mang0braiam: It still didn't work!17:36
braiamwhat part?17:36
mang0braiam: the sudo X -configure17:38
mang0it gave me the same message (again!)17:38
braiammang0: you have any gui running?17:39
mang0atm ofc I do - I'm talking to you using X-chat :317:39
mang0braiam: ^17:42
braiammang0: so you need to kill all gui instances, irssi is a text based irc if you feel that you still need some help17:44
mang0so how do I kill all gui instances? I mean, if I shut all the windows I can see then there are still open things arnt there...17:46
braiamchanging to the tty and killing all X server17:49
=== braiam is now known as braiam3
=== braiam3 is now known as Braiam
=== Braiam is now known as Exio_
=== Exio_ is now known as Braiam
=== Braiam is now known as LastPass
=== LastPass is now known as Braiam
nit-witbodhi_zazen, are you on19:12
bodhi_zazenzup ?19:13
nit-witcan I private with you19:13
=== coalwater_ is now known as coalwater
kristian-t40hi all21:45
* kristian-t40 just got irssi, playing around with it21:46
coalwaterhi kristian-t4021:54
=== styx is now known as [styx]
=== styx is now known as [styx]
villamilHello, does anyone know how to fix problems with the sound?  I just did the full Ubuntu installation, and wanted to hear some Gnome tutorials, but I noticed there is no sound in my computer.23:07
MrChrisDruif!sound | villamil23:08
ubot2villamil: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.23:08
villamillet me try some of that23:09
=== Braiam is now known as Braiam-away
villamilOkay, it's not the volume... which is good, and I have no idea about hardware, input or output options, so I'll check out the documentation.23:13
villamilBy the way, If I want to get help as !sound, where should I type that?23:13
MrChrisDruifvillamil; You want to learn how to command the bot?23:24
villamilyes, I am really new in this.  is that like a terminal?23:25
villamilor is that like alt+f2?23:25
[styx]a bot is like a person23:26
[styx]but in irc23:26
[styx]you do commands and it talks back23:26
[styx]like what happened after you asked you question23:26
[styx]scrooll to the bots section23:27
villamilso ubot2 is the machine talking back to me...23:31
ubot2If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.23:32
[styx]very convient for frequently asked questions23:36
[styx]and some bots help moderate big chennels23:36
[styx]like auto kick ban when if you spam23:37
grover78hey everyone23:37
grover78what's the command for the ubuntu "secret update" or whatever its called?23:38
MrChrisDruifvillamil; so don't use it in vain, we don't like spam :P23:41
MrChrisDruifgrover78; secret update?23:41
grover78not sure exactly what its called.... some sort of "extra update" for 11.04. I'm new at this, I had ubunto installed but I had to do a wipe and re-install so I'm trying to get everything back23:42
grover78its supposed to help with extra drivers or something???23:44
[styx]you mean the one that lets you play .mp3s and stuff?23:45
grover78yeah I think so23:45
MrChrisDruifubuntu-restricted-extras you mean?23:45
grover78yeah thats the one23:45
MrChrisDruifsudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras in terminal should do the trick23:46
grover78lol maybe I should change my nick to "ubuntu_noob" lol23:46
[styx]im noob too23:46
[styx]dont worry23:46
grover78I'm so used to WinXP so this is pretty different by comparason23:47
MrChrisDruifIndeed, it's what your used to....23:47
MrChrisDruifI'm used to Ubuntu's "ease" nowadays23:48
grover78I'm gonna use ubunto for now but I want to find soemthing even lighter on my computer. Its pretty old hardware wise, so the less resources used the better23:49
[styx]isnt there a clod based distro?23:50
[styx]based on linux?23:50
[styx]thats really light?23:50
grover78not sure. I've heard of "puppy" that's supposed to be light23:50

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