
AAA_Good evening I'm looking for someone who knows the application "SCRIPT BASTILLE"01:26
AAA_up please01:35
=== chuck_ is now known as zul
SIR_Tacoguess I'm early22:14
BobJonkmanSIR_Taco: Early?  For the IRC chat?22:36
SIR_Tacoyes, like two days early... since I re-read the e-mail haha22:39
SIR_TacoTuesday's are fire training night... so maybe it was just wishful sub-conscious thinking that it was "today" not "tuesday"22:42
BobJonkmanYes, tuesday.22:43
BobJonkmanI might not make it myself.  There's work to be done22:43
SIR_Tacois it always Tuesdays?22:43
BobJonkmanIt has been for a few months.22:45
BobJonkmanSome people can't make it on weekend nights22:45
SIR_TacoFair enough22:46
BobJonkmanI'm not sure if consistency is valued over convenience.22:46
BobJonkmanSo maybe the IRC chats could be mixed up a little.22:46
SIR_Tacohaha well I wouldn't expect it to change for me22:47
BobJonkmanSay on the 15th of every month, regardless of weekday22:47
SIR_Tacothat wouldn't be so bad and, at the very least, consistent22:48
BobJonkmanI'll dingle dscassel, who organizes these things.22:53
SIR_Tacohonestly, it's fine... if I'm busy, I'm busy22:53

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