
doctormopaultag: Hey, are you around?02:23
paultagdoctormo: sure am friendo!02:24
paultagdoctormo: what can I do?02:24
paultagJust saying hi? :)02:30
paultagk :)02:32
Technovikingpopey: could  restore, but it would be best to create a new one that has more upto date info,02:39
Technovikingpopey: sorry blame jcastro :)02:41
popeyTechnoviking: thats what i did :)08:37
nigelbAlanBell, ping09:27
nigelbAlanBell, have you gotten the twitter style tags on etherpad working locally?09:30
nigelbit fails for me on mine09:30
AlanBellno, they just come up empty09:30
nigelbaha, so its not just me09:30
nigelbAlanBell, did you use the latest from source control or did you install the apt one?09:31
AlanBellthe apt one09:31
AlanBellDaviey has them working on pad.ubuntu-uk.org09:31
nigelbI shall poke Daviey.09:31
AlanBellI get that09:32
nigelbAlanBell, the plan is to use [#nigelbabu] next time, so we can search by tag for action item09:32
AlanBellgood plan09:32
nigelbbecause one of the complaints is that "I have lots of action items, but I can't see them"09:32
nigelbI talked to pitti, and he said, next uds, he can modify the burn down chart script to escape the # optionally09:32
AlanBellyeah, that is a great idea09:32
nigelbso we just need to get pad.ubuntu.com up-to-date and get the word out09:33
nigelb(its mike's idea, I'm just executing it)09:33
nigelbI wonder if Daviey's home yet09:34
nigelbAlanBell, I think it was fixed later on. So, we must be running an older version. Is it worth the trouble having an updated package for lucid? (I could just backport dustin's work)09:35
AlanBelldunno if it was something that has been fixed or whether it is a missing search dependency or something09:41
nigelbI enabled all the search thingies on mine, didn't help09:42
nigelbI mailed Daviey, I'll wait to hear what he thinks09:42
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cjohnstonAlanBell: fwiw, if we use a # for names in etherpad and dont remove the # before moving it to the blueprint it will break the work items scripts.. which I am not going to make work with some people using the # and others now.13:14
cjohnstonmy suggestion is that the work items scripts will now show by user once i get it upgraded13:14
cjohnstonhehehe.. summit spam15:41
paultagcjohnston: thanks for rocking that bug, man15:44
paultagi'm stoked to see it in-progress15:44
cjohnstondoes that look good?15:44
paultagcjohnston: the branch?15:44
paultagcjohnston: not checked it out yet, just got the mail. I'll pull it now (not that I'll have too much to say about it)15:45
cjohnstoni just want feedback on what i did, more than if it works or not15:45
paultagcjohnston: of course15:46
paultagsec just pulling up the delta15:46
vishpaultag: hey.. have you blocked commenting on your blog posts?  (the other day dholbach was looking to post a comment and we couldnt figure it out)15:47
paultagvish: the old comment system was js only (super lame), so I'm using stock tumblr, which lets you comment if you have a tumblr account. I know it's sub-par, but the old system was way worse15:48
paultagcjohnston: I dig the change to like 83 in the team model ;)15:48
cjohnstondoes that successfully meet the needs?15:48
paultagcjohnston: 90% there -- the reason I was poking about it was because I had no country to put the global event in for an IRC series (LoCo Week)15:49
vishpaultag: ha! actually thats a good feature ;)  unless ofcurse you cant get nicer/well-behaved people (dholbach?) to comment ;p15:49
paultagsorry, local event off the global virtual series cjohnston15:49
paultagwhat I said makes no sense15:50
paultagvish: :)15:50
paultagvish: tumblr is really screwey sometimes (but it's pretty cool overall)15:50
cjohnstonpaultag: so you want virtual global events as well?15:50
paultagvish: I heard it got brought up at UDS. I really hope no one thought I was trying to be an ass about it, I really meant it as productive (even if it was super brash)15:50
cjohnstoni think some shared the sentiment15:50
paultagcjohnston: Well, I think that virtual local events should come from virtual global events -- what screwed me up last time is when I tried to think of what country to put an IRC channel in :)15:51
paultagcjohnston: but the devoted channel field helps for sure15:51
vishpaultag: well, you do write a ***lot*** of good posts, but that one was full of wrong assumptions …  so one bad post is not too bad/forgivable ;)15:52
vish*not unforgivable15:52
paultagvish: I figure if I hit 1 post of static among good ones, I'll be fine :)15:53
vishyup.. :)15:53
cjohnstonpaultag: but a global event can be defined as virutal without any code changes i think?15:53
paultagcjohnston: you know the code base way better then me. I've not tried this for a while. If you think it's fixed, I'm cool with calling it fixed. I can pull it and test it, but I trust your judgement on it15:54
cjohnstonI woudl thing that a global evnet could be called loco week and then in the description say this is a virutal blah blah blah whatever else we want it to say15:55
paultagcjohnston: good 'nuff for me15:55
paultagcjohnston: I'll post on the bug, one sec15:55
cjohnstonand then now when a team creates a team event for the global event theyw ould enter the channel for the locate15:55
cjohnstonnot that i can type15:56
paultagaye :)16:27
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doctormopaultag: I have a crazy idea and I'd like your opinion.20:16
AlanBellcjohnston: I see your point #name on work items isn't ideal20:32
AlanBellall it would do anyway is link all the whole pads where you are mentioned20:32
AlanBellwhich you could get close to in summit with a list of meetings you subscribed to20:33
cjohnstonif you look at status.linaro.com20:34
cjohnstonyou can look by person20:34
AlanBellwe should do more of a personal daily schedule view for summit20:34
cjohnstonwe discussed that at 30000 feet last night20:35
AlanBellalways good to take a high level view of such things :)20:35
cjohnstonthat was very nice about flying with mike.. even tho we are only an hour or so apart, we dont get toghether to work on stuff much20:36
paultagdoctormo: yo!21:28
paultagdoctormo: let's hear it :)21:28
paultagjono: Howdy, got a sec?21:29
paultagjono: less then five minutes, I swear :)21:29
jonopaultag, sure21:34
cjohnstonjono: make it home safe I guess?21:34
jonocjohnston, yup :-)21:34
cjohnstonyup.. after a slight mishap at JFK21:34
paultagjono: I'll throw you a PM :)21:34
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doctormopaultag: I have a module xdgvalidate which is being under used, it's freeking awesome.22:20
doctormoSo, I'm thinking of renaming it validate-json and pushing it towards all those web devs.22:20
doctormoBut it's crazy because all I'll be doing is renaming  it.22:21
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paultagdoctormo: that's a pretty rad idea, actually22:23
paultagdoctormo: you could merge it in as a gedit plugin when you are editing JSON22:23
paultagthat would be a huge hit22:23
doctormopaultag: Do people often find they're editing json?22:25
paultagdoctormo: I do it a bunch, but that's because when I write an app I tend to store conf files in JSON22:26
paultagdoctormo: and I hate having to use the online validator all the time22:26
doctormopaultag: does the online validator just validate that it's valid json?22:27
paultagdoctormo: yeah22:27
doctormopaultag: This would validate that it's valid and which parts of it don't match a schema.22:27
paultagdoctormo: it does that :)22:27
doctormo(the exact part)22:27
paultagbut I don't like having to go on the web for that22:27
doctormoWhat kind of schema does it use?22:28
paultagdoctormo: oh it does not do that, it just points out JSON issues22:29
paultagdoctormo: there's a format like XLT for JSON?22:29
paultagthat's awesome22:29
doctormopaultag: XLT is xml translation, XSD is the validation tech for xml.22:29
paultagXSD * right right22:30
paultagXLT was primed in my head for some reason. I think I was just looking over an old XLT I had for making svn pretty22:30
paultagsvn, pfft :)22:30
doctormoSo xsdvalidate is a module that uses a compressed xsd spec and can be used with any structure (json, yaml, xml, perl, python, js etc)22:30
paultagnice :)22:31
doctormopaultag: OK so you think it's a good idea :-) good, I'll do something about that idea then and prod you for some media exposure late.22:35
paultagdoctormo: sure thing!!22:36
paultagBBL :)22:41
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