
=== alex3f_ is now known as alex3f
ricotzjbicha, hi, i can upload gconf-editor, just tested it12:06
jbichacool, thank you!12:06
ricotzjbicha, no problem, thank you12:10
=== braiam is now known as braiam3
=== braiam3 is now known as Braiam
=== Braiam is now known as Exio_
=== Exio_ is now known as Braiam
=== Braiam is now known as LastPass
=== LastPass is now known as Braiam
lateniteHi I just upgraded my gf PC remotey via vnc. Now after reboot Ubuntu starts some kind of firewall and port 5900 and port 22 are no longer open. Neither is "ctrl+alt+F1" working to login to a tty. Worst thing hardware does not support Unity and only dispaly some mad info. So she cant click anywhere. I feel like ""wtf" :D But oh well...any Ideas how I can get to help her?20:49
mterrylatenite, #ubuntu is the support channel, you may have more luck there20:50
latenitemterry, ah ok :D thx20:51
=== Braiam is now known as Braiam-away

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