
DarkwingDuckjbicha: Hey, remember when you asked for a citation about OMG Ubuntu not being a community project? I couldn't find what I was looking for so, I asked @omgubuntu (on twitter) If they were a community project and here was the reply: https://twitter.com/#!/omgubuntu/status/6956998825988505602:59
Captainkrtekhey guys04:18
Captainkrtekisnt the string freeze tomorrow?04:22
DarkwingDuckNo, I'm not even sure we have a release schedule for Oneiric yet.04:24
DarkwingDuckI take that back.04:25
DarkwingDuckRelease schedule https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule04:25
DarkwingDuckCaptainkrtek: September 15th is the doc string freeze04:26
Captainkrtekthought  I saw something...04:27
Captainkrtekoh wrong thing04:27
Captainkrtekwas looking at #ubuntu-manual http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/KvXHj1XROp04:28
Captainkrtekmaverick freeze is today04:28
jbichaj1mc: good morning, back at home?12:39
j1mcjbicha: yeah12:39
j1mcmade it back yesterday late in the day12:39
j1mcdid you get my message to the ayatana list? i had never heard of ubuntu tour.12:39
j1mcand they already have a maverick and natty release w/translations.12:39
jbichaI hadn't really either, although it was mentioned on omgubuntu last year12:40
j1mcyeah... and it made sense then, back when we were mostly silent12:40
jbichamm, I tried the "daily build" yesterday and it wasn't natty12:40
jbichatheir code hasn't had a commit in a month12:40
j1mcoh... well, i just checked their launchpad page to see ... what? that's not what i saw12:41
* pleia2 hugs j1mc 12:41
j1mc30 hours ago12:41
jbichaautomated translation import12:41
j1mcpleia2: :)  thanks fo rthe hugs12:41
pleia2was nice to finally meet you :)12:42
j1mcpleia2: it was good hanging out w/ you at uds.12:42
jbichaoh, I guess 26 Apr isn't a month12:42
j1mcjbicha: well, point taken. anyway... we will get going so people will want to join our team again. :)12:42
j1mclike you did12:43
jbichathe maverick build had some interesting ideas like detecting which browsers were installed but it had a lot of rough edges too12:43
jbichayou know, blogging to the Ubuntu planet helps a lot with awareness, I read your posts there12:43
j1mcyeah, i would like a team blog.12:45
j1mci actually pulled down a team-maintained WP theme from launchpad this morning12:45
jbichalike this? https://ubuntuaccessibility.wordpress.com/12:49
j1mcyes, but with an ubuntu theme12:53
j1mci don't really fault that project for starting up... we weren't doing much.12:56
j1mci might have started something, too.12:56
j1mcok... i need some breakfast.  :)12:56
pleia2j1mc: I'm with you re: food at uds, not sure how I'm going to top breakfast here now :)12:58
jbichait looks like you have to self-host to use your own theme, so that's a bit more expensive12:58
j1mcjbicha: i have a hosting plan i'm currently using. we could probably just piggyback on that.12:59
j1mcjbicha: well, we can talk about it.12:59
j1mcit would be a 'nice-to-have' feature13:00
j1mcpleia2: surprised you are awake now. hope you find some good grub. :)13:00
j1mcjbicha: later. :)13:00
pleia2j1mc: yeah, it's 5am, jetlag is fun13:01

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