
peteforsythtgm4883: I got it up and running! with much help from people at #mythtv-users. But now the final step I need is getting IR blaster running, and I ran into trouble -- the guy that was helping me said it appeared mythbuntu-specific.01:04
peteforsythare you able to help me get the IR stuff working?01:04
peteforsythor is there anybody here with IR blaster savvy? I feel so close to finally getting my myth box up and running!01:07
peteforsythI have a Hauppauge PVR150, it has a dongle with both an IR transmitter and a receiver for its own remote. Hoping to get both working..but especially the transmitter, so I can change channels from the PC!01:09
rileypmycosys I just removed the avenard repo and installed mythbuntu one and ran update is there any else i need do? with regard to the avenard repo05:00
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mycosysdunno - dont think so07:21
mycosysnever used avenard07:21
mycosysjus seen people here saying that doing so is unsupported, and him saying not to do so if you want trunk07:21
mycosyslol sorry rileyp07:22
mycosysdidnt see that was 2 hours ago rofl07:22
Guest43499     Ive used vaneard in the past because it just works07:25
mycosysso do the mythbuntu repos07:26
Guest43499mycosys in on other pc now rileyp07:26
mycosysGuest43499 = rileyp ?07:26
Guest43499in was supposed to be I'm07:27
qwebirc85274hi, Hi have a Asrock 330 ion box, used as a FE only, I use hdmi into a Yamaha receiver (5.1), sound works great, except  for one of the rear channels doesnt work.   Is there a work around for this or not?08:17
mycosysone of???08:19
mycosyswhen did you start using avenard rileyp/ Guest43499? what version of myth?08:20
Guest43499around .20 or .2108:21
Guest43499qwebirc85274,  I have same when I do sound check in myth the speakers dont line up the same as sound check on the yamaha.Never resolved went back to 2.1 and let the yamaha change it to 5.108:23
Guest43499when myth does the sound sound check I get fl + fr and then when I should rr I get centre and then fl again and no rl and no center08:25
Guest43499I have a passive sub that my 2 front speakers are wired through (in and out fl and fr08:25
rileyp30 1 * * * root /usr/sbin/xfs_fsr -t 21600 >/dev/null 2>&110:59
rileyp I have multiple drives with xfs will this work on all of them?10:59
rileypie sdb1 and sdc6 and sdd310:59
mycosysdunno rileyp i dont use xfs11:00
mycosysi thought it would be 0.21 when u used avenard - was the only way afaik to get vdpau on it among other things11:01
rileyp>/dev/null 2>&1 Its just this bit here I dont understand11:01
rileypI can run that from a terminal but use /dev/sdb1 on the end normally not >/dev/null 2>&111:02
rileypor whatever the partition is  I have 3 xfs parttions though so do I need 3 crontab entries?11:02
rileypmyscosys yes It prolly was. It just made installing the latest nv drivers easy as well when 195 was out and 185 was only available with the normal repo11:04
mycosysthat is to make it run silently11:06
rileyp >/dev/null 2>&1 this means run silent?11:06
mycosysdev/null is the bit bucket11:06
rileypOh fuck this is getting trickier by the second11:07
Zinnrileyp: Please watch your language.11:07
mycosysdunno about the 2>&1, presume that is to background it lol11:07
Zinn[www.mythtv.org] Optimizing Performance - MythTV Official Wiki11:07
mycosysahh - logs errors to stdout, hides normal output11:08
mycosys2>&1 redirects stderr to stdout11:09
rileypok so if I dont point to a particular /dev/parttion it will look all by itself for xfs aparttions?11:09
mycosysnfi - never used it - i am on ext11:11
adubzok just updated to the 11.04 and have hdmi audio working "for now"  two issues when i exit there is a buzzing sound that is high pitched and constant it does not stop unless i reboot the other issue is now my remote control is overly sensitive if i hit one button it registers two clicks12:56
adubzmy remote is mce style remote12:58
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pladijsis there a masterpackage which when removed will remove all of myth? and when reinstalled will reinstall everything? Or more generally: how do i get a entirely fresh mythtv installation on ubuntu? Thing is i have seen very strange behaviour (segfaults, unresponsive menus, etc) but i think this is due to excessive newbie-style messing around with my configuration.15:37
adubzok just updated to the 11.04 and have hdmi audio working "for now"  two issues when i exit there is a buzzing sound that is high pitched and constant it does not stop unless i reboot the other issue is now my remote control is overly sensitive if i hit one button it registers two clicks my remote is an mce remote17:14
pladijsshould i remove something from the sql database when attempting a clean installation?17:15
pladijshow do i restore the database after deleting the old one17:36
adubzok just updated to the 11.04 and have hdmi audio working "for now"  two issues when i exit there is a buzzing sound that is high pitched and constant it does not stop unless i reboot the other issue is now my remote control is overly sensitive if i hit one button it registers two clicks18:58
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