
MrChrisDruifAloha everyone21:23
holsteinMrChrisDruif: o/21:23
MrChrisDruifHow's it going holstein ? :)21:24
holsteinnot bad at all21:24
MrChrisDruifGood to hear :)21:24
holsteingetting ready to head out to the gig21:24
MrChrisDruifI tried to send an email to the team to add a meeting to the Fridge, but even after I became a member it still needed get approval?21:25
holsteinMrChrisDruif: hmmm21:25
holsteinmaybe, akgraner would know?21:25
* holstein is a musician21:25
holsteini gotta drive to work :)21:25
MrChrisDruifI dunno, but it's kinda short notice, so I wanted a swift response :P21:25
MrChrisDruifYou can live of your music? Awesome :D21:26
MrChrisDruifGood luck with your gig :)21:26
MrChrisDruifakgraner seems to be away? holstein; got any other suggestions?21:27
holsteinnhandler: ?21:27
holsteinmaybe Daviey21:27
MrChrisDruifHis name is also gray :(21:27
MrChrisDruifAhh, he seems active :)21:27
MrChrisDruifDaviey; awake? :)21:27
holsteinthey did a new article for me here21:28
holsteinive been bragging about it for a bit now ;)21:28
holsteini did get a couple nice unsolicited quotes21:28
MrChrisDruifJazz? Awesome. And you play the contra-bass?21:28
holsteini play other stuff too21:29
holsteinbut thats what i play professionally21:29
MrChrisDruifNice :)21:29
holsteinMrChrisDruif: i would probably email akgraner straight up21:29
holsteinand ask her to forward it maybe?21:29
holsteinsince you are in a time crunch21:29
MrChrisDruifYeah, it's next Tuesday and I want to send out an email to announce the final time etc...21:30
MrChrisDruifAnd location21:30
MrChrisDruifAmber is akgraner?21:31
MrChrisDruif...she got like 3 email addresses...and I don't want to spam her...21:32
holsteini dont want to speak for her21:32
holsteinbut, if its something urgent like that21:32
holsteini dont think she would mind21:32
holsteinif theres one @gmail21:32
holsteinthats the one i use for her21:33
MrChrisDruifI'll try that, thanks :)21:34
MrChrisDruifSo...send :)21:47
pleia2when you add something to the fridge calendar it should email the calendar admins (nhandler, akgraner, maybe others) and they approve it21:48
pleia2https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fridge/Calendar describes how to add things21:49
pleia2(sorry if you already did this)21:50
MrChrisDruifpleia2; No, I didn't...just started to figure out how to do all of this (first time)21:51
MrChrisDruifThanks for the link :)21:52
pleia2sure, that's all you need to do to "reserve" -meeting :)21:52
MrChrisDruifYay, learned new admin skills :P21:53
MrChrisDruifpleia2; Should I link to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/FocusGroups/Docs or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/FocusGroups/Docs#Meeting%20Agenda ?21:58
pleia2I usually link to meeting agendas, it's up to you21:59
MrChrisDruifpleia2; It's both to the same page only the second jumps right to the agenda22:00
MrChrisDruifTo the right header*22:03
pleia2yeah, whichever you like, the link is just so people know what the meeting is about22:03
pleia2knowing what team it is is helpful, knowing the agenda is helpful too22:04
pleia2so it's whatever you want to tell people :)22:04
MrChrisDruif....hmmm, it shows twice in the Fridge? :-/22:09
pleia2I only see it once22:09
MrChrisDruifYou don't see Beginners Team Wiki Focus Group Meeting?22:10
pleia2I see it22:10
MrChrisDruifAs "Beginners Team Wiki FG Meeting" is the one I created...22:10
pleia2looks good :)22:10
pleia2Beginners Team Wiki Focus Group Meeting22:11
pleia2Tue, May 17, 9pm – 10pm22:11
pleia2oh, it looks like chris@chrisjohnston.org22:11
pleia2made one?22:11
pleia2did you ask him to add it?22:11
pleia2wait, that's for the 17th22:12
MrChrisDruifYeah, but it appeared simultaneously with mine :-/22:12
pleia2yours hasn't been approved yet22:12
MrChrisDruifSo is mine pleia222:12
pleia2you only want one person to add it :) so if cjohnston already added it you don't need to22:12
MrChrisDruifI didn't know cjohnston added it? :-/22:13
pleia2that's what I meant above by confirm there are no conflicts22:13
pleia2you'll want to look at whatever day you're adding to to make sure nothing else is at that time, if you had looked you would have seen it was already on there and so you wouldn't need to add it22:14
pleia2so you might want to delete yours and /msg cjohnston to update the agenda22:15
pleia2er, update the entry with the agenda :)22:15
MrChrisDruifpleia2; When I started on adding it...there was no conflict <_<"22:16
pleia2ah, ok22:16
pleia2cjohnston: can you update your entry, please?22:17
pleia2anyway, it's on the caledar so you're good, we'll get the addition of the link sorted when cjohnston wakes up22:19
MrChrisDruifThat would be great :)22:20
MrChrisDruifI can email the lists about the meeting now :)22:20
* pleia2 nods22:20
MrChrisDruifpleia2; So I need to remove my entry in the Fridge?22:29
pleia2MrChrisDruif: that would be best, yeah22:29
pleia2that way it doesn't get approved and then we have duplicates22:29
MrChrisDruifI still don't know how cjohnston knew about the meeting time :-/22:30
cjohnstonWhat's the agenda22:47
pleia2thanks cjohnston :)22:47
cjohnstonMrChrisDruif: you sent an email22:48
cjohnstonAre you wanting a link to the agenda, or to have the agenda22:48
cjohnstonpleia2: the little guy is acting out today, we think cause we were gone for so long22:48
pleia2cjohnston: aw22:48
MrChrisDruifcjohnston; I didn't know how it all went with added a entry in the Fridge etc..22:49
cjohnstonthats fine22:49
pleia2I'd just add: Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/FocusGroups/Docs#Meeting%20Agenda22:49
MrChrisDruifAnd even the second attempt caused a reply that it needed to be approved by mods...22:49
pleia2MrChrisDruif: yeah, that list gets spammed to death so it can't be open to the whole world22:49
pleia2I approved your msg eventually ;)22:50
MrChrisDruifGreat :)22:50
pleia2cjohnston: my cats are just being extra snuggly, I should go away more often!22:50
* cjohnston mumbles about not liking cat22:50
* cjohnston mumbles about not liking cats22:50

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