
kvarleyhow can I find the ip of a samba share in nautilus?00:18
kvarleyI have the host and share open in nautilus00:18
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kaushalwhat is Ubiquity installer ? is it LiveCD ?04:05
Photon_hey guys06:37
Photon_Could someone help me with a problem06:37
Photon_I'm having a problem with Ubuntu 10.10. It isn't recognizing my monitor and I'm unable to change the screen resolution06:38
Photon_My chipset is i845g06:38
Photon_somebody help06:38
Photon_could you please help me06:47
HazRPGhow many ports on your monitor?06:47
HazRPGsorry i meant your graphics card ^_^06:47
HazRPGif its got more than one, try the other one06:48
Photon_It is onboard and it has only 1 port i guess06:48
Photon_Im new to Ubuntu06:48
HazRPGdid the liveCD run fine?06:48
HazRPGI've been using ubuntu for a while, but well i wouldn't say I was a power user when it comes to fault finding really, but i try my best06:49
Photon_yeah, it was perfect. But when I installed it, it is stuck at 1920X1080. No other option is show and Refresh rate is show '0'06:49
Photon_I want to change it to 1280X72006:50
HazRPGhow'd ya get that info?06:50
Photon_what info?06:50
HazRPGthat it was stuck at 1920x108006:50
Photon_I went to System->Preferences->Monitors06:51
Photon_it says monitor isn't detected06:51
HazRPGhmm, if the monitor isn't detected, how are you being able to do that is my question06:51
Photon_It is showing that way, even now im using Ubuntu at 1920X1080. The dialog box says "Monitor: Not Detected" and in the list of display modes, there is only one option i.e, 1920x108006:53
HazRPGi'm with you06:53
HazRPGso you can see, but you just can't change it06:54
HazRPGhold on06:54
HazRPGcould you paste xorg.conf file06:55
HazRPGits found in /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:55
Photon_there's nor such file in there :(06:56
HazRPGwhat's in the X11 folder?06:57
Photon_some files like "Xreset" "XsessionOptions" "Default Display manager"06:58
Photon_im using Ubuntu 10.10 by the way06:58
Photon_there is a file "Xwrapper.config"06:59
Photon_do I have to make a Xorg.conf file or something manually?07:01
HazRPGyeah we might have to07:02
Photon_could you tutor me please07:03
HazRPGright, first lets see if we can configure it automatically first07:04
HazRPGyou scared of the terminal?07:04
MartijnVdS<Yoda> You will be. YOU WILL BE.07:04
MartijnVdSMorning everyone ;)07:04
HazRPGbecause i want you to run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:04
Photon_im a little familiar to it07:04
HazRPGalright good, well try that command :)07:04
HazRPGdpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:05
Photon_it says dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:05
HazRPGMartijnVdS: morning dude :) - I must say the internet here is slow T___T i'm typing faster than my terminal can show what it is i've typed xD07:05
Photon_must be runs a root07:05
HazRPGPhoton_: ah run: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:06
HazRPGthen enter your password :)07:06
HazRPGif stuff asks for root, just put sudo in front :)07:06
MartijnVdSHazRPG: Light-speed delays eh? Being so far away and all :)07:06
Photon_yeah, done. Nothing happened :(07:06
HazRPGMartijnVdS: hehe indeed07:08
HazRPGPhoton_: hmm, did it not show anything?07:08
HazRPGPhoton_: have a look to see if a file was made in /etc/X11/07:08
HazRPGMartijnVdS: heh, even on holiday I'm still trying to help people out xD07:09
Photon_here's what is seen in my terminal: administrator@ubuntu:/etc/X11$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [sudo] password for administrator:  administrator@ubuntu:/etc/X11$07:09
HazRPGPhoton_: check the folder to see if it made an xorg.conf file :)07:09
Photon_no :( :(07:10
kaushalAny typing courses available in Ubuntu 10.10 ?07:11
HazRPGMartijnVdS: you any good with xorg?07:11
MartijnVdSa little07:12
MartijnVdSLast time I needed to configure it, I copied the failsafe xorg.conf and edited it by hand07:12
HazRPGMartijnVdS: apparently Photon_ doesn't have an xorg.conf file and his chipset is i846g (can't detect monitor using graphical tools to change resolution)07:12
MartijnVdSI had one of those just yesterday :)07:13
HazRPGMartijnVdS: ubuntu 10.1007:13
HazRPGkaushal: there's TuxType07:13
HazRPGkaushal: might be called TuxTyping07:13
MartijnVdSPhoton_: Can you restart in recovery mode, then select the option to "fix X"?07:13
HazRPGkaushal: only one I really know, but its pretty good :)07:13
HazRPGMartijnVdS: heh, didn't think of that :)07:14
Photon_MartijnnVds: how do I do that? I'm a Novice :(07:14
MartijnVdSPhoton_: Hold Shift while the computer is starting07:14
kaushalHazRPG: Thanks07:14
MartijnVdSPhoton_: then select the "Recovery mode" option07:14
Photon_after that?07:14
MartijnVdSthen it'll give you a menu with a few options (root, rescue, etc.)07:15
HazRPGkaushal: no problem, if the dictionaries inside it aren't to your liking, i think you can create (or possibly download from somewhere) your own07:15
MartijnVdSyou can choose to fix X from there07:15
HazRPGkaushal: but it does come with several different ones07:15
Photon_does it have a GUI?07:15
Photon_I don't know even a single command to use with the terminal07:16
MartijnVdSPhoton_: it's a text-mode menu (controlled with arrows and enter key)07:16
HazRPGPhoton_: it'll be a text-based GUI iirc07:16
MartijnVdSPhoton_: and it might open up a basic graphical environment07:16
Photon_what is goin to happen after I select fix X?07:16
MartijnVdSPhoton_: That depends on whether it _can_ actually fix X07:17
MartijnVdSbut you should end up either on the login screen, or back on the recovery menu07:17
MartijnVdSIf (1), just log in07:17
MartijnVdSif (2), select "restart"07:17
Photon_I'll try it now07:18
MartijnVdSgood luck :)07:18
Photon_I'll be right back07:18
Photon_one more thing07:18
Photon_I have a an XP along side it07:19
MartijnVdSit won't touch that07:19
Photon_should I hold shift after I selct Ubuntu ?07:19
MartijnVdSNo, if you have XP you don't have to hold shift at all07:19
MartijnVdSthere should be 2 Ubuntu options (at least)07:19
MartijnVdS1 "normal" one, and one "Rescue mode" one07:19
Photon_yeah, theres one i remeber07:20
Photon_i brb :)07:20
Photon_hey guys07:29
Photon_I tried it07:29
Photon_It showed "Ubuntu is running in a low graphics mode. Your hardware is not detected by Ubuntu. You have to reconfigure it yourself"07:30
Photon_I tried clicking "Create a new configuration" but nothing happens07:30
MartijnVdSPhoton_: did it leave an /etc/X11/xorg.conf file?07:31
MartijnVdS(or an /etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe)07:31
Photon_in the troubleshoot menu, there was something like Xorg Server file07:31
Photon_lemme see07:31
Photon_it left a file named:07:32
MartijnVdSPhoton_: if you copy that, to xorg.conf07:32
Photon_here's what is written in it07:33
MartijnVdSPhoton_: and then edit it, and add a line saying:07:33
Photon_Section "Device" Identifier"Configured Video Device" Driver"fbdev" EndSection  Section "Monitor" Identifier"Configured Monitor" EndSection  Section "Screen" Identifier"Default Screen" Monitor"Configured Monitor" Device"Configured Video Device" EndSection07:33
MartijnVdSBetween "Section "Device"" and "EndSection", add a new line saying:07:33
MartijnVdS*looking up"07:33
HazRPGPhoton_: dont paste in here :P07:34
HazRPGPhoton_: if you want to paste stuff, paste them into paste.ubuntu.com07:34
MartijnVdSPhoton_: The line should be: Driver "intel"07:34
MartijnVdSPhoton_: Replace "fbdev" with "intel" :)07:35
Photon_HazRPG: sorry07:35
MartijnVdSPhoton_: then save (as /etc/X11/xorg.conf) and restart07:35
Photon_the file seems uneditabl07:37
MartijnVdSPhoton_: which command are you trying?07:37
Photon_you mean, editor?07:38
HazRPGdo this: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:38
MartijnVdSsort of07:38
MartijnVdStry gksudo gedit07:38
HazRPGthen do: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:39
HazRPGbah, lag07:39
HazRPGstupid 3g internet is slow here07:39
Photon_I can edit it07:39
Photon_I replaced fbdev with intel07:40
Photon_leave the rest intact?07:41
Photon_i will restart and try, i brb guys07:43
Photon_It worked07:46
Photon_my monitor's now detected07:46
Photon_and it is showing all the modes!07:46
Photon_Guys! Thank you so much!07:47
Photon_HazRPG and MartijnVds, thank you guys! I love you! :D07:48
HazRPGPhoton_: heh no problem dude07:49
HazRPGPhoton_: glad its call working now07:51
Photon_cool :)07:53
Photon_I use Intel Extreme Graphics accelrator on XP. There is no need of it in Ubuntu right?07:54
MartijnVdSwhat is it?07:57
Photon_It is a graphics driver I use in windows XP07:58
MartijnVdSUbuntu has just the one driver per chipset08:01
MartijnVdS(well two for some, but one is open source/free software, the other one is proprietary)08:02
Photon_how can I run windows applications here?08:02
Photon_I heard, we use some software called Wine?08:02
MartijnVdSyou can use wine, but lots of programs won't work 100%08:09
Photon_I have one more problem, Video isn't shown when I play a file, but only Audio. I'm using Vlc. Is there a solution?08:10
MartijnVdSno video at all?08:11
Photon_no video, but the player resizes to the video's dimensions. Audio is working fine08:12
Photon_MartijnVds, there?08:27
andres_kainHello world, a quick question?10:08
andres_kainhow can I get from the comand line the name of the windows that are open? or programs that are running?10:09
brobostigongood morning everyone.10:10
andres_kainnow I'm running terminal, firefox, and epifany for example. How do I get the treminal to say this? ~$ps is too much10:10
andres_kaingood morning10:10
brobostigongood morning andres_kain10:11
andres_kainI tried ~$ps  -d -u andres is also too much but it is a little better10:15
brobostigonmorning czajkowski10:19
andres_kainOK maybe I'm looking at it the wrong way. how do I get gnome to tell me through the terminal the windows I'm working with?10:32
popeyandres_kain: whats the actual goal here?10:44
andres_kainHi thanks popey!10:44
andres_kainwell.. I'm ashamed to say a simple script at the end of my emails saying what i'm doing10:45
andres_kainso now i'm running firefox, terminal and epifany10:45
andres_kainI'd like the terminal to output that so that I could set it on my signature.10:45
MartijnVdSandres_kain: xlsclients?10:47
MartijnVdSthat might be a bit too much though10:47
andres_kainbut a pity no man page!10:48
andres_kainmight have some sort of less or something10:48
andres_kainyes man page10:49
MartijnVdSpopey: hm? :)10:50
popeyjust sounds like an icky thing to put in your signature10:50
MartijnVdSyou might end up with "Firefox - Adult Video Website" in your signature10:51
popeyyeah, that too10:51
popeyand "Totem - Dodgy downloaded video (divx).mkv"10:52
andres_kainhaahahaaha yeah OK, will not be my default signature10:52
MartijnVdSAnd don't forget: "Firefox - Amazon wishlist for your@girlfriend.com" (in email to your wife ;))10:53
MartijnVdS(note: I'm so paranoid I used to not use last.fm because then people could see what I was listening to)10:54
andres_kaingood one. hum found xprop, nothing to do but intersting comand10:55
MartijnVdSandres_kain: you might be able to get a list using libwnck10:56
MartijnVdSno idea how to work that though10:56
andres_kainsorry, i'm a bit newbie here: libwnck is not a command right?10:57
MartijnVdSno, it's a library you can use to write a program that does what you want10:58
andres_kainah. OK. I'll write that down.10:58
MartijnVdScheck python-wnck -- it has an "examples" directory in /usr/share/doc/python-wnck/examples10:59
andres_kainok great, just might do some sed editing out of the xlsclients to remove machine name and applets... se how that goes11:00
andres_kainThank you guys really helpful!11:00
andres_kaingotta go now! thanks again!11:02
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Guest30343hi guys i am using ubuntu 10.10 on a hp laptop which has got switchable graphcis with ATI hd 5000 series with intel. I have never been able to use it with VGA switcheroo because high perfomance never worked. do u need to make sure that 2 drivers are present simultaneously for VGA switcheroo to do its job?11:42
MartijnVdSHave you tried 11.04?11:43
MartijnVdS(I've never used vga-switcheroo)11:43
Guest30343MartijnVdS, ubuntu 11.04 was a pain. it gave me a blank screen after the install11:44
Guest30343i switched back to 10.10 as it is atleast working11:44
MartijnVdSI have no idea then, sorry.11:45
brobostigonweird, overnight something killed my webalizer stats.11:49
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: cron rotating the web server log?11:52
brobostigonMartijnVdS: that was going to be, my first port of call.11:53
brobostigonMartijnVdS: looks lke something like it, start of the log, is just past 6am this morning.11:54
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: that's rotation time11:54
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: there should be an old file as well, that contains entries up to that time11:54
MartijnVdSusually .0 or .1 at the end11:55
brobostigonlet me look.11:55
brobostigonMartijnVdS: yep,there is.11:56
popeywebalizer by default points to the old one, not teh current one11:57
brobostigonpopey: can i specify more than one log file for it to process?11:59
popeyfor multiple websites or multiple files for one website12:00
brobostigonmultiple access.log's for a single site.12:00
popeybut there aren't multiple access logs though12:01
brobostigonor do i modify apache's log file rotation.12:01
popeythere's one12:01
popeywhat are you trying to achieve?12:01
brobostigoni have, access.log and access.log.112:01
popeyyes, access.log.1 is the one you point webalizer at12:01
popeyaccess.log is the current one, it becomes access.log.1 at 6am tomorrow12:01
brobostigonso access.log gets added onto access.log.1,12:02
popeyaccess.log _becomes_ access.log.112:02
popeyyou'll eventually end up with lots of them12:03
popeyolder ones will be gzipped12:03
MartijnVdSaccess.log.1 gets gzipped as access.log.2.gz, then access.log gets moved to access.log.1, and a new, empty access.log is created12:03
brobostigonwont you then only, always have a single  days worth od stats in webalizer, as that is all it picksup, ?12:03
popeyit keeps history db12:03
popeyand updates that with the contents of access.log.112:04
brobostigonah, i see.make more sense now.12:04
brobostigonok, iwill check weblizer's .conf, and make sure it is pointed atthe right place.12:05
brobostigonthank you popey and MartijnVdS. :)12:06
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Guest84973yo people!12:49
moreatiAfternoon. Inspired by (aka blatently copying) UUPCs quizzes I'm running a quiz/panel game for 2 local LUGs in August.14:19
moreatiI have some ideas for rounds up at http://paste.pocoo.org/show/50f3i9iRoNkmdzK2gsyD/14:20
moreatiI'd love to hear any comments and suggestions14:20
moreatiAs is probably evident, I'm a sucker for panel games14:21
moreatipopey: My complements on the latest season btw. Very slick, and very entertaining14:22
popeythats very kind of you to say, thanks14:23
popeythe live element puts a lot of pressure on14:23
moreatiit's not showing14:23
Nafallopopey: my mirror changed httpd now. feel free to throw it back in the pool.15:03
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Azelphurpro annoying the neighbours. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3832397/misc/May%202011/VID_20110515_150217.m4v :D15:26
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Azelphurpopey, just passed 810mhash/sec single device16:06
moreatiAzelphur: ah I wondered if that video was a mining rig16:30
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safiyyahguys anyone know about bikes?17:40
safiyyahi know nothing to do with ubuntu17:40
bigcalmHi peeps18:05
MartijnVdSbiggie calms18:06
Snomiany idea why my download speed on ubuntu would be half that of on windows18:12
SnomiI am using wireless18:13
MartijnVdSSnomi: 802.11n?18:13
MartijnVdSDo you know which chipset?18:13
SnomiIEEE 802.11abgn18:19
SnomiMartijnVdS: ^18:19
MartijnVdSthat's the type.. is it Intel? I think the Intel driver has a bug with 802.11n networks, so that gets disabled.18:19
MartijnVdS(on some chips)18:20
Snomiit is intel18:20
SnomiMartijnVdS: 'WiFi Link 510018:21
MartijnVdSyeah that's the one with the driver bug18:21
MartijnVdSI think it might be fixed in the newest Ubuntu, but I'm not sure.18:21
SnomiI have 11.0418:21
MartijnVdSThen it's not fixed :|18:23
jpdsShould be.18:24
SnomiI mean it works fine18:24
Snomiand has done18:24
Snomijust at half speed18:24
fujisanMartijnVdS :< they finally did it19:50
MartijnVdSfujisan: "they"? "it"?19:58
fujisanoh nvm19:59
fujisanever since i spoke out about quasi racism in ubuntu-nl-offtopic certain members got really hostile with me and eventually banned me :/19:59
MartijnVdSfujisan: then you can complain to the councils etc.20:00
fujisannot really they actually didnt ban me after it last time and just let me chat there but the atmosphere is very hostile so i don't know why i should complain about it i mean i can't stop racism in the Netherlands it's growing and ubuntu-nl-offtopic is just one example of it20:01
fujisananyways end rant sorry it's not the place here20:02
fujisanjust needed to vent20:02
shaunospeaking of not the place for it .. netherlands .. y u no vote for us?20:05
MartijnVdSshauno: vote? huh?20:05
shaunoI have no shame - I'll admit I watched eurovision :p20:05
* hamitron takes the wee wee out of shauno20:06
jpdsshauno: https://twitter.com/#!/Queen_UK/status/6951525264720281620:08
shaunohaha .. didn't see that one20:08
MartijnVdSjpds: no corresponding tweet on https://twitter.com/#!/Koningin_NL .. hmmm :)20:13
fujisanshauno vote for whom?20:22
fujisani chat in every english speaking channel without issues only in the dutch ones i get banned :(20:25
fujisanthat's no coincedence20:25
fujisanand they got angry with me for talking to a turkey gentoo admin from gentoo-tr in there in English and because we talked about Turkey joining the EU20:26
MartijnVdSfujisan: note that this is not #ubuntu-rants20:26
fujisanok Edwin20:28
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Myrttimeh :-/21:01
Pendulumhiya Myrtti21:02
MartijnVdSevening Myrtti21:02
PendulumMyrtti: did your package ever show up?21:02
MyrttiPendulum: it did, mum was ecstatic and I was given excemption from getting a Mothers Day pressie because of it :-D21:05
Myrttifeels weird having time to have a peek at IRC21:05
PendulumMyrtti: wonderful!21:05
Myrttiwatching ice hockey atm, Sweden vs. Finland in IIHF World Championship final...21:06
MartijnVdSthe Canada of Europe :P21:07
Myrttiatleast now I know that currently the IIHF has a deal with an internet broadcasting company and in the future I might have the possibility of buying the streaming package so I can watch these games in UK too21:09
MartijnVdSMyrtti: Wouldn't satellite work?21:14
Myrtti3-1 to Finland :-D21:14
MyrttiMartijnVdS: I haven't looked if any satellite carrier has these on schedule in UK21:15
MartijnVdSMyrtti: You could get any satellite dish, point it at the sat a Finnish sat provider uses it, register the card on a Finnish address and off you go21:15
MartijnVdSI know people who do that with Dutch TV/sat when they live abroad21:17
SnomiI fixed the issue by disabling n on the drivers21:44
PendulumMyrtti: sorry for disappearing. I'm really glad she liked it!21:45
Myrttino problem, Finland is just winning the Ice Hockey World Championship :-DDDDDDd21:46
Pendulumah, that explains the 'go finland' that one of my mates has been repeating on twitter21:47
Myrttiwhole country is going to have a hangover tomorrow21:50
Myrttifortunately we didn't get enough points in Eurovision yesterday21:50
Myrttiif we had won that too, the whole month would have been wasted in a beer boggled mist21:50
andylockranHappy Days21:52
Myrttithe whole suburb is filled with screaming atm21:53
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ali1234haha charlie brooker trolling on twitter "attack of the clones was better than return of the jedi"22:36

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