
bcurtiswxjbicha, yes14:25
bcurtiswxjbicha, what did you install to make the GTK3 not look like windows 95 ?17:08
jbichabcurtiswx: install gnome-themes-standard and gnome-tweak-tool17:29
jbichaand I have all of the themes on Interface and Windows set to Adwaita except for icon-theme17:30
jbichafor icon theme, you can use gnome, ubuntu-mono-dark or ubuntu-mono-light or really whatever you want17:31
bcurtiswxjbicha, then what?17:32
jbichayou can run gnome-tweak-tool to change settings gnome doesn't feel like including yet17:32
jbichalike the theme17:33
bcurtiswxgnome-tweak-tool gives me a traceback.. lol17:33
jbichadoes it tell you why? you installed gnome-shell right?17:34
bcurtiswxnope, thats not going into Ubuntu17:39
bcurtiswxgnome-shell isn't going into Ubuntu17:40
bcurtiswxso I don't plan on using it17:40
jbichathen you can't use gnome-tweak-tool17:41
bcurtiswxi just punted my laptop into Oneiric, so i'm trying to mess with the themes17:41
jbichayou can use dconf-editor to mess with the theme settings17:41
jbichaorg.gnome.desktop.interface has most of them17:42
jbichaif you really want adventurous, I packaged gnome-panel 317:45
jbichaof course, it won't be included on the 11.10 CD17:45
bcurtiswxwe'll get it fixes, so no worries17:46
jbichanone of the indicators work with it yet17:47
bcurtiswxthe keyword is yet, lots of work we just started ;)17:47

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