
canthus13Cheri703: All cool. :)00:03
=== Cheri703_ is now known as Cheri703
dmcglone1Hiya all01:15
canthus13good morning.01:16
dmcglone1morning for you, evening for me02:34
* Cheri703 got home about an hour ago05:44
canthus13Cheri703: welcome back!05:49
Cheri703soooo tired05:50
Cheri703trying to stay awake to finish up some things I need05:50
paultagCheri703: you got an email :)06:02
paultagjacob: you rule. I'll message on that thread with my real thoughts, but thank you :)06:02
paultagjacob: I still have the results of the last election if you want the runner-up?06:03
jacobpaultag: you posted the runners up in the original thread way back when06:03
jacobbut i felt it would be better to keep the election thing going06:03
jacob(and honestly, i should have done this much earlier. :/ )06:04
Cheri703what thread?06:06
Cheri703and paultag, I got it and replied, but I sound like a man because of my cold, so later on is probably better for recording me06:07
Cheri703oh, nvm, just saw that email06:07
jacobwas going to link it, but launchpad's archive hasn't updated yet06:07
* Cheri703 may toss her name into the hat06:08
Cheri703we'll see06:08
jacobI think you'd do great Cheri703, give it a go :)06:08
Cheri703I'll take a look at it this week sometime. I have to catch up on sleep and do a TON of stuff, so hopefully I can ponder it06:11
Cheri703ok, I'm fading fast. off to sleep. ttyl guys06:12
* jgould wanders in06:55
jgouldAnyone home?07:04
jgouldguess not07:31
Cheri703canthus13: pics on the way15:29
canthus13Cheri703: Awesome. :) Sent him the first one... The most I can get away with right now, considering he's sitting two seats away...16:10
Cheri703did you see the one with the ubuntu stuff?16:11
Cheri703I had a better one, but computer ate it16:11
canthus13Not yet. I'll take a closer look later... :)16:12
=== RonnocCain is now known as ronnoc
ronnochi all17:31
ronnocheh hey ppl. Cheri703 are you rested? :)17:45
ronnocwell that's a start17:46
Cheri703trying to work through my to do list17:48
ronnocsame here. but suffereing from ADD at the moment... I need to concentrate. Just keep in mind that Sunday is a day of rest :)17:49
Cheri703hehe, yeah, I'm watching undercover boss, enjoying a real sugar dr pepper, and catching up on my 1000+ google reader feed posts...and that's since like tuesday/wednesday because I did clear it out a few times during my trip17:50
ronnocyea i use both Google Reader and Akregator (on for work, one for open source stuff). At like 400+ items a day, it kinda defeats the point of aggregating feeds. I think consolidation is in order. +1 on the Dr Pepper17:53
Cheri703I don't READ all of them, but I skim through17:55
dniMretsaMhey hey17:56
Cheri703not a ton, recovering from my trip17:56
dniMretsaMwhere did u go?17:57
Cheri703I was in Budapest last week for UDS17:58
dniMretsaMthat's cool17:59
Cheri703yeah, it was awesome17:59
dniMretsaMI'm out guys. l8r17:59
ronnoclol that was fast18:00
Cheri703-_- wasn't nervous about TBC interview this evening, now I am -_-21:33
Cheri703The Burning Circle...21:33
Cheri703they're apparently going to interview me for the podcast21:33
canthus13Oh. COol. :)21:37
paultagCheri703: wooo!21:44
* jgould peers in22:53
jgouldcontrol a, control d is not what I wanted to do...22:54
Cheri703how are you?22:55
jgouldI'm good.  getting ready to adjust the OS installs on my MacBook22:56
jgouldAre you back home now?22:56
Cheri703still pretty tired22:59
jgouldI can see that.23:01
jgoulddid you learn any thing while you were gone?23:01
* jgould decides to use the alternate intall cd and install just what he wants installed23:17
Cheri703bah, 12 min til interview call...23:48
Cheri703fair warning guys, if you listen to it, I've got a cold, so...I may sound weird23:48
Cheri703also still pretty tired23:48
Cheri703so this should be a MASTERPIECE >.<23:48

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