
wrst.seen cyberanger01:40
testbot8570wrst: I last saw cyberanger at 2011-05-14 21:30:20 UTC on #ubuntu-us-tn01:40
wrsttestbot8570: tell cyberanger this thing has ran for almost 1 whole day :)01:40
testbot8570wrst: I'll pass that on when cyberanger is around.01:40
techMileshey wrst01:41
wrsthey testbot8570 how you doing?01:41
wrsthey techMiles how are you doing?01:41
techMilesam good, thanks. You?01:41
wrstyep doing good just bringing a nice and slow saturday to a close01:42
techMilesi have a degree now01:42
wrstcool techMiles what in?01:44
wrstand congratualations!01:44
techMilesit's an AAS in Computer Info Tech01:44
techMilesstill going to continue on01:45
* wrst is unsure what all that means but ssounds impressive :)01:45
techMilesbut looking for work atm.01:45
techMilesAssociate of Applied Science.01:45
wrstahh gotcha01:45
techMilesas opposed to the university-parallel of just Associate of science01:45
techMilesmore technical based01:46
wrstany luck on the job finding front?02:08
techMilesnot yet.02:09
techMilesI'm looking02:09
techMilesthere's an opening at my college that a professor of mine has been really really talking me up about.02:09
techMilesAnd talking me up to the faculty for.02:09
wrstthat is very cool02:09
wrstnever hurts to have a prof speaking on your behalf anywhere especially for a job at the school02:10
techMilesfor the campus that's nearest to me, If I get that job, i'd be over that entire campus' PC's02:10
techMilesand probably printers, too.02:10
techMilesyeah. especially when that professor is the most technical person that have on campus.02:10
techMilesthat they have**02:10
wrstcool again :)02:43
linuxman410cyberanger i did it i have ubuntu with icewm and xchat and sea monkey running in less  than 2 gb and the wireless working04:22
cyberangerlinuxman410: cool04:25
cyberangerand I can get you a howto for what I did on ubuntu04:25
cyberanger(debian 6 not yet, until I do that again)04:25
cyberangerit would fit in 2GB, but I prefer to just use the SD Card slot to install, give me a ton of room to play04:26
linuxman410wrst u here16:52
wrst.weather cookeville tn22:30
testbot8570Overcast ☁, 60.8℉ (16℃), 29.75in (1004mb), Light breeze 6kt (↑) - KCHA 20:53Z22:31
wrstgreetings cyberanger23:13
cyberangerhey wrst23:21
wrsthow are you doing cyberanger?23:24
cyberangerI'm doing well, but mksquashfs is about to meet a violent death with shred23:25
cyberangerit keeps hanging in the same spot23:34

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