
* Linden940 is away: running after the butterflies03:47
muffinxHowdy everyone.03:53
spridelahh a talking muffin03:58
muffinxScary, ain't it?03:58
muffinxFiguring out the whole Unity thing ... playing clickety-click on everything to see what happens.  :P04:00
* Linden940 is back (gone 10:12:58)14:00
stlsaintLinden940: sup man14:04
stlsaintthebwt: poke14:04
Linden940just getting the jump on some mondays work14:04
Linden940what about you?14:04
stlsaintworking on some packaging14:05
stlsainttrying to get a package into debian14:06
Linden940cool what is it?14:07
stlsaintstore and run terminal commands from a gui/terminal interface14:09
stlsaintuseful for beginners to command line and it stores those long commands we always forget :D14:09
stlsaintwritten in python14:09
stlsaintit has picked up attention in the last few months, some big wigs are noticing it14:10
Linden940nice i like that idea14:10
Linden940i hate when I am like wtf was that command?? an I am on google looking around for it14:11
stlsaintyep very useful and better yet light14:11
stlsaintyep yep14:11
Linden940thats awesome14:11
Linden940give it like custom settings so we can put our own commands14:11
stlsaintif we get it into debian than you will see it in ubuntu14:11
stlsaintLinden940: thats already in there ;)14:12
Linden940lol sweet14:12
stlsaintLinden940: i found a bug for it not grabbing your default shell (csh, zsh, etc) so now it gives the correct shell instead of defaulting to bash14:12
stlsaintyea it has come along way14:13
Linden940i see this14:20
Linden940well i hope to see that sooner or later bro14:20
stlsaintsame here :D14:20
thebwtstlsaint: yo14:25
thebwtbe back in a bit14:25
Linden940hey thebwt whats up?14:25
thebwtnot to much14:25
Linden940what happen to the simple brb lol14:26
thebwtbrb is like, 'brb drink run'14:26
thebwtbbiab is shower or burgers14:26
Linden940hey what ever works14:26
Linden940but let me ask you this14:26
Linden940what one would you use when your going to go fuck someones brains out?14:27
Linden940lol jk14:27
thebwtsurely bbiab. [admin-hat] However, that is kinda innapropriate for the channel [/admin-hat].14:28
Linden940yea yea...kinda 4got what one i was in again14:29
thebwtno worries, just be careful14:29
thebwtso what you been up to?14:29
stlsaintthebwt: HE LIVES!14:31
thebwtheya stlsaint14:31
stlsaintthebwt: man i thought you were eaten by bears14:32
thebwthehe, no just swapped focus, burn-out w/e14:32
thebwtyou still abroad?14:33
stlsaintthebwt: yep14:33
thebwtwhere you stationed?14:34
thebwtstaying safe?14:35
Linden940i did not know u where in the army14:35
Linden940whats your job there?14:35
stlsaintcomputer guy14:36
Linden940i thought about join..would been cool to be a fighter pilot14:38
stlsaintyea  its good for schooling14:41
Linden940this coming week is going to be a good week for me on ebay14:58
thebwtLinden940: what you selling?15:02
Linden940some hard drives ram sticks15:03
Linden940i have a lot of 10 (1GB untested ram sticks)15:03
Linden940an then i am selling mic scrap items15:03
Linden940the ram came out of working desktops when pulled...but i did not test them so...i am selling as is that why i dont have someone bitching at me saying this or that15:04
Linden940I have one item going for 117.50 right now an it still has 6days15:05
thebwthello b1u3m3th16:54
b1u3m3thhi thebwt16:56
muffinxHowdy everyone.17:06
thebwthowdy muffinx17:07
Linden940hello muffinx17:10
muffinxHow are you folks doing?17:10
b1u3m3thhi muffinx17:13
thebwtjust fine, getting ready to head out in an hour or so.17:13
muffinx:-)  Well, I just headed in the door about an hour ago.  And now I'm just trying to relax a little.17:14
thebwtfun fun17:15
Linden940lol muffinx where did u come from?17:17
Linden940an where u going thebwt ?17:17
muffinxLinden940: Mowing my dad's yard and fixing all the stuff that the storm's broke the other day.17:18
thebwttoday is D&D day, so I'll be headding  to my friends house for a good portion of the day.17:18
Linden940sounds fun thebwt17:19
Linden940muffinx, want to do the repairs to our house? we cant find a GC that we like.17:19
Linden940roof, siding, garage door an the gate all need to be replace/repaired17:20
muffinxWell, I'm not very good at it -- but I am pretty much the only one around to do it in the case of my dad's place.17:20
muffinxHmm.  Does Unity not have a notification area?17:25
Linden940damm...lol i see17:25
Linden940i could do it if i wanted to...but i dont want to lol17:26
thebwtit does.. kinda. what app?17:27
muffinxIt is not showing the notification icon at all.  Also, Tweetdeck doesn't either.17:28
muffinxTweetdeck isn't a big deal, since it minimizes into the dock.  But I was wanting to try to get notifications in XChat.17:30
muffinxSo I can alt-tab away, but see if a message has been posted.  :-/17:30
thebwti will get links in a sec17:31
muffinxOkay.  I have one article that I'm reading atm that suggests that Canonical is wanting to phase out the notification area.  Which is fine with me, but it puts me in a bit of a lurch until something better is done by the app devs.17:32
* muffinx will be back in about 10 minutes.17:35
=== muffinx is now known as muffinx_afk
=== muffinx_afk is now known as muffinx
muffinxOkay, I'm back.  Sorry about that.17:45
Linden940its all good17:45
Linden940not much happened when you left lol17:45
muffinxThat's good.  Because I would have been rather pissed if the end of the world happened without me.  :-)17:47
Linden940i my self would rather be out of that an just watch it on the side lines as i have some pop corn17:47
Linden940well me stepping away from the pc..need a breather17:49
muffinxI'm reading the post located here: http://design.canonical.com/2010/04/notification-area/ .  In theory, it all sounds good, but in the end, I fear instead of having a bar full of notification area icons, we'll have a bar full of application indicators.17:52
muffinxWell, that didn't work.18:09
muffinxHmm.  brb again.18:11
muffinxYay.  Got my notification icons back, although they sure obfuscated the hell out of how to do it.18:31
* muffinx throws a rope out to stlsaint!18:55
stlsaintthebwt: ping19:21

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