
valoriehi Brice__05:01
valoriewelcome to the washington channel05:02
Brice__Thank you.05:02
Brice__Does this LoCo still meet?05:03
valoriewe haven't met as such for a few months05:03
valoriebut lots of us were at Linuxfest Northwest, where we had a booth05:03
valorievery successful -- I burned loads of CDs05:04
Brice__I didn't learn about LinuxFest until too late, unfortunately. I hope to go next year.05:07
valorieit was a lot of fun05:08
valorienow we're trying to get a geeknik together05:08
valorieyou should join the launchpad team and the list or forum05:09
valorieget plugged in05:09
Brice__Okay. What are the commitments of being a member?05:09
valorieummm -- following the code of conduct, I guess05:10
valoriethat was no problem for me -- that's what drew me to the community in the first place05:11
Brice__Cool. I think I will join.05:11
Brice__How often do you meet?05:12
valorieI'm down with meeting whenever people will show up05:12
valorieI live out near Black Diamond, so I want to know that there will be somebody before I hop in the car and drive an hour.....05:13
valoriebut heck, I'd go to Olympia or beyond if there are people to meet up with05:13
valorieI enjoy people face to face, not just in IRC05:14
Brice__Okay. I'll definately think about it.05:14
Brice__I've got to go now. Bye.05:14
valorienice meeting you05:14
Brice__You too.05:14

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