
* nlsthzn waves07:08
superflyhi nlsthzn07:17
nlsthznHey superfly :) all well now?07:19
superflygetting there07:20
superflythough carting my son up and down the stairs about 5 times already this morning has not helped07:21
nlsthzn? superfly is he still ill?07:30
superflynot really, he's got a runny nose and an occasional cough07:31
nlsthznsuperfly: ah ok... so dad is just a convenient method of transportation then :p07:34
Kilosmorning all08:48
KilosMaaz, coffee on08:48
* Maaz flips the salt-timer08:48
KilosMaaz, whats for breakfast08:48
MaazWheatbix today Kilos, and if you are still hungry maybe bacon and eggs.08:48
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!08:52
KilosMaaz, ty08:52
MaazYou're Welcome I'm sure08:52
KilosMaaz, wheatbix please08:54
MaazWith hot milk and sugar Kilos?08:54
KilosMaaz, yes please08:54
MaazHere you are my buddy. Enjoy08:54
* Kilos fills his belly with cyberbix08:55
nlsthznhey kilos09:01
Kiloshi nlsthzn 09:01
kodezhi superfly, how are you?13:42
superflysleepy thanks13:42
kodezi wish i had more energy to keep me studying. can we discuss the HUAWEI problem?13:43
superflynot that I know much more than, it should just work13:44
kodezi am trying to paste the output and will come back in a minute13:46
superflykodez: so did you try any of the known methods?13:48
kodezwhich methods?13:48
kodezthe output that i am giving you are what i have tried so far13:49
kodezhow does that one work?13:49
superflykodez: your pastes tell me nothing I don't already know13:49
superflyinstall the package13:49
superflyMaaz: google ubuntu huawei modem13:50
Maazsuperfly: "Huawei E220 USB modem - Ubuntu Forums" http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=302464 :: "DialupModemHowto/Huawei/E220 - Community Ubuntu Documentation" https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto/Huawei/E220 :: "DialupModemHowto/Huawei - Community Ubuntu Documentation" https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto/Huawei :: "Zepto Znote 3215W Ubuntu: HUAWEI E220 3G modem HOWTO" http://ubuntu3215w.blogspot.com/2008/013:50
superflykodez: try Googling13:50
kodezok, i will try the links and google. but the last time i tried google, it was giving me results as if the modem was appearing as a normal usb13:52
superflyMaaz: google usb-modeswitch13:53
Maazsuperfly: "Draisberghof - Software - USB_ModeSwitch" http://www.draisberghof.de/usb_modeswitch/ :: "USB_ModeSwitch ~ View topic - Ubuntu 10.04 and 3G modems – usb ..." http://www.draisberghof.de/usb_modeswitch/bb/viewtopic.php?t=322 :: "Debian -- Details of package usb-modeswitch in sid" http://packages.debian.org/sid/usb-modeswitch :: "Debian -- Package Search Results -- usb-modeswitch" http://packages.debian.org/usb-modeswitch :: "“us13:53
kodezi had realised that i don't have usb-modeswitch installed, i will try installing and bring results13:59
nuvolarisuperfly, confluency: the geckos mess up my walls :/ I like having them around, but it becomes a mission to keep all your belongings clean17:05
superflynuvolari: don't lie, you're just lazy! :-P17:06
nuvolarisuperfly: true ;P especially when you need to fetch a ladder every time17:06
Kiloshi guys17:07
nuvolarinaand-sê oom Kilos 17:07
superflyhi Kilos17:08
confluencynuvolari: how do they mess up your walls?  Poop?18:46
confluencyHow big are these geckoes?18:47
confluencyI mean, this dude seems to have your problem, but he lives in Australia, where I assume the geckoes are the size of crocodiles and can swallow a sheep whole. http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/135351418:49
Squirmwhere can I download the latest 11.04 from?19:25
Squirmthe one on mirroc.ac.za was uploaded on the 27th19:25
Kerberodis reg19:26
Kerberodaai is die nuutste19:26
Squirmbut that means thers 15+ days it could have been updated in19:27
Kerberodis waarom mens altyd na 'n install dadelik 'n update doen vanaf die repositories19:27
Squirmbut that means I have to download the iso + the update19:28
Squirmah well...19:28
nuvolariconfluency: affirmative. poop. the beasties are about 12cm long19:28
Kerberodis hoe dit werk ongelukkig19:29
Squirmmaybe I'll just edit the iso with all the latest updates19:29
Kerberodo you know jigdo?19:32
Squirmheard of it19:34
Deegee_1hi all19:59
Deegee_1problem: i'mtrying to install natty server on the laptop. I don't have a connection as yet. option which appears is the Ethernet or wireless connection. else should I wait till tomorrow when I get to office and setup my home server on the laptop. 20:03
Deegee_1any advice is welcomed.20:03
superflyDeegee_1: choose ethernet, and then tell it not to scan for dhcp20:08
superflyor just let it fail, and move on20:08
* Deegee_1 uses a very sensitive keyboard 20:26
Deegee_1I think I'll use yhe office facilities to get the server running on the laptop...20:28
magellanicserver on laptop??21:10
superflymy thoughts exactly21:10
kbmonkeywords does not compute21:13
magellanicunless it's server in a vm on laptop to test/check out ;p21:14
Kilosnight all sleep tight and warm21:50
Morganvdevening all23:41

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