
ailo_astraljava, I suppose to offer a system perfectly tuned towards multimedia. And that has been the case with some of the release, but not all00:01
astraljavaailo_: Yeah, but all the tweaks could be written into packages (via postinsts etc.), such as removing NetworkManager and the like.00:02
ailo_astraljava, That's true00:02
astraljavaThere's only one thing that comes to mind; if the intended machine will not be connected to Internet, so you can download most everything you will need in one file.00:03
astraljavaIn exactly how many cases will this materialize?00:03
astraljavaNo one knows.00:03
ailo_It is becoming less and less common for people not to have Internet for sure. But, then there's the live image variant, which can be very useful too00:04
ailo_I wonder how much resources the awn together with XFCE takes compared to Unity or Gnome300:06
astraljavaI guess. I have a hard time figuring out a session where you've loaded the whole OS into RAM, and then start recording/processing/whatever. But it might happen, I could just be totally ignorant regarding such incidents.00:06
ailo_Maybe there should be a multimedia panel, that replaces all other panels :)00:06
astraljavaNot altogether a bad idea. :)00:07
ailo_astraljava, You would never record on to RAM. You would use the existing hard drive or an external one00:07
ailo_But, loading apps into RAM is what you do either way00:07
ailo_And it works just as well, only loading the apps is slower00:07
ailo_From CD especially, it's slower to load tha apps00:07
astraljavaailo_: Of course, but the data doesn't go directly to the disk without running through RAM first,  or does it?00:08
astraljavaailo_: I guess you're right, it shouldn't be any different.00:08
ailo_astraljava, I believe the OS runs pretty much identically, only that it reads programs from the live image when it loads, so it takes longer time00:08
ailo_But running them is the same00:09
astraljavaYep, don't know what I was thinking. :)00:09
ailo_puredyne has a persistant live image, which you can create users on, and even install programs. 00:09
ailo_Using usb stick that is00:09
ailo_It's really handy00:09
ailo_You can bring your own system to any other machine00:10
astraljavaYeah, never used but am aware. That's pretty nifty.00:10
ailo_I used puredyne 911 as a live machine. Installed on hard drive. XFCE. The rt kernel from karmic. A very nice system00:12
ailo_The live image comes in two sizes. CD and DVD00:12
ailo_So, you have all the combinations you can think of00:13
ailo_I would probably use the Puredyne live image creation as the base for an Ubuntu Studio live image00:16
* Kokito is listening to Santana while shredding old useless documents02:23
ScottLastraljava, one of the benefits of providing an install ISO for ubuntu studio is what we choose to exclude :)02:36
ScottLoh, i see someone pointed this out02:37
ScottLholstein, i just read in LXF that even though gnome3 has a fallback option to gnome panel, it is configured to behave like gnome shell02:38
ScottLso, this means yes, we could try to default to gnome panel that is included with gnome 3 but it will still perform and look like gnome 3 without the 3d acceleration02:38
holsteinScottL: yeah04:11
holsteinthats what im thinking04:11
holsteinim looking for the option on the live CD i have04:11
holsteini'll have to get a new live CD though04:11
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holsteinScottL: chkontros?15:57
astraljavaIt's only 11 am, he can't possibly be up yet. *grin*15:59
holsteinastraljava: is it chontos?15:59
astraljavackontros, and he's not even on the channel.16:00
astraljavaholstein: What do you use for IRC?16:00
holsteinastraljava: yeah, thats why i cant remember his nick ;)16:00
holsteinastraljava: i have irssi in screen16:00
astraljavaOkay, so you should have nick completion in tab.16:01
astraljavaVery useful to tell whether someone's on channel or not, as irssi doesn't show joined nicks by default.16:01
holsteinastraljava: yeah16:03
holsteinim not looking for him16:03
holsteini want to refer to him in an email16:03
holsteinand couldnt remember the nick16:03
astraljavaAhh... sorry. :)16:03
holsteinno worries16:04
holsteini wasnt clear about it ;)16:04
astraljavaYeah it's ckontros, c for Cory.16:04
astraljavaholstein: Trimming is recommended. :)16:35
holsteini thought maybe i had accidentally sent that long, bitchy email i composed16:36
holsteinto the mailing list ;)16:36
astraljavaNo I mean when responding to others' posts, scrap the irrelevant portion.16:38
holsteinastraljava: i thought i had16:39
astraljavaWhen there's 257 lines in the post, it becomes tiresome checking it all for content.16:39
holsteinor, i thought it was not shown16:39
holsteinit just shows up and 'quoted text' for me16:40
holsteinthat thread is ridiculous anyways16:40
holsteinthats it for me16:40
astraljavaIt doesn't show it to you, but it will still be sent.16:40
astraljavaYeah I agree it got out of hand.16:40
holsteinits just emotional16:41
holsteinwhich is good in a way16:41
holsteineven that last one16:41
holstein'i dont know what XFCE is, but..'16:41
holsteinits like, go Fn look 16:41
astraljavaThat's partly true, but...16:41
holsteintheres xubuntu and puredyne16:41
astraljavaYeah exactly.16:42
holsteinand that other hard-on16:42
holsteinthat was like 5 or 6 back and forth threads16:42
holsteinand then, "OH, i thought we were talking about LXDE'16:42
astraljavaHaha! Yeah cracked me up. :D16:42
holsteinits a passionate crowd though16:42
holsteinand thats good16:42
holsteinwe just need to get them in here16:43
holsteinand involved16:43
astraljavaYeah I guess.16:43
holsteininvolved in testing16:43
holsteinand fixing, instead of bitching16:43
holstein*something i have been guilty of16:43
holsteinthats partially why i wanted to get involved with fluxbuntu16:43
holsteinstop bitching and fix it16:43
holsteinso, now that i dont have time16:44
holsteini cant bitch about it anymore ;)16:44
astraljavaWell of course you can. :) People are allowed to have opinions. :)16:45
ScottLoi, i'm here17:15
ScottLi find the "we're changing to xfce" thread to be wearing thin on my patience17:16
astraljavaMaybe let it die already? :)17:19
ScottLyes, you are right astraljava 17:20
astraljavaBut in hindsight, maybe Cory should have mentioned Gnome2 going away? Might have dismissed many who now nag about not using that.17:21
astraljavaOr GNOME 2, whatever.17:21
ScottLyes, that would have helped quite a bit too ;)17:22
ScottLbut it would be helpful if people would read the rest of the thread to see if there is other information17:22
astraljavaYeah, mailing list etiquette is lost on so many of us.17:23
ScottLor if they would provide something tangible to argue against using xfce17:23
ScottLi really welcome ANY information, pro or con17:24
ScottLit would give us _some_ basis17:24
astraljavaMostly people are just not comfortable for leaving something they have used for a long time.17:24
astraljavaOh crap, did we have the meeting soon?!17:26
ScottLi think we missed it :/17:35
ScottLlol, i'm a bad lead :(17:35
astraljavaNo no, wasn't it 17:00 UTC?17:37
astraljavaIn less than half an hour.17:37
ScottLeh, i thought it was 1.75 hours ago, but either way we don't have a published agenda :(17:43
astraljavaAhh... true.17:44
holsteinScottL: dood18:10
holsteini had a long message like that earlier18:10
holsteinthat i deleted18:10
holsteinim *so* glad that went out :)18:10
holsteinastraljava: i agree18:11
holsteinwe could have announced it better probably18:11
holsteinhowever, there are threads with that information in them18:11
astraljavaholstein: True, but most people only see the official statement, and neglect to read the rest of the conversation.18:29
astraljavaOkay I'll be watching hockey for a while now, maybe see ya later.18:30
ScottLholstein, you mean the post where i explained the reasons again?19:02
ScottLhi Kokito 19:09
Kokitosorry that I missed the meeting19:10
ScottLwe didn't really have a meeting, its been overshadowed by the "we're moving to xfce" thread i fear19:10
ScottLi think it made everyone forget the meeting ;)19:11
ScottL 19:11
ScottLi could have handled some of the emails better19:11
ScottLi realize that i probably should have simply responded by acknowledging their position (xfce=bad) and then ask if they can provide more information19:12
KokitoI thought you showed a lot of patience19:12
ScottLlol, Kokito , thank you but i fear you are being gracious with that adjective :P19:13
ScottLi tend to be very objective orientated with points and conterpoints and very direct engagement19:14
ScottLi have a point to discussing and i want you to attack my position with logic and reason19:14
ScottLi score "major" points with my wife you can probably guess ;)19:14
ScottLKokito, since you are here, how is the website going?19:18
ScottLoh, i'll probably do an apology email later on about this whole xfce thing, apologizing for not explaining it well originally and how i reacted by getting short with people19:18
ScottLStuzz from #opensourcemusicians helped me with some drums:  http://tinyurl.com/Braaiinnzzz19:20
holsteinScottL: thats nice :)19:20
holstein* the track19:20
Kokitohey holstein 19:23
KokitoScottL: I don't much of an opinion on the XFCE debate19:24
ScottLKokito, and i respect that position19:26
ScottLi also respect the position that says "it's bad for X reason"...i was looking forward to this actually19:27
Kokitomy only observation would be that, in Ubuntu, of all Unity is most likely to get the most development push/resources and thus seems to me the preferable choice if you consider long term growth.19:27
ScottLi wanted to understand really how people felt and fully wanted to validate our decision by exploring where people felt it as wrong for a particular reason19:27
ScottLKokito, i'm not sure i agree with that argument because xfce is an upstream development, just like gnome was before19:28
Kokitostaying with the mainstream Ubuntu may give you a better chance at cross-polination of resources19:28
ScottLhmmm, that's an interesting thought though (cross pollination of resources)19:28
ScottLbut development should continue with xfce  without ubuntu's involved (which i imagine was little anyway)19:29
ScottLi mean development in a general sense for xfce, not our development with xfce19:30
ScottL 19:30
ScottLif we were going to use something besides xfce i would prefer gnome3 at this point over unity however19:30
ScottLsimply because i think it is a more refined, stable, and functional base than unity AT THIS POINT19:31
ScottLi fully expect unity develop to keep up the amazing pace they have demonstrated last cycle19:31
KokitoScottL: in my ignorance, adopting XFCE instead of Unity also feels like moving away from Ubuntu/Canonical. This has nothing to do with technical viability, but I am not sure if it may or may not have an (negative?) effect on the relationship with Canonical. Maybe I am just a bit too paranoid :)19:32
ScottLKokito, haha, i don't think that's paranoia , just practical sense19:48
ScottLbut my perspective is that canonical views ubuntu studio, not with disdain, but perhaps indifference19:48
ScottLi don't think, but i may be wrong, that shuttleworth is concerned that a niche derivative moves away from unity19:49
ScottLat least i am unaware of _any_ correspondence to anyone on the team from anyone in canonical in regards to the DE19:50
KokitoI never thought there was any disdain towards US. I tend to think, though, that staying on the mainstream Ubuntu (ie., Unity) gives you a better chance of being seen as potentially of value to Ubuntu core19:54
Kokitoif instead of switching to XFCE the US team helps address whatever workflow shortcomings Unity may have, then your value (from a Canonical POV) increases; in contrast, moving to XFCE will most likely result in more indifference19:58
Kokitoperhaps the change to Unity opens an opportunity to become more engaged with the Ubuntu core dev team, which cannot be bad IMHO20:01
Kokitobut what do I know anyway Ñ=20:05
Kokitooops! that was meant to be a :)20:05
holsteinyeah, i can relate with that opinion20:10
holsteinhowever, #2 with canonnical is kubuntu20:10
ScottLthat was a good point20:15
holsteinScottL: did you see robert klaar's email?20:37
holsteini just responded20:38
holsteinthat is a great email20:38
holsteinthats what we need*20:38
holsteinhealthy educated debate20:38
holsteinactually, thats what we needed20:38
holsteinits too late now20:38
holsteinback when we had the thread about discussing the UI change20:39
holsteinthat would have been a great time for the debate20:39
holsteinbut, whatever20:39
ScottLyeah, that's good stuff, including hartmut and michaels 2nd response20:55
holsteinthings are much more clear now that you put the hammer down ;)20:56
holsteini can work with that20:56
ScottLbut still the majority seems to think it will be a good move, including hartmut :)20:56
holsteinmichael is the same guy that said twice 'i think theres a compatibility mode' too20:56
holsteinthats quite an improvment from 'i think there might be a way to keep gnome2'20:57
ScottLoh....well, he's right though, there is one...it's just not probably what he thought it would be :P20:57
ScottLi wonder if we could translate this into more testers, bear with me...20:57
ScottLwhat if we said we're still moving with xfce, BUT...20:58
ScottLyou think unity is better, fine, help us develop a way to test this and include it as an install time option20:58
ScottLedubuntu does this20:58
ScottLer, but then again, this might just shut people up20:58
holsteinwell, it might just chill folks out to know that we are planning on testing apps in unity20:59
holsteinwhich we will/can20:59
holsteinand that the current vanilla install would render unitystudio20:59
holsteinpretty much20:59
ScottLailo__, i'm putting natty on my main rig so i can test the -lowlatency with other hardware now21:00

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