
whoaskihey guys I'm think I need help editing my bash.rc file01:37
whoaskiNOTE: Gem::Specification#default_executable= is deprecated with no replacement. It will be removed on or after 2011-10-01.01:38
whoaskiGem::Specification#default_executable= called from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/specifications/treetop-1.4.8.gemspec:11.01:38
whoaskirails (3.0.7, 3.0.0)01:38
whoaskican anybody help?01:38
whoaskiI was wondering if anybody can help me02:26
holsteinwhoaski: did you build it?04:08
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StrayfolkI'm thinking about reinstalling my system soon... and reformatting the HD too14:01
Strayfolkwhich file system would you recommend for a ubuntu studio + ubuntu dual boot + shared home?14:02
StrayfolkI heard somewhere that ext3 would be more suitable for audio work, does that concern the /home partition or the /, from which the operating system is running?14:07
Strayfolkext3 vs ext4 that is...14:07
StrayfolkI'm currently using ext4 on both /home and /14:08
holsteinStrayfolk: last time15:42
holsteini did ext215:42
holsteinfor my tracking partition15:42
holsteinwell, my tracking hard drive15:42
holsteinbut, this very last time, i asked around15:42
holsteinand ended up going with ext415:42
holsteini wouldnt lose any sleep over it though15:43
holsteinideally, you would not have your OS on the same hard drive you are recording to15:43
Strayfolkok, thanks15:48
StrayfolkI don't. my sessions folder is on the home partition15:48
holsteinStrayfolk: if you can15:49
holsteinthats where you'd see some performance increase15:50
holsteinagain, i wouldnt lose sleep over it :)15:50
StrayfolkI'd like to get rid of the xruns...15:50
Strayfolkthe only stable recording environment for me now is the rt-2.6.31, but that leaves me with a very crippled desktop15:53
StrayfolkI've tried some  live distros with more recent kernels, and that seems to work better for me15:54
StrayfolkI'm hoping  11.04 will perform better for me15:55
holsteinStrayfolk: you tried -lowlatency?15:57
holsteinthe -generic kernel in 11.04 seemed much improved15:57
Strayfolkya, lowlatency won't run15:58
Strayfolkwon't boot15:58
holsteinmight want to try re-installing15:59
holsteinthats the kernel for you*15:59
Strayfolkyes, that's what I'm talking about ;)15:59
holsteinif the RT is causing trouble15:59
StrayfolkI'm Gonna reinstall soon15:59
holsteinStrayfolk: reinstall the kernel*15:59
Strayfolkthrough synaptic for instance?16:00
holsteinhowever you want16:00
holsteinsounds like a broken package to me16:00
Strayfolksome kernels won't install with the nvidia-current pack16:00
StrayfolkI've reinstalled the nvidias16:00
StrayfolkI tried running without, but that caused total system hangs16:01
Strayfolkwith the nouveau16:01
holsteinim using abogani/falks kernel16:01
holsteinwith nvidia current16:01
holsteinworks great :)16:01
Strayfolkexactly that one won't install for me16:01
holsteinwell, i would find falk16:01
holsteinand ask whats up with that16:01
holsteinhe has a seperate kernel PPA now16:01
Strayfolkfirst I'd like to reinstall the whole system, because there's so much broken / worked around that works automagically with newer kernels16:02
holsteinStrayfolk: you can reinstall16:02
holsteinbefore doing that16:02
holsteinif i were you16:02
holsteini would sort out what kernel you need16:03
holsteinso, if you break something16:03
holsteinyou have the final step of reinstalling16:03
holstein*cant hurt16:03
Strayfolkneed to back up everything first16:03
Strayfolkabout repos. if I were to use KX's repos, would it be recommended to remove any other PPAs, then reinstall the kernels & all16:04
Strayfolk...like abogani, tangostudio, etc.16:06
Strayfolkholstein, you're using 11.04 right? which kernel are you using?16:07
Strayfolkand nvidia?16:08
Strayfolkand wifi?16:08
StrayfolkI'm off practicing, leaving idle16:10
holsteinStrayfolk: im using 10.04 on my production machine16:17
holsteinwith the -realtime kernel from falk/abogani16:17
holsteinand nvidia16:17
holsteinit doesnt have wifi16:18
holsteinthe 11.04 testing install i have is ATI16:18
holsteinand i have issues with the -realtime kernel and the broadcom wifi16:18
holsteinStrayfolk: however, everywhere i have tried the -lowlatency kernel16:47
holsteinhardware support seems great16:47
holstein-generic support with lower latency capabilities16:48
Strayfolkok, so now I'm running the 2.6.38-8-lowlatency. but now my old firewire stack won't load20:07
Strayfolkold 1394 stack present.... False20:07
Strayfolk  old 1394 stack loaded..... False20:07
Strayfolk  old 1394 stack active..... False20:07
holsteinStrayfolk: right20:11
holsteini dont see how that could be related20:11
holsteinbut, it could b20:11
holsteinhowever, i dont need the old stack20:12
holsteinso, im not sure whats up with that and the new kernels20:12
holsteinnor, do a really have a decent way of testing for that20:12
StrayfolkI forgot to update the rest of the packages... gonna try that first20:12
holsteinyeah, thats a good bet20:12
StrayfolkI deblacklisted the new firewire stack just quickly and see that it's on other IRQs than the ohci139420:15
Strayfolknot sharing irqs with usb and gfx20:15
Strayfolkcould that be a reason to use the new stack20:16
StrayfolkI did the updates, but I had to use the new stack apparently because of the kernel20:45
Strayfolkso now jack is running, but 0 of my programs talks to jack nor ladish20:45
Strayfolkafter a 2nd reboot it works normally with the new stack, but produces xruns like never before20:55
holsteinStrayfolk: plausible20:55
holsteinthat the new stack is not right for your gear20:55
Strayfolkok, so I'm out of luck. the best solution for me is to use an old RT kernel20:56
holsteinStrayfolk: ?20:57
holsteini mean, im running 10.0420:57
holsteinwith my firewire device20:57
holsteinfor us20:57
holsteini would say, you should run 10.0420:57
holsteinand maintain a testing partition20:57
holsteinso we can see whats going on20:58
StrayfolkI'm running 10.04 with the 2.6.38-8-lowlatency20:58
holsteinand make sure you have good support in 12.0420:58
holsteinStrayfolk: yeah?20:58
holsteinwhat new stack then?20:58
Strayfolkas you told me20:58
holsteinyou dont have JACK2 right?20:58
holsteindo you have falks ppa?20:58
StrayfolkI should have jack1?20:58
holsteinStrayfolk: i cant say21:00
holsteinfor your particular gear21:00
holsteinim just throwing out options21:00
holsteinand trying to figure out whats up with your rig21:00
Strayfolkyah, it's nice of you, I appreciate21:00
StrayfolkUsing: JACK 1.9.721:00
holsteinStrayfolk: :)21:01
holsteinStrayfolk: you could try adding falks PPAs21:01
holsteinthats what i have in 10.0421:01
Strayfolkfalks and kx studio?21:01
Strayfolkor are they the same21:02
holsteinfalk develops KXstudio21:02
holsteinthe PPA's are the packages for KX21:02
holsteinthat we can use in ubuntu21:02
holsteinsince KX is bases on ubuntu 10.0421:02
holsteinwe add the PPA21:02
holsteinand take advantage of the newer packages21:03
StrayfolkI'm with you21:03
holsteinand as long as you dont mind waiting21:03
holsteinand are comfortable running purge-ppa21:03
holsteinthen, it literally cant hurt21:03
StrayfolkI appear to have ppa:falk-t-lucid21:04
holsteinthere are some newer ones now21:04
holsteinthat one is depricated21:04
Strayfolkfrom here I added the ppa and the kernel21:05
Strayfolkwhat are you suggesting?21:05
StrayfolkI use the jack2 1.9.7 from that page21:07
Strayfolkshould I try this:21:08
StrayfolkThe JACK1 PPA forces the installation of JACK1 over the default JACK2 used in KXStudio.21:08
StrayfolkThis PPA depends on 'Main'.21:08
StrayfolkLink - https://launchpad.net/~kxstudio-team/+archive/jack1 | ppa:kxstudio-team/jack121:08
holsteinStrayfolk: i have all of those PPAs21:12
holsteinnot the games and audio*21:13
holsteinjust the important21:13
Strayfolkthe jack1 too?21:13
holsteini have jack221:13
holsteinthats a good option for you21:13
holsteinif you try jack221:13
holsteinand its not happenin21:13
Strayfolkthe only package in that ppa is called dummy and the description is TODO21:14
holsteinStrayfolk: probably on the way then :)21:16
holsteinas long as you know how to purge21:17
holsteinjust try them21:17
holsteini cant say what will work21:17
holsteinyou'll just have to fiddle with the config and your hardware21:17
dave2012does anyone know the best synth+keyboard programs?23:26
dave2012Swami doesnt run for me :(23:26

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