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j0rd_can anyone here help.? The menu bar on the top of each window is missing (file, edit, etc...) and i have no idea how it happened of how to fix it.05:58
holsteinj0rd_: do this06:00
holsteinmake another user account06:00
holsteinand see if all is well...06:00
j0rd_i'll try that next holstein06:01
j0rd_I have tried login / logout / reboot / xfce4 --replace / xfwm4 -r / etc but the bar is still missin, my son ninjad my keyboard so im guessing some sort of key combo perhaps06:01
j0rd_also icons mising from pannel, like the session icon is missing, if i click where it is ment to be the menu shows up but no icons for it06:02
j0rd_all google urns up is junk for restarting the panels06:03
holsteinyou logged in as the new user?06:03
holsteinand its the same?06:03
j0rd_just setting up a new user account now06:03
holsteintest_: ?06:06
holsteinno good?06:06
holsteinim not sure exactly where it is06:07
test_is there any way to fix my normal acct or is it a case of transfering everything to a new acct06:07
holsteini would just start renaming .xfce config directories06:08
holsteinor moving06:08
holsteinso you can easily revert*06:08
test_where would i find those, hidden in ~/ .?06:08
holsteinsomeone could come along that knows the magic key combo though06:08
holsteinit would be nice to know that06:08
test_so just add ".old" onto the end of every xfce config i can find in ~/ .?06:09
holsteinthats one way06:10
holsteinlog out and back in06:10
holsteinand they should regenerate06:10
holsteinand your settings should become default06:10
test_kk, will try that next, thanks heap holstein06:10
j0rd_yhankyou heaps holstein...you just saved me from a masive headache and taught me something useful too, much appreciated06:17
holsteinj0rd_: :)06:17
holsteinit would be nice to know what happened though06:17
holsteinim going to have to think about that one 06:18
holsteinglad its sorted out though06:18
j0rd_no doubt..my son is a key board ninja, at 3 yerars old06:18

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