
roasted_how can I manually move items in the taskbar?00:00
roasted_open windows that is00:00
TheSheepno idea, I don't use the taskbar00:03
TheSheepperhaps you can't00:03
roasted_what do you use, a dock?00:05
TheSheepno, I just have lots of workspaces and a large workspace switcher00:06
TheSheepand when I need to find a window by name, I middle-click on the desktop00:06
roasted_I see00:06
roasted_I'll definitely use a taskbar00:07
roasted_we're contemplating ubuntu with xfce00:07
roasted_in replacement of windows at work00:07
roasted_I wouldn't want to drop the taskbar. they'd crap themselves :P00:07
TheSheepif it's for users others than you, perhaps you shouldn't customize it too much00:07
TheSheepit adds a lot of work later on00:08
roasted_I'm moving the bar to the bottom and making it a bit larger in size00:08
roasted_and adding some quick launch icons00:08
roasted_that's about it00:08
roasted_it's for a school district00:08
roasted_I work in IT at one00:08
TheSheepwe did at at our university, and then the students came and complained that they installed ubuntu at home but it didn't look like the ones in the labs00:08
TheSheepit's much better if they can just install it and have it look the same00:09
roasted_I'm not worried about that. It's not like I'd be doing any massive changes.00:09
TheSheepeven if it's different than windows00:09
TheSheepbtw, have you seen lubuntu?00:09
roasted_I don't feel as though it's mature enough to deploy to 1,500 systems :P00:10
roasted_that I have to support00:10
roasted_Ubuntu was a sure-fire hit, but Unity and GNome Shell are too new to deploy as well00:10
roasted_XFCE is rock solid and simple.00:10
TheSheepwell, I did have some minor hiccups in Natty00:10
roasted_where at?00:10
TheSheepmaking chromium the default browser, long delay in the 'create document' menu, renamed items in the apps menu that I had to remove again00:12
roasted_I had the same issue with chromium00:12
roasted_but it might be fixed00:12
roasted_as I just set chromium to be my default on this laptop00:12
TheSheepoh, and thunar is ignoring my icon theme and displaying folder icons from the gnome icon theme00:12
roasted_and I'm on 11.04 with ubuntu and xfce00:12
TheSheeproasted_: I found how to change it00:12
duendeanybody have problems to play video in 11.04 ??? not are codecs restart X whent play video00:12
TheSheeproasted_: you have to edit /usr/share/defaults.list00:12
einseeinaiguys, compiz ccsm and awn r gonna work ok in 11.04, right? i'm gonna install now00:13
TheSheep!r | einseeinai00:13
TheSheep!u | einseeinai00:13
ubottueinseeinai: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.00:13
TheSheepduende: works fine, I had to install xubuntu-restricted-extras though00:14
TheSheepeinseeinai: they will work if your graphics card supports them00:14
TheSheepeinseeinai: but you won't have much left from xubuntu00:14
einseeinaiTheSheep, thanks, i mean won't they conflict with xfce native compositing?00:15
duende<TheSheep> I too but the problem continue, and tvtime also restart X when I clic it00:16
TheSheepeinseeinai: as soon as you run compiz, there is no xfce native compositing00:16
TheSheepeinseeinai: because compiz replaces xfwm00:16
TheSheepduende: anything relevant in your ~/.xsessionerrors file?00:16
duende<TheSheep> yes there are much things  :-/00:18
einseeinaiTheSheep, thx a lot -) *gone to install*00:18
EgotisticalElfon the install process, does it do anything terribly long and UI blocking during the "Installing system" step?01:09
EgotisticalElfmine has been there for some time and i clicked the expand button to show the console output and it froze the UI01:09
Soupermanitonot really, it depends on your system tho01:11
EgotisticalElfit's a p3-650 w/ 512mb memory01:12
EgotisticalElffairly old, but i heard it'd still work fine01:12
Soupermanitoindeed it should01:13
* KM0201 says "Lubuntu for the win!" :001:20
xubuntu405hello, guys, how could i switch off launcher panel?01:51
drcDo you mean the suto-hiding panel at the bottom of the screen?01:53
xubuntu405yup, exactly01:54
drcRight mouse-click on the top panel> Panel> Panel Preferences...Select Panel 2 in the top (panel 1 shows), then click on the "slashed circle"  This DELETES the panel and you cannot get it back, so be sure this is what you want to do.01:56
xubuntu405brilliant, thanks a lot :-)01:58
roasted_how do I install xfce themes? Some I install work, some don't. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.02:06
roasted_I just drop them in .themes02:06
xubuntu405guys, is there no ubuntu one app in xubuntu?02:09
drcxubuntu405: in the software center02:10
roasted_how do I install new window managers?02:11
xubuntu405drc, thanks again, got one more question - i tried ubuntu 11.04 in live cd mode and there my bluetooth was functioning. here, in xubuntu - it's not. any way to fix it?02:13
drcxubuntu405: Not idea...I do not use bluetooth.02:14
xubuntu405roasted_ open up synaptic, type name of needed wm, there must be metapackage, which depends on all apps of the wm. it's called kubuntu-desktop, ubuntu-desktop, etc.02:14
roasted_xubuntu405, uh...02:14
roasted_I meant like... a theme02:14
roasted_the border of the windows with a theme02:14
xubuntu405roasted_, ah. well, just search it in software center or xfce-looks02:15
roasted_I am02:15
roasted_half of the ones I install wont work02:15
xubuntu405drc, ok. thanks anyway. -)02:16
drcroasted_: Things are slow here tonight, you might ask in #xfce also (I have <no> idea on how xfce treats Themes/Appearence and Window Managers except that its way different than GNOME, so I can't help)02:18
xubuntu405drc, is it possible to make "home", "trash" not shown on desktop?02:21
drcxubuntu405: Menu>Settings>Settings Manager>Desktop>Icons02:22
xubuntu405O:-) thx.02:23
EgotisticalElffinally, restarted the install and it got through it that time. no changes in hardware either02:32
Raggshi Elf02:33
EgotisticalElfnow i have a console screen, last thing is "Stopping userspace bootsplash [OK]" followed by a blank line with an OK on the far right02:34
EgotisticalElfautomatic crash report generation failed to start a few lines prior02:35
xubuntu405drc, is it ok to install gnome apps like gedit? won't it brake anything?02:35
drcxubuntu405: It depends on the dependecies that the app has, but generally it's not a problem.02:36
xubuntu405drc, cool! i just wanted to install gedit and nautilus, cause i'm used to them ))02:37
drcxubuntu405: In fact, I delete most <xfce> apps (mousepad, parole, gmusicbrowser, etc) and replace them (gedit, rhythmbox, vlc, etc).02:37
drcxubuntu405: Nautilus is one that I have heard of problems with02:37
drcYou might want to to research that one (because it controls the desktop)02:37
xubuntu405drc, thanks for warning. i also had a strange feeling that nautilus might be a prob.02:38
xubuntu405btw, 11.04's ubuntu one is really awesome02:39
EgotisticalElfwell, the GUI failed to launch, but ctrl+alt+f1 kicked me to console02:46
EgotisticalElfso at least i can run stuff02:46
f1assistance1did a clean install of xubuntu 11.05 and Additional Drivers doesn't see my lappy's Broadcom wireless adapter...can someone point me to where I can install this? THX02:53
KM0201!broadcom | f1assistance102:57
ubottuf1assistance1: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx02:57
f1assistance1actually it's a BCM94318MPG03:00
EgotisticalElfi get "error allocating scanout buffer" when starting xfce...03:10
EgotisticalElftnt2 on a p3 65003:10
Shiii'm having trouble automounting stuff, can anyone help me troubleshoot this?03:12
Shiioh it works suddenly03:14
=== ubott2 is now known as ubottu
xubuntu405guys, i'm trying to put my startupconky.sh into startup apps in settings manager, but button "ok" is not pushable. any ideas?04:39
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=867076 xubuntu40504:52
xubuntu405bazhang, thanks04:53
xubuntu405mm, well, it's not what i was looking for.04:55
xubuntu405i mean u just can't add startup script to autostart in xfce.04:56
bazhangyou dont need to autostart it04:59
bazhangjust follow that guide to get conky working04:59
xubuntu405bazhang, thanks again. the problem was i didn't set title. only command.05:03
j0rd_can anyone here help.? The menu bar on the top of each window is missing (file, edit, etc...) and i have no idea how it happened of how to fix it.05:55
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
einseenaiguys, how do i install ttf fonts in xubuntu?06:48
AeeI have problem bluetooth in xubuntu13:20
Aeeit don't work13:20
TheSheepwhat is the error?13:28
Aeefind new device13:31
AeeSearching for devices a longtime13:32
AeeIn mobile open bluetooth13:36
TheSheepAee: if you type 'dmesg | tail' in terminal, does it show anything relevant?13:52
Aeei trying13:54
Aeesee to http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3847857/bluetooth1.png13:59
TheSheepthat looks ok14:00
Aeebut search new device a longtime14:00
TheSheephow about 'tail .xsessionerrors'?14:01
TheSheepsorry, that's .xsession-errors14:03
Aeehowto repair it?14:04
TheSheepI don't know what is wrong with it, so I can't tell how to repair.14:04
Aeebefore! nothing bluetooth in xubuntu 11.0414:06
AeeI just install bluetooth14:07
Aeeand try search new device14:08
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
EgotisticalElfthe build of the nvidia drivers on this p3 650 is *still* ongoing.. started it about 8 hours ago14:15
EgotisticalElflooks like it is building the ENTIRE kernel14:15
TheSheepEgotisticalElf: why are you building your own drivers? just install the ones provided from the repositories14:18
TheSheepEgotisticalElf: they are already build and tested14:18
EgotisticalElfbecause the repo doesn't contain a driver for a TNT214:19
EgotisticalElfand the drivers from nvidia don't contain a pre-compiled one for xubuntu 1114:20
EgotisticalElf71.86.14 is the one i need14:22
lolmaus53258Hi. I've just installed Xubuntu on my laptop. My mouse is bluetooth-ish. How do i make use of it?14:46
Aeenotsure bluetooth15:04
Aeein xubuntu nothing bluetooth setting15:04
Steristwhat do i need to do in 11.04 software sources to get xubuntu to show?15:05
annyWhere is the "Connect to server" dialog like in Ubuntu ?15:05
SysiSterist: what do you mean?15:08
Steristsysi i search in the software center for the xubuntu environment and it's not there like in previous versions15:10
SysiSterist: it should be, you have clean installation of 11.04?15:15
Sysiwhat if you put 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop' to terminal15:17
Steristhavent installed any updates yet. i'm getting there15:18
Steristjust got done customizing swap15:18
Sysithat doesn's install updates15:18
Sysijust package lists15:18
Steristsudo apt-get update updates15:18
Sterist..doesnt it? lol15:19
Sysiit doesn't install anything15:19
Sysiapt-get upgrade and dist-upgrade install updates15:20
Steristwell that's upGrade, we were talking about upDate lol15:20
Steristi'll give it a shot15:21
Steristit's workin :)15:24
Steristomg almost a month later n the servers are STILL dead slow :(15:36
einseenaiguys, how do i get layout indicator and key shortcut to switch?16:51
Doyleyo. What file is responsible for the white border around active and inactive windows? It puts about a 3px top on windows that screws with dark themes.16:57
Need4HelpNeed help, i'm using ubuntu on a usb stick and i restart and now there's a windows requesting for authentication...(says: automatic logon / other) i have not set anypassword... in fact the only change i made was install xchat, chromiun, vlc and rar that was all... can someone help me out17:02
genshooterdoyle are you using one of the preset appearance styles?17:07
Doylegenshooter: it's there with any theme, but doesn't mess up the look of the defauls17:13
genshooterdoyle: im thinking its in the Settings Editor somewhere, I'm looking for it myself no luck so far17:14
Doylegenshooter: I've been poking around /usr/share/themes/Default/xfwm4 but haven't found it there...17:17
genshooterdoyle: the theme im using that border is dark blue on a focused window, black on a non-focued windows - if were talking about the same border - you check those out?17:23
TheSheepDoyle: white border around windows? I can't see such a thing17:24
TheSheepDoyle: perhaps a screenshot would help?17:24
DoyleTheSheep: sure, just a sec17:24
DoyleThats the xfce-dusk theme, but the white top and 1px border around the sides and bottom is visable on any darker theme.17:29
genshootermy border is blue when i select that theme, which tells me that the border can be configured somewhere17:29
DoyleI've messed with themes individual index.theme files, as well as some xpm settings, but I might have missed something. I' haven't work with themes much in the past. They usually just work.17:31
TheSheepDoyle: perhaps you want to change the window manager theme17:36
Doylehmmm, is that a gtk2 thing?17:40
TheSheepDoyle: no, looks like it's an xfwm4 thing17:40
Doylexfwm4 themes. gotcha. I'll give it a shot17:42
DoyleAhhhh, Window Manager! For shame... seperating window "styles" from themes.17:55
genshootersometimes you want to keep the same window style that the theme itself uses, but i saw a few window styles with thinner (non-existent) borders17:56
DoylePlatinum is nice and dark17:59
genshootercan you find the config files referred to by these different styles?18:01
genshootermaybe you can tweak one even further in a config file somewhere18:01
Doyleyea, shouldn't be too hard now that I know they're "window styles"18:06
Rodenskyfreenode uses ssl?18:13
Sysifreenode offers possibility to connect using ssl18:15
Rodenskyi'm trying to use another client and i entered chat.freenode.net as server but it won't connect. is the address wrong?18:17
=== Rodensky is now known as Rodensky88
Rodensky88i got it :)18:22
sta11just installed Xubuntu 11.04 ... my favorite OS get even better! I'm in love with it18:49
MK``I was going to install it on my old PC but the HDD died D:18:49
warpithanks for a great xubuntu 11.04! everything works great except for my wireless lan :(19:10
warpi(which worked great in xubuntu 10.10 :(19:11
preecherive installed xubuntu11.04 from usb without enabling the "install updates & 3rd party software" during initial install--now after install has completed & i do the update all the translation packages "fail"----my question is --is this anything to be concerned with19:30
Soupermanitothats weird19:31
Soupermanitoit shouldn't be happening19:31
Soupermanitodo your internet works ok? what kind of "fail" you have?19:31
Sysiand with what you're updating19:32
Soupermanitohey Sysi! :3 sup?19:33
preecherinternet is fine---within the update window that shows progress of update it shows failure when it normally displays the size of the package19:33
SysiSoupermanito: ice-hockey!19:33
preecherive done this 4 times this week with same result19:33
Soupermanitodo you updated the repositories before installing?19:34
preecherupdating thru update manager19:34
Sysiyou could try "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" in terminal19:34
preecherill try that19:34
einseenaiin ubuntu, there was an app "about me" where u could assign picture, is there smth like that in xubuntu?19:46
Soupermanitoeinseenai, users-admin19:48
einseenaiSoupermanito, no, it's impossible to set picture there19:50
Sysiyou can do it manually some way.. place picture with right name to your home folder and it should work19:51
Sysithough i'm not sure with new gdm, google19:51
einseenaii'm looking for a particular pic, which could be choosen from that "about me" menu entry program19:52
=== xGrind is now known as [TIMAO]xGrind
jmcantrelldoes xubuntu have all that indicator stuff that unity/gnome does?20:21
Soupermanitoor you mean screenlets?20:29
Wolver1n3is this the proper xubuntu tech support IRC Channel?21:26
Wolver1n3loving the xfce desktop btw21:32
Wolver1n3just wish it was more customizable21:33
Wolver1n3can anyone help on how to customize the menu21:33
drcYou won't like it :)21:35
xubuntu011Installing Xubuntu right now ;) <321:43
=== [TIMAO]xGrind is now known as xGrind
einseenaiguys, what is command for xfce terminal?22:25
quanthi, I was told that older versions of xubuntu were not "pure" xfce, that they were running xfce on top of "something", does anyone have any idea what is this about?23:44
pleia2xubuntu uses a different layout of panels and panel stuff than default xfce23:46
pleia2don't know what they mean about xfce running on top of "something" though23:46
pleia2xubuntu is also a full OS, which includes a variety of default applications, xfce is just the desktop environment23:47
drcYou can choose a <xfce session> at login...I know it's different than the Xubuntu session, but how <pure> it is, I don't know.23:48
pleia2and you can always change the layout of panels and what you run in your panels to make it look like regular xfce, I do :)23:48

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