
=== JasonO is now known as MisterX
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
jammorning all08:25
jampoolie: How would you like me to call in?08:25
maxbmorning :-)08:26
fullermdShucks, morning _again_?  I haven't recovered from the last one yet.08:26
* maxb is in the millbank lobby08:26
jammaxb: I'm glad you have network access in the lobby :)08:28
jamAre there big angry guards keeping you out?08:29
maxbandroid ftw - network access anywhere08:29
maxbapparently no one's answering the phone in the office yet08:30
jammaxb: I thought you just talked to the front desk, gave them your name, and they give you a visitor's badge.08:30
maxbwhich is completely reasonable considering how early I am08:30
jambut I haven't been to London in about 3 years08:30
jam9am is start time, so 9:30 is ... late :)08:30
jammaxb: did you try poolie's cell phone? He has one just for london08:31
maxbjam: it's currently 08:3008:31
jammaxb: huh, I didn't think there was a TZ difference from here. Ok08:31
GungaDinI need to create a patch from bzr diff and apply it on a different branch... but I always get that the patch is ignored... how do I do that?08:32
jamGungaDin: "bzr diff | patch -p0" ?08:32
GungaDinI need to apply the patch on a different branch08:33
jamGungaDin: bzr diff > file.patch; cd ../other/branch; cat file.patch | patch -p008:34
GungaDinbut that way I get that a lot of hunks fail.08:34
jamGungaDin: then are you sure the patch would apply cleanly anyway?08:44
jamare you trying to merge a bunch of changes?08:44
GungaDinjam - no, I'm not.08:45
jamGungaDin: if it is simple enough, then you could go "cd different/branch; bzr merge ../original/branch"08:45
jamAnd if you just want some of the changes you can specify a range to merge08:45
jamhowever, if you are getting conflicts, my guess is that the patch *just doesn't apply*.08:45
jamWe can't make your changes apply to code that doesn't look like the "pre" version.08:46
LarstiQGungaDin: can you explain in more detail what you are trying to accomplish?08:54
GungaDinthat's alright.. I suppose it's natural that all those hunks are failing.08:55
GungaDinthe other branch has progressed substantially.08:55
bialixhi sprinters, are you already running?08:55
LarstiQGungaDin: so why diff/patch and not merge?08:56
LarstiQbialix: maxb was in the milbank lobby at 08:30, but no one to let him in yet08:57
GungaDinbecause those changes haven't been committed to the other branch, nor should they now.08:57
LarstiQGungaDin: you could try merge --uncommitted08:57
bialixLarstiQ: are you also in?08:57
LarstiQbialix: I'm not sprinting08:57
* LarstiQ shouldn't be here either ;)08:57
fullermdSprinting's not my thing.  I'm sitting on the finish line, making sure it doesn't blow away.08:58
LarstiQjust 5 more minutes and then I'll make my Fourier homework, I promise!08:58
LarstiQfullermd: :)08:58
bialixoh, Fourier, so nice08:59
bialixfullermd: we don't have spring here in my city. Yesterday was cold winter, and tomorrow will be hot summer.09:00
fullermdOh, that's nothing.  We have 2 seasons here; summer, and January 15th.09:00
jamLarstiQ: who needs to actually finish a dissertation? I thought it was the journey that mattered :)09:01
bialixwait, why 15th and 14th?09:01
bialixwait, why 15th and *not* 14th?09:01
LarstiQjam: unfortunately (finally) getting my bachelor is required for being allowed to study towards a masters degree in Finland09:01
fullermdI dunno.  I'm prejudiced against multiples of 7, maybe.09:02
LarstiQbialix: because the 14th is my birthday? ;)09:02
bialixJanuary 14th is old new year here in xUSSR09:02
fullermdMaybe the sun hasn't gotten the news about Gregorian yet.09:02
LarstiQfullermd: did someone send it a message by pigeon carrier again? Those always burn up prematurely.09:04
fullermdJust need faster pigeons.09:04
fullermdOf course, if they go too fast, they slingshot around and travel back in time.09:05
fullermdSometimes even to somewhere under Julian calendars, which just adds to the confusion.09:05
spivjam: how would you like to be called in? :)09:25
jamspiv: Skype has seemed to be the most reliable in the past.09:26
jamspiv: but I have mumble and Ekiga as well09:26
pooliehi jam09:32
jammorning poolie09:32
poolieif you have something connected to our voip system, i think calling the table phone here would be good09:33
pooliewhich is um09:33
poolieany good?09:39
jamtrying now09:39
jam"User not found"09:39
jamah, you have to dial the millbank prefix first, I think09:40
poolieyou might need to use a headset09:41
lifelessjam: in ekiga? I think you need a 5 or a 9 before it09:41
pooliehi lifeless09:41
spivlifeless: he's connected09:41
poolieyou can dial itn too if you wish09:42
pooliehe's just echoy09:42
jamlifeless: yeah, 5109:42
jamfor millibank09:42
lifelesspoolie: hi; uhm, I'll pass (2040 here - family time :P)09:43
spivlifeless: your bzr family misses you too :P09:44
fullermdAlso, I spilled my milk in the corner...09:44
lifelessI would have loved to be at uds09:44
lifelessand the upcoming bzr sprint09:44
MerwinPlease, I can't apply a patch. In the patch file, the file 'xxx.yy', whereas in the path it is 'settings/xxx.yy'. I that's why bzr can't apply it09:45
MerwinHow can I do?09:45
poolieMerwin: use plain patch and say 'patch settings/xxx.yy < foo.patch'09:47
poolielifeless: wow that's a bit tz gap09:49
poolieit's funny to see it from the other side09:49
Riddellhi poolie09:50
Merwinpoolie: Thanks ;)09:51
pooliecan you hear that jam?09:53
jamspiv: that's a *long* push10:12
jambrb, door10:15
=== spiv changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control <http://bazaar.canonical.com> | try https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr for more help | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Patch pilot: poolie
lifelesspoolie: 11h at a guess :)10:23
poolieyes, it is 11h10:43
pooliehave a good night10:43
pooliewe can have a chat at some better time if you like10:43
jampoolie: ~100k calls10:46
jamsame for emacs10:46
jamvery linear history10:46
jamit can't expand quickly10:46
* bialix waves at mgz11:27
* bialix has bzr t-shirt put on today11:27
jampoolie: yes, I can hear him11:28
* mgz waves at bialix11:29
mgzI asked riddell if he'd like to look at qbzr too :)11:30
Riddellget your requests in fast while I'm still looking for things to do :)11:31
jamlooks like "dist-upgrade" just decided that Ekiga needs to die.11:36
jamI'm going to go to lunch real quick while the upgrade finishes11:36
spivmaxb: http://packages.python.org/manuel/11:37
bialixhi Riddell! There is one bug I need somebody with Ubuntu expertise to look at and maybe provide some feedback: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/782926 Actually any feedback will be helpful11:54
ubot5Ubuntu bug 782926 in unity "[Unity] Application doesn't show up in Launcher when open" [Undecided,New]11:54
pooliehi bialix11:55
pooliei think it's a nuity bug11:55
pooliei retargeted it11:55
bialixhi poolie :-D11:55
Riddellyes, sounds like Unity, it works fine in KDE11:55
bialixI remember last year we have fixed a bug with Mac, with help of kaaloo11:56
bialixRiddell, poolie: great11:56
RiddellI wonder if adding a TryExec= line would help11:57
mgzwhoops. tried too big a chunk of selftest and got some bits of my desktop reaped.11:58
* mgz will be back shortly11:58
mgzwell, mostly working again but the session is borked somehow so xfwm4 doesn't come up on its own12:28
vilabialix: \o_ me and spiv wear the same T-shirt too ;)12:41
bialixole, ole-ole-ole!12:41
vilabialix: hmm, sounds like football supporter chanting... Was it the intended effect ? ;)12:54
bialixvila: make you smile, no more12:54
vilabialix: worked :D12:55
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
jampoolie: let me know when you guys come back from lunch13:55
jamspiv: what is the status of your new Twisted patch? Has it landed upstream, and can it be deployed to LP?13:58
jamI had a branch of LP that handled I think 2 more cases of exception => slow Failure objects13:58
jambut I don't really want to push on it, if we can just make Twisted better for Launchpad13:58
pooliewe're back13:59
pooliebut now i'm off for a bit14:00
spivjam: yes and probably14:02
jelmerhey jam :)14:10
jamhi jelmer14:11
james_whi sprinters14:19
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jamhi james_w14:23
james_whi jam14:32
* jelmer waves14:32
jelmerverterok, ping14:34
verterokjelmer: hi! (pong)14:34
verterokjelmer: reviewing :)14:41
vilajames_w: \o_14:41
vilaverterok: hey !14:41
jelmerverterok, :)14:42
jelmerverterok, thanks :)14:42
verterokvila: hi! how's going? :)14:42
verterokthank you :)14:42
vilaverterok: very well, back in Millbank where we meet... nice memories :)14:42
verterokoh, nice. indeed!14:43
verterokjelmer: approved and merged, thanks!14:44
jelmerverterok: thank you :)14:48
spivjam: http://askubuntu.com/questions/29757/what-can-replace-system-monitoring-in-the-top-gnome-panel-in-unity14:51
spivjam: http://albertomilone.com/wordpress/?p=50214:54
pooliehi all; statik says hi14:56
pooliehi james_w14:57
spivjam: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/75209814:57
ubot5Ubuntu bug 752098 in unity (Ubuntu) "In a dual monitor setup with different resolutions, Unity places windows in the "dead zone"" [Low,In progress]14:57
jamestunnicliffeHi, I have a branch on LP that has changed stacked on location. It is now set as: stacked_on_location = /~linaro-image-tools/linaro-image-tools/trunk15:32
jamestunnicliffeI am getting an error when I check out15:32
jamestunnicliffebzr: ERROR: bzrlib.errors.ErrorFromSmartServer: Error received from smart server: ('error', "Absent factory for StaticTuple('__init__.py-20100827182754-i149503ctn97gm7c-2', 'salgado@canonical.com-20110128195048-5w2xc3ya7havirtn')")15:32
jamestunnicliffeI am guessing I have done something wrong.15:33
jamestunnicliffeLooking at a branch stacked on the new location, it has a branch.conf with stacked_on_location = /+branch-id/35574615:33
jamspiv: I'm trying to call but the phone just rings. Should I try again?15:33
Riddelljam: spiv is in a meeting15:34
jamestunnicliffeShould I use that? Seeing a number in there made me worry that it may be tied to a rev.15:34
jamah, thanks Riddell15:34
Riddelljam: the speakerphone is saying missed calls15:34
Riddellso maybe it did get your calls but didn't ring at us15:34
jamjamestunnicliffe: the number there is the launchpad db id for the branch you are stacking on15:34
jamRiddell: trying again now15:35
Riddellyou're back!15:35
Riddellthey're talking about C15:35
jamestunnicliffejam: Just tried with the launchpad db id, same error. Maybe it is a real bug.15:36
jamjamestunnicliffe: the AbsentFactory is a real bug. It indicates a file text that we think we should have but is not present.15:38
jamI don't know *why* we think it should be there but it isn't15:38
jambut there is something missing.15:38
jamthe question is where is it, why isn't it where we expect, etc.15:38
jamjamestunnicliffe: what is the original branch you were trying to branch from?15:38
jamestunnicliffeI think it was lp:~linaro-maintainers/linaro-image-tools15:40
jamjamestunnicliffe: there is a segment missing15:40
jamyou only have 215:41
jamor lp:PROJECT/SERIES but you have ~15:41
jamestunnicliffeI would guess there was a trunk on there. I will just hunt my email.15:41
james_wyeah, it was trunk15:41
james_wI changed the owning team15:42
jamjames_w: why would "trunk" be stacked?15:43
james_wjam, oh, that was the original stacked-on location16:02
jamjames_w: right, so the question is where is he branching from now, so we know why it thinks the data is missing.16:03
james_whttps://code.launchpad.net/~dooferlad/linaro-image-tools/my_dev is my guess16:04
jamestunnicliffethat is correct16:04
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch
jamHave a good night everyone! Its time for me to go pick up my son from daycare.16:22
pooliecheerio john16:36
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
jamestunniclifferight, time to rest my Ubuflu ridden head.16:41
=== Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha
sbarcteamI think I've done bzr push in the wrong direction.17:09
sbarcteamI got some files that I'd like to revert.17:09
sbarcteamI understand that uncommit won't help me.17:10
sbarcteamhow can I track the files' changes conveniently ?17:10
spivsbarcteam: if you want to undo a push, you can do "bzr push -r OLDREV --overwrite"17:11
sbarcteamspiv,  how do I know OLDREV value ?17:11
sbarcteamis it a special keyword ?17:11
spivNo, it's just a regular revisionspec (bzr help revisionspec)17:12
spive.g. if you know the revno you can just use that.17:12
sbarcteamso, during a push the previous revisionspecs don't get deleted ? (I was afraid this is what happens)17:12
spivRevisions are never deleted from a repository.17:12
sbarcteamnow, what happened is that the changes of the push were not inserted at the end log, but interleaved in the middle.17:13
sbarcteamI don't know how to hunt them... ideas are welcome.17:13
sbarcteam(it was 2 a bit diverged branches)17:14
sbarcteamso, what happenned during the push is SEVERAL revisions entered. the ideal would be to undo this.17:15
spivAnd push (without --overwrite) will not succeed if the old tip revision isn't in the ancestry of the new tip.17:15
spivTake a look at the revision log, either with "bzr log -n0" or with a graphical tool like "bzr qlog" (from the qbzr plugin) or "bzr viz" (from bzr-gtk)17:16
sbarcteamspiv, I took a look at bash history.17:20
sbarcteamnow, the command that was run is bzr pull -r-1 <folder>17:20
sbarcteamSo, the situation is maybe graver.17:21
spivNo, jsut the same.17:21
sbarcteamhow do I "revert" back the history ?17:21
spivpull is just push in the other direction.17:21
sbarcteamso what I should do in the location I was pulling from to run push -r --overwrite ?17:22
spiv"bzr pull -r OLDREV --overwrite ."17:22
sbarcteamspiv, the problem is there is no "oldrev"17:23
sbarcteamor we don't know how to find it.17:23
spivThe latter; it exists, you just need to find it.17:23
sbarcteamso how can I identify it ?17:24
sbarcteamor find it for that matter ...17:24
spivSo it isn't something you can readily recognise from looking at the recent revisions?17:24
sbarcteamnope. the branches diverged long ago. and once in a while we used to merge in the oposite (to that pull) direction.17:25
sbarcteammy friend wanted to "rebase" and he accidentally ran this command17:25
spivPerhaps the "branch nick:" property in log will help?17:25
sbarcteamreading on how do I see all the nicks available and look ...17:26
spivYou could also try reading ~/.bzr.log's chatter from the offending command for clues17:26
sbarcteamthe problem is I don't see .bzr.log17:26
spivWhat does the "Bazaar log file" line of "bzr --version" say?17:27
sbarcteamthe log file is in ~/.bzr.log17:30
sbarcteamI can see revid.17:30
sbarcteamSo, does revid of the pull command show the revide BEFORE the pulls or AFTER it ?17:31
spivpastebin the relevant part of ~/.bzr.log?17:32
sbarcteamworking on it(sanitation) man, you've made me alive again. Not sure something is going to help, but I'm learning something new about bzr :)17:34
spiv(the ~/.bzr.log output is just to aid debugging, so the details vary a bit by bzr version and by which plugins you have installed, etc)17:34
spivAs for the branch nick suggestion, "bzr log -n0 | grep nick: | sed -e 's/^ *//' | sort -u" is a crude way to see all the branch nicks17:36
spivBy default a revision will have the "branch nick" property set to the basename of the directory that branch is at17:37
spive.g. a commit in .../proj/trunk would have "trunk", and a commit in .../foo/releases/1.3 will have "1.3"17:38
spivSo depending on how commits are usually generated for those two branches that may be a way to distinguish them.17:39
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
sbarcteamthis is the log of the multiple pull attempt.17:44
sbarcteamI'm afraid it maybe not complete :-/17:44
sbarcteamI got the branch nicks.17:44
sbarcteamthere are 2 nicks17:44
sbarcteamSO, it is possible the nicks of pulled and pulling branch are same ?17:46
spivSee above description.17:47
spivSo unfortunately, that revid is the new one, not your old one.17:48
spiv(Btw, you can see revids in bzr log by passing --show-ids)17:48
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
maxbjames_w: Hello, I have a question about bzr-builddeb's import_dsc.py. Why is it necessary to do divergedness checking on the upstream branch as well as the main branch when determining if a pull from lesser/greater is acceptable?18:06
james_wmaxb, hmm, have a line reference for me?18:06
maxbjames_w: DistributionBranch.branch_to_pull_upstream_from, at the comment # Check for divergenge.18:07
maxb(The point being, if you've established the debian part can be pulled OK, isn't checking the upstream part somewhat implicit?)18:08
james_wmaxb, yeah18:08
james_wmaxb, sometimes we just pull the upstream part though18:08
james_wso the check is there for that18:08
james_wa parameter/separate function to avoid the check would solve it if it's a significant overhead18:08
maxbIt's not overhead per-se, but I'm actually getting a failure of the upstream divergence check leading to unwanted parallel importing in the qbzr import I'm trying to fix18:09
maxbI think it's because I've got a weird tree shape already in that the final upstream import is one that involved a "Prepared upstream tree for merging into target branch." intermediate revision18:12
maxbuhm, I mean "final in the existing branches before the problem arose"18:12
maxbHmm. So, I *think* the thing to do is to continue checking the upstream's md5 is right, because that could be important. But to not care about ancestry if the aggregate of upstream+debian has already proved to be undiverged18:32
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
LarstiQsprinters still around?18:53
mgzyup, I just looked at the time and was surprised :)18:54
* LarstiQ grins18:54
LarstiQhow is it going?18:54
LarstiQhi sbarcteam18:56
sbarcteamwhere does bzr log command take its data from ?18:56
sbarcteam~/.bzr.log ?18:56
LarstiQmgz: ooh, looks good18:56
mgzgood list of things waiting to land, plus some other progress :)18:56
sbarcteamor the WorkingTree ?18:56
LarstiQsbarcteam: the branch actually18:56
sbarcteamso, if I am bound it doesn't go to the bound_location, but looks at local copy of the branch. right ?18:57
* LarstiQ is digging into the pypy/generators leaking files problem18:57
sbarcteamand it has not much to do with ~/.bzr.log ... right ?18:57
LarstiQsbarcteam: nothing at all with .bzr.log18:57
sbarcteamthis is good.18:57
LarstiQsbarcteam: .bzr.log is only to write debugging output to18:58
LarstiQsbarcteam: have you managed to undo the push yet?18:58
sbarcteamno. now I'm getting strange bzr log outputs (with today's activities) from supposedly restored data of the last night.18:58
LarstiQsbarcteam: strange in what way?18:59
sbarcteamI am getting bzr log output from AFTER the backup was taken.19:02
LarstiQsbarcteam: just a bare "bzr log", or are you giving it some arguments?19:03
sbarcteambzr log -n0 -r-1 | less19:03
LarstiQand how have you restored the backup? (ie, are you backing up/restoring what you think you are)19:04
sbarcteamI removed ALL the stuff from the code folder (incl. .bzr)19:06
sbarcteamrestoring now...19:06
sbarcteamwaiting for "it" to complete....19:08
spivsbarcteam: perhaps double check that "bzr info" shows the branch and repo you expect for that directory?19:08
sbarcteamI think the problem is NFS.19:08
sbarcteamit's netapp thingie.19:08
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