
apacheloggersaLOUt: rpm specs are vastly different from debian package sources, you might just as well start from scratch :)00:15
apacheloggeractually you might want to try the hot new http://pkgme.net00:16
apacheloggermaybe it can spit out something useful without much effort ^^00:16
saLOUtapachelogger: I never used any xUbuntu. I hoped that someone volunteers to help me. Maybe tomorrow.... good night00:23
apacheloggersaLOUt: you should write a mail to kubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com :)00:23
macosaLOUt: there's a packaging help channel00:23
saLOUtapachelogger: do i have to subscrip to the ML first?00:24
apacheloggersaLOUt: don't think so00:24
apacheloggersaLOUt: if you do ... send it to apachelogger@ubuntu.com and I can fwd00:24
apacheloggerdue to cmake that should be little effort00:27
apacheloggerdo we have any minions around to do that?00:27
* apachelogger thinks DarkwingDuck was supposed to get us development minions00:27
apacheloggershadeslayer: whatever happend to our indian minions?00:28
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: I put ot the call.01:03
c2tarunDarkwingDuck: ??02:41
DarkwingDuckWhen kids attack my computer it == bad02:41
* c2tarun :)02:42
* DarkwingDuck snickers02:42
ScottKapachelogger: You do have to be subscribed to post to kubuntu-devel.03:04
* DarkwingDuck chuckles03:05
linuxtechDarkwindDuck:  I saw your note kubuntu-users list saying " I am looking for someone to help me with a review and fix project with Kubuntu 10.04 LTS."  That seems very general, can you be more specific on what kind of help you want?03:52
DarkwingDucklinuxtech: I am looking for someone to help me review the documentation for 10.04 to ensure it is correct and if it isnt to file a bug or write a patch for us.03:53
linuxtechOK, but doesn't it make more sense to focus on the current release since it is more likely to be more relevant to future versions of Kubuntu?03:55
DarkwingDucklinuxtech: :) Yes, but the LTS has not been reviewed and as we are supporting it still that is good. 03:58
DarkwingDuckI've got most of the Natty docs reviewed.03:58
linuxtechIn any case I am not running 10.04 Kubuntu, I still have a couple of 10.04 mythbuntu and Ubuntu machine I admin, but I am in the process of migrating the others to natty now.03:58
DarkwingDuckAhhh, linuxtech if you want to help reviewing the docs for Natty I could use a second set of eyes04:00
DarkwingDuckAlt+F2 help04:00
DarkwingDuckclick on Kubuntu Documentation and start going through to ensure that the info is correct.04:00
DarkwingDuckIf you see something that is not right file a bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-docs/+filebug04:01
linuxtechI am probably not the best person for that job, but if I run across anything I will file a bug report.  Right now I should file a doc bug on apt and proxies...04:01
linuxtechThanks for all your work on Kubuntu and have a good night!04:03
DarkwingDuckThanks linuxtech 04:03
=== c2tarun_ is now known as c2tarun
jussidoes the KC have an email address? 06:46
valorieone would think so06:47
DarkwingDuckI'm sure they do... just don't know 06:47
valoriehttps://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-council says jr@kubuntu.org06:48
valoriethat's not right06:48
valorieJR should change that06:49
Tm_Tuh, Dallas?06:49
jussiTm_T: ?06:49
valoriein this case, our illustrious jonathan riddell06:50
jussioh lol06:50
Tm_Tvalorie: did know, just that "JR" reminds me of Dallas every time06:50
jussiTm_T: btw, you may be interested, if you can find the cash, I have several discount vouchers for freescale imx53 boards - they are only 99$06:51
Tm_Tjussi: hmmm, specs?06:52
Tm_Tah, found some (:06:54
Tm_Tjussi: very interesting, I will try to sort something out, thanks (:06:57
jussiTm_T: if you need a voucher number, jsut ping me :)07:13
jussithat goes for anyone else here also! This is a great platform to play with plasma mobile/active :D07:14
Tm_Tjussi: see PM07:18
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
QuintasanDroidapachelogger: ping08:51
nigelbhey QuintasanDroid 08:52
QuintasanDroidnigelb: sup08:55
valorieI heard both of your voices!08:56
valorienot quite done listening to all my missed sessions08:56
QuintasanDroidvalorie: do I really sound so strange? :O08:56
valorieno, but it makes you more real08:57
valorieit delights me to hear the team's voices08:58
nigelbYeah, I know that one.  I remember how I put voice to nickname at my first UDS08:58
valorieeven though I couldn't go08:58
valorielike, you have a voice on IRC08:58
valoriebut no sound to go with it08:58
valorieuntil I know it from the streams08:59
jussiQuintasanDroid: you are strange :P08:59
nigelbthe most eyeopening people at uds were apachelogger and persia09:01
nigelbMainly because they were in black throughout09:01
QuintasanDroidjussi: :P09:02
valorieapachelogger in black?09:02
valorieI need photos!09:03
valoriepersia is great09:03
nigelbvalorie: I think its already on my facebook album09:03
QuintasanDroidyup, Harald and Emmet looked so classy :P09:03
valorienot sure if we are fb buddies09:03
* valorie goes to look09:03
DarkwingDuckHey guys09:04
jussiDarkwingDuck: o/09:04
QuintasanDroidDarkwingDuck: o/09:04
* DarkwingDuck sighs09:04
DarkwingDuckanother night of insomnia09:04
valorieOMG you have a 'stache!09:04
jussiWhats up Dave?09:04
valoriesend a friend request09:04
DarkwingDuckNot much. can't sleep... Was thinking about learning packaging09:05
QuintasanDroidno, lol09:05
QuintasanDroidlearn programming09:05
jussiQuintasanDroid: a new minion for you!!09:05
jussihe can package python-sipsimple!09:06
DarkwingDuckThen i would become a minion... I love leading my own minions.09:06
QuintasanDroidwe need someone to finish printer applet port to cpp09:06
* QuintasanDroid picked up C once again09:07
QuintasanDroidfloat is funny :P09:07
DarkwingDuckI was thinking about programming...09:07
DarkwingDuckBut, I figured packaging would be more usefull to me right now.09:08
QuintasanDroidDarkwingDuck: I always welcome new minions09:08
jussiDarkwingDuck: seriously, you could work on blink - QuintasanDroid could be your minion master09:08
nigelbvalorie: accepted :)09:08
DarkwingDuckdoes QuintasanDroid want to teach me programming... that's the key09:09
QuintasanDroidnigelb,  valorie: Michał Zając on Facebook09:09
nigelbvalorie: the classy picture of emmet and harald is there09:09
QuintasanDroidDarkwingDuck: packaging minions~ :)09:11
jussiDarkwingDuck: QuintasanDroid can teach you packaging :=)09:11
DarkwingDuckSee now, I'll take that.09:12
QuintasanDroidDarkwingDuck: req on fb sent :)09:14
DarkwingDuckQuintasanDroid: added09:15
jussiwell its certainly been a socialm morning for some of you :D09:17
DarkwingDuckSo, what ya say... wanna teach someone packaging? :P09:19
DarkwingDuckI don't think my dekstop/server likes natty09:20
QuintasanDroidDarkwingDuck: well, I am in school now so it could be pretty hard now09:24
DarkwingDuckQuintasanDroid: XD It's cool. I'm going to be crashign soon anyway.09:24
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports09:27
QuintasanDroidjussi: TBH it is outdated, dholbach and co. is working on new guide09:28
DarkwingDuckI knew it was... Hence looking for a mentor in packaging. One iirc there are a few added things for the kubuntu side.09:29
jussiQuintasanDroid: true, but I like making things hard for you : P :P09:30
QuintasanDroidwhat we basically did is switching to dh7 which makes short rules work in 90% of time09:30
DarkwingDuckdh7 would be debhelper7?09:30
* DarkwingDuck nods09:31
QuintasanDroidand dh8 was introduced some time ago09:31
* DarkwingDuck goes to find documentation for debhelper09:31
DarkwingDuckis there a reason dh8 isn't used?09:31
QuintasanDroidso instead dh --with kde @ you get dh @ --with kde AFAIC09:31
QuintasanDroidwhat I wrote above09:31
jussiQuintasanDroid: in all seriousness, perhaps blink/ associated stuff is a good place for him to start? 09:31
QuintasanDroidjust switch the order and u get dh809:32
QuintasanDroidjussi: Don't think so. It has some obscure "features" which I don't want him to see right now :P09:33
QuintasanDroidlike handling darcs magic09:33
QuintasanDroidor rules using cdbs :/09:33
QuintasanDroidcdbs makes me go brrrrrr09:34
tsimpsonit's still easier that writing it all by hand every time you want to package something, well it sometimes is easier09:36
valorienice photos, nigelb09:58
DarkwingDuckokay... sleepy time09:59
DarkwingDuckNight guys10:00
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
QuintasanDroidyofel: sup10:02
yofelI'm sleepy and wondering if I should just skip the afternoon classes...10:08
QuintasanDroidskip them10:11
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: pong10:15
apacheloggerseaLne: woohoo, vir made kde_gc master of #phonon he says, can you please make me supreme operator or whatever one might become in order to change topics ^^10:18
seaLneapachelogger: wouldn't it be simpler to remove the topic restriction like most channels?10:19
tsimpsonone doesn't need to be an operator or remove topic protection in order to be able to set a channel topic10:19
apacheloggerseaLne: probably10:20
tsimpsonfreenode has these "flags", one of which lets you command ChanServ to change the topic for you10:20
seaLnewhich would still require explicit permission10:20
tsimpsonyeah, but only permission to change topic rather than being an operator, and will stop <random troll> from messing with the topic10:21
seaLnesure but generally thats not needed10:21
tsimpsondepends on how "large" the channel is, and how discoverable10:22
tsimpsonif it's a small or not well-known by joe-blogs, then removing topic protection is probably fine10:23
seaLnelike this channel?10:23
tsimpsonyep, random people don't really find this channel easily10:25
valoriewe should probably have a couple more ops, though10:27
valoriesince riddell won't be hanging out with us as much10:28
seaLnethere seem to be quite a few 10:28
valorie'cause I don't really want that work10:32
* apachelogger giggles cause of the photo of persia and him10:35
nigelbmy cause of giggle is the picture of stuart10:43
valoriewhich one? I don't know a stuart10:43
nigelbstuart is on the ubuntuone team, so I'm not sure if you'd know him10:46
nigelbHe's on a picture in a black suit and wearing a hat10:46
* QuintasanDroid wants ops in here10:47
nigelbQuintasanDroid: asking for ops is the easy way to not get ops ;)10:54
QuintasanDroidha :D10:55
valorieotoh, the Ubuntu IRC team is looking for more ops10:55
valorieaccording to their UDS session10:56
valorieUbuntu Members wanted10:56
valorieit's quite a bit of work10:57
QuintasanDroidI could use OP rights sometimes, like changing topic10:57
valorieugh, 3am10:57
valorieniters all10:57
QuintasanDroidnoon here10:57
QuintasanDroidgn valorie10:57
apacheloggervalorie: I am pretty sure you met stuart, red haired, rather husky voice, very intense laugh11:01
apacheloggerQuintasanDroid: got a question for you11:01
apacheloggerQuintasanDroid: http://paste.kde.org/~phonon/71089/11:02
apacheloggerwhat is wrong with this code? :P11:02
QuintasanDroidapachelogger: dunno what functions in loop do11:03
QuintasanDroidbut it should me i++ IMO instead of ++i11:04
QuintasanDroidin the for loop initialization11:04
* QuintasanDroid notes his understanding of code is poor11:04
apachelogger++i is less asm code in various cases, so it is to be preferred over i++11:04
apacheloggerQuintasanDroid: baiscally what the function is supposed to do is destruct an trackdescriptionlist11:05
apacheloggerthis list holds pointers to trackdescriptor objects11:05
apacheloggerthose get first releaes and then removed from the list11:05
* apachelogger notes that the issue is very subtle11:05
debfxI'm sure gcc would optimize i++ to ++i in this case :)11:05
apacheloggerdebfx: there are systems without gcc11:07
apacheloggerI'd not be so sure gcc does it on every architecture11:08
apacheloggerthat is not the problem anyway11:08
QuintasanDroidapachelogger: no idea11:08
apacheloggerthe code is completely wrong :D11:08
apacheloggermaybe debfx finds out why11:08
* yofel doesn't even get what the code trying to do11:09
apacheloggeryofel: release objects and cleanup a list11:09
apacheloggerQuintasanDroid: when you manage to find issues like that you can become maintainer of the phonon vlc backend :)11:09
QuintasanDroidI would blindly shoot that it will remove len-th element while it should remove len-1-th element11:09
yofelerm, and why do you call release() one time and the other time RemoveAt() ?11:10
apacheloggerQuintasanDroid: not all that wrong11:10
apacheloggeryofel: cause they are doing different things11:10
apacheloggerrelease() is like a c-type dtor11:10
apacheloggerrelease(ptr) ~= free(ptr)11:10
apacheloggerexcept release will likely also do derefcounting and whatnot11:11
QuintasanDroidcan you paste the release(something inside) line11:11
* QuintasanDroid is tired of reopening the same page11:11
yofel        release(at(i));11:11
* apachelogger giggles11:13
apacheloggerany guesses?11:13
QuintasanDroidat() provides a pointer to a variable I vguess then11:13
QuintasanDroidwell removeAt is doing something wrong probably11:14
QuintasanDroidno idea what it exactly does though11:14
QuintasanDroidalso the for loop is suspicious for deleting len-th element11:14
* yofel still thinks it should either be i++, or ++1 with <= len11:15
tsimpsonremoveAt() would just remove the item from a list, no?11:15
apacheloggertsimpson: yes11:15
yofelsince i don't know the indizes though I can't say more11:15
debfxdoes removeAt() shift the indices?11:16
apacheloggeryes it does ^^11:16
apacheloggerobviously enough, if you remove the 1st item in a list the former 2nd item will become the new 1st and so on11:17
yofelwell, then why are you using i in the remove calls :P11:17
apacheloggerseems we have found the issue :P11:18
debfxwhat's the point of removing things from a list that's going to be destroyed anyway?11:18
tsimpsonforeach(...) release(...); clear();11:18
QuintasanDroidapachelogger: lol horrible code indeed11:19
* QuintasanDroid started learning C the proper way11:19
QuintasanDroidie. commenting every thing that might not be understandable after one day11:20
apacheloggerQuintasanDroid: like 11:21
apacheloggerwhile (--len >= 0) {11:21
apacheloggertsimpson: I do not think you want to use foreach in a dtor11:23
QuintasanDroidif you take a second to figure out the order of stuff its sensible11:23
apacheloggerthat is one place where you really do not want the foreach overhead11:23
tsimpsonI was just being lazy, hence foreach11:23
apacheloggerQuintasanDroid: the while I pasted or the code sample?11:23
QuintasanDroidcode sample11:23
QuintasanDroidwhile ( ) magic11:24
apacheloggeroh yeah, well11:24
* apachelogger finds that while more horrible from a readability POV actually11:24
QuintasanDroidthis while() would be equivalent to that for loop but totally less readable11:25
QuintasanDroidisempty() returns 0 if the thing is empty?11:25
apacheloggertsimpson: also vastly more expensive11:26
apacheloggerisempty accesses both front end end for every call11:26
apacheloggersomething like return list.begin == list.end 11:26
apacheloggerQuintasanDroid: it returns true11:27
tsimpsonreally, I would have thought it would be better than that11:27
apacheloggerincidentially that is 0 in C11:27
apacheloggertsimpson: from a readability POV it is11:27
QuintasanDroidI hate using while(!something)11:27
tsimpsonI mean isEmpty(), thought it was more efficient that that11:27
QuintasanDroidit's horrible11:27
tsimpsonwhy is it horrible?11:28
apacheloggertsimpson: no, you only need to get len once11:28
apacheloggerthat is one constant time vs. 2*n times constant time11:28
QuintasanDroidbecause it is hard to read11:28
tsimpsonapachelogger: I guess in a d-tor you can be more presumptuous11:28
QuintasanDroidafter some time11:29
QuintasanDroidor if you have no idea what the code does11:29
tsimpsonless readable than "if(x) {} else { ... }" ;)11:29
apacheloggertsimpson: the thing is, especially with container dtors and ctors I'd suggest to be as efficient as possible while not inflicting unreadability or perhaps unstable code11:30
apacheloggersince dtoring of containers is always blocking the app, and containers can contain rather a lot of code11:31
apacheloggerso 90% of the time I'd go for a manual counting approach than use a more convenient builtin function11:31
QuintasanDroidwell, I am almost out of battert11:31
apacheloggerespecially since you have a clearly defined start condition11:31
* QuintasanDroid wants a git client for android11:32
apacheloggerQuintasanDroid: that sounds scary ^^11:32
QuintasanDroidcoding on my mobile?11:32
QuintasanDroidbetter than biology11:32
* QuintasanDroid notes he has physical keyboard11:32
* QuintasanDroid starts paying attention to the lesson11:34
QuintasanDroidsee you later11:34
* apachelogger thinks our understanding of touchegg was rather wrong at uds12:23
afiestasapachelogger: where can I find the latest version of "Release suite" ?12:23
apacheloggerafiestas: http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/226892_10150585375715182_821070181_18774288_1328162_n.jpg12:23
apacheloggerwhat kinda suite do you mean?12:23
afiestasthe ruby apps to create tarballs12:24
apacheloggerafiestas: kde:releaseme12:24
afiestasis there any page with a list of uds pictures?12:36
debfxdoes anyone have an idea about FAM in kdelibs? do we want it?12:40
debfxbug #52500512:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 525005 in kde4libs (Ubuntu) "kubuntu kde4 missing fam support for nfs (kdelibs-bin)" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52500512:40
debfxwhen built with libgamin a gam_server process is autostarted12:42
afiestasdebfx: it should not be needed afaik12:42
afiestasKDirWatcher uses inotify (or whatever is new) 12:42
debfxdoes that also work with nfs?12:43
afiestasmmm dunno, it depends on what nfs does kernel-wise12:43
afiestasif nfs trigger a inotify even, then yes12:43
debfxok thanks, I'll keep it disabled for now12:50
apacheloggerafiestas: don't think so, but you could start one ;)12:58
apacheloggerafiestas: jono would know if there is any existing though12:58
=== cmagina-afk is now known as cmagina
debfxapachelogger: when will we get a good phonon video player?13:07
debfxsince vlc has a huge memory leak in the pulseaudio plugin I'm stuck with dragon :/13:07
apacheloggerafter gsoc13:08
apacheloggerInternal Server Error \o/13:09
apacheloggerthis is rather silly13:09
yofeluse smplayer?13:09
apacheloggeryofel: how is that a good player exactly?13:10
yofelwell, it's better than dragon, and vlc get's on my nerves sometimes13:10
apacheloggerhow is it better than dragon?13:10
debfxdoes it support cropping and seek shortcuts (like alt+left/right in vlc)?13:12
yofelyep, and dragon can't increase the volume to > 100% which is sometimes a bit too silent on my notebook13:13
yofelin mplayer it's just up/down/left/right though13:14
apacheloggerafiestas: https://bugs.launchpad.net/lightdm/+bug/59349713:21
ubottuUbuntu bug 593497 in Light Display Manager "Make KDE greeter" [Wishlist,In progress]13:21
apacheloggerwe should poke david13:21
afiestasI'm reading right now a pdf about consolekit..13:22
afiestasI have been hacking a little bit on it, so far I got "Session listing" working, but haven't be able to switch to another user for example13:22
=== apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: UDS session leads plz compile a todo list for your sessions!!! | Merges https://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html | Oneiric open for development | UDS: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Specs/UDS-O | Council elections: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-devel/2011-May/005170.html
afiestasoooooo mmmmm ggg13:23
afiestasMr.Edmundson on lightdm .d13:23
* afiestas smiles :D13:23
* apachelogger notes that some session notes are pretty crappy13:24
* afiestas will try to get something working for within this week13:24
apacheloggerwe need to do a how-to-take-proper-notes training13:24
apacheloggerafiestas: :O coooool13:25
* afiestas thinks that would be awesome having the printer applet as a plasmoid13:30
afiestasapachelogger: he plans to start working again on the kde greeter once tp is released13:37
afiestasbtw, I've been using raster since yesterday, so far no problems13:38
afiestaswith Qt 4.7.something13:38
ScottKI heard kwin supports raster now.13:39
apacheloggerafiestas: so, he will start working in 5 years? :P13:39
afiestasScottK: yes, is what I wanted to test :p13:39
ScottKapachelogger: He said released, not working.13:39
apacheloggerafiestas: you should try plasma-netbook && rekonq, that is one combination I usually got funny rendering problems13:39
apacheloggermight have been kwin related though13:39
apacheloggerScottK: right ^^13:39
afiestaskde-telepathy is working for me13:41
ScottKPlease let this election thing be over soon.  Being subscribed to kubuntu-users hurts.13:41
afiestasQuintasan:  saw it :p13:41
apacheloggeris it just me or is the kubuntu-web-shortcuts pkg actually not generating useful packages?13:42
apachelogger!info kubuntu-web-shortcuts13:42
ubottuPackage kubuntu-web-shortcuts does not exist in natty13:42
yofelnope, but we still have kubuntu-konqueror-shortcuts in oneiric for some reason13:43
apacheloggershadeslayer: ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping13:43
apacheloggerchangelog has13:44
apacheloggerkubuntu-konqueror-shortcuts (11.04ubuntu1) natty; urgency=low13:44
apacheloggerkubuntu-web-shortcuts (11.04ubuntu1) natty; urgency=low13:44
apacheloggerwhether that makes sense or not I'll leave up for discussion, but IMHO that is just bogus13:44
apacheloggersecondly the whole bugger is not uploaded13:44
apacheloggerthrid the packaging building is defunct because there is no install file13:44
CIA-51[kubuntu-web-shortcuts] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110516125310-6py44eul8gntlfo3 * (5 files in 3 dirs) * Add udsnotes - access meeting notes from UDS * Fix package building (add install file)13:53
afiestasapachelogger: eduard seems to be full in on lightDM :)13:54
CIA-51[kubuntu-web-shortcuts] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110516125448-p2r76hmecftieur5 * debian/changelog releasing version 11.10ubuntu113:54
apacheloggerafiestas: lets poke ossi then13:55
* ScottK recommends a very long stick for that.13:56
* afiestas goes afraid to the airport before having to poke ossi :p13:57
afiestassee you in 5h or tomorrow, cyap!13:57
afiestas(btw, budapest rocks, :p)13:57
apacheloggerNightrose: do you still have the LPSD?13:58
apacheloggerNightrose: we might need that one soonish13:58
* apachelogger can continue work on todo compliation now that he has a udsnotes shortcut ^^13:59
ScottKapachelogger: Do you have a minion that is capable of doing a proper merge for avogadro?14:24
* apachelogger has no packaging minions except for shadeslayer right now14:24
apacheloggerScottK: Quintasan might have14:24
ScottKQuintasan: ^^^ ?14:24
apacheloggerprobably at school still14:30
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: if you could add the new doc todo items to https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo/Oneiric that would be awesome14:31
apacheloggerpending tasks from old todos are marked grey with (SERIESFIRSTLETTER) before the task description14:32
JontheEchidnableh, I went from breathing filtered air on the airplane for 7 hours to breathing air with record-high pollen levels back home14:47
JontheEchidnaI have Ubuallergies14:47
apacheloggerwhy exactly is the person who resgistered deactivated?14:47
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: oh gee14:47
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: perfect opporunity to write some todo lists :P14:48
apacheloggerhttps://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-kubuntu-packaging for example could use that14:48
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: btw, how did your lightning talk go?14:51
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: there was none14:52
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: way too many people wanted to do lightning talk14:52
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: should I just cram all 3 sessions-worth of etherpad junk into that one spec?14:53
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: yeah14:53
apacheloggertwo was only patch review anyway14:53
apacheloggerwhich is already implemented I think14:54
JontheEchidnaright, we did that during the session14:54
JontheEchidnaQuintasan is working on sending some of those upstream still14:54
JontheEchidnaso at best it's "in progress"14:54
apacheloggeryou could just add a task "send qt patches upstream" and link to the notes14:55
QuintasanScottK: I might have one available14:55
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: btw, lp:kubuntu-web-shortcuts now has udsnotes: which expands to summit.ubuntu.com...14:56
QuintasanWhat the...14:56
QuintasanMy expenses mail was not delivered somehow14:58
Quintasanapachelogger: may I see your expense claim form?14:59
apacheloggerlike I have one?15:00
JontheEchidnait's attached to the email titled "IMPORTANT: UDS O Budapest, 9-13 May: FINAL DETAILS"15:01
apacheloggeroh right15:02
apacheloggerstill xls15:02
apacheloggerI wonder if this will ever change15:02
Quintasanwhat do I write in there @_@15:06
* apachelogger has a much improved form btw15:10
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: http://i.imgur.com/PnwuR.png15:10
JontheEchidnasome of the forms will auto-fill once you put in info15:10
QuintasanWe can claims shuttles?15:11
QuintasanCan I also claim my bus travel to airport?15:12
JontheEchidnawe were able to last year15:13
JontheEchidnaat the worst they'll say "we can't expense that" and will ask you to re-email the form without that claimed15:13
JontheEchidna"Please ensure you keep all receipts for all transfers and anything else you are claiming for." <-- implies that they are accepting expense reports for travel to/from the airport15:15
JontheEchidnathough they said that last year too and I never had to send in the receipt15:16
Quintasanshit can't find the recipt15:17
apacheloggerQuintasan: you can claim every travel necessary to getting to the hotel and home again15:17
* apachelogger is a very cheap lad15:18
apachelogger104 EUR15:18
JontheEchidna94.44 USD in total for me15:20
apacheloggerQuintasan: e.g. for last UDS I also claimed the ESTA fee15:20
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: that was one cheap flight15:20
JontheEchidnaright, that cost like $900 USD15:20
apacheloggersee :P15:20
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: what is the additional 94 from though?15:20
JontheEchidnathat is meal per diems plus the shuttle15:21
apacheloggerdo we actually get per diem for tuesday?15:21
* apachelogger only ahs one per-diem :(15:22
apacheloggerI drunk too much to make up for it with one per diem ^^15:22
Quintasanmy bus fare to berlin was in Polish złoty15:22
JontheEchidnathey said that we couldn't do a dinner per diem from monday and friday15:22
JontheEchidnaand no lunch per diems for monday - friday15:23
apacheloggerQuintasan: you are claiming in zloty aren't you?15:23
apacheloggerI did not eat much on tuesday anyway :P15:23
JontheEchidnabut if you had dinner on tuesday at that linaro thing I wouldn't think you could claim per diem15:23
QuintasanI claimed only shuttlebus fares, 1xlunch 1xdinner15:23
JontheEchidnaand we can't claim on wednesday since Riddell is going to expense that15:23
apacheloggerQuintasan: when was the lunch?15:24
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: sunday, before you got in15:24
JontheEchidnawe went to KFC15:24
apacheloggerone can claim sunday?15:24
Quintasanapachelogger: I am claiming in złoty, but Bus fare TO Berlin airport was in złoty15:24
apacheloggerQuintasan: yeah, so?15:24
apacheloggerQuintasan: in the amt to be reimbursed column of the table: =IF(F16=$E$10,G16,IF(G16>0,G16/$H$10,0))15:25
QuintasanJontheEchidna: no idea if we can claim for sunday15:25
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: I would think so. They say that you can't claim for monday - friday, and they give an amount for lunch, so one would reason that you can claim for sunday15:25
apacheloggerif the currency in the currency column is whatever code zloty has, just use that, else calculate HUF to zloty15:25
apacheloggerScottK will know15:26
apacheloggerScottK: can one claim sunday?15:26
Quintasan187$ with bus to and from airport15:39
QuintasanI ain't claiming lunch15:40
ScottKOne can claim Sunday16:09
ScottKOne can't claim dinners on days where it was provided.16:09
ScottKIt looks like we have no/little choice on kdepim.16:15
ScottKKDE 4.7 will require shared-desktop-ontologies 0.7 and it doesn't work with kdepim < 4.6.16:15
ScottKJontheEchidna: ^^^ I think the packaging spec should reflect this.16:16
steveireScottK: imo that needs to be fixed16:43
ScottKsteveire: That would be nice, but as a downstream we're kind of stuck.  If only there was someone around who was active on kdepim upstream ...16:43
steveireIf it's a change in kdelibs that makes applications compiled against a previous version, then that's a bug16:43
ScottKsteveire: Are you subscribed to the KDE packagers list?16:44
steveireas far as I can tell it's a kdelibs problem. But I'm not entirely clear on the issue. I'm not, no16:44
ScottKLet me find the relevant message.16:44
steveireBut I think it's generated code, so kdepim 4.6 built against kdelibs46 will run against kdelibs4716:45
steveireWhich is why I think it's 'technially ok' to some people because it's a grey areas16:45
steveireThe grey area seems to be that building kdepim4.6 against kdelibs4.7 won't work anymore. Is that what packagers would do?16:46
steveireI think at the very least, this issue needs to make that grey area black or white from the KDE pov.16:48
ScottKsteveire: http://paste.kde.org/71773/16:48
ScottK"What would packagers do?" - Hope for a patch?16:48
steveireI think that was cc'd to kde-pim@ too. I don't know. Did eabstian answer?16:49
ScottKNot that I saw on packagers.16:49
steveireNo, what do packagers do with a kdepim4.6 tarball. Do you usually try to compile it against the latest version of kdelibs47?16:49
ScottKAgainst whatever we have in the archive.16:49
ScottKSo ~now it'd be against 4.6, but once we get 4.7 in the archive it'll have to build against that.16:50
steveireRight. And I think the whole point of 'kdelibs is source/binary compatible for the lifetime of kde4' is to make that possible.16:50
steveireI'll see if I can find the root of the issue, but not today.16:51
Quintasanapachelogger: ping17:01
ScottKmaco: Would you please look into the installer spec and see what seems reasonable for you to take on this cycle?17:04
bambeeIs there something to do for oneiric ?17:05
QuintasanHURR DURR17:09
Quintasanwhy do I get shitload of these?17:09
apacheloggerQuintasan: pogo17:15
ScottKmaco: Thanks.17:17
debfxis there progress upstream to set $LANG based on the locale kcm settings?17:18
Quintasanapachelogger: When we were talking about my plan to get a MPC to my living room you suggested I would rather be interested in upsteam VLC rather than ours, why is that?17:18
ScottKagateau: Could you see about getting someone to verify the qt4-x11 memory leak fix with unity-2d that's in natty-proposed?17:18
agateauScottK: yes, will do17:18
apacheloggerQuintasan: cause ours breaks ever so often17:18
debfxbecause I'd say that is our biggest i18n issue17:18
ScottKagateau: Thanks.17:19
apacheloggerScottK: was that fabi account deactiavte before? https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-kubuntu-prelink17:20
Quintasanapachelogger: the problem is that XBMC uses mplayer to play stuff17:20
apacheloggerQuintasan: so?17:21
ScottKapachelogger: No.  It was not.  I guess we scared him off.17:21
ScottKapachelogger: How did that discussion go?17:21
apacheloggerQuintasan: plasma media center will solve all them problems 17:21
Quintasanso so, I'd rather use XBMC so my parents don't go "WTF LLINUX MAGIC"17:21
apacheloggerScottK: horrible17:21
Quintasan+1 on horrible17:21
apacheloggerQuintasan was running through the room17:21
ScottKSo should I disapprove the spec then?17:21
apacheloggerpeople were talking about all sorts of things17:22
apacheloggerno one really cared17:22
ScottKOK. 17:22
apacheloggerand the fabi guy also was not terribly interested in commiting to anything IMHO17:22
apacheloggerScottK: disapproval seems about right17:22
apacheloggeralso it saves me from writing a todo :P17:22
ScottKThere isn't a "burn with fire" option, but I got as close as I could.17:23
apacheloggerScottK: we should take a note to not have random sessions, but instead make people more active throughout the cycle17:23
ScottKapachelogger: OK.17:23
ScottKI think it was worth a shot.17:23
apacheloggerthat prelink stiff is much more discussable over IRC as basically the discussion without actual information (i.e. research required) was rather moot17:23
apacheloggerScottK: yeah, worthwhile experience I'd say17:24
* apachelogger should write down his thoughts probably17:24
apacheloggerScottK, Quintasan, JontheEchidna, rbelem: how did you like the wrap up meetings btw? something we can continue doing?17:29
ScottKapachelogger: Yes.17:29
ScottKThat or have a first thing in the morning 'roundtable' - What most tracks do.17:30
JontheEchidnaI liked those, since some days I went to other tracks to ensure that they didn't f*** us over17:30
Quintasan+1 on roundtable17:30
JontheEchidnaformally scheduling them next time would be a good idea too17:30
Quintasanmakes ppl more compelled to show up17:30
Quintasanand not pulling a Rodrigo17:30
JontheEchidnasome mornings it felt like there was little Kubuntu stuff17:30
apacheloggerjorge said roundtables are usually crapz17:31
JontheEchidnathen let's not call them roundtables :P17:32
apacheloggerwhat we could do is meet between 8:45 and 9 to do that17:32
ScottKapachelogger: We should have post-session bar BOF then.17:32
apacheloggerthat way we do not clash with other stuff17:32
apacheloggerScottK: would also work17:33
apacheloggerbut definitely we should schedule them17:33
ScottKI think it makes more sense to do it end of the day as by the next morning some of the relevant brain cells are missing.17:34
apacheloggerScottK: actually I'd prefer it in the evening, that way we still remember things somewhat well, and don't forget useful things due to ballmer's peak implementations ^^17:34
ScottKThat's the one spec we got done so far.17:35
apacheloggerwe should do more research next time though17:35
apacheloggerall we know for sure is that apachelogger approaches ballmer's peak after about 1 glass of soproni 17:35
apacheloggerand that 2 are too much17:35
* apachelogger needs to pack for Graz17:39
padamshey y'all... long time listener, first time caller17:48
padams?anyone know the status of bug 333944?17:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 333944 in kdelibs "Kubuntu jaunty: kded4 at 100% of CPU load" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33394417:48
ScottKHello padams.17:48
padamsScottK: hey17:48
padamshow are you?17:48
ScottKLooking at http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=178228 it seems some causes are fixed, but others remain.17:50
ubottuKDE bug 178228 in kded "kded4 makes high CPU load and hangs ths system on STOP signal" [Crash,New]17:50
padamsmight relate to: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=21736417:51
ubottuKDE bug 217364 in kded "KDED4 uses 100% of the cpu if the network backend is not FakeNet" [Normal,Unconfirmed]17:51
padamsthis is killing me17:51
ScottKI don't seem to suffer from it.17:51
padamsevery time i disconnect from vpn i hit this17:51
apacheloggerpadams: what sorta vpn?17:52
padamsapachelogger: hey dude, openvpn17:52
padamswhat's weird is that i am sure i wasn't getting this just a few days ago17:54
padamsmaybe i just didn't notice - but it is kinda hard not to notice my laptops fans going mental17:55
apacheloggerwell, it at least supports my theory that it is a module rather than kded4 itsel17:55
* apachelogger shall try if he can reproduce with vpnc once he is home17:55
padamsthanks for taking a look17:56
apacheloggerpadams: maybe you could get some debug logs meanwhile?17:56
padamsfrom? how?17:56
apacheloggerjust cranck everything up in kdebugdialog then kquitapp kded and start in a terminal17:56
apacheloggertry to trigger the issue17:57
* apachelogger now really needs to leave :P17:57
padamscheerie bye!17:57
padamsok - i am going to play with this and then will come on back later sometime17:58
* Quintasan requires moar UDS Photos17:58
nigelbQuintasan: I have a few more pending upload. I'm being lazy18:19
Quintasannigelb: cool, I will be borrowing some to show to my parents18:24
* Quintasan got a crappy camera18:25
Quintasannot taking that one next time18:25
nigelbQuintasan: I have a crappy one too :(18:25
QuintasanStill better than mine18:25
Quintasanwith little hand shaking everything is getting blured as hell18:25
ScottKWhoa.  rbelem is awake.18:42
ScottK(probably not by now)18:42
rbelemScottK, still awake :-D18:44
* ScottK reels in shock.18:45
Quintasanoh god18:45
Quintasanrbelem: \o18:45
rbelemhey Quintasan 18:46
bambeewhen I edit a commit with "git commit --amend -a" , there is an easy way to repush it ?18:47
bambeeactually it's rejected :\18:47
rbelembambee, add -f18:47
bambeeare you sure ?18:47
rbelemto the push18:47
rbelembambee, it will overwrite the HEAD of your remote18:48
bambeehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/608542/ o_O18:49
bambeeI killed a kitten :'(18:49
rbelemScottK, do you know the names of the two Qt guys that were in budapest?18:49
ScottKI don't.18:49
ScottKrbelem: Pick from this list: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-o-qt-panel18:50
rbelembambee, are you trying to do that in your branch?18:51
bambeerbelem: yes18:51
bambeekcm-userconfig it's my repo and Kauth my branch... 18:52
bambeeI am trying to sync my last commit with the remote branch18:52
bambeebecause I have commited something which should not be 18:53
bambeerbelem: http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=kcm-userconfig.git&a=commit&h=ce62aa3b01df2e059ab676239a4a760dd440931618:54
rbelembambee, how is your git push cmd?18:54
bambeeI try to revert authdb/pwd.py18:54
rbelemthanks ScottK 18:54
bambeemy git push cmd ? I just type "git push"18:55
rbelembambee, hum... that's why18:56
rbelembambee, what is the name of you remote?18:56
bambeethe push url is "git.k.o/kcm-userconfig.git"18:57
rbelembambee, could you paste your .git/config for me? :-)18:59
bambeerbelem: http://paste.ubuntu.com/608547/18:59
rbelembambee, and what's your branch name?19:01
rbelembambee, paste the output of git branch -a19:02
QuintasanI present, The Most Useless Application In C -> http://paste.kde.org/7190519:02
Quintasanrbelem: one is Denis ForgotHisSurnameNow19:03
Quintasanrbelem: ddenis on #qt-labs19:03
bambeerbelem: http://paste.ubuntu.com/608548/19:04
rbelembambee, try git push -f Kauth Kauth19:04
rbelemthanks Quintasan :-)19:04
rbelemi will leave for some min19:05
bambeerbelem: you probably mean "git push -f KAuth KAuth" ? (with "A") :)19:05
yofelQuintasan: why are you escaping \\n twice?19:07
yofelwell, the paste has \\n instead of \n, or did the paste do that?19:08
rbelembambee, yup19:08
bambeesame with "Kauth"19:09
=== tazz_ is now known as tazz
bambeewell even git push --help suggests me a "git push --force" in a case like that :\19:35
saLOUtapachelogger: would you be so nice to package my first app for me? I am not a ubuntu nor debian user...20:39
saLOUtapachelogger: Its about this: http://salout.github.com/blog/2010/12/18/announcing_kubeplayer.html20:39
saLOUtsource code here: https://projects.kde.org/projects/playground/multimedia/kubeplayer/repository20:39
seaLnedid ubuntu really change the default of ncurses to a pink background? just blinded while upgrading a server to natty21:34
ScottKseaLne: aubergine.21:40
ScottKIt's changable.21:40
ScottKIn Kubuntu it's blue.21:40
seaLnethis was on server21:40
ScottKMine is the same way.21:40
seaLneseems like a stupid and pointless change to me21:41
ScottKYou'll get no argument from me.21:41
bambeethere is plymouth on ubuntu server ?21:41
bambee(assuming you use ubuntu server)21:42
seaLnei've been used to blue ncurses for about 15 years21:42
seaLnebefore that it was white21:42
ScottKIt does I/O parallelization in addition to the display stuff it does.21:42
ScottKseaLne: I'd go ask kirkland in #ubuntu-server how to put it back.  It's his change.21:42
apacheloggersaLOUt: I already have one :P22:15
apacheloggerhad one 1 minute after you left yesterday22:15
saLOUtah. Do you have a link? Can I .just throw it into opensuse buildservice?22:16
apacheloggersaLOUt: generally it is much appreciated to have actual release tarballs22:16
apacheloggeryou can use the releaseme script from KDE 22:17
apacheloggeron an unrelated matter22:17
apacheloggerme laptop is back \o/22:17
* apachelogger stresstests22:17
apacheloggersaLOUt: if you did a release we could just upload it to ubuntu directly :P22:23
saLOUtapachelogger: The app crashes on a regular basis (when you try to watch a youtube video from sony in germany for instance22:24
apacheloggershould be fixed then ^^22:24
apacheloggerlemme get my equipment set up again, just moved through half of austria22:25
saLOUtIts a nice toy for developers (I hope for contributions).22:25
saLOUtapachelogger: can you paste me your deb config file?22:32
apacheloggersaLOUt: btw, every source file must have an appropriate copyright/license header23:14
apachelogger+ a copy of your license must be distributed along the source23:15
apacheloggeryour license = the license of your choice :)23:15
saLOUtapachelogger: I have a statement it README.rdoc23:15
apacheloggernot sufficient23:16
apacheloggerabove is obligatory to be properly licensed23:16
apacheloggerotherwise you are simply not distributing free software23:16
afiestasapachelogger: Quintasan ScottK rbelem http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=kde-workspace.git&a=commit&h=b508e6e29274839b8c505b6c5a56f3feed6020f523:22
afiestasthe good part of planes with delay :p23:22
ScottKVery nice.23:23
apacheloggerafiestas is wicked23:23
afiestasand email sent to ossi, hope he's ok with the patch23:23
afiestasas far as I can tell everything works, and the patch  is easy enough to be backported to 4.6.X 23:24
* ScottK suspects afiestas will need flame retardant pants.23:25
afiestasnah, he already replied the email (the email was sent but the push failed), he seems ok with the idea more or less :p23:25
apacheloggermore or less23:26
* afiestas has great hopes :)23:26
afiestasScottK: in case you don't know, David Edmunson is working on a KDE Greeter for lightDM :p23:27
ScottKI didn't until I read the commit message.  Great news.23:27
apacheloggersaLOUt: http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/src/kubeplayer/debian/23:29
saLOUtapachelogger: thx23:30
saLOUtapachelogger: do you tested packaging the app or the app on debian itself?23:30
* afiestas is updating from 10.10 to 11.04 :p23:35
apacheloggersaLOUt: I am sorry, but I do not quite understand the question23:37
apacheloggerafiestas: good luck!23:37
apacheloggeryou will need it :P23:37
afiestasapachelogger: my parents laptop was bought with mmm well don't remember23:38
apacheloggersaLOUt: /usr/share/kde4/apps/kubeplayer/lib/provider/youtube/Youtube.rb:69:in `request_video_url': private method `scan' called for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)23:38
saLOUtapachelogger: you presented me some files with code. Is it working code? Did you test the code to actually package my application?23:38
* apachelogger blinks23:38
afiestaswhen Dell sold devices in the website, in that "boom"23:38
apacheloggerof course I tested it23:38
afiestasand since then, it has survived all updates :p23:39
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apacheloggerafiestas: oh ^^23:39
apacheloggernever seen one of them devices23:39
saLOUtsaLOUt: what did you do to get this error? Is the app starting at all?23:39
apacheloggersaLOUt: started -> searched for come on eileen -> double clicked on one window kab000m23:39
afiestasas long as libreoffice, and firefox work, the rest doesn't matter23:40
afiestasa well, and Microsoft Skype too :p23:40
apacheloggermicrosoft skype23:40
saLOUtapachelogger: single click is sufficient23:40
apacheloggeryeah well, crashes every time23:40
saLOUttry something from michael jackson23:40
apacheloggersaLOUt: that does not crash surprising enough23:41
saLOUtapachelogger: mj works. That's important.23:41
apacheloggersaLOUt: it crashes whenver I click any item except the first one23:41
saLOUtok. I am gonna list "come on eileen" as unsupported ^^23:42
saLOUti searched for "michael .jackson" and first 4 are working fine so far.23:42
apacheloggerScottK: blueprints on kde-devel are the suck IMHO23:44
saLOUtapachelogger: thank you so far. I bookmarked the link and will have a deeper look on it tomorrow or so.23:48
apacheloggerjussi: http://i.imgur.com/rOHtL.png23:48
apacheloggermine is superior muhahaha23:49

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