
patebut - with no avail either :D00:00
SIR_Tacopate: still wont run?00:00
patethe executing gave the same error00:00
James147pate: another thing is replace %d with %ld (and dont cast)00:00
pateinvalid pointer00:00
FloodBotK1pate: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:00
SIR_TacoJames147: good point James14700:00
James147pate: yes (lower case LD)00:00
pateand %lX00:01
patefor %X ?00:01
pateworked too00:01
patebut running - no00:02
patewhat is %ld?00:02
James147pate: same as d but for long00:02
SIR_Taco%ld is a long decimal... which you're replacing %d with00:02
pateIt's reporting this "z/z/z/.so¿½ï¿½"B������z�����Tz��Aborted"00:04
pateat a memory address00:04
patez/z/z is the folder structure00:04
pateseems to me, as a codepage mismatch :D00:05
SIR_Tacono specific static library?00:05
patesry - I don't understand00:09
SIR_Tacopate: you said it's reporting: "something.so" ?00:11
SIR_Tacopate: is this your own program? or are you trying to compile someone elses?00:12
patesomeone elses00:18
patethat's why I'm so lost with it00:18
patewell the weird markings are a bit peculiar on the memory map00:18
patethe ones that look like if you print out UTF-8 as ms-ansi00:19
SIR_Tacopate: unfortunately that's out of my expertise I'm afraid.... I do the odd bug-fix and simple program/script/etc.00:21
=== JasonO is now known as MisterX
pateSIR_Taco: thanks for the help nonetheless00:36
pateI'll leave it for toda00:36
securityxxxpertAnybody recommend using compiz over kde desktop effects on Nvidia Cards specifically 9800 gt on Kubuntu 11.0400:45
luizcbhello kubuntu's users & abusers.00:47
luizcbi posted this matter on the relevant channels, but if anyone know how to solve it i appreciate...00:56
luizcbi have a correct dual head monitor configuration except the default monitor stays on my secondary one, a crt. if i issue '$ sudo aticonfig --swap-screens=on ' and reboot, xorg.conf accepts the changes but, as soon as i get to the environment ...nothing changes; still, default screen on top (being that my secondary monitor). here is my current xorg.conf -> http://goo.gl/E3zBo00:56
ShaneQfulhey does anyone have ubuntu one setn up kubuntu its probably a noob question but I can't stand unity01:11
luizcbshadeslayer,i removed unity and ubuntu-desktop. i noticed ubuntuone was removed too. i didn't try to reinstall it yet but a lot of *unity* comes with it01:14
luizcbsorry shadeslayer, that was for.... he left... (ShaneQful)01:16
DarkwingDuckWho in here is still using 10.04LTS and wants to help with a Kubuntu Project?01:17
ArchangelSe7enMint 9 KDE which is idealy the same01:20
ArchangelSe7enwhat project DarkwingDuck01:20
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DarkwingDuckDocumentation project. so, I need someone running Kubuntu 10.04 LTS. A review and fix project01:21
ArchangelSe7enI dont think Mint 9 would do wouldnt it ?01:22
DarkwingDuckNo I am sorry. :(01:22
FanfareDarkwingDuck: Document what? reg app from repo?01:22
ArchangelSe7enok ^^01:23
DarkwingDuckFanfare: the shipped system docs from package kubuntu-docs01:24
FanfareDarkwingDuck: how much time does it take? how urgent is it?01:26
Fanfaregetting notebook up...  argh its 10.10 iirc01:26
DarkwingDuckFanfare: It will be a weekend project. And when it can be done. I'm getting the next series up and going as we are starting the 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot development off the ground.01:27
DarkwingDuckFanfare: More or less, verifying that the docs are correct and if not, submitting bugs for them assigning myself and/or writing patches for them.01:28
FanfareDarkwingDuck: ok, thers 10.10 on my notebook... and sadly not the time... leaving tomorrow for a 2w trip...01:36
DarkwingDuckFanfare: That's cool. Keep an eye out becaue in the next month or so I'll be sending out an email looking for people who want to help with current (11.10 Oneiric) documentation as well.01:39
FanfareDarkwingDuck: is that a kde or kubuntu projekt?01:43
DarkwingDuckFanfare: Kubuntu project.01:43
dniMretsaMhi every101:52
securityxxxpertAnybody around?02:16
moesI am wanting to dual boot Ubuntu 10.04 and Kubuntu 10.04...Ubuntu is on first drive and has grub 2 installed...I want to install Kubuntu to the second drive...Where do I need to install grub from Kubuntu02:18
ArchangelSe7enmoes, your machine needs only one GRUB installed02:20
dniMretsaMI don't think you need to install GRUB(2) on both OSs02:20
ArchangelSe7enso it should go in your MBR02:20
dniMretsaMwhat's the difference between GRUB & GRUB 2? and how do u know which u have?02:21
moesdniMretsaM, Well I ran install-grub --version in Ubuntu and recieved 1.98 which is grub 202:22
nickmoeckHi. Is there a way to force the installer to install the standard kubuntu desktop instead of the netbook version on a netbook?02:23
moesArchangelSe7en, So what you are saying don't install anything from Kubuntu and when I update-grub it will list Kubuntu02:24
dniMretsaMUm, you can switch once it's installed I believe02:25
dniMretsaMin settings someplace, lemme find it02:25
ArchangelSe7ennope .. install Kubuntu normally on your new partition (supposing that you have one ) and it should install GRUB for you02:25
dniMretsaManyway, I have 1.99 RC something02:25
ArchangelSe7enwhich will take take of listing your OSs for you02:26
ArchangelSe7eneven if you dualboot with Windows02:26
=== Keshl_ is now known as Keshl
moesArchangelSe7en, Will it not ask where to install grub during to install02:27
c2tarunmoes: you installing kubuntu?02:28
ArchangelSe7ennormally it shouldnt and if it did .. your first partition (sda usually) is the right place for that02:28
moesc2tarun, getting prepared to install 10.0402:28
dniMretsaMhaving trouble finding it. lemme google it for u02:28
c2tarunmoes: well if you want to install boot in different partition then you have to mount that partition to /boot02:29
c2tarunby default grub will be installed in you root partition /boot folder.02:29
c2tarunmoes: and why 10.04? there are newer  versions available...02:30
dniMretsaMhe probably wants 10.04 since it's LTS02:31
c2tarunohh.... :)02:31
moesc2tarun, Okay that is where I want to install to root partition /boot folder...I want the lts program02:31
c2tarunmoes: sorry, can you please rephrase your sentence. I am not getting02:32
moesc2tarun, Your suggestion to install Kubuntu grub to /root partition....Is what I was looking for...I want 10.04 because it is LTS02:33
dniMretsaM@nickmoeck: go to System Settings -> Workspace Behavior -> Workspace and there is an option for desktop or netbook02:34
c2tarunmoes: thats good :) you ever installed any linux distro before?02:34
nickmoeckdniMretsaM: thanks02:34
dniMretsaMI'm out guys02:35
moesc2tarun, I currently have Ubuntu 10.04 installed on sda1....And yes I have installed other PuppyLinux...Pclos Phoenix  etc02:36
c2tarunmoes: than its good :) normally new users are recommended not to mess with grub and home on different partitions. Since you are experienced thats good :) enjoy LTS02:37
moesc2tarun, Thanks for the help02:37
ronnocDarkwingDuck: Couldn't someone just run 10.10 froma live CD and help with the 10.04 docs?02:38
ronnocMeant *10.04 / 10.04 of course02:38
DarkwingDuckronnoc: There are UI changes from 10.04 to 10.10. I'm looking for a review of the LTS Docs02:42
ronnocDarkwingDuck: i meant to say couldn't someone review the 10.04 docs from running a 10.04 live cd - sorry for the typo02:43
DarkwingDuckronnoc: I'm sure one could. I'm tryig to get more participation then do everything myself02:44
ronnocahh ok. I would help but I'm starting work on the Kubuntu Enterprise website for the next few weeks. Goodluck though - hopefully someone steps up.02:47
DarkwingDuckronnoc: I'm sure someone will. I'm trying to drive more for current docs when that comes up.02:48
ronnocDarkwingDuck: Esp if / when some of the default apps change as proposed. OT, but I'm stoked that Muon will replace KPK in 11.11, among other things :)02:49
ronnoc*11.10. Geez I'm numerically challenged tonight02:50
DarkwingDuckronnoc: Aye, I was impressed when that was brought up at UDS. There are always tweaks to the documentation and I'm moving forward with other projects re kubuntu and I'm not sure if I want to do all of that plus maintaining the docs02:53
ronnocDarkwingDuck: Docs are not the most exciting thing on earth, but insanely important02:58
DarkwingDuckronnoc: Yup, I've been leading the charge for a couple of releases now. What people don't realize is that 99% of people have done doc work03:01
ronnocDarkwingDuck: I didn't realize that myself :)03:02
DarkwingDuckronnoc: Have you ever explained to anyone how to do something in IRC or email?03:03
ronnocDarkwingDuck: Of course. Many times.03:10
DarkwingDuckronnoc: That's all documentation is. :)03:10
DarkwingDucka howto or a series of documents explaining how something works03:11
ronnocDarkwingDuck: heh. Very true. Never really thought of it that way I guess. But you really can't live long in Open Source without doing just that on a regular basis :)03:12
jmichaelxi just did a fresh install of 11.04 on a laptop using 945gm express graphics... what a nightmare. kubuntu 10.10 also ran poorly with this graphics chipset. does anyone know whether or not this is primarily a KDE/Kwin/Kubuntu issue, or a conflict with X in 11.04 in general?03:13
DarkwingDuckronnoc: Aye, but that's why there are those of us who do that as much as possible and try to make things simplier.03:14
jmichaelxBTW, i was able to get some limited compositing working, using xrandr instead of opengl.03:14
DarkwingDuckjmichaelx: i know that a couple years ago there were issues with that graphics chipset.03:16
DarkwingDuckjmichaelx: What driver is being used?03:17
ronnoc DarkwingDuck: A very important task. Esp. since two of the primary areas of information / documentaion for people coming from other OS's, mainly WIKI's and IRC, are likely foreign to those people.03:17
jmichaelxDarkwingDuck: yes, there was. then it seemed to be resolved for the next few releases, then the problem returned in maverick... and apparently has remained in natty.03:18
jmichaelxDarkwingDuck: i am not sure which driver... i assume the same driver used for most intel cards03:18
DarkwingDuckjmichaelx: I know one of the workarounds was a program called 915resolution that seemed to fix things IIRC03:18
jmichaelxDarkwingDuck: the resolution is not where the problem is, and i don't think many have had to use 915resolution in a long time. (unless i have missed something, which is always possible.)03:20
DarkwingDuckjmichaelx: Graphics running slow is the issue right?03:20
jmichaelxDarkwingDuck: yes, VERY slow03:21
jmichaelxDarkwingDuck: with opengl compositing enabled, it is just unusable. with XRender, it is usable, but anything requiring much of any acceleration is not usable03:22
DarkwingDuckjmichaelx: Check this thread... there might be a fix in it. I just kinda scanned over it. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=172374803:22
jmichaelx(the story is the same with all desktop effects disabled, too)03:22
jmichaelxDarkwingDuck: thx, i will try to look that over03:22
DarkwingDuckjmichaelx: Sorry i can't help more.03:23
jmichaelxDarkwingDuck: the thread you pointed me to may indeed be helpful.... in  the very last post, someone states that using the xorg-edgers xserver improved things a lot for him03:27
jmichaelxi am going to give that a shot03:27
DarkwingDuckjmichaelx: Awesome-sauce03:28
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uberfrauhow do i change my background? ;o03:45
ronnocuberfrau: you mean your wallpaper?03:47
jmichaelxDarkwingDuck: just reporting back... i installed the xorg-edgers' xorg and intel gpu driver, and now opengl compositing works :-D03:49
jmichaelxhowever, some things are still VERY slow... if i start something like the game 'kapman', the little guy barely moves, lol03:50
DarkwingDuckjmichaelx: It's a start.03:52
jmichaelxDarkwingDuck: more than a start, it has made the desktop very usable now, with the excption of some games03:53
DarkwingDuckjmichaelx: Awesome, glad i could help03:54
jmichaelxi really feel that distros should post info on major known-bugs, as well as possible solutions, on the websites03:54
jmichaelxno idea why i put a hyphen between 'known' & 'bugs'. but anyways....03:55
jmichaelxDarkwingDuck: yes, thanks again for pointing me to that thread!03:56
DarkwingDuckjmichaelx: My pleasure03:57
jmichaelxhmm, i wonder why there is no 'reply' option on that thread right now?03:58
jmichaelxok, the game Kapman was a bad example... apparently that game is not working on any computer (at least one those that i own) in natty04:06
ronnocjmichaelx: That's not just you. I have proprietary nvidia graphics and kapman is unplayable in natty. must be a bug.04:08
ronnocjmichaelx: meaning a bug with kapman, not graphics04:08
DarkwingDuckWell, I just tried kapman and with my 1Gb vid card it still is slow as blech04:17
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elijahHow do I tell what version of Kubuntu I am running04:21
elijahI think I just upgraded to 11.04 but GRUB totally crashed on me and I had to recover it so I am not sure04:21
ronnocelijah: open a terminal and type "cat /etc/issue"04:24
ronnocelijah: minus the quotes04:24
elijahronnoc: thx that worked, confirmed 11.0404:25
ronnocelijah: :)04:25
jmichaelxDarkwingDuck: slow as blech? lol04:27
MrGizmo757i Have a Question.  i installed Xine and VLC plug ins into Firefox. But if i CLick a video on a webpage it wont work. if i right click on the play link and tell it to open in New tab it will work but in its own Window. Why dose this happen. and can i do anything to correct it?04:27
DarkwingDuckYeah, and if it's slow on my system then it's slow everywhere.04:27
elijahk, second question. I restored GRUB 2 with the directions here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 but now when I start up Kubuntu the grub screen is blue and kubuntu shows some startup procedures. How do I get GRUB back to the minimalistic black screen?04:28
jmichaelxDarkwingDuck: that was my conclusion, too... my desktop is a quadcore, using prop. nvidia graphics, and kapman did not work there, either04:28
elijahI am thinking the Kubuntu startup stuff is because of the upgrade and not GRUB, but maybe I can just update GRUB to a different version?04:29
ronnocelijah: not sure if you can, but that blue screen is the one for kubuntu 11.04. i like it personally, as by default it only shows the latest kernel - less confusing that way IMO.04:31
elijahwell that was fun04:34
elijahgot knocked to a ttl and had no clue how to get back in, had to reboot04:34
elijahwas trying to load a xorg config file04:35
elijahi guess after the upgrade things changed a bit04:35
elijahi just realized I probably wiped my xord swap script too :(04:35
kubu2elijah: if you are in ttl sudo kdm will bring give you the gui logon screen04:44
elijahIs anyone here running Chrome, if you are can you run youtube videos in fullscreen? Mine sort of does it but puts the play bar a quarter way up the screen04:44
elijahkubu2: k, thx, I'll write that down.04:45
kubu2no prob here with chrome04:45
kubu2elijah: but you need to sudo killall kdm if kdm failed to start first time04:48
dan___elijah:  i've hard weird flash issues in ffx and chromium04:50
dan___works ok in opera though04:50
=== dan___ is now known as dan_l
elijahkubu2: k, thanks04:52
elijahdan_l: I just tested in FF and it does the same thing04:53
elijahmust be an issue with flash04:53
dan_lare there blocks that kind of 'tear'04:53
dan_lElijah:  are there like tears in your video?04:53
elijahdan_l: I have had that before and there may still be but I have been too focused on the full screen issue04:54
elijahhow do I tell what graphics chipset I am using?04:55
dan_lElijah:   what version of flash?04:55
kubu2elijah: you might need to do upgrade again as when your X session went away during the upgrade because the kdm service was stopped/restarted and some upgrades were not completed yet04:56
elijahkubu2: this issue happened well after the upgrade, a kind user on IRC made me a script to swap out xorg.conf files for different display configurations and when I ran the script it was looking for some stuff in the xorg.d folder and that is what went haywire, I think at least,04:58
dan_lknow what?04:59
kubu2k..I normally do my upgrade on a tty bec if you are not paying attention it ask if you want to stop/restart the kdm jobs among other things04:59
dan_lI'm thinking it's not the flash the version.  I think it's the extensionn in ffx04:59
dan_lwhy would it work in opera and not ffx?04:59
elijahdan_l: I will try opera now05:00
dan_lElijah:  yeah.  Let's see.  It will help us narrow down the problem.  We shall be elite kubuntu trouble shooters!!05:00
elijahi just rented a movie on Youtube and want to be able to enjoy it in all its glory! :)05:01
=== c2tarun_ is now known as c2tarun
elijahK, Opera has the same issue for me05:02
kubu2elijah:not sure what the script did bnut you can save you /etc/X11/xorg.conf somehwere and then from a tty create another xorg.conf05:03
kubu2on a tty sudo killall kdm then sudo X -configure -a.  then sudo cp /root/xorg.conf.new to /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:04
szalelijah: let it run until it has fully loaded (you see loading progress from the pale red bar underneath the time progress indicator), then grab the video file from your browser cache & play w/ your favourite video player05:04
szal"it's not rocket science, is it?!" *sing*05:07
elijahdan_l: this is my issue actually http://www.youtube.com/all_comments?v=rnNJGCBqXlU05:10
elijahno fix05:10
dan_lthere has to be a fix.05:11
dan_lGOOGLE HARDER!!!!!!!!!05:11
pezedi find that i have to kill and restart plasma-desktop about once every half hour of use05:16
pezedusing kde 4.6.3 from ppa (same was happening iwth 4.6.2)05:16
pezedXorg and plasma-desktop start using a lot of CPU and eventually become unresponsive05:16
pezedany suggestions?  (i've tried disabling power management)05:17
elijahlooks like youtube downloading doesn't work on movie rentals, not suprisingly...05:20
dan_lelijah:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=396177905:26
jmuthi. runing lenovo t520.  When I had optimus enabled my brightness Fn key was working. but once I disabled it it stopped working. I had to disable it because it would not accept the drivers otherwise..and 3d/settings or anything.05:59
jmutany pointers?05:59
pastyhermitHi All, the desktop effects on my laptop have always worked flawlessly using the gnome-based ubuntu, I had installed kubuntu and they keep turning off.  How do I fix this?06:08
pastyhermitDoes anyone have any thoughts?06:10
pastyhermitHi All, the desktop effects on my laptop have always worked flawlessly using the gnome-based ubuntu, I had installed kubuntu and they keep turning off.  How do I fix this?06:15
pastyhermitI wonder am I silent?06:15
pastyhermitAnyone know how to fix the ... 'effects' in kubuntu?06:15
preechermine do the same pastyhermit but i dont know the "fix"06:17
pastyhermitI think if you disable "blur" it fixes it06:20
preecherhum lemme try that06:20
pastyhermitseems to be ok for now..06:21
pastyhermitThis laptop has always been just fine for effects but I have really only run the gnome-based ubuntu06:21
pastyhermitApparently there is some issue with the blur effect and intel GPUs06:22
pastyhermitSo much for asking for help on this channel...06:22
preecheri had no problems with compiz on ubuntu 10.1006:24
pastyhermitpreecher: seems to be a KDE defficicency... or the 'blur' effect requires a very powerfull GPU06:25
Magnussonanyone know where kubuntu installs its plasma themes?06:25
pastyhermitMagnusson: do you know the extension of the plasma themes?06:25
pastyhermitperhaps you might try searching the directory structure?06:25
Magnussonpastyhermit>hmm no, i installed all mine from the get new stuff application actually, never done a manual install06:26
pastyhermitI think its .kth06:27
pastyhermitfind / -name '*.kth' -print06:27
preecherim new to kubuntu still figuring out the little stuff like different names of the progs and how to do simple taskd06:27
pastyhermitpreecher: yeah me too..06:28
pastyhermitI havent really used KDE since the 2.x series06:28
Magnussonheck i just figured out how to convert a gnome icon theme i've wanted for the past 2 months so i'm quite happy atm, on a theming roll06:29
Magnussonbut other than that yeah i'm like you guys, no real clue what i'm doin hah06:29
preecheri used kde in 2006 for a few months then not long after i went to gnome and never left till unity was born06:29
Magnussoni don't get the problems with unity, i liked it06:31
preecheri will say this tho---kubuntu runs & its progs open noticbly faster than in ubuntu now--on my system anyway06:31
pastyhermitpreecher: you know you dont have to use unity, if you select "classic desktop" in ubuntu, you will get the default shell06:31
preecheryea i know- guess i was just lookin for a reason to chnge06:32
Magnussonha, who knew plasma themes only installed to your home folder. got it :)06:34
r4idcan any one help me?06:35
Magnussondepends, what's up?06:35
r4idI am running kubunutu06:35
r4idlatest version a06:35
r4idi have also latest version of amarok and i am unable to use06:35
r4idmedia pane in amarok06:35
r4idI am able to see all my hard drives all are mounted when i click on that it's not listing all directories06:36
pastyhermitr4id: what are you trying to do?06:36
Magnussonif it makes you feel any better, my amarok works and i still find it unusable :)06:36
pastyhermitwasnt banshee alot better06:37
r4idi want to solve this problem..:(06:37
r4idAnother problem is everytime i boot my system it's always muted06:37
Magnussonnever tried banshee, i'd really just like a direct winamp clone =\06:37
pastyhermitMagnusson: xmms06:37
Magnussonaudacious i didn't like and xmms (at least xmms2) seems to be throwing a hissy fit, i can't ever get it to do anything06:38
preecheri just use audacious with the winmp skin06:38
pastyhermitaudacious eh06:40
preecherits wht i use --06:40
Magnusson /eyebrow, what do you mean by interface exactly? what i'd really love is global shortcuts that work how i want06:40
Magnussoni'm giving xmms2 a try again06:40
Magnussonr4id>still not getting the problem?06:41
Magnussonr4id>have you unmuted your system in kmix?06:41
preecherunder "view" tab in audacious you cn select the "winamp classic view" interfce06:41
Magnussonah so it's basically just a skin? not a whole interface change?06:42
preecherjust makes it look like winamp06:42
preecherim not really big into tunes other than listening to whatever mp3's ive converted so a small player serves me well06:43
Magnussonoh i'm great with small, i just want it to function how i want06:45
pastyhermitwinamp for linux06:45
Magnusson /hug06:45
preecherwow thats from 200506:46
pastyhermitapparently that download is very old06:46
Magnussoneither of you guys know of a media player that has "add this folder to (audacious,xmms,etc) integrated into the shell when you right click?06:49
elijahWhere do I set system sounds on Kubuntu?06:51
Magnussonelijah>if you find a way to do it all at once, lemme know!06:51
Magnussonotherwise you have to do them all one by one =\06:51
Tm_TSystem settings -> Notifications06:51
Magnussonbut that's..yeah what Tm_T said06:51
preecheri tryn to get my mic configd now06:52
elijahI want to set it so when I hit the volume up/down buttons on my hardware keyboard I get audible feedback06:52
Magnussonpreecher>when you use audacious do you just have the main window up or do you use equalizer and playlist as well?06:53
Tm_Telijah: yup, see systemsettings -> Application and System Notifications06:53
Tm_Telijah: or, prolly same can be found from kmixer -> configure notifications06:53
elijahTm_T: thanks, I am looking now, so many options :D06:54
preecherMagnusson i just use the default display--it shows the playlist & a equlizer06:54
elijahnotifications triggered by hardware devices appears to be the logical category but no entry there...06:55
r4idNope i haven't done anything06:58
r4idbut whenever i am booting my system i am suppose to unmute the voice else it won't work06:58
r4idsorry for delay reply..:|06:58
elijahunder input devices for keyboard it lists a key click volume but that does not appear to do anything to key presses.07:01
Magnussonpreecher_>i think you've made a convert07:02
preecher_Magnusson i like it---i dont need all that radio station jazz07:02
Magnussonoh yeah i agree, i never likeda ll that last.fm stuff either07:03
Magnussonif i wanted to add a radio station i'd just add the station to my playlist manually07:03
preecher_but im not enjoying this trip down microphone row07:03
Magnussonnow if i could just get audacious to add folders by right clicking07:04
elijahpreecher_ what is wrong with your mic?07:26
rethusi have natty. if i restart my pc, sound is always muted.07:26
rethushow can i disable this?07:26
piratteroque os peten07:28
Magnussonrethus>are you r4id?07:29
Magnussonrethus>and do you have "start saved session from last time" enabled?07:29
evilspiral@Rethus: Did You Change Your GUI For Natty?07:30
rethusno, start no saved session - i think. is set all to default07:31
rethusand no, i still have kde - nothing changed07:31
evilspiral@rethus: Do You Prefer The New Look And Workings Of Natty?07:33
rethuswhat s the new look?07:33
Magnussonrethus>i believe start session from last time IS the default, but if you're sure that's not the case then hmm..07:33
rethusi have disable it fo a long time, cause it breaks my kontact-startp07:34
evilspiralClick The Power Button At The Top Right Corner...07:35
evilspiralClick "System"07:36
evilspiralThen Click "Login Screen"07:37
rethusevilspiral:this is kde...no power-btn on top right corner07:37
evilspiralSorry rethus I Thought You Had Natty Ubuntu...07:40
rethusno problem07:40
evilspiralHow Do You Like KDE?07:43
ScanHow to set size of konsole?07:45
MagnussonScan>right click and configure?07:45
Magnussonif that's what ya mean07:45
ScanMagnusson but you can resize using the triangle in to the right?07:48
Scanbecause I crashed07:48
Magnussonhmm, honestly i use yakuake, but lemme experiment07:48
Magnussonyou're just wanting to resize the whole window eh?07:49
ScanI wanted to know if the other crashed07:50
Scanbecause I was using gnome until 2 days ago07:50
Magnussonif it's just resizing the window , i'm able to just grab the bottom right corner and resize it like you would a normal window07:51
ScanKeep in mind that I have to translate what we write (eng only), but I can not even maximize the window that blocks all07:53
tsimpsonScan: do you use the nvidia driver?07:53
tsimpsonScan: it's a known issue, see: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/76063207:54
ubottuUbuntu bug 760632 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "Resizing Konsole crashes the whole system" [High,Confirmed]07:54
Magnussonah luckily i haven't had an issue with that, but yeah seems by and large we nvidia users are screwed =\07:56
MagnussonScan>try a different driver maybe?07:57
tsimpsonthere's not much "we" can do about nvidia driver issues, only nvidia can fix it07:57
ScanI have to wait for someone to speak Italian so I take a huge effort07:57
tsimpsonScan: there is #ubuntu-it for support in Italian language07:59
DarkwingDuckScan: Something you might want to look at as a replacement for konsole is Yakuake. It stays hidden till you use F12 to have it drop down. Very nice.07:59
* DarkwingDuck remembers when nvidia was the way to go for Linux video08:00
Scantsimpson thanks a lot but now there's' no!08:00
Magnussonlol DarkwingDuck08:00
DarkwingDuckATI was years behind nvidia for linux support... I guess the grass is always greener08:00
tsimpsonI'll stick with my perfectly working intel gpu thanks :)08:01
DarkwingDuckWell, my laptop has nvidia so, not so bad.08:01
DarkwingDuckKonsole is the only issue I've ever had but, I fixed it with yakuake08:01
tsimpsonif you're the type of person who _always_ has a terminal open, yakuake is the perfect app08:02
evilspiralSo I Have A Question For The Room... What Is Everyones Prefered Programming Language?08:02
DarkwingDucktsimpson: irssi from my server and my dev work08:03
tsimpsonevilspiral: you'll probably get a response in #ubuntu-offtopic08:03
tsimpsonDarkwingDuck: I just use the terminal for... everything08:04
DarkwingDucktsimpson: yeah, 99% of what I do is terminal based.08:05
floownI can't share my two PC with samba, between a Windows Seven and a Kubuntu08:10
floownI have create a new user on my Kubuntu, with smbpasswd08:10
floownbut I can't access from Windows08:11
floownI see the folder, but when I try to open it, a message prompt ask my login and password08:11
Magnussonyeah yakuake is the shit08:17
rethusso i have now used alsamixer - rejust the settings, and use alsactc store08:25
rethusreboot... and : Same thing like before... sound is muted and much to loud08:26
rethusif i unmute08:26
rethustill kubuntu use pulseaudio. i only have problems with sound.08:27
rethusrealy bad choice to use it08:28
giantpunehi boys, im having an issue with gksu.  whenever i type in my password, it says that it is incorrect.  the password works correctly in su and sudo.  does anyboyd have any ideas about how to debug it or what might be going wrong?09:02
rethusmaybe special-chars in it09:05
giantpunethere are not any special characters.  it contains only letters in the english alphabet09:06
giantpunei found this bug  but it doesnt provide any info about fixing it.  only that using sudo instead is a workaround.     https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gksu/+bug/62409509:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 624095 in gksu (Ubuntu) "gksu will not recognize password for administrative tasks in Maverick" [Undecided,Expired]09:07
tsimpsongiantpune: it says "Running gksu-properties and changing authentication mode to sudo fixes the problem", or you can just use kdesudo09:09
giantpuneindeed.  im new to kubuntu.  i forgot all about kdesudo.  thanks09:11
jussigiantpune: also, I think using gksudo also fixes the issue ;)09:20
giantpuneok, next issue.  where do themes get installed to in kubuntu 10.10?  my desktop theme is not applied to any programs run as root, but i dont know where to find them to copy to a more global position09:21
tsimpsongiantpune: in ~/.kde/share/apps/desktoptheme09:26
tsimpsongiantpune: if you want to customize how apps ran as root look, run "kdesudo systemsettings" and change the Desktop Theme under Workspace Appearance09:28
eggonlegsdoes anyone know how to set konsole's colorscheme via cli?09:28
eggonlegsusing a .colorscheme file I mean09:28
eggonlegsI put a new one in .kde/share/apps/konsole/09:28
eggonlegsbut it doesn't show up in the gui09:28
eggonlegsin the chooser screen where you can edit things09:29
giantpunetsimpson, it would be nice if i could just copy these themes to some folder in /usr and then the programs run as root would use my theme and i wouldnt need to change settings 2x whenever i change them09:29
tsimpsongiantpune: how would the app know to use your theme?09:30
giantpunenot sure.  but it works like this in ubuntu.  i was hoping that it would be the same in kubuntu09:30
tsimpsonI don't use ubuntu so I can't really comment, but it's probably a hack in ubuntu09:32
tsimpsonroot is just another user, so it has its own settings etc09:32
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Goliathhow can i mount a gbp image?10:04
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svennHi, I'm having problems compiling Python 2.5 with zlib, anyone else having this issue using 11.04?11:49
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szalplease clean your keyboard in another channel ;)12:00
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vandenoeveri just updated from kubuntu 9.04 to 11.04 and now my LVM volumes are not recognized any more12:53
vandenoeveri have a software raid on sdc+sdd and on there i have lvm volumes12:53
vandenoeverthe raid is fine, but the lvm volumes are not recognized at all12:54
vandenoeverpvscan and lvscan both report nothing12:54
BluesKaj'Morning all13:05
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erebushow can i upgrade wine from 1.2.2 to 1.3.6 ?13:49
erebushow can i upgrade wine from 1.2.2 to 1.3.6 ?13:54
Belialerebus: from memory, install the wine 1.3 package13:57
Belialwine1.3 sorry13:57
slinker1wine ppa has only 1.3.19 lloks like13:58
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erebusBelial: if i get wine1.3 do i lose the regular wine?14:02
Belialit will upgrade the one in place, yes14:28
BelialI'm unsure of the backwards compatability of the version, I'd read the release notes and backup ~/.wine to be safe14:30
eagles0513875and Belial if you upgrade wine14:30
eagles0513875you will lose the other version installed14:30
eagles0513875just a lil fyi as i noticed it was asked in here earlier14:31
szalnot sure why anyone would deem that a problem14:36
pigeonflightGood Day!14:55
BluesKajscrn froze had to do a remote reboot15:01
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BluesKajKDE 4.6.3 , still has a few glitches15:02
pigeonflightBluesKaj: What happened with it?15:03
BluesKajwas checking out umbrello and it froze the scrn at launch , disabled the mouse and KB as well15:04
pigeonflightBluesKaj: but not a kernel freeze?15:04
BluesKajwas able to reboot by ssh from our other linux pc15:05
BluesKajhate hard shutdowns15:05
Magnussonis there a way to update aliases without relogging?15:07
pigeonflightBluesKaj: Don't all UNIX heads?15:07
pigeonflightMagnusson: just type it15:07
pigeonflightMagnusson: how did you change it?15:07
Magnussonmy .bashrc points to .bash_aliases, and i changed some stuff in .bash_aliases15:08
BluesKajMagnusson, sudo nano ~/.bashrc15:08
pigeonflightMagnusson: source ~/.bash_aliases15:08
Magnussonpigeonflight>i think that was it :)15:10
pigeonflightMagnusson: You are welcome15:11
pigeonflightyou can use . as a shortcut for the source command15:11
MaximLevitskyno need in sudo to edit files in home folder!15:11
pigeonflightMaximLevitsky: Good point15:11
Magnussonoh yes if it needed to be said outloud, excuse my VERY implied thank you :)15:11
pigeonflightMagnusson: somethings are best left not implied :)15:12
BluesKajhmm, I don't have a seperate ~/.bash_aliases file15:12
Magnussonpigeonflight>very true hehe, i just got so overwhelmingly excited that someone knew15:12
pigeonflightBluesKaj: You'd have to make it. I'm guessing that Magnusson has quite a few aliases to manage15:12
MagnussonBluesKaj>nod i made my own file15:13
BluesKajtrue , MaximLevitsky , force of habit15:13
Magnussonpigeonflight>hmm would "touch ~./bash_aliases" done the same thing? i just thought of that15:13
pigeonflightBluesKaj: I have a funny FOH story bout -rf :)15:13
pigeonflightMagnusson: not even close15:13
Magnussonpigeonflight> lol does your story involve rm -rf /?15:13
Magnussonand no? aww :(15:14
pigeonflightboth because ~./ will give an error and because touch does not affect your shell's environment15:14
pigeonflighttype help source15:14
BluesKajMagnusson, when i first got into linux 7 or so yrs ago, someone told me to use the rm -rf command ,,, once I reinstalled I reorted the guy to the debian ops ...they kicked him...it wasn't the first time :)15:16
MagnussonROFL woooow15:16
pigeonflightIt's a auto ban here as well15:18
BluesKajdebian was my first real usable distro , ubuntu came out about a yr later iirc , so i naturally migrated15:18
pigeonflightThat's just mean15:18
pigeonflightFor package version numbers that didn't have spiders and cobwebs as complimentary ?15:18
Magnussonyeah, in fact i installed a virtual machine(with the intention of messing it up) and did it just so i could say i have once15:19
pigeonflightI was teaching a redhat course and one guy went nuts when he figured out that it was test servers15:19
BluesKajwell, I learned a valuable lesson , be careful and verify commands given on google etc15:19
pigeonflighthe startedrunning all the commands he's lways been told never to run15:19
pigeonflightlast day he got up and ran rm -rf / and started laughing manically15:20
Magnussonhahah silly kid in candy store15:20
Magnussonhe had much the same reaction that i had to you telling me about source15:20
pigeonflightTrashed the whole system and was amused to see that the programs were still running and the GUI was up15:20
Magnusson"omg i got a new toy must run off and play!" *runs back* oh, thank you grandma15:20
pigeonflightHa ha :)15:21
* BluesKaj sense the OT cops lurking :)15:21
Magnussonwhich i think is how i'm gonna have to teach my mom how to use a computer, make a dummy test install of windows and tell her to go nuts, she's so afraid to do anything15:21
Magnussonpigeonflight>any idea why certain aliases just echo parts of the file now? =\15:22
BluesKajsounds like my wife ...wxcept now she has this convoluted way of accessing stuff on the net ...it drives me up a wall :)15:23
Magnussonhah yeah doesn't it? i pissed off a professor once, he went through this 10 min explanation to the class and i just looked at him with the dog head tilt and raised my hand bc i couldn't keep quiet and was just like "you know you can just right click for that to happen right?"15:23
Magnussonhe was most displeased15:24
BluesKajrather than make a bookmark , she goes into an old email with a link to get to sites in some cases15:24
Magnussonhahah oh wow15:24
BluesKajI show her stuff and promptly forgets , because it makes no sense to her15:26
Magnussonlol same with mom, drives me crazy, i'm like why would you possibly do or think to do that?? why would you think you need to check your email to see what's wrong with your printer15:27
BluesKajshe's smarter than me acdemically , but pcs just bring down the curtain15:27
pigeonflightMagnusson: I have no idea what your aliases are so .. no15:28
Magnussonpigeonflight>i think i got it, it was the & at the end15:28
pigeonflightI doubt that but ok :)15:28
pigeonflightBluesKaj: Each person has  competency let them enjoy it15:29
MagnussonBluesKaj>heh i tend to prefer women who are smarter than me, but less experienced. that way i can at least FEEL like i'm teaching them something when i tell them about this or that, even though they could make me look like a moron15:29
claviceps___like opening a website through typing "www.google.com" in the address bar and then googling for the adderes of the site :D15:30
BluesKajyeah, I've learned patience ...we've been married over 40 yrs..we're both retired old fogies (almost), and I think patience has forced it's way into my personality and character :)15:31
Magnussonheh that tends to get beaten in the hard way15:32
pigeonflightGood quality in general but well valued in a marriage15:32
* pigeonflight gets the BluesKaj sense tingling15:32
Magnussonand in programming/linux15:33
Magnussonthere, now not OT :)15:33
Magnussonpigeonflight>if you fancy yourself as good with aliases as i get the impression you are, i have another question heh. should be simple15:34
claviceps___any idea why konact would crash when trying to open the preferences?15:34
pigeonflightclaviceps___: what version?15:34
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claviceps___Version 4.4.10 it says15:35
claviceps___it worked before when i disabled mail and other things, now i want them back and it just crashed :/15:35
pigeonflightclaviceps___: run it from the command line and see if it gives you an error message15:36
claviceps___no much, just this: QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 11 and type 'Read', disabling...15:36
claviceps___KCrash: Application 'kontact' crashing...15:36
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BluesKajI've been try to get a script to work for automounting media folders by sshfs on my other linux machine , the folder reside here on the out medis-server pc . Sometimes I prefer to watch a movie on the my den-pc . I found a script and placed in /etc/init.d/ that should work but it errors out ...guess I should look further , but's hard to find simple methods without using NFS , which shouldn't be necessary IMO.15:39
szalno way to do that through /etc/fstab?15:41
claviceps___BluesKaj: just putting it in /etc/init.d/ won't do anything; it has to be called by the runlevel15:41
James147BluesKaj: just use /etc/fstab with the net_dev option (if i remember correctly)15:42
BluesKajclaviceps___, yes , I updated rc.d , isn't that correct ?15:42
James147^^ at least there is an option to delay mounting untill hte network is up15:43
James147_netdev i think15:43
Magnussoncool got it working as intended now, thanks pigeonflight :) big help15:45
BluesKajJames147, I just want to mount a couple of folders . I thought fstab was for mounting devices15:46
James147BluesKaj: it used to mount anything15:46
James147BluesKaj: it dosnt care what being mounted... if you can do it though a mount command then fstab can do it15:46
pigeonflightMagnusson: sure, no prob15:46
BluesKajJames147, so the init.d method isn't needed ?15:47
James147BluesKaj: not unless your doing somethig funky like backing up to it during boot :s... but no, not for mounting15:48
BluesKajJames147, yes , I can mount the folder manually using sshfs , just want auto mount them15:48
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James147BluesKaj: then why cant you use fstab?15:50
BluesKajJames147, ok , I'll do some research ..the syntax is bit confusing to me , but I'll check it out15:52
James147BluesKaj: well, what mount command do you use?15:52
sisa_hola, alguien me dice una aplicacion para crear una ip oculta?15:52
szal!es | sisa_15:52
ubottusisa_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:52
James147opps :S15:53
DarthFrogIn stereo, no less. :-)15:53
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szalDarthFrog: yes, if you turn your head or your screen 90 degrees :P15:55
Goliathhow can i run jack server?16:05
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pigeonflightBluesKaj: Linux can't really mount devices. It can start devices. it mounts file systems. Which is why you cn mount an ISO file which is on another device or mount some fake file systems onto a RAM drive.16:32
erebuswere new updates for ubuntu just release?16:32
genii-arounderebus: Please don't crosspost the same question over multiple channels16:33
erebusgenii-around: still is it true16:34
szalerebus: you can check that yourself, no need to ask, let alone in multiple channels16:34
erebusi want to see if that is for others also16:35
szalyou want to see if what is for others?16:35
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pigeonflightszal: guess we won't know now16:45
erebushey do i run (jackd -d alsa &> /dev/null &) with sudo or not? I want to select jack in winecfg,16:47
BluesKajpigeonflight, ok ,devices is apoor choice of words , should have said filesystem, folders etc16:47
pigeonflightWhy the double & ?16:48
James147BluesKaj: yup, and sshfs is a filesystem :) so fstab should beable to mount i16:52
pigeonflightHa nice Microsoft is rumoured to buy Nokia's mobile division by next month16:59
blackmoonhi, under natty bluetooth is enable only if i reboot from windows 7, if i shut down and turn on the bt is disabled. how fix this?17:06
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TheSqueakdoes anyone know if there's any way to set it so that either different desktops or different activities have different panels on them?17:39
tarunhey please can anyone tell me how to install c++in kubuntu18:09
pigeonflighttarun: install build-essential18:11
tarunI install this packege18:14
tarunthen what???18:14
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)18:15
jmcantrell_does two finger scrolling work with synaptics in natty?18:27
TheSqueakanyone know anything about the sudoers file?18:39
TheSqueakspecifically, what's wrong with this line:18:39
TheSqueakjames   ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/apt-get update, /usr/bin/apt-get upgrade18:39
ikoniaTheSqueak: how did you edit it ?18:42
TheSqueakwith visudo18:42
ikoniait normally says if there is an error18:42
TheSqueakno complaints about the syntax18:42
TheSqueakbut it keeps asking me for a password for the bits it shouldn't be18:43
ikoniaTheSqueak: should be fine then18:43
ikoniawhat's the exact command you're using18:43
TheSqueakI have apt-get aliased to sudo apt-get in my .bashrc18:43
TheSqueakso I should be able to do "apt-get update" without worrying about a password18:44
ikoniatry it unaliased18:44
tarunI install all the stuffs.......now what to do???18:44
BluesKajapt-get install or apt-get remove , or update18:44
BluesKajTheSqueak, you need to add an action18:44
ikoniaTheSqueak: unalias the command and see what it does18:45
TheSqueakstill asks for a password when I sudo it ikonia18:46
ikoniaTheSqueak: so the exact command your using is......18:47
BluesKajTheSqueak, .I use in='sudo apt-get install'18:47
szaltarun: you follow the instructions that come w/ the source code you want to compile18:47
TheSqueaksudo apt-get update18:47
BluesKajor whatever you want alias it as18:47
ikoniaTheSqueak: one moment18:48
BluesKajto alias it as18:48
Peace-BluesKaj: hola'18:48
BluesKajhiyas Peace-18:48
BluesKajdoing some jiggery pokery with fstab and sshfs mounting remote folders18:49
BluesKajbloody frustrating18:50
new2netah OK :p so I could never get Kubuntu to work- the installer (including the alt) don't work. But I went ahead and got Ubuntu 11.04. But now I forget what the KDE desktop is called; something like this(?): sudo apt-get install kde-desktop, KDE-pwn-sauce18:51
ikoniaTheSqueak: I've just tested it and it works fine on a Fedora machine as a rule, I tried yum update, fine no passwd, I did "yum" and "yum install" it asked me for a password then told me I wasn't authorized (as it should)18:52
genii-aroundnew2net: kubuntu-desktop18:52
new2netgenii-around: thank you, that will include packages like Kate etc?18:52
genii-aroundnew2net: Yup18:53
TheSqueakikonia: cheers for trying that18:53
ikoniaTheSqueak: rule is valid,18:54
new2neti thought yum was only for RHEL18:54
erebushow do i install oss?18:54
TheSqueakworked it out18:54
* TheSqueak is an idiot18:54
ikoniado tell18:54
TheSqueakI had that line before the one which said "%sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL"18:55
TheSqueakand as i'm in the sudo group18:55
TheSqueakthose permissions were overwriting the NOPASSWD ones i'd specified earlier18:55
TheSqueaklike I said, idiot :)18:56
ikoniathat makes sense18:56
new2netgenii-around: you're sure this isn't criminal that I get so much free software just by typing sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop?18:59
genii-aroundnew2net: Entirely legal. as for the questionable codecs, you'll have to check medibuntu or so on19:01
new2netgenii-around: now that kdm is my default xwindow thingy(?), I just restart xserver with ctrl + alt + backspace and I should be oK?19:15
genii-aroundnew2net: kdm is likely your new window managaer now, yes19:18
genii-aroundszal: :)19:20
new2netyeah, the wording on that was too much for me I just put thingy(?)--  :)19:21
new2netand it uses X11 right?19:21
rosco_yI'm getting a warning when I run the gnome-system-monitor from the command line:  "WARNING **: SELinux was found but is not enabled."  Should I worry about this?19:25
szalSELinux on *buntu? :o19:26
szalother than that..  warnings are purely informational & don't keep you from doing stuff19:26
rosco_yszal: no worries then?19:26
rosco_yI'm not serving ftp, or http or anything like that19:27
rosco_yI don't really even know what SELinux is...19:27
rosco_yother than it has something to do with security19:27
DarthFrogSELinux is Security Enhanced Linux.  It is a security hardening of Linux, done by the US National Security Agency19:29
DarthFrogFedora/Red Hat uses selinux by default.  I believe that AppArmour is the Ubuntu equivalent (but am not sure about that at all).19:30
ubottuFor information about the AppArmor security framework employed in Ubuntu (since Gutsy Gibbon), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor19:31
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rosco_yDoes anyone know how to install  Mono.NET 4.0 on ubuntu?19:47
Peace-rosco_y: mono?19:48
Peace-rosco_y: we don't need that stuff19:48
rosco_yPeace-: :) Thank you.  I guess it depends on what you're doing :)19:49
Mojihi all19:50
rosco_yhi Moji19:50
Mojihey i could not repair my X19:51
rosco_yMoji: What did you try?19:51
rosco_yAre you booting to the command line right now?19:51
rosco_yor is your resolution not right--what's "not working"?19:52
Mojimy problem is tha19:52
rosco_yI'm gonna take a wild guess, you're able to connect to the internet, right?19:52
Mojiwhen i start kubuntu after loading19:53
Mojidont go to a Ui loging19:53
rosco_yit automatically logs in?19:53
new2netgenii-around: kdm is indeed my new window manager. Unfortunately it's basically TTY + a desktop background. What went wrong? The login screen works, the boot splash works... There are no menus, i log in and get a terminal :p just enough to drop down to tty1 and restart X w/ gdm19:53
Mojijust a terminal  ask me username19:54
Mojiand next19:54
Mojii should write sudo startx to have  UI19:55
rosco_yWell, I'm pretty new to Linux as well, but I'll go and see if I can find something....19:55
genii-aroundMoji: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install --reinstall kdm19:55
rosco_yMoji: I found this --- http://fclose.com/b/linux/1768/nvidia-driver-in-linux-not-displaying-logo-during-booting/19:56
rosco_yalthough it looks like genii-around's idea would be much simpler19:56
Mojirosco_y : thanks19:57
genii-aroundMoji: This should work if you are just missing some display manager.19:57
rosco_yMoji: sure thing...good luck!19:58
Mojiok i m going to reboot20:00
Mojii hope20:00
securityxxxpertAnybody able to get Compiz working instead of Kwin for an Nvidia 9800 gt graphics card?20:01
rosco_ysecurityxxxpert: I'm using the same card, what is Compiz?20:03
securityxxxpertrosco_y:  Just a fancy window manager, more advanced than kwin20:04
securityxxxpertdoes all the nifty effects like cubed desktop, exploding windows etc20:04
rosco_yI found it in wiki....looks real nice20:04
rosco_yI run into problems when I try to use the fancy window managers, so I just stick to the basics20:04
securityxxxpertMy only issues is my friggin box will freeze20:04
securityxxxpertshouldn't happen I have quad core 2.8 ghz processors and 12 gigs ddr3 ram20:05
rosco_yI have been able to turn the effects on, but my system will freeze after a bit20:05
rosco_ymy guess it's the card.20:05
securityxxxpertrosco_y: Naw it's not hte card20:05
securityxxxpertThe card worked great on gnome20:05
rosco_yI have a nice AMD cpu and 8 gigs ram, I have the same trouble20:05
claviceps_securityxxxpert: when you open new windows? cause that hangs my system after the update :/20:06
securityxxxpertYeah I really think it's a bug within kwin20:06
securityxxxpertclaviceps: the freezing happens at random times20:06
securityxxxpertclosing windows, opening windows, etc20:06
rosco_ymaybe so, but I'd rather have simple windows that work, then to mess around rebooting all the time20:06
claviceps_but it involves windows?20:06
securityxxxpertclaviceps: It involves what I just said20:07
claviceps_i.e. a redraw20:07
rosco_yWhen I make my next million I'll worry about fancy window managers....20:07
rosco_ysecurityxxxpert: I personally think it's the prorietary drivers20:08
rosco_yI'm using the NVIDIA drivers, but it's only since NVIDIA's recent upgrades that they've been remotely useable for me.20:09
rosco_yand I'm not a demanding graphics user.20:09
rosco_yI have dual monitors, and I like multiple workspaces, but other than that I run a pretty plain system here.20:10
securityxxxpertrosco_y:  Naw man try it on Ubuntu 11.0420:11
securityxxxpertit will work fine20:11
securityxxxpertI'm testing different idea's I have now for compiz20:11
rosco_yI am up to 11.04...20:11
securityxxxpertrosco_y:  Your using Kubuntu 11.04 right20:12
rosco_yjust installed it the other night20:12
securityxxxpertKubuntu != Ubuntu20:12
securityxxxpertUbuntu uses gnome, Kubuntu uses kde20:12
rosco_yactually I guess I am using Ubuntu20:12
rosco_yand gnome, I believe....20:12
rosco_yI started out thinking that KDE changed a bit, but have slowly been realizing I'm actually using gnome20:13
rosco_yit's working well, so I don't want to fix that :)20:13
rosco_yI just want to get to where I can get back to work....I was running openSUSE, and I messed that to the point where a redo was impending, so I decided to try ubuntu again20:14
rosco_yI like ubuntu.20:14
securityxxxpertI'll be back later20:15
rosco_ysee ya20:15
rosco_yDoes anyone have the opinion that installing kde after installing ubuntu would be aproximately the same as installing kubuntu?20:15
rosco_yI do like kde20:16
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:18
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:19
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ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:22
* szal shakes his head in disbelief20:24
* new2net knows that each attempt to launch kdm correctly makes him die inside a little. So close he keeps telling himself.20:25
szalnew2net: ?20:26
new2netI have all the apps. When I boot I get the Kubuntu loading screen + login screen. I login and all I get is a terminal and the Kubuntu default background.20:27
new2netAt least kdm is running and im booting from my HD. A lot closer than I was yesterday.20:28
genii-aroundnew2net: Have you tried right-click on desktop and "Add Panel" then "Default Panel" from in the submenu there?20:29
new2netgenii-around: No (I didn't try). I was about to ask if I had to configure the whole 9 yards from the terminal as some kind of initiation, but I didn't want to sound too condescending.20:31
genii-aroundnew2net: It may also be that you have a screen size which is larger than the physical screen it is displaying on, causing only a partial area to show. If you bring cursor to bottom of screen and try to keep going past bottom it may scroll entire thing upwards until you see a bottom bar20:33
new2netgenii-around: yes I have a very odd monitor (Samsung DLP). Most linux distros leave me with the challenge of guessing where the font config is just so I can read things (even the terminal).20:35
shane4kubuntudoes anyone esle find that the bug report thing is about useless?  I have yet to find a bug it reports, even after I install the dgb symbols stuff.20:53
voltyanybody had & fixed problems adding feeds to akregator from within firefox ?20:56
rats__Hi all I was trying to track a network proublem. I'm using Kubuntu 10.04. When I download the .ogg episode65 http://mintcast.org/wp-content/uploads/mintcast_published/mintcast065.ogg it will not play in VLC-is anyone else expierencing this proublem21:22
szalrats__: start VLC on the cmdline & observe error msgs while trying to play the file21:30
BelialHi There, is it possible to replace the KDE network manager applet with the gnome one?21:33
BelialI'm finding the lack of options / feedback quite restrictive21:33
rats__szal: here is the output http://pastebin.com/1ffc86nV21:39
rats__szal: herb is the output http://pastebin.com/1ffc86nV21:39
szalrats__: install libdvdcss21:40
szal(don't ask me where to get it, I'd have to look that up myself)21:41
szal[0x8480770] access_file access error: cannot open file mintcast065.ogg (No such file or directory)21:41
szallibdvdcss likely won't remedy that, but it's helpful for watching DVDs21:42
will__Hi all, kubuntu natty, I have black screen when goiing to tty1 CTRL ALT F121:42
will__I am not able to get fix in forums21:42
szalanalog output?  try digital output, if available21:43
szalrats__: [0xb73010b0] main input error: VLC is unable to open the MRL 'mintcast065.ogg'. Check the log for details. <- see in /var/log, if you have a VLC logfile there21:44
OerHekshttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs  sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh21:47
OerHeksmay need reboot, not sure.21:48
KeshlWhy not just save the file to your hard drive and play it..?21:50
KeshlCD into a direction, do "wget (URL)", then vlc ./foo.ogg21:51
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dniMretsaMhello all22:09
asranielhello. is it normal that kontact cannot connect to kwallet anymore?22:32
asranieli mean, i know its not normal, but i wanted to know if other people experience this22:33
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szalasraniel: I had a similar problem the other day when moving my kdewallet to a different dir, had to re-enter all the credentials22:55
CQNhi, i just set up 11.04 on a machine, and every time i log in, i get a 'mobile broadband wizard' popup23:00
CQNhow do i disable this?23:00
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=== JasonO is now known as MIsterX
=== MIsterX is now known as MisterX
minohi guys. Whats the console name for the kde settings manager?23:27
minoi want to launch it by console23:28
shane4kubuntuknotify4 is using 100% of cpu???23:35
shane4kubuntuso no one knows of knotify4 using 100% of one of the cpus?23:38
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