
wgrantlifeless: Successful builds don't send email.00:33
wgrantExcept for recipes.00:33
wgrantBut that's about to be fixed.00:33
wgrantmaxb: I see the bug on +commentedbugs if I change the filter to not exclude closed bugs.00:34
maxbWhoops! I didn't even notice that there was a filter00:37
wgrantIt's the same default one everywhere.00:39
wgrantThere's probably a four-digit bug about that.00:40
lifelesswgrant: is https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/570846 still in progress?00:43
_mup_Bug #570846: Archive freeze should not affect Partner <boobytrap> <lp-soyuz> <partner> <trivial> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by jelmer> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/570846 >00:43
wgrantlifeless: No.01:06
wgrantlifeless: You still can't repro the rabbit failure?01:10
wgrantIt fails on both trunks here, but not lucid_lp, so it's something local.01:10
wgrant(I also had problems running this in U1, which is possibly relevant)01:12
wgrantit seems to start OK.01:25
lifelesswgrant: I can't repro01:28
wgrantIt was /etc/hosts.01:29
wgrant127.0.0.1 has to resolve to the hostname, not localhost.01:29
wgrantWhich is not the default config.01:29
wgrantIt starts fine on localhost, but then something tries to connect to the node @realhostname instead of @localhost, which fails.01:30
wgrants/socket.gethostbyname()/localhost/ in fq_nodename works fine.01:32
wgrantBut hmmm.01:32
wgrantWe should talk to U1, I suppose.01:33
wgrantSo, to unblock things let's get pilinut fixed?01:34
StevenKwgrant: I wonder if <realhostname> works too02:02
wgrantThat's there by default.02:04
StevenKNetwork-manager seems to add <IP> <hostname> to the top of /etc/hosts02:06
wgrantIt does some evil stuff, but not that (at least for my wired desktop)02:08
wallyworld_wgrant: you know a bit about package build stuff, right?02:11
wgrantwallyworld_: Indeed.02:11
wgrantWhat's up?02:11
wallyworld_wgrant: bug 73234302:12
_mup_Bug #732343: Recipe source builds failing because of "Could not build because of missing dependencies" do not send notification email <recipe> <regression> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/732343 >02:12
wallyworld_wgrant: there's a unit test for notifications for dependency issues and i can't see why it would be failing02:12
wallyworld_by it, i mean the prod code02:12
wallyworld_i'm sure the test would pass02:12
wgrantwallyworld_: You're looking at a recipe build, not binary builds?02:13
wallyworld_wgrant: ah that may be it. i think i've got myself confused02:14
StevenKSo, situation normal, then?02:14
wgrantThis stuff has that effect on people.02:14
wallyworld_so i need to find a sourcepackagebuild class analogous to the binarypackagebuild class?02:15
wallyworld_right. i'm sad that extends a storm class and has all this business logic in it :-(02:16
wgrantThat's how LP works :)02:17
lifelesswgrant: u1 or landscape02:17
wallyworld_wgrant: i think you meant to type :-(02:18
wgrantNo, no, a forced smile of the "I cannot let myself realise how terrible this is or I will surely die" variety.02:19
wgrantzomg, armel is about to catch up.02:20
wgrant272 builds left.02:20
wallyworld_wgrant: sort of like when your old aunty gives you a cardigan for xmas and you say "oh how lovely" through a forced smile02:20
StevenKI never had that problem -- it was usually my mother giving me clothes02:21
wgrantwallyworld_: Right.02:21
lifelessmaxb: bug 597702:27
_mup_Bug #5977: Person's Bugs pages do not show closed bug reports <lp-bugs> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/5977 >02:27
wgrantThat's the one.02:29
wgrantlifeless: So, lucid_db_lp needs sorting out. Can you look at that?02:29
StevenKwgrant: rabbitmq likes neither or the builder's IP <hostname> in /etc/hosts02:31
wgrantStevenK: I had localhost <hostname>. <hostname> localhost unbreaks it.02:32
StevenKHmm, that doesn't help.02:35
wgrantWhat's the error?02:36
StevenKFAILED - check /var/log/rabbitmq/startup_log, _err02:37
wgrantNeed more than that.02:37
wgrantErm, is this the system rabbit?02:37
wgrantNot the fixture?02:37
lifelessthat looks like the system rabbit02:37
lifelesswhich is going to be running shite wrapper scripts02:37
StevenKThe fixture rabbit does not require the system rabbit to be running?02:38
wgrantIt starts its own.02:38
lifelessmakes a homedir for it, unique nodename (by allocating a tmpdir in /tmp) etc02:39
* StevenK branches devel on this builder so he can test02:39
thumperthe dx channel is much quieter during my work day :-|03:20
StevenKthumper: That's what you get!03:21
* thumper moves away from coffee shop03:25
lifelessthumper: what are you hacking on atm?03:25
cjohnstonIs 7 merge proposals for my very first day of looking at the launchpad code too much? ;-)03:34
lifelessit shows great enthusiasm03:40
lifelessI hope that any stuff the reviews may need will be shallow03:40
cjohnstonabout half were pet peeves03:40
cjohnstonand i learned at uds how to get into the code.. so that was a start03:40
lifelesscan has review https://code.launchpad.net/~lifeless/launchpad/rabbit/+merge/6105703:48
lifelesslunch,then some analysis03:48
wgrantlifeless: Analysis of why the build is broken, I hope.04:25
lifelesswhats up with the build?04:27
wgrantlucid_db_lp is permanently broken by rabbit.04:28
wgrantPlease fix it.04:28
lifelesshmm, otp not coming up04:30
wgrantwallyworld_: Any luck with the recipe notification thing?05:05
wallyworld_wgrant: https://code.launchpad.net/~wallyworld/launchpad/recipe-build-missing-dep-email/+merge/6105805:05
lifelesswould windmill have caught bug 781460?05:06
_mup_Bug #781460: bugttask_index.js hide_assignee_team_selection handling broken <javascript> <qa-ok> <regression> <Launchpad itself:Fix Released by wgrant> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/781460 >05:06
wgrantlifeless: No.05:06
wgrantThere was no test.05:06
wgrantBut there is now.05:06
wgrantwallyworld_: So, that's not ideal.05:09
wgrantwallyworld_: Since it affects binary package builds too.05:09
wgrantwallyworld_: And they are automatically retried.05:09
wallyworld_wgrant: ok. i thought we wanted to send the email both times05:09
wallyworld_but i guess if they retry05:09
wallyworld_then no need for binary builds05:10
wallyworld_ok. will fix. thanks05:10
wgrantSome have argued (eg. bug #218261) that depwait should notify after a time.05:10
_mup_Bug #218261: uploaders should get emails/notifications for packages in depwait mode <email> <lp-soyuz> <soyuz-build> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/218261 >05:10
wgrantBut doing it every time would be bad.05:10
wallyworld_wow, that's an old bug05:11
wgrantAlthough we don't have common depwait loops any more, so it might be workable soon.05:11
lifelesswgrant: would that have ever worked ?05:11
lifelesswgrant: #781460: I mean05:11
_mup_Bug #781460: bugttask_index.js hide_assignee_team_selection handling broken <javascript> <qa-ok> <regression> <Launchpad itself:Fix Released by wgrant> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/781460 >05:11
wgrantlifeless: Yes, but it broke during a YUI upgrade.05:11
wgrantlifeless: Bug #72805905:14
_mup_Bug #728059: Manually editing the URL for a private branch allows user to access +new-recipe form <exploratory-testing> <recipe> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/728059 >05:14
wgrantYou say it's critical because it exposes the existence of private branches.05:14
wgrantBut we don't try to hide private branches.05:14
lifelesswe do05:15
lifelesswhy do you say we don't?05:15
wgrantBecause +index gives a 403, as most private objects do.05:16
wgrantIn fact, that page 403s for normal users.05:16
wgrantNot critical.05:16
wgrantIf you want private branches to 404, that's another bug.05:16
lifelessI'll talk to flacoste I think05:17
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
lifelesswgrant: why was 714527 a regresion ?05:43
wgrantBug #71452705:44
_mup_Bug #714527: owned widget structured strings render as bits of quoted html <qa-ok> <regression> <Launchpad itself:Fix Released by sinzui> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/714527 >05:44
wgrantlifeless: sinzui fixed some bug that I don't recall, which ended up breaking that.05:44
wgrantSo, it was a regression.05:44
wgrantI think it was when he fixed the XSS in the item widgets that I reported in December.05:46
lifelessspiv: are you still working on 717094 ?05:49
wgrantBug #71709405:49
_mup_Bug #717094: InvalidURL OOPS in translatePath because of URL containing non-ascii chars, again <oops> <regression> <Launchpad itself:Triaged by spiv> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/717094 >05:49
lifelessthumper: what made 721134 a regression ?05:55
* wallyworld_ does the school pickup run05:59
lifelesswgrant: bug 732442 looks like fallout not a regression06:27
_mup_Bug #732442: disable_existing_builds compares series name to display name <recipe> <regression> <ui> <Launchpad itself:Fix Released> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/732442 >06:27
lifelesswgrant: I mean - was something actually broken, or was it just never correct?06:27
wgrantlifeless: It was actually broken.06:27
wgrantNote that a test failed.06:28
lifelessand windmill was disabled at the time ?06:28
wgrantlifeless: Bug #728789 was a regression.06:52
_mup_Bug #728789: "Request build" dialog indicates builds are pending when they are not and doesn't allow new builds <qa-ok> <recipe> <Launchpad itself:Fix Released by wallyworld> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/728789 >06:52
wgrantPeople were unable to request builds that they could previously request.06:52
wgrantBecause the new check was buggy.06:52
lifelesswas there no previous check ?06:54
lifelessso during dev of a beta feature06:56
lifelessI'm torn06:56
wgrantIt was a Google beta.06:56
lifelesslp-beta-users only06:57
wgrantIt was in beta for 12 months.06:57
wgrantIt was not a major user-affecting regression.06:57
wgrantBut does that mean it wasn't a regression?06:57
lifelessthats not what I meant06:59
lifelessthere was an arc of development06:59
lifelessduring that arc things were tightened up to enforce new policies06:59
lifelessand some of those changes had bugs06:59
wgrantAnd they broke some functionality.06:59
wgrant=> regression06:59
lifelessthey broke two things06:59
lifelessone that unlimited builds in a day could be done manually07:00
lifelessand second that the logic for detecting that was flawed07:00
lifelesswhich is why I'm saying that I'm torn07:01
wgrantErm, what's this about unlimited builds in a day?07:02
wgrantThis is unrelated to the quota.07:02
lifelessmaybe I'm misunderstanding the exact circumstances07:03
wgrantThe check was to prevent people from requesting builds that were already queued.07:04
wgrantUnrelated to the silly 5-a-day quota.07:05
wallyworld_the request builds popup dialog was new and when deployed, there was a bug found, so not a regression07:05
wallyworld_it was a bug in a new feature07:05
wgrantwallyworld_: Hm? Users were unable to request builds manually where they could before.07:05
wgrantThe AJAX form replaced the non-AJAX one, which worked fine.07:05
wallyworld_the request build popup was totally new - before that it was html without ajax07:06
wgrantIt was a new UI,.07:06
wgrantReplacing an existing UI.07:06
wgrantAnd breaking part of that functionality.07:06
wgrantIf I replace apt-ftparchive with NMAF, we lose a lot of functionaliaty. It's totally new, but still a regression.07:07
wallyworld_the old one was still available. but my view is that a bug in a new feature is not a regression07:07
wgrantThere was an unobvious workaround, sure.07:07
wgrant(one which is itself a bug)07:07
wallyworld_i guess it depends on the definition of regression. imo, regression means a break in existing code07:07
wgrantUsers don't care about code.07:08
wgrantThey care about functionality.07:08
wallyworld_not all workj arounds are obvious, but htere was one07:08
StevenKExisting *functionality&07:08
wgrantBefore the change: users could request a manual build by clicking the "Request builds" link.07:08
wgrantAfter the change: users were erroneously prevented from requesting a manual build by clicking the "Request builds" link.07:09
wallyworld_agreed. but it was a bug in totally new code. so i can see both sides :-)07:09
wgrantUsers do not care about code!07:10
wgrantIf I delete all of our code, it is not a bug in the code!07:10
wgrantBut it is still a regression.'07:10
wallyworld_replace "new code" with "new functionality"07:10
wallyworld_it was new functionality07:10
wallyworld_in a sense07:10
wgrantIt was a replacement interface for existing functionaliaty.07:10
wallyworld_for a feature that was still under development in beta07:11
wgrantVery late beta.07:11
wallyworld_but technically not officially released07:11
wallyworld_we should be down the pub having this discussion over a beer :-)07:11
wallyworld_i'm just stirring the pot a bit :-)07:12
StevenKwallyworld_: Just because the feature isn't released doesn't mean it isn't a regression.07:12
wgrantIt is less important.07:12
wgrantBut not not a regression.07:12
wallyworld_i'll go away now. in all honestly, i don't really care one way or the other. just going a bit stir crazy07:12
* StevenK hits wgrant with the double-negative stick07:12
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
lifelesswgrant: why was 766874 a regression ?07:17
wgrantBug #76687407:18
_mup_Bug #766874: Inline bug assignment for non-contributors broken in Firefox 3 <javascript> <qa-ok> <regression> <ui> <Launchpad itself:Fix Released by wgrant> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/766874 >07:18
wgrantlifeless: wallyworld had fixed another regression (I forget the number... the one about inline assignment to a non-contributor not giving a warning), and it was borked in Firefox 3.07:19
wgrantWindmill caught it.07:19
wgrantBut was disabled at the time.07:19
lifelesswhat about bug 76833607:20
_mup_Bug #768336: Subscribing to a bug doesn't show display name on FF4 <qa-untestable> <regression> <story-better-bug-notification> <Launchpad itself:Fix Released by benji> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/768336 >07:20
wgrantI wasn't involved in that one. I don't know if it was related to the new subscription work.07:20
lifelessI really wish I could click on links after viewing the merge diff07:20
wgrantHmmm, I saw that once locally.07:21
wgrantLast week.07:21
wgrantThought it was a browser glitch.07:21
wgrantBut I guess not.07:21
lifelesswgrant: what makes bug 780429 a regression (other than being a daft change)07:28
_mup_Bug #780429: CopyChecker.checkCopy uses check_permission badly <lp-soyuz> <regression> <Launchpad itself:Fix Released by wgrant> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/780429 >07:28
lifelesswgrant: was it functionally wrong, or just high risk / would break if we changed other assumptions?07:28
wgrantlifeless: The fact that it called check_permission was high risk.07:29
wgrantThe fact that it always used the primary archive was a security vulnerability.07:29
wgrantYou win lots of points for doing that, but lose several for unreadability.07:35
StevenKThat page is barely readable07:35
lifelessits a draft07:36
StevenKAnd 780429 should be badtest07:36
wgrantnotest sideffect 777766 the list of subscribers for gtk bugs is empty07:36
wgrantbadtest, surely.07:36
lifelessStevenK: there was a test for permissions on different archives?07:37
StevenKThere certainly was a few testcases for rvb's work, I can't recall what they did07:37
wgrantA relevant test was added at the time of the change.07:37
wgrantBut it had the same misunderstanding.07:38
lifelessif you know better, please fix07:39
lifelessI intend badtest to be when the test intent would cover the thing that was faulty07:39
lifelessso a test whose intent was to check something funky07:40
lifelessand it successfully checked that07:40
lifelessis not a badtest07:40
lifelessthe real problem had no test aiming to cover it07:40
lifelessand the tests have to exist before the change07:40
lifelessotherwise its notest07:41
lifelessI'll add some prose to that effect after dinner07:41
wgrantnotest sideeffect 754089 launchpad only remembers alternate landing targets in merge proposal creation page for one day07:41
wgrant  [r=jcsackett,07:41
wgrant  sinzui][ui=none][bug=541713] Skip targets from old proposals.07:41
wgrantLooks more deliberate than a sideeffect.07:41
lifelessit was meant to clean up after a while07:42
lifelessthe knob is wrong07:42
wgrantThat rev set it to 90 days.07:42
lifelesscould be badtest07:43
wgrantNo, it *says* it set it to 90 days.07:43
wgrantBut it set it to 1.07:43
wgrantThe relevant line (with days=1) was last changed in r12165.1.2, with a commit message of "The widget for selecting merge targets ignores proposals older than 90 days"07:44
wgrantSo, not a side-effect, nor really a badtest, because the relevant test was only added then.07:44
wgrantPerhaps reviewfail.07:44
=== nigel-cloud is now known as nigelb
lifelessI think I'd argue badtest07:50
lifelessthe test that the thing is preserved doesn't really keep the user story intact07:50
lifelessanyhow, please fix it up07:50
lifelessI put it on the wiki deliberately :)07:50
wgrantI'm fixing the bug instead :)07:51
lifelessas for the sideeffect07:52
lifelessthere was a bug that they accumulated forever07:52
lifelesswith no way to edit/fix07:52
lifelessthis regression was added while fixing that bug07:52
wgrantThat is cutting it very fine.07:53
wgrantBut OK.07:53
wgrantlifeless: Bug #778847 broke notifications for everybody for any bug that had an affected subscriber.07:59
_mup_Bug #778847: Muting a bug subscription for a team with a contact address crashes getRecipientFilterData <oops> <story-better-bug-notification> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by yellow> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/778847 >07:59
wgrantIt was probably the most critical regression we have had in months.08:00
wgrantIt was only by very good luck that it didn't became a serious incident.08:00
wgrantIf any regression this quarter needs analysis, it is that one.08:00
wgrantAhh, that MP target test was flawed in a couple of other ways, too.08:07
wgrantkillall launchbag08:08
adeuringgood morning08:33
jtvhi adeuring08:36
adeuringhi jtv!08:36
lifelesswgrant: so, it could only affect muted teams, which could only happen to beta users08:43
wgrantlifeless: No.08:43
lifelesswgrant: no?08:43
wgrantlifeless: It affects all notifications to anyone from bugs which might have sent notifications to a muted team.08:43
wgrantThe mute breaks recipient calculation for the whole bug.08:44
LPCIBotYippie, build fixed!09:06
LPCIBotProject devel build #719: FIXED in 5 hr 30 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/719/09:06
wgrantWell done StevenK.09:06
* StevenK takes a bow.09:07
lifelessStevenK: cool09:08
lifelessStevenK: thanks!09:08
lifelessis bug 740584 a regression as well?09:09
_mup_Bug #740584: Build lacks a corresponding source publication <oops> <regression> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by wgrant> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/740584 >09:09
lifelessah yes09:09
wgrantYes :(09:10
StevenKThat bug makes me sad09:10
lifelesswgrant: could you add to https://dev.launchpad.net/Regressions2011#preview ?09:10
wgrantThe rationale given for the assertion was false.09:10
* wgrant stabs bug heat.09:12
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
lifelesswgrant: what triggered that outnyurst09:17
StevenKClearly, bug heat did *something*.09:17
wgrantlifeless: Timing out on DF.09:18
wgrantIn particular, selecting the maximum heat for a context.09:18
wgrantBut it is horrible on qas as well.09:18
wgrantWhen updating.09:18
lifelessspiv: are you still working on bug 717094 ?09:28
_mup_Bug #717094: InvalidURL OOPS in translatePath because of URL containing non-ascii chars, again <oops> <regression> <Launchpad itself:Triaged by spiv> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/717094 >09:28
spivlifeless: I don't think I ever started working on that, so no :/09:34
lifelessspiv: it is assigned to you09:34
lifelessspiv: by poolie09:34
spivYeah, I see the bug history09:34
bigjoolswgrant: do you remember if there are bugs filed about the soyuz uploader oopses that are not oopses?09:43
pooliehi all09:49
=== henninge changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: henninge | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+activereviews
bigjoolslifeless: how much longer are you around?09:56
lifelessI'm not at all, but I can be if needed, if that makes sense.09:56
bigjoolsnot urgent, I just wanted to fill your head with something I learned at UDS09:56
bigjoolssome nice architecture that the Landscape guys use, which I also want to use09:57
lifelessthe notification server?09:57
lifelessI'm aware of that09:57
bigjoolsahy coolio09:57
lifelesswe have a few things we'd need heavy lifting on to start using it09:57
lifeless - need to arrange open sourcing of it09:57
lifeless - need a long-poll infrastructure w/rabbit09:58
lifeless and need someone to put the effort in to get familiar with it and work out how it all hangs together.09:58
lifelessI'm totally supportive if you/your team want to do that; whether it should be a notification server or a subscription-with-callbacks server is an interesting question but not one that should impede adopting an improvement on what we have09:59
bigjoolslifeless: well my first iteration is to make a job get initiated by rabbit instead of cron10:00
lifelessI think thats quite self contained10:00
bigjoolssince we're blocked on open sourcing that component ...10:00
lifelesssignal after commit in the webserver10:00
wgrantbigjools: Yes.10:00
lifelesshave the job be a daemon not a script10:01
bigjoolswgrant: they are easy criticals :)10:01
wgrantbigjools: But there's only two of them.10:01
lifelessand the message just needs to be 'poll now dammit'10:01
wgrantBut yes, I was going to look at them in my last week.10:01
bigjoolslifeless: right.10:01
lifelessso if a message doesn't get through, the next message sent will trigger all the jobs anyway10:01
wgrantBut that code is terrible :(10:01
poolieo/ wgrant, bigjools10:01
wgrantEvening poolie.10:01
bigjoolshey poolie10:01
lifelessbigjools: at least, thats whats in my head10:01
lifelessbigjools: I'm sure there are other ways that would be equally fine10:02
bigjoolslifeless: same as my head10:02
bigjoolsneeds to be a daemon at the least, zopeless startup cost is stupid10:02
bigjoolstalking of which, I'd really like to split up the zcml so we don't need to load it all for simple scripts10:02
wgrantOh, Landscape has a rabbit-based long-poll server?10:02
lifelessif it was zopeless it might not be so slow :P10:03
wgrantMine, now.10:03
bigjoolswell, twisted + rabbit10:03
lifelesswgrant: hah :)10:03
wgrantI should try landscape at some point.10:03
lifelessI'm pretty sure they brought it up in one of hte first perf tuesday mails10:03
bigjoolslifeless: yes "zopeless" is the worstest name evar10:03
lifelessI've known about it for a while10:03
lifelessbigjools: it was accurate, once.10:03
wgrantHmm, only 107 bad builds.10:13
pooliewow, multiple new community patches10:14
wgrantpoolie: Yes!10:15
wgrant:( but 69 of them have binaries.10:15
pooliei meant the lp mps from christjohnston10:15
wgrantThe binary comment was about the 107 bad builds.10:15
wgrantThe swarm of cjohnston MPs is undoubtedly a great thing :)10:16
poolieif only lp karma was correlated with actual moral karma10:16
pooliesomeone came up to me at uds and said "wow, you have so much karma"10:16
bigjoolslifeless: have you had any ideas about better searching in LP?10:17
bigjoolsI need to improve the stuff we've done for derived distros10:17
pooliei wonder if i could get hi to fix the mp breadcrumbs so that they include the list of all mps10:17
pooliewhich is https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/48789310:19
_mup_Bug #487893: mp breadcrumbs should link back to list of merge proposals <code-review> <lp-code> <ui> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/487893 >10:19
wgrantbigjools: What sort of DB surgery history to ppa:ubuntu-security/ppa have?10:22
pooliejml: hi, you'd be welcome to drop by our sprint if you feel like it10:22
lifelessbigjools: lucene/lucandra10:22
wgrantBecause there's some stuff here that I don't think could have occurred naturally.10:23
bigjoolswgrant: what?10:24
wgrantbigjools: BPB 690398 (a kernel build from May 2010) has an armel build in ppa:ubuntu-security/ppa.10:25
bigjoolslifeless: I need to add the capability to search for more different types of data.  I don't want a form like the advanced bugs search form and wondered if you'd got something we can implement this cycle?10:25
wgrantSorry, BPB 1758733, SPR 69039810:25
wgrantBut that SPR has no publications!10:25
wgrantI suspect someone hacked them out of the DB.10:25
bigjoolswgrant: yes, they asked for a publication to be removed10:25
bigjoolssince they uploaded a bogus version10:26
lifelessbigjools: so the advanced bugs form is just fugly10:26
bigjoolslifeless: putting it lightly10:26
lifelessbigjools: uhm10:26
lifelessbigjools: so there are a few things that are pretty low hanging10:26
lifelessone is a search language10:26
bigjoolsso far so good, that's what we thought of10:27
lifelessthis is pretty easy to do10:27
lifelesssomething that can make that discoverable is an advanced for which generates the search using that scheme10:27
lifelessthis is what google's advanced search pages does, for instance.10:28
lifelessanother possibility is to implement a small facet engine10:28
wgrantPartner import fail.10:28
* wgrant kicks gina.10:28
wgrantSomeone clearly didn't test it at all before running it :(10:29
wgrantIt imported all the -commercial builds into the primary archive, while the sources correctly ended up in partner.10:29
lifelessbigjools: you're familiar with facets?10:30
bigjoolslifeless: in what context?10:30
bigjoolsI know less than fuck all about searching10:30
StevenKwgrant: Should we remove the builds?10:30
bigjoolsI am here to be edumacated!10:31
lifelessfirst two hits look sane10:31
lifelessbigjools: basically you divide up your data into a bunch of dimensions and then offer click/dropdown/checkbox selection for filters by each dimension10:31
bigjoolsoh one more thing10:31
bigjoolsthey want to search using substrings :/10:32
lifelessbigjools: so you start with some sort of default that makes sense, and folk can click filters off, or on.10:32
lifelessbigjools: when do you want to be finished?10:32
bigjoolsbefore Dublin10:32
lifelessbigjools: what size is the corpus?10:33
bigjoolslifeless: I suspect a few thousand packages10:34
lifelessas long as we have the package names normalised we can do that tolerably fast:10:34
lifelessselect * from sourcepackagename where name like '%foo%';10:35
lifelessTime: 23.916 ms10:35
lifelessthe reason the bug one is fail is because its not normalised10:35
bigjoolswhat do you mean by normalised, exactly?10:35
lifelesseach unique string should be assessed only once10:35
lifelessthere are substring capable engines for postgresql10:36
lifelessusing trigrams and so forth10:36
lifelessbut we don't have any in production yet10:36
lifelessI think its high risk to make your work contingent on getting that into prod10:36
lifelessIM BW10:36
bigjoolsI'll make it optional anyway, forcing substring has other issues10:37
lifelessis there a LEP about the search facilities needed?10:38
bigjoolsno, this is something that came up at UDS10:38
lifelessI could read up and then we could have a call to look for issues10:38
bigjoolsI need to add my writeup to the LEP10:38
wgrant   id   | sourcepackagename |   version    | upload_archive | count | count10:39
wgrant 206708 |             41329 | 2.6.15-51.66 |              1 |    12 |    1210:39
wgrant 207390 |             41329 | 2.6.15-51.66 |              1 |     0 |     610:39
wgrantWhy are there two different sources with the same version, both with builds, one with two sets of builds, and the latter without any source publications? :(10:39
lifelessbigjools: drop me a note when its in there ?10:40
bigjoolslifeless: yuuuuuup10:40
bigjoolswgrant: nfi.  what is the exact problem here?10:43
jmlpoolie: thanks. I'll probably be in Wed & Fri10:46
wgrantbigjools: Someone reuploaded the same kernel version, and then the DB surgery to remove it was incomplete.10:50
wgrantThere are 14 invalid builds from bad DB surgery.10:50
wgrant55 from gina being crap.10:50
bigjoolswgrant: let me re-phrase, what are the symptoms of the problem?10:51
wgrantbigjools: Bug #74058410:51
_mup_Bug #740584: Build lacks a corresponding source publication <oops> <regression> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by wgrant> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/740584 >10:51
wgrantBPB.current_component (quite reasonably) expects each build to have a corresponding source publication.10:51
wgrantThe production data throws reasonable expectation out the window.10:52
bigjoolsthe db surgery was only done in the PPA10:52
wgrantThere are three or four PPAs and this one source in the primary archive.10:53
wgrantSame version accepted twice.10:53
bigjoolsthat sounds like a deeper bug10:53
wgrantI'm hoping that the binaries were never published.10:53
wgrantThis was years ago.10:53
wgrantIf they were indeed never published, we can just blow the builds away.10:53
wgrantAnd the world will be happy again.10:53
bigjoolswgrant: rather than the code change I'd prefer data was fixed10:54
bigjoolswe also need a script to nuke unwanted versions in case some PPA user *cough* comes crying again10:55
wgrantIt's going to be a non-trivial endeavour to repair it all, but I will try it tomorrow.11:02
wgrantThe stuff imported from dak is going to be bad, though :/11:02
wgrantThere were binaries without sources in the initial Ubuntu import.11:02
wgrantThey might put an end to this attempt :(11:02
jmlhave I misread something, or has cjohnston submitted 7 bug fixes?11:12
nigelbi think he has11:17
bigjoolsmrevell: https://dev.launchpad.net/LEP/DerivativeDistributions#Round%20211:49
* mrevell looks11:49
mrevellbigjools, I'd say that was most certainly a success.11:50
* bigjools heads for pain killers and caffeine11:51
cjohnstonmornin jml :-)11:53
jmlcjohnston: good morning!11:53
jmlcjohnston: thank you so much for those patches11:54
cjohnstonnp :-)11:55
cjohnstonI'm fixing the issues with them right now11:55
nigelbjml: can we repharse your pie on face to 2-digit critical bugs? ;)11:58
jmlnigelb: only if the first digit is zero.11:58
jml(guess what the second digit has to be)11:58
nigelbyou mean 0200 is fine? :p11:58
wgrantcjohnston: If you set a commit message on your approved MPs I'm sure lots of us will gladly rush to land them for you.11:59
daniloslifeless, hi, you don't have a problem with me landing https://code.launchpad.net/~danilo/launchpad/proper-bug-muting/+merge/60615 as-is? (i.e. worrying about team mutes separately)12:00
cjohnstonheres a discussion then.. imo, if a person doesn't add a commit message to the MP, then it should inheret the commit message from bzr commit when there is one12:01
wgrantcjohnston: Mmm, possibly. But in a lot of cases that will just be "Lint" or "Address review comments" or something like that.12:01
daniloslifeless, I am assuming you don't, and you have whatever time it takes ec2 to run tests through to complain before it hits pqm :)12:02
jmlcjohnston: also, I have to ask, have you signed the contributor agreement?12:04
wgrantAh, that too.12:04
cjohnstonjml: I did.. waiting to be added12:04
jmlcjohnston: cool. thanks :)12:04
wgrantDid you send it to flacoste?12:04
nigelbshoulda just poked him at uds12:06
nigelbwe both did talk to him at some point12:06
nigelb("Are you a launchpad guy? Could you help us with something?")12:07
wgrantnigelb: I don't see any branches from you yet!12:07
* wgrant cracks the whip.12:07
nigelbwgrant: I'm STILL at work!12:07
cjohnstonlol yay!12:07
cjohnstonI took vacation yesterday to submit launchpad patches!12:07
wgrantExcuses, excuses.12:07
cjohnston+1 wgrant12:08
wgrantthat's the spirit.12:08
nigelbI can't just install launchpad to work laptop :\12:09
wgrantnigelb: Use a VM :)12:10
wgrantThere are instructions on the dev wiki.12:10
nigelbwgrant: Every time I try to develop on launchpad, I get stuck at the setting up VM state12:10
cjohnstonI think nigelb was the one who wanted the VM image12:10
nigelbIts happened thrice now12:11
nigelbyeah, it was me12:11
cjohnstonin the LP session12:11
StevenKnigelb: If you get stuck, ask questions here?12:13
nigelbStevenK: no no, I get stuck at the VM stage12:13
nigelbI'm guessing my computer just stuck at VMs12:13
StevenKWhat are you using for the VM?12:15
bigjoolslifeless: https://dev.launchpad.net/LEP/DerivativeDistributions#Round%202 - see bug 78342312:16
_mup_Bug #783423: Derived distros diffs pages need a more comprehensive search <Launchpad itself:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/783423 >12:16
nigelbStevenK: virtual box12:19
pooliehenninge, or someone, could i have a review of my patch for bug 77843712:22
_mup_Bug #778437: Recipe build success sends emails, please stop doing that <email> <recipe> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by mbp> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/778437 >12:22
pooliedespite there is probably some shallow twisted leakage12:23
cjohnstonJust to be clear, does 'Resubmit' for review mean that someone has requested a resubmit, or that the code is being resubmitted?12:26
StevenKnigelb: And how does it fail?12:27
henningepoolie: I will look at it.12:27
nigelbStevenK: hrm, I don't remember, but it was mostly virtualbox thing instead of launchpad12:28
henningeHi cjohnston! ;)12:28
nigelblike running out of space and being lazy12:28
cjohnstonhey henninge.. I'm workin on them12:28
cjohnstonhenninge: https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisjohnston/launchpad/728192/+merge/6104612:28
henningecjohnston: cool. I think there was one more I had not finished yet12:28
cjohnstonfwiw jml I also got the link to the contributor agreement on http://www.canonical.com/contributors fixed ;-)12:30
jmlcjohnston: heh! thanks.12:33
pooliehi cjohnston12:33
pooliei think i filed a bug about that12:33
poolieor do you work on the canonical web site?12:33
cjohnstonI know the people who work on the canonical website.. and where to file the bug. I dont get access to anything :-/12:34
cjohnstonpoolie: if you can find the bug you filed, I'll dupe it on mine since mines already fix released12:36
poolieit was https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/77833412:41
_mup_Bug #778334: broken link on contributor agreement page <Canonical Website:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/778334 >12:41
pooliethank _you_12:46
cjohnstonhenninge: https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisjohnston/launchpad/197793/+merge/61053 I believe the first one is dor duplicate bug subscription, and the second one is if you are subscribed to the original bug12:48
cjohnstonI need to make the kids food, and in an hour we are going to go outside and watch the shuttle, but I'll double check it12:50
henningecjohnston: would that have influence on the wording, thouhg?12:50
henningecjohnston: sure, lunch is close for me, too.12:50
cjohnstonIt is defining why you are described.. which is how it currently does it.12:50
cjohnstonWhich I personally like to know if I'm subscribed to the bug or to a duplicate... butt hat's me12:51
wgrantpoolie: Ah, great to hear that you're looking at updating bzr.12:51
wgrantin LP.12:51
jmlRunning errands. Back soon.12:53
benjihttps://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: henninge, benji | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+activereviews13:00
=== benji changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: henninge, benji | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+activereviews
henningeHi benji:13:00
benjihi henninge, are all the reviews on +activereviews available for me to look at?13:01
henningebenji: yes but maybe you could take poolie's that I already claimed as I am off to lunch now.13:01
benjisounds good13:02
henningebenji: cool, reassigned.13:02
=== henninge is now known as henninge-lunch
benjienjoy your lunch13:02
mrevellCan anyone remind me of the page in Launchpad that lists of the graphical elements we use? It's something like launchpad.net/@@/icons13:05
benjipoolie: is https://code.launchpad.net/~mbp/launchpad/778437-sprb-spam/+merge/60360 ready for review?  The last comment about the Twisted test error being persistent suggests that I should wait on reviewing it.13:07
mrevellThanks wgrant13:08
pooliebenji: i think the twisted fix will be shallow so i'd like a review on the other bits13:34
benjipoolie: cool, thanks13:35
pooliewgrant i was just thinking the other day it would be nice if lp changed /people/+me to /~13:35
wgrantThat might indeed be nice.13:36
wgrantAnd trivial.13:36
pooliei can never remember the current abbreviation13:36
pooliesimilarly whether it's /+bugs/ or /+bug etc13:37
poolieother people there commented on this at ud13:37
pooliebenji thanks13:37
benjimy pleasure13:37
wgrantpoolie: It's both!13:38
poolieno, really?13:40
poolieanyhow pad.lv fixes that issue, but it's an istance of the general thing of some of these shortcuts being a bit too cryptic to be truly helpful13:41
wgrantWe really need to sort out the whole domains and URLs thing.13:41
bigjoolswgrant: can you remember if bug 243252 is actually fixed?13:48
_mup_Bug #243252: P-a-s (lists of forbidden architectures) should apply to rebuild archives <derivation> <lp-soyuz> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/243252 >13:48
wgrantI don't think so.13:49
wgrantBut let me check.13:49
wgrant        for pubrec in sources_published:13:50
wgrantThat would be a no.13:50
wgrant            builds = pubrec.createMissingBuilds(13:50
wgrant                architectures_available=architectures)13:50
wgrantpackagecloner doesn't provide a pas_verify.13:50
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=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
lifelessgary_poster: I'm halting() for the night, but I would -dearly love- that feedback during your day. I would like to start wider circulation later today.13:54
gary_posterlifeless, ack.  It will be done.13:55
lifelessgary_poster: thanks, I really appreciate it!13:55
lifelessnight all13:55
wgrantNight lifeless.13:56
wgrantAnd thanks for all your work on that.13:56
deryckhenninge-lunch, ping for standup14:02
henningeHi deryck! Sorry for missing the call ...14:28
deryckhenninge, it's ok14:28
=== mpt_ is now known as mpt
LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #83: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 9 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/83/15:05
nigelbrocketful-setup running :)15:19
nigelbI just realized this is really a spare system15:24
nigelbI can brick this as much as I want :)15:24
LPCIBotProject windmill-db-devel build #280: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 8 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-db-devel/280/15:33
sinzuideryck: I think your team will find project review easier. There is one page to see and drive to zero now15:40
derycksinzui, ah, nice.  thanks15:40
derycksinzui, yes, that is much better.15:41
sinzuiThere are tool tips that explain what I am thinking about for the sections of content15:41
derycksinzui, also, I updated the wiki page here:  https://dev.launchpad.net/MaintenanceRotationSchedule but maybe you guys are off maintenance next week?15:41
sinzuiUnless flacoste/jml say otherwise, Teal will be working on disclosure next week15:42
jmlderyck: see also, https://dev.launchpad.net/Squads.15:43
jmlsinzui: I'm unlikely to say otherwise.15:43
jmlsinzui: btw, I do want to have a call this week, but won't have time to today.15:43
deryckjml, ah, nice page.  thanks.15:43
sinzuijml: fab15:44
deryckjml, sinzui -- so yellow is on maintenance next week then?15:44
jmlderyck: starting 23rd.15:44
deryckjml, rockin' thanks!15:44
jml(so that's a yes. had to check a calendar)15:44
benjihenninge: I'm taking https://code.launchpad.net/~wallyworld/launchpad/fix-test_inline_recipe_daily_build/+merge/6105015:49
henningebenji: that's fine15:54
jcsackettwhat determines which js files get compiled into launchpad.js?16:03
nigelbIts seems my branching of launchpad is sort of stuck. The size hasn't changed in a while16:04
jmlnigelb: is there network access?16:04
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch
nigelbyeah, I'm on IRC, so sure16:05
nigelbbut there may have been a 1 sec break in between16:05
jmlnigelb: I mean, does System Monitor show activity for network that's more than the usual for being on IRC16:05
jmlnigelb: also, you could try tailing ~/.bzr.log to see if anything is going on16:08
jmlnigelb: it might just be bzr doing something CPU intensive and not networky16:09
nigelbso, its stuck at this point --> - 104595KB    23KB/s | Fetching revisions:Inserting stream16:10
nigelbtail shows me 17.881  fetch up to rev {launchpad@pqm.canonical.com-20110516135527-bdxtzfll8ydxwio2}16:10
nigelbis there a way I can tell bzr to start again without doing the whole rocketfuel again?16:12
jmlnigelb: hmm.16:13
abentleyhenninge or benji: could you please review https://code.launchpad.net/~abentley/launchpad/branch-empty/+merge/61132 ?16:13
benjiabentley: sure16:13
jmlnigelb: if you really wanted to, you could stop rf-setup, bzr pull, hack rf-setup to skip the steps before bzr pull, then run it again.16:13
nigelbjml: 400-line shell script, I'm not so sure if I want to do that.  New job wanted me to write a set up script and I wrote a 200 liner, I know how shell can be hard sometimes16:14
jmlnigelb: not sure if there's any other way.16:21
nigelbI figured. I just read through the script. I guess I can comment everything but assigning the variables bit16:21
jmlyeah. that'd make sense.16:22
nigelbhrm, wait.16:28
nigelbThe script is awesome. It does figureout if its being run the second time16:28
benjiabentley: I'm done with https://code.launchpad.net/~abentley/launchpad/branch-empty/+merge/6113216:29
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
henningebenji: I just claimed https://code.launchpad.net/~wallyworld/launchpad/has_matches-opps-querystring/+merge/6109516:37
henningeThat was easy.16:40
henningebenji: have you already picked another one?16:41
LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #84: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 8 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/84/16:42
henningebenji: I am on https://code.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/bug-750607/+merge/6106916:42
abentleyjml: How can I figure out where this exception is being raised? https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/74067416:48
_mup_Bug #740674: ConnectionRefusedError from code puller <branch-puller> <oops> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/740674 >16:48
jcsackettsinzui: any notions what i should poke at if a js file isn't being included in launchpad.js on jsbuild?16:49
sinzuijcsackett: sorry, no, It was in lib/lp/app/templates/base-template-macros.pt It is not gone16:52
* sinzui see Lp is still loading a google maps keys16:52
sinzuijcsackett: The compressor script used to read the js files in that template. I think we need to re-read the code that does the compression16:53
jcsackettsinzui: thanks. i'll start looking at that.16:54
henningebenji: next is https://code.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/expose-bpph-indep/+merge/6107716:54
jmlabentley: I don't really know, except maybe by code inspection. PullerMaster.unexpectedError in scheduler.py looks a likely culprit16:56
sinzuijcsackett: I think the rules are in the Makefile now. I see JS_LP16:56
jmlabentley: isn't tellurium a staging service?16:56
abentleyjml: You may be right.16:57
henningebenji: ok, all the easy ones are done. Now I stop. ;-)16:58
jmlactually, because it's a Twisted client connection error, it'll almost certainly be the XMLRPC service.16:58
henningebenji: sorry to have flooded you ...16:58
=== henninge changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: benji | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+activereviews
benjihenninge: no problem, I'm eating lunch16:59
henningebenji: enjoy it ;)16:59
abentleyjml: The XMLRPC used to implement the bzr transport?16:59
jmlabentley: I was thinking of the XMLRPC used to tell the database what we're doing: mirrorFailed etc.17:00
jmlcalls to self.codehosting_endpoint.callRemote17:00
abentleyjml: Ah.  Yes, could be that.17:00
jmlabentley: Twisted won't be used for the bzr transport in this case17:00
jmlmaybe a sensible strategy is to check to see if the error is still happening, instrument a little more around the likely causes and then check the logs a little after it's rolled out17:02
abentleyjml: I think the assessment that this should not be reported as an oops assumed that the ConnectionError was happening when attempting to retrieve the remote branch.17:04
jmlabentley: agreed.17:04
=== Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha
jmlabentley: we almost certainly want oopses if we fail to communicate to our local servers.17:04
abentleyjml: I dunno, those XMLRPC servers do go down from time to time...17:05
jmlabentley: hmm.17:07
jmlabentley: but it's always OOPS-worthy if they become inaccessible while the puller is running, I think.17:08
jmlthere's always one appserver up during a nodowntime rollout, and I'm guessing we shut down the puller during a downtime rollout17:09
* jml has to go17:15
* nigelb cries17:22
nigelblp branch keeps getting stuck, but at different points :17:23
LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #85: STILL FAILING in 48 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/85/17:30
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=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
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pooliebenji, hi?18:37
poolienigelb: tell me more?18:37
benjipoolie: hi18:37
pooliei'm just trying to debug the failing twisted tests with spiv18:37
nigelbpoolie: well, I stopped it and restarted, seem to have better luck this time!18:37
nigelbpoolie: Pulling pqm now, I guess that's a good sign18:38
poolieplease put 'debug_flags = hpss, bytes' into your bazaar.conf18:38
nigelbif it fails again?18:39
pooliebenji: i think those tests were essentially not running before18:40
pooliebecause of ignoring the defered result18:41
poolienigelb: actually it's useful to add anyhow18:41
pooliebut if it does fail again, it will give us some more data18:41
nigelbokay, doing so now18:41
benjipoolie: sounds plausible18:43
LPCIBotProject windmill-db-devel build #281: STILL FAILING in 45 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-db-devel/281/18:46
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
timrcI'm trying to setup a LP development environment.  I've just run ./rocketfuel-setup and it failed with a Permission Denied (https://pastebin.canonical.com/47500/)... Off hand this seems like a bug in the script? But maybe I'm just reading the output wrong19:23
timrce.g. "It's okay if this errors"... it then errors, and the script execution terminates19:23
jelmertimrc, hi19:23
jelmertimrc, do you have a launchpad user set up with the matching ssh key in your home directory?19:24
jcsackettbenji: could you look at https://code.launchpad.net/~jcsackett/launchpad/consolidate-spam-js/+merge/61151? it's near the 800 limit, but a lot of that is deletion.19:24
timrcjelmer, doh :) nice first question, this is a VM and now that I think about it, I did not setup with my ssh key19:24
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
timrcjelmer, that did the trick.  ty19:26
pooliebenji: ok with a little help from my friends i think it's ok19:27
benjipoolie: cool, I'll take a look in a minute19:27
LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #86: STILL FAILING in 48 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/86/19:35
nigelbFinally, I rocketfuel is done :)19:35
poolieway to go!19:35
poolienow, to patch it!19:36
benjipoolie: I'm done with https://code.launchpad.net/~mbp/launchpad/778437-sprb-spam/+merge/6036019:36
jcsackettsinzui: feel like chatting? (now or later today)19:43
sinzuinow is good19:43
jcsackettsuperb. :-)19:44
pooliethanks benji19:46
LPCIBotYippie, build fixed!19:46
LPCIBotProject db-devel build #552: FIXED in 5 hr 38 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/db-devel/552/19:46
pooliethat was a bit of struggle19:46
benjimy pleasure19:46
pooliei would appreciate your insights on https://code.launchpad.net/~mbp/launchpad/uniqueid-clue/+merge/61153 the follow on19:46
poolieand so good night19:48
gary_posterlifeless, fwiw, I've been working on the feedback, and will continue doing so.  I expect to be done in 30 min.19:52
sinzuijcsackett: bug 427397 only affects blueprints now. I think it is trivial19:52
_mup_Bug #427397: Search triggering error in tsearch query again <blueprints> <bugs> <oops> <search> <sprints> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/427397 >19:52
nigelbhrm, is the make schema bit supposed to take a lot of time?19:58
sinzuijcsackett: The dupe as an example: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/77735720:04
_mup_Bug #777357: Searches containing a percent sign generates an oops <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/777357 >20:04
sinzuijcsackett: OOPS-1962AQ339 happend just a few hours ago20:08
cjohnstonjml: my 7 MP on my first day wants to be the contributor that throws the pie. ;-)20:14
LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #87: STILL FAILING in 45 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/87/20:21
sinzuijcsackett: I dedupped bug 777357 because it really is just about the %. There have been no tsquery oopses in 8 months20:22
_mup_Bug #777357: Searches containing a percent sign generates an oops <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/777357 >20:22
jcsackettsinzui: dig.20:22
jcsackettand i see you marked the other bit fix released. was just about to ask about that.20:23
nigelbI found myself an easy bug to work on, bug 64582520:43
_mup_Bug #645825: "bzr push" examples in UI say to push to trunk <easy> <lp-code> <ui> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/645825 >20:43
lifelessgary_poster: thanks!20:43
nigelbshould I be discussing this bug in -reviews before I start?20:44
lifelessnigelb: here is fine20:44
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
nigelbokay, so I think this is just going to be a one or two line fix20:44
nigelbapply the name of the series in where trunk is hardcoded currently20:45
cjohnstonsinzui: ping20:56
sinzuidid you get hate mail from the testrunner too?20:57
cjohnstonI'm not totally sure what it is wanting20:57
sinzuiThe issue is not your branch. I will merge it once I verify the build is not broken20:58
lifelessnigelb: that sounds fine in principle20:58
lifelessnigelb: I haven't [yet] looked at that bug20:58
cjohnstonok.. so I'm just getting hate mail for fun20:58
nigelblifeless: just trying to figure out how to refer to the variable like things on zope, having fun with tracebacks :)20:59
sinzuicjohnston: Your branch is indeed fine. I expect to get a message shortly confirming your branch is merged21:01
cjohnstonok.. very cool21:01
nigelbyay tracebacks :)21:05
sinzuibenji: do you have time to review https://code.launchpad.net/~sinzui/launchpad/product-release-traversal/+merge/61168 ?21:10
lifelessstatik: hi, are we on today?21:10
cjohnstonCould someone take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisjohnston/launchpad/197793/+merge/61053  to me, it is showing subscribed to a duplicate bug vs subscribed to the main bug.. but maybe im missing something in what Henning said.21:11
sinzuicjohnston: https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisjohnston/launchpad/255024/+merge/61038 is merged. I will QA it once it is deployed to qastaging.21:19
cjohnstonsinzui: I'm not sure quite what that means... I was just getting ready to ask what the process is now that its merged21:20
sinzuicjohnston: Lp's devel and db-devel branch will be tested without your changes. When both pass, your work is deployed to https://qastaging.launchpad.net . The bug will be tagged qa-needstesting which will tell me it is ready for me to verify it21:21
sinzuicjohnston: I will change the tag to qa-ok, which will signal that the change can be deployed, which may be tomorrow21:22
cjohnstonhmm.. interesting.. very different than anything I'm used to.. will it be deployed straight to lp.net for all or just beta first?21:23
benjisinzui: I'm done with https://code.launchpad.net/~sinzui/launchpad/product-release-traversal/+merge/6116821:25
nigelbokay, I just tried a while and I can't figure out how to get the tal:. thing for productseries name21:27
nigelb<tal:series replace="context/productseries/name" /> doesn't seem to work :\21:27
sinzuicjohnston: it will go directly to lp.net from qastaging. Beta is a mechanism mostly for features were to support multiple behaviours until we choose to end to to complete the release of the other21:27
sinzuinigelb: that will show the lp Id of a product's series. is context a product, or do you want the displayname?21:28
nigelbsinzui: I'm trying to get name of a productseries21:29
nigelbin an attempt to fix bug 64582521:29
_mup_Bug #645825: "bzr push" examples in UI say to push to trunk <easy> <lp-code> <ui> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/645825 >21:29
sinzuinigelb: can you paste the traceback at pastebin.ubuntu.com ?21:30
nigelbsinzui: http://paste.ubuntu.com/608640/21:32
sinzuiah, that nasty LocationError. nigelb That error type is hiding the real error. I believe it is an Attribute/key error.21:33
* sinzui reads impl21:33
lifelesscjohnston: once its merged it goes through a CI system (buildbot at the moment)21:33
nigelbsinzui: which means I'm calling the wrong attribute?21:34
deryckhi lifeless.  got a sec?21:34
lifelesscjohnston: then deploys to a staging area where sinzui will check its ok before changing that tag he mentioned21:34
lifelesscjohnston: and after that it goes live21:34
lifelessderyck: sure21:34
cjohnstonsweet.. ty21:34
derycklifeless, so I'm looking at bug 701246.21:34
_mup_Bug #701246: missing bug dereference generates OOPS <oops> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by deryck> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/701246 >21:34
sinzuinigelb: possibly, or the permissions are wrong. I think anyone can access the name attr21:34
derycklifeless, and I cannot repro this.  using launchpadlib 1.9.7.  We raise KeyError now.21:35
nigelbyeah, that's what I felt too21:35
lifelessderyck: do you get an x-lazr-oopsid in the response?21:35
derycklifeless, nope21:35
nigelbsinzui: How do I figure out if "context/productseries/name" is correct?21:35
lifelessderyck: or an oops written to disk ?21:35
lifeless(look under /var/tmp/lperr/ for a new file in todays dir)21:36
deryckok, let me see to make sure....21:36
sinzuinigelb: I really think it is correct. The TB clearly shows the object is a ProductSeries and I know the name attribute is always public because it is in the URL21:36
* sinzui looks at the template21:37
jcsackettderyck: are you trying to reproduce via test?21:37
deryckjcsackett, well test led me to question the issue, so I fired up a Python console against qastaging/staging.21:37
deryckjcsackett, lifeless -- so I'll run against dev server now and see if it generates an OOPS.21:38
jcsackettderyck: dig. i've found when using launchpadlib in unittests you can get keyerrors when you get other errors running the actual client against a server.21:38
jcsacketti've never dug into it, but it's tripped me up.21:38
sinzuinigelb: looking at the template in the my copy of the tree, context is not a product, it is a product series. Does context/name work?21:38
nigelbsinzui: ah, it does :)21:39
deryckjcsackett, yeah, I did get a KeyError in test, but I also get one with launchpadlib against staging.21:39
nigelbsinzui: how do I figure out the correct context in the future?21:39
sinzuinigelb: context is always ambiguous. It essentially is like "this" where "this" is the subject we started with21:39
jcsackettderyck: interesting. i wonder if my issue was just that the lplib used in tests was a more recent version than the one i was using when connecting manually...21:39
nigelbsinzui: oh boy21:40
nigelbsinzui: sounds like fun21:40
nigelbanyway, do I commit on my devel branch and propose merging or create a new branch with rf-setup?21:40
sinzuinigelb: In this case, the template and its view are only initialised with a ProductSeries, so you can be confident conext/name will give the the productseries.name21:40
sinzuinigelb:  I always branch my devel branch, make my changes, then push to lp21:41
deryckjcsackett, lifeless -- ah, so indeed it was still oopsing, even though the client behavior is different from the bug report.21:41
sinzuinigelb: let my collect my routing and paste it for you21:41
nigelbsinzui: yes, that'd be awesmoe21:42
sinzuinigelb: this is what I do every day http://paste.ubuntu.com/608652/21:44
nigelbsinzui: ah, so no need to use RF for the branch stuff21:46
sinzuinigelb: I can just type bzr info because my ~/.bazaar/locations.conf knows about my devel branch. I cannot remember if rocketfuel-setup does that for you21:46
lifelessderyck: thanks for being thorough21:46
deryckno worries.21:46
sinzuinigelb: you can use `bzr merge --committed ../devel` to copy any changes made in the devel branch to the branch you want to submit21:47
lifelessor commit, push them over and pull --overwrite in devel to sync it up again [TMTOWTDI]21:50
lifelessflacoste: hi21:58
flacostehey lifeless22:00
cjohnstonhey flacoste!22:00
flacostehey cjohnston!22:00
flacostethanks for your typo fixing spree!22:01
flacostethat's very much appreciated!22:01
cjohnstonthe blueprints one will help me alot!22:01
lifelessflacoste: we're up!22:01
lifelessflacoste: I need 2 minutes first though (oops :P)22:01
flacostelifeless: we are, skype?22:01
flacostelifeless: skype me when you are ready22:05
nigelbokay, proposed merge at https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~nigelbabu/launchpad/645825-ui-example/+merge/6117522:06
nigelbIs there something I need to know or do before it gets reviewed?22:06
nigelbI've already signed the contributor agreement22:06
=== benji changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+activereviews
jmlnigelb: everything you need to know is on the "Submit a patch" page22:19
jmlnigelb: keep making noise until someone reviews your branch. west coasters should be around now, and Aussies turn up in 2 hrs.22:20
lifelessnight jml22:20
nigelbI need to head to bed too, 3 am22:20
nigelbg'night all. I shall prod someone in the am.22:22
ajmitchjml: nice incentive for people to fix lp bugs22:31

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