
danilosgmb, hi, I remember you said you'd review my branch last week, but I see no review :) should I go for the OCR?10:58
gmbdanilos: Oops. I think I did review it, I just didn't post the review. Let me take a look now...11:04
danilosgmb, sure11:04
gmbdanilos: Ah, yes. My only comment was that those XXXs about addChange()... is it worth filing a bug to remind us to do that, or should we just drop them?11:07
danilosgmb, uhm, right, I don't know, what do you think? I'll perhaps add a task card on the kanban board and then discuss it with gary11:07
gmbdanilos: Ok. Might as well drop the XXXs for the sake of landing this. We can always look back to check where they should go if we decide to file a bug about it later.11:08
gmbAnyway, belatedly, r=me.11:09
danilosgmb, ok, agreed, thanks for the review11:09
danilosgmb, (no worries, since I wasn't really in shape to land it anyway)11:09
gmbdanilos: Glad to see you're better. Or at least well enough to have an IRC conversation.11:12
danilosgmb, heh, I am very much better, thanks11:56
gary_poster(bac is here today but not around for meeting)13:25
gary_posterbenji danilos gmb, hi.  I'll be looking at kanban board in a sec, and call will be in 413:25
gary_posterA friend writes on Skype: "Microsoft Skype 2.2 Professional Edition Plus"13:27
gary_posterhee hee13:27
danilosgary_poster, ack13:27
gary_posterbenji, I may have forgotten a schedule wrinkle for you, but call now13:32
benjigary_poster: nope, I forgot the wrinkle that you have to run skype for it to work, maybe microsoft will fix that13:33
danilosgary_poster, to register, https://forms.canonical.com/sprint/13:43
gary_posterdanilos, heh, thank you, I was wondering...and procrastinating! :-)13:43
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
benjigmb: I noticed that https://code.launchpad.net/~gmb/launchpad/bug-772609-again/+merge/60513 hasn't been merged yet and wanted to let you know in case it had slipped through the cracks14:01
gmbbenji: That's the one that bounced because devel was broken. I'm running it through ec2 again now. Thanks for spotting it, though.14:02
gary_posterhey danilos.  I proposed a PDR meeting time in an email I sent earlier today.  Could you review and lemme know if that works for you?14:18
danilosgary_poster, sure, will do14:19
danilosgary_poster, replied to the email, yes, tomorrow at 14:30 UTC works fine14:27
gary_poster:-) thanks14:31
gmbHmm. When ~name16 and ~landscaped-developers are subscribed to *everything* there may be a chance - just a chance - that one has done something amusing when one wanted to do something useful.15:56
gary_posterheh, why, or in what way?16:02
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch
gmbgary_poster: Still trying to work that out. Hurrah for pdb.16:06
* gmb -> stepping out for an appointment; back in a bit16:26
=== Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha
* danilos -> out17:58
bachi gary_poster18:10
gary_posterhey bac18:10
bacgary_poster: have time this afternoon for a quick skype call?18:11
gary_postersure, bac.  if it is < 20 min, I can do now; otherwise...maybe start around 2:30 or 3:00?  I need to be out 3:35-3:55 to get kids from school but then could continue if needed.18:12
bacgary_poster: now would be good.  let me find my phone18:12
gary_posterAssuming we're using Skype, I'm logged in andhave my headphones on; gimme a call when you are ready.18:13
benjigary_poster: did you see Brian Murray's message to launchpad-users about https://bugs.launchpad.net/people/+me/+structural-subscriptions?  I seem to recall that the page in question isn't ready for prime time and in fact should be removed.  If that's true I'll reply to him.19:15
gary_posterbac, old page, but orca in 2008 seemed to be doing pretty well with aria.  I suspect if we support aria we'll do ok19:17
gary_posterold page was in reference to link I did not give19:17
gary_posterbac, any thoughts on what benji just said?19:17
gary_posterdo you know why he would have done that?19:17
gary_posterbecause yes, benji, we do not link to that page and it is not ready for primetime and not under development19:18
gary_poster(and no, I didn't see the email)19:18
baci have not read the email19:18
bacin my session he brought that up and  i told him that page was deprecated.  i guess i didn't make myself clear.19:18
benjigary_poster: https://lists.launchpad.net/launchpad-users/msg06288.html19:18
* bac looks for email19:18
benjibac: https://lists.launchpad.net/launchpad-users/msg06288.html19:18
gary_posterbenji, bac,gotcha.  benji, yeah please reply.  that page introduces the idea of filters, which is something we discarded19:19
gary_poster(from the UI)19:19
baci think brian really wants a single page to list all of his subscriptions and was hoping that page would be it19:20
gary_posterIt would be nice19:20
gary_posterit was on our nice-to-have plans19:20
gary_posterbut not our must-have plans19:20
benjiok, I'll reply19:22
benjiwe should probably kill that page19:22
gary_posterthank you19:22

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