
=== Braiam-away is now known as Braiam
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MTecknologycould one of you guys maybe do me a favor?02:31
MTecknologygo to http://staging7.profarius.com and click the login button; when it spits out a big white page, pastebin the whole response (except for the pass)02:32
cjohnstonI'm finding something kinda odd.. I'm looking at bug 697157, which I had assigned to myself.. now if I click to edit the assignee I see: Change Assignee      Select a team of which you are a member     Is that normal?03:32
ubot5Launchpad bug 697157 in Launchpad itself "Streamline "You have assigned this bug to yourself" message " [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69715703:32
wgrantcjohnston: You can only assign yourself or one of your teams.03:40
wgrantIs that odd?03:40
cjohnstonwgrant: is that for the launchpad project only? other projects I can assign people or teams03:42
cjohnstonand there is also no remove assignee03:43
lifelessthe launchpad project isn't special cased03:44
lifelessbut your permissions on other projects may be different03:44
wgrantcjohnston: Hmm, there should be a link to remove the assignee.03:44
cjohnstonok.. what about missing the remove assignee?03:44
wgrantBut as lifeless suggests, only the bug supervisor can assign anyone.03:44
cjohnstonI guess most places where I work with bugs I have the elevated permissiosn03:45
lifelesscjohnston: you should be able to unassign yourself03:46
wgrantAh, you have to refresh the page.03:47
wgrantuser_can_unassign isn't updated when you assign yourself.03:48
* wgrant files.03:48
wgrantBug #78327103:51
ubot5Launchpad bug 783271 in Launchpad itself "Can't unassign newly self-assigned bug without refreshing" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78327103:51
wgrantI thought I'd broken it (I was working on that picker last week), but this has been around for years :(03:51
cjohnstonwgrant: is 40303:51
cjohnstonnot forbidden?03:52
cjohnstonor am I missing something else03:52
micahgwgrant: so, I saw the bug about PPU uploads and nominations appeared to be fixed, but I don't see the Target to release button03:52
wgrantcjohnston: 403 is Forbidden.03:52
wgrantcjohnston: But the Referer error is also a 403.03:52
wgrantmicahg: Are you an Ubuntu bug supervisor?03:52
micahgwgrant: yes03:53
micahgwgrant: all uploaders are :)03:53
wgrantRight, but that's all that's necessary to see the button.03:53
wgrantUnless you mean it has the wrong text (Nominate instead of Target)03:53
micahgwgrant: no, that's nominate for release, I'm referring to accepting the nominations03:53
cjohnstonwgrant: so should they both then be forbidden?03:53
wgrantAcceptance is done with a different UI.03:53
micahgbug 45139003:54
ubot5Launchpad bug 451390 in ubuntu-community "limited upload rights no longer give series nomination accept/decline rights" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45139003:54
wgrantcjohnston: They are both Forbidden at the HTTP level. But the referer error should have different text.03:54
cjohnstonsuggestion and I'll fix it while I'm back in there03:54
wgrantmicahg: You should have an "(approve/decline)" link next to each existing nomination.03:54
micahgwgrant: right, still don't have that for stuff in main03:54
micahgthat I can upload :)03:55
wgrantWhich bug?03:55
wgrantWhich series?03:55
micahgwgrant: bug 76597003:56
ubot5Launchpad bug 765970 in firefox (Ubuntu) "firefox version 4.0+nobinonly-0ubuntu1 failed to build on i386" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76597003:56
micahgor anything really03:56
wgrantThere are no nominations there.03:56
micahgoh, hmm, it worked03:56
* micahg just guesses the UI isn't clear..03:56
micahgtime to file another bug I guess03:56
wgrantBug #29752803:56
ubot5Launchpad bug 297528 in Launchpad itself "Permissions not checked properly when deciding whether to present "Target" or "Nominate" link" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29752803:56
wgrantI filed it years ago :)03:57
micahgoh, so that's also fixed now03:57
micahgit worked fine before03:57
wgrantShould not be closed.03:57
* wgrant reopens.03:57
wgrantThe difficulty is that you may have privileges to target some contexts, but only to nominate others.03:57
wgrantSo a single link can't really be worded correctly.03:57
micahgwgrant: ok, I can live with that :)03:57
micahgat least until someone has time to fix03:58
wgrantmicahg: I thought you were saying you didn't have "(approve/decline)" links next to nominations.03:58
wgrantThat would be bad.03:58
* micahg looks for something to test on03:58
* micahg seems to recall a link to nominations not accepted yet03:59
cjohnstonwgrant: just to make sure we are on the same page before I do it.. we are talking the UnauthorizedVew in /lib/canonical/launchpad/webapp/login.py  ?04:03
wgrantcjohnston: That's right.04:11
wgrantmicahg: Hm?04:11
micahgwgrant: yep, I have the links, thanks04:14
* micahg hugs wgrant for fixing that long standing frustrating bug04:14
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wgrantmicahg: We should be fixing lots of frustrating, long-standing bugs soon.04:18
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nigelbWasn't there another box below Subscribers which would show all people subscribed because they're part of a team?08:51
nigelbOr is that removed with the new bug mail features08:51
nigelbhrm, I guess I'll re-ask my question a few hours later08:59
wgrantnigelb: It's temporarily disabled for beta testers.09:01
wgrantnigelb: (you refer to the "Also notified" section, which shows people and teams who get notifications but aren't directly subscribed to the bug -- eg. through subscriptions to the whole project or distribution)09:02
nigelbwgrant: aha, the "Also Notified" is exactly what I meaent09:03
wgrantnigelb: So, yes, its removal is related to the subscription improvements. It will likely be restored before the feature is released.09:06
nigelbAh, okay09:06
nigelbwgrant: does this mean that the underlying feature itself isn't working?09:06
wgrantnigelb: It is working.09:07
wgrantBut the display is complex.09:07
nigelbAh, as long as its working, I don't mind the UI being turned off09:07
nigelbI suppose the new mail subscriptions vs old subscriptions is causing a clash in display09:07
wgrantAs part of this feature work, all such subscriptions can now be filtered, so not all of the subscriptions will be relevant to each bug.09:08
wgranteg. some people are subscribed to only open/close notifications.09:08
wgrantHow do we present that?09:08
=== henninge changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contacts: henninge | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
nigelbwgrant: its confusing I guess09:15
nigelbLike (a) You can present everyone like before, but not everyone gets all the changes, (b) You can separate everyone, but then there might be too many boxes which could be even more confusing09:16
wgrantYeah, exactly09:16
wgrantI'm sure Yellow will work it out :)09:16
wgrantOh, I'm not on maintenance this week. Curses.09:16
wgrants/maintenance/help rotation/09:16
henningeHi wgrant! ;)09:17
wgrantHi henninge!09:17
henningeHi nigelb! ;)09:17
nigelbhey henninge09:17
nigelbI promised to help jml get a cake on his face at Ireland.  Will be around later since I decided to brick the plan to install VM.  I get stuck that stage all the time when I decide to help LP.09:18
nigelbs/cake/pie, anything creamy/09:18
wgrantnigelb: It is getting very bad :(09:18
wgrantAlthough I've closed a few today.09:18
wgrantAnd fixed six others.09:18
nigelbwgrant: very bad in a good way or bad way?09:18
wgrantWe have a month to close 230 :(09:19
nigelbcan we "uncrticalize" a few bugs?09:19
wgrantThat's how I got rid of a few.09:19
wgrantBut we are running out of such candidates.09:19
wgrantSo I fear for jml's unsafety.09:19
nigelbare there any candidates like easy + crtical?09:19
jmlheh heh09:20
henningenigelb: If you find any, let me know ...09:20
wgrantnigelb: Lots are fairly easy.09:20
wgrantI fixed 6 fairly simple ones today.09:20
wgrantBut I've already picked lots of low-hanging fruit :(09:20
henningewgrant: I have a hard time finding those09:20
wgrantThere's not a huge amount left.09:20
* bigjools knocks up a script to mark them all won'tfix09:20
nigelbI hope there's something to start when I get home09:21
jfiHello, is there a way to determine that a binary package is arch independent with the lp webapi? (from binary_package_publishing_history)09:24
wgrantjfi: No, that's not exposed through the API at the moment.09:24
jfiHello, the function getDownloadCount duplicates the same count for each architecture09:24
jfiwgrant, ok, is it possible to get the .deb name? or the download url of the package? It can be a workaround09:25
wgrantjfi: No. But it's not much work at all to expose whether it is architecture dependent.09:26
wgrantLet me see.09:27
jfiwgrant, will be nice:) Do you want me to open a 'wish' against LP?09:27
wgrantjfi: That would be useful.09:27
wgrant(and I'm fixing it now)09:27
jfiwgrant, great!09:28
jfiwgrant: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/78335509:32
ubot5Ubuntu bug 783355 in Launchpad itself "WebAPI: add a way to determine that a package is arch independent" [Undecided,New]09:32
wgrantjfi: Thanks. I've proposed a branch which exposes an architecture_specific attribute on BPPH.09:38
jfiwgrant: thanks a lot, it will allow me to display once the arch independent packages09:43
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ondrejHi, seems there is a problem with GPG verification on PPA uploads :(11:02
ondrejUploading golang_57.1-1~natty+1_source.changes: 550 Changes file must be signed with a valid GPG signature: Verification failed 3 times: ['General error', 'General error', 'General error'] : Permission denied.11:03
ondrej$ gpg --verify golang_57.1-1~natty+1_source.changes11:03
ondrejgpg: Signature made Po 16. květen 2011, 11:58:38 CEST using DSA key ID C20DF27311:03
ondrejgpg: Good signature from "Ondřej Surý <ondrej@sury.org>"11:03
bigjoolswgrant: has that tmp directory disappeared again? --^11:04
wgrantIt has. gnuoy is fixing.11:05
wgrantondrej: Your upload will be accepted OK.11:06
ondrejwgrant: Looks like it is the case... I have received emails with "Accepted" already and it is already in the build queue.11:07
ondrejOk, thanks.11:07
czajkowskigmb: morning11:24
gmbMorning czajkowski :).11:25
czajkowskigmb: it's a daft status  you wouldnt see in any commercial setting11:30
gmbczajkowski: Weee-l. I know that some of our OEM partners have used it. But I take your point. If anything "Invalid" would be better (because if you're not going to fix it you should say it's not a bug, I suppose). You'd still have arguments about that, though.11:32
czajkowskiyeah but it is a bug in this case...11:33
czajkowskiit's just a 3rd party bug11:33
czajkowskiso we wont fix isn't accurate11:33
czajkowskiit's a will be fixed once we harass 3rd party or find a plan B11:33
czajkowskigmb: https://bugs.launchpad.net/hr-recruitment/+bug/78339211:34
ubot5Error: Launchpad(https://launchpad.net) bug 783392 not found11:34
gmbczajkowski: I can see some uses for it... But all of those can be expressed better as "We acknowledge this bug but we're going to track it over here in this other report..." I'm guessing that's not your use-case here.11:35
czajkowskigmb: should be able to see it now11:36
gmbczajkowski: You're entirely right, I think, in that case.11:37
czajkowskisee I'm not going mad11:38
* gmb is starving; off to get some dinner.11:40
gmbOr Lunch, if you speak Southern.11:40
czajkowskigmb: I;m Irish we just eat food11:47
bigjoolsGuinness is food11:48
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arandIf I upload a package which builds an arch-indep binary (just a collection of files) to several ~series1 versions, can then binary-arch packages share just one of these binary-indep packages, without actually splitting the source package?12:01
arandAlso, I was looking at syncSource... it doesn't seem to allow copying packages within one PPA (i.e. from/to different series), or am I missing something?12:04
wgrantarand: I don't understand your first question.12:05
wgrantAs for the second one, just specify the same archive as from_archive.12:05
maxbarand: The answer to question 1 is no12:05
wgrantarand: The source series is not explicit, because you specifcy the version number explicitly.12:05
arandAh! ok..12:06
arandIt worked! Thanks \o/12:10
wgrantIt's not an ideal API, but it works for most things.12:11
pfarrellhi! I have a project (libadjoint) and a PPA with daily builds of my project (which works beautifully, thank you)12:46
pfarrellI want to also push those packages into another PPA I have write access to (fluidity-core)12:46
pfarrellis it possible for one recipe to push to two PPAs, or must I add another recipe?12:47
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czajkowskigmb: much better status now on the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/hr-recruitment/+bug/78339213:22
ubot5Ubuntu bug 783392 in HR Recruitment - Taleo "reminder mail for password sent in plain text" [Undecided,Invalid]13:22
gmbczajkowski: Glad to hear it.13:23
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pfarrellhi! In a launchpad merge request, is it possible to attach review comments to specific lines of the diff?14:27
pfarrellwe used to use reviewboard, and it supported it; it was very handy14:27
spivpfarrell: not yet14:28
pfarrelldoes that mean it's planned?14:28
pfarrellis it on a blueprint or bug report anywhere, that I can track its progress/14:29
spivI think there's a bug somewhere requesting that feature; I'm fairly sure the LP devs would like to add it but I'm not sure off the top of my head when they're likely to get to it.14:29
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dpmhi could someone from a maintenance squad help me with an RT?14:34
deryckadeuring, hey, I think you're supposed to be irc for now.  can you help dpm ^^ ?14:42
adeuringderyck: ouch... yes...14:42
deryckadeuring, thanks!14:42
=== adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contacts: adeuring | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
dpm https://rt.admin.canonical.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=4482514:43
dpmthanks deryck, adeuring it's ^^14:43
adeuringhrmmm seems I don't have access to the RT server...14:45
dpmadeuring, I can give you the username/password, or you can ask #is14:51
adeuringdpm: henning gave me a clue about the login credentials ;)14:52
adeuringdpm: I'm still reading the RT, but how can I help?14:52
dpmadeuring, it's just about the last comment. IS requested for a new DB user to be created who has only access to the right tables14:53
dpmand they need someone from LP to do it14:53
adeuringdpm: ah. ok14:53
adeuringdpm: so, the script is this one, right? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~rosetta-admins/lp-get-ul10nstats/trunk/view/head:/lp-get-ul10nstats.py14:59
dpmadeuring, yes15:01
adeuringdpm: ok. So, you need to run "createuser <somename>", and we need to add this user to database/schema.security.cfg15:02
dpmadeuring, what do you mean I need to run "createuser ..."?. You mean on each script run the user needs to be created? (this is a script supposed to be run on a regular basis in a cron job)15:04
adeuringdpm: no, createuser adds a new user to the database. That needs to be done just once.15:05
adeuringdpm: ah, no, we can let security.py do that15:05
dpmadeuring, I don't have the permissions to do that. Can't this be done outside the script? I don't quite understand why it should create the user15:06
adeuringdpm: right, that's nothing for the script itself.15:06
dpmyeah, that's what I thought15:06
adeuringwhat I mean is this: We need the new DB user, and this user should have access to the tables needed in the script.15:06
dpmadeuring, yeah, the question is who can create the new DB user15:07
adeuringdpm: stub, I think, and perhaps some of the losas15:07
adeuringbut I'll sort the details of secuirty.cfg15:08
dpmthanks adeuring15:08
adeuringdpm: any suggestion for the user name?15:09
dpmadeuring, I don't care much really. ul10nstats?15:10
adeuringdpm: ok15:10
deryckadeuring, I can take IRC now.15:24
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adeuringderyck: thanks!15:24
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Laneyhow can I use lplib from a script? python-keyring seems to insist on a password.16:53
spivLaney: have you seen <https://help.launchpad.net/API/launchpadlib#Getting%20started> ?16:59
Laneyspiv: Yeah, but that doesn't seem to help. I can just use credentials_file though.17:02
Laney(which means that I can't really use ubuntutools, but oh well)17:02
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tumbleweedLaney: don't use credentials_file if possible (hi btw)17:08
tumbleweedthe NEWS in python-launchpadlib and ubuntu-dev-tools has our notes on the best workarounds17:09
ftaspam in bug 608253 (#8)17:11
ubot5Launchpad bug 608253 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "eliminate lsb_release from chromium startup" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60825317:11
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deryckfta, someone removed the comment already, but I just now suspended the user account, too.17:44
macoderyck: i hear we used to work at the same place17:45
deryckmaco, oh yeah?  Where?17:45
maxbI just hid ~15 comments from that user17:45
deryckah!  The joys! ;)17:45
macoderyck: i was talking to dwillis the other day, and when i mentioned ubuntu he goes "oh! do you know deryck? he works on lp!"17:46
deryckmaco, yeah, he and I used to sit across from each other when I was in washington.17:46
macoderyck: i was his internet in 200717:46
macotil he left for the nyt17:46
macospelling fail. intern17:46
macoclearly muscle memory won17:47
deryckI was his internet is such a better statement, though.  Sounds so powerful and impressive.17:47
deryckit's like saying "he could get nothing done without me" but in a much better way17:47
deryckmaxb, thanks for hiding those comments.17:48
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ftaderyck, maco: thanks17:50
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deryckabentley, passing to you for IRC.18:57
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abentleyderyck: ACK18:58
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davidstraussWhy does this bug have such absurdly high heat? https://bugs.launchpad.net/nautilus-terminal/+bug/78202320:53
ubot5Ubuntu bug 782023 in gnome-terminal (Ubuntu) "Keyboard shortcuts do not update in the menus unless Terminal is restarted" [Undecided,New]20:53
awolfsonHi all. I am getting error 401 Unauthorized when trying to access staging from the script. qastaging and production work. How can I clear the cach or something on staging? I removed all autorized apps from staging.launchpad.net/~awolfson but that did not help21:14
awolfsonabentley, Hi looks like you are the help contact :) can you please look at ^ ^. I need to allow my script to access staging. It use to work before21:16
kblinhi folks22:27
kblinI'm somehow missing a bug I was sure I filed quite a while ago, so I'm thinking of filing it again.. what would I report the bug that I can't update my ubuntu systems if they're on IPv6 only networks against?22:30
micahgkblin: you'll want to ask in #ubuntu-bugs22:32
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lifelessI would say 'against your ISP'23:15
lifelessipv4 onlyness isn't a bug23:15
ScottKSome Ubuntu mirrors are IPv6 enabled, but which ones I think is not particularly documented.23:16
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lifelessScottK: Its not reasonable to run without ipv4 today23:19
lifelessmaybe in 10 years23:20
ScottKlifeless: I agree, although I expect the timeframe to be less.23:21
ScottKFrom the UDS last week: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-o-ipv6-healthcheck23:22
lifelessI just expect a -very- long tail23:23
lifelessI mean, by some definitions you can run ipv6 only today23:23
Laneytumbleweed: I'm just going to write my own functions, it's too painful to use the system ubuntutools like this23:45
Laneyps hello!23:45
tumbleweedLaney: ubuntutools doesn't do anything useful for launchpad login (although it used to)23:48
tumbleweedLaney: it does have lpapicache which is a caching wrapper around some of launchpadlib. Only useful if you are happy within that subset23:48
Laneythat's what i was using yeah23:48
LaneyI did some of the initial implementation of that way back when23:50

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