
=== JasonO is now known as MisterX
jmarsdenMorganvd: It is always OK to remove lubuntu-desktop ; it is just a meta package and no actual software will be removed when you remove that package.01:15
MrChrisDruifjmarsden; Late to the party? :)01:20
jmarsdenApparently :)01:20
MrChrisDruifI answered it about 80 minutes ago, with a link even :P01:20
jmarsdenMrChrisDruif: I read the "I've read something about" line you senet, so I answered it, then realized you had more completed answered it already :)01:22
mr-richI can't get X to start. did the mini install first, then apt-get lubuntu-desktop. startx fails01:44
bioterrorwhat startx says01:44
mr-richcompaq armada 1700 laptop. PII 266/160 MB ram01:44
mr-richxinit: connection to X server lost01:45
bioterrorwhat do you have in /var/local/Xorg.0.log01:45
mr-richran sudo Xorg -configure first ...01:46
mr-richtail'd that file ... looking now ...01:47
mr-richbioterror: what am I looking for?01:49
bioterroryou tell us01:50
mr-richbioterror: there's a bunch of stuff in there about the touch pad ...01:50
mr-richI don't see any specific errors ...01:50
bioterrorusually the last lines tells why it did not load01:50
mr-richthe last line sez "ddxSigGiveup: Closing log"01:52
jmarsdenmr-rich: Can you pastebin the file so we can read it?02:07
mr-richjmarsden: sorry ... break for dinner ... I'll try to off load it to a usb stick and upload it ...03:48
mr-richjmarsden: how many lines shoud I paste?03:52
mr-richjmarsden: http://pastebin.com/c9eZaGWB03:55
mr-rich450 lines ...03:55
mr-richWould installing from the lubuntu iso be any better/different from doing the mini install first?04:01
Ahmuck-Jrwhat do you gain with mini install?04:03
mr-richAhmuck-Jr: trying to use as  little disk space as possable04:05
mr-richAhmuck-Jr: any clue as to my X problem?04:08
mr-richok ... installing from lubuntu iso ...04:12
mr-richwell, the lununtu iso locked up my old laptop solid ...04:19
Ahmuck-Jrah, oldie?04:24
mr-richfor its day, it was a screamer ...04:26
mr-richPII 266/160MB ...04:26
mr-richHense the use of lununtu ...04:26
Ahmuck-Jrum, u might consider puppy04:26
Ahmuck-Jrslitaz or crunchbang04:28
mr-richpuppy hasn't benn updated in a while ...04:30
mr-richis there a way to force the lubuntu to do a text based install?04:31
Ahmuck-Jrif ur wanting a text based install, i'd try server or ubuntu used to have a JeOS04:31
mr-richI see the 5 series of puppy ...04:33
mr-richI tried installing the mini iso then following the lubuntu install instructions ...04:33
mr-richI got it to install ok ... memory looks good, got double swap space & HD space is at 41% (4GB HD) ... I just can't get X to start ....04:34
Ahmuck-JrAfter the base system is installed, log in, and type "sudo tasksel" to select the system to install.04:36
Ahmuck-Jrbbl, gtg04:40
mr-richOk ... I rebooted and X finally started ...05:04
mr-richbut I have an 800x600 screen ... I need 1028x768 ...05:04
mr-richnot available ...05:04
* Ahmuck-Jr is back06:09
Ahmuck-Jrmr-rich: u still there?06:09
mr-richstill here ... installing wary puppy 5.1.106:16
mr-richtoo tired for this crep now ... installed puppy and it still wants to boot ubuntu ... gebus ...06:18
mr-richI'll  play more tomorrow ...06:19
bioterrormr-rich, install SalixOS06:27
bioterrorit has support for i486 :D06:28
Ahmuck-Jrmr-rich: u need to format the drive06:32
bioterrorno noneed06:33
bioterrorjust / partition06:33
bioterrorand install grub to sda06:33
Ahmuck-Jrwell, i'm out06:36
Ahmuck-Jrshutting down one pc to move to another06:36
utterfrustrationDoes anyone know how to make Lubuntu properly use two monitors? (Nvidia driver (Works) and Xubuntu worked with it fine...)?06:48
utterfrustration(and I'd like to beat Nvidia employees over the head with one of the monitors... 270. has a nifty bug where when I maximize a terminal, it eats 'buntu's panel)06:48
utterfrustrationxranr only shows one screen...06:49
utterfrustrationfor some reason, lxde (is that right, for lubuntu?) doesn't seem to like the dual monitors.06:49
utterfrustrationOf weird note is, I _can_ use Twinview --- but not separate monitors ... which tends to be how I like my workflow.06:50
utterfrustrationSo... nothing?06:55
utterfrustrationThis seems specific to lubuntu/lxde, since it works fine with (sigh.)unity and xfce.... of course, lubuntu looks awesome by comparison...06:56
utterfrustrationso I can either have a distro that's nice (lubuntu) or one that works (xubuntu)... *eye roll*06:56
jmarsdenutterfrustration: This is an interesting issue... but I think if xrandr does not see two screens, the issue is most likely to be at the X level or driver level in some way, not at the LXDE/Xfce/Unity level.  Does xrandr on the xubuntu setup show only one screen??07:09
utterfrustrationNo...I don't think so...07:10
utterfrustrationThough, here, it does. Erm, on lubuntu.07:10
utterfrustrationAnd using the 'Monitor' config tool gives just one option.07:10
utterfrustrationI'm pretty sure it's specific to lxde, because it _does_ work just fine with xfce.07:10
jmarsdenWait... <utterfrustration> xranr only shows one screen...07:11
utterfrustration(and, I'm sorry if I'm coming across as terse; I do appreciate help --- I've been banging my head on this for hours; this, and the damn nvidia bug...)07:11
jmarsdenWas that in Lubuntu??  Because now you say <utterfrustration> Though, here, it does. Erm, on lubuntu.07:11
utterfrustrationYes, here, on Lubuntu, there is only one monitor seen.07:11
jmarsdenSo in Lubuntu, does xrandr see one screen, or two?  I'm confused :)07:11
utterfrustrationSorry, just one, in Lubuntu07:12
utterfrustrationPlease note, even here, IN Lubuntu, nvidia-settings sees both monitors just fine...and shows both active... and working07:12
utterfrustrationAND, for even more fun, I can happily move the _mouse_ over to the monitor beside this one --- which is completely black...07:12
utterfrustrationIt's just... augh!07:12
jmarsdenI know nothing about the specifics of the nvidia drivers, and persuading nvidia to fix something for Lubuntu is... probably not going to fly.07:13
jmarsdenSo if it is a driver issue, we're probably stuck.07:13
utterfrustrationWell, the nvidia bug is in all the distros...07:13
utterfrustrationbut that's something different.07:13
utterfrustration(when maximizing a terminal window, it eats the panels... )07:13
utterfrustrationOf course, I can't seem to go back from 270 to 260, so I figure I'll just open 5 or so terms on boot, maximize them, refresh the panel (toggle from left side to top) and I'm good07:14
utterfrustrationthat's not a problem wtih Lubuntu --- though it's one of the reasons I found lubuntu! ;p07:14
utterfrustrationWhat's happening here is, for some reason, lxde doesn't _use_ both monitors.  With everything the same, xfce did. (can't test unity; it's gone, now... and good riddance.)07:14
jmarsdenSeems odd that the nvidia driver "knows" the difference between a terminal window and any other window... logically it shouldn't be treating them any differently to any other window, at that level, should it?07:14
utterfrustrationI wouldn't think so...07:15
utterfrustrationbut, to add to that description...07:15
utterfrustrationIf I open a terminal window ... I have a huge black square (size of initial term)07:15
utterfrustrationand the term window in center of screen07:15
utterfrustrationincreasing the size of the term window (dragging lower right corner...) increases black square in upper left corner07:15
utterfrustrationso it seems like it's crapping all over itself...07:16
jmarsdenThat is a known bug with nvidia drivers and lxterminal, but we don't know much more than that at this point.07:16
utterfrustrationlxterminal --- and xfce-terminal07:16
utterfrustrationMaybe it's something to do with how terminals expect to draw on the screen? No idea --- I can live with that...07:16
jmarsdenOh, interesting!   On the two screen front: would it be worth installing xubuntu and then installing lubuntu-desktop and seeing if you can then persuade LXDE to handle the two screens?07:17
jmarsdenIf it worked, you could then uninstall xubuntu packages that you don't want... sort of an ugly way to do an install, but it might be a workaround.07:17
utterfrustrationThat's what I've done, though.07:18
utterfrustrationI had xubuntu, installed on top of ubuntu...07:18
utterfrustrationand installed the lubuntu-desktop (and aux packages) on top07:18
utterfrustrationOf course, I should note...07:18
utterfrustrationprior to that, I went from 10.04 -> 10.10 -> 11.0407:18
utterfrustrationAnd honestly, I'm a hair's breath from just doing a wipe and install...07:19
jmarsdenOh... hmmm.  How practical is backing up the world and... yes... it might help... but if it doesn't, you'll be unhappy at the time you spent trying it :)07:19
utterfrustrationI've already got the unofficial x64 lubuntu iso... but, tomorrow, I've got 'real work'(tm) to do... and it's late...07:19
* utterfrustration grins07:19
utterfrustrationExactly. ;p07:19
utterfrustrationAlso, I just got ZFS for Linux working ... the bitch of this is, until midday, I didn't have second monitor on...07:20
utterfrustrationsince I was doing mostly console stuff + constant reboots. It's only when I settled in to 'finalize' I started bumping into this.07:20
utterfrustrationI'm taking it, though, that this is NOT a known issue with lubuntu/lxde?07:20
jmarsdenNot known to me, at least.  But many Lubuntu users are on older hardware, low RAM, etc etc so using nVidia cards and multile monitors may not be all that common.07:21
utterfrustrationHeh... I wanted a main box that kicked butt; this is actually only a core2 (circa '05...).  My W7 system (i5... bought in '09) ... I use to burn dvds. *laugh*07:22
jmarsdenI have a bunch of PCs here at home, but none have an nVidia graphics card in them :)  So I can't easily test this... I'd have to try to find a "spare" machine at work I could... repurpose :)07:22
* utterfrustration grins07:22
utterfrustrationWell, again, it DOES work with Twinview... so, it just seems that either openbox or lxde (the two 'differences') just don't like 'separate screen' and my setup...07:23
utterfrustrationlxrandr only shows whatever monitor is in use when logging in.07:23
jmarsdenOK.  I'd say you should probably file a bug report on launchpad and hope someone with the hardware can check it out further.07:24
* utterfrustration nods07:24
utterfrustrationWell, thank you for trying... it makes it less frustrating to get to whine a bit to a live person. ;p07:24
jmarsdenYou're welcome - sorry it didn't result in a fix for you, though.07:24
utterfrustrationNo worries... thanks again!07:25
bioterrorIn order to have Openbox manage multiple X screens (this is not the same as multi-monitor TwinView or Xinerama), you need to run an instance of Openbox directly on each screen. We've put work into making Openbox work well with other instances of itself, for this type of configuration.07:25
=== utterfruastratio is now known as ich7x64
ich7x64Better nick...07:27
ich7x64jmarsden, are you still here?07:27
ich7x64Here's a 'son of a bitch!' for you...07:27
bioterrorich7x64, http://openbox.org/wiki/Help:FAQ#How_do_I_run_Openbox_across_multiple_X_screens.3F07:27
ich7x64DISPLAY=:0.1 openbox 2>1 &07:27
bioterror!language | ich7x6407:27
ubot5ich7x64: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.07:27
ich7x64bioterror: Hah. Yeah. ;p07:27
ich7x64erm, to your paste. That's what I just tried.07:28
ich7x64So... what's it mean?07:28
ich7x64It works.07:28
ich7x64So, how do I actually make it work all the way?07:28
bioterrorso yes, it's openbox related07:28
ich7x64That was my [vulgar language] revelation. ;p07:28
ich7x64That "Ah ha!" --- somewhere!07:29
ich7x64but I must confess, this is at a level deeper than my knowledge goes; I'm not really clear what the difference is between openbox and lxde --- I thought a wm was a wm...07:29
* ich7x64 snickers evilly07:30
ich7x64Well, THAT's neat; I can use Openbox's 'terminal emulator', and maximize it, and not have it eat the panel on this screen.07:30
ich7x64Erm, sorry for rambling. Which config file would I put the display line to automatically start a second session on the second monitor?07:32
jmarsdenich7x64: If it helps, GNOME is a DE that uses metacity as a WM.  LXDE is a DE that uses openbox as a WM...07:32
jmarsdenich7x64: I'd try adding it to /etc/rc.local07:33
ich7x64I wonder if I killed things when I got rid of compiz?07:33
ich7x64since I think I had xfce with compiz...07:34
jmarsdenSounds like your system has used every DE on the planet!! :)07:34
* ich7x64 smirks07:34
ich7x64Before this system...07:34
ich7x64my main linux system was running slackware... celeron 300mhz, overclocked to 450mhz... ;p07:34
ich7x64So, yeah, I wanted to play around a bit... in the old days, Enlightenment was all cutting edge. ;p07:35
ich7x64but, really, I can happily compile my own kernel, but I've never really gotten the gist of the gui end.07:35
jmarsdenich7x64: In the really old days, X wasn't there at all... I ran the MCC distro from two floppies in 1992 :)07:35
ich7x64I enjoyed the eye candy --- but really, I just need to be able to launch programs. (usually terms to run vi in, because I haven't gotten used to gvim yet)07:35
ich7x64two floppies! Hah. ;p07:36
ich7x64I didn't get into Linux until the mid-90s... by then, you know, we had darn near 30 floppies... and, of course, 10 of those would have CRC errors.... ;p07:36
jmarsdenYes, I am singlehandedly responsible for importing Linux into the Phillipines in about 1993, on 30+ 720k floppies...07:37
* ich7x64 grins07:37
ich7x64That's awesome. ;-)07:37
bioterrorjmarsden, you could have drilled them to 1.44MB ;)07:42
jmarsdenbioterror: I think I only had a 720k floppy *drive* in the relevant PC :)07:43
ich7x64Well, I'm going to reboot... again.  Now that I know it's software... well, really, I use the smaller monitor for vlc (TMF mixes are nice. ;p) or with hexer open in a full screen term, so... it actually might be better only having openbox (with nothing else) running on it.07:53
ich7x64Thanks again for the help guys; i appreciate it. Have a great evening!07:53
jmarsdenich7x64: You're welcome.07:53
poltakhey guys. got a quick question about a bug that happened to me this morning trying lubuntu08:06
poltaknot really a fan of ubuntu but I love lubuntu, and decided to give the new 11.04 a try on my netbook this morning08:07
poltakanyway, it installed perfectly and ran perfectly08:07
poltakuntil I connected to wifi08:07
poltakthen i got kernel panic08:07
bioterrorwhat's your wifi chipset08:07
poltakand then I tried to connect to a different wifi hotspot and it happened again08:08
poltakIt's on an eee pc 1001px (r101 in some regions), so I'm pretty sure it uses some kind of atheros chipset08:08
bioterrorlspci or lsusb08:08
bioterrorshould tell it08:08
bioterrordepends where it is connected08:08
poltakyep, I'll do that in a sec08:09
bioterror|grep Network08:09
poltakyep, atheros AR242708:11
ubot5Ubuntu bug 762496 in linux (Ubuntu Natty) "atheros wifi cards cause kernel panic when connecting to wpa2 secured wifi networks" [Medium,Fix committed]08:12
poltakThought it might be something wrong with the kernel, so I tried connecting it via ethernet once I got home, but then realised ethernet drivers don't work ootb :P08:12
poltak(to update)08:12
poltakoh lovely08:12
bioterrorchange wpa2 to wpa or even wep with mac filtering, hahaha08:12
poltakso "fix committed" means it's not yet fixed, yes?08:13
bioterrorThe new proposed kernel 2.6.38-9 seems to fix the problem, no more kernel panic for now...08:14
poltakstrange, I was running a fairly up-to-date 2.6.38-* kernel on Arch distro on it before and never had these issues08:15
poltakbut yeah, I suppose there's not much to help it other than updating08:15
jmarsdenpoltak: "Fix committed" means the fix has been created but not yet released to the general Ubuntu-using public, basically.08:15
bioterroruse ppa08:16
poltakoh oh I see, I'll check that out now :)08:16
poltakthanks for your help and responses guys08:16
callaghanHi everyone. I've just installed Lubuntu 11.04 and it's cool so far. One thing, though: Is it possible to move the window buttons to the left side like they are in Ubuntu? I'm just so used to it.12:54
bioterroroh just like in OS X12:58
callaghanbioterror: Exactly :)12:59
bioterrordunno if that's possible with obconf13:01
bioterroras ex-os x user I never liked that13:03
callaghanbioterror: It took a long time for mee too to get used to it, but now I move to the wrong side of the window every time. Thanks for the obconf command, I'll take a look if some setting is in there.13:05
bioterrorthere's button configuration13:08
bioterrornot so sure if it moves anything13:08
bioterrormight just change orders13:08
callaghanbioterror: Yeah, thanks. In obconf/appearance/button order, just enter "CMILN" and it's like OS X. Thanks :)13:15
yoshi_hej, can I ask for support. from the live cd startx won't work but it comes with a gui, doesnt it?13:55
phillwlive cd comes with gui13:56
yoshi_well it says failed to load module nvidia (module does not exist, 0)13:57
phillwdo you have nvidea graphics?14:00
yoshi_yeah, thats to new?14:01
phillwwhich version of lubuntu are you running?14:02
yoshi_newst one, just downloaded to see how it is14:05
phillwyoshi_: have a read of http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1742952 that should get you up and running, it is very clearly written, so should be easy to follow.14:08
yoshi_thanks for this threat. I will definitely come back to that when i install it ;)14:12
andygraybealyay official! hooray14:19
andygraybeali wonder if they will retire xubuntu!14:20
poltaksagaci: why you tell me this?14:23
=== szczur_ is now known as szczur
szczurhi guys14:47
bioterrorhi sz14:47
bioterrorare you from tahiti or what?14:48
MrChrisDruifNope, I wish I was from Hawaii thou14:49
=== Timo_ is now known as Timo__
=== Timo__ is now known as Timo_
Ahmuckis there a way to set tab length in the story editor?17:14
Timo_Ahmuck: isn't there a file in the .config folder where you can set stuff like that?17:59
lubuntu_loverhi there. how do i install firefox (or anything else) on lubuntu? where can i find the software center?18:07
AhmuckTimo_: sorry, wrong channel.  i meant scribus18:17
Timo_well same thing relaly18:20
Timo_if there is a config entry, you can change it, if not, probablyt not :p18:21
winsen1hello everybody19:15
winsen1how can i see my partition type? i mean if it is on fat, ext3 or ext4...etc ; thank you19:16
winsen1what's the command line?19:17
bioterrorsudo blkid19:17
bioterrorfor example19:17
bioterrordf -hT19:17
winsen1<bioterror>hi, thank you for answer, unfortunly it doesn't work19:20
bioterrorhow so19:20
bioterrorsad157@dopethrone:~% sudo blkid                        .:21:21:31 on 11-05-16:.19:21
bioterror/dev/sda1: LABEL="Windows" UUID="3EE0E0DEE0E09D81" TYPE="ntfs"19:21
winsen1it says df needs an argumant "t"19:21
bioterrorand df -hT works19:22
bioterrornotice the CAPITAL T19:22
bioterrorwhich means type19:22
winsen1yes it works now thank you very mutch19:24
winsen1with capital T19:24
winsen1but only on root19:24
winsen1without sudo19:24
winsen1i mean i should be superuser to use this command, it's ok thanks19:27
bioterrorblkid requires sudo19:27
bioterrordf does not19:28
winsen1<bioterror> but "sudo bllkid" doesn't work19:29
winsen1yes blkid works only on superuser19:30
winsen1both on superuser19:30
winsen1with "blkid" comand we've  UUID information add, but i personnly i prefer "df -hT" presentation19:34
winsen1<bioterror>are you there man?19:35
bioterrorreading about acpid19:36
winsen1sorry what 's acpid?19:38
bioterrorbot doesnt know19:39
bioterrorACPID is a completely flexible, totally extensible daemon for delivering ACPI events. It listens on a file (/proc/acpi/event) and when an event occurs, executes programs to handle the event. The programs it executes are configured through a set of configuration files, which can be dropped into place by packages or by the admin.19:39
winsen1<bioterror>thanks for information19:42
winsen1can you tell me witch is best magazine computer? 2 or 319:43
bioterrorwinsen1, I dont understand that question19:48
winsen1sorry my english is so bad, i am searching for best "computer magazine19:51
bioterrorwhy? :D19:51
bioterroryou can read omgbuntu :D19:51
MrChrisDruifIt's pretty much the best there is about Ubuntu indeed19:52
winsen1is it special for ubuntu ?19:53
winsen1ok, you didn't answer me, i am asking you if it's special for ubuntu magazine?19:57
MrChrisDruifNot a magazine, online newssite19:58
winsen1ok, thank you19:59
winsen1but it's specialy for ubuntu, is it?19:59
bioterrorthere's Linux journal on some other20:00
bioterror90's magazines20:00
bioterrorthey just offers you news from the past20:00
winsen1ok, i see, you mean there's no magazine as i am searchin, do you?20:02
winsen1or newwsite20:02
winsen1sorry newssite but for all systems20:03
winsen1anyway, can you tell me with command can show me IP adress under (linux, windows, Mac OS X)?20:05
gomiboylinux/osx = ifconfig windows = ipconfig20:05
winsen1i wonder if that exist20:05
bioterrorgomiboy, rather *nix20:06
winsen1i mean only one command for all system20:06
gomiboybioterror: i wanted to be question specific :320:06
gomiboythe one ring to rule them all? ;)20:06
bioterror!man | winsen120:08
ubot5winsen1: The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the  command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/20:08
winsen1i've had this question  on exam;  = echo $IP under php program20:09
winsen1but i don't understand why they 've given this question, cause on linux, or windows or Mac doesn't have php by default...20:11
winsen1<bioterror>do you agree with me?20:12
bioterrorwhy my school gave me a practice to write a windows script ;)20:13
winsen1<bioterror>sorry, i dont understand , what do you mean20:14
Ahmuckwill show you the ip address20:19
head_victimgilir: let me know when you're finished on the "todo" page ;)21:08
gilirhead_victim, you can go, I'll wait for the next edit :)21:10
head_victimCool I take 2 mins at most21:10
head_victimI'm done, NEXT! :)21:13
winsen1<Ahmuck>hi, only for linux21:21
phillwhead_victim: thanks, I'm just back on WW3 at the moment :/22:12
head_victimphillw: no worries mate, just making sure you didn't have plans for it that would make my change not work22:12
=== MIsterX is now known as MisterX
=== MisterX is now known as JasonO
=== JasonO is now known as MIsterX
=== MIsterX is now known as MisterX
* Newk discovers lxshortcut23:41

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