
=== JasonO is now known as MisterX
AlanBellhttp://pad.ubuntu.com/AccessibilityInfrastructure if people want to help with that it would be great12:40
AlanBellgoing to make it a blog article then wiki page12:40
MrChrisDruifAhh...orangy :D12:46
MrChrisDruif....no, not blue <_<"12:47
cprofittnice AlanBell 12:53
cprofittthat was a good read12:53
AlanBellneed TheMuso and maco do explain more of the at-spi and qt-at-spi stuff13:06
hajourhi all13:44
MrChrisDruifAloha hajour 13:52
hajourhi MrChrisDruif 13:53
AlanBellhi hajour, did you enjoy UDS?13:54
hajouryes last 2 days most AlanBell 13:54
hajourno last 313:54
UndiFineDAlanBell, is this pad for Ubuntu-Manual ?13:55
AlanBellnot really, but I suppose it could be13:55
UndiFineDI think it would be very readable13:55
UndiFineDhttp://pad.ubuntu.com/AccessibilityInfrastructure <- hajour 13:56
hajourok thanks UndiFineD 13:57
AlanBellTheMuso suggested writing something like that so people know how the Ubuntu accessibility infrastructure slots together13:57
UndiFineDWell the manual needs a chpter on it anyways13:57
AlanBellI think he was a bit perplexed by whatever it is that browserspeak is attempting to do13:57
UndiFineDso I think this could be used there13:57
AlanBellsure, it can go in the manual, that would be great13:58
AlanBellI will also run it past Amber to see if she wants any of it for the official book13:58
UndiFineDAlanBell, well eventually I hope to see SpeechControl like: Simon Listens -> command execution -> output humanification -> speechdispatcher13:59
hajourAlanBell, we can suggest to make a option to choose to have lines or speak or boths13:59
UndiFineDthe first 2 are already there and the last, we are just missing the humanification13:59
AlanBellthe first two are not in Ubuntu14:00
hajouri can take contact with them about that14:00
UndiFineDAlanBell, as I understand bedahr is still working on that14:00
AlanBellhajour: not sure I understand about lines?14:00
hajouri can read finally my mail now very happy about that14:00
hajourwell i just thought about a thing14:00
hajourthey want to get rid of fonts by the buttons from firefox ect14:01
hajourand replace it with speech14:01
hajouri was thinking i not sure about that so just  fill me more in.do braille programs not need just the fonts also?14:02
hajouri mean do braille programs the fonts14:02
hajourAlanBell, 14:02
AlanBellreally not sure what you mean now14:02
AlanBellbraille does not have fonts, it is a pattern of dots14:02
hajouryes i know14:03
AlanBellorca can output to braille readers14:03
hajourok great14:03
hajourwas afraid i had make mistake AlanBell 14:03
hajouri am only human i learn everyday more14:03
AlanBellyou mean "text" rather than "font"?14:05
AlanBellfont is the shape or style of letters14:05
hajourthey want replace font by speech14:05
MrChrisDruifhajour; The same input used to make speech can be used for input in braille machine afaik14:05
hajourwhat i really would like to know or the fonts are needed still somewhere for a accessibility program AlanBell 14:06
AlanBellyou really don't mean fonts!14:06
AlanBellso a gtk button widget should have an accessible name which orca can read, even if it has no text lable associated with it14:07
hajouro how it is called then AlanBell ?14:08
AlanBellI think you are talking about a text label on a button14:08
AlanBella font is a typeface14:08
hajourthe pic s what are on a tabel AlanBell 14:13
AlanBellsorry, I don't understand14:15
hajoura icon14:16
hajourjust heard from UndiFineD 14:16
hajourgo over the icon with your mouse and then it speaks14:16
AlanBellso in the orca preferences check the "speak object under mouse" checkbox14:18
hajouryes that go work automatically 14:19
AlanBellok, but they are not going to enable at-spi and orca by default14:20
AlanBellor have the computer making noises by default14:20
hajourjust have read back AlanBell  thanks for explaining15:06
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AlanBellhi all22:21
AlanBellwe talked some time ago about compiling a "most wanted" list of a11y applications22:22
AlanBellany suggestions for such a list?22:22
MrChrisDruifspeechcontrol ;)22:29
freglmaco: there you have my proposal to get rid of QT_ACCESSIBILITY=1 on the mailing lists22:30
* AlanBell wonders if maco has a few minutes to look at http://pad.ubuntu.com/AccessibilityInfrastructure22:36
AlanBellmaco: I was mostly guessing at the at-spi and qt-at-spi stuff so feel free to correct me22:41
charlie-tcaAlanBell: like https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Accessibility/Team/Goals ?22:41
charlie-tcaor maybe https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Accessibility/NewSoftware22:41
charlie-tcaor a page linked from one of those?22:41
macoAlanBell: looking22:41
macoAlanBell: sorry im an auto-editor, so you're getting spelling/capitalisation/etc. stuff in here too22:42
MrChrisDruifAhhh, charlie-tca :D22:44
MrChrisDruifI wanted to talk to you :)22:44
macoAlanBell: should i or shouldnt i add kxkbd to the onscreen kbd section?22:44
AlanBellyou should :)22:44
MrChrisDruifcharlie-tca; are you available for a small chat?22:46
charlie-tcasure, got about 3 minutes now22:46
MrChrisDruifMight cut it close22:46
charlie-tcabusy day today for me22:46
MrChrisDruifAlrighty; you are test-manager or something for one of the Ubuntu projects or something?22:46
charlie-tcamay have to head out of town again tonight to see a friend that won't make the night22:47
charlie-tcaI test a lot of images22:47
charlie-tcaand I am the Xubuntu Project testing lead22:47
charlie-tcaand I seem to be the accessibility testing person too22:47
MrChrisDruifThat was it....anyhow, what does it mean to be testing lead?22:47
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charlie-tcaIt means writing the test cases, which describe how to test the image or applications, do the tests, file bugs when things fail, follow up and test again when something changes22:48
charlie-tcamaintain the testing pages of the team wiki, make sure people know to contact for issues with testing22:49
charlie-tcaI downĺoad and test up to 8 images a day22:49
MrChrisDruifDifferent distros?22:50
charlie-tcaand I told kubuntu I would add their accessibility testing to my lists22:50
charlie-tcaubuntu alternate and desktop, 32 and 64bit22:50
charlie-tcaxubuntu alternate and desktop, 32 and 64 bit22:50
charlie-tcastudio alternate 32 and 64 bit22:50
MrChrisDruifAhh, alright22:51
charlie-tcaand server images22:51
MrChrisDruifAlright, that would be 4 per distro22:51
charlie-tcait takes me about 4 to 6 hours to zsync right now22:51
charlie-tcaand now, add Kubuntu22:51
charlie-tcareplacement for rsync, so you don't have to download the complete image each time22:52
charlie-tcait just grabs the changes and adds them in to the image on the hard disk22:52
MrChrisDruifThat would be so awesome =-O :D:D22:52
MrChrisDruifThat would also help *my idea*22:52
charlie-tcaThat means if I have to download the entire images, I can not do it in 24 hours22:52
MrChrisDruifSlow connection?22:53
charlie-tcaabout 8 hours for the ubuntu dvd22:53
charlie-tcano, broadband22:53
charlie-tca1.2 Mb/s22:53
MrChrisDruifBut 8 hours for dvd?22:53
charlie-tcaexcept reality is 256 kb22:53
MrChrisDruifTorrents ftw22:54
MrChrisDruifWhere could I get started on getting set up? What kinds of tests should I think of etc?22:55
charlie-tcastart with basic user installation. What does the user need to do to make the install work?22:56
charlie-tcaCan the user get a part of the app working, then must configure things?22:56
MrChrisDruifHead of Testing22:56
charlie-tcaDo they need to add any library files?22:57
macoAlanBell: ok, there are some edits22:57
charlie-tcawhen the software is installed, does it work or must they first do something?22:57
charlie-tcaIf it works, are there shortcut keys that can be used? do they all work?22:57
AlanBellthanks maco 22:57
charlie-tcaDoes the software actually do what the user expects instead of what the developers expect?22:58
MrChrisDruifThere isn't a page about that? What kind of tests do you do for the images?22:58
charlie-tcaThe tests we do we wrote22:58
charlie-tcaHere is the page of QA tests - http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/22:59
charlie-tcanote there are install tests, and application tests22:59
charlie-tcafor the images, we do about 8 tests per image just to test the installs22:59
charlie-tcaanything that does not work according to the user expectations is a fail23:01
charlie-tcaThe fact that something works for 32bit does not mean woriking in 64bit. Working on desktop image can still fail on alternate image23:03
charlie-tcaokay, gotta run23:03
MrChrisDruifThanks so far charlie-tca, well talk again :)23:03
=== MisterX is now known as JasonO
=== JasonO is now known as MIsterX
=== MIsterX is now known as MisterX

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