
=== daker_ is now known as daker
vishthorwil: well, nothing shocking this time around.. ;)   the most interesting thing might be that the team is either focussed for Ubuntu+2 or the one beyond that10:59
vishthorwil: also, that they might be interested in community taking charge over the community wallpaper task, but seems no one is interested.. ;)11:09
thorwilvish: oh well, that comes too late, then11:36
zniavregood afternoon16:36
zniavreplease how to do this warning theme for nautilus please http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/_1QSDkzYY2vc/Tc_LABcX-_I/AAAAAAAAEaQ/6pf6ReFws6c/pinguy4.png ?16:36
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zniavrehow to open nautilus files browser with messages in infobar please ?20:41
zniavrei can't find any usefull tricks20:41
doctormozniavre: What do you mean?20:54
zniavredoctormo,  good evening21:00
zniavrei want to open gksudo nautilus with an alert message 'root thing dangerous blabla ...'21:01
zniavrelike thunar does21:01
doctormoDoesn't sound too hard, there is a command line tool for doing an alert message.21:01
zniavreim sure it's easy but i can't find any good informations about that21:02
vishzniavre: for info bars you'd have to hack nautilus, (cant do it with just the theme)21:09
vishzniavre: or what you can do is, set a symlink pointing to a different *gtk* theme for root21:10
zniavrehttp://lh3.googleusercontent.com/_1QSDkzYY2vc/Tc_LABcX-_I/AAAAAAAAEaQ/6pf6ReFws6c/pinguy4.png   > just do something like that21:10
vishbut all root apps will look different21:10
vishzniavre: is that a mockup? or a working install?21:10
zniavreit suposed to be a new distro ubuntu based called PinguyOs21:11
vishlooks like a hacked version of the hacked Nautilus, Nautilus-elementary  ;p21:12
vishzniavre: if it is hosted somewhere, you could look at the nautilus changelog and figure out which commit made that change21:13
zniavreyeah totally possible21:13
vishzniavre: you want the easiest trick?(but you wont have infobar) i have different themes for root and my user windows.. you could try that, but for your root nautilus you can set the background to red21:14
zniavrein fact it's what i did since years (just background of nautilus) but the infobar is nice too21:16
zniavrei m not sure this kind of derivate use changelog file as it should be21:17
zniavreso installing vbox and trying to see21:17
zniavrethank you answering21:17
vishwell, a good packager will record what they do, so likely it should be there..21:17
vishzniavre: or it maybe due to a gksudo addon too?21:18
vishhave fun testing :)21:18
zniavregksudo addon ? i will check too21:18
vishzniavre: oops, seems the package name is "nautilus-gksu" , could be something like that too..21:21
zniavreok i remember this package21:21
doctormovish: It's just a nautilus plugin, easy as pie too.21:32
doctormobit of python about 20 lines could do that zniavre21:33
vishyea, if we hack the code its possible (but not just via theming..)21:36
zniavredamned i do not want to hack (first i do not know) it can't be easily distrubuted21:38
zniavrei did not think at this so deep mod21:39

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