
=== Braiam-away is now known as Braiam
chalcedonysyn-ack, here?01:15
syn-acks up01:15
chalcedonythat mail bug is back with a vengeance01:15
chalcedonyin firefox01:16
chalcedonyas well as opera01:16
syn-acktime for valgrind and filing some bug reports, me thinks01:16
chalcedonyive pretty much forgotten what you told me to do01:16
=== ogasawara_ is now known as ogasawara
syn-ackso chalcedony which version of Ubuntu are you running, out of curiosity?01:24
chalcedonysyn-ack, i haven't been sure about upgrading so i stayed with lts01:25
syn-ackthis is kind of a hard call but I can tell you that 11.04 runs very nicely thus far01:26
chalcedonythen maybe i will01:26
chalcedonybut for now, can we fix my mail?01:26
syn-ackI honestly don't know how to go about that. To me, it sounds like there01:28
syn-acks  an issue with the JSP engine01:28
micahgchalcedony: what's the bug?01:28
syn-ackHer email wont attach files in either Firefox or Opera01:29
chalcedonymicahg, when i try to attach to mail (yahoo mail) but other attachments as well, it attaches the last item in the file list01:29
syn-ackThe last time I had her run a stack trace on it and it suddenly "fixed" its self01:29
chalcedonymy znc.conf or xhcat.conf usually01:29
micahgchalcedony: is that a multiple select box?01:30
chalcedonyi highlight the proper file and the thing actually scrolls upward .. weird to watch01:30
chalcedonya what?01:30
micahgoh, that was a bug in nautilus or gtk I thought?01:31
syn-ackA box which lets the user select either one or multiple files.01:31
syn-ackmicahg, I think you're right on that, but iirc, Opera isn't a GTK based browser01:31
chalcedonynot that i'm aware of, i just want it to select one file, never got it to do more01:32
syn-ackiirc, its QT based which allows it to complaint with dual licensing01:32
micahgbug 55867401:33
ubot4Launchpad bug 558674 in gtk+2.0 (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Open file dialog malfunctions in lucid (affects: 23) (dups: 1) (heat: 108)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55867401:33
chalcedonyi was guessing nautilus before .. but no proof01:33
syn-ackhrm, it seems that is your bug chalcedony01:34
bcurtiswxmicahg, you've recovered already from the travel?01:35
micahgbcurtiswx: what gives you that impression?  I got back 2 hrs ago01:35
bcurtiswxyou're online :P01:36
bcurtiswx2 hours, did you have a late flight?01:36
chalcedonyi wonder why i never saw any mails about the bug01:36
micahgbcurtiswx: no, I left sun morning01:36
chalcedonybut i'm really glad people noticed it besides me01:37
bcurtiswxmicahg, glad you made it home safely :)01:37
micahgchalcedony: the problem is that it's fixed, but we don't have the commit to backport01:37
micahgbcurtiswx: thanks :)01:38
chalcedonyso what do i have to do micahg ?01:38
micahgchalcedony: idk, if you have time, you could review the commits between GTK 2.20 and 2.22 and see if anything pops out01:38
chalcedonyWhere's this so-called fix?01:40
bcurtiswxif you're looking for commits that fix a bug, after some searching with no luck you should ask upstream01:40
micahgbcurtiswx: problem is this is 2 releases ago, upstream won't care01:40
chalcedonyso the only fix is to upgrade ubuntu?01:41
bcurtiswxoh, wow yea...01:41
bcurtiswxso you're looking for an SRU i would assume?01:42
micahgbcurtiswx: I think it would be nice, but someone has to find the fix first to see how intrusive it is :)01:42
syn-ackchalcedony, seems like it01:43
micahgI added a lucid nomination, so someone should look at it01:43
syn-ackSeeing how it *is* an LTS though, I find it funny that the commit hadn't been added01:43
bcurtiswxsyn-ack, why funny?01:44
chalcedonyits supposed to receive ongoing support01:45
micahgsyn-ack: someone needs to find the commit, there was no hint upstream, just a note that it's fixed, there are probably several thousand commits to review between 2.20 and 2.2201:45
bcurtiswx^^ +101:45
micahgif someone finds the commit and it's not incredibly intrusive, we can try to SRU it01:45
syn-ackmicahg, That's a point I hadn't considered01:46
micahgchalcedony: BTW, is it the same in Firefox 4?01:46
micahgin theory it shouldn't matter, but I thought I'd sask01:46
chalcedonymicahg, i have firefox 4 and yes01:47
micahgchalcedony: ok01:47
micahgchalcedony: is that from the firefox-stable PPA?01:47
chalcedonyi got it from the firefox website01:47
chalcedonyif that answers your question?01:47
micahgoh, do you mind trying the one from the firefox-stable PPA?01:48
bcurtiswxchalcedony, there is always a risk for PPA's but the ffx-stable one is well maintained01:48
micahgI wonder if it has to do with the build itself01:48
* micahg seems to recall this bug on lucid though01:49
syn-ackI never ran lucid long enough to notice it01:49
chalcedonyi never had this problem before 10.0401:49
syn-ackI didn't really care for lucid, tbh01:49
micahgright, it seems to just exist in gtk 2.2001:49
micahgthere was only 1 point release for that branch and we have it01:50
chalcedonybcurtiswx, are you asking me to download firefox from somewhere else?01:51
bcurtiswxmicahg had mentioned using the firefox-stable PPA01:51
micahgchalcedony: can you pastebin the output of ldd /path/to/firefox-bin?01:52
micahgchalcedony: replacing the path to firefox-bin in your firefox folder01:52
chalcedonyoh i see01:53
syn-ackI don't seem to have a firefox-bin02:05
chalcedonyyes i'm trying to figure that out myself02:08
chalcedony~$ whereis firefox02:08
chalcedonyfirefox: /usr/bin/firefox /etc/firefox /usr/lib/firefox /usr/lib64/firefox /usr/share/firefox02:08
Braiamwhereis is incomplete02:13
Braiambraiam@hpa1104x:~$ whereis firefox02:14
Braiamfirefox: /usr/bin/firefox /etc/firefox /usr/lib/firefox /usr/share/man/man1/firefox.1.gz02:14
Braiambraiam@hpa1104x:~$ locate firefox-bin02:14
chalcedony~$ locate firefox-bin02:16
chalcedonymicahg, http://pastebin.com/wedwSTcK02:20
chalcedonyBraiam, is that what you guys needed?02:27
Braiamchalcedony: wrong guy micahg02:28
chalcedonyBraiam, syn-ack i highlighted micahg - maybe he's gone now?02:29
micahgchalcedony: yes, sorry, stepped away for a bit, that looks fine03:48
erfgvthbynjurgikHello! Any ubuntu devs here? I'd like to report a bug04:37
Braiamsomebody can confirm bug 13378 on kubuntu 11.0405:09
ubot4Launchpad bug 13378 in xchat (Debian) (and 1 other project) "Fails to set transparency when started by session mgr. (affects: 1) (dups: 1) (heat: 28)" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1337805:09
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maxbCan someone do "Target to series", "lucid" on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bzr/+bug/583667 for me? I'm preparing a SRU to submit for sponsorship but don't have access to open the series bugtask11:23
ubot4Launchpad bug 583667 in bzr (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 6 other projects) "bzr talks to edge API servers to propose merges (but not for lp: url lookups) (affects: 1) (heat: 21)" [Undecided,Fix released]11:23
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=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
jtaylorI'm looking into merging matplotlib, there is an old bug 607395 with lots of noise, should I close that one and open a new one or just edit the descrioption of the old one?15:10
ubot4Launchpad bug 607395 in matplotlib (Ubuntu) "Please merge matplotlib 1.0.1-1 (universe) from debian experimental main (affects: 8) (heat: 43)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60739515:10
jtaylorthe problems in that bug are solved15:10
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=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch
micahgjtaylor: there's 1.0.1-2 in experimental, so you can change that bug to be that, you can comment that everything's answered and prepare the merge16:21
jtaylorits in unstable now16:21
micahgjtaylor: oops, you're right, sorry, haven't had my caffeine yet :)16:21
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
bdmurraymvo: should the new version of update-manager appear at http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/dist-upgrader-all/ ?16:46
mvobdmurray: only in natty-updates/ at some point16:49
bdmurraymvo: and that's were update-manager checks in maverick when doing a release upgrade?16:50
mvobdmurray: not yet, but once I update changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release - I see that u-m is now part of -updates so its safe to update16:50
* mvo does that now16:51
bdmurraymvo: should that also be updated from 10.04.1 to 10.04.2?16:53
mvobdmurray: should work now for maverick -> natty - you will get the 0.150.2 version now16:56
bdmurraymvo: great, thanks16:56
mvothank *you*16:56
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jtaylorconcerning bug 779340, can a no change rebuild SRU be done before it is fixed in oneiric?17:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 779340 in pyfltk (Debian) (and 1 other project) "From python: import fltk fails (affects: 2) (heat: 489)" [Unknown,Unknown] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77934017:05
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micahgjtaylor: yes, you might still be able to do a no change rebuild for pyfltk since the same version is in natty/oneiric, replies in #ubuntu-motu please17:53
ohsixwhat package generates /etc/mailname? googleearth-package is failing if it's not present and i don't remember having this problem before i did a fresh 10.10 install18:00
micahgohsix: I don't see that file in any package from lucid on18:04
ohsixit should have "krang" in it, but i don't know why it went away, or why the googleearth-package thing fails without it, it's looking for a hostname to put on the package it creates; but if you set them on the commandline it still tries to read it18:06
ohsixbtw, where did you search? i should probably keep that handy18:06
ohsixit's almost for sure a generated name by some package, not something in a package, i think18:07
micahgohsix: ah, well, if it's under apt control on a previous system, you can use dpkg -S /etc/mailname18:07
ohsixyea that old system isn't around anymore; i'll just generate it18:08
ohsixi think whatever changed that brought in postfix instead of bsd-mailx for the default-mta stuff might have something to do with it18:08
ohsixshould i file a bug against googleearth-package for at least not depending on the package that creates /etc/mailname (if it even exists anymore)18:11
micahgohsix: sure18:12
ohsixok thanks18:12
ohsixit's surprisingly intensive to build the package18:31
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
hggdhhum. Why 'mount' now reports all my partitions as reiserfs instead of ext4?19:06
hggdhoh. Because I sm ssh-ed into an old system...19:08
* hggdh goes for a lunch and a wall where heads can be banged a bit19:08
micahghggdh: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/DilbertDailyStrip/~3/ymrSRMIHy6g/19:11
hggdhmicahg: perfect :-)19:14
yofelnice one :D19:15
JoshuaLHow does one go when a bug report is marked as wont fix because upstream does not want it but when you have valid reasons for ubuntu to include it?20:11
RedSingularityjibel: I had this user make a new report.  Its an issue I have never run into before, any idea what the issue may be?  bug 78354920:12
ubot4Launchpad bug 783549 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "dist-upgrade ubuntu-minimal not found (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78354920:12
yofelJoshuaL: then the ubuntu task shouldn't be Won't Fix and add a patch to the package20:15
JoshuaLyofel, hmm ok, i have never written a patch but might be a good thing to learn, its about bug 401331 (power outage caused my system to crash + losing the file I was working on because I did not save it)20:17
ubot4Launchpad bug 401331 in gedit (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Enable Autosave files option by default (affects: 1) (heat: 5)" [Wishlist,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40133120:17
yofelJoshuaL: if that's an option, why not just enable it?20:18
yofelinstead of changing the default20:18
JoshuaLyofel, i as a user expect by default some sort of file recovery from a text editor, office applications already do so20:19
micahgJoshuaL: Ubuntu is unlikely to carry a patch for this as the desktop team is striving to reduce patches, maybe try to get a patch accepted in Debian, although that was 2 yrs ago, you could ask the desktop team if they'd consider it20:23
yofeldepends, there are editors that do that, and ones that don't. Talk to pedro_ when you see him, he set it to Won't Fix20:23
* yofel uses VIM usually which has crash recovery20:23
JoshuaLmicahg, yofel thanks for the input20:25
prayagHi anyone looking into Bug 772024 in tzdata?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tzdata/+bug/772024?comments=all20:33
ubot4prayag: Error: Bug #772024 is private.20:33
ubot4Launchpad bug 772024 in tzdata (Ubuntu) "tzdata update keeps changing my timezone (affects: 1) (heat: 244)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77202420:33
prayagI don't think the maintainers realize that its reseting system clocks. Its a huge problem20:34
prayagI was told it needs to be dealt with upstream but I have a feeling #ubuntu should give me something20:36
micahgprayag: looks like you have multiple zones selected20:36
micahgprayag: debian 60380920:37
ubot4Debian bug 603809 in tzdata "tzdata update resets timezone" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/60380920:37
roadmrHey, could someone help me with bug 772820? I think it should be moved to debconf, and maybe (if the bug discussion already provides enough info) it should be triaged and importance: low (although it blocks upgrading to natty, it seems like an unusual configuration)20:38
ubot4Launchpad bug 772820 in checkbox (Ubuntu) "package checkbox 0.11.3 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 (affects: 1) (heat: 264)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77282020:38
prayagmicahg: Multiple time zones in tzdata?20:39
micahgdebconf-show tzdata showed multiple items selected20:39
prayagmicahg: You're right. Anyways to fix this?20:41
prayagmicahg: You're right. Anyways to fix this? I have no idea about tzdata except from what I gathered today20:46
RedSingularitychrisccoulson: what is the package that handles logging in/out/switching users?  Would that be a part of the main gdm package in launchpad?20:54
JoshuaLWhen an odd window appears when changing something in ccsm, is this a compiz bug?20:54
arandIf bugs are fixed in Oneiric, it's time to start marking as fixed right?21:35
micahgarand: yes, try to keep in mind if something should be SRUd when doing so21:36
arandYeah, not applicable in this case Bug #62170421:37
ubot4Launchpad bug 621704 in assaultcube (Debian) (and 1 other project) "needs to be updated to version (affects: 12) (dups: 2) (heat: 69)" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62170421:37
roadmrSorry to ask again, could someone help me with bug 772820? I think it should be moved to debconf, and maybe (if the bug discussion already provides enough info) it should be triaged and importance: low (although it blocks upgrading to natty, it seems like an unusual configuration)21:47
ubot4Launchpad bug 772820 in checkbox (Ubuntu) "package checkbox 0.11.3 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 (affects: 1) (heat: 264)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77282021:47
roadmrI can move it to debconf myself but would appreciate an opinion on whether my assessment is correct, and also on the triaged bit and low importance (which I can't set myself)21:47
kblinhey folks22:48
kblinwhat component do I need to file a bug against if I can't update ubuntu from an IPv6-only network?22:48
micahgkblin: where is it failing?22:49
kblinwell, for one security.ubuntu.com has no AAAA DNS record22:50
micahgkblin: so, it's the DNS issue only?22:51
kblindunno, that's what I get stuck on so far22:52
kblinkind of hard to get past "could not resolve 'security.ubuntu.com'" and see what else breaks22:53
kblinbecause it's not like I can manually put an IPv6 address for it into my hosts file22:53
micahgkblin: hmm, yeah, let me see if there's a public place to file such issues22:53
charlie-tcathere is a bug for that, but I don't have the number.22:54
kblinI'm pretty sure I already had a bug open for this, with even somebody from the infra team asking me how to reproduce it22:54
kblinbut I can't find it anymore22:54
kblinit's not in the launchpad bugs related to my account, even if I include the "invalid" and "wontfix" bugs22:55
charlie-tcathat was also discussed at uds - https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-o-ipv6-healthcheck22:55
dlbike76Hi is anyone from bugcontrol online?23:24
micahg!ask | dlbike7623:24
ubot4dlbike76: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:24
dlbike76Is the kernel the correct package for the following bug 742376?23:26
ubot4Launchpad bug 742376 in ubuntu "OS freezes as soon as it recognizes an Ethernet cable being inserted (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74237623:26
micahgdlbike76: sounds like a good place to start23:30

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