
=== Braiam-away is now known as Braiam
pittiGood morning05:40
Braiampitti: but it's still dark05:42
pittinot here :) (6:42 am)05:42
Braiam00:42 here :P05:45
cdbsGood morning pitti, how was UDS?05:57
pittiyay oneiric06:30
jasoncwarnerGood Morning, Europeans!06:34
Braiamjasoncwarner: a localized greeting...06:36
* TheMuso waves.06:42
TheMusoHey folks.06:42
* TheMuso is only on for a short while.06:42
jasoncwarnerhey TheMuso....uneventful trip home?06:44
* Braiam gives a power source to TheMuso 06:44
TheMusojasoncwarner: Very much so thankfully, unfortunately I think I caught a little something from Robert, although I don't think I got it nearly as bad as he did.06:45
jasoncwarnerTheMuso: I hear ya. I'm not feeling swell today either. oldest has something...I'm being attacked at every turn!06:45
TheMusoI feel much better today then I did on Saturday, and ven Saturday I didn't feel *that* bad.06:46
TheMusoI've just had a slight temperature, slightly sore throat, and a slight cough, the first 2 having now been thrown off.06:46
TheMusoA couple of good nights of sleep should help kill the rest.06:46
pittihey jasoncwarner, hey TheMuso06:48
TheMusoHey pitti.06:48
pittijasoncwarner: it'll get better with each UDS06:48
pittiafter 5 or so of those, your immune system should be trained a lot better against germs from other parts of the world :)06:49
jasoncwarnermorning pitti...you mean my immune system will get stronger? Strong enough to fight off this ubuflu I keep hearing about?06:49
pittiI used to bring home Ubuflu pretty much each time, but seems I survived three in a row now (plus sprints)06:50
pittiget well soon, guys!06:50
jasoncwarnerOk...new meta-goal for 14.04: no desktop team member comes home sick!06:50
jasoncwarnerpie in the face goal?06:50
TheMusoI'm usually one who can survive the week without getting something, however I don't think I got enough sleep, period, making me vulnarable.06:52
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone07:15
chrisccoulsonTheMuso, oh, you've had ubuflu too?07:15
pittihey chrisccoulson, how are you?07:30
chrisccoulsonhi pitti, good thanks (although, i think i'm starting to get ubuflu)07:30
chrisccoulsonhow are you?07:30
pittimeh, ubuflu seems to have hit hard again :/07:31
pittiI'm quite fine, thanks! just need to get used again to getting up at 607:31
chrisccoulsoni don't like getting up early ;)07:32
chrisccoulsonalthough, i was up at 5am this morning07:32
chrisccoulsonmy daughter seems to think that when the sun comes up in the morning, it is time to wake up07:32
chrisccoulsoni wish i could tell her that 5am is not a normal time for anybody to get up ;)07:33
pittiinstall blinds :)07:33
chrisccoulsonwe have a blackout blind in her room already, but she still just seems to wake up when it gets light outside07:34
chrisccoulsonperhaps it's coincidence ;)07:34
TheMusochrisccoulson: Not really, I've mostly shaken what I did have however.07:42
didrocksgood morning07:54
pittibonjour didrocks, ca va?07:56
didrocksguten morgen pitti! I'm fine thanks, and you?07:57
pittididrocks: I'm great as well; so you didn't catch the ubuflu then?07:57
pittigreat to hear that it didn't affect everyone07:57
didrockspitti: no, seems I'm safe after 2 weeks ;) I had to run through all paris airport to catch my second flight ( 6 minutes to run through the whole airport), but I just get my flight07:58
didrockspitti: are you affected? :(07:58
pittididrocks: I'm not, fortunately08:05
pittiI had some troubles with the train as well, but in the end it was only 1:15 hours delay, so not too bad08:06
pittididrocks: question about the CD size thing: splitting out unused compiz plugins, would that be a WI for smspillaz or for you?08:07
SweetsharkGood moooorning, desktoppers!08:07
didrockspitti: it would be mine, feel free to add it08:08
pittididrocks: thanks08:08
didrockshey Sweetshark08:08
pittihey Sweetshark, good morning!08:08
pittiSweetshark: did you catch your flight?08:11
Sweetsharkpitti: Yes, caught my flight.08:15
pittijasoncwarner: are you fine with drafting https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-default-apps ? I wasn't in the session, so I'd have some trouble with drafting it08:15
SweetsharkFlying on row 13 (labeled row 14) on a Friday, 13th while there was a late-game "default apps" session going on at UDS I was certain that at least LibreOffice would be kicked from the CD. What happened?08:17
Sweetshark^- pitti08:17
pittiSweetshark: I haven't been in the session either08:17
pittiSweetshark: but I could certainly envision shipping the full non-crippled LibO on the DVD, and not shipping it at all on the CD; the prerequisite for this is of course to make the DVD actually useful, and promote it more08:18
pittiSweetshark: right now the DVD is a 4.2 GB monster, we want to reduce it to ~ 1.5 GB08:19
pittibut I think this should be considered/discussed carefully, not decided in a knee-jerk reaction08:19
pittiRight now we have to ship only some parts because we just can't fit the whole LibO on the CD08:20
Sweetsharkpitti: yep, it was funny to see at UDS how the first reaction to that idea was by most devs08:20
pittibut then again this also makes it quite a compelling sale: "Look, we can provide all this on just one CD"08:20
pittiand personally I'm quite proud that we managed to keep this rather small limit over the years08:21
Sweetsharksomething along the lines of "*blink* you wanna solve our space-issues, by delivering less?"08:21
pittiwhile still provinding so much sw08:21
pittiSweetshark: what's your feeling about what we should do?08:22
pittii. e. do people generally complain about the things that are missing, or do they appreciate having a reduced LibO in the default install?08:22
pittiSweetshark: right now https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-cdspace won't include a "drop LibO" WI; we still have lots of other opportunities08:23
Sweetsharkpitti: my feeling is nobody really complains about base missing, but they are annoyed when this breaks stuff in apps that we do ship (like bibliography in writer)08:25
pittithere's also things like math, clipart, etc?08:26
Sweetsharkpersonally, I would be sorry for calc vanishing as a starter from the dash in the default installation for example08:27
pittiI think we already discussed that, and you said that it would create quite some bugs as well08:28
pittias these are so tightly integrated08:28
pittiso I'd rather not break it that way either08:28
Sweetsharkmath is heavily integrated and used inside of writer, openclipart is not needed on the CD IMHO (do we ship that? /me checks the deps)08:29
Sweetsharkhmmm "libreoffice suggests openclipart-libreoffice", but that does not include it on the CD right?08:33
Sweetsharkwe could drop libreoffice-filters-mobiledev maybe ...08:36
* vish thinks kenvandine made an excellent point; if LibO is on the Live CD, it gives an opportunity for users to actually test the various replacements Ubuntu offers rather than saying 'you can download and install stuff'08:36
pittivish: that's why I like it as well08:37
pittiSweetshark: that's just 92 kB; if it's not generally useful, we can certainly drop it, but we have bigger fish to fry, I think08:37
pittiSweetshark: oh, it's in universe, thus we already don't ship it by default08:37
vishdo we need games on the CD ? if every bit counts, lets remove those.. ;)08:37
pittibut sudoku! *cough*08:38
vishinstall from SC ;)08:38
pittivish: in previous cycles we already threw out most of them, but we have some 5 remaining, yes08:38
vishpitti: Games are ,IMO, something nice to have as an extra, but I dont thing people would be switching to Ubuntu based on the games we provide :)08:39
vishbut, just mentioning if we are in desperate need of space..08:40
pittiI agree08:40
* Sweetshark loves his littles Starcraft2 on Ubuntu.08:40
chrisccoulsonwow, bug 783307 is useful :/08:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 783307 in firefox "e mail send goes nowhere" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78330708:51
pittichrisccoulson: i no type passwrod correct08:53
chrisccoulsonpitti - heh, that's what i was thinking ;)08:54
pittichrisccoulson: reassign it to emacs -- unlike ffox, that at least has an MUA :)08:55
didrockspitti: feel free to add WI for me on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-loco-cds as well :)08:59
pittididrocks: I haven't drafted that one yet, but I'll certainly need your experience there :008:59
pittimeh ESMILEY, :)08:59
* didrocks adds ESMILEY to the man page ;)09:00
seb128hey desktopers09:06
didrockssalut seb128!09:06
pittibonjour seb128, ca va?09:06
pittiooh, door bell -- my new computer desk is arriving!09:07
* pitti will be glad to stop sitting on the kitchen desk on the laptop09:07
didrocksoh nice :) Photos will be required! ;)09:08
Sweetsharkpitti: beware! last time i thought my notbook was arriving it was Jahovas wittnesses ...09:08
Sweetsharkexactly: pics or it didnt happen09:08
didrockscan anyone accept https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-dx-o-compiz for oneiric? (just proposed it, I'll add some WI, but smspillaz will be drafting it)09:10
didrocksgood morning rodrigo__!09:23
rodrigo__everyone back at home safely?09:23
rodrigo__hey didrocks09:23
seb128hey rodrigo__09:25
rodrigo__hi seb12809:27
rodrigo__are you all still exhausted, or is it just me? :)09:27
seb128it's just you :p09:28
seb128but I slept 12 hours on saturday night and same this night09:28
rodrigo__ok, I guess I'm too old09:28
seb128with a small nap on saturday09:29
seb128so it's like 25 hours sleep during the weekend ;-)09:29
rodrigo__ah, you cheater, I haven't slept that much09:29
rodrigo__just 7/8 hours each night09:29
seb128that might be why ;-)09:29
seb128didrocks, did you manage to get your flight with less than one hour in paris btw?09:30
didrocksseb128: yeah \o/ after an heroic sprint to got through the whole cdg airport (from one terminal extreme to the opposite one) in less than 6 minutes09:31
didrocksseb128: because, of course, we were delayed by 10 minutes09:31
didrocksand then, we got to the arrival gate by car (15 minutes)09:31
seb128didrocks, no security check to do then?09:31
didrockssecurity check included :)09:31
didrocksbut I really didn't want to wait for 4 hours for the next plane :)09:32
seb128didrocks, nothing like a good sprint to catch a plane :p09:32
seb128I'm sure that woke you up at least ;-)09:32
seb128hey chrisccoulson09:32
didrocksseb128: oh right! then, a lot of clothes on me to avoid catching a cold for the final flight. After stricking to not get the ubuflu after 2 weeks, that would have been a shame :-)09:33
seb128didrocks, glad that you manage then ;-)09:34
didrocksso am I :-)09:35
didrocksseb128: and you? uneventful flight?09:35
didrocks(https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-dx-o-bugs-triage-and-workflow ready for getting approval for oneiric)09:35
rodrigo__yeah, there's been less ubuflu-affected people this time, afaik, did we talk to the OMS to get a vaccine? :)09:36
rodrigo__OMS or World Health Org I guess is in English09:36
rodrigo__so, now's a good time to move to oneiric, right?09:37
seb128didrocks, yeah, we were really early at the airport so we use the lounge card and go breakfast there, and the almost 2 hours in frankfurt was plenty of time, I didn't have to go through security for once so it took only half an hour to go through09:38
seb128rodrigo__, depends of how advanturous you are, pitti does update around this time usually09:38
seb128rodrigo__, what I tend to do is add the oneiric source and apt-get install what I need09:38
seb128rather than dist-upgrading09:38
rodrigo__seb128, I guess I can just cherry-pick the updates09:38
rodrigo__yeah, right09:39
chrisccoulsonhi seb128, how are you?09:39
seb128that sort of give me an oneiric desktop with natty stack09:39
seb128which is what I need, stable system and cracky desktop09:39
seb128chrisccoulson, hey, I'm fine, what about you?09:39
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, i'm not too bad thanks. bit tired after my daughter woke up at 5am though09:40
rodrigo__hi chrisccoulson09:40
chrisccoulsonhi rodrigo__, how are you?09:40
rodrigo__chrisccoulson, exhausted, but in 1 piece , and you?09:41
chrisccoulsonrodrigo__, yeah, pretty much the same :)09:41
chrisccoulsonit's nice to be back in my nice comfortable office chair :)09:42
dpmgood morning desktop people, everyone had a nice flight back?09:43
chrisccoulsonhi dpm09:43
dpmhey chrisccoulson :)09:43
chrisccoulsoni started work on desktop-o-firefox-translations-in-launchpad already this weekend ;)09:43
dpmyeah, I saw you updated the blueprint \o/09:44
rodrigo__hey dpm09:44
didrockshey chrisccoulson, dpm09:44
chrisccoulsonhi didrocks09:44
dpmbuenas rodrigo__, salut didrocks!09:45
rodrigo__dpm, so, you were able to wake up early and not miss your flight then? :)09:46
dpmrodrigo__, yeah, I managed to get 2 hours of sleep and make it in the end ;)09:47
seb128hey dpm09:47
rodrigo__dpm, you're a brave man :-)09:48
chrisccoulsonthat is hardcore!09:48
chrisccoulsoni think i would struggle to do that on 2 hours sleep09:48
dpmrodrigo__, not sure about that, but at least I made it for the flight ;)09:48
dpmbonjour seb12809:49
pittihey rodrigo__09:50
rodrigo__hi pitti09:50
rodrigo__pitti was the luckiest, afaik, with his 8 hours train home :-)09:51
pittiseb128, rodrigo__: I upgraded to oneiric this morning; some java package failed to configure, otherwise it went well09:51
rodrigo__pitti, oh, ok, maybe I'll dist-upgrade then09:51
pittirodrigo__: we can pull you out of the swamp if something bad happens :)09:53
rodrigo__ok then, trying09:54
seb128brave you, I will just cherry pick updates for now ;-)09:55
seb128rodrigo__, btw one of the GNOME3 ppa update screwed my natty GNOME3 vm some days ago, I can pick any session I just get a dialog saying it's not a valid session and it sends me back to the login screen09:55
pittiseb128: it's really not that different; the main change is the perl transition, which cjwatson by and large completed09:55
rodrigo__seb128, yes, still some patches disabled in that package, will work on updating g-session in oneiric this week09:56
seb128rodrigo__, ok, well before that it managed to start the gnome-shell session, now I can't log in any session09:56
seb128pitti, right, until we get a new xorg stock or a new upstart or whatever and you find that your system doesn't start or xorg doesn't work ;-)09:57
cdbsdidrocks: Hey there, thanks for the reply! Well, Unity in Oneiric is currently (partially) broken, bug #778950 , can you look at the linked branch when you are free? Thanks!09:58
ubot2Launchpad bug 778950 in unity "Unity in Oneiric should depend on dconf-gsettings-backend" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77895009:58
seb128but no point to argue, it's good that we have people dist-upgrading, I will just cherry pick updates desktop updates while I'm on merges09:58
pittiseb128: oh, and the keyring dialog looking ugly as it's already gtk3 :)09:58
seb128pitti, not only the keyring I guess, gedit as well :p09:58
seb128or eog09:58
pittiseb128: I'm fine being the guinea pig here; I think I'll be able to rescue myself in the bad cases :009:58
pittiseb128: gedit seems to be gtk2 here09:59
didrockscdbs: I don't think it's unity which should depends on it, but the gsettings binding rather, isn't it?09:59
* pitti -> building new computer table, bbl09:59
seb128pitti, hum, it's dep-wait indeed09:59
seb128pitti, have fun09:59
cdbsdidrocks: Gsettings could use gsettings with gconf as well, I suppose. So maybe no10:00
seb128didrocks, it's anything shipping a schemas I think10:00
seb128didrocks, same as with gconf10:00
didrocksseb128: oh ok, not libdconf0 then?10:00
seb128didrocks, I need to check but I think they added a dh_gsettings which will add that to Depends:misc, but we need rebuilds for that10:00
cdbsdidrocks: we need both libdconf0 and dconf-gsettings-backend10:00
didrocksseb128: agreed on that plan rather10:00
didrockscdbs: see rather adding the misc by the debhelper script ^^10:01
didrockscdbs: as well, unity is FTBFS right now in oneiric, I'll bundle the patch with dx after next SRU which should come this week10:01
rodrigo__seb128, oh, no session at all?10:01
seb128rodrigo__, they just bail out saying that the session is not a valid name10:02
rodrigo__hmm, ok10:02
didrocksthis is when there is no .session file found10:02
cdbsdidrocks: well yeah, I know about that ftbfs10:02
cdbsblame GCC 4.6 :(10:02
didrockscdbs: we have a patch somewhere10:02
didrocksnot sure it's still applying though10:03
cjwatsonpitti: feel free to fix the remaining desktopy bits of the perl transition :)10:03
cjwatson(i.e. build failures)10:03
rodrigo__seb128, do you have gnome-session-common installed?10:03
seb128hey cjwatson, how are you?10:03
cdbscjwatson: you ROCK, considering the fact that you did the transitions during UDS and even during weekends10:04
seb128rodrigo__, I will have to check, I upgraded using update-manager and I can't log in now and I didn't figure how to switch to a vt in virtualbox10:04
seb128rodrigo__, ctrl-alt-f<n> are not locked in virtualbox, they switch real vt10:04
rodrigo__seb128, oh, for that switch to fullscreen and then CTRL-ALT-F? works10:04
rodrigo__I think that works10:05
seb128they switch vt on the system10:05
seb128rodrigo__, but don't bother, I will just do GNOME3 on oneiric now10:05
seb128the vm was just to not break my system during UDS10:05
didrockscdbs: rejecting your merge for now, will approve if we see that it shouldn't be handle on a higher level (debhelper)10:05
cdbsseb128: I can't see dh_gsettings in ubuntu (right now), maybe it needs a sync/merge from Debian?10:06
didrockscdbs: btw, I think I drafted most of your blueprint, once ready (following https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WorkItemsHowto), think to set it pending approval10:07
seb128cdbs, could be10:08
cdbsdidrocks: thanks a lot!10:08
didrocksyw :)10:08
cjwatsonseb128: hey, fine thanks, did you recover from your long-haul flight? ;-)10:10
seb128cdbs, didrocks: you should add a depends on dconf-gsettings-backend as a workaround maybe until dh_gsettings land, it's in the dh debian git but it might take a bit to land in debian and then ubuntu10:10
cjwatsoncdbs: heh, was just prodding at it by way of something to do :)10:10
didrocksseb128: well, unity FTBFS right now, so no point to rush that in10:11
seb128cjwatson, yeah, I managed to get over my jetlag easily this time it seems ;-)10:11
cjwatsondh_installgsettings is in Debian as of debhelper 8.1.310:11
cdbsRight now on my Oneiric system over 30 packages are held back every time I upgrade10:11
cjwatsonwhich is already in oneiric10:11
cdbsall because of build failures :(10:12
didrocksnice, so dh7 maybe doesn't call it10:12
cjwatson$ grep gsettings /chroot/sid/usr/bin/dh10:12
cjwatson        dh_installgsettings10:12
cjwatsondoes too :-)10:12
didrockshum… weird, I'll give it a deeper look10:12
didrocksthanks cjwatson :)10:12
didrocksfirst, focus on second SRU and then fixing the FTBFS this week in oneiric10:12
seb128cjwatson, oh right, thanks10:13
seb128cdbs, right, upgrading before the end of UDS is usually not the best idea if you want to avoid issues10:13
cdbsdidrocks: The dconf0 split happened recently, does installgsettings recognize that well? I doubt so, considering the fact that dh hasn't been updated since10:14
seb128not that you will avoid issues after UDS, but at least now people will be available to fix those10:14
seb128cdbs, they happened both on in early april in debian10:14
cdbsseb128: I didn't run into any issues so far, except for a gstreamer corruption one day10:14
didrockscdbs: not sure, didn't get time to look at that, I'll after the SRU and other paperwork10:14
vishSweetshark: where is the option to turn on the quick starter icon?10:14
seb128cdbs, it's just that we synced d-conf recently10:14
vishSweetshark: btw, /usr/lib/libreoffice/share/config/images_brand.zip , says it is a broken archive (alteast in the ppa for maverick)10:15
cdbsseb128: hmm, correct10:15
Sweetsharkvish: Tools->Options, LibreOffice->Memory, "Enable Systray Quickstarter"10:17
vishSweetshark: weird, that option does not exist in Ubuntu package 1:3.3.2-1ubuntu2~maverick1 , no probs just thought i could check if the quick start icon was fixed too..10:21
seb128cdbs, btw no need to write a mir for sources already in main with a different name10:22
seb128cdbs, i.e gnome-desktop3 is just gnome-desktop in a new version10:22
cdbsseb128: hmm, really?10:22
seb128yes, the source is already in main and has been reviewed10:23
cdbsseb128: I thought an MIR was important for everything10:23
seb128no, the purpose of a mir is to get the code reviewed to see if it's fine to get in main10:23
seb128no need to do it again just because the source got renamed10:23
Sweetsharkvish: hmm, on natty, I have the option, but I still see no systray icon.10:23
seb128unity blocks systray use if you don't whitelist things in gsettings10:24
vishSweetshark: yea, In Unity, notification icons that need to be displayed need  a whitelist,   the reporter is using Classic desktop with gnome panel10:24
cjwatsonperl transition> specifically it'd be nice if somebody could fix pidgin's FTBFS10:26
Sweetsharkvish: do you have libreoffice-gnome installed? Without it, I dont have the option either.10:27
seb128hum, "make[6]: *** No rule to make target `../libgnt.la', needed by `irssi.la'.  Stop."10:28
seb128cjwatson, I've no real clue what the issue could be or what changed that make it stop to build but I will try to have a look today10:29
vishSweetshark: ah ha! yea, that fixed it, had to install -gnome and -gtk , and now I have that option. thx10:30
cjwatsonseb128: thanks, it's certainly not obvious10:30
dpmhi pitti, good morning! I've just seen https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-loco-cds - do you have something in mind already for the implementation?10:33
pittidpm: yes, I just didn't draft it yet10:52
dpmpitti, ok, no rush, I was just wondering, thanks!10:53
vishSweetshark: how does one apply for/get LibO git commit access?10:56
Sweetsharkvish: http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/NewAccount11:01
cdbsmvo: Hey there, could you also update update-manager in Oneiric from bzr? Right now its broken11:02
Sweetsharkvish: see also http://nabble.documentfoundation.org/Git-Artwork-guide-td2844436.html11:03
=== cking_ is now known as cking
Sweetsharkvish: please cc me on the bugs with the account request, so I can help moving it along.11:09
vishSweetshark: sure, whats your mail id on fdo?11:10
mvocdbs: sure, thanks! will do right after lunch :)11:13
Sweetsharkvish: bjoern.michaelsenATcanonical.com11:18
seb128hey mterry, how are you?11:40
mterryseb128, good!11:40
mterryseb128, already on oneiric11:40
seb128had a nice flight back? how is your jetlag?11:41
mterryseems pretty similar so far.  Clearly we need to package more of GNOME 3 until it breaks11:41
seb128mterry, great ;-)11:41
seb128speaking of which11:41
mterryseb128, jetlag is causing me to be up so early, so here I am.  ;)11:41
seb128mterry, could you review the mirs for libpeas and seed when you have some time?11:41
mterryseb128, yes, MIR duty is on my TODO today11:41
seb128that's blocking some of the GNOME3 builds11:41
seb128i.e eog11:41
ricotzseb128, hello11:44
seb128hey ricotz, how are you?11:44
ricotzjust a short question11:44
ricotzi am great, i hope you too11:44
seb128yes, I'm fine thanks11:45
ricotzis it possible to use libnotify-dev instead of libnotify4-dev11:45
ricotzmeaning to sync more with debian11:45
ricotzthis might some more syncs possible11:45
ricotzlike zenity11:45
seb128ricotz, yes, we discussed that with pitti at UDS and agree to just sync and deal with the transition this cycle11:46
ricotzgreat ;)11:46
ricotzso have fun all of you11:47
mterryseb128, what was the link to the etherpad we're using for GNOME3 stuff?12:05
seb128mterry, cf topic ;-)12:05
* didrocks -> break12:05
=== ronoc_ is now known as ronoc
seb128didrocks, you start eating?! ;-)12:06
seb128mterry, we should probably move it to the ubuntu pad now that we have one though, I will do that after lunch12:06
didrocksseb128: no, don't be crazy! :-) I'll just go outside and walk12:06
seb128didrocks, ok ;-)12:06
didrockslet see how many days I can keep up with that :-)12:06
seb128time to eat there, bbl12:06
didrocksseb128: enjoy12:06
pittiseb128: I'll check libnotify now12:07
pittiseb128: in the worst case, we can reintroduce the previous version with a differet source name, but I figure the transition is happening in Debian as well12:07
seb128pitti, sorry I already synced it and did another upload to get a newer version than the binaries we had12:08
pittiseb128: ah, so much the better12:08
seb128jbicha, hey, I'm not sure why debian added that Build-Depends-Package to the .symbols but upgrading seems fine, I will sponsor your update after lunch12:09
apwanyone know if there is a way in natty to close banshee without the music stopping, is this a known issue if not12:10
pittiit works with RB; I have never tried it with banshee, I'm afraid12:23
pittiapw: but it's certainly meant to be working, i. e. a bug12:24
apwpitti, seems it is a banshee config not turned on, enablign soundmenu integration... seemed to be left off during the upgrade from Maverick12:24
davmor2apw: works here you have to have the music playing though not paused12:25
davmor2apw: I did a fresh install12:25
apwyeah i was missing the extension for soundmenu being enabled within banshee, seems that should have been enabled during upgrade to me12:25
rodrigo__pitti, ca-certificates-java is the java package that failed to configure for you, right?12:25
pittirodrigo__: confirmed12:26
rodrigo__pitti, ok, so that's the only thing that seemed to fail12:26
rodrigo__I'd appreciate a review of this: https://code.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/ubuntu/oneiric/gnome-menus/3_0_0_release/+merge/61098 before I upload it, just in case I broke some ubuntu-specific stuff when rebasing from Debian12:36
seb128rodrigo__, let me have a look to gnome-menus12:42
rodrigo__seb128, cool, thanks12:42
rodrigo__hey mterry, how was your long wait at the airport?12:44
seb128rodrigo__, btw no need to push it on the side, you could merge it directly and ask for a review from trunk12:44
mterryrodrigo__, :)  Fine.  I drank lots of hot chocoloate12:44
rodrigo__seb128, yeah, just wanted to make it easy to get a diff for review12:44
rodrigo__seb128, so, shall I merge it now?12:45
seb128rodrigo__, your call, I'm reviewing it12:45
rodrigo__seb128, ok, I'll wait for your review then12:46
seb128rodrigo__, why did you drop the -dbg?12:46
rodrigo__seb128, it wasn't in the debian package12:46
seb128rodrigo__, right, it's something we added in Ubuntu for easier python debugging, do you think it's not useful?12:46
rodrigo__seb128, no, just that's why I wanted the review, was not sure what was ubuntu-specific, so re-adding it12:47
seb128rodrigo__, default rule is to keep things if you don't know why they are there ;-)12:47
seb128usually we don't go through the work of maintaining a delta for no reason12:48
seb128rodrigo__, you need the python-xdg Recommends12:48
seb128update-gnome-menus-cache uses it12:49
rodrigo__ok, re-adding it then12:49
seb128recommends -> depends12:49
seb128well it's listed twice, just restore those12:50
rodrigo__where is it listed twice?12:51
seb128it's in a recommends and in a depends in the diff12:52
seb128rodrigo__, why did you drop the postinst code which generate the cache?12:52
seb128same for 24_ubuntu_hide_control_center.patch12:53
seb128we probably want to keep dropping 01_default_prefix.patch12:53
seb128we don't namespace those menus gnome- in Ubuntu12:53
rodrigo__seb128, ok12:54
jbichaseb128: thanks12:55
seb128rodrigo__, the admin patch is useful as well12:56
seb128rodrigo__, ok, so rule is "don't drop something if you don't know why it's there and if you drop something document the rational in the changelog" ;-)12:56
seb128rodrigo__, does it make sense?12:56
rodrigo__seb128, yes, sure12:57
rodrigo__that's why I wanted a review :)12:57
seb128rodrigo__, thanks, sorry for being picky12:57
rodrigo__seb128, no, no problem12:57
seb128lut kinouchou12:57
seb128kinouchou, bien rentrée ?12:57
seb128rodrigo__, ok, I think that's the only comments I have for now, I will do another review once you adressed those12:58
kinouchoubonjour seb128 :)12:58
didrockshey kinouchou12:58
rodrigo__seb128, ok, pushing in a bit, as soon as it builds ok12:58
kinouchououi bien rentrée seb12812:58
seb128rodrigo__, no hurry, you should get some lunch and finish later12:59
rodrigo__seb128, 24_ubuntu_hide_control_center.patch doesn't apply aymore, there's no settings.menu file in upstream anymore12:59
seb128rodrigo__, the idea is to not list admin entries if you don't have right to run those12:59
seb128so we need a workitem about updating that if you don't do it in the update12:59
seb128rodrigo__, that should still apply to the control center12:59
rodrigo__the control center would need to have code to not show those entries13:00
rodrigo__seb128, so, can you please add the work item?13:01
kinouchouhello fredp13:01
kinouchouhi desrt13:01
seb128rodrigo__, ok13:01
fredpkinouchou: hey!13:01
seb128lut fredp13:01
fredpand hey seb128, didrocks, rodrigo__, and others13:01
rodrigo__hey fredp, back at home safely?13:01
rodrigo__seb128, so, do I drop 01_default_prefix.patch? that's debian -specific?13:02
didrocksre fredp13:02
fredpa long stop in vienna, but finally got home.13:02
rodrigo__fredp, cool (to be back home, not the long stop in vienna :-)13:02
fredpthere was free wifi, so it was still ok :)13:02
didrockswifi and battery is all we need, isn't it? :)13:03
seb128rodrigo__, right, they rename applications.menu to gnome-applications.menus that we don't do13:04
didrockspitti: can you accept https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-dx-o-compiz for oneiric? (just proposed it, I'll add some WI, but smspillaz will be drafting it)13:05
didrockspitti: same for https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-dx-o-bugs-triage-and-workflow13:05
rodrigo__seb128, ok, so pushed, will go out for lunch now while it builds, so do another review whenever you want13:06
seb128rodrigo__, ok, enjoy!13:06
Iormangundheya, is there a way to change wireless network connection order of preference?13:06
cyphermoxIormangund: the preferred networks should be those you've connected to previously; however, you should ask question in #ubuntu instead13:09
Iormangundi will, ty, though i mean choosing what order, ie atmo it keeps connecting to the weak signal one, instead of the strong one13:11
chrisccoulsonhow many people have upgraded to oneiric so far?13:11
cyphermoxchrisccoulson: I have13:11
chrisccoulsoncyphermox, any issues?13:11
cyphermoxon my vostro, oopses every once in a while13:11
cyphermoxI haven't made sense of why yet, but it seemed to happen in more cpu-intensive cases, eg. compiling, and possibly only while on battery13:12
chrisccoulsoncyphermox, oh, that's ok. my laptop panicked several times last week anyway (on natty)13:12
cyphermoxok :)13:12
cyphermoxmaybe it was just because of being in another country ;)13:12
pittididrocks: sure, done13:27
didrockspitti: thanks a lot :)13:28
pittide rien13:28
pittihey mterry13:31
mterrypitti, hello!13:31
pittiseb128: should we move to gtk 3.1.x straight away, or do you think it's better to stay at 3.0 first?13:40
pittifrom the gnome3 session I remember that we want to move to 3.1.x early, but I forgot whether there was an intermediate step13:40
seb128pitti, no strong opinion, we should go to GNOME 3.0 before 3.1 but for glib and gtk if someone wants to go straight to the new version just do it13:40
Laneyanyone on mir duty? i'd appreciate a look at dbus-sharp13:41
* pitti grabs polkit-gnome13:48
seb128pitti, there is a merge requestion for it waiting on versions for some weeks13:50
seb128not sure if you wanted to update or to sponsor the merge but just pointing it ;-)13:52
pittithe latter13:55
seb128pitti, btw debian got gnome-disk-utility 3 if you want to do some GNOME3 updates ;-)13:56
pittiseb128: yes, I'm eager to get there :)13:56
pittiseb128: I just thought we should start at the libraries first (gtk, etc.)13:56
pittialthough I guess our GTK is recent enough13:57
seb128pitti, the libraries should be done, we got most of those updated in natty or when oneiric opened13:57
seb128well it's the 3.0 not 3.1 stack but that's what we target for the merge round13:57
pittithere, pk-gnome using GTK 3 now14:17
* pitti grabs gdu then and marks it in the pad14:17
cyphermoxpitti: thx for the merge ;)14:19
pitticyphermox: you did it, so thanks to you :)14:19
dpmhey pitti, I've seen that on the desktop-o-clean-up-language-support blueprint you've unassigned most of the WI from the desktop team. Does this mean no one is going to be working on this, that they are going to be assigned later, or something else?14:23
pittidpm: the default assignee is the blueprint assignee, which is me in this case14:25
pittijust slightly easier to read14:25
pittiI had to fix some assignee names anyway, so I cleaned up a bit14:25
dpmpitti, ah, ok, I didn't know it worked that way too, that's good to know, thanks!14:28
=== mpt_ is now known as mpt
seb128pitti, do you co-maintain gobject-introspection in Debian? seems the only diff we have is a one line for multiarch, do you know what it's the status of getting that into debian?14:33
pittiseb128: I had an extensive discussion with bigon to get our changes merged14:33
pittiseb128: http://wiki.debian.org/Multiarch/Bootstrapping still says it's not ready yet14:34
seb128pitti, ok, thanks14:34
pittiseb128: g-d-u merge done in bzr, but blocking on libunique-3.0-dev and libavahi-ui-gtk3-dev (these need merges first, I presume)14:50
pittiI'll put these on my list as well14:50
seb128pitti, libunique3 can be synced from debian experimental14:50
seb128pitti, the avahi one is a newer revision since your merge, should be easy to do14:51
pittiseb128: ah, we can drop our changes?14:51
pittiright, looks so14:51
seb128pitti, hum, I need to check for libunique, but the only one we had iirc was deleting an empty pot so should be easy to apply if still needed14:53
pittiseb128: I'm also syncing libunique314:53
seb128pitti, thanks14:53
pittiseb128: (just checked the diff; dropping gir is alright, as libunique3 now builds it)14:53
pittiseb128: meh, FTBFS everywhere: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libunique3/2.91.4-114:55
* pitti checks14:55
pittiI'll fix, empty pot14:56
kenvandinehey guys, i'm going to take a little flex time this morning, but will be around this afternoon14:56
seb128pitti, ok, still the same issue we had14:56
pittihey kenvandine14:56
seb128hey kenvandine14:56
seb128kenvandine, had a nice flight back?14:56
* kenvandine has knee high grass in the yard... 14:56
kenvandinenot bad, just long :)14:56
kenvandinegoing to rain this afternoon, and everyday this week... so my last chance to mow this forest of a lawn i have for the next 5-6 days14:57
seb128kenvandine, not sure what you plan to work on this week but if you could check with Cimi on GTK3 theming that would be nice, he has something working at UDS it seems and since we start landing GTK3 applications in oneiric we could use a theme14:57
seb128kenvandine, ok, enjoy14:58
kenvandinethat would be a good place to start :)14:58
pittithe look pretty ugly right now indeed14:58
pittiseb128: btw, could you please moderate my u-desktop@ email? it hung because of too many CCs14:59
kenvandineseb128, so i'll look into that first and i want to finish the ido port to gtk3 this week14:59
* pitti wasn't sure whether the entire desktop team was subscribed, so I mailed people individually14:59
kenvandineand get a libgwibber-gtk build for gtk314:59
seb128kenvandine, great15:00
seb128pitti, ok, will do15:00
kenvandineok, i'll be back in a few hours :)15:00
seb128kenvandine, see you ;-)15:00
chrisccoulsonseb128 - we'll still have a gtk2 theme won't we?15:12
seb128chrisccoulson, yes, but that doesn't make things using GTK3 look nice though ;-)15:15
chrisccoulsonseb128 - cool, just checking. we don't want gtk2 applications to look bad ;)15:21
mterryseb128, FYI the seed/libpeas MIRs were examined, though neither is quite ready to hit main yet.15:51
seb128mterry, is there anything blocking out of security reviews?15:51
mterryseb128, both need symbols files and libpeas test suite is failing (may be me running it badly, but needs investigation)15:52
seb128mterry, ok, thanks, do you plan to do the .symbols thing or should I add it to my list?15:53
mterryseb128, I hadn't, but I can add it to my list15:53
seb128we have gedit and eog which depwait on those so would be nice to unblock15:53
* mterry adds to TODO15:53
seb128mterry, thanks15:54
rodrigo__seb128, did you review my last push?15:59
rodrigo__seb128, no hurry, just want to know if I can upload it or just wait16:00
seb128rodrigo__, not yet, I just finish nautilus and will do that16:00
rodrigo__seb128, ok, as I said, no hurry, just let me know when it's ok16:00
rodrigo__seb128, so, I see most debian packages don't use dh-autoreconf, but we do, so should I leave those in our packages?16:10
rodrigo__ditto for gnome-common16:10
seb128that's usually because we patch configure.ac for launchpad integration and we need to run autoconf to update the configure16:10
rodrigo__ah, ok16:10
seb128right, gnome-common is usually needed for autoreconf to work16:10
didrockshave a nice evening everyone!18:07
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mterryAnyone here have gtester experience?20:09
pittimterry: is that g_test_* API or something else?20:18
mterrypitti, yeah20:18
mterrypitti, libpeas's test suite is failing during a test, but I'm not sure what it's about20:19
pittimterry: the only known usage to me is upower's test suite20:19
pittibut it's pretty straightforward, each test just does a fe g_assert()s20:19
mterrypitti, well, it's dying because something tries to register the same static gtype twice.  Seems like some threading error, as the registration is g_once protected20:20
mterrypitti, do you know how g_test* handles threading?20:20
pittimterry: I don't, sorry20:20
mterrypitti, thx anyway!  I'll just let that one stew in my brain for a while and do something else I guess20:20
bcurtiswxwhich channel do I bug for SRU for natty for telepathy-logger? -motu?20:46
cyphermoxbcurtiswx: #ubuntu-devel should be fine; and technically so is this channel too, pretty much20:48
bcurtiswxhttps://code.launchpad.net/~bcurtiswx/ubuntu/natty/telepathy-logger/lp_745803_fix/+merge/60964 Natty SRU request telepathy-logger20:48
bcurtiswxthanks :)20:50
cyphermoxbcurtiswx: seems to me like the changelog should better describe the changes made to the patch file. I think it´s also not necessary to mention the series file given that AFAICT it´s not touched at all (unless you forgot to bzr add it?)20:51
bcurtiswxcyphermox, you are correct, i added it here but not bzr.. weeee brb20:52
cyphermoxbcurtiswx: and also, the merge request seems off to me. I´d think it should for ubuntu-sponsors to review, and subscrive ubuntu-sru to the bug report and adjust the description for SRU rationale, impact and test cases as described in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Procedure20:54
bcurtiswxcyphermox, OK thanks20:54
brodercyphermox, bcurtiswx: no, i think the procedure is right (one moment while i double check...)20:55
Ampelbeincyphermox: I recall a change to the sru procedure where it gets uploaded and reviewed from the upload queue.20:55
cyphermoxdunno, just my feeling from the bzr branch, I may be wrong ;)20:55
broderok, i see20:55
broderyeah - the bzr proposal is fine, and it should go through the normal sponsorship process before sru review20:56
broderbut you should update the bug description with the the stuff that the wiki page asks for20:56
broder(test case is definitely most important)20:56
cyphermoxAmpelbein, broder, then where is this new procedure documented?20:57
Ampelbeincyphermox: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2010-July/030999.html20:57
brodercyphermox: the wiki page is accurate - nominate, subscribe ubuntu-sru, upload (without waiting for sru approval)20:57
broder"There is no need to wait before uploading"20:58
cyphermoxbut the issue i was referring to was that the merge request asks for review from ubuntu-sru ;)20:58
Ampelbeinoh, then it was a misunderstanding, sorry.20:59
cyphermoxnp; just making sure I´m not missing pieces :)21:00
bcurtiswxOK, so the review foes to -sponsors21:02
bcurtiswxand the bug gets SRU subscribed, and I edit the bug desc and such for SRU21:03
cyphermoxbcurtiswx: yeah, sounds right21:03
rickspencer3reading desktop-devel-list is not too fun these days21:05
jbicharickspencer3: you mean ubuntu-devel ?21:07
rickspencer3jbicha, no, I mean the gnome list21:07
kenvandinerickspencer3, indeed21:07
rickspencer3the lesson seems to be "don't try to collaborate upstream"21:07
pittirickspencer3: within all the noise and bashing there was finally some constructive result, though21:08
pitti(for control-center and language-selector)21:09
rickspencer3pitti, oh? I haven't tgotten there yet for that or lightDM21:09
pittirickspencer3: not for that, right21:09
rickspencer3statements like this, make we wonder:21:09
rickspencer3You know what I think is selfish? Treating GNOME like it's just a21:09
rickspencer3factory spitting out technology, at your bidding, that you can put21:09
rickspencer3together as you see fit. And then not giving any credit or21:09
rickspencer3contributing your changes back upstream. Think about it.21:09
pittianyway, sleep time; good night everyone!21:10
kenvandinegood night pitti21:10
rickspencer3night pitti21:11
bcurtiswxnite pitti21:11
bcurtiswxcyphermox, issue fixed :) thanks21:12
bcurtiswxkenvandine, was your 100% CPU bug that you mentioned to me before from indicator-weather ?21:12
kenvandinebcurtiswx, we've seen in for several things21:12
kenvandineit isn't specific to indicator-weather21:12
bcurtiswxit's desktopcouch-service21:13
kenvandinebcurtiswx, i think it is a broken view in couchdb21:13
rickspencer3hi bcurtiswx21:15
bcurtiswxhey rickspencer3 :)21:15
bcurtiswxkenvandine, and you were planning on moving indicator code off of empathy and using telepathy-indicator instead right? were you going to keep that vala or make it pure GTK ?21:30
highvoltagerickspencer3: did you copy and paste that from somewhere or is it original™ rickspencer3?21:31
highvoltage(oh, sorry, I read the line above now, d'oh!)21:32
rickspencer3hi highvoltage21:34
rickspencer3I was just kind of surprised by how heated some of the threads got21:34
highvoltagesilly humans and their emotions! *wiggling pointy ears*21:37
bcurtiswxkenvandine, how do I compile tp-indicator?21:37
kenvandineit won't build for you right now21:37
kenvandineneeds changes i have locally as well as tweaks to the tp-glib vapi file21:37
bcurtiswxOK, thought I was going something wrong :-x21:37
kenvandinei'll get it in shape to build in the next couple days :)21:37
bcurtiswxkenvandine, sounds good :)21:38
rickspencer3highvoltage, indeed21:43
jbichaI don't think proposing LightDM for Gnome acceptance now was a good idea, as I think it's more of22:00
jbichaa proof of concept than actually deployable yet, but maybe that's partly because I couldn't22:00
jbichaget it working on my Oneiric box, but I don't think accessibility support was added yet22:00
jbichait's perhaps a bit like Lennart's pushing Ubuntu to switch to systemd when it's not actually been deployed on a wide scale yet22:01
jbicha*was not a good idea22:01
micahgjbicha: someone already commented on that, it's not a fair comparison22:03
jbichaI don't see how lightdm could be expected to be ready to replace GDM, but it may be totally different after Ubuntu ships it by default and somebody writes a Gnome Shell-like theme22:08
jbichaso, try again in 6 months :-)22:08
jbichaI mean I don't like everything in the new GDM but lightdm hasn't realized all of its potential yet either22:13
bcurtiswxempathy got the same criticism when it became default22:14
bcurtiswxlook where it is now22:14
bcurtiswxi think something like lightGM can do the same22:14
jbichabcurtiswx: I think I can finally use IRC on empathy now, too bad I've switched to irssi from pidgin now :-)22:14
bcurtiswxi can't see my keyboard, so it's all blind typing.. don't get an HP DV7 if you value being able to see the keyboard :P22:16
jbichayeah I have confidence that lightdm will be doing ok in a few months but how many people are actually running it now?22:16
bcurtiswxhow many people were running empathy when it was suggested default... same-ish amount i would guess22:16
jbichalightdm won't even run for me so it's a bit different :-)22:18
scott-workif the ubuntu studio team wanted to stay with gnome2, would there be any heartache or grief with package names as they are currently?22:41
scott-workwould we need to revise our seeds for new package names or would any dependcies be newly named?22:42
* scott-work will be leaving work soon but will see any response on ScottL22:42
jbichascott-work: it's not going to be possible as gnome 2 won't exist in the archives, but there is a Gnome Panel 3 you may be able to use by default22:42
jbichaI'm running Gnome Panel 3 on my computer and it mostly works (indicators haven't been ported to it but that will come later this cycle)22:43
scott-workjbicha: is gnome panel 3 the "compatability" layer within gnome3 or is this something else?22:44
jbichayes, it's the fallback mode and looks like an evolved version of the Gnome 2 interface, just a bit tweaked to resemble Gnome Shell a bit more22:45
jbichait's in my PPA if you want to play with it, I wouldn't recommend you do it on your primary computer if you depend on22:45
jbichayour computer working as it normally does22:46
scott-workjbicha: i have a fedora live gnome3 disc, will it differ drastically?22:46
jbichano, it's the same thing22:47
scott-workjbicha: or should i really use the PPA to get an accurate representation22:47
scott-workoh, okay22:47
scott-workjbicha:  some if the ubuntu studio team might want to test, what is your ppa name?22:51
scott-workjbicha: nevermind, found it :)22:53
jbichait's not part of the gnome3 PPA since without indicator support, it breaks the Ubuntu look & feel22:57
jbichaand any custom applets besides the 20 or so included probably haven't been ported yet either22:57
scott-workjbicha: mainly we are worried about the workflow for studio work so i think it will give us a fairly good indicator without additional applets22:58
scott-workjbicha: most on the team feel that without panels it creates a strained work flow22:59
scott-workjust exploring the possibilities22:59
scott-workjbicha:  just for clarification: are you saying that gnome2 will NOT be in the archives for ocelot?23:01
jbichaScottL: the packages names aren't changing, gnome-panel 3 is still named gnome-panel in the repositories, thus there can only be 1 version there23:57
ScottLjbicha, gotcha!  thanks for the information23:58

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