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pittiGood morning05:40
ajmitchmorning pitti05:41
* pitti starts upgrade to oneiric and holds breath05:44
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didrocksgood morning07:54
nigelbbonjour didrocks :)07:58
didrockshey nigelb ;)07:59
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dholbachgood morning09:02
didrocksgood morning dholbach09:04
dholbachhey didrocks09:04
* pitti hugs dholbach09:04
* nigelb waves to pitti09:23
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cjwatsonnow that UDS is over, could an MIR team member have a look at bug 780591, please?  it's blocking all kinds of things10:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 780591 in libencode-locale-perl (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libencode-locale-perl" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78059110:25
seb128didrocks, ^ you seem to be the only mir guy around, could you have a look to unblock that maybe? if you are busy we can probably wait a few hours for mterry to be there10:27
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didrocksseb128: was just opening the launchpad page :)10:27
didrockscjwatson: on it now10:27
seb128didrocks, thanks10:27
cjwatsondidrocks: thanks10:28
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DasEisry, wrong tab11:17
siretartcould some archive admin please process libav from binary NEW? it will cause a library transition that I would like have completed at least for main before the first alpha releaseā€¦11:41
StevenKsiretart: Looking.11:43
* cjwatson syncs ibus-table-chinese into main to replace several previous ibus-table-* packages11:47
StevenKsiretart: Done.12:03
debfxdoes raptor2 need a MIR to get into main? raptor is already in main12:15
cjwatsonif it's a matter of switching out one for the other and raptor2 is indeed just a newer version of raptor, that doesn't require an MIR, but raptor doesn't seem to be due for demotion yet12:16
cjwatsonalso, raptor2 build-depends on yajl; unless that's just split-out code, that needs an MIR12:17
debfxraptor can probably be demoted once the packages waiting on raptor2 are built12:27
cjwatsonOK, well if you get an MIR through for yajl we can then sort out the rest12:28
siretartStevenK: ty!12:49
ion:-D http://security.goatse.fr/compiz-denial-of-service-vulnerability12:53
TakeGood day12:55
TakeHopefully I'm on the right channel, I'm building an custom lucid installation cd and I haven't found an tool which would include upgrades and go trough depencies automatically12:56
TakeI tought that Simple-CDD would do the trick, but I can't figure out how to use it with ubuntu repositories12:56
TakeSo, should Simple-CDD do the trick or is there some other tool for ubuntu to maintain packages & download necessary files from the offical repository12:57
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cjwatsonogra_: (or anyone else ARMish) Debian has started to remove maemo/hildon packages from unstable.  Should we follow suit?13:54
StevenKI would sorely love to.13:56
maxbIf the same update has been SRUed for maverick and is now to be SRUed for lucid, do I just clear the verification-done tag and restart the process?13:59
maxbOn the same bug, that is13:59
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evdo we know when the audio recordings from the sessions will start to land, and where? Incidentally, the old http://uds.ubuntu.com/audio/uds-m is broken.14:33
smbslangasek, So the oneiric version of ifenslave is an improvement. I added my comments to bug 714904. What would be the next steps? Is it enough to add nominations to the report?14:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 714904 in ifenslave-2.6 (Ubuntu) "/etc/network/if-up.d/ifenslave is missing (installed under if-pre-up.d)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71490414:47
stgrabersmoser: hey! for foundations-o-weblive-integration, can I give you a generic workitem to investigate the work needed for x2go web browser integration ?15:15
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stgrabersmoser: I assigned it to you for now (last work item at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-o-weblive-integration). Feel free to move it to the "Unassigned" list or re-assign to someone else.15:21
tkamppeterpitti, hi15:38
pittihey tkamppeter, how are you?15:38
tkamppeterpitti, fine. Did you do the annotations for the s-c-p session?15:39
pittitkamppeter: I haven't been in that one15:39
tkamppeterpitti, sorry, where do I find the session notes in general?15:43
pittitkamppeter: ideally they were copied to the whiteboard; if not, check the etherpad15:43
pittitkamppeter: find the session on http://summit.ubuntu.com15:43
pittitkamppeter: there is a small icon on the top left in the session box which links to the pad15:44
tkamppeterpitti, thanks.15:44
tkamppeterpitti, I have also done a session about color management for Ubuntu. This has no drafter yet and it is something where the work items get distributed over several people of the Desktop team. Who should take the drafter roll there.15:47
pittitkamppeter: at this point I think you are the person who knows about it most15:48
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sladentkamppeter: you should probably own the colourd session;  but I was in it and can add some input if you want16:03
smoserstgraber, thats fine.16:04
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micahgis there an archive admin around that can copy chromium from the ubuntu-security-proposed PPA to $RELEASE-proposed?16:19
slangaseksmb: unless the workflow has changed significantly, no one is looking at release-nominated bugs; so good that you've pinged me here.  Nominations accepted.  Do you want to prepare SRU uploads?16:25
smbslangasek, might be good training I guess...16:28
tkamppetersladen, it would be great if you could help me on this Blueprint. I have added the notes now.16:31
smbslangasek, Naively I would take the current natty/maverick source slap in the new code while preserving the changelog where I add some comment about pulling in a new version...16:35
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slangaseksmb: the changelog should be based on the one for the package in natty/maverick and documenting what's being changed to fix this bug16:36
slangaseksmb: since maverick and natty include the same version of the package, you'll want to pay attention to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UpdatePreparation#Update%20the%20packaging16:37
smbslangasek, Ok, thanks. Not sure there is but the changes include documentation/examples changes the not directly are part of this bug report. Would I need to open en extra bug for that or are those kind of changes ok without a bug reference?16:41
slangaseksmb: I would not expect those changes to be included in an SRU upload - only the changes directly related to fixing the bug16:43
smbok, makes sense16:43
bigonseb128: could you have a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/telepathy-logger/+bug/745803 ?16:47
ubottuUbuntu bug 745803 in telepathy-logger (Ubuntu) "telepathy logger uses 100% CPU" [High,Fix committed]16:47
seb128what about it?16:48
bigondamm I post my comment in double16:48
bigonseb128: well see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/telepathy-logger/+bug/745803/comments/17 and /20 /o\16:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 745803 in telepathy-logger (Ubuntu) "telepathy logger uses 100% CPU" [High,Fix committed]16:48
seb128bigon, seems somebody is on it16:49
bigonah right16:50
tkamppeterpitti, still there?16:51
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pittitkamppeter: will be back in ~ 30 mins17:14
dholbachpitti, good work on fixing the -no bug!17:28
smbslangasek, argh, so the latest ifenslave package has also a fix for two bugs in preinst to forget to check "$2"=="" and to look at if-up/down.d/wireless-tools instead of ifenslave. Lucky that a) those are not in the ifenslave package, so there is no checksum and b) there is a third bug that the package name is ifenslave-2.6 not ifenslave anyway. Since all of that is not related to the bug I skip that, and will file a debian bug17:28
slangaseksmb: sounds good :)17:29
apwslangasek, these changes to linux-libc-dev for multi-arch, did we test the result at all ?17:37
apwsomeone last week mentioned that video for linux packages were breaking, to do with kernel headers, can anyone point me in the right direction17:42
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apwto a bug or a person :)17:42
cjwatsonapw: v4l1 was dropped and packages need to cope - it might just be that?17:45
cjwatsonperhaps your interlocutor didn't realise it was deliberate17:46
apwheh that is entirly possible17:46
cjwatsonif it's v4l2, that would be a different matter17:46
apwcjwatson, do we have a definatiive ftbs list17:46
evmdz: Is this what you were referring to when you said there may already be a tech board decision on recording success/failure: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2009-August/000601.html17:50
mdzev, no, that's not the bit I was thinking of. thanks for the reminder, i'll dig it up17:51
evmdz: thanks17:51
slangasekapw: right - linux-libc-dev multiarch was tested, from the rest of your comments it sounds like you're probably running into the v4l1 deprecation issue instead17:53
apwslangasek, sounds good thanks17:53
micahgslangasek: can you please copy chromium-browser from the ubuntu-security-proposed PPA to $RELEASE-proposed for lucid, maverick, and natty and apply overrides to put the binaries/source in universe?17:55
slangasekmicahg: you have the command handy for that?17:56
micahgslangasek: I'll check17:56
mdzev, I'm not having much luck finding it. I don't think it was a tech board decision or meeting, just a technical discussion about the installer and whether it was a good idea to try to capture information from successful installs18:01
mdzit was years ago, and maybe not helpful enough to warrant a lengthy search18:01
evthanks just the same18:01
evI've already started drafting the mail to ubuntu-devel, so I'll have that out for tomorrow.18:02
micahgslangasek: can you give this a sanity look, I've never prepared this before: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/608521/18:02
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htorquehello, everyone! can you tell me, how long it will take for this fix to go into -updates: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pygobject/2.28.3-1ubuntu1.1 ?18:06
micahghtorque: should be sometime this week, there's usually a backlog after UDS18:06
htorquemicahg: thanks, that's good. i just don't want to advise someone to enable -proposed.18:07
smbslangasek, I have copied proposed ifenslave packages to chinstrap:~smb/4review for review and sponsoring in case things look ok to you. Install fresh/upgrade (just not from that very old version) tested on 64bit builds for Maverick and Natty18:12
slangasekmicahg: copied18:17
slangaseksmb: chinstrap> very much not best practice for sponsorship :)  Could you please push a debdiff to the bug report?18:17
slangaseksmb: debdiff howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Recipes/Debdiff#Method18:21
smbslangasek, Sorry just got distracted on other channel. I would have done debdiff with debdiff, but I look at that page18:22
slangaseksmb: right, if you're already familiar with the 'debdiff' command, then there's nothing new and interesting there ;)18:22
smbslangasek, We just normally did that for kernel packages for the sponsor to be just able to copy and sign18:22
micahgslangasek: thanks!18:22
slangasekmicahg: n/p18:23
slangaseksmb: that makes sense for kernels for various reasons, but kernels are a special case18:23
smbslangasek, Agreed, just happen to fall easily back to the "bad" habits. ;)18:24
kotiquehow much is this devel channel devel?18:25
kotiquei'd like to disable any graphical setting on grub2. ANY18:25
kotiquewant a plain text line with bootstring prompt18:25
slangasekthat seems like a user support question rather than a development question18:25
kotiquegrub2 wiki is dead, second link points to ubuntu's grub tutorial18:30
slangasekwgrant: should I assign https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-o-lp-archive-access-update to someone with LP mojo?18:31
kotiquethx anywayz18:31
smbslangasek, debdiffs attached to bug 71490418:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 714904 in ifenslave-2.6 (Ubuntu Natty) "/etc/network/if-up.d/ifenslave is missing (installed under if-pre-up.d)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71490418:31
slangaseksmb: thanks! :)18:31
smbDammit, those replies seem to come nearly at the same time I press enter.. ;)18:32
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bcurtiswxNatty SRU request for Telepathy-logger https://code.launchpad.net/~bcurtiswx/ubuntu/natty/telepathy-logger/lp_745803_fix/+merge/6096420:48
bcurtiswxThanks :)20:50
stgraberbcurtiswx: hmm, your changelog entry says "Add series file" but the diff doesn't touch debian/series and instead modifies debian/patches/git_eat_cpu.patch20:52
bcurtiswxstgraber, yeah i just noticed that.. im fixing that as we type :)20:52
bcurtiswxforgot the bzr add .. doh20:52
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slangasekhuh, where did the summit etherpad go21:06
bcurtiswxstgraber, thanks and I have fixed the problem :)21:11
gesercjwatson: is MoM having issues again? main.html    09-May-2011 00:41 362K21:13
stgraberbcurtiswx: as it's an SRU, you want ubuntu1.2 instead of ubuntu2 and you need to target it to natty-proposed instead of natty21:14
bcurtiswxstgraber, ah this i didn't know.  Thanks for that info21:15
bcurtiswxstgraber, done :)21:21
macoto get onto http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sponsoring/ with a merge proposal... do you subscribe sponsors to the bug or the proposal?21:23
macooh hey akk joined. tell her the answer too21:23
stgraberbcurtiswx: version number is good but debian/changelog still says "natty" instead of "natty-proposed" :)21:23
bcurtiswxstgraber, hahaha im such a fool..21:24
bcurtiswxstgraber, <crosses fingers> this time21:26
micahgmaco: akk merge proposals against the UDD branch (lp:ubuntu/foo) are automatically added, for bugs, you subscribe ubuntu-sponsors21:27
micahggeser: yeah, I was going to ping cjwatson about it tomorrow, figured at least give him a day to catch up21:28
macomicahg: thanks21:28
stgraberbcurtiswx: looks good21:29
bcurtiswxstgraber, thanks :)21:29
stgraberI'll upload in a few minutes21:29
vishmicahg: isnt the default for merges "ubuntu-branches" (or has that changed now?)21:31
micahgvish: that's the long form21:32
macolong form?21:32
stgraberbcurtiswx: uploaded to -proposed (you now have to wait for someone to accept it in -proposed, then test it and give feedback in the bug report, if succesful it'll be copied to -updates)21:34
macoi have been surprised at the speed of -proposed testing lately!21:35
bcurtiswxstgraber, much appreciated :)21:35
micahgmaco: as opposed to using the lp:ubuntu shortcuts, you can specify the full path, lp:~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/package/suite/branch-name21:35
macothe SRUs i did on release day had fix-verified within like 2 hours of being uploaded to proposed21:36
stgraberyep, SRUs go through a lot faster than they used to. Seems like we have more testers closely following what hits -proposed (also, the delay to get stuff into -proposed seems to be a lot shorter than it used to be)21:37
macothats because they read the SRU checklist in teh bug *after* upload now21:38
macoinstead of *wait for people to read stuff*  *wait for sponsor to upload* *wait for thing to be accepted*21:38
macoreading got rolled into accepting and now they cant really forget to accept after reading21:39
vishmicahg: i meant, the reviewer is set to "Ubuntu branches" by default... just tried with a branch lp:~vish/ubuntu/... and if i dont specify a reviewer it sets "~ubuntu-branches" as the reviewer21:41
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micahgvish: ok?21:44
vishbut i think those might show up in the sponsor list as well..21:44
micahgvish: right21:44
macovish: im guessing micah means that the sponsors webpage looks for that21:44
macoakk: your fix is now showing up there21:45
macoakk: for future reference, on SRU's it should be natty-proposed instead of just natty21:47
broderi think the sponsors page looks for any mp against any branch owned by ~ubuntu-branches, but i don't remember21:47
akkmaco: sorry, noted for future reference21:47
akkthough I think it chose that by default when I ran bzr lp-open -- at what point should I have specified it?21:48
brodervish, maco: ah, yeah - the queue looks for merges where a review was requested by any of ~ubuntu-branches, ~ubuntu-sponsors, ~ubuntu-dev, or ~ubuntu-core-dev21:49
akkoh, in the bzr push path?21:49
macoakk: at the dch -i step, the top line in debian/changelog has the package version number and release name21:49
vishbroder: yay, cool! thx! i always wondered why -branches and used to change it to -sponsors.. :)21:50
brodervish: there are other reasons to change it to sponsors-  in particular, it means that people on sponsors can properly reject merges, which they can't do for -branches21:50
broder(they can just change the status, which is mostly an ugly work around for not being able to claim the review)21:51
* vish nods..21:51
macobroder: what does "Review type: _____" mean?21:53
brodermaco: i think the intent is to indicate if, say, you're only doing a "design" review or something like that, but in practice i just always leave it blank21:53
cjwatsongeser: thanks, I'll have a look21:54
cjwatsonValueError: process failed 9: dpkg-source -x libtrace3_3.0.10-1.dsc /srv/patches.ubuntu.com/unpacked/libt/libtrace3/3.0.10-121:54
cjwatsondpkg-source: error: none of the filenames in ---/+++ are relative in diff `libtrace3-3.0.10/debian/patches/fix-shlib-depends' (line 6)21:55
cjwatson*blink* that's a rather special quilt patch21:55
cjwatsoncurrent dpkg can cope though21:57
cjwatsongeser: hacked around for now; next run should hopefully do better22:03
micahgthanks cjwatson22:04
geserdoes MoM also process packages that are unchanged in Ubuntu?22:05
cjwatson(I stuck a dpkg-source wrapper script into the front of $PATH which points to an unpacked current dpkg)22:05
cjwatsongeser: it shouldn't normally, no22:07
cjwatsonat least not non-trivially22:08
broderstgraber: it looks like caff is misencoding your name, fwiw22:14
stgraberbroder: as long as the signature is fine, I don't really care :) I'm used to seeing encoding issues with my name ;)22:14
broderfair enough :)22:15
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