
=== JasonO is now known as MisterX
UndiFineDyes jbicha14:15
jbichaI hadn't seen that before14:15
UndiFineDI will have a talk about it during tomorrows meeting14:15
UndiFineD21:00 UTC14:16
j1mchi all14:19
j1mcjbicha: howdy14:20
j1mchey UndiFineD14:20
j1mci just heard about that, too14:21
UndiFineDlol, this is its 4th year14:21
j1mcjbicha: do you want to send a note to the ML about it?14:21
jbichaI don't know anything about it, maybe UndiFined could :-)14:24
j1mcUndiFineD: do you want to send a note to the ML about it?14:26
j1mcletting people know about the summer of documentation?14:26
andrejzhello, i noticed antoter error in natty documentation14:26
UndiFineDj1mc, sure14:26
j1mchi andrejz14:26
UndiFineDmind if I do that after the meeting ? seems easier that way14:26
MrChrisDruifIn #ubuntu-meeting14:27
andrejzthere is a string - Press <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Alt</key><key>Shift</key><key> ←</key></keyseq> to move the window to the workspace to the right of the current workspace.14:27
andrejzshouldn't it be LEFT, instead of RIGHT14:27
UndiFineDandrejz, yes14:28
andrejzand the other way around for the other string14:28
MrChrisDruifUndiFineD; Maybe send a email about the meeting on the ML?14:28
j1mcandrejz: what is the name of the file?14:28
MrChrisDruifPeople who want to join can14:28
UndiFineDalthough, when holding shift, it creates a mini map of your desktops14:28
andrejzj1mc, here it is14:29
andrejzis there someone who can fix it on IRC right now or should i report a bug?14:30
j1mcandrejz: it would be nice if we knew the name of the file that contained the string14:30
jbichaandrejz: I can fix it since I caused it14:30
jbichaI never was very good at telling left and right apart :-)14:30
andrejzj1mc it's package named gnome-user-docs-gnome-help14:31
andrejzthe .pot file14:31
jbichaj1mc: it's shell-workspaces-movewindow by the way, & you have to use crazy Unicode to get the pretty arrows14:31
j1mcjbicha: thanks.14:32
jbichaoh, I don't do the pot part, I think mdke usually does14:32
j1mcandrejz: that's what i wsa needing to know... the file name. not just the package name.14:32
andrejzoh, sorry. how can i find that out, i am just translating offline in poedit14:32
j1mcjbicha: hm... i wonder if updating the pot files would cause problems?14:32
j1mcyou're right that mdke normally does that14:33
andrejz@jbicha: there is another bug i noticed - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-user-docs/+bug/78214714:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 782147 in gnome-user-docs "Wrong description how to decrease text size in .pot file" [Undecided,New]14:33
jbichaj1mc: yeah, I'm happy to have him do it but the procedure to generate it should be documented14:33
UndiFineDthere we go: meeting announced with agenda14:34
jbichaandrejz: thanks for reporting that14:35
andrejzyou're welcome14:36
UndiFineDj1mc, jbicha my messages are always awaiting approval14:37
jbichaUndiFineD: are you subscribed to the mailing list?14:39
UndiFineDI think I am14:39
j1mcUndiFineD: what is email address you are sending to?14:40
j1mcUndiFineD: make sure you join the ML here: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-doc14:41
j1mcthen your posts won't be moderated14:41
UndiFineDah no .. I am still awaiting to join ...14:42
j1mcUndiFineD: if you join that mailing list you can send messages to the mailing list. :)14:43
j1mcthat is what you need to do... it isn't related to a team.14:44
j1mcUndiFineD: join the Ubuntu Documentation Contributors team at https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-doc-contributors14:45
UndiFineDyeah, should be better from now on14:45
andrejzthat's true, i am on ubuntu-doc mailing list and I just translate (and report bugs in the docs occasionally)14:45
j1mcUndiFineD: is the meeting tomorrow for the docs team itself, or is it a beginners team meeting that the docs team is invited to?15:00
MrChrisDruifj1mc; second15:01
MrChrisDruifOr latter15:01
MrChrisDruifIt's the Beginners Team Wiki FG meeting where the doc team is invited to15:01
j1mcah, ok15:02
j1mcMrChrisDruif: cool15:03
MrChrisDruifI want to suggest more regular meetings15:04
UndiFineDj1mc, it is a meeting for the UBT wiki focusgroup15:08
UndiFineDbut I surely welcome the doc team input15:08
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=== MIsterX is now known as MisterX
=== MisterX is now known as JasonO
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