
bahaa2008kim0, welcome21:18
kim0hey :)21:19
kim0el room beta3tna deeh hadya akher 7aga21:19
kim03ayzeen 7ad moz3eg shwaya21:19
bahaa2008kim0, welcome to the cloud hero :)21:19
kim07ad 3aref el ICT dah .. till which hour ?21:19
bahaa2008didn't you go to the UDS ?21:20
kim0yeah I did21:20
bahaa2008how it was21:20
bahaa2008i mean the one that was a few days ago21:20
kim0lessa rage3 embare7 :)21:21
kim0cool y3ny :) busy21:21
kim0nice guys21:21
bahaa2008seems it's really cool21:21
kim0there was some invited community people21:21
bahaa2008but it's a very var away :D21:21
kim0I wish we could get some of you guys sponsored21:21
kim0Hungary ? not that far away ?!21:21
bahaa2008i'm poor @georaphical info :D21:22
bahaa2008seems it was in Europe :D21:22
kim03 hr flight .. there's almost nothing closer :D21:22
kim0even France is 4.521:22
kim0el mohem21:23
kim0belbosba lel ICT21:23
kim0any idea about time ?21:23
bahaa2008i just know a few hours ago21:23
bahaa2008is there any website21:24
bahaa2008the website is made with joomla :)21:26
bahaa2008open source rocks21:26
bahaa2008opening hours21:27
bahaa200810 am – 9 pm21:27
bahaa2008don't this guys do some SEO21:27

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