
Emmanuel_Chanelhow are you?04:04
=== haru_arc_sakura_ is now known as haru_arc_sakura
=== Yuzuchan_ is now known as Yuzuchan
=== wet-chan is now known as wet
amigojapanhi Emmanuel_Chanel18:19
Emmanuel_ChanelWhat's new there? I'm apt to be tired.18:19
Silmarwenwhy are you speaking in english in a japanese channel?:D18:28
Emmanuel_ChanelPermitted to speak English here. And I talked also to the foreigners on this channel.18:33
Silmarwenoh that's a really nice thought18:36
Silmarweni love seeing japanese conversations, though:D18:36
Silmarwennot that there's a lot of that18:36
Silmarwenor i understand much18:36
Silmarwenbut it's still fun trying to read them18:36
=== haru_arc_sakura is now known as haru_arc_sakura_

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