
=== ogasawara_ is now known as ogasawara
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* ppisati upgrades to Natty07:04
* apw yawns ... sooo very tired08:15
* jk- waves08:27
apwmoin jk- back ok ?08:30
jk-heya apw. yeah, all went well.08:31
jk-just need to not be sleeping on the keyboard08:31
* smb drags himself in08:33
ppisatidoh! mumble recalibration...08:35
smbppisati, At least I heard you08:35
* apw has to rebuild his office, bah08:38
smbapw, Was it "cleaned up"?08:38
apwyep, nice and shiney08:38
smb...and nothing to be found anymore. :-P08:38
ppisatiyou lucky, i should clean mine :)08:39
apwnot a thing, including my headphones08:39
smbppisati, If you do it yourself you tend to know where tings are after the process. On the other hand... ;)08:39
apw... once everything is gone you don't have to worry08:41
LucaHi! I'm trying to figure out why my system, which has an ATI with opensource drivers installed, cannot boot the kernel 2.6.38 without having to set the nomodeset parameter. The same happens when I try to use USB pendrive with fresh installation of 10.04. Is there anyone who knows anything about this issue?08:41
ppisatismb: actually i developed an efficient loosing stuff algorithm, so even if i tidy by myself, i tend to loose stuff :)08:41
tjaaltonLuca: what happens without nomodeset, black screen?08:49
LucaOn my notebook with kernel 2.6.38 I have a screen screwed up (I see some violet on the screen) and the boot stops there, shortly after grub. With a USB pendrive black screen (the USB pendrive is working with 10.10).08:50
tjaaltonis it 32 or 64bit?08:52
LucaOn the same system, the old kernel 2.6.35 is working ok.08:53
tjaaltonyou could try a mainline build: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.39-rc7-oneiric/08:53
tjaaltoninstall linux-image-2.6.39...deb and boot it without nomodeset08:54
Lucaok, I'll try this08:54
tjaaltonLuca: btw, is there a bugreport about this?09:09
LucaI've been trying to find something already filed and I found many things similar, but I don't know if those are the same or not. I don't even know whether this is related to the kernel or to the graphics drivers. I'm experiencing other issues as well with the new 11.04.09:11
tjaaltonbest to file a new bug09:12
LucaSorry, I've never installed a kernel without apt-get. Is there anyway a guide on what I should do to boot the kernel installed from .deb?09:32
_rubeninstalling a kernel via apt-get or dpkg doesn't make a difference really09:33
apwtjaalton, another radeon modeset regression ... sigh09:36
tjaaltonapw: this one? looks like it yeah09:37
tjaaltoncould be the grub handoff code messing it too?09:37
tjaaltonLuca: dpkg -i linux-image..deb09:37
apwtjaalton, good point ...09:38
tjaaltonhmm, /etc/default/grub should really have the GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX= commented out, I keep forgetting what the option is called :)09:39
tjaaltonLuca: so you could try adding 'GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=text' to /etc/default/grub, run 'update-grub' and boot the default natty kernel without nomodeset option09:40
Lucathanks, I'll try this as well. Sorry, I'm quite slow cause I'm at work as well :-)09:41
tjaaltonyou can do work later ;)09:42
Luca:-) Can I add that line wherever? Or is the order important?09:43
apwLuca, it should already be there commented out09:43
tjaaltonit should? ok, maybe my version is old then09:43
LucaIn /etc/default/grub? I don't have it there...09:44
tjaaltonLuca: would be nice to know if the .39-rc kernel worked out-of-the-box09:44
tjaaltonif not, then try adding the grub option09:44
LucaOk, I'm trying that as well.09:44
LucaI'm removing that line.09:45
tjaaltonnomodeset I hope?09:45
LucaI mean GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=text09:46
tjaaltonah you added it already, k09:46
LucaOk, see you soon, rebooting now.09:46
Lucaseems very good now!09:50
Lucauname -r confirms I'm running the 2.6.39...09:51
tjaaltonoh good09:52
tjaaltonand without nomodeset?09:52
LucaI assume yes. I don't see the parameter set in grub.cfg.09:55
tjaaltoncat /proc/cmdline would confirm that09:55
LucaAnd I'm running Unity, which I saw it wasn't possible with nomodeset.09:55
LucaBOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.39-020639rc7-generic root=UUID=4635bd6c-8c24-4f5f-b2f6-02c1bd5d5ec8 ro quiet splash vt.handoff=709:55
Lucaseems ok!09:55
LucaThanks for your help!09:56
tjaaltonnot so fast :)09:56
tjaaltoni'd like to have the kern.log or dmesg output from when you boot the stock natty kernel09:56
Lucaso, I have to reboot with 2.6.38 and send you that right?09:57
Lucano problem09:57
tjaaltondo the VTs work?09:57
Lucashould I remove the current ones I have?09:58
Lucasorry, what's VT09:58
tjaaltonor can you log in remotely (ssh)09:58
tjaaltonvirtual terminal (ctrl-alt-F[1-6])09:58
LucaSorry, not following you... :-) Yes, those are working.09:59
LucaOh, OK, now I get it.10:00
tjaaltonbut they probably don't work with the broken kernel10:01
LucaIf I boot with 2.6.38 VTs are not working and I already tried ssh as well.10:01
Lucais kern.log removed in the following reboot?10:01
tjaaltonssh isn't working either, and you have openssh-server installed?10:01
LucaI have a ssh server yes.10:01
tjaaltonno, /var/log/kern.log is rotated, so it could be renamed but not removed10:02
tjaaltonand ssh doesn't work while it's in the "state"10:02
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LucaI remember I tried once but I couldn't connect.10:03
tjaaltonok, maybe it crashed hard then10:03
tjaaltonanyway, boot that kernel, try ssh and if it doesn't work, boot the good kernel and find the /var/log/kern.log.* that has the information from the bad kernel..10:03
Lucaok, no problem.10:04
tjaaltonthen file a bug by running 'ubuntu-bug xserver-xorg-video-ati' and attach the logfile after you've filed it10:04
Lucavery good10:04
tjaaltoneven though it's a kernel bug this will gather more information of the machine10:05
tjaaltoni think..10:05
Lucaanyway, I was having some other troubles I've never had with graphics drivers. I don't know if those were related. I'll test this new kernel and see if those are still there.10:05
LucaI'll file the bug as soon as I get home. Thanks for the help!10:08
tjaaltonok, good10:08
Lucaoh, and I asked for help on askubuntu as well for this issue, no answers. Can I report there I solved with this new kernel?10:09
Lucavery well! Thanks again!10:10
ricotzhi, is someone having problems using intel 4965agn wlan-adapter with 2.6.39? 10:19
apwi've not heard any specifici reports no, but not many would be running that10:20
ricotzit seems to recognize everything, but while trying to connect it timesout10:22
ricotzit is working on 2.6.38, it is seems to be related to the driver split in iwl-legacy and iwl-*10:23
smbHm, someone had intel wireless on UDS and similar issues, but I cannot say exactly which model and which exact kernel10:23
smbBut I believe it was Natty, so it would be .38...10:25
smbdmesg would show some authentication going on the then something with disconnect reason 6... 10:29
ricotzsmb, it could be the hardware connection can be established, and maybe the wpa_suppliciant fails10:36
smbYeah, in that case it was on a conference. So a lot of (wireless)-noise going on. Which could be hinting to the callibration there...10:37
ricotzhmm, could be the same here10:38
ricotzso *.39 changed some condition which breaks it totally10:39
smbWhile the symptoms sounds similar I am pretty sure the other case was .38 and the message looked different to yours. 10:41
ricotzthis is with network-manager 0.9rc, but it was same with 0.8.410:41
apwricotz, if we know it works in .38 and not 39-rc might be worth checking the mainline builds between to see where it broke10:41
smbRoughly the problem looks like to be the kernel driver 10:42
ricotzapw, i build10:42
apwyou could try the ones in the mainline archive10:42
ricotzapw, i built the kernel regulary since rc4 and the problem was there already10:42
ricotzapw, i checked the build from yesterday10:43
=== cking_ is now known as cking
ppisatiok so, about oneiric/ti-omap411:37
ppisatii'm going to pull the same tree that we have in natty11:38
ppisatijust as a placeholder11:38
apwppisati, i am unsure if it matters or not to have that until we upload (here i am assuming you mean to push into the ubuntu-oneiric repo)11:41
* apw finally realises why git seems so slow in the morning ... relatime11:41
ppisatiyeah, i mean push11:41
ppisatibut i didn't get your comment11:41
apwpretty much the first commit i do reads every time, and triggers a write to the inode for every single one11:41
apwppisati, i was just saying as the tree is identcle to that in natty, there is no advantage to having it in the oneiric repo, till it changes11:42
ppisatiah ok11:42
apwthats not to say that you can't do it, just its not obvious to me what we gain by your effort there11:42
apwany idea when we might get some updated bits?11:42
apw(mumble if its sensitive info)11:43
ppisatii'm trying to figure it out11:43
ppisatihave you ever tried to switch to text console while playing music?11:48
ppisatii have audacious running and playing some stuff11:49
ppisatictrl+alt F<something>11:49
apwppisati, not sure it continues does it ?11:49
ppisatiand the music stops!11:49
ppisatiand when i went back, once i got _all_ the audio (skype, audacious, etcetc) cracking11:49
ppisatia couple more switch and it got fixed11:49
apwquality software for the masses11:49
ppisatidunno if it's: audacious, pulseaudio, kernel, etcetc11:50
jk-I think it's the audio stuff trying to be clever; does the same on my myth box11:52
jk-(which doesn't use PA)11:52
jk-what layer of the "audio stuff", I don't know11:52
diwicppisati, if you switch to a console, music should stop11:52
diwicppisati, at least IIRC. Because you're not currently logged into the system, you don't have access to the sound card.11:53
diwicppisati, as for the cracking thing, I've seen more than one bug report about "distorted sound with pulseaudio" so I think we have a natty regression here; I'll try to reproduce it later this week 11:55
ppisatidiwic: actually my session and all my stuff it's still there, so i'm logged11:56
diwicppisati, just as your screen stops showing your current X applications, your sound card stops playing your music. 11:57
ppisatisounds a bit strange to me11:58
ppisatiis it the same with tty[0-9]?11:58
ppisatiwhatever, anyway...11:59
diwicppisati, however if you log in as the same user, you got access to your sound card again and it starts playing :-)11:59
diwic(just tried it)11:59
apwdiwic, i assume we know that banshee has no quit window button now12:06
apwdiwic, not that its your problem, just i am assuming you hear about this kind of thing12:07
diwicapw, eh?12:08
tjaaltonit quits if you stop the playback first12:08
apwi am fishing to know if you know it has been filed as a bug so i don't have to file a new one ...12:08
diwicapw, Banshee has three buttons in the top corner here.12:09
apwoh i am trying to get rid of the window without stopping the music12:09
diwicapw, no I don't but I'm more into the layers below12:09
apwas its then 'in my sound indicator'12:09
apwyeah i'll hastle someone on desktop :)12:09
tjaaltonyes, the window-close button does get rid of the window here, and playback continues12:09
diwicapw, aha, it has a quit button but it doesn't quit when you press it?12:10
apwtjaalton, really ?  hrm12:10
tjaaltonapw: yeah, so it just stays there for you? weird..12:11
apwtjaalton, oh no, it quits but the playback stops12:11
tjaaltonapw: ah :)12:11
tjaaltonmaybe the indicator plugin is disabled?12:11
apwand ^W has gone away12:12
apwtjaalton, hmmm maybe12:12
tjaaltonit was buggy during natty12:12
apwtjaalton, ahh i do see an -appindicator package which is not installed12:13
apwupgrade fail again12:13
tjaaltonthat's what I have installed12:14
tjaaltonand -ubuntuonemuiscstore12:14
apwthere is also banshee-extension-appindicator i think12:15
apwbut am updating so have lost the ability to check12:15
apwi have soundmenu installed though12:16
tjaaltonah right, I actually meant the soundmenu extension :)12:16
tjaaltonbut do you have it enabled?12:16
apwbah no, it was disabled, upgrade FAIL12:17
apwtjaalton, heh now ^Q doesn't work and ^W does!12:18
* ppisati food + new power supply for panda/beagle12:20
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* apw reboots to get a new broken unity13:51
* smb tries whether a third cup of coffee finally helps...13:59
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apwsmb, not a hope14:20
apwogasawara, when you disable ubuntu/ drivers its simpler (collission later wise) to shove a # in the ubuntu/Makefile on the sourcel l14:22
apwline, that way we don't have to rebuild the config later when it comes back14:22
apwogasawara, and i think i have a building aufs update ready ... just going to see if it works14:23
ogasawaraapw: ack14:23
* ogasawara back in 2014:37
smbapw, Stop thinking too much about it. :-P14:37
apwthere is little in the way of thinking going on over here today14:37
smbheh, well yeah. neither here14:39
tgardnerapw, smbwhat are you guys whining about ? its not like you had a 26 hour trip home.14:39
smbtgardner, Nah, that _is_ the annoying part. No idea why14:40
apwtgardner, i think you are allowed to whine _more_, but i feel entitled to some ammount of whining, after 10 days of mental abuse14:40
tgardnerapw, yeah, I did forget about summit.14:40
ckingall apw's work is mental14:46
* apw slaps cking14:47
smbThe truth hurts... :-P14:49
* tgardner is sure glad to get back to 21" monitors. that 9" screen was killing me.14:52
smbSo true14:52
smbEven with a 12"14:52
ckinga week on an Atom with 1GB of memory is a killer with evolution + firefox.14:53
tgardnercking, yeah, slow as hell14:53
ckingfunny that once upon a time a 66Mhz 486DX + 4MB seems powerful14:54
smbcking, Though I think we did not run more than one program at once then...14:56
smbWell actually we did14:56
ogasawaraapw: I'm thinking of taking a swap day on Friday, you ok holding down the fort as tgardner and I would both be away14:57
apwsure thing, do we have a release-meeting, seems unlikely this early14:57
ogasawaraapw: no meeting that I know of14:57
apweven easier :)14:58
* cking suspects we need all the CPU cycles for interpreted code, Python, javascript, java, ACPI AML, etc..14:59
smb...and the additional eye candy14:59
ckingand gwibber + mumble ;-)15:00
* cking kicks mumble15:02
apwogasawara, i've just pushed a couple of small updates to clean up the updater and document its use, perhaps you could review the text and see if it makes any sense what so ever.15:19
apwogasawara, see ubuntu/aufs/BOM.UPDATING15:19
apwtgardner, i have cleaned up the aufs-updater to record the real SHA1 of the standalone tree, as well as the log one it used to hold15:20
apw(so its less confusing when you find the BOM in the furture)15:20
tgardnerapw, ack15:20
ogasawaraapw: ack15:20
apwtgardner, finally figured out why git is so damn slow for me, in the morning.  seems tis relatime ... seems it updates atime if its 24hours since it last did, so it happens every day first thing!15:23
tgardnerapw, huh, I've been having the same issue.15:23
tgardnerfirst thing takes forever.15:24
apwyep, so its one of those pathalogical cases.  you don't use it for a while15:24
apwsay a weekend, then you do a git commit first thing in day15:24
tgardnerapw, any workaround ?15:24
apwand it reads every file, and you wait a long ass time15:24
apwfrom there you are syched15:24
apwand its every morning first thing15:24
jk-updatedb still pushing everything out of the page cache?15:25
apwwell now i know i will be doing a git-status before i make my morning tea15:25
apwjk-, its not page cache, its the atime updates.  basically they are really expensive, one read makes one write, and alogged one at that15:25
apwso we use relatime, which says if the atime > ctime we don't bother until its 24 hours old15:26
apwbut git is introducing pathological behaviour as it reads the whole tree15:26
apwtgardner, you could go noatime on the partition, but mutt may not behave as you expect15:26
apwon a server it would be just fine though15:26
tgardnerapw, hmm, since I'm not using mutt...15:27
apwyou can also increase the time via systl15:27
apwnow i know why its so violently slow in the morning, i can take mitigating action15:27
apwa partition for my source code with atime off would have been good15:27
apw        if ((long)(now.tv_sec - inode->i_atime.tv_sec) >= 24*60*60)15:31
apwtgardner, no actually its not configurable ... anyhow there is the reason it sucks in the morning every morning15:31
mjg59apw: Now just remember that until that went in it would have been violently slow *all the time*16:01
apwmjg59, yep, its cirtainly better, just taken me a long time to work out why its always in the morning16:01
mjg59You need an SSD16:02
mfilipehi! I want download the kernel-2.6.39 through "apt-get source". Is there any way in 11.04? 16:27
tgardnermfilipe, 'apr-get source linux'16:27
smberr .39?16:28
tgardnersmb, oneiric isopen16:28
mfilipetgardner, no, it will download .3816:29
smbtgardner, Was just not sure whether you can get a .39 with apt-get from within natty16:29
mfilipeI want .39 to apply this patch: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/attachment.cgi?id=4670216:29
tgardnersmb, indeed you cannot. Iassumed this command was being executed from with an oneiric chroot or installation16:30
tgardnercan't fr*&*%^%g type this mornign16:30
smbYeah, so either this, or to use the git repo directly would be the way to go16:30
smbtgardner, Had similar issues in mine.16:31
tgardnermfilipe, use 'dget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/linux_2.6.39-2.7.dsc'16:31
smbSomehow my fingers managed to find the keyboard shortcut for undo all the time16:32
mfilipeI want the .config and source code of 2.6.39-generic-pae16:38
mfilipedevscripts installs many things that I don't want :( 16:38
lagapw: When are the dates due to be released for UDS-P?16:51
apwthey may already be set, though i have no clue myself16:51
lagapw: That's good news (as I'd like to bring Sophie over)16:51
lagapw: Do you know where I might look?16:52
apwi suspect i have seen dates mooted in email16:52
tgardnerlag, Oct 24 in Orlando16:52
lagtgardner: Great, thanks :)16:52
lagHow about Plumbers? 16:54
lagI thought it was after?16:54
lagConference: 7-9 September 2011 in Santa Rosa, CA, USA16:54
* lag is confused16:54
tgardnerlag, what is there to be confused about?16:54
lagtgardner: For some reason I thought Plumbers was at the same time as last year16:55
tgardnerogasawara, rebased for yama patches and pushed said crack to oneiric +master-next17:03
ogasawaratgardner: cool, thanks17:04
tgardnerogasawara, its still pushing.17:04
* ppisati -> gym17:48
apwtgardner, you got a pointer to the previous MIR for LTS backports, it is proving hard to find it seems17:59
tgardnerapw, hmm, are you sure I wrote one? 18:00
apwtgardner, yeah pretty sure you did actually, i have also found refrences to you saying you would file one18:00
tgardnerwouldn't the bug number be in the changelog ?18:00
tgardnerapw, MIRs are always associated with a bug IIRC18:01
apwyou'd think but the backports are generated from our main kernel, so it doesn't appear to be in there18:01
tgardnerapw, unwind it to the very first commit18:02
tgardnerI likely added it by hand.18:02
apw  [ Tim Gardner ]18:04
apw  * First upload according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Specs/KernelMaverickNewKernelOnLTS18:04
apwseems to be what was in the first real upload18:04
tgardnerapw, I'm hunting for the MIR in wiki.ubuntu.com18:04
tgardnerapw, have you stumbled on this page yet? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuMainInclusionRequirements18:12
mjampala_guys need help on setting my KEXE on ppc Board18:12
mjampala_not sure why and how to setup the crashkernel kernel boot param18:12
mjampala_anyone care to explain please?18:13
apwthat parameter ensures there is a hole in memory to contains a second kernel to recover and record the first one on a crash18:13
apwnot required if you arn't using kexec for crash dumps18:13
mjampala_I need to use for crash dumps so I need it18:14
apwi seem to remember on my system that parameter got added automatically when i installed kexec18:14
mjampala_how do find the hole18:14
apwone normally is made by the option18:15
mjampala_sorry, interesting ...18:15
mjampala_my box is an embedded solution 18:15
apwtgardner, thansk seems i have a lot of bits there18:15
apwthough i am struggling to find either the MIR bug or checklist wiki page18:16
mjampala_not sure if that will work for me18:16
tgardnerapw, I have not been able to find it, but I'm pretty sure I wrote one.18:16
tgardnergoogle is not my friend today18:16
smbmjampala_, That is how it looks on a 64bit x86 (though not sure it helps ppc) crashkernel=384M-2G:64M,2G-:128M18:16
smbThink it means for memory between 384 and 2G use a 64M hole and for 2G and more 128M18:17
apwsmb, yep thats my understanding18:17
mjampala_smb, but who devices where that 64 or 128 gets allocated 18:18
mjampala_which part of memory18:18
apwtgardner, never mind, think this wiki will guide me thorugh18:18
mjampala_can you check your /proc/meminfo and see if there is a crash kernel entry in it 18:18
smbAs I understand it the kernel decides it18:19
tgardnerapw, still, it would be handy to be able to clone the maverick MIR and just make some minor edits.18:19
smbmjampala_, not really in meminfo but "Reserving 128MB of memory at 32MB for crashkernel (System RAM: 33280MB)"18:21
smbin dmesg18:21
mjampala_As per the docs, there should be some entry in meminfo in /proc/meminfo18:22
mjampala_may be it is named with a different name18:22
mjampala_smp,  crashkernel=384M-2G:64M,2G-:128M18:24
mjampala_is that for you r grub menu18:25
smbmjampala_, At least my meminfo has only sizes, not locations, so it would not help. Yes, that is from grub.cfg to be passed as kernel command line18:26
mjampala_yeah, thats fine, does your meminfo have an entry for crashkernel which mentions the size 18:28
mjampala_how does it look18:28
smbmjampala_, Nothing in there saying crash or being something of only 128M18:35
mjampala_hmm, thanks smb18:36
mjampala_wonder how it not accounted18:36
mjampala_I think the crashkernel memory that is allocated at boot time is not used for anything else. 18:36
smbIt could be accoounted, but it may be part of some other thing18:37
mjampala_one of the start up scripts should just load the kernel and be ready if a crash occurs 18:37
mfilipegit://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-natty.git has the last source-code of natty linux-image? what is the version? 18:37
* tgardner --> lunch18:44
* apw wanders off to prepare for guests ... see ya tommorrow19:03
SpamapSmorning folks. Question about the -server kernels.. is there a page pointing out thd differences w/ -generic?19:25
smbSpamapS, I am not aware of one, but in git debian.master/config/amd64/config.flavour.server is only the config options not the same as for other flavours19:33
jjohansenSpamapS: not currently, it is largely the same, just a few config diffs19:33
jjohansenI have a server, -generic config diff that I can throw into a page quickly19:34
jjohansengive me 30 min and I'll have a basic wiki page up19:34
smbjjohansen, or you just pastbin the server config19:34
smbIts only a few kines too19:34
smblines even19:35
jjohansensmb: true enough19:35
* smb stops interrupting and goes afk... 19:38
=== smb is now known as smb-afk
SpamapSjjohansen: thank you!19:40
keestgardner: do you (or anyone else) have a Lenovo T400 in your stacks of laptops?20:25
tgardnerkees, not me. perhaps cert has one ?20:28
keestgardner: cool; I'll ask around. thanks!20:28
jjohansenSpamapS: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/FAQ/KernelFlavourDifferences21:06
eruditehermitbjf, hey21:24
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SpamapSjjohansen: Perfect! Thanks! :) (but aren't we supposed to delete things? ;)22:31
jjohansenSpamapS: yeah now I need to delete six pages :)22:57
SpamapSOne thing thats not mentioned, that might be good to mention, is that there is no longer difference in the HZ setting, and that all of the kernels are tickless (thats true right?)22:58
jjohansenSpamapS: hrmm that is not true, /me will have to investigate.  They are indeed all tickless NoHZ when sleeping but not when running22:59
jjohansenSpamapS: natty are all at 250 Hz23:00
jjohansenthat is why it doesn't show as a difference23:01
jjohansenI'll add the info23:01
SpamapSthe -virtual is CONFIG_HZ_100=y and CONFIG_NO_HZ=y and CONFIG_HZ=100 ..23:02
SpamapSin natty I mean23:02
SpamapSbut I have no idea how to interpret those23:02
jjohansenSpamapS: no its stranger than that, 64bit kernels are 100Hz and 32bit are 250Hz23:08
jjohansenI just checked them all23:08
jjohansenSpamapS: NO_HZ=y means that the kernel is tickless when idle23:09
jjohansenCONFIG_HZ_100=y means that the kernel has a tick of 100 Hz, but in this case only when not sleeping because of config NO_HZ23:10
jjohansenogasawara,apw: we will want to look at our HZ in the config review later in the week, it is odd that 64bit kernels are all 100 Hz and 32 bit are all 250Hz.  One would think -generic would be 250Hz and -server 100Hz23:11

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