
=== Braiam-away is now known as Braiam
nigelbmhall119, I was afraid I would make the first merge request post-UDS, looks like cjohnston beat me to it :p03:44
cjohnstonI have done 11 merge requests today03:45
nigelbcjohnston, to what?03:46
cjohnstonsummit ld and lp03:46
nigelbcjohnston, https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisjohnston/summit/ical/+merge/6102203:55
nigelbthis does not fix bug 78303003:56
ubot4Launchpad bug 783030 in summit "Change room.name to room.title on the next sessions page (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78303003:56
cjohnston      headings += '<th>%s</th>\n' % escape(room.name)03:56
cjohnston34+                    headings += '<th>%s</th>\n' % escape(room.title)03:56
nigelbyeah, found it03:56
nigelbI hate render.py03:56
cjohnstondont harass me!03:56
nigelbI want to accept one part of that merge03:58
nigelbaaarrrgghh, why do you combine it03:58
nigelbnow I have to review both of 'em03:58
cjohnstonwhat dont you want to accept03:59
cjohnstoncause i forgot to commit and push03:59
nigelbwell, the rooms thing I can accept because I know it works04:00
nigelbfor the other one04:00
nigelbI'll have to test04:00
cjohnstonthe meeting page?04:00
cjohnstonit actually still needs work04:00
cjohnstoni think04:00
cjohnstoni dont remembner04:00
nigelbokay, then can you undo that work in that branch?04:01
cjohnstonjust test it04:01
nigelbput just the room.name to room.title in there04:01
nigelbI'm more comfortable with one bug per merge04:01
nigelbmhall119 made me do that once04:01
nigelbso now I feel great making you do that too :p04:01
cjohnstonhey.. stop telling people to # their names in etherpad in the action items.. if they want to # their name, tell them to do it at the top.. im not going to edit the workitems script to support it04:02
cjohnstonill just make mike review it :-P04:02
nigelbcjohnston, just put your work items script somewhere, I'll update it04:05
nigelbI talked to pitti already about it04:05
nigelbHe's fine with changing his burn down chart script04:05
nigelbanyway, not this cycle04:05
nigelbnext cycle04:05
nigelbyou have 6 whole months for it04:05
cjohnstontheres already a bunch of changes that have been done...04:05
nigelbso some more won't hurt :p04:06
* nigelb runs04:06
cjohnstonnigelb: we dont need the hash tags.. this is what it will look like, which solves the problem04:07
nigelbcjohnston, have you seen the current burndown charts?04:08
nigelbIt also has the same feature of tracking by name04:08
nigelbwhich is awesome04:08
nigelbOnly one problem04:08
nigelbNot all blueprints go into this, there are some blueprints which don't04:08
nigelbBut having an extra hashtag in the etherpad should not hurt you in anyway04:08
cjohnstonso put the hash tag up top, not in the action items04:09
nigelbThe hashtag is to track an individual's work items04:09
nigelbits a one line fix in your regular expression04:09
nigelbI can do that for you if you don't have time04:09
nigelbBut why are we talking about this now? Its for *next* UDS.04:10
cjohnstonmake etherpad search without hashtags :-P04:10
cjohnstonI need to go to bed04:10
nigelbgood night :)04:11
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YoBoYgood morning06:16
BraiamYoBoY: it's still dark (but I can't see the stars ): )06:37
YoBoYBraiam: south america ?06:56
BraiamYoBoY: caribean06:56
YoBoYcool, I wish I can go there one time :)06:57
BraiamYoBoY: for vacation sure... I live here :)06:59
YoBoYnot good to live ?06:59
Braiamwell... it depends...07:00
YoBoYhi nigelb 07:10
nigelbhey YoBoY 07:10
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dholbachgood morning09:02
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nigelbmorning mhall119 12:13
cjohnstonhey mhall119 12:13
dakerYo cjohnston nigelb mhall119 12:15
nigelbahoy daker!12:15
nigelbdaker: cjohnston is inspiring all of us today12:15
nigelbdaker: within hours of UDS, he has about 12 merge proposals12:16
dakercjohnston, you said we need to talk about c.u.c12:16
cjohnstonthe theme needs to be updated12:17
mhall119nigelb: heck, cjohnston and I were pair programming on the flight from JFK to MCO12:17
nigelbmhall119: darn you all :)12:17
mhall119nigelb: slacker12:18
nigelbI had no power or else I'd have done something12:18
mhall119that's no excuse12:18
mhall119get a pen and paper12:18
nigelbmhall119: I shall drown you today12:21
dakercjohnston, i am rewriting a new version, something that fits our needs12:21
nigelbmhall119: I'm wondering we should have weekly standups? (am I overzealous)12:21
cjohnstondaker: of the theme/12:22
nigelbcjohnston: yeah, like "List what you've done, what you're working on"12:23
nigelbit sounds like a pain, but works great on motivation :)12:23
cjohnstonbut id be on it each week :-P12:23
mhall119nigelb: I'd be okay with regular meeting in #ubuntu-meeting12:25
mhall119cjohnston: you working today?12:25
nigelbmhall119: I tried to avoid the pain of having to show up at X time12:25
nigelbmhall119: Just reply to the thread on Monday or Friday12:25
nigelb(I thought about meetings first)12:25
dakernigelb, cjohnston mhall119 did you got the link? pls it's top secret  ツ12:26
nigelbwhat link?12:26
mhall119nigelb: but we'll be recruiting new developers, so regular meetings might be good12:26
nigelbmhall119: aha, okay :)12:26
mhall119daker: I didn't see a link12:26
nigelbmhall119: so it will be a web team meeting or a particular app developers thread?12:26
cjohnstonI'm confused12:27
mhall119nigelb: not sure, there's a lot of overlap currently, I think one meeting to rule them all would be helpful12:27
nigelbmhall119: +112:27
nigelbdaker: I did this time12:27
cjohnstonmhall119: massive fail.. why are you allowing this discussion in this channel12:30
nigelbcjohnston: what what?12:31
cjohnstonmore stuff we talked about12:31
nigelbbah, was this when you were pair programming?12:32
nigelbthis is why next uds you should fly separate flights12:32
nigelbyou don't have to fly next uds :\12:33
cjohnstondo you know how productive we were12:33
nigelbdaker: looks greet!12:33
nigelberm, great12:33
nigelbcjohnston: No.12:34
dakernigelb, mhall119 said the same ツ but cjohnston said its kinda canonical-y12:34
nigelbdaker: Ah, there is somethin cjohnston was talking about you should know12:34
nigelbThere is a certain limit to aubergine you can use on a community website12:34
nigelbI don't know how to measure it tbh, but its a %12:35
YoBoYso noisy here today :)12:35
nigelbthis reminds me12:35
cjohnstondaker: I didnt say that12:35
nigelbmhall119, cjohnston: Do we need #ubuntu-webdev?12:35
cjohnstonI asked if it was a new theme because of that12:35
cjohnstonnigelb: shush12:35
nigelbbecause summit, isn't loco perse12:35
YoBoYguidelines are not rules, the % don't have to be precise, just the feeling of its % is enought12:36
cjohnstonnigelb: things will be announced when things are ready12:36
nigelbcjohnston: what things?12:36
cjohnstondont worry about it12:36
dakercjohnston, huh12:36
dakeryou asked if it was a new theme? do you like it ? :D12:37
cjohnstondaker: I was ack'ing that the theme is different because its canonical-y... 12:37
cjohnstonyes i do12:37
dakerto be clair, it was made by me it was designed by mat_t and i have got some feedback from yaili ツ 12:38
cjohnstonI do like it12:39
dakernigelb, the aubergine mean cloud if i am not wrong and not canonical12:40
nigelbdaker: Ah12:41
dakerlook http://www.ubuntu.com/business/cloud/overview12:41
dakernigelb, http://design.canonical.com/brand/D.%20Ubuntu%20Web%20Guidelines.pdf <= Page 1812:46
cjohnstonfwiw all design guidelines will change VERY soon12:46
dakerwe should follow it12:47
cjohnstonI know12:48
* cprofitt goes to read12:54
cprofittcjohnston: is it possible to add 'after action' reports to loco.ubuntu.com...12:55
cprofittI failed to make it to your UDS session so could not aks the question there... for that I do appologize12:55
cprofittthose are some pretty specific guidelines...12:58
cprofittgoing to have to aks the NY web team to make some changes I think...12:58
nigelbcprofitt: after action?12:59
YoBoYthe possibility to write a report after the event I think13:01
cprofittnigelb: yes, after the event -- write up a small 'report' on how things went... perhaps include a picture13:02
nigelbtechnically, it should go into a blog post.13:02
cprofittin the current format we end up having to use loco for schedule, but wiki for after13:02
YoBoYI don't think it's necessary now, but if we want to make team reports one day, this should be added at some point13:02
cprofittnigelb: technically?13:02
nigelbcprofitt: well, we're having a blog roll kind of feature coming up13:03
cprofittI used to do scheduling and reporting via the team wiki... for permanence13:03
cprofittblog posts highlighted them, but fade off in to the sunset13:03
nigelbah, loco approval monitoring13:03
cjohnstoncprofitt: yes it is.. bzr branch lp:loco-directory :-P13:03
cprofittcjohnston: cool.13:04
mhall119nigelb, daker, Ronnie: cjohnston and I talked about moving discussing of the various website dev projects into #ubuntu-website, anybody have an objection to that?13:08
cjohnstonmhall119: I'm waiting to hear from news13:09
cprofittmhall119: sounds like a good idea13:09
cprofittdevelopment there -- usage here?13:09
cprofittor both there?13:09
nigelbmhall119: we could just do #ubuntu-webdev if they have an objection13:09
nigelbcprofitt: well, there are some stuff that doesn't fall here, like summit13:09
mhall119nigelb: we already have #ubuntu-website though13:09
nigelbmhall119: true13:09
cprofittI agree.13:10
mhall119cprofitt: we'll continue to hang out here to discuss usage and feature requests and stuff13:10
nigelbmhall119: lets move right away13:10
* cprofitt nods13:10
mhall119nigelb: slow down13:10
Ronniemhall119: #ubuntu-website is ok for me13:28
YoBoYmhall119: why not, if you want to add more project it's a good idea to be able to talk to every developpers and help to know who do what (we already are doing that on my team)13:32
cprofittmhall119: cjohnston: I may have two developers interested in helping you guys... are you open to that?13:36
nigelbcprofitt: YES!13:37
nigelbI can do an ascii yes, but I might get kicked ;)13:37
cprofittwhat framework are you guys working in... what languages?13:38
nigelbcprofitt: django + python is almost all of what ubuntu community sites are13:39
nigelbthere is a few drupal around but thats not done by us13:39
* cprofitt nods13:41
cprofittI will talk to them and see if they are interested...13:41
dakermhall119, sure ツ13:42
mhall119cprofitt: definitely13:46
YoBoYso what's the new channel ? -website ? -webdev ?13:48
coalwatercprofitt, ok im here13:49
cprofittmhall119: nigelb" cjohnston: coalwater is one of the developers I was talking to you about 13:50
mhall119hiya coalwater 13:50
coalwaterhi mhall11913:50
mhall119YoBoY: it'll be -website as long as the folks there don't mind it13:51
cprofittcoalwater: are you familiar with loco.ubuntu.com?13:55
coalwaterno, i only know it's about localization13:55
coalwaterthat's all13:55
mhall119it's about local community teams13:55
mhall119it's a Django application that lists the various Ubuntu local community teams, and lets them plan events and meetings13:56
cprofittit also ties in with various other resources -- like Google Maps, and image hosting services13:57
coalwaterok, that sounds fun lol13:57
mhall119shuttle's going up13:58
cprofittyeah... it does13:58
cprofittmhall119: cool13:58
cprofittthough I am sad that it is an end to an era13:58
mhall119too cloudy to see from here though, gotta watch on TV13:58
coalwaterso cprofitt , i guess i should add Django to the list of my stuff im reading14:09
mhall119there's a good 4-part tutorial online for Django14:11
mhall119that's the best place to get started14:11
mhall119cprofitt: not the end yet, there's one more launch14:11
coalwaterthis is kinda close to app engine right?14:13
cprofittgood to see it go well...14:16
cprofittI have not watched a launch since Challenger14:17
mhall119coalwater: I've never used app engine, so I'm not sure14:21
coalwateri havent either, but i think it's really close14:22
cprofittcoalwater: if you want to help these guys out... and it interests you... yes14:22
cprofittthe best part about Ubuntu Community stuff is that it is volunteer... so only do it if you LOVE it14:22
coalwateri was planning to do python web stuff eventually, doesn't hurt to start a lil earlier lol14:23
mhall119it's also very educational, we've all learned a lot by contributing14:23
coalwaterbut i might be a lil pain in the beginning14:23
mhall119everybody is ;)14:24
mhall119heck, some of us still are14:25
coalwaterlol, ok, i guess u have +1 painful member lol14:26
cprofittI think there is a great deal of potential to learn stuff coalwater 14:31
cprofittglad it interests you14:31
coalwaterwell, i'll get to help you, and i'll get to practice the python (which is my current goal), i guess it's good for both of us :P14:32
cprofittmhall119: is there a mailing list that coalwater should join?14:33
=== jimmah1 is now known as jimmah
coalwaterhttps://launchpad.net/~locoteams is this ur launchpad team?15:07
nigelbwe technically use teams for commit access15:11
nigelbso dont need to join anything15:11
nigelbmhall119: do we have a "how to start"?15:12
nigelbA generic one that is15:12
nigelbcoalwater: you can just do bzr branch lp:loco-directory and look at the readme inside to set it up15:15
YoBoYThis release the pack 50 french liveCD will cost 10€, who want some localized live CD ? :)15:18
coalwaternigelb, https://launchpad.net/loco-directory ?15:19
dholbachYoBoY, trying again to make French the language of choice for Ubuntu?15:19
YoBoYdholbach: yes15:19
dholbachthought so ;-)15:19
YoBoYfrench rulez15:19
nigelbcoalwater: yeah15:19
dholbachso what's "french rulez" in french? :-P15:19
nigelbcoalwater: also, later if you can let me know which bit you found troublesome as a starter to the project, that'd be great15:20
YoBoYhum... it's "On est les meilleurs"15:20
nigelbcoalwater: then we can fix that bit for the new developers we might be able to entice into contributing15:20
coalwaterok nigelb , i've branched it, when i go home i'll check , dunno if i'll be able to make a python website work or not though, we'll see lol15:37
nigelbcoalwater: Its fairly easy, though we're trying to make it easier, but that's on the wishlist for this cycle15:38
nigelbcoalwater: Again, like I said, if there is any difficulty and if we can improve something, please let us know :)15:38
coalwateri've tried to make a simple file.py to work on a shared hosting before but i couldnt lol15:38
coalwatero and about the team question it was just to join it :D15:40
nigelbdont worry, there are people around to help you15:42
nigelbthere's me, m hall119, c johnston, d aker, and R onnie who all work on this and can hand-hold you15:43
coalwaternigelb,  why Postgresql ?15:44
nigelbcoalwater: hrm, that's what its deployed on, but you don't have to install that for development15:44
coalwaterjust wondering, i've never used it, i only use mysql15:45
mhall119coalwater: for local development, it's easier to use sqlite15:52
mhall119coalwater: you can set your database settings in local_settings.,py15:53
nigelbcoalwater: well, actually, postgres is pretty good as a db server. Canonical loves it apparently ;)15:58
coalwaterdo i use the same sql syntax i use on mysql?15:59
nigelbmostly, but not entirely16:00
nigelbcoalwater: Anyway, don't worry about it. We don't write queries at all.16:01
nigelbWe use Django's ORM for database stuff, so that your database backend can be almost anything16:01
coalwaternigelb, , do u have any current to do lists?16:07
nigelbwe do, but its mostly big and assigned, let me see if there's a starter bug16:08
mhall119nigelb: there should be some smaller things we discussed doing at UDS16:12
nigelbmhall119: oh, let me look again16:12
mhall119I thought there was anyway16:13
nigelbmhall119: heh, this photo has been advertised as 'UDS blazer brigade' http://i.imgur.com/WjKky.jpg16:13
mhall119maybe I was thinking of summit16:14
mhall119ha ha, nice16:14
mhall119I'm beginning to wonder of Emmet owns clothes with color16:15
nigelbif you ask him, I can tell you his reply right away16:17
nigelbBlack is a color16:17
nigelbI'm fairly sure he'd say that16:17
nigelbmhall119: How does bug 707614 sound?16:17
ubot4Launchpad bug 707614 in loco-directory "wrong irc chat name when name contains a dot (affects: 1) (heat: 2)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70761416:17
nigelbit probably needs a new template filte though16:18
mhall119nigelb: he probably would, but he'd be technically  wrong16:19
mhall119which might be a first for him16:19
nigelbmhall119: hrm, right. Regular expressions is not what I'd want someone new to write16:19
mhall119nigelb: doesn't really need regex, a simple replace will work16:20
nigelbmhall119: this makes me think we should really tag bugs easy or bitesize16:21
mhall119but making a custom template filter might be too much at first16:21
mhall119+1 for bitesize, we've used that in the past16:21
nigelbhow about bug 62530216:23
ubot4Launchpad bug 625302 in loco-directory "would like to see who added events (affects: 2)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62530216:23
mhall119db migration..16:24
mhall119list teams by language might be the easiest16:25
coalwaternigelb, i would take a look , but i need to know how things works first16:28
nigelbcoalwater: okay, in that case, first get it running16:29
nigelbI'll try to see if I can be awake later on to walk you through it16:29
coalwaterwhat time zone are u at?16:30
nigelbUTC + 53016:30
nigelbmhall119 is probably at a more time-zone fit location for you, and so is cjohnston 16:30
coalwaterjust a simple question, is http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/307/detail/ a link on a working sample of the directory?16:31
nigelbcoalwater: that is the production loco-directory16:32
coalwateri see16:32
coalwaterseems nice lol16:32
coalwaterhttp://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ what are the colored and grayed icons ? what's the difference16:33
nigelbcoalwater: the colored are teams approved by the loco council, the other grayed once are not approved16:34
coalwaterah, might put a small thing on the bottom as an indicator :P16:34
nigelbPlease file a bug :)16:35
nigelbIts a very good idea to have that info16:35
coalwateri just noticed that there's a note on hover , but yea a small indication on the bottom would help16:36
coalwateror a bar on the top16:36
mhall119coalwater: sounds like a good first item to work on too ;)16:38
coalwateryea could be lol16:39
coalwaterkinda easy too, its just a tiny change in the view16:40
coalwaterbrb for a bit16:42
mhall119big things come in small patches ;)16:43
cjohnstonmhall119: its not nice to refer to me as a pain17:27
nigelbcjohnston: but you are! ;) (j/k)17:46
nigelbcjohnston: could you forward the photos you took of me at the party?17:46
nigelbhi charlie_barkin 18:14
charlie_barkinI have been a Ubuntu user since Lucid18:16
charlie_barkinand I like the idea on unity18:16
nigelbglad you like it :)18:16
charlie_barkinIt has been a wonderful experience since then. And I hope you guys there can cater to some of the photographers and videographers out there18:17
charlie_barkinwhat i love about unity is it's easeness of use and makes photography and videography life much easier18:19
charlie_barkinBTW I am from the Philippines.18:20
serfushave you checked ubuntu studio?18:21
charlie_barkinYes I did, but I still stick on the main distro it self. and do a few software tweaks to get some programs I need. like gimp, kdenlive and gthumb18:23
charlie_barkinthe main distro is pretty stable18:24
nigelbgreat to hear!18:24
YoBoYlucky guy ^^"18:25
charlie_barkinI ran on an intel atom desktop. with 2 gigs of ram and 320 gigs of hard drive space.18:25
charlie_barkinand it's feels good18:25
charlie_barkinpeople here in the philippines use mac as there primary video editing tools. but I prefer to use ubuntu because, I can get cheaper hardware and do video editing on a lighter phase18:28
charlie_barkinand I cannot depend on windows cause is more virus prone than ubuntu.18:29
mhall119nigelb: you mean the photos of you with the beer?18:50
nigelbmhall119: I mean the photos where I appear to be having beer18:50
nigelbmhall119: *appear* ;)18:53
=== daker is now known as daker_
cjohnstonforward them to fb nigelb ?19:16
nigelbcjohnston: No, just email them to ONLY me :)19:16
mhall119somsone's Mom is on facebook19:19
cjohnstonmhall119: help me write a new type of license.. One where you are not allowed to modify however required to post to all social media19:27
nigelbcjohnston: haha, what happened?19:30
nigelboh wait19:30
nigelbNow I know.19:30
mhall119cjohnston: you mean CC-ND-FB?19:43
nigelbhey toros 20:05
toroshi nigelb 20:05
toroshow is the feedback regarding unity in your loco?20:06

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