
highvoltageLaney: nice mail!01:28
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wejaegerHey, anyone up for reviewing http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/l2tp-ipsec-vpn08:35
dholbachgood morning09:02
xdatap1dholbach, morning!09:04
dholbachhey xdatap109:05
Laneyhighvoltage: :) / :(09:06
ajmitchmorning dholbach09:21
dholbachhey ajmitch09:22
nigelbhello xdatap1, reached home safely?09:23
xdatap1nigelb, hey nigel! Yes everything's fine. Thank you. And you?09:25
nigelbxdatap1: Got back safely :)09:25
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flowerhow do I make a package which installs some files in /etc/xdg/menus for example?10:14
flower I like to make a package which installs just some files into the system, is there such an example file in an official ubuntu project or outside of it?10:48
directhexflower, look at a font package10:52
flowerdirecthex: k10:53
flowerdirecthex: other info what might be useful for me?10:56
flowerto make such a package?10:56
directhexthere's really not much to it. just a debian/install file, and a dh_install in rules.10:57
flowerok I have a look, thx10:58
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flowerdirecthex: and there should also be a makefile in the package?13:36
directhexflower, or make sure you have empty build rules in debian/rules13:37
flowerdirecthex: empty build rules?13:37
* flower reading13:38
arandflower: But if you just use a dh7-style minimal rules file and .install lists, pretty much all of that can be ignored.13:49
flowerarand: do you have an example of such a file?13:50
arandflower: If you just run dh-make in the package directory you will get one13:53
flowerarand: ok, but there is no package yet, only the files13:54
arandSo you have a directory full of these files you want to install?13:55
floweryes, some menu related files, one should go into /usr/share/applications the other in /etc/xdg/menus etc13:56
arandrename that directory to packagename-3.5.6 (e.g.) and run dh-make inside it to get started.13:56
arandAnd if you do not have a tarball from the original source  you may want to use --createorig otherwise, rename it as per packagename_up.stream.version.orig.tar.gz13:59
arandflower: E.g. packagename_3.5.6.orig.tar.gz14:00
flowerarand: ok14:00
flowerhmm ok that's a start14:04
flowerarand: made an install file http://fpaste.org/VuXe/14:22
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arandflower: Try to run debuild and then check in debian/packagename/* what items got installed.14:25
flowerarand: looks good to me14:36
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jtaylorurgh is the quilt .pc dir supposed to be under bzr version control?17:29
jtaylorpyfltk has .pc/folder with applied patches in its branch17:29
jtaylorno idea how I should make a minimal patch in this state17:29
arandYou can always use .bzrignore (I think), and then just go by bzr-buildpackage?17:33
wejaegerHey, anyone up for reviewing http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/l2tp-ipsec-vpn17:34
jtaylorarand: thats again an extra change to the repo17:36
arandjtaylor: Yea, that seems to be messy..17:38
arandjtaylor: Although the tar.gz in the archives does not have it...17:43
jtayloryes only the bzr branch17:43
jtaylora classic debdiff is probably simpler in this case ...17:45
arandI guess you create a minimal patch and add it as applied to the branch, if that is how the maintainer does things, and then unapply it fo the actual building17:45
jtaylormicahg: won't that introduce a regression when the fix in oneiric is forgotten?17:55
micahgjtaylor: well, it's no worse than now, but ideally, fix the FTBFS for pyfltk, get it uploaded to oneiric17:56
jtaylorbug 779340 has a patch now if someone wants to have a look18:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 779340 in pyfltk (Ubuntu) "From python: import fltk fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77934018:28
ScottKjtaylor: Since we're early in the development schedule, how about you get it uploaded in Debian and sync?18:46
jtaylorits sitting the bts without answer since a week18:47
paultagjtaylor: what package?18:47
jtaylorand the package itself will probably not update anymore, its the sameversion upstream version since jan 201018:48
paultagjtaylor: what package?18:48
jtaylorso I also guess the motivation of the maintainer to fix an ubuntu bug is low18:48
ScottKActually the new maintainer is generally active in Ubuntu, so I'd guess otherise.18:49
paultagjtaylor: good news is the package is team-maintained. Worst case, give the team a mail, or say hi over on oftc18:50
paultagjtaylor: :)18:51
paultagjtaylor: pretty small patch, too18:51
paultagjtaylor: give that team a mail asking if they can review and upload the fix so you don't have to keep a delta in Ubuntu, one of them should be nice enough to help18:52
jtaylorI'll ask but in my experience that will take a while18:54
paultagyuck and they use svn, so no way to send a format-patch18:56
jtayloryou can use git-svn18:57
porthosejtaylor, this is a drive by comment :) pyfltk is on my hit list, hopefully I will have time to look at it tonight/tomorrow laters gotta go (porthose is running late)19:01
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XderickI know it's an kind of 'hack' to reorganize / customize the menus, but is there a way to solve this as best as possible http://fpaste.org/NAR5/20:10
AmpelbeinXderick: I guess you could use dpkg-divert for that.20:12
Xdericke.g. I  made an deb package which reorganizes some parts of the gnome menu. It overwrites /etc/xdg/menus/applications.menu but it is also in the gnome-menu package and apt doesn't like that (and he might be right ;) )20:12
Xderickor is it also possible to mv a file via an deb package? E.g. mv applications.menu applications.menu_bak20:13
AmpelbeinXderick: with dpkg-divert you can tell dpkg to install the file from gnome-menu to a different location (e.g. applications.menu_gnome)20:14
XderickAmpelbein, hmm20:14
XderickAmpelbein, interesting ...20:14
XderickAmpelbein, I might be in trouble when I remove the new menu package though ... hmm20:15
AmpelbeinXderick: you could add the dpkg-divert calls in your postinst/postrm20:15
XderickAmpelbein, hmm ok20:16
Xderickdpkg-divert --add --rename --divert /etc/xdg/menus/applications.menu_gnome /etc/xdg/menus/applications.menu20:20
Xderickdpkg-divert --divert /etc/xdg/menus/applications.menu_gnome --rename /etc/xdg/menus/applications.menu20:22
AmpelbeinXderick: yes, the last one in postinst of your package, and 'dpkg-divert --rename --remove /etc/xdg/menus/applications.menu' in postrm20:23
XderickAmpelbein, ok thx man. I'll look into the postinst and postrm files20:24
AmpelbeinXderick: actually, the diversion should go into the preinst as it needs to be called before unpacking the package.20:26
XderickAmpelbein, do you have an example of such a preinst and postrm file?20:27
AmpelbeinXderick: hmm, not from the top of my head. you could grep for dpkg-divert in /var/lib/dpkg/info to see if there is a simple one installed on your system.20:29
Xderickmost files uses pretty advanced (for me) bash scripting ...20:33
* cjwatson kicks off a big pile of ocaml transition uploads20:35
cjwatsonsince it's not obvious that anyone else is doing it20:35
gesercjwatson: thanks, I started with it (sort of) and wanted to check what needs rebuild for round 120:38
cjwatsonI did my own private ben run20:39
cjwatsonshould make the output public at some point ...20:39
Xderickhmm this seems to be an template preinst file http://fpaste.org/Oh4C/20:39
macocjwatson: ben run?20:39
geserthanks for that too (it was on my todo list)20:39
cjwatsonmaco: the script behind http://release.debian.org/transitions/20:39
gesermaco: Debian's transitions checker20:39
cjwatsonmagic thing that orders a pile of packages into dependency strata20:39
cjwatsonmakes transitions about a zillion times easier20:40
macotransition as in transitional package?20:40
cjwatsonno as in library transitions20:40
cjwatsonthe sort of thing where you need to rebuild a few hundred rdeps or whatever20:41
gesermaco: e.g. libperl5.10 → libperl5.1220:41
XderickAmpelbein, should this line be enough in the preinst script: dpkg-divert --divert /etc/xdg/menus/applications.menu_gnome --rename /etc/xdg/menus/applications.menu20:43
XderickAmpelbein,  or does it need #!/bin/bash20:44
gesermaco: see http://bentobako.org/ubuntu-ocaml-status/transition_monitor/ocaml_transition_monitor.html for a previous OCaml transition (unhide to see the ordering)20:44
cjwatsonthat does not need #! /bin/bash20:44
Xderickjust that single line is enough?20:44
cjwatsonerr, it does need *some* #! line20:45
cjwatsonbut #! /bin/sh is fine20:45
directhexwe have a ben install for mono 2.10. should start that at some point20:45
AmpelbeinXderick: debian policy 6.1, http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-maintainerscripts.html ;-)20:46
cjwatsonright, I think that's most of rounds 2 and 3 of ocaml according to ben uploaded/retried20:57
* cjwatson will leave that lot to build overnight20:57
Xderickthis might be useful for me as example, but not 100% sure what it does http://fpaste.org/2WUh/21:05
Xderickit seems to try to handle the upgrade nicely... compares files....  if the files are not the same, run the dpkg-divert command ... (?)21:06
Xderickhmm I think I have to run the dpkg-divert command only the first time when such a package is installed...21:08
Xderickwhen there is an upgrade, it doesn't seems to be logical to run the dpkg-divert command again...21:08
zookoFolks: how do I get launchpad to auto-subscribe me to any new tickets about a certain package?21:10
arandzooko: On the package page there should be an option to subscribe to most things related to that package.21:11
zookoFound it!21:11
zookoThanks. :-)21:11
jtaylorah zooko, can you please update pycryptopp in debian21:11
jtaylorits 12 releases behind upstream21:12
* Xderick needs some help with those preinst and postrm scripts21:14
zookoHi, jtaylor!21:19
zookoYes, I'll do that. I don't think I've done it before, so we'll see how long it takes me to figure it out...21:19
jtayloryou did the first package?21:19
ajmitchyou can ask in #debian-python on oftc for any python-specific stuff, or there'd be some people who know about it here21:19
ajmitchthe main change is switching to dh_python2 this cycle21:20
jtaylorfor the future, it is strogly advised for maintainers to test their packages during the development cycles, updating tahoe after release will require more work21:21
jtaylorsee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates21:22
macoto get onto http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sponsoring/ with a merge proposal... do you subscribe sponsors to the bug or the proposal?21:24
* maco crossposts since -devel only has two talkers21:24
jtaylormerge proposal is enough21:24
highvoltagemaco: yay, I see you're applying for DM!21:25
XderickAmpelbein, my bash isn't good enough ...21:25
macoyeah. lfaraone pestered me into it for umm.... well theoretically for like 8 months except then he forgot he was pestering me so there was a few months in there when he didnt mention it21:26
XderickAmpelbein, maybe I should make an upgrade of the package conflict with the older one? to avoid upgrading problems in a simple manner?21:27
ajmitchmaco: not applying for DD yet? :)21:29
macoajmitch: ive only planned as far ahead as DM and ~kubuntu-dev21:30
ajmitchbeing DM can help a little with the DD application, though it shouldn't matter too much21:30
macoajmitch: im applying for DM because my sponsor named above is so annoyed at the idea of having to sponsor my packages that he has brought up DM every time ive spoken to him since last DebConf21:31
ajmitchheh, that's a good way to do it21:31
directhexdoes DM need any advocacy or sponsoring these days?21:32
macoyou need one advocate email from a sponsor21:32
macothough >1 is preferable21:32
directhexyou have that already?21:32
macoyeah luke sent his advocate email21:33
macoand put DD in the email, then had to send a new email saying oops i mean DM...and hopefully DD soon too21:33
ajmitch& hopefully he'll sign at least one of the emails :)21:33
macodid he not sign his email either? haha21:34
macowe're probably both using GMail from work/school21:34
ajmitchhopefully Laney will get his account created soon...21:35
ajmitchso what nice simple things can I work on for oneiric now? :)21:37
azeemAFAICT, Ubuntu-modified packages need merging and are not autosynced, right?21:51
azeemis there some check whether a Ubuntu diff has been included in the Debian changelog and thus included in the package, leading to an autosync?21:51
azeemajmitch: you could merge avogadro21:52
broderazeem: no, that has to be checked for by hand21:53
micahgazeem: you can use requestsync and explain why the merge isn't needed21:53
azeemmicahg: k21:54
azeemwould be a nice feature though, at least trying to build it21:55
micahgazeem: build failures aren't the only reason for a diff21:56
azeemI'm not saying try to build+upload it blindy, but only when the Ubuntu diff is referened in the Debian changelog21:57
azeembut maybe there are more false positives than I imagine21:57
Rhondapeople write awkward stuff into changelogs, I wouldn't want to depend on it22:03
XderickAmpelbein, hmm doesnt work yet http://fpaste.org/ukvg/22:06
XderickAmpelbein, does it rename the file which is already installed on the system (via gnome-menu) or does it rename the file which is installed by the package?22:07
azeemRhonda: ?22:08
RhondaIs there place for a question infront of your questionmark? Otherwise I'm not very sure what you want to ask me …22:10
azeemRhonda: was that comment to my earlier remarks?22:11
Rhonda"when the Ubuntu diff is referenced in the Debian changelog" would still make it some kind of "blindy" build+upload22:11
azeemhow so?22:11
RhondaBecause the changelog is free text.22:11
azeemthe Ubuntu diff changlog is not free text22:12
RhondaIt has nothing to do with whether the diff really is appied or just praised or disregarded or what.22:12
azeemright, hence my "false positives" remark22:12
azeemhowever, I guess the number of people copying the Ubuntu changelog, but not the Ubuntu changes for whatever reason, is small22:13
RhondaYou wrote "referened" [sic], not copied.22:13
azeemsorry about being inaccurate22:14
Rhondareferenced isn't copied, at least not in my understanding22:14
azeemdepends on whether you code in C or C++ I guess22:14
azeemanyway, I didn't meant "22:14
azeem * I applied the Ubuntu diff, all is fine22:14
RhondaThat rather depends on real life language, not electronical language.22:14
azeemI meant having the Ubuntu changelog in the changelog, and possibly in the .changes22:15
RhondaI wasn't able to read that meaning into referenced, sorry, rather what you now wrote that you didn't mean. :)22:15
MisterXDoes anyone read the mailing list?22:15
RhondaMisterX: Surely someone does. :)22:16
azeemright, I was being unclear22:16
MisterXRhonda: Oh okey. I requested to get a mentor for MOTU so.....22:16
RhondaBut yes, when the Ubuntu changelog is taken over, like including the header and signoff lines, that might be something for basing an assumption on.22:16
RhondaI guess it should be possible to write some scripts that check for such situations - though I'm uncertain about the overall turnout. How regularly get the ubuntu changelogs _really_ included in uploads to Debian?22:18
azeemI do it when I merge changes22:18
RhondaI unfortunately think you are a big exception here.22:19
ajmitchit's probably still worth having someone check it & request a sync manually22:19
RhondaBut I'd like to be proven wrong on that point!22:19
ajmitchI don't know if you'd gain much by automatically syncing those few packages where the ubuntu changes are taken as-is22:19
ajmitchI guess it'd depend on how many packages that would be22:21
azeemyeah, maybe there's much less than I'd think there are22:23
zooko/join #blagblagblag22:52
zooko 22:52

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