
popeythat doesnt look good at all00:09
LjLto me either00:10
popeyits a saved copy of a launchpad bug with a payload in an iframe00:10
LjLsomeone from club said the second link posted tries to pulls stuff from "unvalidatedinput.com"00:10
popeyit does00:10
LjLi hope those two idiots aren't still sending this stuff as PM00:13
popeyi cant figure out what the payload is00:14
popeythe apt:// url is huge00:16
popeyapt:// followed by 98K of junk00:16
LjLfor me it just gave an error when i tried to open it from chromium00:17
popeylooks like someone posted it to the forums00:19
popeyand it was removed by admins00:19
LjLpopey: [01:22:45] <kevinf311-lap> LjL: unvalidatedinput.com traceroutes to readme.kabul2600.org (
popeynewish site too00:24
popeyprivate go-daddy reg, useful00:26
LjLi invited kevinf311-lap here since i was tired of relaying back and forth :P00:26
LjL2600 is a hacker thing isn't it?00:26
popeyany idea who owns it?00:26
popeyyeah, ish00:26
kevinf311-lapthey go through a "domains by proxy, inc" and godaddy00:27
kevinf311-lapsite just came up in the last day or so00:27
kevinf311-lapwant me to check out the other one, too?00:27
popeygo for it00:28
kevinf311-lapmeh, it just has the same unvalidatedinput.com thing00:29
kevinf311-laplooks like the apt: is in an iframe somewhere00:30
kevinf311-laptrying to hunt it down00:30
popeyyeah, 98K of crud00:30
kevinf311-lapooh thunderstorm00:30
popeyinteresting, there's a tumblr stat tracker counter in there too00:31
kevinf311-lapthat apt: bit is hugely long00:32
kevinf311-lapanyone recognize what the encoding might be?00:33
popeyfile doesnt know what it is00:33
kevinf311-lapi... i want to take this into work00:33
kevinf311-lapwhat exactly does apt have access to on the system when it runs?00:36
popeywell, its not apt00:36
popeyit's apt-url, which is python.00:36
kevinf311-lapoh, that's more fun00:37
popeybut it gets passed to ubuntu software centre, which can be given sudo access00:37
LjL[01:33:00] <incog> http://ubuntu.bigblackarabiandicks.tk/ <- he posted it again00:37
LjLmaybe time to ban these bitches00:37
popeyugh, UK ISP00:38
kevinf311-lapthat is a much funnier url00:38
popeywhere was is posted?00:39
LjL#ubuntu like the other two00:39
kevinf311-lapso this .tk tld is technically "Tokelau" but reg sites can use it for the public too00:39
kevinf311-lapthe general glabal public, that is00:40
popeybut yes, I'd remove00:41
LjLjrib: maybe you can remove incog and murdox? they're posting malicious stuff00:41
LjLthough we're still trying to find out how malicious00:41
kevinf311-lapi like that their names are "incog" and "murdox"00:42
LjLbut it's not good at all for sure00:42
popeygot them!00:42
popeykunwon0 in #archlinux00:42
popeybeen k-lined before too00:42
LjLkunwon* (except for the real kunwon) are gnaa spammers00:42
popeylncog, inco9, kunwon88..00:43
kevinf311-lapbigbloggers actually comes up as gnaa00:43
kevinf311-lapthat last url has been on ubuntuforums before00:44
popeywell, that was "fun"00:44
* popey goes to bed00:44
popeythanks :)00:44
kevinf311-lapwell, i think y'all have closed the loop on that00:45
LjLi banned them from the floodbots account00:47
LjLcan't take this shit, sorry00:48
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)04:37
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)04:37
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)04:37
rww#ubuntu happening of the day: someone pasteflooding the channel with the output of sudo apt-get install pastebinit07:46
rwwnhandler: okay, I've come around to your opinion on +q's being good. Watching people join and part in an attempt to evade them is cathartic.08:10
tonyyarussorww: The pastefail is almost zen in its stupidity.08:13
Braiamwhy I'm in the unregged chan?10:06
Braiamhere too?!?!10:08
Braiamgotta go, you can query me or send me a memo :)10:13
LjLhi. have the malicious linkers showed up again?11:37
LjLand if you don't know what i'm talking about, ask me as it may be important11:37
LjLalso, any irc council member around?11:38
popeyI see no more .tk links since last night11:40
jussiLjL: Im here. /msg'd11:43
* genii-around puts on a fresh pot of coffee15:08
* mneptok needs cup #215:25
* genii-around slides mneptok another mug15:26
rwwHeads up to the #xubuntu ops: LarsT's in there being his usual self.15:35
rwwalso, if he's still banned from #ubuntu, he's ban-evading there. I don't have time to check.15:36
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (16))15:39
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (16))15:39
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (18))15:39
ubottuKuifje111 called the ops in #ubuntu ()16:04
jpdsInteresting username on N3M35I5.16:06
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (18))16:13
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (16))16:13
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (16))16:13
ubottuShadowww|RDP called the ops in #ubuntu ()16:42
* Pici hrms16:45
PiciI always have to wonder when people who I don't ever remember seeing say hello.16:56
rwwUgh. I take it we decided to give LarsTorbenn another round in #ubuntu.17:13
PiciI don't know what to do with him17:14
ubottuiceroot called the ops in #ubuntu (passss)17:14
rwwBan him on sight? He's a persistant annoyance and ban-evades constantly, I don't see why we put up with it or believe the crap he says in here about "neighbors".17:14
rwwexcept he's not ban-evading, because someone unbanned him, because I don't know why :|17:15
LjLrww is becoming an ljl17:15
LarsTorbennwhy banned ?17:16
CarlFKi think there should be a policy about neighbors and cowworkers that is pretty much: too bad.17:16
PiciLarsTorbenn: Because you said you wouldn't do what you just did.17:16
LarsTorbennwhat did i?17:16
LarsTorbennask a question ?17:16
rwwCarlFK: My de facto one is "If we can't tell the difference between your behavior and your "neighbors'", we don't care whether you're telling the truth about them existing." ;)17:17
PiciLarsTorbenn: Constantly repeat a question, berate other users when they told you they didn't know.17:17
LarsTorbennPici: szal told me to ask my question again !17:17
PiciYou completely disregarded the guidelines that you said that you had read.17:17
LarsTorbennWhy do you lie me ?17:17
LarsTorbennAll the peoples told !ask to me17:17
LarsTorbennAltought I asked my question.17:17
LjLyou also said "shit", "omfg" and stuff17:17
LarsTorbennThen i told it again.17:17
PiciYOU are are in control of your actions.17:17
LjLi think you should know the guidelines very well at this point17:17
LarsTorbennOh yes. omfg.17:17
LarsTorbennits really bad !17:17
PiciOr you should be.17:17
LjLyes it is17:17
LarsTorbennyes it is17:18
LarsTorbennand why can other people pm me ?17:18
LarsTorbenn 17:18
rwwconsidering that you're just as inflammatory in other channels as #ubuntu, I don't think you can blame the specific circumstances here.17:18
LjLthis is IRC. PMs are allowed.17:18
LarsTorbennyou didnt read the rules17:18
PiciYou're on thin ice already, you should tread carefully.17:18
LjLLarsTorbenn: i only wrote part of them.17:18
LarsTorbennin the rules stands no pm17:18
rwwno it doesn't17:18
LarsTorbennyes there are17:19
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:19
LjLdo you mean this "rule"?17:19
LarsTorbennit stands in the rules17:19
rwwquote, please?17:19
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines17:20
LjLLarsTorbenn: quote from the guidelines?17:20
LarsTorbennDon't cross post your question      * Each Ubuntu channel has distinct topic ranging from general Ubuntu chat, to specific Ubuntu technologies. Ask your question in the channel that is most relevant to your query. Don't post in multiple Ubuntu channels or in channels with unrelated topics. To check a channels topic type "/topic".17:20
rwwLarsTorbenn: which part of that mentions PM?17:21
LjLand where does that mention private messages?17:21
* rww steps back17:21
LarsTorbenni meant17:21
=== KB1JWQ is now known as Corey
LjLquery = private messages17:21
LjLbut it also equals "inquiry"17:21
LjLyou know, english is english17:21
LjLin that case, it obviously means "inquiry"17:21
LarsTorbennand the other thing is17:22
LarsTorbennthe pms queries are annoying me17:22
LarsTorbennits a criminal offense offense17:22
LjLexcept it's not17:22
LarsTorbennyes it is17:22
LjLso let's concentrate on your breaking the guidelines instead17:22
LarsTorbennthe only thing where i agree is17:23
LarsTorbennthe cursing17:23
LjLok, and the cursing alone is enough for a ban at this point, after all the history you have17:23
LarsTorbennand i dont think17:23
LarsTorbennit is serious17:23
LarsTorbennif i say shit or omfg17:23
LjLi think it is17:23
LarsTorbennno it is not17:23
LjLand i'm afraid you're not the one to decide17:23
CarlFKLarsTorbenn: your behavior is disruptive. the ops get to decide how much is tolerable.17:24
popeyLjL: http://security.goatse.fr/compiz-denial-of-service-vulnerability17:24
LarsTorbennno but i will write to ubuntu canonical17:24
LjLfeel free17:24
LarsTorbennand report your behaviour free17:24
LarsTorbennand contact sabdfl17:24
ikoniathen we are done here17:24
ikoniaplease leave this channel17:24
rwwI note that it's also not acceptable behavior in #xubuntu or the other Ubuntu channels you've been in recently.17:24
LarsTorbennbecause i say17:24
rww!appeals | The correct way to escalate things17:24
ubottuThe correct way to escalate things: If you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or via the email address on the aforementioned page.17:24
LarsTorbennshit ?17:24
popeysorry to just paste that at that point17:25
ikoniapopey: I like random interjection17:25
LjLpopey: hmm. at least it's not an exploit.17:25
LjLpopey: why doesn't it kill my session anyway?17:26
popeymine either :)17:26
rwwIdleOne: ban-evasion ^17:26
Proveewhy do you kick me althoung the problem isnt solved ?17:26
Proveei dont join ubuntu until the problem is solved yes, but this here is the channel to discuss a boan17:27
IdleOneProvee: the only way this problem is going to get solved is if you contact the IRCC17:27
LjLProvee: because you've said you'd escalate it. please do, and leave us alone.17:27
rwwpopey: Ah. I wasn't running compiz in my VM where I tested it, I guess.17:27
CarlFKProvee: were you just here as LarsTorbenn?17:27
Proveei think it wasnt good the cursing yes17:27
Proveebut i am so17:27
Proveei am a hothead17:27
IdleOne!appeals | Provee17:27
ubottuProvee: If you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or via the email address on the aforementioned page.17:27
IdleOnethere is the info you need to contact the IRCC.17:27
Proveeirc-council AT SPAMFREE lists DOT ubuntu DOT com17:27
Proveedoes that means17:28
IdleOnePlease part this channel as there is nothing else the ops team can do.17:28
Proveeirc-council@spamfreelists.ubuntu.com ?=17:28
ikoniaremove the spamfreelist17:28
ikoniaand don't paste it in here17:28
Proveethanks i do not argue with you17:28
IdleOneoops sorry yeah. remove the spamfree part17:28
CarlFKProvee: I suggest you also talk to someone close to you who you trust.17:28
Proveebut it wasnt in my openion17:28
rwwikonia: list is supposed to be there ;)17:28
Proveeto do something wrong17:28
ikoniarww: is it ?17:28
rwwikonia: it's a lists.ubuntu.com address, yes :)17:28
Pici"Ubuntu IRC Council" <irc-council@lists.ubuntu.com>17:29
ikoniaooh, popey apologies17:29
ProveeCarlFK why ?17:29
ikoniaoops Provee apologies17:29
Proveeyes i am really sorry, but i cant do anything for cursing17:29
rwwI wonder why we have it obfuscated on the wiki if people keep mentioning it here :)17:29
Picicareful, popey might shut it down too if you anger him.17:29
* rww snorts17:29
* popey allocates funds17:29
CarlFKProvee: you seem to have have anger issues.17:29
Proveei am very very irritable / sensitive17:29
IdleOnethis is not the place to get therapy17:30
ikoniaProvee: we are done now - please leave the channel17:30
Proveeyes thats right17:30
IdleOneProvee: We are done. please part.17:30
Proveeso when i will be unbanned17:30
Proveeand what do you mean CarlFK17:30
IdleOnewhen the ircc makes a decision17:30
ikoniaProvee:you will not at this time, follow the process you have been given17:30
Proveei read all guidelines17:30
Proveeshould i do it again17:30
CarlFKProvee: I am sure you can figure it out.17:30
ikoniaProvee: FOLLOW the process you have been given17:30
CarlFKProvee: I don't feel the need to explain.17:31
Proveewhy cant you unbann me an i promise not to cursing again17:31
ikoniaremove him17:31
Proveeno i go alone17:31
ikoniabye then17:31
IdleOnethat quick he evaded the ban. setting bans is not going to work with him, either we ban the entire host or figure something else out17:34
LjLban on sight works for me17:34
IdleOneand fills up the ban list17:34
CarlFK"we don't have the means to sort out problems caused by others that are indistinguishable from you."  wondering how do define what an op does.  "pattern of behavior, judgment, done, please forgive us if we make a mistake, but such is life"17:42
ProveePici i need to contact you private query18:05
Proveeor another operator per query18:06
ikoniaProvee: you are banned and your persistant abuse of the channels will not be tollerated any further18:07
ikoniaplease leave this channel18:07
Proveei get an lawyer about your privat textes18:07
ikoniaok - please get your lawyers to contact me18:07
ikoniaI'll put my address on the letter I'm writing to your ISP - and I can be contacted through that18:08
ikoniaProvee: please leave the channel now18:09
Proveei want to tell with an operator18:09
ikoniaI am an operator18:10
IdleOneProvee: Please be considerate and follow the Ubuntu guidelines.18:10
LjLthere is nothing to discuss any further18:10
ikoniaand I'm asking you to please leave the channel18:10
Proveei will tell you if i know an lawyer18:10
ikoniaand I have told you to ask him to contact me18:10
Proveeand i dont agree with this behaviour what ikonia did in my private18:10
LjLProvee: and gratuitous legal threats are also not tolerated18:10
ikoniamy details are on the comaplaint I'm writing to your ISP - when you get the information from that, you can ask him to contact me18:10
ikoniaI'll have the comaplint submitted today18:11
ikoniaso you shouldn't have to wait long18:11
topylithis Tsune person in -ot is a bit weird. says noting but hello from time to time. the only other thing i've seen them says is "i'm hard"18:20
ikoniawhat ever works for him18:21
genii-aroundbot maybe?18:21
ikoniaIdleOne: best part message18:24
ikoniaI just (30 seconds ago) hit "bye" from amazon on that very game18:24
ikoniabuy even18:25
ikoniawow, not sure what I was typing there18:25
IdleOneSomeone had a Chinese proverb as their quit message and I thought maybe I needed a cool quit message also. Shang Tsung is the first name that came to mind.18:26
IdleOnethat be the be of how it be18:26
ikoniaodd timing to use it after I just hit buy18:27
jussiikonia: you were thinking of IdleOne parting :P18:27
IdleOneodd because you think nobody sees what you are buying18:27
IdleOneI also quit by accident. Unity has this odd placement of window controls18:28
ikoniaha, unity18:29
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (qwerty1234 appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)18:39
pampeli really cant believe that.19:06
pampelwhat you do is unpossible.19:06
IdleOnethat is hard to believe19:06
IdleOnewhat are we talking about?19:06
pampelas you can see on my isp i am the neighbour of larstorbenn19:07
pampeland he told  me all.19:07
CarlFKoh dear.19:07
pampelit is unbelievable19:07
IdleOnepampel: if you are not Lars then we have nothing to speak about.19:07
IdleOnePlease part the channel.19:07
pampeli am not lars but i dont agree with this19:07
CarlFKpampel:  we don't have the means to sort out problems caused by others that are indistinguishable from you.19:08
pampelhe sits near me19:08
IdleOnepampel: you don't have to agree with us.19:08
ubottuIf you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or via the email address on the aforementioned page.19:08
pampelthat isnt the poin.t. the ban is okay19:08
IdleOnethat is the info Lars needs to dispute the ops decision19:08
pampelbut the other thing that isnt the problem19:08
pampelthe bann is okay.19:09
IdleOnepampel: The point is that we have nothing to discuss. We gave lars a chance19:09
IdleOneWe explained the consequences and now we are taking action.19:09
pampelyes its okay i am of an other reason here.19:09
IdleOnethen please get to it.19:09
pampelyou threat19:10
pampelwith isp abouses and so on19:10
IdleOneNo we said we are going to report the constant abuse to his ISP.19:10
pampeland this is libel19:11
IdleOneit is not a threat. Now since this does not concern you I have no obligation to explain it to you.19:11
pampelits a big slander19:11
IdleOnePlease part the channel and have a nice day.19:11
pampeland i can tell you that because i am confronted with the law19:11
pampelhis offers is not to rejoin again19:12
pampelis that okay for you19:12
IdleOnehave a good day.19:12
pampelokay so the abuse fall off19:12
IdleOnenot sure what you mean.19:13
pampelnot abouse the isp19:13
CarlFKpampel: your behavior and word choice is about the same as Lars.  expect the same response.19:13
pampeland he dont rejoin19:13
IdleOneWe are not going to abuse anybody. Lars is the one abusing our channel and we told him what we would be forced to do if it continued.19:13
pampelokay i  will tell him19:14
pampelstop that19:14
jmcantrell_hi, i use irccloud and i think there may be a ban on that domain or something because i always get "cannot send to channel" in any of the ubuntu rooms20:50
LjLuhm i don't see a ban on you, not an obvious one anyway20:51
jmcantrell_LjL, i'm on xchat right now b/c it's the only way i can talk to anyone in an ubuntu room20:52
jmcantrell_LjL, the person that just joined is me. can you check that one?20:53
LjLyeah web gateways are banned, i'm sorry20:53
LjLi can set an exeption for now, but next time you'll still be banned20:53
jmcantrell_what?? why?20:53
jmcantrell_that's my preferred irc client20:53
LjLbecause they cannot be associated with an IP (sometimes they can, but in that case i'm more than happy to add support for them in the FloodBots)20:53
PiciPeople use irc gateways to circumvent bans.20:54
PiciIs irccloud still free to use?20:54
jmcantrell_that sure stinks for people like me who pay for irccloud20:55
Picijmcantrell_: If its paid only, I'm sure that we could come to an agreement with the irccloud folks./20:55
jmcantrell_who should i tell them to talk to?20:55
macothe IRC Council probably20:56
ubottuThe Ubuntu IRC Council is the team governance council for the the Ubuntu IRC channels on the freenode network - For serious inquiries please join #ubuntu-irc-council or email irc-council@lists.ubuntu.com - See also https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcCouncil20:56
PiciI'll send them an email as well with more info/20:56
PiciI  know there are some Ubuntu people using irccloud as their prefered irc method.20:57
LjLjmcantrell_: do you know if the x-srlgyshjlyliktow string you have in your mask is unique for your user?20:57
PiciI'm guessing that the u324 is unique.20:58
jmcantrell_LjL, hmmm. good question. let me ask them20:58
jmcantrell_is the problem that you need something unique to ban on, should i run amok?20:58
PiciPeople paying for a service are less likely to do that, but not unheard of.20:59
LjLjmcantrell_: can you try disconnecting and reconnecting jmcantrell so we can see if the string changes? or is it a hassle?20:59
jmcantrell_LjL, no. i want to help you any way i can to resolve this21:00
jmcantrell_one sec21:00
jmcantrell_apparently so, but the u324 does not21:01
rwwLjL: the x-part of gateways like that is random. bshellz et al are the same way21:02
rwwif you wanted to set an exempt, it'd be ident@gateway/web/irccloud.com/*21:02
rww(and the ident is unique per user, obviously)21:03
PiciIts a tricky situation.21:03
LjLjmcantrell_: u324 might be something you set though21:03
rwwyou can't really show the real hostname in whois because irccloud stays connected 24/7 and you just go to it from any webbrowser, as I understand it21:03
jmcantrell_i don't know of a way to set u324 manually21:04
rww+e $a:whatever would be another option21:04
LjLrww: i know how to exempt him personally, but...21:04
jmcantrell_yeah, i don't see any options for setting that21:04
LjLjmcantrell_: well i don't know what to do at the moment, but meanwhile, while you wait for the irc council / irccloud to talk about this, if i'm around feel free to nudge me to set a temporary exempt for you every time you join21:06
jmcantrell_semi-related... are trolls a large enough problem that this kind of a strict policy is necessary?21:07
rwwjmcantrell_: yup21:07
LjLjmcantrell_: they are a pretty darned big problem in all honesty21:07
jmcantrell_sucks. irccloud is a really convenient solution for me :(21:08
PiciDue to the method in which we excempt users, we we can still see users try to rejoin using freenode's webchat after we've banned their normal hosts.21:08
LjLjmcantrell_: you see, we could set a permanent exempt on you personally, but that wouldn't solve the core issue, and in the unfortunate circumstance anyone ever needed to ban you, they would not understand why the ban isn't working21:08
jmcantrell_LjL, can you exempt me for now?21:08
LjLjmcantrell_: yes21:08
jmcantrell_LjL, yeah, i understand that21:08
LjLjmcantrell_: you should be able to speak, try21:08
jmcantrell_yeah, it worked21:09
jmcantrell_thanks guys. i'm glad i at least know what's going on21:09
LjLjmcantrell_: this exempt will work until you part the channel21:09
jmcantrell_LjL, ok21:10
IdleOneI think it important to note that just because a irccloud user joins here and asks for an exempt does not mean one will be granted.21:11
jmcantrell_LjL, james at irccloud says that u324 is unique to me and unchangeable21:11
jmcantrell_LjL, Pici : james is jwheare on freenode. he says you can pm him if needed21:12
LjLjmcantrell_: thanks for the info. it's still not your IP, but i guess it's better than nothing, we need to think of something to deal with it using the bots21:13
Picijmcantrell_: Thanks21:13
jmcantrell_the fear here is that i'll just sign up for another account to get around it?21:13
LjLjmcantrell_: not quite, the problem is more that we'd still have to set an exempt (because *@gateway/web* at large needs to remain banned)21:14
LjLjmcantrell_: so we'd need to have the bots remove the exempt automatically in case the user is banned21:14
FlannelThe new factoid syntax makes it easier to add a factoid accidentally.21:36
FlannelActually, I don't even think its overloading works at all currently.21:40
Flannel"ubottu: foo nick"21:40
Flannelor rather,21:40
Flannel"ubottu: foo nick1 nick2"21:40
IdleOnemaco: !spam does not exist21:41
Flannelis that calling ubottu's foo at nick1 nick2, or adding the factoid foo, with the response of nick1 nick2?21:41
macooh well. put a comment in the bantracker anyway21:42
ubottuniko called the ops in #ubuntu (spam bot)22:01
* LjL will laugh at genii, caught by the exploit22:04
macowhy do people click on obvious-spam?22:05
LjLi clicked on it too22:05
LjLwhen i was an op, i clicked on anything that showed up on ubuntu channels22:06
LjLso anyway, *adding handler for this to the bots*22:06
nikowhy idoru isn't in #ubuntu btw ?22:14
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (Compiz exploit)22:14
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (Compiz exploit)22:14
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (Compiz exploit)22:14
LjLniko: because some people (including me) asking for it to be removed during a meeting. we think it has way too many false positives.22:15
LjLniko: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCCouncil/TeamReports/11/April22:15
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (Compiz exploit)22:16
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (Compiz exploit)22:16
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (Compiz exploit)22:17
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (Compiz exploit)22:33
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (Compiz exploit)22:33
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (Compiz exploit)22:33
Jordan_ULjL: Never just click on a suspicious link, always wget it.23:06
Jordan_U(and view it in a text editor).23:07
hypatiaunless it exploits a wget vuln23:08
Jordan_UI think it's much less likely to exploit wget than a web browser.23:08
highvoltagehey hypatia. it was good to meet you at uds!23:08
IdleOneapparently a fix for the apturl exploit has been pushed to the archives23:09
IdleOnethe problem now is getting this spamming to stop23:09
hypatiahighvoltage: you too!23:17

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