
=== ogasawara_ is now known as ogasawara
cjwatsonLaney: flushed another pile of Haskell stuff through NEW08:48
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Laneycjwatson: cheers, http://orangesquash.org.uk/~laney/transitions/ghc.html doesn't look so bad11:13
Laneyjust noticed that https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/haskell-hlist didn't get process-removals removed11:13
Laneydid the buildX mess it up?11:13
cjwatsonnot sure, slangasek was handling process-removals11:25
cjwatsonI think only an 'ubuntu' substring is meant to inhibit p-r11:26
* Laney goes blind at the p-r code :-)11:35
Laneyhttp://ftp-master.debian.org/removals.822 does exist now11:39
cjwatsonLaney: removed now11:51
cjwatsonand haskell-hgl11:54
cjwatsonhow come stuff isn't going green on the ghc tracker, but only to unknown?11:55
cjwatsonoh, wait, it is, I'm stupid11:56
cjwatsonlamont: so, I'm looking at converting livecd-rootfs to live-build, and trying to figure out what would be involved12:18
* lamont has no knowledge on live-build12:19
cjwatsonlamont: from your POV, would it be an acceptable interface for buildlive to call ssh $buildd BuildLiveCD <arguments to lb config>, and then BuildLiveCD could call lb config <args> then lb build?12:19
cjwatson(which is AIUI basically the normal sequence)12:19
cjwatsonlb config has vast swathes of possible options12:19
lamontwhere does the chroot command live in that pile?12:20
cjwatsonso we should be able to add options until it's equivalent to livecd-rootfs12:20
cjwatsonI assume we'd have BuildLiveCD call lb * within a chroot, much as it currently calls livecd.sh12:21
cjwatsonlb can optionally do its own chrooting, but I don't think that's useful for us12:21
cjwatsonsince we'll need to pick the right version of live-build anyway12:21
cjwatsonLaney: I guess the ghc tracker is failing to update - do you know why?14:02
Laneycjwatson: I haven't cronned it yet14:02
cjwatsonaha :-)14:02
Laneyshamefully it was just a big && line14:02
LaneyI'll write a proper script now that there's more than one thing to track14:02
cjwatsonis any assistance needed with uploads, or is it all just in a giant dep-wait stack?14:03
cjwatson(NEW activity suggests the latter ...)14:04
Laneyhopefully it should just be dep-waits14:04
Laneyi'll need to do some merges/sync requests14:05
Laneyand then if my account gets created soon I'll upload the remaining packages to debian14:05
Laneyso from your side just keeping an eye on NEW should be enough14:06
cjwatsonremoving haskell-network-bytestring14:08
cjwatsonhmm, actually maybe I should leave that until haskell-network has built everywhere14:09
cjwatsonwhich is ultimately down to haskell-transformers failing, which looks transient - I see you just retried that?14:13
cjwatsonany idea why haskell-transformers didn't show up on the tracker, though?  it looks as though it should have done14:14
Laneyperhaps it looked for binaries which matched the source version14:15
Laneyit showed up as 'good' — could be a bit of a hole14:15
cjwatson43 sync requests outstanding, sigh14:16
Laneyuds hangover?14:17
lamontcjwatson: I suspect that BuildLiveCD wants to take a distroname, which it converts to a chroot name, and then chroots into that to do everything thereafter14:21
lamontbut yeah, sounds about as sane as anything else14:21
cjwatsonlamont: I guess I didn't want to have significant amounts of configuration encoded in BuildLiveCD, because then I either have to create a package for it (or keep livecd-rootfs around indefinitely), or we end up with the configuration hard to access by platform14:28
cjwatsonwhich is why I'd rather have the lb config args passed in from somewhere else14:29
cjwatsonif that makes sense14:29
lamontI concur with having a trivially simple BuildLiveCD script - possibly even thrown into live-build, 'tever14:30
cjwatsonwe'll probably want our own for a while because it'll need to handle both livecd-rootfs and live-build14:30
cjwatsonI could make such a change in livecd-rootfs and then keep it around until we stop needing livefs builds for <oneiric14:31
cjwatsonI guess14:31
lamontBuildLiveCD is actually delivered outside of the package these days14:31
cjwatsonyeah, though copied from the package, right?14:31
lamontcopied from the package into $magicplace, from whence it is blatted out to all the builders14:31
lamontso as it sits, you get exactly one version of BuildLiveCD, consistently, within about 10 minutes from when I push the change live14:32
lamontzomg arm might catch up this week14:38
NCommanderlamont: yay15:40
* ScottK wonders if he should upload KDE then.16:17
slangasekcjwatson, Laney: no clue why haskell-hlist didn't get caught in my last p-r run16:20
cjwatsonLaney: in ghc.ben, shouldn't several of the * characters in your regexes be .* ?23:05
SudoKingare there any pre-alpha builds available?23:36
cjwatsonno CD image-type builds, no23:41
cjwatsonthat's probably one of the tasks for this week23:41
Laneycjwatson: yes :-)23:46

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