
greppyMean_Admin: it works for me.00:52
greppyI have 3 systems using it currently, and have access from my android to it as well.00:52
greppyhaven't tried to set it up without x11, but they have a howto or faq or something for doing that.00:53
malevhi there! In my server sometimes (more frequently than what I'd like) I start getting this:  [malev@~] free-bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory  what can I do to debug it?01:37
malevwhere can I search for the error?01:37
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missilhi all i need server lessons - configuring and setting up virtualization in ubuntu server - struggled to get vms running now i cannot connect to the vms or launch virt-manager due to a gtk error02:06
=== Guest58915 is now known as mns`
qman__malev, looks like you're out of memory02:27
qman__check out what's using it with top or a number of other tools02:27
malevqman__, I'm using it, but check this oout: Mem:    524800k total,   375728k used,   149072k free,        0k buffers02:28
malevI still have some memory02:28
malevor 512MB si too low?02:28
qman__512MB is low, but if you still have 149MB or so free, that's not the cause here02:29
qman__have you set limits?02:29
qman__also, if what you're trying to start needs more memory than what is available, that error would result02:29
malevqman__, no that I remember, how can I check it?02:29
qman__ /etc/security/limits.conf or /etc/security/limits.d/02:30
malevqman__, it's all commented02:31
qman__check the number of processes as well02:31
qman__ps aux | wc -l02:32
qman__should be a few hundred or less02:32
qman__depending on what you have running02:32
malevqman__, oks, I'll run ti, but riight now I'm low of memory and I have to restart :)02:33
malevqman__, you think that with 1Gb of memory I wont have that kind of problems?02:33
qman__not necessarily02:34
qman__your memory isn't totally full, which indicates something else is wrong02:34
qman__without limits set, normally the system won't stop you unless it's literally out of resources02:34
qman__there may be default limits now, though, I don't know for sure02:35
malev[malev@~] ps aux | wc -l     ->1902:36
qman__take note of it when the server starts acting up02:36
qman__maybe make a script that runs it every few seconds or so and logs it02:37
malevthat's a good idea02:37
qman__cannot fork; could not allocate memory means that it literally could not acquire resources to fork02:38
qman__so if you're hitting physical limits, or set limits on memory or processes, that would do it02:38
qman__finding the culprit is a little more difficult, but not too much02:39
malevdon't know waht is the culprit02:39
malevqman__, thanks! I really apreciate your help!02:42
qman__a good way to determine if it's physical or software limits would be to log on with another user02:42
malevqman__, what is ps aux | wc -l   ?02:42
qman__as limits are set per user02:42
qman__ps aux lists all processes, wc -l counts lines02:42
qman__so it's not an exact number but close enough to figure out what the problem is02:43
malevqman__, you think in some moment I start to have a lot of proccess working?02:43
qman__yes, it's possible you're suffering what is effectively a fork bomb02:44
qman__and that test would show if that's the case02:44
malevoks! I'm gonna work on that!02:44
qman__if that number gets huge, in the thousands, that's probably the case02:44
qman__whether it's malicious or just a misconfiguration or bug though, it won't tell you02:45
qman__that requires more investigation02:45
qman__in the process of your investigation, it might be a good idea to leave a root terminal open02:47
qman__since root is allotted a small reserve of resources for these types of occasions02:48
malevqman__, oks! i'll02:50
=== mns` is now known as Guest27359
ranger03how do i upgrade the kernek on ubuntu-server?04:47
ranger03how do i upgrade the kernel on ubuntu-server?04:47
twbranger03: with apt-get, like everything else.04:47
ranger03apt-get upgrade kernel-imageXXXXX ?04:48
ranger03apt-get upgrade linux-virtual    <--is that correct ?04:49
Brandon_I have been looking online on how to setup samba with user home directories (already did this), but I want it so when you type in the username of that directory and the password it connects. I tried doing the valid users = %s but when i try to map it the drive it says its mapped to a different username.05:26
koolhead11hi all06:27
koolhead11zul, ping06:27
koolhead11hi Macer06:31
ph8hey all, i'm trying to set my samba permissions right (file level) - i can get read access and write access if I set 777 on the directory, but what group is samba trying to access it as? I see smbd processes running as root and nobody but i've tried chgrp -R'ing the whole share directory to those groups and setting 771 but no read or write!06:52
flowbeemy server got hacked and the vps provider shut it down because it was abusing dns providers or something.  is there a quick setup i can do to secure my box?07:58
flowbeei.e. what steps do i need (disable root ssh, only allow for key based ssh; changing ssh ports etc)07:58
greppyflowbee: it depends on how they got in.08:01
flowbeehow do i add a user to sudoers file.... so that i have to enter prompt for password08:10
greppyflowbee: %sudo ALL=(ALL) ALL08:13
greppychange %sudo to a username08:13
greppy%sudo means anyone in the sudo group.08:13
flowbeegot it08:14
twbOr just "sudo adduser fred sudo"08:21
twbi.e. add fred to %sudo08:21
twbI'm not sure if, unspecified, you are always prompted for a password, or if caching is allowed08:22
flowbeetrying to follow this guide http://www.andrewault.net/2010/05/17/securing-an-ubuntu-server/08:22
flowbeegetting to: Restrict access to /bin/su to admin group members:;;; sudo dpkg-statoverride --update --add root admin 4750 /bin/su  => dpkg-statoverride: An override for '/bin/s' already exists, aborting.08:22
twbflowbee: there's no point locking su, just ensure root doesn't have a password08:22
greppyflowbee: how did they get in?08:23
flowbeegreppy, i have no idea.  but i did have ssh for root08:24
twbOh, he was compromised.  In that case, he should do a fresh install08:24
flowbeeeven tho the password was pretty solid08:24
twbConsider everything on the system compromised unless proven otherwise08:24
greppy== twb08:24
flowbeeoh i did08:24
twbflowbee: password-based access should be disabled08:24
flowbeei wiped it08:24
flowbeeand i'm securing now08:24
flowbeegoing to do key based auth only now08:25
flowbeegood luck getting it this time fuckers08:25
flowbeeexcuse my french; just upset i got hacked08:25
w00if you host a vulnerable application they will get back in..08:25
flowbeeand i was referring to hackers; not you guys :)08:25
twbI also use kernel-based IPS instead of denyhosts/fail2ban08:25
greppyflowbee: while a good idea to secure auth, it is very likely that they got in through something else.08:25
flowbeeit amazes mee08:25
flowbeehow people can exploit stuff08:25
twbgreppy: yeah, it was probably because he's running fucking phpmyadmin or so08:25
flowbeeno i'm not08:25
flowbeeat least i dont think it is08:26
twbflowbee: are you running any PHP at all?08:26
greppyflowbee: I've had boxes compromised because someone had an out of date php calendar app08:26
flowbeei dont run php; unless their ubuntu stack has it installed08:26
greppywhat do you use the box for?08:26
flowbeeLANGUAGE = (unset),LC_ALL = (unset),LANG = "en_CA.utf8"08:27
twbflowbee: well, good08:27
flowbeethis box will be used to break apart my backend tasks from my webserver08:27
flowbeecuz my backend tasks are bringing down my web app/mysql instance08:28
twbWhat's its IP?  I'll throw openvas at it08:28
flowbeeno php is running08:28
flowbeetwb, one moment let me finish attempting at 'securing it'08:28
flowbeealthough given my record08:28
flowbeenot sure how awesome i'll be at it :)08:28
* greppy jumps into the van to go break a switch and a router.08:28
twbflowbee: pfft, if it has an IP now, it doesn't matter if *I* know it as well08:28
twbgreppy: bricked it, eh?08:29
greppytwb: nah, ROMMON upgrade08:29
greppyhave to be on site.08:29
twbThis is why my routers run either ubuntu or openwrt08:29
twbWell, OK, my procurve is running some Lucky Dragon junk08:30
greppyubuntu and/or openwrt don't support the types of interfaces, much less the load08:30
twbFair enough08:30
ebrownhardy heron08:31
ebrownWkeh wis08:31
flowbeegetting: perl: warning: Setting locale failed.08:31
flowbeehow do i get my locales working (for aptitude)08:31
jmarsdensudo dpkg-reconfigure locales  # probably08:33
twbjmarsden: actually for me on Ubuntu it's "locale-gen en_AU.UTF-8; update-locales LANG=en_AU.UTF-8"08:34
twbLast time I looked Ubuntu did some silly thing where you either did that, or (by default) you got 200MB of English locales for tbird and oo.org on your headless server08:34
flowbeeinstalled ufw and now i cant ssh anymore08:34
flowbeei thought this guide was supposed to be good08:34
twbflowbee: if you follow "some guide I found", you are on your own08:36
flowbeedo you folks have a simple firewall your recommend?08:38
twbflowbee: netfilter08:38
flowbeeis there some weird ssh setup i have going on where i cant log into my box with multiple ssh sessiosn: ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host08:41
SyriaHello, I want to enable  mod_rewrite ubuntu server 10.4.208:46
SyriaHow can i do this?08:46
ph8more of a question for ##apache08:47
ph8but there is good documentation on the internet for this08:47
ph8look for information about RewriteEngine On08:47
jmarsdenSyria: sudo a2enmod rewrite08:48
Syriajmarsden Thank you.08:49
jmarsdenSyria: You're welcome08:49
Syriaph8 thnx :)08:49
twbflowbee: no, what you've done is drop NEW ssh connections08:56
twbflowbee: your existing connection is allowed because it was up before you started ufw08:57
flowbeei'm still getting ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host even though i'm set up to use key based auth (at least .ssh dir is)08:58
flowbeeand ufw isnt currently running08:58
ebrown!seen twb09:03
ubottuI have no seen command09:03
pedrocr I just booted a computer after a motherboard swap. It has two raid arrays running over the same 4 disks. The raid5 array apparently resynced and is now working. The raid1 array is working but degraded with only 2 of the 4 disks. all disks seem to have some smart errors on bootup but nothing else. any ideas on what this could be and how to repair the raid1 array?10:55
pedrocrmdadm --re-add seems to be working11:08
pedrocrI wonder why this happened at all11:08
pedrocrI've configured smartmontools now11:09
elijahshHi! I'm configured pppoe client on my 10.04 server. Everything work fine except when my provider lose my connection. Ppp tries reconnect several times and stop with no luck. Where I can change the number of tries and timeout between them?11:37
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afeijohi guys, I'm trying to setup a dns server in a new server here, I installed bind9 and configured it, it appear to be ok. Do I need to config something in my dsl router and/or the workstations?14:15
afeijodo I need dhcp at my server?14:16
afeijoroute cmd at my laptop show as default to, it should be (this is the server ip)14:17
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uvirtbotNew bug: #783480 in php5 (main) "Invalid multiarch patch" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78348014:46
zuldoes anyone know why we dont have things like php-imap in main?14:52
lynxmanzul: I think it's because libc-client is in universe as well14:59
zullynxman: yeah it should probably change to make the merge easier14:59
lynxmanzul: think so as well, it makes sense15:01
uvirtbotNew bug: #783487 in apr (main) "Please sync apr 1.4.4-1 from Debian Unstable." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78348715:06
hallyn_zul: gmornin'!  Were you planning on sending the libvirt patch to send 'container=libvirt' through ENV to the libvirt mailing list?  (If not, I"ll send it, but I don't want to take any of your credit :)15:09
zulhallyn: i wasnt but go ahead15:09
hallyn_zul: ok, will do.15:10
_rubenafeijo: uhm, dns and default routes are pretty much unrelated15:10
lynxmanzul: oh btw is the LXC libvirt problem fixed in natty or still in progress?15:12
zullynxman: well uds was last week so...still in progress ;)15:13
lynxmanzul: fair point :D15:13
lynxmanzul: tbh I'm still suffering from UDS, hardly productive today15:14
hallyn_zul: don't suppose you're bored and wnating to implement debian networking support for netcf?  :-)15:14
zullynxman: hah your flight wasnt as long as some people ;)15:14
hallyn_It should've been on uds agenda, oh well.15:15
zulhallyn_: netcf?15:15
lynxmanzul: it was, I had to do a 4 hours connection at heathrow ;)15:15
zullynxman: only? :)15:15
lynxmanzul: yeah, uphill through the snow between T5 and T3 :D15:16
zulit snowed?15:16
lynxmanzul: nope, just wanted to add drama to my story15:16
* zul is not awake15:16
afeijo_ruben, I'm quite lost right now :(15:18
hallyn_zul: netcf is what libvirt uses to automatically manipulte networking15:24
_rubenafeijo: you might wanna describe more clear what your actual goal is here, what is the dns server to be used for for instance15:25
afeijo_ruben, new ubuntu 11.04 x64 server installed a few days ago, now I need to configure a dns server at that server, the IPs are been distributed by the dsl wifi router, I installed and configured my local domain with bind9. Do I need to do any settings at the router now? or to each linux/mac/windows station?15:29
zulhallyn_: ah ok15:32
SpamapShallyn_: was it you that was trying to have irssi not highlight a window whenever there are joins/parts/nicks/etc. ?15:42
hallyn_SpamapS: nope15:45
hallyn_SpamapS: mine (when i use irssi) doesn't do that15:45
hallyn_zul: patch is away15:47
zulhallyn_: cool15:47
a7ndrewi'm none too sure about NFS: anyidea why the uid and gid on the client side would show as '4294967294' and nothing sensible? and why root wouldn't be able to see the subdirs?15:48
lynxmana7ndrew: that sounds like your client is interpretating the -1:-1 of the nobody:nobody gid and uid to the maximum uid/gid available15:49
=== BlackZ_ is now known as BlackZ
a7ndrewlynxman: thanks, interesting hint. Just chowning the dir to root:root didn't work :P15:52
hallyn_Daviey: gmornin :)16:05
Davieyhallyn_, Hello sir!16:05
DavieyYou were missed last week..16:06
genii-arounda7ndrew: According to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NFSv4Howto#Troubleshooting "all directories and files on the client are owned by uid/gid 4294967294:4294967294) then you need to set in /etc/default/nfs-common: NEED_IDMAPD=yes and restart nfs-common "16:06
Davieyhallyn_, Having a beer over webcam didn't really fit, but the thought was there.16:06
robbiewhallyn_:  FYI...I placed an order for some Toshiba AC100 netbooks (ARM based), planning on giving you one for LXC development/testing this cycle16:06
robbiewand loan one to upstream (daniel?)16:06
hallyn_robbiew: neat!  will be great to finally be able to test that16:07
hallyn_yeah, daniel would be good.  I gather he was there in person last week?16:07
hallyn_Daviey: i had a cold affligem in the fridge :)16:07
robbiewhallyn_: yeah, we briefly met...and I told him I'd get him hardware16:10
robbieworder is already placed16:10
a7ndrewgenii-around: thanks, i've been reading that, I restarted nfs-common on the client, now the directory is owned by nobody:nogroup, still cant chown to root, still shows no subdirs. Feel i'm getting closer though.16:11
a7ndrewfunny directory, that one. Root doesn't have permission to remove it, and its too busy to be unmounted16:14
hallyn_zul: drat, i don't think libvirt folks will take your patch.  But they point out we can use the LIBVIRT_LXC_UUID the same way.16:16
zulhallyn_: doh!16:17
ScottKNCommander: For your armel server spec...  The image you're talking about won't talk to the serial port by default like the current headless images will it?16:18
NCommanderScottK: we were looking at implementing a way to switch that16:20
ScottKMost non-dev server people don't use serial.16:20
ScottKNCommander: I think it's worth mentioning in the spec then.16:21
NCommanderScottK: I disagree, I used to use serial for server management primilary and I know several organizations that do so as well.16:23
ScottKNCommander: OK.  Some do.  Some don't.16:23
ScottKIn any case, the server ISO default install targets small deployments (since any non-trivial deployment will preseed/roll their own), so serial by default isn't the right answer.16:24
* ScottK still thinks NCommander should put it in the spec.16:24
NCommanderScottK: it will be in the spec16:24
* NCommander is writing the specs up now16:25
ScottKYep.  I'm getting mail from LP about it.16:25
NCommanderScottK: well I broke the super-spec into a lot of smalelr ones, you can see the dependnency tree16:25
ScottKNCommander: Would you please subscribe to them then so I can follow along?16:26
NCommanderScottK: are you in the ubuntu-armel team?16:28
* NCommander was going to add the armel team to all the specs16:28
zulNCommander: how did you break down the spec?16:28
NCommanderzul: see dependency tre: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-o-arm-server16:29
zulNCommander: cool can you put a note in the whiteboard16:30
NCommanderzul: k16:30
roastedSo I'm running 11.04 desktop edition and I have dhcp-server installed... but under service--status-all I have no listing of it. ?16:42
SpamapSroasted: service--status-all .. not sure what you mean by that16:45
SpamapSroasted: did you mean 'service  --status-all' ?16:46
* SpamapS suspects yes16:46
uvirtbotNew bug: #783541 in samba (main) "pam_smbpass should not check that it is running as root" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78354116:46
roastedSpamapS, what is isc-dhcp-server?16:46
roastedcould that be it? It's currenty disabled.16:46
SpamapSthats the dhcp server I'm sure16:46
SpamapSthat command needs some help btw16:46
roastedthat wasn't like that for 10.1016:47
roastedconstant changes. I can't keep up with this!16:47
roasteddo you know how I would start dhcp on 11.04?16:47
SpamapSbecause dhcp was moved to upstart for 11.04 IIRC16:47
SpamapSroasted: did you try 'service isc-dhcp-server status' ?16:47
roastedsays dhcpd is not running16:47
SpamapSroasted: would you expect the OS to never change? ;)16:48
SpamapSroasted: you may want to stay on LTS's if thats the case.16:48
roastedI do for mission critical stuff16:48
roastedthis is my laptop we're talking about16:49
roastedbut I do imaging from my laptop, hence the dhcp16:49
roastedjust kind of irritating when commands are changing so frequently, even for 6 mo releases16:49
roastedanyway, how would I get the service going? All previous commands I remember are, of course, not working.16:49
SpamapSroasted: ok well it may be that it failed to start because your network wasn't up when the system started16:49
SpamapSroasted: does your laptop have statically configured networking then I presume?16:50
roastedI would presume so, as I plugged in after we wereup and running16:50
SpamapSthe supported way to start any service is 'sudo service xxxx start'16:50
SpamapSroasted: dhcpd will fail if the exact interface it is configured for is not setup right16:51
roastedit gets set up through FOG, which Im trying to install16:51
roastedI never had to configure it prior16:51
SpamapSwhat is FOG ?16:51
roastedthink of ghost16:51
roastedexcept it doesn't suck16:51
roastedand it's free/linux based16:51
roastedFOG = Free Open(source) Ghost16:52
roastedwhere are dhcp configs stored? I can just copy it from my 10 10 install16:52
SpamapSOk, well then it sounds like FOG must be started before isc-dhcp-server16:53
SpamapSroasted: /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf16:53
SpamapSroasted: I take it FOG is not in Ubuntu?16:53
roastedIt's a .tar.gz I have to install16:53
roastedinstalls in terminal from a .sh file or something16:54
roastedI've installed it hundreds of times. the installer does all of the work for you pending answering a few questions16:54
roasteddear unity. stop freezing. thx.16:54
SpamapSroasted: ah, ok, well if the installer configures the network.. does it just modify /etc/network/interfaces or try to do something else clever?16:54
roastedI have to set up a static IP first.16:55
roastedthen I run the installer and it asks if the IP I have is the one I want the server configured for.16:55
roastedI say yes and it does the rest for me.16:55
roastedsetting up a 192.168 scope, which is the pool that my laptop uses when I image16:55
roastedrebooting. fn unity16:56
roastednow that I rebooted maybe itll be running16:57
roastedsince Im plugged in16:57
roastedah, nope. definitely isn't running.16:57
roastedmy dhcpd file is fine on 11.04. it matches identically to my 10 10 install16:58
AlexMaxThe last time I restarted my server, SSHD did not come up.  I'm not really familiar with upstart, how can I tell if openssh is actually attempting to start at boot?17:06
AlexMaxI have no idea if it's not being started at all, or if it's being started and not working17:07
AlexMaxMy host was able to start ssh manually from the terminal17:07
shaggsterOk anybody have an idea why apache would be running under limited permission, getting an error through php fopen() failed to create stream permission denied running a script that creates a file. Everywhere i search says to chmod it 777 but i  would like to not have it risk that, but it does work I verified it.. running 10.10 Enterprise cloud17:11
shaggsterfuthermore something very interesting is the file acctually gets created, but can't see it unless i upload something else to the directory.. refreshing or changing dir doesnt show the file..17:12
flowbeehi folks;  i'm getting: ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host17:16
flowbeessh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host .... when i try to initiate a second ssh session to my ubuntu 10.04 server.  i have allowed key based auth17:16
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hallyn_zul: do you care one iota if i go ahead and modify lxcguest to handle libvirt without your patch right now?17:23
hallyn_(i assume not)17:23
zulhallyn_: hella no17:23
hallyn_all right i'll do that today and then drop the patch from libvirt after jdstrand reviews the rest of my proposed merge17:24
hallyn_jinkeys, debian's dvtm is old old old - still has the fd leak from a year ago17:25
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Gunniwhat command was it again to see what libraries a binary uses?17:43
genii-aroundGunni: ldd17:45
kpettitAny suggestions on a good blocklist program?  Trying to get a generic blocklist I can use to block IP address and such17:54
genii-around!info dansguardian17:55
ubottudansguardian (source: dansguardian): Web content filtering. In component universe, is optional. Version (natty), package size 484 kB, installed size 2396 kB17:55
kpettitgenii-around, I'll check it out.  It looks like it's web specific though.17:56
kpettitI'm looking for something that's more generic.  Basically block all ports to known bad IP addresses.17:56
genii-aroundWhy not just add those IP to your hosts.deny file17:57
kpettitgenii-around, I do, as I find them.  But it's a pain to keep up with.17:57
kpettitI'm using fail2ban for some stuff.  And I see other bad stuff in the logs.  But would feel better if I could use a community block list as added protection.17:58
Davieykpettit, Using others blacklists is generally discouraged TBH.18:02
Daviey(other than for Bayesian)18:02
kpettitI can see the reasoning on that.  This is for a couple of dev type servers that normal public users would be using.18:03
kpettitJust trying to figure out the lowest effort way to have better security.  Looking at all the fail2ban logs scare me abit.  Tons and tons of bot attacks18:03
=== koolhead11 is now known as koolhead11|afk
surjikalHey guys, I just imported a VM of ubuntu 10.04 server 32bit that I setup at home on vbox. Now I'm at work and obviously, the fqdn is wrong. Is there a way to reconfigure the network completely, like it was done during the install?18:09
Davieykpettit, well if you know exactly who is connecting to the servers, use whitelisting :)18:18
SpamapSsurjikal: the hostname is recorded in /etc/hostname , if you have a static hostname, thats the place it should be. Note that there are some other things that may need updating as well, like /etc/mailname18:19
kpettitI would if it was the same IP addresses.  The guys I have going to it rove around alot.  Going in from a starbucks, home, library, etc.18:19
surjikalSpamapS, in /etc/hostname, I only see my hostname. Is there something I can enter there to change the fqdn?18:20
SpamapSsurjikal: if you edit that file, you can run 'sudo hostname `cat /etc/hostname`' to set the system wide hostname. Note that services may not pick up the new hostname until they are restarted.18:26
surjikalI changed /etc/hosts18:27
SpamapSkpettit: you want a VPN solution of some kind then.18:27
SpamapSkpettit: the closest thing to a decent block list is denyhosts .. and its barely more than no protection at all.18:27
kpettitVPN's always seem kind of painful to setup.  KNow of a good one that is faily easy to use?18:27
SpamapSkpettit: I've always used OpenVPN but I don't know how good or easy the frontends are.18:28
kpettitSpamapS, I think your right about VPN though.  I've just been avoiding it becuase of pain with them in the past.18:28
kpettitI don't care so much about hte front end.  I'm ok with the CLI stuff.  Last time I tried OpenVPN though it was fairly painful to do a simple VPN for a few people18:29
SpamapSkpettit: if you have control over the remote machines its pretty easy to put a shell script or batch file together that starts and stops openvpn automatically w/ client certs for auth..18:29
kpettitSpamapS, your right.  I'll give it try.  Thanks for the suggestion.18:33
=== smb is now known as smb-afk
MTecknology!away > smb-afk19:45
ubottusmb-afk, please see my private message19:45
zulDaviey: when you get a chance can you have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports19:49
zuli mean https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eucalyptus/+bug/77839219:49
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 778392 in eucalyptus "[UEC 2.0+bzr1241-0ubuntu4.1] Unstable state for the iscsi daemon" [Undecided,New]19:49
Davieyzul, looks like one for upstream comment i think19:50
stgraberhallyn_: are you going to SRU bug 607636 ?20:28
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 607636 in lxc "chardev: opening backend "pty" failed" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60763620:28
stgraberhallyn_: if you don't have the time to do it, I'm fine doing it20:29
hallyn_stgraber: please go ahead.  I do think it should be SRUd20:29
stgraberok, doing it now20:30
hallyn_stgraber: thanks20:31
=== Pelmen is now known as SchneeSchwarz
RoyKhi all. I just started virt-manager to add some drives to a test-vm, but then, I get this http://karlsbakk.net/virt-manager-issue1.png - can't see the old images, and can't create new ones - any ideas?20:55
=== negronjl is now known as negronjl_afk
RoyKhm... seems I found the issue - it was trying to open som old storage files which had been removed21:07
RoyKwhere does virt-manager have its config? I need to remove these from the 'known storage files'21:07
hallyn_zul: if i give you a natty .deb for lxcguest, can you trivially test that it still does the right thing under libvirt?21:16
zulhallyn_: sure i can probably do it tonight21:16
hallyn_zul: http://people.canonical.com/~serge/lxcguest_0.7.4-0ubuntu9_amd64.deb21:17
zulhallyn_: ok ill get to it tonight21:17
hallyn_so long as that passes, i'll push it to oneiric.  (natty doesn't actually need it of course)21:17
seaLnehow do you make ncurses not cause your eyes to bleed in natty (turn it back to normal blue colour)21:45
seaLnevery scary experience during an upgrade21:46
addisonjwtf... why can i not ./run a progam from /tmp on 10.04 lts?21:52
sorenaddisonj: Maybe it's mounted noexec?21:53
seaLneno exec mounting?21:53
addisonjits not a seperate partition21:53
addisonjits just on .21:54
addisonjoops /21:54
sorenaddisonj: Maybe it's not executable.21:55
sorenaddisonj: You're not exactly giving a lot of detail here.21:55
flowbeehi folks... is there a fast way to move from debian etch => ubuntu 10.04 ?  i have a debian box on linode but id love to move to ubuntu21:56
addisonjtrying to install SAS, it unpacks its own java version to run an installer, which it unpacks to /tmp, i haven't been able to get it run, thought it was a path issue, but if i go straight ti the folder where the java binary is, it still says no such file or directory21:57
addisonj-rwxr-xr-x 1 csroffice csroffice  65116 2007-10-05 03:19 java21:57
addisonjhttp://pastebin.com/ec7VpzT3 there is the mount21:58
sorenaddisonj: What exactly are the commands you're trying to run that fail?22:00
addisonjthe installer script unpacks its own java and a jar to run the gui installer, here is the actual command  ../../products/javaruntime__92280__lax__xx__sp0__1/bin/java -Xmx1024M -jar deploywiz/setup.jar -startuplocation /media/samba/SAS_9_2_3/Compresed/Linux_64bit/SAS_9.23_Linux_x64 -templocation /tmp/_setup2978122:03
saveur7elfguys, Where I can get usb ubuntu?22:04
addisonjits a relative path from the location of the jar to the unpacked location of the java binary, but it fails to find the binary (although that is a valid path)22:04
flowbeehi folks... is there a fast way to move from debian etch => ubuntu 10.04 ?  i have a debian box on linode but id love to move to ubuntu.  but i'll still need to reconstruct my whole setup right?  there are no migrations scripts?22:06
maxbsaveur7elf: what exactly do you need, there are several forms22:06
saveur7elf mm... ubuntu 11.04 for usbflash)22:07
addisonjI at first thought bash was bugging out on the relative path, but nope, even if i got straight to the directory, it won't run the binary, gives a no such file or path error, which noexec doesn't do correct?22:07
maxbflowbee: you need a clean install for that22:07
flowbeemaxb, i guess i meant getting the configuration and packages off of debian and onto ubuntu22:07
maxbsaveur7elf: live system? installer?22:08
addisonjflowbee, what configs? are you talking like apache? or your gnome and everything?22:08
flowbeeaddisonj, i mean like the mysql config/apache config/etc22:09
flowbeeand bash stuff22:09
maxbflowbee: no special tooling, just normal file copy/backup tools22:09
addisonjdo a fresh install and just move em over, probably the easiest way22:09
RoyKhi all. I have qemu/kvm setup on this ubuntu 10.04 machine. after adding some test disks, I want to remove them, but it seems virt-manager can't do this and removing them manually just messes up virt-manager. any idea where these are referenced and how I can remove that?22:10
flowbeehow long will 10.04 lts be supported for22:10
addisonj3 more years? something like that22:10
maxbsaveur7elf: you probably want the boot.img.gz disk image from any mirror22:10
RoyKflowbee: LTS is five years for server, 3 for desktop22:11
bluethundrhey guys, I am looking for a way to add the backports repository to a 9.04 (jaunty) server22:11
addisonjso about 4 more years of support now22:11
RoyKaddisonj: yeah22:11
* RoyK still runs 8.04 on some servers22:12
addisonjanyways... back to me issue... yep, pretty much absolutely flumoxed as to why this is acting this way...22:12
flowbeeso done with debian22:14
flowbeeeverything will be running 10.04 now22:14
=== negronjl_afk is now known as negronjl
flowbeehow do i change default editor to vim?22:29
sorenbluethundr: Jaunty is dead. Move on.22:30
RoyKflowbee: see /etc/alternatives - there's an editor symlink there22:31
RoyKflowbee: or just set the EDITOR variable22:31
bluethundrsoren this is a production server.. it moves onto the current release when the senior sa says it does :)22:38
uvirtbotNew bug: #783699 in php5 (main) "package libapache2-mod-php5 5.3.5-1ubuntu7.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78369922:42
SpamapSbluethundr: has that senior sa decided to backport all relevant security patches to jaunty? Poor sod.22:43
Pumpkin-or vetting every security announcement to see if it impacts them, or getting appropriate signoffs to not patch it22:44
Pumpkin-I'm glad I make those kind of decisions22:44
sorenbluethundr: Production servers that don't receive critical security updates. Fascinating. What was your IP again?22:49
bluethundrsoren, my IP is xx.xx.xx.xxx22:50
sorenbluethundr: I thought it might be.22:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #783706 in php5 (main) "package libapache2-mod-php5 5.3.5-1ubuntu7.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78370622:51
roastedSo... question... let's say I want to rsync my home directory to a samba share. Well, CIFS mounts to .gvfs... wouldn't I create an infinite loop by rsyncing /home/user to /home/user/.gvfs/network_storage/user?23:40
RoyKjust use --exclude23:42
RoyKor -x aka --one-file-system23:42
roastedRoyK, do you know of any rsync GUI's that have this option? I'm trying to help my parents set this up with the NAS I left behind.23:43
RoyKnah - I only use the commandline23:44
roastedyeah, me too23:44
roastedmaybe I should just walk them through forwarding SSH so I can get in there23:44
roastedwhat exatly doe s"one file system" do?23:45
roasteddoesnt sound too descriptive at first glance23:45
RoyKit doesn't follow mounts23:46
RoyKso if you rsync / and /blah is mounted, that won't be rsync'ed23:46
roastedit seems as if grsync has a "do not leave file system" option23:47
roastedwhich, when you hover over it, notates -x and --one-file-system23:47
roastedso if I'm rsync'ing /home/fred to /home/fred/.gvfs/network_storage/fred, how does that "doesn't follow mounts" apply? I'm not entirely sure I understand.23:48
RoyKcheck with 'mount'23:48
RoyKif it's listed there, it won't be backed up with -x23:48
roastedso that would thereby include .gvfs as "mount" when its checked23:49
RoyKis it listed if you type 'mount'?23:49
roastedhang on23:49
roastedit doesnt say exactly .gvfs/network_storage/fred23:50
roastedbut it says something about .gvfs fuse23:50
roasteddaemon etc23:50
RoyKdunno if rsync will exclude fuse mounts23:51
roastedI wonder if there's a way to tell23:51
roastedlike to see what command this gui is using23:51
RoyKjust try23:51
RoyKyou'll see the loop if it happens23:52
roastedthats the problem23:56
roastedI won't - they will, and they won't even know it23:56
roastedI just did a quick test bed here with my laptop and a tes CIFS share23:58
roastedlooks like it'll work if I check that box in grsync23:58
roastedI think they just have SO mcuh data that they cant tell if its looping or just working23:59

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