
shaunohm.  pogoplug on ibood.  can't decide if interesting is 50eur worth of interesting00:19
lubotu3Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.01:15
Apacheukmorning all07:37
Apacheukis it too early for a question re ubuntu one?08:02
popeynah, go for it08:02
popey#ubuntuone might be better though :)08:02
popeydepending on the question08:02
Apacheukis there a way to make a directory only sync one way? I want to have a backup directory, but don't want it to sync to all my other machines?08:03
popeydont think so08:05
Apacheukwill as in there.... cheers08:05
Apacheukthats annoying, it would be handy.... and I would definitely buy more storage from Cononical :)08:06
dwatkinsmornin folks08:12
=== Hornet- is now known as Hornet
popeyApacheuk: I've started using spideroak08:41
Apacheukpopey: will take look now08:54
ApacheukPopey:I think I can get UbuntuOne to do what I want.... thanks to the #ubuntuone channel, sync a dir on one machine but don't subscribe to it on others08:57
gordApacheuk, you can select on your machines which folders you want to sync. so yes09:02
gordApacheuk, basically, share that folder on one machine, go to the ubuntu one control panel on your other machines and uncheck the box09:02
gordhuh.. PSN is back up the day i'm back to work... suspicious09:10
MartijnVdSgord: it was up yesterday evening09:10
TheAshManHow do I recursively chown a directory that has sub directories and hidden files & folders?09:11
dutchiechown -R should do it09:11
diplochown -R09:11
TheAshMandiplo, dutchie: it seems that doesn't own the hidden files multi levels deep09:12
dutchieyou could probably throw together some monstrosity with find and xargs then09:12
diplo.* at the end ?09:13
dutchiefind top-dir/ -print0 | xargs -0 chown foo:foo09:13
diplodutchies solution probably better09:14
diplowonder if .* will follow ../ back :)09:14
shaunoit just did on mine :)09:14
bigcalmGood morning peeps09:31
hooverhi folks09:32
hooverhey biggie09:32
bigcalmHi hoovie09:32
hooverall well mate?09:32
bigcalmIt's Monday...09:34
hoover"montag ist schontag" ;-)09:34
MartijnVdSbeautiful/nice day09:38
bigcalmGood for you :P09:39
bigcalmIt's gone cold/overcast/windy09:40
oimonyeah i'm chilly here09:40
MartijnVdSbigcalm: not that's what "schontag" means09:40
kazademorning all09:41
oimonnoticing that my memory utilization on this PC has stabilised a lot since switching to chromium09:45
oimoninstead of firefox09:45
MartijnVdS\o/ chromium09:46
oimonstill prefer firefox UI though :(09:47
gordon my netbook if i use chromium i run out of memory fast. memory usage is too tied in to tabs09:47
HazRPGanyone good with grub2?09:48
lubotu3A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.09:48
oimonpopey: how did you get on with chromium OS install?09:48
popeyheh, forgot09:48
gordah, i figured it out. evolution hates me and thats why when i check "subscribe to this folder" it unchecks it09:49
popeyit built but i didnt test it09:49
HazRPGI keep getting "filel not found"09:49
HazRPGfor an iso09:49
oimonfound it strange that u need a 64 bit system to buld it on09:49
HazRPGbah this internet here is so painful09:49
popeyoh i had an issue with it09:49
hoover"schontag": A day to take a relaxed attitude ;-)09:49
popeyfor some reason it was looking for VBoxManage inside the chroot09:49
popeywhich is odd because VirtualBox is installed outside the chroot09:50
popeyso no idea how that is ever supposed to work09:50
gorddid anyone follow the default browser talk at UDS?09:50
gordwondering what the outcome of that was09:50
oimonyou built it on 64 bit lucid install ?09:50
HazRPGthis is from a thumbdrive i should mention btw09:50
popeyoimon: no, natty09:52
oimonpopey: don't they recommend lucid?09:52
popeydoesnt really matter, the build happens inside a chroot09:53
HazRPGoh, i think i've figured it out09:53
gordmorning czajkowski09:53
HazRPGmy iso's have the permissions -rwxr-x---09:54
oimonhttp://www.chromium.org/chromium-os/developer-guide#TOC-Preliminary-requirements: Most developers working on Chromium OS are using Lucid (the LTS version of Ubuntu) and will not be updating to 10.10. It is possible that things will work if you're running a different Linux distribution, but you will probably find life easier if you're on Lucid. Please note that Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic) is known not to work.09:54
HazRPGthat might be why ^_^09:54
czajkowskigord: howdy09:54
gordhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/13405464 <--- i'm actually offended that BBC chose to put this in the "technology" news feed.09:55
popeyoimon: it builds fine, its not a problem09:55
oimonoh ok09:56
popeygord: news beat though, news for young people with ADHD09:56
oimonnews that is not news..09:56
oimonwas about to throw away my laser printer when i realised that it was an ubuntu bug...here was me thinking it was due to thefact that it is > 10 years old09:59
oimonswapped PS driver for PCL and seems to work fine again :D09:59
oimonwhich is more than i can say for my inkjet grrr10:00
brobostigongood morning everyone10:11
brobostigonmorning daubers10:21
oimonugh nobody wants to sell me stuff :( thought people would be keen for business nowadays but no :(10:29
* oimon has money burning a hoel in his pocket10:29
DJonesPerhaps you're trying to buy the wrong things10:30
bigcalmpopey: poke10:35
bigcalmpopey: ping10:35
oimonnew alpha.gov project runs ubuntu: http://blog.alpha.gov.uk/colophon10:40
czajkowskicanonical website sends you your email password in plain text10:48
czajkowskinot smart!10:48
gordyou can log in to the canonical website? o_O10:50
popeybigcalm: hmm?10:50
popeyah yes10:51
bigcalmpopey: you were going to give me an email address10:51
czajkowskigord: careers page10:51
jpdsczajkowski: No, that's ROT26.10:51
czajkowskijpds: couldnt remember my password so it just mailed it to me in plain text10:51
czajkowskijpds: point me in the right direction to file a bug and I will10:52
popeybigcalm: pm :)10:52
oimonwhat can i do if the "Stop publishing via ubuntu one" is greyed out? - i seem to have published something but cannot get the url or stop publishing it10:53
oimonhmm website says it's not published :S10:55
czajkowskioh no davmor2 to harass10:56
popeyoimon: there is some fun stuff published on U1 :D10:57
oimonpopey: yeah, i've noticed :D10:58
oimoni guess there's no server side encryption10:59
oimonbug 37528911:01
lubotu3Launchpad bug 375289 in Ubuntu One Servers "data encryption (client-side as well as server-side)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37528911:01
popeyI'd be surprised if they ever did that11:03
popeythey're probably doing the same de-dupe that dropbox do11:04
=== cking_ is now known as cking
popeyI have switched to spideroak11:09
davmor2Morning all11:11
davmor2I'm back in a real time zone11:11
popeythe 1970's?11:12
davmor2bigcalm: bst but yes11:12
davmor2popey: no you and I both know the 80's is the only real decade right11:12
popeyhehe, knew you'd say that :)11:13
davmor2popey: Can't argue with the truth ;)11:13
bigcalmI have to agree11:14
davmor2So who tuned into uds and what is happening?11:14
oimonas soon as ubuntu one gains a few more features it will be indispensible for ubuntu users11:14
* davmor2 gives czajkowski a I'm back home prod11:15
davmor2oimon: you mean it isn't now I use it all the time11:15
oimondavmor2: it's useful now..but with tighter integration and some extra features, many more users will be onboard, i'm sure11:16
* czajkowski prods davmor2 11:16
gordjust ordered myself a new laptop, thinkpad X220 - all very exciting. course the ideal situation is that my previous laptop would not of died half way through UDS but hey11:18
oimonX220 tablet?11:18
oimonor the regular lappy11:18
X3NAnyone got a Intel 5300 wireless... working..?11:18
oimonok - waiting for stock so i can buy the tablet11:18
gord7.something hours of battery life :) (on windows)11:18
popey3.something hours of battery life :( (on Ubuntu)11:19
gordthe lenovo website was selling them stupid cheep, all the resellers were £1000+ excluding tax, lenovo sold to me for £821 including tax11:19
gordi'll run it on windows with ubuntu in a VM ;)11:19
popeyblimey, thats a good deal11:19
oimongord: thats handy - do they sell to the UK?11:20
gordprice was in sterling with UK tax, no importing11:20
oimoni think i looked last month and the site was bare..maybe the x220t wasnt out by then11:20
oimonyeah...still the same - only selling the x201 tablet, even though a reseller has the x22011:22
gordhttp://shop.lenovo.com/SEUILibrary/controller/e/gbweb/LenovoPortal/en_GB/builder.workflow:Enter?sb=%3A000000F0%3A0000022B%3A&smid=7543BB138E644775A33CC781942250F1 - there you go11:25
gordoh unless you want the x220 tablet?11:26
oimonyep :D11:26
oimonit's hard to get news about it, not sure if it is properly out yet or not11:27
gordstill don't trust tablets :) no one seems to have a good user story for them11:34
popeya good user story, seriously?11:35
popeyhow many ipads have been sold so far?11:35
oimonwell the x200t is a laptop hybrid so it's largely a laptop with note taking ability11:36
gordi'm not questioning that, but the ipad is really a big phone. it works, but it sort of feels like a ported phone user story rather than a tablet story11:36
popeymine isnt a big phone, it has no phone capabilities11:38
popeyI have never made a call on it11:38
gordwithout the nit-picking ;)11:38
oimoncentos is really suffering right now :(11:39
popeyfair enough, I know nothing, clearly.11:39
gordi didn't say that, nor do i think it - i just thought it was obvious what i meant by "phone" - the use of the word has been twisted into what it is today, a device that can also make phone calls, maybe, i mean, it doesn't have to, i'd still call it a phone11:40
AlanBellare there large android tablets that can make calls?11:40
popeyit was not obvious to me, no11:41
gordi'm not sure, i doubt honeycomb has that built in, but i would expect they could once 3.0 and 2.* merge in ics11:41
popeyThat's how I understood it, phone bits from 2.x go into 3.x to make ICS11:41
DJonesAlanBell: http://www.merimobiles.com/Kinpad_7_3G_8GB_CALLS_SMS_PREORDER_NOW_p/meri0540.htm Android tablet that says it can make & receive calls11:44
gorddo you have to hold it to your head?11:44
AlanBellheh, he does in the video11:48
AlanBellI was thinking that a tablet + bluetooth headset would work well as a phone11:48
popeyI was thinking a phone works quite well as a phone :)11:49
bigcalm11 days until my 7" android tablet gets shipped11:50
bigcalmpopey: we're getting closer to me spamming the channel as promised :P11:50
X3Nwhich one are you getting bigcalm ?11:50
DJonesI was looking at this yesterday http://www.firebox.com/product/3592/Sagemcom-Sixty-Cordless-Telephone11:50
bigcalmX3N: http://www.kogan.co.uk/shop/7-inch-tablet-pc-android/11:51
bigcalmNice responce11:51
DJonesA couple of days ago, somebody was asking about whether HDMI output worked with Natty, does that ring a bell with anyone as to who it was?11:52
DJonesFound it11:54
DJonesThey're offline anyway11:55
oimonhttp://www.firebox.com/product/1902/Stylophone-Original :D12:15
bigcalmOh god12:15
bigcalmUnless you can play it like Rolf Harris, it's a horrible device12:16
MartijnVdSbigcalm: practice, practice, practice12:16
oimonbuy it for the children of people you want to annoy :D12:16
DJonesHeh http://www.firebox.com/product/2854/Bacon-Chocolate12:17
oimonthat's expensive stuff12:18
DJonesI can't decide which is a worse idea, bacon chocolate, or bacon toothpaste *Although we do have beef flavoured toothpaste for the dogs)12:18
oimonoff to lunch..haven't eaten for 16 hr and it's agony12:18
bigcalmpopey: hardware will be with me on Wednesday \o/12:20
* bigcalm dances a wee happy dance12:20
popeybigcalm: yay12:26
popeyshe sorted you out?12:26
davmor2bigcalm: don't dance a wee it will go everywhere12:26
bigcalmpopey: no, I called up 150 again. Asked for an update. They had no record. Passed me on to an internal account department. They passed me back to 150 customer services but told them how to apply the upgrade and retain the discount12:30
bigcalmpopey: at the start of the last call, the bloke asked me what I wanted to upgrade to. A little confused I said 30mb. At the end of the call I quizzed him on this and aparently we can upgrade to 50mb or 100mb and retain the discount. Just a monthly increase by 6.51 or 16 quid12:31
bigcalmSo, good to know for the future12:31
MartijnVdS100mb? nice12:32
* bigcalm rocked the boat and didn't fall out!12:32
bigcalmpopey: think you could convince mrs popey that 16 quid a month is a good investment? ;)12:35
bigcalmThat is if you are in a 100mb area12:35
gordbigcalm, don't rock the boat baby12:35
bigcalmRock the boat, rock the boat12:36
* bigcalm thinks that popey is on the blower with VirginMedia customer services ;)12:39
bigcalmOr with Mrs Popey to get permission :P12:40
* exobuzz just wants the 10mbit upstream12:40
exobuzz100 would be better but12:40
bigcalmexobuzz: I want never gets...12:40
bigcalmHumm. What to do with my own bought Cisco N wifi router...12:45
exobuzzpost it to me12:51
DJonespopey: Reading that you'd changed over to spideroak, how do you find it in comparison to dropbox12:53
popeyask me again in a week once I've set it up and used it for a bit12:55
exobuzzpopey, this because of the dropbox benig liars thing ?12:55
exobuzzand being able to get at your data when they want12:56
exobuzz(or when the government wants, which is most of the time)12:56
popeyI've been concerned for a while that the data isnt encrypted fully12:57
popeywhereas AIUI spideroak is12:57
gordinteresting, i seem to have enabled some mode in evolution that makes it crash constantly13:06
bigcalmgord: ah, the default action13:06
oimoni call that normal mode13:07
popeybigcalm: http://tarby.popey.com/13:07
popeyoimon: http://joke.popey.com/13:07
bigcalmEvolution is not to be trusted with your email13:07
bigcalms/ with your email//13:07
gordits normally pretty stable for me, but i decided to restructure my folders for email, no longer is everything in INBOX/foo or whatever, now its just in /foo/bar and /foo/baz - but thats too much to handle. it freaks out and segfaults13:07
MartijnVdSThis is why I love gmail13:08
JamesTaitIs this the part where someone interjects with "Thunderbird should be the default mail client"?13:09
oimonThunderbird should be the default mail client13:09
JamesTaitI thought so. :)13:10
JamesTaitWell, work is being done to make it so. But there is much to do.13:11
oimon!info seahorse13:13
lubotu3seahorse (source: seahorse): GNOME front end for GnuPG. In component main, is optional. Version 2.32.0-0ubuntu3 (natty), package size 609 kB, installed size 2464 kB13:13
oimonbigcalm: pine is more popular among my users13:13
DJonesselinuxium: Was it you that was asking about hdmi on natty a day or so back13:13
bigcalmoimon: I like the default view of mutt13:13
selinuxiumDJones, yup :)13:13
nigelbJamesTait: I take it you got back fine :)13:14
JamesTaitHey nigelb - yes, I did, thanks!  You too?13:14
selinuxiumDJones, I was wondering as it is a HDMI to Composite cable, the graphics card is not being notified of the connection...13:14
nigelbJamesTait: yup, day 1 back at work is almost over too :)13:14
oimonbigcalm: u know how my pine users find old emails? they search and then forward it to themselves13:14
DJonesDid you get it working, I tried yesterday with my laptop + TV and it worked ok for me, just found I had to reboot to avoid any screen corruption13:14
bigcalmoimon: :'-(13:15
JamesTaitnigelb: I'm only about half way through, and last week is starting to catch up with me. :/13:15
acperkinslast week felt like such a long week :(13:15
nigelbJamesTait: I slept for 15 hours straight, which helped a bit. Still tired though13:15
oimonmy baby son has discovered that if he stands in his cot and shakes it vigourously, i come running :( ..either that or it breaks13:16
DJonesselinuxium: Mine was a straight hdmi->hdmi cable, the only problem I found was that I had to enable hdmi sound output seperatly13:16
selinuxiumDJones, I may get an hdmi to hdmi and try it on the other screen..13:17
JamesTaitnigelb: I wish I had that option! Altough it was nice to wake up to the sound of my boys laughing yesterday, even though I was still tired.13:17
daubersoimon: how old?13:17
oimon16 months13:18
oimonhe pretty much shakes the cot across the room13:18
* JamesTait heads off for lunch.13:18
popeyi was woken up yesterday to my 4 year old son shoving a a remote control car in my face "DADDY! Change the batteries!"13:18
MartijnVdSpopey: aww :)13:19
oimonhehehe, my son has learned already that daddy fixes stuff. the batteries in his walking turtle died...rather than throw it across the room, he crawls over to me,does the sad face and says TAAAAAA!TAAA!13:19
oimonhad to give him the batteries from teh wii remote :(13:20
popeypound shop batteries13:20
popeygreat for kids toys13:20
popeyI couldn't care less if they go dead in the device, they're <10p each13:21
bigcalmOh, that reminds me that I bought Lego Pirates at the weekend and should continue playing it this lunchtime :D13:21
oimonhmm should try that13:21
bigcalmThere are more puzzles in this game than they bothered with in Lego SW Clone Wars13:21
bigcalmA return to form13:22
oimonlooking at seahorse encryption, i wonder why it's not the default in nautilus13:22
gordi signed on to psn during my lunch break. it was amazing13:22
popeywhich reminds me I need to get some cheap hornby 00 gauge stuff13:22
* oimon checks his hornby shares13:23
exobuzzpopey, train geek too? :)13:25
oimonhow much do you guys allow yourselves to spend on fun budget per month?13:26
exobuzzas much as i have13:26
oimonmy wife and I have an arrangement - anything spent with fun budget cannot be questioned.13:26
popeythat stuff is for #1 son13:27
popeynot for me13:27
oimonall other purchases can be vetoed13:27
oimonahem indeed13:27
exobuzzpopey, sure sure.. can i come round and play too? :)13:27
oimoni'll be on the sclaextric13:27
exobuzzthe amount i spend from my "fun budget" on beer is always questioned13:29
oimoni don't really drink anymore13:29
exobuzzi probably shouldnt drink as much as i do13:30
oimonunfortunately i discovered that beer was keeping my weight at normal13:30
oimonwhen i stopped drinking around 25 , i lost weight that i've never been able to regain13:30
exobuzzeat curry13:30
oimon:( have a chilli intolerance13:30
exobuzzlots and lots of curry13:30
oimonsince the same age13:30
exobuzzs/curry/mild curry/13:30
oimonhmm wonder if there's a connection13:31
exobuzzi have a chilli intolerance today, after the vindaloo last night13:31
exobuzznot quite the same thing perhaps heh13:31
exobuzzit was only this one mind, but still has a kick http://www.sharwoods.com/Indian/products/sharwoods-goan-vindaloo-cooking-sauce.cfm13:33
oimonis it a good idea to encrypt my files with the same key i used to create the pgp key i used for launchpad?13:33
exobuzzthat's fine. you only gave the public key to launchpad13:34
oimonis that what ppl normally do though, or use another one?13:35
exobuzzi think it's fine anyway.13:35
dwatkinsoimon: just got back from lunch and read the scrollback - my brother made a point of removing batteries from noisy toys before his kids got them when they were younger, so they wouldn't even know that the noise was an option13:40
oimondwatkins: yeah :) i do that for some toys, although others need batteries for other functionality..if only i can perforate the speaker with a sharp pin..13:41
dwatkinsmy SO bought a cheap kids' laptop from the supermarket the other day, she wants to put the innards of an Eee 701 in it :D13:42
dwatkinsit has a cow on the outside, it's kinda cute13:42
DJonesI had a computer with a cow on it once, made by Gateway :)13:48
oimonlol, you alsways used to see those boxes after christmas left out for the dustman13:51
oimongiant cow box13:51
oimonhmm why is it so difficult to disable the cache on chromium?14:04
MartijnVdSoimon: hard? Shift+Ctrl+T -> new incognito tab14:07
MartijnVdSuhr no that's reopen old tab14:07
oimonMartijnVdS: i want to disable disk cache permanently14:07
MartijnVdSopen new private browsing window :)14:07
MartijnVdSjust use those14:07
oimondoesn't sound ideal ;(14:08
BigRedSwhoo! Natty's alt-f2 doesn't clobber middle-click paste :)14:10
daubersCan someone fix the topic? There's supposed to be another p at the end of that url :)14:22
=== popey changed the topic of #ubuntu-uk to: Welcome to #ubuntu-uk! http://ubuntu-uk.org | This channel is publicly archived http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Mailing List http://tinyurl.com/uukml | Support Guidelines http://tinyurl.com/uuksupport | Meeting 26th May 21:00 BST #ubuntu-uk-meeting http://tinyurl.com/uukmeet | Libraries,SciFi and Geeknicks! http://doodle.com/53dpqtd6qgbvdpmp
daubersta :)14:23
* dutchie ponders getting a new monitor14:24
dutchierecommendations for online retailers?14:24
Azelphurpopey, I'm winning at pool mining on a single card, http://btcmine.com/ru/user/toplist/ :D14:26
Azelphurdutchie, dabs/btshop do cheap monitors, I got my set from there14:27
popeydutchie: check the ebuyerspam for latest deals14:27
oimonwhat sort are you after dutchie14:28
AzelphurI called them up and tried to get a deal, "Hey I'm buying 6 monitors", I think the sales guys eyes light up :D14:28
gorddutchie, ebuyer + samsung14:28
gord<3 samsung monitors14:28
dutchieoimon: nothing in particular14:28
dutchiejust want something to plug into this laptop to get moar pixelz14:28
oimonjust gave away some lcd mons14:28
oimongave my father in law an 18 inch NEC lcd that once cost £80014:29
oimonit's amazing how prices have come down14:29
daubersdutchie: Theres a company called added-dimension in reading who do ex demo stuff, normally quite good14:30
oimonmy desktop pc sucks with dual screen, i have gone back to single screen at home14:30
oimonthis seems to be the only way to disable disk cache in chromium: chromium-browser --disk-cache-size=N --disk-cache-dir=/dev/null14:31
* dutchie tries to work out how big 22" actually is14:32
MartijnVdSdutchie: about 55.88cm14:34
oimonhttp://uk.insight.com/en-gb/productinfo/monitors/SAMQB2240 : less than 100 quid14:36
oimondon't you hate it when websites auto-play the flash content/video? bbc site just did it to me14:37
MartijnVdSDell makes nice monitors, I've noticed14:38
oimonMartijnVdS: they seem to be reliable - we have had 100s here, rarely any issues14:38
MartijnVdSAnd lots of options in the menu, and lots of inputs available, and good picture quality14:39
oimonexcept the max brightness seems to go down after a few years14:39
MartijnVdSThat happens in every brand14:39
oimoni guess it would14:39
oimonsomeone is giving a 17 inch dell lcd away on my local freegle14:41
Oli``Does anybody know of a good (eg applies security patches!), paid (though cheap, if possible) FTP service? A client of mine uses his existing hosting to host his website and a FTP dump for his clients to upload things to him. His hosting has had several break-ins so I'm taking over the website but don't want to host the FTP dump so we need another hosting company to take over that.14:43
MartijnVdSDon't use FTP, it's insecure14:43
MartijnVdSplain-text passwords etc.14:44
AlanBellFTP is ok for anonymous file downloading14:46
AlanBellbut then so is http14:46
MartijnVdSAlanBell: exactly14:46
AlanBellOli``: really sftp is very well supported, just give out ssh accounts and set the directory permissions14:47
kvarleyOli``: You could create your own torrent and use encryption on the packets to send him files14:47
AlanBellthey can upload with dreamweaver or whatever clients they want to use14:48
MartijnVdSwebdav with SSL and digest auth14:48
krimzon2how would you lock down ssh so people can only use it to transfer files?14:48
MartijnVdSkrimzon2: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/9414:48
AlanBellset the default shell14:48
Oli``AlanBell: We've iterated through that option before. He's okay with it but he already tried it with his clients and they're (to put it bluntly) idiots.14:49
AlanBellso don't give idiots pointy tools like insecure ftp14:49
krimzon2MartijnVdS: ahh, thanks14:49
MartijnVdSkrimzon2: mind the comments though14:50
MezHmm... where do the kernel "audit" messages come from in syslog?14:52
MezMay 16 14:45:52 hera kernel: [8257450.822541] type=1503 audit(1305553552.247:130):  operation="open" pid=27083 parent=27082 profile="/usr/sbin/named" requested_mask="::r" denied_mask="::r" fsuid=106 ouid=0 name="/etc/ssl/openssl.cnf"14:52
Mez-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9374 2009-01-07 18:43 /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf14:52
Oli``And kvarley: It's not me and him that are exchanging files, I just look after his website. It's his clients that need to transfer things to him and as I say, they're a big bunch of middle-managers who barely recognise a USB socket, far from a torrent or sftp client.14:52
AlanBellOli``: what application are they using?14:53
Oli``Explorer.exe !14:53
Oli``(I imagine)14:53
AlanBellwebdav then14:54
kvarleyOli``: Could you get some sort of page using https for them to upload files via14:54
MezNever mind. Just worked it out14:55
andylockranguys, is there a simple method to run Firefox as the sole application on a minimal ubuntu install.  Fullscreen with no WM, preferably from an ubuntu-server iso installation?15:11
ballandylockran: It should be straightforward to run Firefox in what amounts to a kiosk mode, but from an Ubuntu Server disc? Perhaps not.15:12
ballOn a conventional machine I'd just run it in place of the window manager, with -geometry set appropriately.15:13
DJonesApparently firefox uses (or at least used to require) an X11 display15:14
DJonesandylockran: Maybe this might help http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/maverick/man1/Xvfb.1.html http://blog.martin-lyness.com/archives/installing-xvfb-on-ubuntu-9-10-karmic-koala A bit old, but perhaps will help15:17
andylockranDJones: ball thanks.15:26
DJonesHeh, a couple of lads that have just come back from 2 weeks in ibiza have just been into our shop, looked as white as chalk, somebody asked them did they get the sun tan oil confused with a bottle of bleach :)15:36
popeyDJones: didnt know you ran a shop15:37
DJonespopey: I'm in the accounts office, we've got 5 travel agents shops15:37
DJonesShops get some trade, but difficult times at the minute, main part of the business is luxury villas (Think up to $50,000 per week with butler, maid, pool boy, security guard, chef all provided)15:40
ballHeh... $50,000 would make a nice dent in my mortgage!15:45
hamitronDJones: you've sold it to me, now just let me save up.... ;/15:45
DJonesAs an example http://www.caribbeanluxurycollection.com/mustique/plantation_house/index.html $6,430 per night (thats not our website, but its one of the villas we sell)15:45
popeyI'll take two!15:46
DJonesOne for you, one for the rest of the family?15:49
popeytwo separate continents please :)15:50
DJonesThat could be arranged, Caribbean for one, Europe for the other :)15:51
DJones(Only because we don't do either of the polar ice caps)15:51
DJonesI've just had to take a cheque for £43,000 to the bank and that was only part payment for one person + family (including his (about) 15 adopted children)15:56
popeyheh, yeah, you don't want a check like that sitting around :)15:59
DJonesVery true16:00
oimonDJones: i don't think people who go to ibiza spend much time awake in the day night16:00
DJonesJust been looking the guy who wrote it up on the internet, 5 kids of his own and has fostered over 80 in a 29 year period16:01
oimonany mention of btrfs at UDS?16:12
oimonoh: http://www.engadget.com/2011/05/16/eldar-murtazin-microsoft-will-enter-negotiations-to-buy-nokias/16:14
DJonesI didn't know this "Nokia once used to manufacture galoshes and tires"16:16
ali1234i didn't believe it until that tweet16:17
davmor2hello everyone again bloody virgin16:20
oimonbigcalm: maybe it was as a result of the guardian article : http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2011/may/16/ballmer-microsoft-skype16:21
balldavmor2: I read that in a Vampire voice, before I realised that they're a cable company back home.16:21
bigcalmdavmor2: what's wrong with VM today?16:22
davmor2bigcalm: just been offline since 12:4516:23
davmor2bigcalm: didn't you notice that czajkowski wasn't trying to kill me :D16:23
DJonesdavmor2: I thought she'd succeeded :)16:23
bigcalmdavmor2: VM have done that to me in the past as well. Once I'm upgraded to 30mb on Wednesday I expect similar outages ;)16:23
davmor2bigcalm: I'm still on 20meg16:24
oimonVM used the cable london infrastructure for my area = fail16:24
* czajkowski smacks davmor2 16:24
czajkowskithere welcome back16:24
czajkowskidont feel left out16:25
oimonsome areas are pretty bad when it comes to quality for VM broadband16:25
bigcalmdavmor2: for why?16:25
ballOH! My coffee!16:29
davmor2bigcalm: till they can sort out why I'm getting 2 drops from every 5 pings I'm not interested in being able to go faster plus with all the hassle I've had I think they should throw me a 30meg anyway :)16:30
* ball has 12 Mbits/sec for the first year, then I have to pay US$ 10/month extra for 1 Mbit/sec service16:31
DJonesI see firefox 3.5 is going the way of IE6, warning users its out of date & being forcinbly upgraded if auto update is on16:32
oimondavmor2: 2 drops from every 5 pings...hmm where have i heard that one before? oh yes, it was when i had VM16:32
oimonthey told me it was due to my antivirus16:33
bigcalmVM provide AV16:33
oimoni don't use AV16:33
DJonesoimon: Can I guess at the next line, "Ah well, its because you don't have AV then"16:34
oimonand none of my machines were plugged in - i just had ping enabled on the router16:34
oimonthe line was rotten but they didn't care - the only way to "fix" it was to change ISP16:34
davmor2oimon: they told me that till I told them I didn't have any then they put me through to tech who told me what the actual issue was and gave me £20 a month of my money back for the inconvenience16:34
oimontook months of stress and phone calls - whichthey charged me for , even though it was their issue16:34
oimondavmor2: you must have got an english call centre then16:35
davmor2oimon: yeap with the direct call number16:35
oimoni could only call in the evenings, and you get pushed over to indian CC16:35
oimonVM are top of my hate list16:36
oimonthey also stole money from me16:36
davmor2I'm hoping that the outage was them fixing it16:36
oimonyou can only hope/dream16:36
oimonan engineer came and said i could never have digital tv on my line cos the signal was so poor (i had analogue cable at the time which worked fine)16:37
DJonesHere's one for all the keyboard hackers unhappy with the normal qwerty style http://www.designboom.com/weblog/cat/8/view/14607/keyless-lifebook-by-laura-lahti-fujitsu-design-award-2011-shortlisted-entry.html16:40
ali1234"The Round Ducting Hose is a flexible round ducting hose."17:06
ali1234thanks, captain obvious17:06
* ball snorts with laughter17:10
shaunoSilly question; does 217.0 jump out at anyone as being a significant value?17:32
seekerAny context?17:32
shaunoit's temperature (in C)17:33
popeynot to me17:33
shaunoand very obviously an insane value (it should be somewhere slightly warmer than room temp, but well below PC temp).  so trying to figure out if the value itself is numerical significant17:34
seekershauno: Are you calculating something?17:35
shaunotrying to fault-find a piece of equipment that's telling lies17:36
seekerAnything more specific17:36
* seeker is getting close to stopping his attempts to get blood out of a stone17:37
danfishafternoon all17:38
shaunowell, that's just it.  something that should be room temp-ish is telling us it's 217C.17:38
brobostigonafternoonings danfish :)17:38
shaunowas just curious if it rang any bells as being a 'magic number'17:38
danfishshauno: 217C is the temp some solder melts17:38
seekerWhat is the "something"?17:38
danfishbrobostigon: o/17:38
shaunooh, something's a battery17:39
shaunoand it's not genuinely 217C.  we did check :)17:40
brobostigondanfish: o/17:41
danfishit's only Monday and 1740 and I've already has enough of this (working) week :(17:42
bigcalm20 mins to go!17:43
* ball doesn't want to go to work today.17:44
ormiretshauno: that coems out to 490K which is suspiciously close to 5V in a 10mV/K sensor, so might be a short where the electronics is expecting a LM35 (or similar) temp sensor.17:46
shaunothat doesn't sound far off.  I've been trying to find out what the raw value from the firmware comes out as, but no luck17:47
rrrachelgrr arg, unity2d crashes really hard, probably because of gwibber18:04
rrrachelreally hard as in, had to ssh in from elsewhere and reboot. actually thinking about it, it was probably nouveau that crashed hard :-(18:05
MyrttiI want a car19:11
Myrttisomeone is selling a Nissan Figaro :-/19:11
Myrttithis is a new side of me, I don't know how to drive and I know how stupid it is to fall in love into something highly technical based on looks only19:14
Myrttibut it looks such a pretty car :-D19:14
gordgot caught out by ubuntu asking me things on boot, when its a server so no monitor.. again19:22
gordseriously, can we just get ssh up before we hang on "press x to continue"...19:22
davmor2gord: no suffer19:24
popeygord: yeah, that annoys me too19:26
gord=\ lovefilm is recommending "confessions of a shopaholic" to me19:30
MartijnVdSgord: it KNOWS19:34
shaunooh man .. importing a 800Mb model into blender .. suddenly my laptop doesn't feel so fast19:35
MartijnVdSYou need more RAM :)(19:35
shaunoI know :/  it's on my shopping list!19:36
shaunowaiting until I can pick up an sdd too, so I only have to open it once :)19:36
Myrttiaw :-( as if I weren't depressed enough about the state of Free and Open Source Software, FSF does a good job in 'pissing in their own breakfast cereal'19:52
ali1234i'm depressed about the state of FOSS too19:53
AlanBellMyrtti: is that something new?19:53
ali1234but only because of how many people only seem to care about market share19:53
MyrttiAlanBell: I've been hoping they'd get their head out of the sandpile and see the world around them, but I guess it's hoping too much19:54
gordno one pays attention to the fsf19:54
* AlanBell finds it19:54
gordits like a really angry loud fly hitting its head against a window in your house, its mildly annoying but doesn't do any damage19:55
peter343241_Does anyone have a link for a decent guide to recording streaming video from a website? I've tried using screen capping software Instanbul and Desktop recorder, but the video is *very* choppy.19:55
davmor2gord: is there something you need to tell us about your spending habits?19:56
davmor2gord: that or your naff taste in films?19:56
ali1234when i hear people complaining about the FSF this is what it sounds like to me "wah wah shut up and give me free stuff wah wah"19:57
davmor2peter343241_: that is a tool to record your desktop not record streamed video19:58
Myrttiali1234: free stuff? erm.20:00
peter343241_davmor2: Yes...20:01
gordali1234, ... really no20:01
popeypeter343241_: downloadthemall20:01
popeyfirefox extension20:01
Myrttiali1234: I complain about FSF because I have serious issues with their agenda and how they manifest it20:01
Myrttimainly how they manifest it20:02
gordthey are currently trying to do what, send nintendo a bunch of bricks? geez20:02
Myrttiindeed >___<20:03
gordquick guys! lets mildly annoy some big company! that'll work20:03
ali1234and now people are rewtweeting it like crazy. mission acomplished20:03
Myrttiwell, have to give them some applause on not doing their protest in a way that actually harms the customers20:04
Myrttilike they did last time.20:04
ali1234i guess we should all just give up20:05
ali1234\o/ apathy20:06
ali1234let's not do anything guys20:06
* hamitron is good at that20:06
ali1234we should all just do whatever big business tells us20:06
ali1234if they say they own everything we create with their gadgets then that's ok by me20:06
ali1234as long as it brings increased market share20:07
ali1234because that's the only thing that matters right? having 200 million users?20:07
Myrttiali1234: I fail to see how sending bricks to Nintendo or booking slots at Apple GeniousBar or whatever to ask the helpdesk guys why iTunes uses DRM is helpful?20:07
ali1234anything that anyone does which does not further this goal HURTS FREE SOFTWARE20:07
Myrttiformer is pointless, latter is downright harmful20:08
gord... you seem to be trying to make some sort of point ali1234, but its hazy and makes little sense20:08
ali1234the point is quite simple20:09
ali1234the FSF is not the marketing wing of free software20:09
Myrttidirecting our efforts to smear big corporations is exactly what we should do instead of trying to make our own stuff rock and surpass the big corporation stuff with quality20:09
Myrttiali1234: sadly it is somewhat vocal and visible to outsiders, who think FLOSS people are bearded propellerheads20:10
ali1234right right20:10
ali1234i like how you think that people who don't use free software are outsiders, but yet you also are deliberately distancing yourself from the propellerheads too20:11
ali1234so presumably there is a third group that you belong to?20:12
* hamitron just sees the FSF as a group of nutters that does have a few uses20:12
ali1234the group that doesn't care about the ideals of free software and only wants their team to be the popular team?20:12
hamitronit is all about the software! not about ideals20:13
Myrttiali1234: I'm all in for the ideals of open source, but I've got a good streak of pragmatism20:13
gordcould it be that everyones different, has their own thoughts and opinions, we share similar goals and don't want to be put into neat buckets with the crazier side of our community?20:13
hamitronwhat is ideal anyway?20:14
Myrttimy pragmatism tells me that MS, Sony and Nintendo have been making an unwitting great contribution to FLOSS desktop paradigm with their consoles and enabling enjoyment of good games without PC with Windows20:16
ali1234the biggest contribution sony made was when they demonstrated that anything you buy from them can be taken away at any time20:17
Myrttiand while I understand the basic idea why DRM is bad, I have no problems with most DRM'd content (I pay for Spotify, DRM'd books from Waterstones etc)20:17
hamitronali1234: that I agree with20:17
hamitrona very big lesson for anyone wanting freedom of choice20:17
* hamitron likes DRM when it doesn't "get in the way"20:18
Myrttiugh, I have now OD'd on chocolate20:18
Myrttidamned Green&Blacks dark chocolate easter egg20:19
MartijnVdShamitron: I don't _like_ it, ever. I don't _mind_ it if it doesn't get in the way :)20:19
gordy'know those people who eat half a chocolate easter egg then leave the rest for later?... they are magic wizards or something20:19
hamitronMartijnVdS: I'd like it more if it stopped people stealing stuff, getting for free what I have legally paid for20:19
Myrttiif I see chocolate ever again (or for, like, a week) I'll vomit20:20
MartijnVdS0118 999 881 999 119 725 ...... 320:20
MartijnVdSMyrtti: ^20:20
gordif you want to send your excess chocolate my way, i would be glad to dispose of it for you20:20
* DJones points Myrtti at http://www.firebox.com/product/2854/Bacon-Chocolate and hopes you aren't vegetarian :)20:21
Myrttigord: http://www.chocolate-easter-eggs.co.uk/green-blacks-organic-thick-shelled-dark-chocolate-cherry-ginger-egg *urp*20:21
hamitronglass of milk ftw20:21
MyrttiI've got most of the egg and half of the bars left20:21
gordoh dark chocolate? you gotta be careful of that, you can't eat too much20:22
Myrttibenefits of dark chocolate: 1) gets rid of chocolate graving faster 2) isn't ickly sweet 3) isn't ickly fatty 4) nobody else likes it, so I get to eat it all20:23
Myrttidownsides: because of 1) - OD on chocolate easily20:23
* brobostigon can only have dark dairy free chocolate due to his allergies, :)20:24
gordmy trick is that i let dark chocolate melt on my tongue, stops you eating too fast20:24
hamitronyou can OD on it?20:24
DJonesgord: That sounds like too much patience,  If you can do that with chocolate, can you eat a fruit pastille without chewing as well20:25
phonex01hello guys im trying to login to my account on ubuntu netbook but when i write the password and hit enter and im sure the password is right i see blank screen and then ubuntu ask me to enter password again and i see on the right top an error message said that there is omething wrong with GNOME configurations20:25
shaunothis has to be the most mind-boggling UI I've ever used20:26
brobostigonphonex01: ok, thats sounds like a problem with gnome3's gnome-session, do you have the gnome3-teams ppa ?20:27
phonex01what is the gnome3-teams ppa ??20:27
brobostigonok, you dont have it then, otherwise you would recognise it.20:28
phonex01how can i fix that ???20:28
phonex01can i just somehow reset gnome configurations ???20:28
brobostigonphonex01: it isnt the issue, i mentioned, so i dont know,sorry.20:28
phonex01thank you anyway20:29
brobostigonphonex01: bepatient, there are alot of clever people aound here, :)20:29
phonex01i see20:29
DJonesphonex01: I would be tempted to log in as root, create a new user and then log in with that to see if its a problem with your user configuration or with the system itself, if it doesn't happen with the new user, its a problem with your user configuration20:29
Myrttilog in as root....20:30
phonex01how can i login as root ???20:30
phonex01how can i do that ?20:30
DJonesMyrtti: Well, recovery mode would be a better description I guess20:30
phonex01i think you press something like F1 or something like that so you will have a terminal ...20:31
phonex01or it is Ctr+1 ??20:31
phonex01how can i access the terminal ???20:31
MartijnVdSctrl+alt+f1 ?20:32
phonex01oh ok20:32
MartijnVdSor just open a terminal window in X?20:32
phonex01then my problem is solved20:32
phonex01ya i know this part20:32
phonex01i will create new user20:32
DJonesphonex01: Don't do anything logged in like that though20:33
phonex01oh ok everything is ok now20:33
phonex01i think it was a problem with the user configurations20:34
phonex01thank you all20:34
DJonesI wonder whether this guy is a FSF advocate? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-1340771220:35
popeyHe looks too happy20:35
DJones(After the mention of beards in scrollback)20:35
popeyHe doesn't appear to be flagilating himself with birch trees or wearing a hair shirt.20:36
DJonesewwww A hair shirt?20:36
mgdmpopey: he could probably weave himself one without too much trouble, though20:36
popeyi have an urge to play a game that isnt minecraft20:38
MartijnVdSpopey: try spacechem20:39
popeynot in software center20:39
popeydarwinia is though!20:39
MartijnVdSpopey: debs are available - http://www.spacechemthegame.com/20:39
popeywhy is software centre giving me US prices20:39
ali1234because you called it software center20:39
popeyi can pay in USD or EUR only20:40
MartijnVdSGood, none of this GBP nonsense20:40
popeygolly, there's "loads" of payware games in USC now20:40
gordnice huh :)20:41
gordi never get to see whats in there because i'm perpetually on the development release :(20:41
popeykinda surprised20:41
gordreally? i mean there are a lot of pay for linux games, more visibility is very attractive20:41
MartijnVdSyay.. "Recommended for you: 6 PDF readers"20:41
ali1234when i click on "for purchase" i only see 15 items... and only 10 are games20:42
MartijnVdS"Family Farm"? WTF?20:42
popeyI was expecting 1 or 220:42
popeyhence "loads" in quotes20:42
ali1234it's not exactly steam is it20:42
gordi sat down to do something, i even opened the system menu (maverick)... what was it20:42
gorddo you not remember steam? steam was basically 10 games for years20:43
MartijnVdSgord: it got better.20:43
ali1234family farm looks tempting20:43
gordit did, i'd say the ubuntu software centre is doing great20:43
MartijnVdSpopey: If you buy that SpaceChem game, you get Mac, Windows and Linux versions, AND a code to activate it on steam :)20:43
MartijnVdSpopey: (Linux version comes as an i386 deb + script to convert to amd64 deb -- it's all mono)20:43
DJonesPanorama on BBC is quite interesting, tracking electrical waste (tv's monitors etc) after they've been taken to the dump20:45
gorddoes it not just stay at the dump?20:46
DJonesSorry, that was me, should have said council tip etc20:46
DJonesirreprably broken crt tv was taken to the local council tip with a tracker fitted, instead of being scrapped, its ended up in Ghana for sale20:48
ali1234^ it's between this and world of goo for best game on software centre20:48
MartijnVdSali1234: a little Sims-ish?20:49
ali1234it's like sims except they're on a farm instead of living horribly unfulfilling consumer lifestyles, yes20:49
MartijnVdSnot really my kind of game, bit it looks really polished20:50
popeywell, i just installed a missle command clone20:52
popeyreally good fun20:52
popeyvery simple, but got my heart going :)20:52
ali1234i'm only looking at the ones for purchase not the free stuff20:52
popeyooo my kids would love he farm one20:53
DJones11.10 sounds like its got a few interesting changes http://www.techdrivein.com/2011/05/6-important-changes-in-next-ubuntu-1110.html20:54
DJonesHadn't read any of that before20:54
ali1234"large icons" lol wat20:55
ali1234as if they are not big enough already20:55
DJonesali1234: I thought that as well20:55
exobuzz"No More Classic Gnome Desktop, Unity 2D Will Switch from Metacity to Compiz" hardly a feature20:56
exobuzzwhat harm is there in keeping the classic desktop. considering by the time natty comes out, there will still be a zillion gnome applets that wont work with it20:56
exobuzzsorry not natty i mean natty+1.. ocelot20:56
ali1234well the classic desktop need gnome 220:56
MartijnVdSocelot won't come with classic, will it?20:57
exobuzzi thought metacity would be ported to gtk3 etc ?20:58
ali1234yeah but not the panel20:58
ali1234gnome 3 already has it's own panel, and it doesn't support 2.x applets20:58
gordit will prolly have a session you can install20:58
ali1234and i'm not talking about gnome-shell20:58
exobuzz"Applications will not require changes to work in GNOME 3" according to gnome 3 faq20:58
ali1234applications != applets20:59
gordgnome3 dropped bonobo, so no applets. sorry. they are going away forever20:59
gordhopefully the ones most people used are getting replaced with indicators20:59
exobuzzwhich wont matter "if" they get updated.. well i hate the desktop reinvention all the time.. it was never broken for me.20:59
exobuzzi just dont like the unity21:00
ali1234so considering that indicators can;t do graphics21:00
exobuzzi guess ill go kde21:00
ali1234how you going to give me back my cpu usage monitor?21:00
ali1234i need that to tell when crappy software has crashed using 100% CPU21:00
gordpretty sure my weather indicator does "graphics"21:00
ali1234since it's hard to spot on a quad core until 4 things do it21:00
ali1234then your whole machine locks up21:00
ali1234it does an icon...21:01
exobuzzubuntu dont ever listen to what the users want. yeh i know i complain but .. ive had to maintain my own mdadm packages, patches against gnome power manager, patches against autofs5. all down to ubuntu breaking stuff.21:02
gordyou didn't contribute those patches back?21:02
exobuzzof course i did. they are sat ignored on launchpad along with all the other patches21:02
exobuzzthe gnome power manager one is technically upstream. its sat uignored on gnome bugtracker21:02
gordthere are lots of bugs and few maintainers, "ubuntu" is a community, join it. get involved with discussion, bring attention to your patches and bugs, talk to people, because thats what ubuntu really is, people21:03
exobuzzmdadm is partly fixed now. on natty. but ubuntu has tons of raid issues21:04
exobuzzi dont agree, and i think ubuntu dont listen to criticism either.. remember the window icon discussion21:04
exobuzzmost people didnt want that21:04
mgdmanyone seen any funny artifacts being drawn in metacity in the 'classic' desktop in natty?21:04
popeyi disagree exobuzz21:04
ali1234yes, me, all the time, a lot21:04
popey"most" people don't give a toss21:04
ali1234mgdm: ^21:04
mgdmit's like the frames around windows don't get drawn over when switcing windows21:04
ali1234i guess classic is basically unmaintained now21:05
exobuzzpopey, not according to a forum poll back then21:05
popeyexobuzz: not representative21:05
mgdmali1234: Hmmm. it goes away when I turn on the compositing manager, but that puts a delay in alt-tab21:05
exobuzzwell. sure.. nice get out clause ;-)21:05
popeya self selecting poll of techies on the forums21:05
popeymy wife manages just fine switching between Ubuntu OSX and Windows21:05
gordthe only people contributing to such a poll are people that actually care21:05
popeyshe doesnt care where the buttons are21:05
mgdmanyone using online polls for anything significant are basically insane21:05
exobuzzyou could say that about everything canonical devs decide too21:05
ali1234"most people don't care" is not a good reason to change it, sorry21:06
mgdmthey're just an amusing distraction21:06
popeyi didnt say it was21:06
popeymerely countering the argument that most peopld do21:06
ali1234it's true that most people who have an opinion on the subject would prefer them to stay in the old location21:06
MyrttiI honestly don't know what I'll do with my sister's ubuntu machine once ocelot comes21:07
exobuzzi dont like unity. im not alone. people like me will leave ubuntu if they force the issue21:07
exobuzzsimple really21:07
MyrttiI'll probably move her over to xubuntu21:08
hamitronexobuzz: gnobuntu21:08
brobostigonas long as ican run an up to date, gnome3/gnome-shell, i will be happy.debian, ubuntu or otherwise. but preferebly debian based.21:09
ali1234good luck with that21:09
exobuzzi do hope unity does try to look at the screen resolution for the icon sizes though in the next release .. i know i pasted this before but http://malus.exotica.org.uk/~buzz/unity2.png - annoying21:09
ali1234gnome-shell is basically fedora's baby21:09
brobostigonali1234: we have the gnome3-teams ppa for natty, that is a good start,21:09
hamitronwhat will debian be using?21:09
exobuzzif linuxmint put more into their debian based distro with up to date xorg etc, it could be excellent21:09
gordexobuzz, you can change the icon size21:10
ali1234well knowing debian they'll be on gnome 2.x for the next 6 years21:10
exobuzzgord. how ?21:10
exobuzzgord, the size of the main home icons ?21:10
gordwhere all the config options are21:10
gordi run 32pixels myself21:10
exobuzzim not referring to the left hand side icons21:10
shaunoali1234: I think atm, most would consider that a selling point21:10
ali1234gord: he means the dash icons not the launcher icons21:10
brobostigonhamitron: i fully expect, debian unstyable/sid to be using gnome3, once it has been tested,21:10
ali1234shauno: indeed21:10
exobuzzgord, did you look at the screenshot ?21:10
hamitronwould it really be that hard to have a metapackage to install Gnome based ubuntu?21:11
hamitronif enough want it21:11
ali1234hamitron: not really no and there will be one in universe probably21:11
brobostigonhamitron: we do, gnome3 is there partly in the repos.21:11
exobuzzon and an hd screen. you dont want a massive screen full of icons to launch apps. give me back a menu launcher21:11
hamitronso we all have the choice anyway :/21:11
brobostigonhamitron: yes.21:11
exobuzzand ccsm is completely useless on small screens also btw.21:12
exobuzzusers should be able to change icon size of the launcher without having to load that monster21:12
ali1234the new control centre thing looks quite similar to ccsm, i imagine it's equally bad on small screens21:13
hamitronali1234: what sorta desktop do you want personally?21:13
ali1234hamitron: i don't care as long as it has button on the right and no global menu and no dock21:14
ali1234anything else is fine21:14
ali1234oh yeah and works properly on dual head21:14
ali1234as long as it meets those requirements i'll pick the one with the nicest theme21:14
exobuzzgord, no answer to how to change the main dash icons then ? or you cant ? :)21:14
gordexobuzz, you can't21:14
hamitronso xfce?21:14
gordits a bug21:14
exobuzz8 useless icons in the middle of the screen. nice design21:14
ali1234xfce fails miserably at dual head21:14
gordthey are not useless21:15
exobuzzok. sorry. they are useless for me21:15
exobuzzmaybe others like em21:15
ali1234i've never clicked on any of those 8 yet in two weeks21:15
ali1234or however long it's been21:15
MartijnVdSI always type21:15
hamitronwhat is dual head?21:15
MartijnVdSin that box21:15
MartijnVdShamitron: two screens21:15
ali1234i have banshee and firefox pinned... the others i don't know why i would ever want to click on them21:16
hamitronso why doesn't xfce work on that?21:16
ali1234hamitron: i dunno, it just doesn't21:16
ali1234try it :/21:16
exobuzzi appreciate your efforts, and i dont want to sound unappreciative. i hope unity can work in the future. just right now, it aint there yet for me21:16
ali1234their monitor configuration tool just doesn't seem to even do anything21:16
ali1234and when you have panels on more than one display it all goes a bit weird21:16
ali1234plus you are only allowed to have 1 indicator under xfce21:17
ali1234you can't have one on each screen. fail21:17
* hamitron is sorta glad he is tight with money and has 1 display21:17
hamitronit does sound messed21:17
exobuzzgord, speaking of bugs, this one is marked for "updates". considering the impact of this bug, how long can we wait for a downgraded package? surely a simple thing ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/762806 :)21:18
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 762806 in mousetweaks (Ubuntu Natty) "[regression] shipped mousetweaks (3.0) does not work with shipped control-center (2.32), needs downgrade" [High,Triaged]21:18
ali1234so back to unity... "check email" doesn't work for me... it just loads up evolution.. i don't use evolution21:18
ali1234and i don't have any photos to view21:18
gordhave to run badblocks on a drive of mine before rescuing the data. 1% every three minutes thirty seconds... gonna take a while21:18
ali1234of the other 4, three of them take you to unity's excuse for a menu21:18
gordexobuzz, i have no idea about control centre21:19
exobuzzif unity was "finished" and felt finished, then maybe id feel differently about removal of classic desktop.. i also think ubuntu should release late if things are not ready21:19
gordali1234, change your default mail application21:19
exobuzzright now natty is useless for any disabled people that need mouse accessibility21:19
ali1234and find files... is exactly the same as just typing in the search box that is already visible21:19
ali1234gord: i use firefox to check my emails, there's *already* an icon for it21:19
ali1234i would just have firefox listed twice21:20
ali1234= pointless21:20
brobostigonexobuzz: gnome3 on natty, has keyboard mouse control, for example.21:20
exobuzzali1234, i guess customisation of those icons would sort things a bit.i still would like a nice launcher menu instead though21:20
ali1234there's an option to just show the search bar right? that's what i should use21:21
ali1234the icons would be pointless no matter what they do because you can pin anything you want21:21
DJonesOooh, Gingerbread update on desire hd available for download21:21
brobostigonDJones: :)21:22
exobuzzthe jolios layout is better than unity on smaller screens as was the old ubuntnu netbook remix interface imho21:23
ali1234that was always bad21:24
exobuzzon the joggler it was easier to use21:24
exobuzzas an example of a smaller touchscreen device21:24
ali1234but that would be several hundred times worse on desktop21:24
exobuzzi agree21:25
exobuzzbut then i dont think you can or should have the same gui on both21:25
exobuzzthats a crazy idea.21:25
ali1234yeah you're probably right21:25
exobuzzyou will end up with something like. erm unity. hehe21:25
ali1234yeah but how do you resolve that with the desire to have a marketable image for the OS?21:25
exobuzzask the user? :)21:26
exobuzzduring install21:26
ali1234that's no good21:26
ali1234you need for people to see mr trendy guy in the coffe shop using ubuntu and be able to immediately recognise what it is21:26
ali1234in order to drive peer marketing and desirability of the OS21:26
ali1234this is the only way to achieve 200 million users21:26
ali1234and that's obviously the most important thing21:27
exobuzzhe is not using ubuntu. hes using a mac hence he doesnt have a clue how to use his computer like most mac users ;-)21:27
exobuzzor an ipad21:27
exobuzzand hes not trendy he jsut thinks he is21:27
ali1234actually he'll probably be using ubuntu on a mac21:27
ali1234because os x is "way too mainstream"21:27
ali1234this is the kind of person unity is aimed at21:28
brobostigonor like some people i have seen, running windows on a mac,21:28
exobuzzbrobostigon, to play some games? :)21:28
ali1234offering the user a choice of UI is in direct opposition to this goal, especially if the user chooses some ugly old OS like windows or gnome 2.x21:28
ali1234it doesn't matter if they prefer it21:29
ali1234it won't sell ubuntu if people can't recognise it21:29
brobostigonexobuzz: it silly, bsd/nextstep/darwin, is auchbetter system than windows, therefore it is totally illogical.21:29
ali1234the shift is quite large21:31
ali1234the idea seems to be to go after people who don't know what they want, because they are easiest to satisfy21:31
shaunoI'm not sure subtitles are compatible with zombie movies :/21:56
sandflyi may have missed previous discussions but, is every one happy with the unity desktop?22:51
brobostigonunity isnt bad, but i prefer gnome-shell personally.22:52
sandflyok so its not just me22:53
emorrisI severely dislike it22:53
emorrisit's annoying and fiddly22:53
sandflyi am feeling more normal by the minute22:54
sandflyhave any one tried switching back22:55
brobostigonsandfly: what do you mean?22:55
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sandflytheir is a how to on switching the unity desktop to gnome22:57
brobostigongnome2 or gnome3 ?22:57
sandfly3 most likely22:58
sandflyat a guess22:59
brobostigonsandfly: theoption is describes their, in simplythe gdm option, for gnome2.22:59
sandflyi was just wandering if any one have tried it. i may have to gave it a go23:01
sandflyunity is doing my heau in23:01
ali1234it doesn't work very well23:01
brobostigonyes, in theory, i have three  options, gnome2, gnome3/gnome-shell and unity.23:01
ali1234classic is now extremely buggy23:02
ali1234graphical glitches all over the place23:02
ali1234i keep getting artifacts of global menu23:02
ali1234earlier i had the work "file" appear on the top panel. couldn't click on it or anything23:02
brobostigonali1234: gnome3/gnome-shell is much less  buggy,and more consistant, in comparison.23:03
ali1234but gnome-shell is a complete mess23:03
sandflyon my net book its fine but my desktop its annoying23:03
ali1234even if it has no bugs, i don't want to use it23:03
hamitronwhy no use 10.04 for now?23:03
brobostigonali1234: other than me using haiku, atm, gnome-shell fits my workflow the best.23:04
ali1234what is your workflow?23:04
sandflythat would have to be the way for now 10.0423:04
brobostigonali1234: ok,vnc to my machine, and watch me.23:04
ali1234i recommend 10.10 over 10.04 btw23:05
hamitron10.04 is supported for longer23:05
ali1234i suspect that by the time 10.10 is no longer supported, something will have been worked out23:05
hamitronI hope so!23:05
ali1234you know that not all of LTS is supported for 5 years right?23:06
hamitron3 years23:06
ali1234core desktop only gets 3 years, many packages don't even get that23:06
brobostigonserver and desktop, lts have different support periods.23:06
ali1234brobostigon: i just want to know what programs you use typically23:06
sandflyme to23:07
sandflyor its looking like mint23:07
hamitronif apps on the LTS are not supported, I should maybe use CentOS :/23:07
brobostigonali1234: gnome-terminal + byobu + irssi + bitlbee, chromium, empathy/telepathy, gwibber, and a few other things, like vlc, and libreoffice.23:07
ali1234so basically you have given up on window management then?23:08
brobostigonali1234: i would rather have good workspace manegement, and let the window managegment up to the workspace manager.23:09
ali1234except when you are using screen23:09
hamitronare you happy with gnome2 ali1234 ?23:10
hamitronfrom 10.1023:10
ali1234not really no23:10
ali1234but it's the most reliable desktop i know of23:10
dutchiebrobostigon: empathy and bitlbee? does one not do the job of the other?23:10
hamitronyou are voicing how I feel atm, with computer OSes in general23:10
brobostigondutchie: i use bitlbee fairly rarely now, as empathy has improved a huge amount,23:11
brobostigongood night, sleep well.23:12
ali1234thing is, most of the bad things about unity can be turned off23:15
ali1234that it's almost usable, apart from the bugs and the unpredictable behaviour of the launcher23:15
AlanBellI would like it to be moveable to the top, bottom or right of the screen23:16
ali1234that won't help at all23:17
ali1234i would like it to not interfere with fullscreen applications and then refuse to unhide itself at random23:17
AlanBellthat too23:18
ali1234i would like it not to switch me to a random terminal out of the 10 i have open23:18
ali1234i would like it to have a workable way to select the window i want if i have several open23:18
reaper4334yeah, it's the lack of customisable panels that gets me23:18
reaper4334that was the best thing about gnome223:18
ali1234it's especially annoying when i have a terminal with a command running in it (because i'm watching the debug out) then i click terminal on another workspace because i need to run some command, and it takes me back to the window where something is already running23:19
sandflyi agree23:19
ali1234middle click doesn't help here either23:19
ali1234i want the terminal on the workspace i'm on23:19
ali1234not a new one, not the one on another workspace where ther eis already a command running23:19
ali1234but then if i click the launcher again, it shows me all terminals23:20
ali1234but rearranged at random23:20
ali1234and there's no indication of which workspace which one is on23:20
ali1234so i still can't find the one i want23:20
ali1234so then i give up and open a new terminal23:20
ali1234resulting in hundreds of terminal windows open and i've no control over it23:20
sandflyto rotate my desk top was what brought me hear in the first place23:22
sandflyto take that away is bad form23:22
ali1234most of what i do cannot be done through a gui anyway23:22
ali1234i need a lot of terminals23:22
ali1234and i need to be able to find the one i want23:22
dwatkinsthat reminds me, I was going to try out scrotwm23:23
ali1234screen is not an option since i can only see one at a time, i normally need two or three for a given task23:23
dwatkinswhat a horrid name23:23
sandflythat 2 arrow thing is no solution23:23
dwatkinsali1234: I assume you know you can split windows with screen23:23
ali1234but i can't select the one i want by clicking, or can i?23:24
ali1234another good one23:24
ali1234i'll google for a how to23:24
ali1234then i find a list of instructions23:24
ali1234so then i click terminal so i can carry them out23:25
hamitronsummary: the window manage is suppose to make it easy for the user to manage windows..... and it fails for the way you work ali1234  ;)23:25
ali1234and i get warped to another workspace and can no longer see the instructions23:25
ali1234then i sigh, drag the window to the edge of the current workspace that overlaps the workspace with firefox on it23:25
dwatkinsali1234: you can make terminal appear on all workspaces23:25
ali1234then go to that workspace, then drag the terminal all the way onto that workspace23:25
dwatkinsor right-click to make it appear on a specific one23:26
ali1234and then do what it was i should have already done by now, if unity application switching didn't totally suck23:26
ali1234i don't want it on all workspaces, and i don't want to shuffle it around workspaces23:26
dwatkinswhat are you trying to achieve, and could you just fullscreen your terminals and use multiple desktops, or is that still broken in unity (assuming you're using it)?23:26
ali1234when i click on terminal, i want the terminal from the current workspace23:26
ali1234when i click on the launcher it should NEVER EVER take me to a different workspace, unless i click the workspace switcher23:27
dwatkinsI don't know what the philosophy was behind it.23:27
hamitronprobably good for simple small screens, like netbooks?23:28
ali1234it's to stop complete bigginers from "losing" windows23:28
emorrisHi, I have regular Ubuntu 11.04 on one partition, with a separate /home partition, and have just installed Ubuntu Studio on a third, hoping to share /home. My home area is encrypted, but Ubuntu Studio doesn't seem to have what it needs to mount the encrypted area properly. Anyone have any ideas as to how to get it working?23:28
ali1234bigginers lol23:28
ali1234i'm getting worse23:28
hamitronyour fingers are on fire!23:28
hamitronall the typing/ranting23:29
dwatkinsemorris: I'm not sure sharing a homedirectory is a good idea, how about a shared data directory instead?23:29
reaper4334yeah, because the home directory usually has settings and such for applications too23:30
AlanBellemorris: rake bootstrap RAILS_ENV=development23:30
AlanBellemorris: paste fail, sorry!23:30
emorrisdwatkins, I wouldn't normally, but I was going to try it as I thought Ubuntu and Ubuntu Studio would be similar23:30
AlanBellemorris: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedHome23:30
dwatkinsemorris: I don't know about the encrypted directories, but if you're sharing a /home partition, it's probably best to have at least separate user directories in it for each instance of operating system, otherwise apps will get confused when they stomp on each other's changes, especially if you have different versions of packages on each one23:31
ali1234running unity --replace while in classic is not a good idea23:32
ali1234so here's another good one: try running gimp in unity23:33
ali1234by default you'll have about 4 windows 4 it23:33
ali12344 it? geez23:33
emorrisdwatkins, hmm, I guess23:33
ali1234anyway, if you lose track of say, the toolbox... you are pretty much done for23:33
ali1234because unity won't bring it to the front for some reason23:33
ali1234no matter how much you click on the launcher icon23:33
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ali1234so then you have to start looking "under" all your windows23:35
ali1234because unity expose gives absolutely no indication of where the window really is on screen23:35
ali1234or even which workspace it is on23:35
ali1234so then you start minimizing everything on all your workspaces23:35
ali1234by the time you find it, your whole desktop is completely messed up and you have no idea where everything else was23:36
ali1234this is the kind of thing that happens to me on a daily basis while trying to use unity23:36
ali1234global menu just adds extra fun because you're never really sure which window the menu belongs to23:37
ali1234especially since half the time the focussed window doesn't look like it's focussed due to bugs23:37
reaper4334I think it'd be better if there were settings for whether or not to use the global menu, instead of using classic instead23:39
ali1234there are two things that would vastly increase the usability of unity23:40
ali1234one of them is switching off global menu, and the other one is having a completely independent launcher for each workspace23:41
ali1234so a different set of pinned apps, and don't show running apps fromother workspaces23:41
sandflythat could work23:41
sandflygot my vote23:42
reaper4334yes, definitely. That, and more customisable panels it would be an upgrade rather than a downgrade23:42
AlanBellpersonally I am a bit meh about the whole thing23:42
AlanBellit isn't anything that bothers me one way or another23:43
ali1234AlanBell: so then you have no objections to the changes that i propose?23:43
AlanBellWhat I think would be worth investing the time is making Ubuntu work well as a network23:43
AlanBellali1234: go right ahead23:43
AlanBellso when I install ubuntu I want it to say, "is this your first Ubuntu machine, or do you want to connect this to another?"23:44
ali1234"connect" how?23:44
AlanBelland if I tell it I have another (which it can discover with avahi) then it synchronises the accounts23:45
AlanBelland lets me move home directories about as required23:45
sandflyi like that to23:45
ali1234how would this work in practice?23:45
ali1234my home directory is 300GB23:45
AlanBellso I have my computer and there are three kids computers, I want to be able to log in as daddy on whatever computer I sit down at23:46
AlanBellmy home directory is on my laptop so would be mounted over nfs or ssh when I log on23:46
AlanBellunless I wanted to move it to another computer23:46
AlanBellat the moment I basically have four unrelated computers23:48
ali1234i only have 1 computer that i use23:48
sandflyi have 223:48
sandflynet book and desk top23:49
ali1234netbooks are for messing around23:49
AlanBellright now there is very little that makes Ubuntu awesome for an office environment23:49
sandflywould be nice to be able to synchronise them23:49
ali1234i wipe mine more often than i use it23:49
ali1234basically only use it to test distros and software that's gonna crash my dev workstation - which is bad23:50
ali1234by homedir is too big to fit on my netbook, i dunno how i'm supposed to sync them23:52
ali1234that's not even including all my VM images23:54
sandflyit need not be the whole home dir, the option to sync a folder or 2 like docs would solve that issue23:54
ali1234you mean like you can already do with ubuntu one?23:54
sandflynot in a cloud !!!!23:54
ali1234what's wrong with a cloud?23:54
sandflyi have some trust issues with it23:55
ali1234well, unlucky then, i guess23:56
sandflyso it would seam23:56
sandflythe trusty mem stick would have to work for now23:57
ali1234no one is going to give you a sync tool that actually works when there's money to be made from cloud services23:57
sandflyi hear you23:58
ali1234besides, big business is the saviour of open source, and anyone who doesn't agree is a propellerhead, or something23:58
ali1234so you should just like, get over those trust issues and learn to love the cloud23:58
ali1234(btw i am being sarcastic)23:58

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