
bluebomberGood night, everyone, from EST.06:11
mhall119I wonder if zoopster sent his balloon up14:08
munzmhall119: acording to the questforthestars yes, here is the tracking but the alt does not appear to be a baloon, maybe it is actualy zoop http://aprs.fi/?call=a%2FQ4STAR-15&mt=roadmap&z=11&timerange=360014:41
=== jimmah1 is now known as jimmah
DammitJimdo any of you use a virtual machine for windows?15:05
* DammitJim covers himself15:05
munzsooo, just curius as to what backup methods people are using for ubuntu. need and automated bu solution for files, settings, & mysql15:05
munzyes i do jimmah1 15:05
munz@work have xp in vmware, home in vbox15:06
munzwhats up?15:07
munz*sorry should have said DammitJim 15:10
DammitJimmunz, what kinda hardware are you using? I find XP in my Precision to be super slow15:11
DammitJimI have allocated 2GB and it's a Dual Core machine15:11
munzin vbox or vmware?15:12
munzi'm using on quad core w/2gb ram 1 allocated15:13
munzvbox@home is 512mb ram15:13
DammitJimhhhmmmm... something else that is kinda funny is that it seems as if my hard drive is fragmented or something15:13
munzthe vm @work does not like to be configured to use mutiple cores15:14
munzit slows it down alot15:14
munzi have just recently started using vbox15:14
munzhave been using vmware for a while15:14
DammitJimI've used VBOX for many years, but I don't know why I feel like this XP guest is just way too slow15:15
munzhmmmmm not sure...15:17
DammitJimanyways... why do you have XP LOL15:17
munzLOL, have to run quickbooks ar work15:17
munztesting at home, and wife uses it once in a while for cupon printing lol15:18
munzother wise i try to convert everyone i can15:18
munzi now have our web dev people using ubuntu 75%(they have to use dreamweaver sometimes)15:19
munzconverted the wive 3yrs ago, besides rare issues w/cupons she loves it15:20
DammitJimdoes she use web mail?15:20
munzyea, gmail15:21
DammitJimis there a website where there are conversion stories?15:21
munznot that i know of.....there should be! thats a great idea!15:22
munzDammitJim: http://www.ubuntustory.com/15:24
munzkinda one15:24
DammitJimthat's cool! I love it!15:27
munzyea, me too, gonna post tonight15:31
munzDammitJim: here is another, more for linux in general http://www.tuxradar.com/content/open-ballot-have-you-converted-anyone-linux16:24
maxolasersquadCheck this out.  Aboslutely insane.  http://pdp11.aiju.de/18:37
maxolasersquadUNIX V6 emulator written in Javascript.18:38
bluebomberAgreed. Wow.22:31

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