
rick_h__pretty much13:33
rick_h__monday party13:33
wolfgerHad to deal with issues that resulted from my Sunday work, made 500% worse by the fact that our system is just plain shitty to begin with.13:35
wolfgerI can't even begin to imagine how the system was allowed to be so bad in the first place, or why nobody cares enough to fix it, but it turns every relatively minor problem into an omgwtfbbq problem13:36
brouschwolfger: job security13:36
wolfgerjob discouragement13:39
* ColonelPanic001 watches the shuttle launch13:53
ColonelPanic0013 minutes to go13:53
rick_h__man, snapl isn't around13:59
rick_h__man, we need to raise funds to get a twit brick: https://www.brickorder.com/twit/14:00
rick_h__come on, we want a big brick with the lococast logo on it14:00
greg-gColonelPanic001: ditto14:00
ColonelPanic001think this is the first time I've watched one live14:00
greg-gColonelPanic001: second for me, I think, but this one is a bit more special14:01
greg-gI *almost* wish it would have been delayed a few more days when I'll be down in Orlando on Wed/thurs14:01
greg-ghell, remove the almost, I do wish I could have seen it in person14:02
ColonelPanic001I don't know, to be honest, seeing it in person on the ground probably wouldn't be seeing much. It'd be cool to "see it with my own eyes", but a couple minutes goes and it's over pretty uick and out of sight anyway14:02
greg-gColonelPanic001: yeah, but seeing that exhaust trail go speeding up and then curve out is just neat14:03
rick_h__yea, Jim McQ was talking about it at a CHC recently14:03
rick_h__they saw one from about 5mi away14:03
rick_h__sounds like the most interesting thing is seeing it, but not hearing it14:03
rick_h__for a long time14:03
ColonelPanic001don't get me wrong, if I was down there, I'd go, too14:03
* greg-g nods14:04
greg-g13,500 mph, good god14:04
greg-ggoing at over Mach 1714:05
ColonelPanic001yeah. It's mind-blowing how fast they go from on the ground to being what a layman like me would call "in space"14:05
ColonelPanic001just "boom" and they're there14:05
wolfgerColonelPanic001: First one you've watched live? You really know how to procrastinate, don'cha?14:05
wolfgergreg-g: it'd be cool to "feel it". Visually, the TV/monitor is the best show, but there's no rumble.14:06
rick_h__why does it sound like I missed the launch on this?14:08
wolfgerOK, what's with the TWiT Brick House?14:09
rick_h__they're building a wall by the entry way where you buy a brick as part of raising $$ for the new studio14:09
rick_h__think lococast.net with a big logo on a big brick would look good in there :)14:09
wolfgerIt would.14:10
rick_h__but $640 is a bit much, that's what it would cost us to get our t-shirts14:10
greg-gwolfger: yeah, and I can watch the video later :)14:11
wolfger3D is nothing compared to VR.... movie studios need to figure out how to include physical and aromatic stimuli into their movies14:14
ColonelPanic001how sad that when I see a shuttle launch, it reminds me of the 60s and whatnot. I mean, travelling through f'ing space should not be something I think of as "back in the old days"14:14
ColonelPanic001it's f'ing SPACE14:14
wolfgerSpace: The BTDT Frontier14:15
ColonelPanic001VR and 3D are nothing compared to a goddamn plot. They need to learn to incorporate a goddamn plot in their movies.14:15
wolfgerColonelPanic001: that's just crazy talk14:15
wolfgernext you'll be asking them not to rehash old movies14:15
ColonelPanic001I'll take a grainy black and white movie with good writing over Transformers any day14:15
wolfgerI don't know... some days I just want to see Megan Fox bending over the hood of a car....14:16
ColonelPanic001that takes 10 seconds.14:16
brouschwolfger: there's a whole genre of movies for that14:17
ColonelPanic001I have the internet for porn.14:17
brouschi see ColonelPanic001 is an expert in that genre14:17
* ColonelPanic001 nods14:17
wolfgerhow can snap-l not be here?14:20
wolfgerHe needs to see this: http://shirt.woot.com/shirts/gozerhead14:20
wolfgerMan dies due to being stupid; police and media blame internet instead. http://www.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/asiapcf/05/15/australia.planking.death/index.html?hpt=Sbin14:28
rick_h__ok, had to look this thing up14:32
rick_h__and the 'planking' is stupid that is all14:33
rick_h__let the morons winnow themselves away I say14:33
binbraingood news is if the planking photo goes bad there will be an audience for the aftermath photo as well14:37
brouschrick_h__: i guess my online barcamp session grid viewer technically works already: http://waznex-server.appspot.com14:49
brouschit just displays the most recently uploaded photo14:50
brouschnow i just have to make it better14:54
rick_h__hah, that's always the fun part14:54
brouschthe mobile app will take the picture and send it right to the server, so it avoids having to take a picture, visit a web page, click upload, browse your gallery for the photo, select it14:55
rick_h__and then store it locally for quick repeat access?14:55
_stink_heh, file a feature request!14:56
brouschno local storage14:56
rick_h__boooo, what about all that "lack of internet" talk :P14:56
brouschfor offiline visit the physical board14:57
rick_h__bah, we want OCR and local cache with audio search ability14:57
brouschwell i'm considering slicing the photo up by column14:58
rick_h__you should test what google docs does for parsing it14:59
rick_h__be curious if it can actually make anything decent from it14:59
brouschi might learn how at tonight's grpug: SimpleCV - open source machine vision with python14:59
brouschgoogle docs only recognizes fonts14:59
brouschi tried it a week or two ago15:00
brouschslicing it by column would make it really useful on a tiny screen15:00
brouschcolumn is time slot, row is room15:00
greg-gI've heard good things about SimpleCV from the Ingenuitas guys http://ingenuitas.com/15:00
brouschgreg-g: that's who's presenting tonight15:01
greg-goh, awesome!15:01
brouschi guess he's in holland for a month or so15:01
wolfgerrick_h__++ (re: winnowing)15:01
rick_h__nice, GRPUG is 4th result for "simplecv python" search in google for me15:01
wolfgerI find it sad that society has moved away from that concept...15:01
greg-ghuh, they have a new team member, Katherine15:01
brouschrick_h__: hah, that's awesome15:01
rick_h__oh, nate is a dev on this?15:02
brouschnate oostendorp15:02
brouschyou know him?15:02
rick_h__man I hate SF ui, ugh15:02
rick_h__so his sister is a best friend of my wife15:03
rick_h__they went to med school together where I worked15:03
rick_h__so know his sister, etc15:03
rick_h__I interviewed with him for 20min in the strangest interview I've ever had a while ago15:03
greg-ghaha, awesome15:03
rick_h__yea, after I failed to get in, met him in person at this sisters house warming party...kind of strange15:04
greg-goh I bet15:05
rick_h__heh, only time I interviewed and didn't ge the job, not that I'm bitter or anything :P15:05
brouschone of the other guys is bringing people from gentex, so he might even get some business out of the presentation15:05
brouschrick_h__ wasn't awesome enough for them? now i'm scared15:05
greg-grick_h__: :P15:05
rick_h__anyway, looks like an interesting thing15:05
rick_h__brousch: heh, well I think I'd have done fine, but yea...15:06
brouschthe strangest interview i had was in the basemnt of an ann arbor apartment back in 1998 or 1999. it was a startup that scraped the USA today web site for baseball stats and packaged them for fantasy baseball. the guys are probably millionaires by now15:08
wolfgeror in court15:10
wolfgeralthough I believe the courts already ruled that stats aren't proprietary, the MLB is rather agressive in protecting anything it views as "it's property"15:11
greg-gwhat is snap-l up to today?16:18
greg-ghe's taking weird photos: https://identi.ca/attachment/4552887416:18
rick_h__belated anniversary celbration16:18
rick_h__up at frakenmuth for a few days16:18
rick_h__lol, that pic is a winner16:18
wolfgerJoDee's sense of humor FTW16:22
wolfgernot a chance in hell I could get a pic of my wife wearing that hat... or live to tell the tale if I did.16:23
rick_h__"to enable stupid picture mode, please apply tequila"16:25
rick_h__yea, that works for most wives :P16:25
brouschhm, when did oreilly ebook start coming in APK?16:25
rick_h__I know they've had a few ebooks as apps, but meh16:25
rick_h__hah, playbook recall time16:26
rick_h__go go BB with your bad self16:27
brouschhm, not all of them are apk, only about 1/2 of mine16:27
brouschrick_h__: don't taunt. i'm sure tjagoda is already depressed enough16:28
jrwrenyou never owned pretty hate machine?16:41
* wolfger resists (barely) the temptation to taunt tjagoda16:43
rick_h__lol, I love the web: http://thenextweb.com/apps/2011/05/11/angry-birds-for-chrome-already-hacked-unlocking-all-levels/17:19
greg-grick_h__: yeah, saw that when I was looking for tips on getting all of the "chrome balls" this weekend17:25
* greg-g isn't addicted, promise17:25
rick_h__greg-g: yea, I didn't have to complete the whole android app either :/17:25
rick_h__fortunately I think I got most of it out of my system then17:25
rick_h__just love the web side though. View source, change stuff, cheat away17:26
greg-gyeah, fun stuff17:26
rick_h__webdevs Blazeix, widox, n0p_ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8SS-rUEZPg&feature=player_embedded18:03
rick_h__some yummy new features in there and some I didn't know they had added18:03
tjagodabrousch/rick_h/wolfger: BBerry recalled them while they were still in the distribution channel19:28
tjagodaConsumers pretty much unaffected19:29
rick_h__I think most playbooks are still in the distribution channel :)19:29
tjagodaThat's just trolling right there =P19:29
rick_h__you know it19:29
tjagodaLeast it's not like an iPhone, where I have to "hold it right" to get signal? =P19:30
brouschdoes it even get 3G signal?19:32
tjagodaNah, those launch in a bit19:33
tjagoda(Hopefully I wont have to "hold it right" to get 3G signal, or I'll never get the end of that.(19:34
tjagodathat.) *19:34
brouschso even if you hold it right, you don't signal19:35
brouschiphone > bbpad19:36
tjagodaiAnything < *19:37
tjagodaEspecially after they brutally stomped iFlow out of business19:38
greg-ghorrible name, iFlow19:43
brouschbetter than iStoppedUp19:45
binbraindoes anybody know how the md5sum of a package makes it into the aptitude info?20:20
binbrainat 1st I thought it went in the control file or something that builds the deb put its somewhere, but then realized that is impossible20:22
jrwrenreleases.gz includes it IIRC20:24
jrwrenerr, packages.gz20:26
jrwrenreleases includes md5sum of the packages so that it can't be spoofed easily.20:27
binbrainjrwren: thanks, that seems right, I guess my problem is that I need the packages.gz after a fresh instal without doing an apt-get update which I believe fetches that packages.gz info20:32
jrwrenits on the CD20:34
jrwrendo you want me to look up something for you?20:34
jrwren dists/natty/Release shows 2 Packages files on the CD20:36
binbrainI see them there, but the problem is that the info in them isn't "merged" or whatever such that if I did a show on the package info I'd get the md5sum20:38
binbrainanyhow, I have something to go on, thanks20:38
jrwrennot sure what you mean.20:47
jrwrenwhat are you trying to do?20:47
binbrainjrwren: have a fresh install, no apt-get update or anything. I need to right away look at the packages installed and see what their md5sum's are. I noticed that the md5sum: on the package info's are empty20:51
jrwrenthey are?20:52
binbrainjrwren: yeah, not sure why20:53
jrwrenso they are. i wonder if its an apt v. dpkg thing20:53
binbrainjrwren: md5sum/SHA* info doesn't get added until the 1st apt-get update21:02
binbrainjust confirmed that21:02
brouschit looks like mono will survive http://tirania.org/blog/archive/2011/May-16.html21:07
jrwrenmono will survive no matter what.21:08
jrwrenits open source.21:08
jrwrenits like saying "what if google fired guido, what would happen to python???"  well, duh... nothing.21:08
brouschdo not compare your ballmer-infested bastard .NET with my beautiful, pure Python21:18
jjessecode is beautiful?21:18
_stink_indented to look like a sunset21:19
jrwren   http://news.perlfoundation.org/2011/05/perl-514.html21:45
jrwrenhe didn't tell me!21:45

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