
TakyojiI guess I've finally found my answer after literally years of searching for a universal CMS-like system: Django02:27
fisch246what's a good program for RSS feeds02:52
tonyyarussofisch246: GUI or CLI?  Standalone or browser plugin?03:32
fisch246and it needs video support03:41
tonyyarussofisch246: I would normally answer Liferea then.  I don't know about the video support, but I would guess it is "likely".  Try it and report back.  :)03:42
FloatingGoathey tonyyarusso08:26
fisch246o hey09:20
fisch246o btw tony... it links me to the page in chromium... which is perfect for what i need :D09:20
fisch246what's p?09:28
fisch246sorry i was saying good night to my friend09:29
fisch246she started puking D:09:29
fisch246she drank too much tonight09:29
fisch246wow... f-ing kidding me...09:30
fisch246this 360 comes with built wireless09:30
fisch246well bed time, night all :)09:52

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