
ArcticChill360well i take it no one is here......03:10
ArcticChill360ok good bye.......03:11
ChinnoDog@later tell ArcticChill360 It usually takes longer than 3 minutes to get our attention.04:19
PennBotChinnoDog: The operation succeeded.04:19
InHisNameattention anyone awake yet / still ?07:31
JonathanDGood Morning Pennsylvania.10:10
rmg51Good Morning JonathanD10:34
JonathanDhowdy rmg5110:35
JonathanDLooks pretty chilly out.10:35
rmg51with rain a good bet10:36
JonathanDI wanted to run.10:37
rmg51run between the rain drops ;-)10:38
JonathanDhaha :P10:45
JonathanDit's not raining yet, I may still go10:45
JonathanDIt's just a bit chilly for my tastes :p10:46
rmg51that's what sweatshirts are for10:54
JonathanDI should get one of those.10:55
rmg51or a jacket10:56
JonathanDand sweatpants, or something.10:56
JonathanDwould be good.10:56
rmg51longjohns for the really cold days10:58
JonathanDI don't usually run outdoors on the really cold days :p10:58
JonathanDIf it's cold enough I'll just climb stairs at the office.10:59
JonathanDI have no tolerance for cold whatsoever :P10:59
JonathanDThe gym teacher made us run in the cold, I'm done with that now ;)10:59
rmg51if it's raining or snowing I'll stay in10:59
rmg51cold never stopped me11:00
rmg51just means more layers11:00
JonathanDOnce I get my bike (and if it's servicable) I believe I'll start riding to work fridays.11:00
JonathanDrmg51: I could maybe live with that. Maybe.11:00
JonathanDI've never been very happy running in jeans though.11:01
JonathanDPerhaps I just need better clothes for it.11:01
rmg51sweats for me11:01
JonathanDjeans are too inflexible.11:01
rmg51and it looks strange to see some one running down the street dressed in jeans11:02
rmg51what is he running from?11:02
rmg51bring ID and bail money ;-)11:03
JonathanDrmg51: I'd rather go canoe every morning at this point but thats somewhat impractical :P11:06
rmg51you just need a job near the water11:16
JonathanDMy job is near the water.11:17
JonathanDOur office is right off the river in consh.11:17
JonathanDfinding hotels is a pita.11:19
rmg51find hotels is easy11:29
rmg51finding one you can afford is the problem11:30
JonathanDrmg51: it's not for me.11:32
JonathanDlooking for "suggestions" for fosscon.11:32
JonathanDTrying to find stuff that is 1.) Cheap and 2.) either near enough to walk, or near enough MT to train.11:32
JonathanDMy method thus far has been scrolling along the regionals on google maps wiht "hotels" in the search bow11:34
rmg51good luck11:34
rmg51time for breakfast11:34
SamuraiAlbaGood bacon to all!13:21
PennBotTitle: NASA - NASA TV (at www.nasa.gov)13:52
InHisNameHi, and a good morning too!14:31
InHisNameI've just upgraded my main computer to 10.10 and then to 11.04.14:31
InHisNameNow I cannot find how to start Pidgin.    Used to be:  apps>internet>pidgin      How to find it in the new thingy (unity?) on left edge of desktop ?14:33
jedijfInHisName: is it installed?14:35
InHisNameI think so,  software apps button I noticed Pidgin there with "uninstall" button active.14:35
andrewclick the top left ubuntu logo, type pidgin?14:38
jedijfand notice the apps...more apps...etc14:39
InHisNameNow trying to tweek my name here.                      (09:38:21 AM) NickServ: (notice) You are already logged in as InHisName.14:43
InHisNameGrrrr, I can't seem to change to another nick.    Says I'm already logged in as InHisName14:48
andrewuse the ghost command14:50
andrewwhat are you trying to do?14:51
InHisName1finally found Pidgin.    Gotta do more mouse clics and less hoovering to get to it.14:53
andrewjust type, it should find it14:53
InHisName1click left upper corner (barely see icon there)    choose internet - then choose more - finally choose Pidgin.14:54
andrewclick left upper corner (or hit the super key) type pidgin, hit enter14:55
andrewDarn kids nowadays being so mouse dependent14:55
InHisName1Typing found it  but that is a click + sixletters + another click.14:55
InHisName1KIDS ?????!!??14:56
PennBotIt has been said that KIDS are in bed, InHisName114:56
andrewInHisName1: nonsense: super key, type, down arrow, enter14:56
andrew(I missed the down arrow the first time)14:57
InHisName1super key ?14:57
andrewIt's the one that is typically located under the shift/z14:57
andrewand between the ctrl & alt14:57
InHisName1never mind the OTHER os uses the same key14:57
andrewWhat does that have to do with this conversation? are we forbidden to use it because an operating system that isn't even installed, let alone running also uses it? Better toss out my entire keyboard then14:59
InHisName1Now can't find how to change my nick in Pidgin.    /msg NickServ newname  (with or without a password)   keeps sending --->  you are already logged in InHisName15:00
andrewyou change your name using /nick newNick15:00
InHisName1Does it use the under-utilized key between the right-ctrl and right 'super-key' ?     That would be way cool.15:01
andrewa lot of programs utilize that key15:02
=== InHisName is now known as INH_TestBox
=== InHisName1 is now known as InHisName
InHisNameNow to get CUPS working again after a few months of not working.15:06
InHisNameIts 'hooked' to network printer.    But all jobs for last 9 months stoppped and not printing.15:07
ChinnoDogsup peeps15:13
InHisNameI'm attempting to fix my cups15:13
InHisNameseems to be fixed after answering prompt for login and password.15:15
InHisNameYes, another print printed just fine.16:16
InHisNameon a web page is:   <h5><a class="soldOut" >I Want One!</a></h5>        but I am unable to get google's advanced search to reject based on string soldOut.   I even have set to search WHOLE page.   Is it impossible to search on that portion of a page ?16:19
andrewbecause google tends to ignore what the user can't read/see16:21
InHisNameis there another search engine that allow that kind of serching ?16:23
InHisNameI am getting 2 rows x 2 columns in destop switching.   How to change options ?   Used to right click lower right icons.   Unity took them away.   It's icons don't have options for right clicking.16:25
andrewwhat are you trying to accomplish?16:26
teddy-dbearsounds like he wants to increase the number of desktops16:34
andrewInHisName: open compizconfig-settings-manager16:44
andrew(install it if you don't have it installed)16:45
andrewI was asking more about his searching, not the desktops16:45
JonathanDI think wawa for lunch today.16:49
InHisNameOk, found universal setting manager- cool does compiz too.   Do I need to re-boot or re-start something to make new settings take hold ?17:24
andrewnot sure what the universal setting manager is, but compizconfig-settings-manager will change it for you, and all of it's changes are in real-time17:25
InHisNameI'm in adv search and want to eliminate pages that are sold out.  When item quantity appears then item is sold out.   But its kinda like the class="" problem.     http://www.google.com/advanced_search?q=Ou%C7%9D+-soldOut+-ITEM-QUANTITY+site:moofi.woot.com&num=100&hl=en&lr=&client=ubuntu&channel=fs&biw=722&bih=970&prmd=ivns17:26
PennBotTitle: Google Advanced Search (at www.google.com)17:26
andrewit might index alt tags17:29
andrewand/or title tags17:29
andrewbut beyond that, it has no reason to index class/id tags17:29
InHisNameFound the compiz mgr.  didn't find rows & columns settings but added cube and rotate.17:33
InHisNameKnocked out unity.    and border around windows.    Can't drag windows.17:34
andrewit's under general17:34
InHisNameCompizz config settings mgr may be stuck label in top border still.17:35
andrewgeneral -> general options -> desktop size17:35
InHisNameNo options to start apps any more.17:35
InHisNameneed keyboard commands to start things for time being.17:36
teddy-dbearyou really can't use the cube with unity17:38
teddy-dbearcube disables the unity plug in17:38
InHisNameso it seems.   Is there way to start compiz mgr from keyboard ?17:38
teddy-dbearif you still have the thingy in upper right you can get to it from there17:40
andrewInHisName: alt+f217:40
InHisNameno thingy, click does nothing17:40
teddy-dbearupper left17:40
InHisNamealt-f2   nothing17:40
InHisNameupper left - nothing  both right and left clicking17:41
teddy-dbearyour screwed :-D17:45
InHisNameOh, I do have one terminal session open.17:45
InHisNameCan compiz mgr be started from command line ?17:46
teddy-dbeartype ccsm17:48
InHisNameOk its started.   Turned off cube and rotate.17:50
InHisNameEnabled 'Wall'    is that Unity ?17:50
teddy-dbearunity plug in17:54
InHisNameStill don't have borders around windows yet either.17:54
teddy-dbearUbuntu Unity Plugin17:55
InHisNameFound Unity/ turned on -- still now borders yet.17:55
InHisNamesuper key / upper left/  left edge not showing unity yet17:56
teddy-dbeartry desktopwall17:57
InHisNameAt present I have General: composite & OpenGL17:58
InHisNamenothing checked accessability17:58
InHisNamedesktop:  Unity & Wall17:58
InHisNamehow to move window with keyboard strokes ?18:03
InHisNameGot restarted,  Unity showing but STILL no borders around windows.18:04
SamuraiAlbagood bacon to all!18:08
INH_TestBoxWell Alt-F7 moves windows normally18:10
INH_TestBoxExcept in main cmptr doesn't work18:10
InHisNameGuess I'll try rebooting to see it that does anything18:17
InHisNameRebooted but still no borders and can't drag with mouse or Alt-F7  neither works18:25
InHisNameNow I've turned off all items except for Mouse polling in compiz settings18:30
InHisNameSTILL no borders on the windows18:30
teddy-dbeartry enabling Scale in compiz18:33
teddy-dbearI don't remember if that's what worked for me18:33
teddy-dbearyou'll find it under windows management18:34
INH_TestBoxI botched things worse.   No top bar, no untity thingy, so way to start anything.19:13
jedijfalt f2 will work19:13
INH_TestBoxI have logged into diff user.   Can I change settings for 1st user for ccsm via 2nd user ?19:13
INH_TestBoxAlt-F2 does nothing19:14
teddy-dbearyou are so screwed19:15
teddy-dbearthis is why I'm not a big fan of unity19:17
teddy-dbearI'll stick to classic for now19:17
INH_TestBoxwhere does compiz mgr save changes to?    I tried /home/user/.compiz/session/   but that does not seem to be it.20:00
INH_TestBoxCan I UNinstall / REinstall compiz or is it another term?20:12
teddy-dbearjust give up20:21
teddy-dbearrecovery mode20:21
teddy-dbearlogin screen20:22
teddy-dbearswitch to Ubuntu Classic20:22
teddy-dbearforget Unity at least for the next 6 months20:23
JonathanDheh :P20:26
teddy-dbearJonathanD: if you don't like that idea you help INH_TestBox fix his problems :-/20:30
InHisNameWell, I have borders and unitiy back running again.21:00
InHisNameI've been getting errors at reboot from polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 and it make a bug report.   Can I do something about that ?   Uninstall / delete / or ???21:01
InHisNameSynaptic only shows polkit-kde-1 as being installed     nothing about polkit-gnome- whatever else.21:03
InHisNameHELLO    Hello    hello     anyone awake yet ?21:15
teddy-dbeargot to go21:16
InHisNameonly a stuffed teddy bear is all that is awake so far ?21:35
InHisNamewhen I am starting up, testuser is already logged in, before I click to login.   Where is this occuring so I can remove the automatic login ?22:36
IdleOneInHisName: System > Admin > Login22:58
IdleOnethat user may be set to auto login22:58

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