
cyberangerwrst: sorry, shame on me00:44
cyberangerI forgot to ask your your doing00:44
wrstha ha i'm doing great00:57
cyberangerglad to hear it00:58
* cyberanger ponders how I should file this bug, leaning on i for irratating00:58
cyberangerwrst: this is kinda a hold up on a few projects, all of which involve customizing a live disc00:59
wrstcyberanger:  you are over my head :)01:04
wrstbut cyberanger one thing I can say today is that ssh is worth any hassle if any of running linux01:05
cyberangerssh is awesome, you should use it more often01:08
cyberangerssh wrst@ -t irssi01:09
wrstha ha transfered over 7GB of files via the internet to my house over night01:10
* wrst sees its pizza time01:10
cyberangerprogrammer food01:10
cyberangerjust don't have it slid under the door like Mr. Gates did to his programmers01:10
wrstwhat did he do?01:14
wrstoh and cyberanger how did linuxman410 get going?01:16
cyberangerthe old joke of why programmers like pizza is that Bill Gates would lock his programmers up in their office and would slide pizza under their door01:18
cyberangerand I think he got it going01:18
cyberangerlast I heard metioned IceWN01:18
cyberangerso I think he's worked it out01:18
wrstcool certainly sounded like he needed to do a minimal install of some sort01:23
wrst.weather cookeville tn01:50
testbot8570Overcast ☁, 59.0℉ (15℃), 29.76in (1004mb), Light breeze 4kt (↑) - KCHA 23:53Z01:50
cyberanger.wik wrst01:52
testbot8570"WRST-FM (90.3 FM) licensed to Oshkosh, Wisconsin, is the student managed radio station located at the University of Wisconsin–Oshkosh." - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WRST-FM01:53
cyberangerwrst: suprised it lists CHA over Nashville01:53
cyberangeror an even closer station01:53
* cyberanger still finds it funny how wrst tried to hide his radio station from us01:54
cyberangerchris4585: do you happen to know where I could find all bug reports for mksquashfs version 4.201:54
chris4585sorry I have no idea01:55
cyberangerchris4585: it's just worked for you?01:58
wrstwish i had a radio station cyberanger01:59
* cyberanger finds this intresting, 3 uses in 4 years, and none were really flawless, however the others worked when I told it to use one processer, years ago02:00
cyberangerwrst: well, there is always shoutcast02:00
chris4585cyberanger, yeah02:01
cyberangerit's not radio, but it's still awesome02:01
cyberangerchris4585: how often have you used it, in the past 4 years?02:01
chris4585many, many, many times02:01
chris4585it was always using my script though, so I don't know it very well02:02
chris4585but I've must of done it at least 100 times02:02
cyberangeryou'd know if it failed in this manner, all the times I ran it, it would hang02:03
cyberangerhowever telling it to use one processor fixed it before (last 3 times I used it was in high school, 2007-2008)02:03
cyberangerchris4585: is it the same version since it last worked? no apt-get upgrade on it, if it is, may I have the version (mksquashfs -version)02:05
cyberangeridk, just kinda hard to narrow down much at this point, I hate filing bug reports that are this light on details02:06
chris4585have you tried removing the file it appears to be stuck on?02:06
cyberangerit's about as detailed as describing the appollo missions as three guys sitting on a rocket to the moon currently02:07
cyberangerchris4585: no, due to the file, it's a bit critical02:07
chris4585could it be a permissions issue?02:08
cyberangerI could do it for kicks I suppose, tarball it first, so as to help with the bug02:08
cyberangerhard to believe that, but a possibility I suppose02:08
cyberangersudo should ensure otherwise02:08
cyberanger(/var/spool is higher permissions than your avg user, and cron is system critical, same story, lemme see what ls -l says)02:09
cyberangerit's not a file, but a directory02:12
cyberangerroot owned, but with sudo on it, it should either permissions fail or work, not hang02:12
cyberangertarball'd it, removed it from where I'm running squashfs02:13
cyberangerit's hanging at the same place each time02:13
cyberangerat least it's consistant02:13
cyberangerI do like consistancy http://www.despair.com/consistency.html02:14
chris4585lol yes02:37
cyberangerit's only a virtue if your not a screwup02:38
cyberangerand this is consistantly screwing up02:46
cyberangerI doubt impaticence is part of it, waited 3 hours for a blank folder02:46
cyberangerand I've let it run overnight once too02:47
cyberangerfor it to get to 98% in 30 minutes or less, and lock up for over 3 hours02:47
cyberangerugh, perhaps it's time to take this to #ubuntu or somewhere02:47
cyberangerhello orangeninja02:57
Juzzy-cyberanger: what's the problem?03:06
cyberangerJuzzy-: mksquashfs seems to want to hang in the same spot consistantly03:18
cyberangerchris4585: update: seems to have frozen on /var/run this time, which I think is further along than /var/spool's hangup03:20
cyberangermksquashfs: file edit/var/run/utmp, uncompressed size 0 bytes03:20
cyberangermksquashfs: directory edit/var/run/wicd inode 0xbd217165d03:20
cyberangermksquashfs: directory edit/var/run inode 0xbd217167d03:20
Juzzy-you're needing local rootsquad support?03:20
cyberangerand that output actually makes me wonder if the hangup is a collision somehow03:20
cyberangerJuzzy-: no, at least not a part of this issue I think (since squashfs has been in debian and ubuntu's kernel for over two years now) just a crucial step in remastering a live cd is mksquashfs03:21
Juzzy-hm weird03:22
cyberangerand actually, in another project or two as well03:23
cyberangeropenwrt customization03:23
Juzzy-i found my karaoke mp3 collection03:23
cyberangergot any system of a down in there03:23
Juzzy-we have a party sceduled for 2 weeks03:24
Juzzy-and I have 80gb of mp3s i couldnt find03:24
Juzzy-i went through a pile of hdds03:24
Juzzy-moving them to my media center :D03:24
cyberangerwow, not good03:25
cyberangerperhaps you should rsync that to a few backup drives too, JIC03:25
Juzzy-media center = 4 x 2tb raid 503:26
Juzzy-/dev/md1              5.4T  2.4T  3.0T  45% /mnt/raid503:26
Juzzy-/dev/md0               20G  5.1G   14G  28% /03:26
Juzzy-that's raid 0 on all 4 drives, heh03:26
Juzzy-and all of them have active partiions and bootloaders on it03:27
cyberanger(karaoke for system of a down isn't easy, tried BYOB (bring your own bombs) on Gutar Hero IV and I could barely do it, if I was doing it without the background of the track, no way)03:27
cyberangerJuzzy-: wow03:28
cyberangerJuzzy-: so you do have a second rig in case of any failures I hope03:31
Juzzy-it's all redudnat03:38
Juzzy-oh bleh03:39
Juzzy-i said raid003:39
Juzzy-meant raid103:39
Juzzy-oh wow03:40
Juzzy-108gb left03:40
Juzzy-so im not sure how big it is, thought it was only 8003:40
Juzzy-guess its around 110 or so03:40
Juzzy-I havnt had a party in 2 yrs, so i need to refresh with some newer muziq i guess :/03:41
cyberangerwouldn't hurt03:47
Juzzy-sucky thing, I couldn't tell you 1 single post 2008 song :/03:51
cyberangerJuzzy-: if it's a mainstream one, idk if you'd want to03:52
Juzzy-yea :p03:52
Juzzy-oddly most of us are 30 ish03:52
Juzzy-so michael jackson, most 80s, etc03:53
Juzzy-me and the wife always do either picture or islands in the stream03:53
cyberangerI've got stuff more recent than that, wasn't alive in the 80's but I have music from then03:54
cyberangerbut so much stuff is small time still03:55
cyberangerbar bands and such03:55
cyberangertaking a look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Hot_100_number-one_singles_of_2008_(U.S.) and the 2009 and 2010 and 2011 pages03:57
cyberangeronly one song comes to mind as one I heard03:57
cyberangerand I didn't hear it long03:57
cyberanger"Fireflies" Owl City03:57
cyberangerI prefer stuff that nobody has heard before, or stuff that isn't around anymore, with an exception here and there04:00
cyberangerjust kinda funny when I think of older people hearing this current junk, wondering why I'm listening to tool04:01
* cyberanger seees it still locking up on stuff in /var04:12
cyberangerno permissions should be restrictive to /var/ more than /etc/ or /usr/ but perhaps an improper umount when exiting chroot might explain it04:13
cyberangerwhich seems likely actually04:13
cyberangernow that I've taken a look and see services that shouldn't be running clearly are04:14
cyberangerand from the chroot jail (not an issue in and of itself)04:14
cyberangerwhich is why I'm glad I've held off on a bug report04:14
cyberangeridk what the full cause is, but I think I gotta step up and admit my bug appears to have a 'human error' asisting the issue04:17
* cyberanger wipes egg of face04:17
cyberangerchris4585: hear that, I think that was my fault04:23
* chris4585 reads04:23
cyberangeri/o error due to my failure to fully close the chroot jail04:23
chris4585oh, yes that might have done it..04:23
cyberangerand unmount everything pertaining to earlier steps04:23
cyberangernot a permissions error in the usual sense, but mksquashfs isn't a usual task04:24
cyberangeras is remastering a live cd04:24
cyberanger(the past was a multithreading issue, when the treads got out of sync, similar concept here, the source changed, got out of sync)04:25
cyberangerat least that's my current theroy after finding a service from the jail still running04:25
cyberangerJuzzy-: have any ACDC?04:27
cyberangerchris4585: chalk this one up as my lack of expirence in remastering04:30
cyberangerthat was the issue04:30
cyberangerand I/O related error04:30
chris4585yes that will do it04:31
chris4585you have to always have to make sure everything you mount, you always unmount04:32
cyberangerwasn't exactly wasted time, gotta get this right in the end04:32
cyberangerwell, it appeared as if I had04:32
cyberangerhowever due to the way havp is setup, easy to overlook in that area04:33
cyberangerbut a simple 'netstat --inet -ln' showed it04:33
cyberangerwhich I shrugged off last night (as I have havp and squid on all machines I maintain, but with different ACL's, so I can quickly have a backup should a primary fail)04:34
cyberangerjust something to keep an eye out for next time I suppose04:35
cyberangerhavp makes a couple of loop files for scanning and such04:35
cyberangerso I guess when I ran umount, but had yet to exit chroot, it saw that as a failure, and fixed ti04:36
cyberangeror else I completely missed it (hard to say after 24 hours exactly, but I didn't see any errors of not mounting anything I mounted myself, which is part of the problem, as some things I added also mounted places)04:37
cyberangerchris4585: have you done any recent work on a custom live cd04:39
chris4585cyberanger, no, not recently04:39
cyberangerI'm thinking this is one howto worth it for the loco04:39
cyberangerit's not really hard, and as you've proven, scriptable (and as I've proven, easy to do by hand, pending any human errors)04:40
cyberangerjust be nice to have a loco gallery of sorts for this04:40
cyberangerdarn, too big04:40
cyberangerthe iso that is, 738MB04:41
chris4585you have no idea how many hours I invested in that one script...04:42
cyberangerwhich is hard to believe, I purged so much stuff out, I actually removed the linux kernel and nearly removed apt04:42
cyberangerchris4585: I can imagine however04:42
cyberangerit's ok, apt-get install linux fixed that04:42
cyberangerand apt makes it really hard to purge itself04:42
cyberangerI tried purging a dependancy of apt, I knew I couldn't damage the system purging too much, worst case I rm -Rf workingspace/ and start over04:43
cyberangersince it was just a chroot jail and not the my root system, kinda hard to wreak things04:43
chris4585well you still have to be careful when in chroot and you have mounted dirs04:44
cyberangeryep, otherwise I fry a VM and have to restore a snapshot ;-)04:46
cyberangerand if that isn't enough, fry a system (the host os) I that only has been live for 72 hours, and I've not gotten to setup firefox yet04:47
cyberangerthere is risks, and while I take risks doing things like jumping out of a perfectly good airplane, I do take some percautions, like checking my chute04:48
cyberangernow I just need a perfectly good airplane ;-)04:49
cyberangerchris4585: when I'm done, would you like to try it out?04:53
chris4585a livecd?04:53
cyberanger(now that you have cable, shouldn't be too hard to get it to you04:53
chris4585oh god no, I can download ubuntu in 5mins now lol04:53
cyberangerif not, US Mail)04:53
cyberangermy live cd04:54
cyberangernot sure how I'm gonna distrubte it, probally a torrent at first04:56
cyberangerIf it was more similar to ubuntu's disc or crunchbangs (or something) I'd have people rsync the difference04:57
cyberangerbut thing is, I think I've changed so much of it, that would fail as a realistic plan04:57
cyberangertesting the livedisc now, I wonder how much I can increase compression without any errors04:58
cyberanger(ideally 40-50 megs worth of further compression, to lower it to 699mb04:59
cyberangeror less)04:59
chris4585what size is it now? o.o05:01
cyberangeratm, 738MB, and it's not it's final size05:02
cyberangerbut it's not too far from it05:02
cyberangergotta add a png for a background05:02
cyberangerand some config files05:02
cyberangergonna see if anything is duplicated, if so, remove and symlink to fix that issue05:03
cyberangerthings like default config files05:03
cyberangermaybe trim down my firefox profile somehow05:03
cyberangertwo virus scanners are on there, a favor for work, putting those tools on there (something useful for me and I'm encouraging them to use linux more, so a win win win)05:04
chris4585is this with xorg?05:05
chris4585that seems a bit large05:05
cyberangerperhaps the virus definations could be purged and placed on the fileserver as a script to fetch05:05
cyberangeryeah, xorg, openbox05:05
cyberangerI'd do it pure cli05:05
cyberangerbut it wouldn't suceed for too long if I did05:06
cyberangerto an extent05:06
cyberangerI think it's clamav and bitdefender, and their frontends05:06
chris4585hrm, well I can give you some pointers possibly when I look at it05:07
cyberangerstill seems heavier than that, but with wireshark, etherape, ettercap, zenmap05:07
cyberangerI expect this is heavy in it's own right to an extent05:07
cyberangersince I replaced gnome and unity bloat with some of my own05:07
cyberangerthis is a pre-alpha atm05:08
cyberangereasy to do in steps05:08
cyberangerbut ideally I can roll this out tommorow, as work in progress, request comments05:08
cyberangerto those I know can tolerate the rough edges05:08
chris4585yeah, thats no biggie, I've had to deal with tweaking things05:09
chris4585rebuilding an entire iso just to see if the littlest of changes took effect correctly is not fun05:09
cyberangerwell, that's time, and if it helps put this to memory, then not wasted05:10
cyberangerthe nice thing is how quick it is on my rig05:10
cyberangeras long as I don't delete the source files (don't plan to, I plan to tarball them and have them on usb with the iso, jic)05:11
cyberangerthen it's chroot in, adjust, then chroot out, and from there could be a script05:12
cyberangerand 15 minuts I think, provided no hangups like yesterday05:12
cyberangerthat's not too bad for something that should help us save 20 minutes on repetive tasks05:13
chris4585cyberanger, the thing I love about my script is its all menu based and was redesigned into modules, so if I want to make a new specific function its as easy as adding a few other functions inside a function, next to no programming05:14
chris4585so that makes doing simple things like chrooting and mounting / unmounting as easy as choosing a option and typing exit05:14
chris4585and hitting enter05:14
cyberangerpart of why I did this first is I want to fairly compare it to doing it by hand05:15
cyberanger(plus I doubt your script works on dd-wrt atm)05:15
cyberangerI'll be trying it shortly05:15
cyberangerI'm kinda annoyed with myself in that I meant to have alot more done by now on half these projects05:18
cyberanger(the other half are too new to be an issue yet)05:19
chris4585I need to update my script actually I've just been hesitant to do it...05:19
chris4585for a while not I seem to get this dpkg error which is annoying and doesn't always happen05:20
chris4585its been hard to pin point why its happening05:20
cyberangerwhat is being installed at that moment?05:22
cyberangerI found a few errors due to the same service running outside the chroot jail05:23
chris4585many things usually I get it with some console-setup05:23
cyberangerfor example opensshd05:23
cyberangerit failed to install due to port 22 already being taken05:23
cyberangeractually, it may have been another service, but the jist is I shut down a ton of services on the host, then retried the install in the chroot jail, all ended well05:24
Juzzy-back in 2002 or so05:32
Juzzy-I built some dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/jails05:33
Juzzy-formatted them, mounted them05:33
Juzzy-and installed openssh in the chrooted enviros05:33
Juzzy-was pretty neat05:33
Juzzy-then i found out bsd had way better jails and bound to ips ;/05:33
cyberangerthat works05:34
cyberangerI prefer to put the attackers in jail myself05:36
cyberangerunfortunately things aren't that simple05:36
cyberangerchris4585: perhaps plymouth wiil be something I ether theme next or just purge05:37
* cyberanger is leaning on purging it, just seems useless to me05:37
chris4585cyberanger, is that even possible? I thought plymouth was needed to boot now05:37
cyberangergood question, and the answer is more how much work you want do put into it05:38
cyberangerdebian doesn't use it05:38
cyberangerand ubuntu did follow debian's boot setup for awhile05:38
cyberangerso in theroy, you can reverse the process, or more realistic, use debian live instead05:39
cyberangerif reversing the plymouth process isn't worht the work05:39
chris4585have fun with that05:40
cyberangerdebian makes that easy enough05:40
cyberangerI think it's doable05:41
cyberangerI'm not sure how simple though05:41
cyberangerhrm, utoh05:43
cyberangernever mind, premature reaction05:44
cyberangerseems I did or didn't do something that's causing a glitch in the bootup05:46
cyberangermy guess is the gdm autologin and the app it starts with, asks to try it or install it05:47
cyberangerin the natty cd05:47
cyberangerit does boot to slim though, so all is well05:47
* cyberanger is further wondering if maybe this was something better for squeeze05:47
cyberangerseems my ram is just too low on this rig for qemu to really run05:50
cyberangerwhich isn't a suprise05:50
cyberangerprobally should have ran it on the laptop, triple the ram and a nearly equal processor05:51
cyberangeryeah, all seems well, just sluggish05:52
cyberangereverything I'm coming across so far is stuff I knowingly left out05:53
cyberangerso far05:53
cyberangerchris4585: drat, one thing I forgot, I cannot tweak terminator from the live disc, and have it save05:58
cyberangerdoes the live disc create the $HOME area on each bootup, or is there an area I can seed that05:59
cyberangerI should have thought about that, esp. since nitrogen uses releatve paths, no root config for a default setup05:59
chris4585if it uses the same mechanisms that I know of, it creates home on bootup, by copying files in /etc/skel06:00
chris4585so basically just put files in /etc/skel you want to be in /home/liveuser/06:01
cyberangerso I'll have to populate enough of a home for two apps to work06:02
chris4585what I always did was get the basic programs on the livecd, boot up make changes, copy the changes from the livecd onto the source somehow06:02
cyberangerI expected that, but didn't really think about that06:02
cyberangersftp or rsync out of vbox or qemu06:02
chris4585the config files from firefox for example06:02
cyberangeror something like that06:02
cyberangerfirefox's config files I just did by hand06:03
cyberangerfirefox -P06:03
cyberangerand then copied the new profile, and copied the profiles.ini, and went from there06:03
cyberangerI'm used to firefox hacking I just sorta knew what it would expect06:04
cyberangerHeh, just pulled out one of my backup drives, I thought I purged all my mirror backups06:21
cyberangerit's got hardy and lucid, but needs 4 months of updates by now I believe06:21
cyberangerchris4585: didn't expect a more restricted $PATH06:39
cyberangerguess that's one more thing to adjust06:40
cyberangertime for a break06:50
wrst.weather cookeville tn11:36
testbot8570Overcast ☁, 55.4℉ (13℃), 29.71in (1003mb), Light air 3kt (↑) - KCHA 10:19Z11:36
wrstgood morning everyone13:04
cyberanger.weather 3731114:14
cyberangermorning wrst14:14
wrsthow are you doing cyberanger14:17
* wrst kicks testbot857014:17
wrst.weather cookeville tn14:17
wrstwell cyberanger i think it has died?14:19
cyberangerwrst: in that case, I'm doing better than your bot14:33
cyberangerno sense leaving a courpse here to rot14:34
wrstyeah i don't know what happened there14:34
cyberanger(joke aside, if you were only kidding, we can invite it back, but it looked like you wanted it kicked)14:35
cyberangerperhaps I should have let the bot's master do the kicking, hrm?14:35
cyberangerwrst: sent it a msg to join, and gave it another command for weather14:38
cyberangerperhaps it locked up, what's top say14:38
wrst.weather cookeville tn14:44
testbot8570Overcast ☁, 55.4℉ (13℃), 29.75in (1004mb), Light Drizzle, Light air 3kt (↑) - KCHA, 12:53Z14:44
cyberangerif you'd like to kick your bot wrst14:45
cyberangerI stole the honor last time14:45
wrsthey but he works :)14:45
cyberanger.weather 3731114:46
* cyberanger facepalms14:46
cyberangerwrst: well, it ignored the join command14:47
wrsti had already joined it :)14:47
cyberangerlook again14:47
cyberangersince you kicked it14:47
wrstoh well its better off that way :)14:47
wrstha ha :)14:48
cyberangerdid you do that, or was it slow14:48
wrst.weather 3731114:48
testbot8570Overcast ☁, 55.4℉ (13℃), 29.75in (1004mb), Light Drizzle, Light air 3kt (↑) - KCHA, 12:53Z14:48
wrsta little slow today :)14:48
cyberangerno kidding, that weather report is an hour old14:48
cyberangerit's now 1348Z14:49
cyberanger(that time cannot be changed, if it's source is METAR data, they use GMT (Zulu) time exclusively, however idk why the bot couldn't adjust it)14:50
cyberanger(however for IRC, idk if you'd want to)14:50
cyberangerwrst: ^^^^ Reguarding your earlier question on the bot's time14:50
cyberangerdoes that explain that (idk why I didn't pickup on that being METAR data then)14:51
* wrst thinks he has a long way to go to have a decent bot :)14:53
* cyberanger was gonna post a link, but on second thought.....14:55
cyberanger.wik METAR14:55
testbot8570"METAR is a format for reporting weather information." - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/METAR14:55
cyberangertoo vauge, but at least it posted the link14:55
cyberangertestbot8570: tell wrst I gotta head out to work, bbl14:56
testbot8570cyberanger: I'll pass that on when wrst is around.14:56
wrstha ha cyberanger14:56
testbot8570wrst: 13:56Z <cyberanger> tell wrst I gotta head out to work, bbl14:56
wrsttestbot8570: tell wrst something14:56
testbot8570You can tell yourself that.14:56
wrstha ha14:56
wrstlater cyberanger14:56
cyberangerI *should* be on shortly14:56
cyberangerscratch that, I should be leaving shortly, ugh15:11
cyberanger.make measandwhich15:12
cyberanger.sudo make measandwhich15:12
cyberangerman, that bot needs to have a sense of humour coded to it15:13
cyberangertestbot8570: tell wrst testbot8570 needs to have a sense of humour coded to it15:13
testbot8570cyberanger: I'll pass that on when wrst is around.15:13
wrstha ha cyberanger15:15
testbot8570wrst: 14:13Z <cyberanger> tell wrst testbot8570 needs to have a sense of humour coded to it15:15
wrstmaybe it should be called dry bot15:15
Xpistoswell its official, my wife is going back to XP15:28
Xpistos18 month fight lost because of the stupid teachers union and coupon printing15:28
cyberangerit's offical, I'm not giving up yet15:32
cyberangerchris4585: good news, whatever I need to trim, it's clearly in one file15:33
cyberanger693M livecdtmp/extract-cd/casper/filesystem.squashfs15:33
cyberangerso it's easily doable15:34
cyberanger(perhaps I need to thin firefox to do that, or see how much these virus scanners are taking up)15:34
kd4zaymoring all16:17
wrstkd4zay morning16:19
kd4zaynothing beats an eventful munday morning  8)16:21
wrst.weather cookeville tn19:43
testbot8570Cloudy, 62.6℉ (17℃), 29.76in (1004mb), Gentle breeze 10kt (↑) - KCHA 17:53Z19:43
orias.weather galactic city coruscant22:21
testbot8570No ICAO code found, sorry22:21
wrst.weather mars22:28
testbot8570Overcast ☁, 42.8℉ (6℃), 29.97in (1012mb), Light Rain, Mist, Gentle breeze 10kt (↑) - CYMX, 21:00Z22:28
wrsti never knew mars was so chili this time of year22:28
linuxman410wrst you here22:39
linuxman410chris4585 you here22:41
linuxman410Xpistos you here22:41
wrsttestbot8570: tell linuxman410 to give us just an extra minute or two next time :)23:07
testbot8570wrst: I'll pass that on when linuxman410 is around.23:07
linuxman410wrst u hee23:16
testbot8570linuxman410: 22:07Z <wrst> tell linuxman410 to give us just an extra minute or two next time :)23:16
chris4585linuxman410, you do usually leave kind of fast23:17
linuxman410chris4585 can i ask you a question23:17
chris4585linuxman410, I don't see why not23:17
linuxman410chris4585 att send me a email saying i had malware or virus on my computer which is in possible23:18
wrstha ha linuxman41023:18
linuxman410chris4585 said it was a warning23:19
wrstlinuxman410: did you tell them they are smoking pot :)23:19
chris4585I wouldn't worry about it23:19
linuxman410here is what they said23:19
linuxman410IMPORTANT COMPUTER SAFETY NOTICE from AT&T Internet Services Security Center -„IRC Traffic Detected‰23:19
linuxman410We have evidence which indicates that a computer accessing the Internet via your Internet connection may be infected with malicious software such as a virus or worm.23:19
linuxman410Our investigation shows that the following IP was assigned to your log-on session at the indicated time and was using IRC connections to a computer network which is possibly a Botnet.23:19
linuxman410IMPORTANT COMPUTER SAFETY NOTICE from AT&T Internet Services Security Center -„IRC Traffic Detected‰23:19
linuxman410We have evidence which indicates that a computer accessing the Internet via your Internet connection may be infected with malicious software such as a virus or worm.23:20
linuxman410Our investigation shows that the following IP was assigned to your log-on session at the indicated time and was using IRC connections to a computer network which is possibly a Botnet.23:20
linuxman410that is crazy23:20
linuxman410wrst did you read that stupidness23:21
wrstyes linuxman410 that is nuts23:21
linuxman410wrst i called them and told them it was impossible on the dates in question i left irc running and was not talking maybe that is what it was23:22
linuxman410wrst i know nothing about botnets23:23
wrstme either linuxman41023:24
wrsttestbot8570: are you to blame?23:24
linuxman410i had to look up the word to see what it was23:24
wrsthmm he's all silent23:24
wrsttestbot8570: hello23:24
wrstlinuxman410: i think we found our man23:24
wrstlinuxman410: gotta go let me know how that works out23:24
linuxman410i am going to go in case i leave it on too long and get banned from my internet23:26

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